HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-6-10, Page 2•
Menage seer, Ilrwraat to 11ab$ by IM
Ilas.easim of • demolition INAIwo/
aytee Reiser.
Mita is edy. of.es..a
A Mn Shoddy, of Boston, fur ewes in
Statue specimens of the clam exam, was
dieoutttsiaa the oilier evening epos the
stale of the Stones pictures sa New
"I thosght of rodag ea,' eke said, "to
bey some of the paintings, but I rally
have more pictures thio I keen what to
do with. Of coarse there were bus
things in the Stewart sale, but my own
paintings, 1 may say, are remarkably
meretricious—at USA 1 bought them fur
such --and w I eencluded not to cam•
pets with New 'rink oullectora"
The dear *Id dowager would be
astonished if she knew hew true her n-
ark was, little as eke understood the
true siguifiaoce of her epithet. A good
story a told of the way in which she
Weight sores of Aar "meretricious"
pictures. lleert's' years giro she went
abroad, and took with her a specimen of
the paptr of her drawling ruum, in order
that she might get pictures to humus-
ixe—or as she said, to match. Au
American artist in Paris wrote house an
account of her visit to the studio of a
French artist of distinction. The lady
arrived one morning by appointment
&rived with her specimen of wall paper
and stated that the architect of tier
house had told her to purchase a picture
..f a given size fur a certain 'pace in her
drawing mom. The artist had sae
picture of these dimensions, but he was
clever en. ugh to understand the sort of
woman he was dealing with at.d un-
scrupulous enough to take advantage of
"Thu camas," he said, showing her a
painting he wished to sell, "Isn't the
same measure you want, because we
have the metric system in France, and
of course that is different ; but it is that
nseasure translated into our system. It
is the nearest thing you an get in this
The picture was half as large ay.in as
she asked for, but she received this ex-
planation in perfect good faith, and pro -
A Halifax, N. S., despatches,.: The
recant death of an eagiue driver ou the
Interoolonial Railway, known u Joseph
Melallan, bee led to the discovery of •
romance cuotsect.d with his Id.. tie
came to Nantas trona Edauburtch, line
land, thirty -tit• years ago. His real
name was Joseph McGill. lie deserted
his wife slid seven ch ldren there. On
his arrival here he assumed the name of
Joseph McLellan. Shortly afterwards
he ubtai•ed a position to the Inter-
anlouial as driver. and was engaged on
the toed for the third of • ceutury.
lits deserted site and handy totter
bard any trace of him. Twenty Liss
leers ago he was n.arned again, to a
}falafel girl reaped Sarah Tobin, by
whom he had four children, who survive.
Lest year the aged bigamist, apparently
struck by remorse in his old age, review
ed Edinburgh and *ought out hie brit
nifu and children They were all dead
except two, a dauthter, now Mrs Jane
11'raaer, and her sister Sarah. These he
told the story tf his shame and crime,
and promised to make provisions for
tram oat of property he had accumulat-
ed. He returned •vats to Halifax, tut
never revealed hu romance to his. second
wife and family. Recently, while oiling
his engine, he fell off the step of tai
locomotive and struck the sharp .pout of
the oil can, which entered his head
above the ear and killed him instantly.
A sew days ago his daughter, Mra Jane
Fraser, arrived here from Soot land,
made affidavit of the facts of the case to
,Mudge Shannon and has obtained admin.
tstrstssn of the estate of her late father.
Thus she and her stator will secure his
life insurance and all his property, and
the second wife and her family are left
out in the cold.
1lera Tta.....t., lialtares
It et' beat any alarm cluck ewer ie•
tel. waling a family up to the naore-
Give it a lair show and it own mesh'
more dishes than the oaten iedusirsous
servant gel in the couatry,
It can tall down oftener and with less
provocation then the must .apart tum-
bler as the circus rttag.
It an make more genuine fuse over a
simple brass pia than its mother would
over a broken back.
