HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-6-3, Page 4nee - 4 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRUJAY, JUNE 3, 1887. SPECIAL BABOAIIS - re Dry Goods ,I.A.HEID&BBA -O►IIrR etPIG'IAL VALUE ia the to(lewieg Good.: • I )RENA GOODS, PRINTh, UIN(IMAMS, M USLI NS, EMBROIDERIES, PARAS( )LS, HOSIERY, A,ND GLOVES. £LIO II1AMI4,aI$8 iN WHITE ANUi(IREY COTTONS SHIRTIYOS, COTTONADES, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, AND TOWELING. Epeeist Attention given to the Talloriii llepartlliellt TWEEDS CUT OUT TREE OF CHANE. LTlus ectIor i". tied. Melon Is •Lown with ',lessor, J. A. REID & BRO., Jordan's Block-1'ourt Heuer `square, eiMerich a:t b Map. Irtlt . olu new Ad•eralsemeels Tal. Meek. Notice M. Hutchison. tluuta and Shoes L. Downing. Yum for Sale- Geo. Nethereal'. Fos We or to Kent kolas. Bind. ('IMsM1t (lack Hale Mus Graham. Menotti Wanted -Mrs. A. McGillivray. Tumm•1r Weed tui W-(yq Nelbentall. TOWN TOPICS. A rfaffI. meow yr. fukia' sotto. A ii /uitA h.- ll prrwi .L" Y1Nt YL.Vntal, TRA,. This week 1 offer extra valise in taw, pure spices and canned /roods cheap. M. McUiwtKer... A HA1. Mise. -If you fall to see Ma••('or- maar's.priogstack. Varied. elepnt. durably and cheap. He sure to examine and save motley. Perhaps it's not agrrnerally known. but id's a fact ail the mime 11.01 Geo. Stewart the pho- t'.Krapher ala, dors a bye business to picture troams. There Is nothing shows to worse advantage ei. a Men thus • alert soil of clothes and a pear hat. 1'. t A. 1•ridhawi fermi' hate, twos and nobby suits at ibeir F;m port um. The fanners have been anomaly Iooking for rain, and now they. hove got it in plenty. Hut they ran sever get tum outer of the rt rell(•nl photugrapha turned out by lt. It. Sal- low. from his studio. One dozen people mule happy since toy last offer In Tilt t1k,RAi. 01 our $5 WA\%tat LAMP with every rash sale in Urtans.l'tanus and dewing Machines. More to follow. Iiw. W. Tioous.,N. Agent. TOR Y%'o]laea ('rlkllTIAN TrnrriINIt t''i..• will meet regularly for the transom t,i business every Tuesday- an,•ruoun at 2:31 o'clock. In Knox ,howl. kvcrl woman in- terested uh the wur. is cordially iavttad to &fiend. Goode, Black Cherry (sough Ilai*.m 1e sof Zing wonders. UuI 'G'w:. Our uwu condi- tion powders at I5 and Va.. per parkas,• ear, &O... gh Iput groat mt,tartion. rind claw d. -lensing a aµolehi). A'. l'. Goode. Drug- . Alhiun H1Iw k. The citizens of the tow,. talk of formine a 14,ar1 of Trade. and !Mere 11 . rat• I•:.. No,ln. • eters it boo make things hum. and don't let tt un. Tho, have ,lust rnhr.d into an serer- p, nolo with the K. k e. Gooney 1.0., 10 handle n , full line./ sloe root 1•oth their fouMrk.• • ni,.t people can drlo-nd on Wit 1111/ g.etd otos.. pp n• right prices. The •-Moatewt huusr under ILr sun. U. fnR Hrit on Ann Itttrr. ItoAn ANI. Intmttr- rt NI: NT ('"wi•A,I. i eliM itorn in trot. romI ray 1.a.t. the hest ptmihG'ade•urity for their mon v7. W being invested in Rag*• un farm sit prop, y, Depositors have a first Into in all ye, the t nv's assets. ►tat.• or mammal paid. 1 fro.n to S ter ren:. arrerding to amount Ind duration of deposit. Fainters having sur. as* p:us meanssbould tall and nee4bc manager. shines Tait has returned from Blind River. Mrs E.E. Wade, of Bressels,ts staking ID town. Mrs W. Watson is visiting friends ill Kincardine, ht Thos. McCue, of Detroit, is visiting bit lit parents in to v: n. the Jin T. N. Dancey is visiting friends in "unia and Detroit. va ,.r Knox Cameos PCLnT. -w Rev Madras will uoospy the pulpit of ,Musk Soaday *Teeing neat O. T. R. Dzrsl•rtva,--TM loot detective of this railroad division w town Saturday last ue professional nese. Orr roe Ho,upava.-Mrs Thos. Gill cuddy and her three children sir $I atfurd leaturday lest to visit . A. plied. Pries $1 her the half year. Al Kusa domes : William *typo 78 end 80 King Street East, Toruoto. C, W. Cotes, 2 g Bleary Street. Mui.treel. 8. F- Hoes - ea en as, Hellf's, N. S. bust- Lunate 1'n,ticuse.