HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-6-10, Page 14 w
1HE HURON SIGNAL"-" `ash" 1" quiet t/6. "tut" 1111 TORONTO LETTER.
tspuboobei every Friday Iforeiarg, by
1111.1301CDOT Duos- it their °See. North et
HODERICH. ONTARIO, The second object soaped at by these
I la w &bid ng cii teens uf Toronto the
TRIDAY. JUNS MM, 1887. I Good was neat praomwortby. They!
labored to runt O'Brien into • Loyal
the mewls toped could have • soothing
that trey etteely fed to see bow
indigence on the agitator -
The hand of the "hired matolarger
than a three da s' rain storm clout!, is I
again visiOle in the columns of the .'l..,
and has been for some time. The last
spread of hifalutin verbiage by this
woodsy orioreo ansoitr:op,404.e...Vrer
denouncing the consparisou of mob
aztions pest anti present, whitlfl were
✓ ecently made in Tis Eiliitt•t, 10 Co5.
nectIon with the suiting and rotter •
egging of William 22.Brien. For ti •
benefit if the "hired gran,- and his
instant, the editor, we publish the fob
lowing from the . Octet.. P yter.a,,.
and await their next criticism. Of
course "Knozoinisn" will he denounced
as a rebel, and a blasphemer, a man
mean of manner •nd of n; repute, but
such treatment will not affect the his-
torical accuracy of bis citations, or the
vale' of bis level•heeded deductions.
The following is "Kototonieu's" estimate
..f the loyalty and piety of the Toronto
••Loyalista" and Pietist." :-
4 xis a LE - ST024 VI A.4 CONV BHT H1111.
The deity press of Toronto teU
world gait* frequently that Tiros.° is s
great city. They oho say that it is •
contra. In fact it is said to be an edu-
cational centre, a railway centre, the
costes of almost everythiat in Ontario
that can afford to have • 'entre. Some
of the Naomi reformers of the sty have
remedy named it "Toros= the Good."
This name has perobsbly bees given to
disideguish the Ontario capital from
=di skies as Hamilton, Brantford,
Gaelph. London and Stretford. Who
w ould over think of saying Hamikon the
good, or Brantford the good, or Ouelph
the good, oe Straderd the good I 0=
• Os why nobody would eon these
cities "good" may be becalms they have
never_ yet learned the secret of using
cobbie-stoses as a =evening agency.
When they know bow to =avert uses
with rotten ems and cobble -moues they
may be called "good."
It is not for • moment to be supposed
that Ave hundred cinemas of Toronto the
(kmd would chase a was with cobble-
stuees without having some good object
is view. Their motives suet have been
good and the r methods wise When
they chasm' Williams O'Bnen slope
King, Bay and Wellington greets,
pelted him with rotten eggs and cotbie I
stooge, whets they ran liim through a
biemilit shim and into • tailor. a shop.
whet they ran him alone a lase std
over 5 bri.b wall, nu doubt they Were
animated by the htglatiet, purest and
most beeevolent 'suttees. The mayor
says he does not "coodotm" their as-
tiOlk, but mord reformat, patriots aad
peilastArepista are rarely appreciated in
their own time. Posterity will du theta
Perhaps the lest any to Bad out the
exact nature of the high, mond sad
patriotic servieee these eines.. of Toves•
to the Good wished to reader ie to ask
whet did they wish to do with and for
William O'Brien. What did they =oh
to colleen him from mad to I O'Bries
is aa agitator, and they wished to
smooths him down into a quiet, peace-
able edema bke ooe a themselves.
O`Beimi Is, they my. a rebel, and they
wished to champ him late a loyal elb-
ow& O'Bries is • ilINISMII Catholic, sad
no doubt they sedan* &eked to make
him a Pretestemt. Perhaps they. eve,
ye/treed to make hiss • Christi/is, so
that he ought, like theta, he an homer
sad blessing ,to Tenet* the Geed or
some other oley.