It can choke itself black is the taw
with greater ease than the most accom-
plished wretch that ever was executed.
It can keep a family in • constant tur-
moil hum worming till tight and night
oil mxritng without once taryl.g its
It an he relied upon to sleep peace-
fully all day when its father is d.•wn town
surf cry persistently at night when he is
particularly sleepy.
It may be the naughtiest, dirtiest,
ughest,muet (ret(ul baby an all the world,
but you an never make its mother be -
1 eve it, and you had better not try it.
It can be • charming and model infers
when nu ono a around,'but wheo wanton
are prweewt it can exhibit more bad tem-
per than both of ate parents together.
It can brt,yhten up • house better than
all the furniture ever meds: make sweet-
er music than the truest orchestra organ-
ized; till • larger place in its pantos
breasts than they knew they had, and
when it gime away it an same • greater
vac•mcy and leave a greater blank than
all the rest of the world put together.
facade Streit:
Froin the Toronto Ereniai News of
Saturdaywe clip the following, which
we thin, voicee the sentiments of many
Canadis.-a, sad is well worth reproduc-
ing, counng as it does from an independ-
ent standpoint, and is one of the moat
sensible editorials we have noticed for •
long time:—
'When will Canada have as Gov-
ernor-General one of her own sous .' Are
there oe children of this soil fit tor the
position 1 Certainly we could lire ih
peace with either Sir John or Edward
Blake as the dinner -giver, social star
and Hgure•head of Canada's affairs. At
wont nur quarrels would then be our
own, and imported feuds would sot rend
the social and political lite of this young
nation. Why not cease the "sin attic=
ings and name -callings which make the
word "Canadian" a sneer and reproach 1
Then is not in the whole of Englab-
speaking Canada an impulse .•f dis-
loyalty to our native or adopted land.
Our quarrels are largely of foasign birth:
our feeds those of centuries ago. oar
Ooelpb is having a quad deal of dipb•
Hon. E Blake has purchased • mow
mer resideuce at Murray Hey.
The Boston Trnracript,c>mmenting on
the O'Brien trouble, tells Lord Salisbury
that "tis people most desperately in
need of • crimes bill seem to be the
Canadian Orangemen "
portant ..getshles,
wins •re 11anM.Des and destructive. The
(ollowsag areyrub•bly the n.ust pres al
eat end mischievous of them. Cut-
worms, or !stmt of eevenl lussots, are
often very trvubleeuuae when plant. •re
fires set MIL They work at night and
est throsgh the poem of the plants at the
surface Of the Knead. Prof. Riley Lee
lured theae caeatures to their death, add
it can be dote every time. The method
is to bait with poisoned leaves, Isra..1
them over the surface of the gull about
ten or bfteen net apart, °overate the
whole plat ..r held • few days bele'.
pleating. The Inc..ato be •myl.,yed
are those of cabbage, turnip, lettuce ur
clover ; a tablespoonful of of Paris greet'
is mined with a pal of water sod kept
well stirred In this the leaves ere dip-
apped sad then distributed over the
,ground . or the lease can be m"isteued
and this dusted with Paris grant aro
maxed with flour, in the proportion of
woe part of tm poison to twenty cf
dear. Twu such application', three or
four days apart, will clear tbm dead u(
cut- worms.
The cabbage worm. Pima rupee, the
common green worm that feeds ono the
laves of the gruwinv planta, an be was
sly destroyed, and at little coat, by the
ase of bubsch, or Persian insect powder,
or • particular preparation of it which is
sold in the trade under the nam. •f io
sect exterminator. This is applied in
the dry form, blown on with • bellows
adapted to the purpose.
The abbay. dy, Antlomvia /wartime,
which deposits its eggs on the stems to
th bbag let often
l• » Haus*holb Hints.
nee of the mostim- - —
an.i its last
During the put week 1531 emigrants
left Queenstown for America. This is
400 more than during the corresponding
week in 1886.