-'!'bars will be ao hooks gtvn out fries the Metbanis•' Me- Imitation Obesity from Monday, the 6th left Met., to Saturday, the 18th, aid all her ponies haslet •e.7 volumes mat will please hand them in at ones This se w in aoeordauce with a tesolutsun passel as of by the mew board et directors, to enable vs. a them to have a thorough seuektakiu.t. The reeding room will be open as usual. Tut JuitILXI "Sit It. '-The great event of the Queen's Jubilee will he the Juba:re numter of the !Montreal :tar, • superbly illwtreted paper of twenty-eight tomes and two artistic plate supplements. Those who have seen the advance copies I say it is magnslicemt. Something that t •veryb.dy will want and few can mel. It • is to be sent by mail fur '::o cents. t Giahavi at Co.. Montreal. are tate pub lichen. bei Thomas Robinson, of 'Kingston, a veteran Orangeman, and who "'guyed as AUK'S Grand Marshal in 111..ntreal at H.ckett's .der funeral, died suddenly yesterday morn eche, I be AT VIII CITY or TUI Stihl- Lee, the local agent of the Beaty h steamers, Nolo four days io Detroit business trip. (3.. t•risu Tea P(Lrn Rev. Mr Lriear, of Stratford, occupied the Victoria St. pulpit very acceptably Sunday returning last. Hain. -The excellent rams of the peat week have caused • forward rush in vegetation, and have inept due,' the dust in l:uderich, to some extent. CHarlus or BL'suvtt4.--The wisp works on this Huron road, recently carried ou by J Brown( have been purchased by J. A. Naftel, who will carry flu the meas. A New Poerrto, . - Major J Thomson, formerly town dere of (b. acro, is now cashier in • baulk in N Dakota. His old friends here wil pleased to hoer of his promotion. KINTAIL CALzmsoNll' GAlttli.-1n some uuacountable intoner the prise Inst of the limited Caledonian games was delayed and did not come to hand until late Thursday afternoon, and can •iquently tom late for publication disc week. Lzrr ►ask Cie•oo. -Thomas Graham, who has been for the past year resident in Goderich, left for Chicago Wednesday last. lie will, we understand, take bit old position au a commercial agency in that city. STAY .,on TAKE TEA. -The Martha Washington tea party, to be given by the ladies of Knox church, will he held in the Palace idler rink, 1Ye.l st., on the afternoon and evening of Thursday, the 9th out. AwrrHzk Lot:AL A.:ONT. -E. E. See- ger has accepted the a,sency for several reliable tire and life companies, and is prepared t.. Gall risks at removable rates at his office, Hamilton street, opposite Colb,nie hotel. Victim REGINA. - - Mrs Dixie Watson, of Regina, is n..w visiting friends ii Hu- ron county, she has been in Clinton and %%'mngham, and intends to visit Gpderieh and other paints before she leave. f .r her western home. TokIN.: Houts(vs. -Hilton Holmes, of the !lank of Commerce, here has gone t.. Toronto to spend his holidays. On hie return Jame. Strachan, the 1. cal teller, will leave for a trip east, taking in Ottawa and Montreal. may eiuMies.. Ire Mistress Marth other dames of !liminess a.11 acts , assert, to pwpri t pera..1 1 lit WOO «rmsra. P.d.-Ye gout/edema' deux church ars reqoested to wad peovisiuw to ye roller nuke (tent ye cluck* in ye aior y.i. till 3 choke in y• afternoon, on Monde UIh. 1NeruTua or Asarum. -Mr. J C. Stereosun has been app.i ted by the Ontario Goverment W the ttaitios of Inspector of Anatomy for the town of Clinton and the townships of Goderich. Hullett, Tuckersmith and Stanley This appsntmeut is merle under the statute entitled "an Act respecting the study of anatomy," To this inspector must be re- ported dm finding 4 the o..dy of any per- son in the territory named who has died without relatives or friends, ..r that re. nein* unclaimed by any person entitled o thggn1•. The inspector takes poems - ion of ouch body, and deals with it is dircted by the Act. WONT HI-RoN TEAm'EIER'. SEMI AN- NUAL INnnTI'TE.