Now these threaten most praiseworthy
ob' The first of the three is the
one *boot whelk than can be the which every loll" ell jambes and PoP•ler
doubt. Whether tt is a good rights moot feel u. wrong is done sod
or not to turn an *tater into • thaw rights amt trampled magic feat
quiet teas doped' entirely os what
gime wg an swigater he is. inith was ag Mr Laurier was ily cheered at the
subject. That wee a good thing to do.
Happy is the country that hes no discon-
tented subjects. Bat we utterly fail to0
sem how sooting Brien c •uld make
loyal. It is quite true that the stonthe
was accompanied with the strictest of the
National Anthem. tier Majesty 00
doubt will be greatly pleased, sod will
AsdiejeSfiti.x.houureil when she hears of
tha use made of the National Anthem by
them loyal citizens of Torino.) the Good.
But still it seems dittkult to understand '
how loyalty can be pounded into • mad
with stones. even to the mimic ut the
Nasional Ant hem.
The couversion of O'Brien t..1 Tire-
testantism would perhaps Le a Med
thing, thourh possibly not such a =eat
thine u these champion. of Protesl.
animas thought. Parnell is • Protest-
ant. 8. are • corisiderable number
the Irish Home Rulers. Still it might
he a gcod thing on the whole to make
William O'Brien s Protestar.t ho can
have any doubt about it when he look.
at the .nen wbe were trying to concert
the agitator t Were he • Protestant he
might be like one of them ! Bit what
puzzles os to to understand how • man
can be stoned into Protestantiam, or
bevel Protestantism &tuned tote hill.
The attempt to turn Father Chiniquy
s Catholic by stoning has premed a
failure. Wb y should it be supposed
that stoning will be more ouosessful io
the work tit turning Catholics into Pro-
testants than ef turning Protestants into
Catholics ? W have not learned dist
O'Brien has embraced the .Protestant
faith since he was atoned. Porhaps the
steam did not strike in the rieht place.
Os* struck hien on the rib. and another
os the kit slieuhier. Them may not
have been the eroper pints at • hick W
pound in the Petestantisto. If • good
sized rock bad .truck him in the heart
perhaps he might have been immediate')
transformed Site • curate for Canon Da-
moolin. A blow on the heed with a
boulder might have made him a {toed
mouth Protestant t hecome an &raise-
s's to Dr, Wed.0
But we 6ve or the whole subitct.
We cannot for the life of us see how a
Catholic agitator who is .unposed to be
a rebel can be made peaceable, loyal and
Protestant by pelting him with rotten
ages and cobblestones. _4 coneidereble
number of people SOOM to think that
Protestantism can be pounded into
Catholics, but we de not under/tend tbe
process, and give the problem up is
Dinner of the 'Young
liberal Club.
The Irivrtasiu•f =Hu Sail Les. Ifeleires
Sesnase tar ler Makes 111.41114141Wall
The Island Aitractnine. 5*4 Or Mr-
ima's Sage" Sib= Claws.
ToitosTo, June lith, 18l1.
The Young Liberals held their ennead
dinner on Tuesday kat in the Walker
Home. The Menu was a moot enticing
one, and an •ot quotation from the
poets beaded each coigne t.n the card.
;very toast on the list •Iso carried an
appropriate &moll:bent in the way of a
line or couplet. and Om entire card re-
flectrd credit alike on the committee *ad
the printer. Mr Oreeory, secretary of
the Club, presided, acid in his &dittoes
actueout pretty straight fur annexation,
to the United State_ Pr Gilmour, M.
P. F , Mr Robinette and ethers de-
precated the annexatiou idea in a
vigorous style. but several good speakers
also sexed in with the chairmen. In-
dependence triumphed over annexation,
judging by the &Pokes°, bot commer-
cial union was boiled mist vociferously
by nearly ell present. Mr Annie, a
young farmer, who, by the •a,, @petit a
portioo of hie honeymoon se Geelerioha
year ago, made • sensible speech from
an agricultural standpoint, which ahuold
be printed in fel/ He showed pretty
clearly that a direct and unrestricted
market and trader with the United States
would MA only be • benefit to es, but
that it is an actual negomeity, if farming
is to pay in Ontario. I thick Mr A:aim,
who lives at &rebore', coolo be peroxid-
ed to env* his views on this great gess-
tion in the columee of • progressive
journal like Ti. ts100AL.