The Camberwell Radical Club is teak
ing arrangements k. give Mr. O'Brien •
banquet on behalf of the Radicals sod
Irishmen of Loudon.
seeded to investigate the harmony of MO,ITsUAL, June 1.—The Jane term
of the Court of Queen', Bench opaaed
paper and picture. The ublsgu.g painter today, Judge Church presiding. The
arranged the wall paper behind the Greed Jury brought in • number of
canvas, walked away from the easel and true bills, among them being two true
bulb against Edmund E. Sheppard of
clasped his hauls in admintiow : the Toronto Nears, on a charge of
s•Ah� madame," be said, with adrum- criminal haw preferred by Cepheus
talc sigh, "you Americana are such a ne- Ethier and Bsuset of the 65th, when
tion' I have searched Paris for a that b•itali.n was at the Northwest
prof er background for aha picture and left fo .n. High Constable Bo art-tta
left fur Toronto this morning to tie
here you bring me precisely the paper of Mr Sheppard.
which I have dreamed. If I had that The phunuy man of Burford village
paper I would not sell you the picture at perpetrated • joke on a managiag
5mbitions those which are neither l• cal I all, but now you must have it if I give comthat place
of • church tea -meeting at
,, that place a couple of weeks ago, by
nur ncble ; and this will not be changed it to yen . ' sending in • b.amwowod cake nicely turned
till we live within ourselves and for the! And he did give it to her—in exchange to have the appearance of a tine three -
good of the land that nourishes u.. We ' for r;,CAO. story specimen of the real article. The
no annexation to the United States, I ladies are now after him with • a
no separation in sentiment from the At another esodic she was less amtoo•s- I stick. Garp
English-speaking world, to, wan, Ian' lel. Kbe bad been told whose pictures
battles save those of pe*C5, sat: alliance she ought to buy, and appUed boldly to i --An unusual wedding took place i•
save those of mutual consideration and the leading painters of P•rb. She neo-
Toronto streetut Mondayaurelsight, thea •
interest : bat we want, and grill yet hare, Church lanc,aryman of the pig
l sends for the Canadians. '
our' artist whom she saw, however, tail penouion, named Fong Tang. was
I treated her with what she feelingly de.
s.r •••erbesta scribes as outrageous brutality. Rhea
!she produced her specimens of wall pap -
Among farmers' maxim should hi et, the old man brusquely interrupted
ore having especial prominence, and I her in setting forth of her wishes.
that : " Neatness, is • desirable condi-1 "It is of nu nae, madame," he said,
tun." \\-hat might result from a lack' with • great affectation of regret and
of this it u difficult to state, In wane earnestness. "1 never sell d picture oft
arose it enters into many faint open- a. slight grounds as merely harmony
Lions, but in no place is it more eaten- , with the paper -hanging. So much de -
tial than in stables. As a..on as animals
are brought to the stables without proper
care they grow filthy frutn their frequent
evacuations of solid awl liquid matter,
and the only way to prevent this is by
the use of absorbents. About stables
when a proper quality of fodder is used
there is usually more or lees litter
found. The .'rt• left by the animals
fed --this, while serving the purpose of
Le.iding, also serves as au absorbent of
the liquid prtious of the evacatic a.
Dry leaves also serve a good purpose
and improve the manure by being mixed
with it. Sawdust and sand are also
used to good advantage. it makes little
pends up.n the light that 1 never risk
arty reputation without examining the
room to which the painting is to hang.
Did you bring your hco.e with you i If
you didn't, 1 feu it is impossible for u•
to come to so arr•sgoment."
Will 1Se __�tlt/.