-The teachers of West Huron will hold their sem►-annual institute, meeting at Exeter next week, on Thursday and Friday, June 9th and 10th, beginning at 9 o'clock a. m Wm. Houston, M.A., parliamentary librarian, has been apoointed by the department to act as director, and will deliver lecture on Thursday evening.on "Eduts- oational Maxims," t., commence at 8 o'clock. Choice music may be expect• *J. By regulation all the teachers of the division are expected to be present. Trento.. and others interested in educe. t are cordially invited. UoYu Ak.'4Nr•11. -- At the regular meeting of tiodench Council, 998 held on Tuesday evening last st the Oddfel- low's hall, two candidates were initiated. and • large amount of general business done. The receipts by the Supreme Council during Oil. month. of January. Fehruiry and March of this year were 8836.80i,and the amount paid out during the same time for death claims was upwards of 8430,000. There are now 1039 councils in the United States and Canada. with a membership of over 75,003. Persons desirous of joining the Arcanum can obtain parti- cutler. from R. Re icliffe or Wm Camp- bell. secretary. , • sad! THE DAIRYMAIDS. well wag by s. .... . rad ye, I pruceadimgs woes brMIoughtWu, a element; to all -_ _ a nolo Wait for the Wagon," by . scale of ye sotto (Vial Ellard) and • chortle .4 bits M ye I A Large Attendano and a Good desrysrsasds The r......,. wan about 10 of Tinto Gennetklly. 870, at • roach over 830 wet ulcered. of ye The entertainment was • aux.'s* all 7 ye A swmalNwsa. seestd aM se karef eaI tale wily moot Pregmq The a1Pr.laia Mere. as. t1tte Ptesnasiit'. A+Meaa. ONE sir THE Our Sceoot_ - Mr and Mn Juhu Savage, of Luckocw, are visit- ing their daughter, Mrs G. W. Berry, L•ghthouae street. Mr Savage""is inn of the "old-mstsiers," hu contemporaries bring sheriff Gibbons and Thos, Kydd. He has resided in the Hurter tract over fifty years. A (awe IDSA: It has been proposed that Elgin street should be made avenue by planting chestnut trees du Its centre born Huron road to the lake. 1f this were done and the trees plant u each side .1 the street where they re now visaing, we would have one A re prettiest drives m the whole Domin- o. CLRR1.'AL APPoINTIIENT. - D. M. uchanan, 1.rmerly of G,.dench and .w a student of (diversity College To .nlo, has heen appointed by the Hume Mission committee to occupy for the miner vacation, the change recently catcri by the resignation of iter. Mr iron at Stoutfville, (root. He gust to ume his clerical duties this week. A • Smirk( . RITE. -There is an old country superstition that it is unlucky to kill • spider. If some medical lights of New Ynrk are right, the spider should Fie treater with nu such compunction. The case of • boy who died from the t. ..f one is recorded in that city. The e of a spider is said to be much like t of • scorpion, and liable to be fatal. Ok AN InerE.-71011 Tot's. --C. Dimo- n, .1 Hamilton, Provincial Inspector Separate Seht ole is to tuwo on • pro- emial trip. H. visited St. Augustin urslay, and will Inspect G.derie Separate School today. Mr I)unuw•n 1s an Irish Home. Ruler fro m the word "Go," but his love for the land he left rely Amharic.* his loyalty to the land in which he fires. I'Ht (ivNrRAl. See•ION.' OF THE PRA. R. -The general sessions of the peace will ..lest on Tuesday June 14th at 1 o'clock noon.` There are • number o appeals froth justices of the peace's de cetros, priuclp.ally Stott Act cases. There are also three or four civil cases A full panel of petit jurors has been selected 1. r the occasion, being the fin time under the new act, ('rat HT 111. Ile. I'I*E. -- The Mur tug of apoplexy. He was • witiSlaa in a case in court, and while being eruo- examined he dropped down. The recent loss of his wife proved a great strain un him, and rendered him unfit to stand any excitement. He was a lending water in the Customs. H. S. LirttaiY MEMING.