The tilaimilton base ball club whits -
washed the Torontoe on Saturday, and
the spor.ine Well of this city are in woe.
Lein niches, who runs the Woodbine
saloon, alar belts to rum. the Toronto
base bell club, aud on 41t114 esesnat he
got_ up an excursion to Hamilton by mil
on the day of the game. One of our
papers ii a facetious yet boastful way
said that 'reicher was going to run a
special baggage oar with the train to
carry the Hamilton money in, but the
seed nut soy it wee • Presbyterien as-
semblage the eons= outnumbered the
men ; although candor compel= me to
admit that this state of affairs is not
altogether peculiar to the Presbyterian
char:h. After $ number of questions
had beim put mod answered, the leader
of the oleos get atm one ulf his favorite
topios, Iloly Ghost power, and grew
slutiuent for • quarter of an hour. By
this time the primary and intermediate
classes came trooping beck, and resumed
their sesta in the gallery. Dr Parsons
then reviewed the primary division be-
fore all the other classes, and the pro
ceedit.os were ended in the usual turns.
I found both profit and pleasure 10 that
bour-and-half I spent lest Sunday at
Knox church Bible class, as conducted
by Mr Mumma. Other iniusaters could
c..py Mr Parsons' methods with adviui-
tags, not only in 1440140, bot elsewbera
A Dorsi:rum Tory representative llam-
a Sproule is anemia to celebrate the
Queen's jubilee by a general jail and
petotentiery delivery throughout G'ana-
da. Fortunately for the country the
Minister of Justice was wiser than Mr
Sproule, end the promoter of the scheme
was forced to withdraw it
Tits lisinihoo :too -lotto hos not de-
nied that Goldwin Smith was a Teo
B EA stamped the ouuutry with Sir Julia
In 1878. Today Ooldwin Smite sees
the etror of his former ways, and is a
oonamercial-uniooist The eyes of the
_professor have bete opened after many
days, but the sight of the Hemiltoti
protectionist organ is still obscured.
IT'S a well-known fact that during the
years between 1879 and the preseat time
the exodus to the United States lies in-
creased to an alarming extent. Soob
bee= the ease it is little wonder H, E.
Clarke, M. PP., advocates the present
Federal policy, in season and out of sea -
e on. He is • trunk niarinfaceurer, sod
the increased exodus has caused bis
business to boom.
basgage failed to minnows. An immense!
amount of money most here changed
M•ioday last ail address was promoted hands over the rams, although there Waal
by the Cenadiau Houae of Commons to a feeling that the Hami.tons were goalie
the Queen upon the 50th anniversary to aveoge their defeat of the previous
of her reign. Sir John Macdonald Saturday
moved tht address. and invited Hoe. Mr moos.* withdrewn from country for the tiniebedor. and =-
Wilfred Laurier to second it. Mr press the hope that his recovery to his
parliamentary work has had • staggering
Limner. •,NPach use • model 01 •1"- effect upon the hope* of the Liberate old-time vigor will be rapid and lasting.
questa and literary finish. He spoke here. Mr Blake's commanding talents.
of the great program in **curing P0Pular high personal character. sad his great
rotary of the defunct Tory United gas.
- -
Oe the advice of his physician, lion.
Edward Mate, hts been forced to re-
sign his position as 'soder of the Oppo-
sition in the Hoes* of Commons, and lies
betaken himself to Murray Bay fcr rest
and restoration to health. Tee with.
3rawal of Mr Blake from public life, si.
though temporary, must of necessity be
• loes to the country which be LAS serv-
ed so taithfully 81111C• he entered publec
life. Even the Tory papers rem* that
hie undoubted talents are lost to the
Jowls A. MAIL:DONNELL, fanner', sett•
rights that had taken place during Her' not stay te di. Reform pert, pire Club,
ban been appointed wunty
charatemmtioe nuustitutinnal goys"' ed hoe his followers. I ass of those iTuduryirt pa4rtyPe7„,:t bealidgetRt :Men g lb. • it Th.