If Moses Taylor was peesliar about
wri!mg hes own name it May be surmised
that he had hs own methods of spelling
the words of the English language. Hu
system sae simply phonetic. Apropca
of this idismyncracy, the same gentleman
told another anecdote which i have
never toren in print, although it has a
familiar sound. Mr. Taylor in the earl -
difference what the material a if it only ler day. of his business career, was care
nerves the desired purpose, and the fel t,. close the safe every evening and
take the key up home with bin. Oae
unorean aterial that is saturated with morning he was GO sick to come down
urine, or the moisture of the manilla town. He sent for the bookkeeper,
that s mixed with it. the better its for
gave him the try, and told him the safe
the manure. Sometimes swampy o, Aad been locked on the combination
"Asia The bo .kkeeper went to the
wet places in pastures furnish a meth of office ard tried to open the safe, but the
marse gram that animals will not eat doter refused to badge- In ram wers
that can be cut to advantage for beadier the turns made over and over on the
and absorbent purpose. The imp r letters of the Oriental Continent. The
tenni of neatness about stables is mote ,u tsboound.r,t began to lista that dhhad
msundenttxfd the talismanic notal given
keenly felt where danyiug i• carried -eta bon by the ..Mick man. suddenly it
than under any other circumstanesit , dashed om him that Mr. Taylor's con -
Manufacturers of putter eery well knew espli"is "l the orthognphv was not u
the effect that foul stabl.a have a gasetter. u that laid down in the
tient 11elettrer. Accordingly he h•steurd up
town swan and inquired if he had'uuder-
titi",•.d the word useht.
"Certainly, A -chew Df eoura
ot the stable q to be offensitr to the The bookkeeper saw that he hal to
pmelte. a litak n.plotnsey now to get •t
taste. This rnee be remedied be • pro- hs employer's combination e f letters.
per and careful taw of absorbents ltut, Mr 1'ayl.,r, there are several
ways of spelling Asia. How do you
spell it
'Why, A -8-H R-, to to be sore. And
if A -S H li don't •pelt A -.hey, what in
their products. By the nae of creme
aiming from cows that are filthy the
butter may be as tainted with the (odors
Tse r•rse„✓a react a•rges,
The het that fermiers are longer lived
e young ca e p tai a very
troubleatme. The maggota,when hatch
ed out, work into and downwards to the
stem, or groove aloin the bark, until
they reach the root, upon which they
feed, when the plant dies. One of the
beat remedies proposed is to "setter
slaked lime, ashes, or coal dust around
the stem of each plant, leaving a few
plants here and there through the field,
unprotected in order that the thea inay
.test them and lay their ergs. These
plants the dies will seek out and leave
the others untouched. The plants that
have been vested will soon show the .f
teats of the insects, and can then be
pulled up and burned.—Vick's Matra -
:Ie. ,
Isrp.rsaat iews tease.
Qepxwroww.--Mrs Campbell has been
troubled for • number of years with In-
gestion and Constipation, and wile in-
duced to try McGregor'. Speedy Cure
and found it all that was needed, and
would recommend its use to any person
similarly troubled. Thu invaluable re-
medy is sold in every part of Canada at
(roc. and $1 per bottle. Sold at George
Rhys s' dreg stun. 11)
JOnarnl CAes T.., cups of Indio"
,Heal, YM cup sifted dour, two eras, vibe
and °Nle hilt uupfnb ..f .»'ret will, oar
cup ot sugar, skorieuiug to the sour ..•1
an egg. Two traapawfule • f bakty'g
powder and a little soh.
To cheese a bottle which has cuetaio-
.d malt or any pre, ....d fu..d foe le -
Witt, cel up raw potatoes in k'tK,
narruw slam, and pet un a bottle with a
very lits:, sister ; shake nand laid
the bottle will he cleaused instantly.
Pour CA•L&--Owe pint of molae"sr,
nee cup of sugar. pooch of salt, one cup
of rhythm.' pork, two cups .of cassia
c,neplxd tine, w>. ll rite spontul suds,
ane te..pu.,wful of cinnawun, cue of
cloves, nue nutmeg, dour to etitfen .
Wal keep for weeks.