-At the open meeting or the High School Liter. aro Society oar Friday evening the fol- lowing program was promoted : -Duet, the Misses Ellerd • reeling, Miss Shar- man ; recitation, Mies Struthers ; selec- tions, the 'Alines ; solo, Mr Hells ; re- citation, Miss 0. Johnston ; reedit', Miss Hale. ; reading, Mr Tay'. r ; reci- tation, Miss McConnell ; duet, Misses Struthers and Heddle, A LITTLE MIxz,, A.. To SEX_--The following item is correct in mune of the particulars, from the Guelph Mrr- rury, but a astray in regard to sex. The "bout c.ng girl" is • boy :- lin Sunday last. Dan McGillicuddy, of the Goderich SIGNAL, smiled more than an ordinary smote when his wife present .d him ',ohs' bouncing baby girl. Here's good health to the latest arrival. May she live long and prosper. ST. Ggoitnc'1 VESTRY MEETING. - At the adjourned vestry meeting of St. George's,held last Thursday evening,ttde auditors' report on the years income and expendtture,as reoriented by the war- dens at a previous meeting was adopted. Before separating the rector addressed the vestry on • (uel e) "f importance to the church, and op the unanimous with f the vestry prioritised to bring his family to Ooderich in a few days, FAREwtu. SERVICE.- Captlia mermen. "f the Salvati,s* army„ together with Mis Zimmerman, their two children and -cadet Wright ''fare - welled'. at the arlpy barracks Sunday evening. The address by the Captain was a particularly practical one, and was for appreciated by his hearers. He has been stationed hen for the peat nine ' months, and Isave. Goder,ch with the an best wishes of all with whom he came in wn contact. RETIRED FRou JoritN.Li..N - Miro.. eil Mor, formerly pnncipal of the St. Mary's Public Schools, but for the last few year. editor and proprietor of the Exeter Roo/re/or, returned to St. Mary'. Litt week from Exeter, and intends to Permanently locate in the stone town. He will study law. Mr Moir will be re membered by lioderich residents a* the opponent of Rev. C. E. Morrow in the Victoria hall meeting during the Scott Act Campaizn. Mr and Mrs Maitland Montgomery were in town this week iliac Radoliffe returned hoose from a long visit east last week. Thos. .)ark has hien suffering in health the past few days. .lames (imbue returned from a trip to California Thursday evening last. Tom Swartz returned from Thesaam .n (.II the J. N. ('aver Thursday afternoon. Regular monthly meeting ..f the com- mon idboul board next Monday et- Mr t Mr •ud Mrs James Robinson visas,( friends at Stratford and Palmerston last week. Richard l:r{deet, formerly an employe of THE S*,m .,., has se;•ureil a 1"eition w K [,.sardine. res (' A (\'...hie, of the gime, a branch in 1 "f the itusk rf Commerce, a relieving m. lase ;..sal staff Ihr, f... Th h street Methodist church, on the evening of Tuesday, the 7th inst., at 8 o'clock, to hear reports from the billeting com- mittees, and to make final arrangements for the reception of the delegates to the convention to be hold on Tuesday and Wednesday, the l4tb and 15th. Every Sabbath School teacher and all others marmite., are requested to attend this r f colleting. FRns' THR I'A(lrk• SLoPR -Rev. A. Dr. iL&'.sR'•m Cooler. - Hurry Lippet, Wm. %iswain, Robt' Williams and Eph. Mountenay were cited before his wor- ship, Mayor Seager, Thursday of last week, charged with using profane and insulting language to John and Daniel Marray. The plaintiffs and defendants were all dockhands, and the trouble re- sulted from t " um trner." strike. Podd his HYMENEAL. -Tuesday last • quiet wedding took place at the residence of D Gordo*, St. Patrick St., the occasion being the marriage of his daughter Anne M. and Rev. G. F. Salton, pastor of the Victoria 81 church. The ceremony was performed by Rets. .7 E. Howell. of Seaforth and G. R. Turk, of Ood,•nch. After the service the com- pany -chiefly close personal Maids of the bride and bridegroom, sat down to • wedding breakfast. The bride was the recipient of • large number of **stay presents. The happy couple left on the noon train for the East, whence they win take the Dominion line steamer Vancouver for Europe. They will be absent two months. THE SIGNAL'S ed- itorial Slipper follows them. A Loa:at Po5NT.