MaiasaaY.• reign and th• dsrnueraSee but to the country at large, has etagere
meet sines she amended the throb.. His
who behev• that be will return to wis. tint*, kis judge helium". This is the
speech wee in iSmif a anmPlea• iln•••8' f• The rottenness of the parliamentary
same man wit) chanted the extravagant
those who raised a eel main= his loyalty
daring the elections. Had Sir John fur asellicisil"'obeat. is assaetas "asalikne.dagh 10 dinrirti". awaBsFiamit gaga in sosneetios with the mem
Things That Are Happening
Around Us.
Seswebleg Abseil Wart •■154 SOWS a
reeesseeide =lied 1. 11 miners Ilan
11=i• men= set oi sheer snot Est
=era - *" With even tees me IN =sea."
--I observe, from the public prints,
that • libel suit has been instituted
against the eititors THE Soot it by a
person named Biotite, of the city 31 To-
ronto, who figured as • political coissies
ary in the last Dominion electiou elea-
paign in Huron county. :`.:one of die
D eWipipef 11,411111 that I !MVO seen sped,
the grounds upon *holt the action is
brought with sulicieut deriniteliess for
me God out what the trouble mahout,
and for that reason 1 can't give an opin-
ion upon the subject. • However, as I
have known Dan. 5IcGilicuddy suic• be
cameo Gedericionow nearly seven years,
and never knew to libel any ime,and
as he is the one who is allayed to have
attended to the wetter in location,
1 nmehhors of this little episode were it not
for the fact that mono of the old Ions oi
the Tory party in this eectino are endeav-
oring to batch out ao crockery -oest-
I egg,' and are cackling loudly over the
nutter. And so I thought 1 d let these
all know that in a natter concernine the
w elfare of Tits Sturret,it is premature to
make calculation without allowing tbe
editor o. do a 0+ • f of the counting. lake
the "free-knowlediost.• they limy dad
'en that "they ditto t know he was load -
What Has Transpired at the
United States Capital.
TSr 1•11airr 4.1 i by Zig hill If inasesatly-
Heekanieni ragiarer• la we.tolon 111H4
usher %moony, 4 Fleeting Meow.
Prom our ,ftepec.sabaiintort'or.:-ean,peinodueen:i).ih, 18447.
Washington is. left alone *moue the
• ,,f es highly et:located parks.
The isicional Drill is now a long ef the
past, and • very bad dna:a it ts feared
Mancially, a dream that sill &ageism a
painful reality when the promoters of
have • sort of an idea that he will be the affair have o. make good the report-
able to show cause fur the both that is ed deticit of $30,000. But there is no
authentic statement of the expenses yot
presented, indeed it is not pet pussiths
to have had is all items of expense,
slid a better showing may be hoped foe.
Of it-. drill itself there can tie to/411-
taut' id its success. In point of numbers
many more'co.uld have been accomodated
and welcomed. Such a vast area as the
portion allotted to the camp, and so
large • space as the drill ground would
have required three times the number of
nom who attended to have tilled it. and
as the preparations were made Co. •
great number the expenses have iwieu
proportionately great. The committee
are out of pocket, perhaps ; the Toledo
Cadete have had their juri and bitter
diespgointentat =mac= by • heir bmi-
liant remotion at home ; and tke iss
home companies, the Washington Light
Infantry and the National Rifle', see
made forever bitter foes ; and el. ends& '
the drill, happily in spite of many thins*
not happy themselves,
The aimed ••••Itfiti t,1 the asp ciation of
biochemical Engineers has been hero
this week. This organization numbers
over seven hundred members. All of
them are not present. at t 01101.10•, how -
*Ver. but represeetives from all parte of
the Union are. on Wedenaday evening
they were given a reception at the
beautiful residence of ex, Commissioner
Dent. This house is one of the hand-
somest in the city, in regard to view and
situatiou undoubtedly one of the
finest in the district. 041 Georgetown
Heights ist • park of noble old oak trees,
the broad house with ita wide halls sad
wiiiii.,ws, has an air of solidity and per-
manence not often to be OFR with is
American houses. The receptinn wee
largely attended by many prominent
persona, iesidents and visitors, and the
members of the association, with the
ladies accompanying them, 'Duet take
away with them the pleasantest insprees-
Moss of Washington, as indeed aoy ems-
teir here during the month of 34.y mart
beTTPUresid) "ant and Mrs Cleveland still
remain in the Aoirondace woods, when,
the Presideot, if the catch of fish may
not always ems up to his wishes, ono
find in perfection that immunity from
the public gaze so dear to his heart
The ouunt of the coat is the teseasey
in him should the matter moue before
the courts. •
—But learherne prests4 Tipple alone,
I might remind seem of tleaders of
Tar tiliiNAL of the non -suttee of the
last oleo, who threatened to bring ac
tion against the present editor of THE
SIHN 44 I never saw the w bele story
published before, and as 'sone of the
neighbors may have forgotten the cir-
comet/mess it mightut be out cf place to
recall them. About three years ego •
noisy blatherskite came to Goderich, and
professed to be a phrenologists. He
humbugged some of the more simple of
the townsfolk for • kw evenings 001.11
THE Sli:NAL pillerietl him 55 • freed.