I atu.asr Forrotu. —Roil all pergola
tender, then alio tad mash thew . nail
with them our or two rims well beater.,
and two tea.pwotfuls of wheat dower
Make them in small cakes ; fry thew 111
11111, lard, maks boiling but before the
cakes are put in. A Ilttle salt should
be aided to tb. lard.
Oilcloth any be improved in appear-
ance by rubbing it with a mixture .1
half ounce of beeswax in • saucerful or
tu'peutine. Set dna in a warm plots
until they can be thor.,ughlt- mesio
Apply with 1 flannel clutn, and tbeu tub
with • dry damsel.
• Seel! tee Waller Pre.
ItIlb.ea.teg more—and • ni re evident
every year that much of the sickness
prevalent in the country Is attributed to
the water. By careful study of the
matter it is found that in nine cases out
of ten typhoid fever originates in fami
Ties whose water supply is from • well
into whieh impure water coulee. This
may be from tha farm yard, and some
years the water in a well may be pere
and wits losome, but by and by the soil
between it and the barn -y 61 will be-
come w impregnated with polIution
that an unhealthy quality will he im-
parted Or it, and disclose will result from
married to Sada McFmber, • young Eng- its see.
halt girl, the ceremony being pertoimed
by a west end Methodist clergyman.
'Tia thus the "Heatbeu ell iDee " gives
evidence of rapidly becoming adapted to
the usages and custom of civslissa
who scrape their barnyards and poultry '.•d,. Pour a little •l.x,hel en the sul-
When fumigating a ponitry•hou.e be
panful to close it tightly. Every crack
and opening must be stopped or the
Says an Ohio farmer:—Those farmers work will be useless. After getting
houses on rainy days, instead of going pher, touch a lighted match to O. and
to town and talking politics, and mix shut the door. D.. not open the hues
these ocrapinwe with leached ashes to tor an hour Sulphur gas is heavy end
use on their corn and wheat, sot better falls to the ffuor, hence at as neots•.•ry Aro
use plenty of sulphur
denesslolunae to 611 the hone. Drive
out the fowls u the gas destroys all
forms of life. i
er p' [an tris.. ono coy aoa nae cuna-
mercial fertilisers.
ret • Soak .tgeet
• nes Ian ftktrint OWL
Let no unthinking man smile the
smile of sup.riunty at recals .1 wo-
men's toilet falsities. If there is a delta.
Sion and • stare, It is the broad breast
of • teen. What • chapter of revela-
tions is • two in a hathuu suit ' You
may dance with him all winter ; you
may he chose preened to he beating
hart in the wild h.boggan flight ; you
may watch bre shoulders ria -et s at
whist ..r progrtsea., euchre ; but. girls,
you will be as ignorant w hears till you
meet him bare legged in the sand wme
wminer wonting. The fatness vt uu-
ler.harta, the three ply starch of a
"Doled" shin front, the linings and pad•
dings and material of • vest, the Immo
and facings and padding and atonal of
an under rest—the quiltior and linings
and paddaags and material of an outside
*Ansonia ,and perhaue a liner pad and n
porous plaster buried beneath the whole
will be guue. Then you wul tind Au-
gustus J..hn pure and ample ; well,
simple, quo may be sure. Where be
then the anatomical charms that erst•
while wuke an envious thnll in your
pericardium 1 Eohc will not answer,
"When 1" If it's a half witted eche it
will.,, "i: the hath hnnea" Hang -
ins on nails are the brave impulses, the
manly intrepidity, the masculine virility
that have attracted you. The plait un-
varnished John is outside the whole
business splashing around in the water.
So wait till the bummer, girls, before
you fret over your scrawniness. The
warm July days will show you e•.mpan•
ions in nsafortune.—"Uncle Bill • to
Chicago Herald.
'Me fag Hassled Assisi
No "hardly ever" about it. He had
w attack of what people oaf "bilious-
ness,"and k smile was impossible. Yet
a man may .•senile and smile, and he a
villain still, still he was no villain but a
plane, bluut, honest man, that uwded a
remedy such u Dr Pierce a ''Pisani
Purgative Pellets," which never fail Po
cure:biliousness and diaeased or torpsl
liver, dyspepsia and chronic constipa-
tion. lH druggist& -
W..Isa'1 spell tee Maier►.