-At Osgoude hall, Toronto, mast Friday, an important point was raised in regard to the Scott Act. 1)n motion for certiorari to bring up a conviction under the Act,it was contend- ed that the Scutt Act is repealed; and is not in force in any county in Ontario, ser the fallowing retain : The Dom' ' ,n atatutee hate been issued in a new form under the name of the Revised Statutes ,d Canada, and by them all old statutes consolidated therein have been repealed and reenacted in revised form, but it is claimed that the Scott Act once repealed cannot be re-enacted except by the voice of the people, and haring been repealed is not in force until it has been ata:h voted upon. The p.ir.t will be argued fully on the return 4 the certiorari. :t .00zes MEN IN C.lN*t-LTATIon nulnerowly attended and representative meeting of the merchants of the' county assembled in the council dumber,Clinton, last Friday, to *moult as to the best means to protect their interests and those of consumers from the oily•tongued -A After bearin der,tice wt ,rahiu tined pub Lippet, McSwain and Williams 81 and M costa, each. Mountenay was acquitted. pn S. S. CoNYENTION.--A meeting okillieIran SLibbeth School workers of the town Mu will be held in the lecture room 44 North tate will to 0 lets who gull the unsuspecting Among those ;.recent were eases. Strachan, old, Nairn, Crabb. dham and others from Gudericjt; y .o4' the Clinton merchants)) i'lrr nroe, of Manchester, and represent - yes from nearly all the towns and ages in the county. It was resolved main the signatures ,.f farmers and other, to a petition to he presented to the County Council at ata meeting next week, asking that body to put a license fee of 8200 on all peddlers. ParsinTERIAN M1.asloN BAUD. -There was a fair attendance at KIWI church last Friday evening, to witness the 1•1i- tertain_ment given by the mission band. 1 re presided and 'after pray et. Mr McWilliams, a chorus on hand,and prayer for band by Re McGillivray the following pr me was presented :--Recitatuo a tame eow," Jennie Manson ; Sol my Rover comes again," Nett b, recitation, "The squirrel's lesson, ✓ McPhail ; trio, "The child Jesus Nellie McKenzie, Lirsie Bailie, Nettie Crabb, ; recitati-ou, " n in penmanship," Winnie Ball Otte, "The boy tramp" Geo. Brown, I e Brown, Alex Campbell and Campbell ; duet, "Come, oh Lizzie Bailey and Nettie Crabb ; I Jug, "The little maid's sermon," Campbell ; churns, the Mission I f Recitation, "Papa's Darling," Mynas ; solo, "Tyrol's Lovely L..ie Bailie ; recitation, f Worn). ' Phoebe McPhail : The t Gle•ni,s. limn' hall, Pearl w ng, Jennie Mans on, Fanny Forbes, n Roberts, Lizzie Bailey, Nellie Me- pe e, Nettie Credal, Nellie Strang, b be McPhail, Mabel McKenzie, May i m Tiny Craigs. and Ada :invent.. in • secs, the little ones represented the i in the work LITTLE nutamika,elle et nate letter being •ttaehed to ate who recited • few lines sotsomme- Cl th the letter represented ; retina- i L 'NA" Mysteries," peel f towed. 1 *ere alien def prod by Dr. Lm, Mr McWilliams and Mr McGilli- vray. ih. l re, to n ors.';( a rota of thanks to Miss Manors mid the s•eesss .f the ;entertainment showed that ability Mid unwearied labor wo•ld slw•ye tltlrlled. The tate wait carried onsn- iawusly. Mina Manors pr••id.d at tho mels.... The malt (4 the entertabws•nt is an addition of 11 ►12 to the finds of the Mission Bead. • Melanie.., who for the post four years by R has occupied • pulpit' b tan Frocisco, mien in connection with the yterian de- Jnn. t nomination, arrive( in \own Monday gra.o last. to visit tato renes 01 his youth. "Th f l• He has received • call to • charge in "Til ision for the town of G,derich met he clerks office Monday last at 10 a. There were only four appeals, on + of which changes were nude : I. 1) 'ilea assessment on Inc.,,... was re- . d B:Nmo ; (leo. H. Parson'. amen t on hod,! at roar►nor was reduced 1; root Mrs Wats.n a ofiwesa sent un ery was reduced by X1:100. M -s James Elliott, •.' Hamilton, S. its town vi•itsng h,•r mother, lira N'ilhaw slue Smith, East street. Men Heft Johnston, "f the :frfl!?{ ri, tis, bek formerly of TNR S1t.'v., N le 4owu ..0 n couple (.1 weeks' holidays 11 D. McTavish, of Stratford, woos in of 4 town Tuesday last in the Interest of the neat Temperance and General Life Amur- p"me ono, Co. Eye Rev D •nab Mc(lillivny, M A.. *as 111:::;" u is town during the week, vsottne his ( 1e. i parents, and left by the 3.15 tom train on Tuesday. I st"r"m direr Mrs C. M. C.inaday, "f Auburn, aho i his been visiting relatives in town fur Ti the past few weeks, returned home on rot►-• W.dnesday. sox ti (iso. R. kobson, of I'rtrdia, has 1•een I.."' spending a week in town, adourlr,g th.