After the puolicatii•n, the • 'free-know-
ledgist" went sroutid to the printing of-
fice and, I understand, endeavored, by
oozing, and finally by threats, t.. ob-
tain • retraction. He was summarily
* hymn the (boo told to "pi," and gat.
One would have thought whoa the cur-
tain was rung down on this some the
"frilaknowledgist" would have retired
to :he greenroom and turned off the gas,
but he didn't He immediately went
over to the Alouniar °dice, and had dee
hundred fireheets printed, stating that
he would address the people of O•de-
rich on the courthouse square, and lot
the people know what b-a-aei men the
editors of THZ SIGNAL Hen. At a little
after sight o'clock on tbe evening chosen
a lame number ef people gathered es
the Square to hear the editors contrite
thrashed. I must confess that I hustled
through the evening meal and the weed -
picking on the garden- patch so as to be
Present when the quill -drivers were rot
ung dressed down. Shoetry after I at,
r.ved, the "professor" drove up in •
top-tuggy, and selecting • good paella&
in front of the Bane Consmeroe, went
for the =non ed Tut titiamot. especially
Daniel, like • hired man. I and • lot of prior to the tretteir di- -a— a
Treasurer from Mr Jordan to Mr JAMMU.
nun of the Hamilton drill shed sits for
a moment supposed Mr Laurier to be hope cf „ionise the day is a aaaaa the oevernment,
who on another coca-
geikY of
tils charge. oI " mg" °la" d 50 00)11•1 •Ild "'tam" • • sion was cited before the bar of the
lowen lie would not hare ventured to iss9eity.
invite him to seeend the addrese which every ,,thes path.* say as the Liberal
10 Pr"Pn•I'd, but he Wan kt°' leader tint on the eve of the Amoral
those charges wee. withp•t f"usastf°"' election. "God help Canada."
and that Mr Laurier, in hill "Illalanhati°11 The bland ferry husineen is heriuming
of misgovernment in the Northwest, did to hownx, sod the chances are that a fate
bet give expelled= to that indigoatios five costs may yet prevail. No liquor
is allowed to be gold on the blood, and
so the plass has teem= popular with
&Bares and 'tidies withoot escort.
Them are more catchpenny games at the
Island than st • circus, and the keit a
Well mg" Me 111`k° "4 11 for calling an honotable gentle-
agitisibm. He dwiterbed the t tioneleston of his net only by his
sad the priests of Baal eousidersbly. own fried., by the Irma
In fed Ahsb thought he troubled the • of
tent), deign ea the opposite side,
whale Islamism. Paul was an seitatee.
ow me gwoi. So was egiiros The House them rime II4 limier and sang
Lather. Celia= slid Bright were agi- the National Athens. Sisal the owing
lasses. A good sway people think John a the sadism, however. ths Reform
Bright did the world bettor: movies whim party, .ta mores amptimi. b." selected
Wibilars Lyon Mackenzie was an mks- Mr I'd"rri°r• t° °°°"rt the
be IMO an agitator than is doing now.
tor, and Web people ow* no small
share of their soseitetinnsi rights to
William Lye. Mackenzie. George
Brown did some rather lively agitating
is kis times The people of Gawk
evested a Geer =oeamsest to hie aiegoory
then will emir ahead weer the .gesee el
say of the bishops nt einem that teak
pert is the park waseding—.s the
Goverment= tweet. ate fee them.