An old war veteran, who had been
through half a dozen campaigns, at,.' was
Hoot very practical about what he air. was
invited out to a swell dinner parts. Hr
sat •long directly opposite the hooters,ons
and was painfully c-cioua that every
so u to have • move he made he ctuld be oh.crsrot by
her. Suddenly, at the height . t the
festivities, the veteran came act. •s a
caterpillar in bas oiled A turrive ;'lacer
at the hostess dsselusrd that she t...o (ad
discovered therm barresei,. cireume'soor.
It was a critical moment, but the .ill
soldier was equal to the occael'n. With
int( cord autiming against mixin_ out changing • muscle he gathered up
Mr Goode, druggist, is not a • boost
agent. hut has the agency in Godench Mists on Tree Maauag
I for .Johnston's Tonic Bitten, which he --
Ican heartily recommend fur any coin- Enthusiastic heginuers in tree phot -
plaint to which a tonic medicine is ap-
plicable, This valuable medicine has
been with moat astonishingly good re-
sult* in cases .•f general deblits, well-
ness, irregularities peceltsr to females,
extreme paleness, impoverishment of the
blood, stomach and lirer troubles, loss
of appetite, and for that general worn
out feeling that nearly every one is
troubled with at some part of the year.
Don't forget the name Johnston'• Tonic
Bitten 5Oc. and P1 per bottle at Goode's
drug store, Albion block, Goderieh, sole
agent. al
Never allow • child to use a short
slate pencil or lead pelmet!. It spoils the
hand writing.
More Remarkable 51111.
Found at last. what the true public
has been looking for these many years
and that is a medicine which although
but lately introduced, has made for
itself •tt d -
repro •ion seen nonethe
medicini s Jo knew!'• Tonic Bitten As
As r-Isaww's Matt.
which in t'nhjunctson with Johnson's Re are surrounded h difficulties end
Tonic liver Pula has performed some y
most wonderful cures impure or on. dangers, sass Pat. frons the cradle to the
p.ytnahwd blood soon becomes purified grave, and the only wonder is that we
and enriched. jltllionsne•r, indigestion,
sick headache, liver complaint, languor,
week nees etc., soon disappear when
treated by these excellent tonic meds -
cines. Poor sale by :food, drurgist, Al- I
bion block, tioderieh, sole agent. )d)
manore with the aril on which they are the caterpillar, with a forkful of railed
to be planted. The common idea is to and swallowed both Thu I. ak ° t ,•
make the tree grow sigorously ; but nude which he lecripif.l (Min h;.l:o,.le-•
the manure in contract with Hots turn
or broken by transplanting may tut
them before they can start the new
fibre* which alone can take up plant
food. Pack the clean soil firuPy around
the root : leave it Lone un top, and as
soon r it becomes hut and dry apply
memure to the surface around the tree
and this mainly as a mulch tee first
A correspondent wants to know what
the trouble is beteeru Canada and the
United States on the fishery question.
Of course various hgh-toned reasons are
given by the state Department, which
nobody can understand, but the real
truth is that the whole affair has grown
out of a dapnte as to whether it does any
good to spit on the bait. -- Detroit Free
(S•ene — Cambridge avenue, Edrein-
hartth ''Dung Sc•t-Amerian—"liu.