• rngra ...nery, sod - wail, hos had a good m time aayhow. alta•. Dr McDonagh win 1e in f:oderich f..r If.el ennSultati es cu Satsrday, the 4th • f etc. Jars., and af/Mwards os. the first Satur• d0i of every ttkorth. Ly lir De. M. t4tsheistia, do Meat nesse I Pram daatlet, mak4 she pwaaerati4m of Oft villa .'cissa oath a aposir1ty. Ws sdtairris• tared troar 8 a. is. to 4 p a1 for the tette,. sada1 a1taddi alt di tenth. ' fie. .4ItTH G.TriNG. The Jubilee issue Its lox 1)W• I.11.R til- will be out week. 1t will be a book .4 32 •. what !wet sires on nearly eYertrpsge. r y picture to appear •l ,ear i s either original hiring lie,:allr t.• produced for thio , wed there will be a great demand t. it wiG be f.dr malt at all b.a,k• , or eon he had by mending 111 cents t h. GREs (ISse, Toronto. The attendance at the Deirynisitl's a(.uorrt under the susJpices of the young I*21.s of \o r'h at. Methodist church, which was held in the araude opera House Monday ,•veurog i,.t, was el- u.y'diugly Lergr, e 1,,o tliu u'' ,ilium state . t the w, n' floe is t.k.•n lulu fie c wnl. Taroks weir .et frit i until 8 o ci .ck, 0,1 1 tutu{ tL ,i time, ,.ser .'00 immune partook of refreshments. The bill of fare was unique and c.wp.risd Hut Disco '.. Ilooc...i.1 sway. Milli. t 'oaf.•.• ..1,d .' u,.I t lis b. • Butternuts ,aid Gi rbr.nd. ' 1.'ut;e-.•. (tread and hotter. Coffee or Mill:. awl hake. It was served ip"tlmu--room adjoining the hall, and the three table., capable of acc'nw...IAtirlg aeret.ty-live guests, were set three time. After all requiring re- freshments Lad beets served. THE rtilw:itAV was opened by a chorus of fifty dairy maids, each dressed in calico with • white apn.i and ca;. s•sd kerchief.. Thr line. of the opening chorus wet, 'origi- nal," hav tug beet. c,uup.,•e11 by nue of the dairymai.'., to the air of "Auld Lang Syne," and were as f.•Ifollows :- We're ART feat i ve dairymaids, .1s 'OM .*a all surmise. Our cows are feeding on the green, la fluter to their iso.'. We milk our caws, we skim our (bilk, .and chart, our cream as evil. Fresh butterrsdk' fresh buttrtwhk! Fresh, butrermilk ' to sell. Our president, who takes the lead Of this gay festive crowd. Will fill live clews with ease and grace, And make us all feel proud. - We've offered you fresh bnttrrni::k. With cake a.td wilt.•, to... And now, if you will I'sen. We'll stmt some suing, to obit. hind frt./oda, we bid you welcome he; To this. our social tea. And if you are enjoying yomi .lt.'s. tv e will Quite happy he. Were dirty festive dairymaids, As we have said before. • • \ We wish yuu every happiness And buttermilk, galore. After the rendering of the chorus, the president of the dairymaid's association, Miss Frank McClean, M. E. L , deli•• ered the billowing rkentliENr'a "amanita : GrcrLtlt1N AND LAME:4,-1 have the honor of cooing before you tonight as president of this Dairymaid's Associa- tion. The chorus preceding, which was composed by nue of my clever maids, tells you so fully their occupation an station in life that hut little Melanie 14 me. VV'. are all familiar stun the old time d'tirymaid, -wee wore a 'kerchief on bee peek, Her hare arms showed itediesple, 11,r Fier air rasJM, without agadt reek aad saiitylR. We hope you have'all been pi i.d an satisfied with the wholestHtte refresh tnettts, and we are anxious to gratify y., still further, and trust that the songs with their simple and rural sentiment will carry your thoughts away obt to th beautiful country, till you can atmos imagine yourselves amur.g the clove blossoms and see the cows as they con tentedty eat and strep shaded from th noonday sun, For ere long a cow around a town with electric light, water works, etc.,will hr s.ouoilting of the past and will be aw,ciated only with green meadows. under the tender care of dairy maids. 