Bet let it be assemed O'Brien is
an aniteder of die bed Wad. Hie m'a
alga here was bead and foolhardy.
Let it be emiested dist he is as Winter
..f the woe= hied. What pussies us
415 to smilentsed hoer ehastag him
with tames sad MS= semi eneld quiet
PI* hiss dove hob a peassfel eleven How
coati! it he reasonably impeded that
treatment of this kind 'meld parity
hlas Ose seedy sadersised how
sitnenst hies might kill him sad Um im
...GM perhaps be qui= ; het it
would he tri =tee= es Tweete the
g al to =prep tit= thee* getheaYe
the runghbur• 1".°4•r•d if the" w"Iti W. Hystt, of Norwalk, Conn., has bo-
b* any opposition to hie nibs. the "free- gun and will continue incietioitoly. The
wiaa a liar, and who informed y,Ottf knowledgist,"lov one of Tits Stomitt men Nome's' Bank N -les. the toed tenders,
1 knew was out of town, and the other, "4 Inl•sr "rtirk."••• ger. nifianted
Ootiservatives that it was their duty to
"stick to Sir John Macdonald, whether
he was in the right or in the wrong,
sod the more he was in the wrung the root." didn't appear to he at all disturb -
allow they should stack how- Ho ed tyrtbe vituperative overflow of the
bath hie reward. irate "bump -feeler." Just •• the "free-
knowledgist" Roe through his little say,
T`"e" Net.' an* r•beir•• a' the ert,,a rasa shout fer the editor
sycophants whe made themselves ridic-
ulous during the GC • enhor ilowersi`s
lazily sitting on the chain -fence, placidly g.:kr.7111;a144 mace 0000 stack in the
pallier at the business sod of • "briar- "sults it another tooter. If the men
who seoceeded in forcing the mallow el
a law to purchase two noillien of silver
Million • month (2.000,089 slumlord
silver dollars) oould witness this WIWI.
they might probably realise the esnessi-
tv of their offewee. Kash mammal <w-
hirs weighs slaty pounde, and is ti ed •
them are not yet on the groomed. The eamivisit viata Toloroentiotbberlo `Thaeadeltneopbseelleavenithi: can tell, the little man was up in Gooey
Schelsou'e Alekst. pealing th• ball off thirty men moorline to the 4W005 to
separate Mg. The bags are primed Gam
by one down • line of from tweety to
attraction ro • mart 01 •••••••90* over I Thom intim= of Toronto, who, no dome td theaght inspector; for be troves -1.4 fmrn one yeah b. amebae,
meth bag is weiyhod III preemie of a
committee, awl piled up avant ia vsalts
that have to be hewed op by @trona
basses 01 the outside ts) prevent the
elver from twisting the walla. livery
qualities, C*11 now sesame the attitude
moral ono horns stripped off. 1 pitied the available space 10the Tremont a la.
ie point of intellectual or
is God's Isar* which their Creator in- nink"ele wretch, and so did many oth- c'stnIne°41 by thorn boom of .seal.
some ides of the nsagnitud 1 01 the soh-
gswawa those to toke, without h„,,g ere siiio listened to the arraignment, for Jae% ma, be reached ani
hrnet nearer
peeled of disloyalty or F•11•1•111416 Let his assailam seemed ti know his whole a practicable tioneopti•in,wlen it is
to take his inning, and, quicker than I
siminagene, which keeps on • whirl to the is eseessive SO= Of ser "rood Qmien,
toed sad reiterated retrain of a herd,in ignoble desire to touch the mimes:
of a 'live lord,' have ee far forgottes
rirdY r°11 st•arn. One° hmrd "7" their manhood as a grow.' in the dem
to be forotten. helove • fellow as ea totter then Ms
hour of tiba orpeehami aeries mr Yesterday I attended Knox Church
illake's retirees= throegh illness, andIsadaliekrrui stbri ah're"
it will be in order for the London Free
Press. the Remakes Spectator, sad the
leaner lights to move that the Hos.
gestleinas is a rebel and disloyal to his
They will furbish up the ell
Saskatchewan musket.