W. don't go to church 111 America. W•
thi,ndwr d.e. it rpeh t' .My at home and react the paper-"
than men 11 Daher occupations i• tared,j'oung sister "Aye, and we gang NO
due to their life in the. open ear i'heyi The bo. keeper politely coinm.ld with kirk Me hear • paver read."
ourht to here /mow and brat," gap him, reared, aidrwhd , down to t. e
I oftice, where htusneas hat howl sof nd-
pli,a of vegetables and fret than any P+
other efmo it would tie money it, thee, I ed dunntr his absence. 11 few terns art
pocket in saving doctor hills if they the wrist won opined the ote:rnge
lived up to the advantages they nimbi door, and toe great house ..f Mise.
easily .e y in the respect. if the Taylor & Co. once more retooled the
fanner will get the trees and protect Ii'rly tenor Df its say Brs,..klya
them by femme, ha fao,ily .i11 generally Eagle.
see that they have theca'. requisite to --
mike them productive. A good eurpiy Mrs Roh.rt Ihlsots•n, of Arthur. h..
.4 (reit „f various kinds is the very hem become the fortnnat. hwurre...1 (t70,000
means of nakinr house and farm life through the death .4 in novel,. in Pork
attractiy• to the vomiter member. of •Mao. P i5,lsnd 1)541 country enri• s,aud
the fateser'a ilmify. aeon are east always W• be despised.
4.3„,r -.,r ;a,t,,, 'sr ea. .,eirikw,'
AMothwra ! If yr.r daughters are in
111 health.'or tr uhled with a paleness
that trema incurable, or if they "ol(
eenfrwl debility, nervousness, languor,
weakness, or 1"m of appetite, procure Int
saner • bottle of Johns..Os Tonle Bitters
and yon will hot regret regret 1h. out-
lay. The Tonic and s.eenlly st►wrth-
enins effect • f this tn.tliease 1. truly
marvellous. pity eta and 111 per bottle,
st (hoot s drug store, Albion biotite
tioderieh, sole attest, 1d)
ever live Tong enough after laving the
one to reach the other. The greatest
lies in allowing the seeds of disease to be
In our oysters. if you feel dull and
drowsy, have frequent headaches, haat
taste in mouth, coated tongue, poor
A few minutes eniFtr *pawed the tees
cockles ot his heart lit des Nese the
story leaked out, and whew otaieh'ody
the old . I a t
n l'aivea'f hoses he liked
caterpillar salad, the reply pole like
hotshot :—"Dao you tali. oar for a man
who would spoil a theater party for a
httla thing like a aaterpiller '''
A Ptwbsa Wares.
He "\fly en quiet this evning,lees
de Junes1"
She-- �e company is so inte-fretaal
that i tht�iyht 'd better be nlenq”
He—" thei Delete .4 y -,u
A R$w•tts—Of one d,.seu "Teasnt
as" to any wsreinding the best four lin.
rhyme on ' 'TEA Bet ar," the rem•rkahl•
little gem for the Teeth and Pat:.. Ani
your drugged ..r address
Hare you ever trued Mel:re'or &
Parke's Carh,aic ('trate for .ore.
kind 1 It is Ia•y„orf daunt the vet test
preparation it' the market for healing
and curing :':ores, Burns. Bums, Cuts,
Pimples. Snitches, and c. ,h, only prop.
er method of appl)'ing Carh.he Acid,
Sold at (1. Rhynaa drug more fur 25c
per box. ,1)
appetite, suffenng from a torpid beer. - ._t
Take Dr Price's "Golden Medial De ELS,' CAT�R R H
°every if you would destroy those aced. BREAM BA�M
mad amid reaping a harvest of soffirring
sad death.
lay Now a.
An old cavalryman mays that a hone
will step on • man Ietentinnally
it is a standing order with cavalry that
Should a man become diamnuntrd he
must lied own and be perfectly Mill. it
Cleanses t h
Read. Allay.
I nfamma Lion
Reale the/gores
he ,hoe• so the entire company will pass Beat:ITN blit
over him and be will not be injured A
hone notices when, he is going and r on fkt111011111141')h,gte
the hwoko•t f.•r a firm fnnndetion to put
baa hoot on. it a an instinct with is,.. da
ther'efure, to step over a prostrate man.
The Injuries mewl by • runaway bore A quick Rei'ef. A primitive Cu
For Toilet Use.