1'ro0reas a not the watchword cf only our fair and beautiful town but even those who mce„rf.f he blind eseJ. see how women are everywhere coming to the trout. It is not our purpose to turn thew remarks into a discussion on woman's rights ; or even 10 give them • political turn. To all it is now evident that [Ile tame has attired for women W at bast Lill, to wield the sceptre. There are needed noble and Lure rulers, who Cali not he bought and whu will not buy, to horst wrung is wrong and right a right -those shit will do their duty or ilie, tine,' have '8rren tried and found wanting; who else can and who else dues it remain for but for the noble, pure and true .r,usan of sur land. Nor would it be • great surprise to We to learn that some '4 my diarymaids were boruulg with zeal and titled with aspirations to nuke the House of Commons one day, resound to :heir nit:odious voices. Who knows 14 1 must, however, draw my re- marks io a close and continue with • more interesting pan .;f the program. 1 wont t.. whisper, however, t.: the gen tlemen, that 1f they mast go cut to anti' er a wan, they will find fresh buttermilk by err. •'1 in the refreshment rooms. v. Mira Merry, with a large straw hat En o. her head and a milking pail on her artn, n, San_ m.'very IdeaaingmanDer,'•Tbs wttle ", '.1 (1 Milking the Cow." As one of the ie girls afterwards said, "She hooked teal 'cute, iso, she did." A violin solo by Miss I'.m.gh was effectively rendelrrd. The recitation. "The Girl of the Pe - 4 n, .t," 1 y,Mia. Trueman. was one of the feature* of the evening, and served to t the dirt ttf the period in anew light before Om intelligent audience Miss Totems-it always recites well -Monday 1 night ahs outdid herself. Tl.e nett number introduced a male per. Domer on the ix.arda, in the shape of Fred i'rice, who sang a duet with Mies Martach, "Where Are You Going, My 'troy Maid ?' in a manner that caught he audience. 1 Me of dairymaids after- ard* remarked that "Fred did his pert nvly and Miss Margach couldn't bee/t- iled ; Fred's a real nip fellow, may - o.', and sit obliging ; al's • pity he's out oto nomeroiu." Then there was nether chorus by fifty dairymaids, "Up n the Morning Early," that tested the toting of the halo. The Shak..pea►ean f timeframe that fellewed with Frank Me. ean as Juliet, Rolla /thiamin as Netts, rzieAch.ion asl►phella,andLucy Whit- et sly ae I,.dy Macbeth was a revelation to at: many of the audience. Juliet was nate-- rers.lered, Portia well plated. ()phalli' true t . life as Ham says). and I Lady Molosth moa ".quite ,rnol.firk- Fe iA'I'•Irf.(. Mw id• N'ilkin,on rot•, 1 "Ye Ranks and Braes of Bonnie Dowse, to a pleasing manner, to the se- 1 •r111penimwnt ratp enO,Auto and .5091. Miss 1)ol Vsaidwli ,hoard th. hwatt- IIIIMISOL "Writ *y M or d. u A Divcavis Tlueusa --The London Prrr Pres., wine :-$sme of the fruit ship- pers o1 the United dilates are wide arayp to the Rn(iah and foreign market.' foo apples. It u known that sous of thine whit ahippwd Iarttely last year,aud who come in teo►tact with Mr. A Mob, Allan, of Gudsnch, are auzo••us t., make en en gagentrot with bow to handle their fruits 11, l:fllalll Mand soil the C., tluelut, and write up their intim' in three ' oi.otrie , It a looped, however, that air. Allan will sot le. Icdunrd lit aoespt bah alt r5gagewrra, as hja aerviese lit this line Ara, toe, valuable to Canada to be bat to it at present. in.leed. r,ul his rxperienen and w o'rk last year, aldol to his former know ledge 1 the sit t and his pwitu of as the President of theFruit (irowers, A•e ciatloin, it is felt that he will see Ito to his interest to continue to wool for the 1)omiulun Canada cannot et .rd to lose one who h doss so much to advents the interests of hulticulture generally, a1id one rho rows justly .•one,', at the hand* of the 'British pre, the high title of "Coolada's Fruit Kusy." LAZE NOTE3. The schemer Kolfage, with a cargo of awl! f. r C„Iltusse,nd, !1fesford and Thornbury, sailed northward on Thurs- day. The srho.,ner Anel arriv.vi „n lrriday with a cargo of lumber for Williams .t Co., and left nu Saturday for the north with • carg r of salt. The ischooner Carter, with • eerg,• a luspltrr for Ihment 4' ( • , armed in port on Friday, and sailed for the uorth (light] ou Saturday, Dentistry. N IC HOLtuN, L, D. S. .rl• i)KNTAL R001a0, klgbtk dour below the Post OAre. Wesrwt., GontkMat. tat>♦.ly L. WOOLYERTON, L. D. S. 