— -
it is sedentood the! the Howe of
Comm.... will be prorogued by Jetta
lOth, bet thus kr the estimates sttnwas
ems that Ooaairieh is likely to remit*
favor ie the sees td the Goverament
bermes Woe Henna seat • Ton nr"
total =teaks= was sheet 440, and for
ermine and Maoism exorcism all met he
the main body of the chute*. After the
'shoot at large been opened by sierishot
and prayer, the intermediate and en -
nary Masses Med into their own tenses.
while the Bible ries*, a congregation nf
some 141, (often math larger, hoesseoo
renialeed behind on the onion floc V Of
ihe °honk sad ware taken in heed by
Soy. H. DI. Pareete, the pastor of the
shwa. The thea was sot =alined to
polivenen sad women,theit bonne • nom-
illif aigisoss of volatile ogo, as won on
sontaibro to Parbasieet, ie the 10. 41 seaseellerstill.among those wh' eat at the
Robert Poetise, el Simeon. The ere*. fee of this Bible teaching pastor After
asid-bell Fenn shoot Ooverninout pap if a brief eseedisin, Mr Perrone shot est
a Oovervieseut supporter were *looted qesatioas right and left, delivering ha
W111 sot week at the ant 'Iodise. Tmyie. impartially Slain the mesa. 1
shoot half an hem there was s Maytag
proems, and it the end of that time the
"freeknewledgist- wee merely • mime of
mortified matter, with the Woo hoofs
b.1" 11110" wil"• the "Hold 111, en- pedigree and made the most of his know- understood that this stare is added to
thinness* of the occasion has subsided, wire When Inalty the editor tat up,
each month hy fifteen thousand meseds
K Where
the sober second thought of flotrne or
them will lead to reflection as to what
they have profited is say way Vey their
abandosimea of self respect. Flattering
a wealthy mass is coatemptible, but ite
motive is el least intelligtble he may
pee for it in one way or other. but
bowleg low to • title worts by ;NIS who
ommems to this country not te Kies. 101 10
eat, isms foolish as it is despicable. eves
frees the low standpoint or self interim*.
Log ea tie loyal, lee abiding and patriot-
= ; 101 11 Casette is to ha greet set self.
reliant her so= mast be self reaped-
The seasiesein nage= el edam,
noweneamissimeed Alone and mos to
eipesivs pay for shill this peg is 20,20. - I trot:ain't have reminded de some Isabel small lona.
- o
the fakir howled for sprtipeithr, and will it *ea When will it seep!
thiameeed t• bring s toil for damage@ the Weshmeton will became a simeed
nett slay. That wee on Monday evening: Pompeii, and he binned not in ashes, lies
Tuesday the editor made seine In Thlaii:"6.44• imr of wean"_
phis enquiries ommerning the "hemp me warn azavapidiad eibaTabar
so,- Wednesday he had that worthy ar- '.Icy, when it was dimeatile so glee Sir
redid lur leeig.ep breaking is g 4111141 ThOrn ion , the format misister
of Great Boum to the Vetted States, a
tows, and Foamy the moment
stiestist took the vilely train 1. r Chet -
hare jail. "sob 47••• upon hi° "1111116"
In answer to the sharges of "kaidliee
leerier" sod leek -op broking. A.
the setion glacier sea Twat
dinner Sir lidward was reopiented
mak* oet a list of these nf 10. foresee
blends here be woo= tike to meet seats.
Se dtd .0 .54 of all that liek nainkreeity
ass =es &stave and premium= in pehti-
sa I and weal life, het one meld 10
fosenol in the tows. The others, where I
Deed or formation In the Atkins et