A)er.. haat \'104 keeps the hair atilt .
wed l•tldut, imparts to is the teems sad
treatises' .4 )uutb, .rise it to grow
luxuriantly, walk -ate, Dandruff. n-urett
ell rcalp di.reses. and is tee mtwt rlaswlpi .
of all hair preparations.
AYER'S "''` `' 1' 1 was
,irarlr 1.551 ter eta yearysdeittig which
time 1 uar.t unsay hair perparauuss, but
without max—ea, halted, w (tat little
hair 1 Lett. nae growind thinner, until
1 reed aro
itler \.ie Vigor, Yates �1 M lien
t1.. Vigor, Sud 9
wall ewcereol with •naw ggmr!nth td laatr.
--Judeau It Chapel, Prala•ry, Malo.
HAIR ahwt (haMtdb, aursawie
v hawvekewgrae
mei • t•l..r rratt'red to toy the oar
' a
Ayer'a Mair Vigor. "My
cadet!. and dry, and tell out it' large
quantities. Ater's Hair Vigor stopped.
orgpual eulur.d real.. o
anemone tut the
hair. able preparation lase no w cel.
Mar, \ Haunnon4, Stillwater, Minn.
VIGORtruth, and b., the
ss qa rarutw d the•ute lairin , •W
t..• prrarrt."1 fur anaidule4npr p eri d by
the use of Ayer's illae Vigor A the-
cae. of the Malt' varied my hair to he -
come harsh and dry, and to fall amt
freely. Nothing 1 triad *sensed to do
any good uutil I curuwrnt-ed win&
Ater r Hair Vigor. Three bottles of
this reparation restored my hair to a
healthy t..nIntk,u, Sant
aSantit la mew roll
red. arid it
is pliant.
r- from 5'
dandruff. —Mrs. K.
Foss, Milwaukee, Wis.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
ev,d ty Drtaaabr. a•d I'ertaa..n.
Pearato &terry, prompt action, and
wo.aderful curative properties. easily
place Ayer's Pills at the head of the list
of popular rensedier for Sick and Nerv-
ous tirnlacbre, Ctmittlpation. and all all-
wents originating in • disordered Liver.
1 have been • :rest sufferer from
Headache, and Aver's Cathartic Pills
are the onlc medicine that has ever
Oven sir relief. One dose of tbtwe Pith
will quickly move my bow.4. and tree
my heal from pain.— William L. Pas,
Richmond Ya.
Ayer's P111s,
Peeped by rh. J . C. Ayer $ ('o., Lowell. loam.
11014 ►y all lasslasm r tilallsl•s. 1
ew Arr!TMZ 1
The undersigned has just re eited • large
addhlon to hu stock of
•11 new sad eramwbk ; ales a fresh Meek of
and • cowl ,apply w CC11LD ri LATA; Mao
always in stack. FEED of al; Linda.
rrt'alland see before buy meg elmw►ere.-Y
4,44,u./• rola .-k.•so for oast,. or fano produce•
ler which the hagh.a pries- sal b' .rid.
tioderseb, April lith. 1tw17. 10114 -it
WC£:?': PC'. DEL7_C.
Are plean,at to int& Cc,::taln thr'r sawn
Pur tee. I r a feta, Dn.., .5 4 •ra.Hobi
rlryew et warms Is t:..11dren or admits
The People's Livery
are nearly always inducted try the animal A partite M ensiled Int e
arnosshi.. Prnct M. e "set mit ri 1 b
ktsvckinrg people down etsd toot by ha rase. r'�letewyd Prins. -nur s, toneRt,.,,. �
4. lopping no them. �i-Iy RLY U ^'sat.. t'In Hier.. int.
kA9., Ihwaglsy, waq ±r
JOHN 110I, Proprietor.
Teo ubscrlb.r le gpessured to
The FiIIeSt
Haw flo lapels
ile11artea, rte. ut► sen
tarnish 'he pub
R igls
the cwt.,