1 V • OtIIee Odd Yellows Halt. North St.. GMerioh. ('bang s moderate. All work war- ranted. Gas or Vitalized Air trivets Guam - less extrartlus of teeth, -Domestics Uiantea. WANTED. -GENERAL SERV u1NT \o cbfldren liberal waatar..as. Apply at once to 131tS. A. MvOILLIY RAY, 1s1-11 1'almerges-E1. eke People's Column,. Y>fl ,t WtSOD FOIA BALE. A large quantity of wood, eon sawing of short hemlock alibi sad heading turmoils at from J to *1.110 a toad. Apply to PiHIBEHDAL 1s. flan Guderirb and Dunlop V OTTCE -A MEETING OF THE meni).rrs .d the Godericb !Marl of Trade will take place at lbe Town Hail ... Tuesday nett, rhe :th June, for the tr•amac- • Uma of general busier*. and eluden of oat , cent. All others who wish to join will please • attend. M. Ht Tcklaov. Ir.eidrat. t June 2nd. 1+91:. it ✓ NOTICE. • e Ti.. council of the Corporation n[ the Coen ty of Huron will meet in the ('surf' Howse In the Town of Godcrttlb ,w T the 7th day of June seer, PETER AIILAxist l'oanty ('leek. 21 • May 2.1 d. Per. BEES FOR SALE. i will wit 1ply a swarm, 0( nest -claw hybrid bees for 1 , provided the parties rrgrinmg f them SU fI y rmpl hive.. .•100-u PETEK YtSHER. Henmiller P.O telt Island, 111 , but has not vet de- ('rah eidet to accept. He and his wife and Pete child will remain in G.•dench for the Jus next month or s,, visiting his numerous and friends Life at the Occident seems to less, bare agreed with him physically. dial. Willi Hoi c. SHn eons- -.1, T. Hick., of Jlie Mitchell, shipped • Imo of hones from cote (hderich to .Algoma Mills Saturday last. reed Mr (licks wanted to ship by the Beaty Gallie line, but could not make satisfactory aro Rand ragemente -with the !company, and s, Ethel jshipp-.d ray train to Weart;.n, via Strat- Dell, ford, and thence by C. 1'. R. boat to ..The Algoma Mills The freight by the two Little notes was shout the same, and the time Stra !of transport ss almost identical. The Etts hoAsenren say they must get necessary Kenzt acc.mm,sdetioa from the boats here or I I.hoe they will patronize the Wiarton route' (•nig, for all it is 'nods thea p I CAN%MA. MHrspnl.r NiAUAZIN, b it , 1Ng7,- -1'riem V * veer: 81 let ninth.: 90 cents per number. Tor- , Wm. Itrsg•n 11as twenty sewn vibes, two flee G. rtnitt► of the n, 011•144 Prince Albert, 1'elute% of ••lar. 1 ►'t1'OfM H.nsse,and the trfa private a ttsent. at Ihbwmrns if,„„ thir'emi orf Iter Majc ty'c Tower, 4I.. Jubilee articles by the E.tit r, es 1►r Carman; the Victorian En, I v. W. Harrison; Fifty Veen ort I ream. by Itrght Hou. W F 1:1.d. ) hile.. fe.emit, sirs Evert! loyal 1 at should have • M prise 110 a A Iwrg.•rdiim n imbhe1 . Beek f top lama Jayaary an nth re tip f Yi 1111.: Vet.ere. 1'o*, weer -)t.. it leiter* known. unto all ye pnade people of yy.. .pF on igen. of (:.wt.yich that there will be lid.. hidden in ye Palace roller rinks, Ws.t-et., Ing as n ye evening of ye Ash day of Jant,t beginning when ye choke etryksti sit, a appetite of gond thyngs and • erltosat ye olds f ekes of ye time 0( Mietrene Martha Washington. Ye kyndest .1 invttinrec is herewith extended to all ye ✓ ode people who are willing to donate 1l (onto which giv,th •ntran,sl to coin ewe without refreshments, or !6e whish neitleth to the gond thongs* Int ahle as well M at To plotter's. Herein alts not or gnat* will be the alas that Volt SALE -.4 PB.ETON AND A - 1 SKT toF SINGLR HA RNI.1114 in ilrst-rate condition. at oee-half the otyrlsss,l rash Apply to Dl:. IfrMIC !NO. 21Mtf ,TuTI.CE It HEREBY GIVEN FOR • NTDDINo any person p.nboo Ito, late C.t*R ALLEN'S horse from JAMES NAILEY ai It doesn't Irrally belong to Haley for it has not been paid for. Algoma; person indebted to the late CASE ALLEN plews. pay up and save cents. _ _ MRs. CASS AL1.E'N. FAIIMER.i ATTENTION: The undersigned wont a Marge .ivanfity of Hemlock Hark. for which the itidhesl mak rite will be pair. iking 0 to the Godeeleb ■,,'I• '' end get your oas11. W. F. & A. SMiTH. l•-- -- __uth risA _lila lat1T. a_ _ _ +14t'SIC.-MISS CO4,KE. AFTER 14 receive rears delly of mesio. is prepared VD pupIs for the Planes. 21 Ieoseo.e meaner:y, erne: -atom quarter. nab t 1HORTHAND.-i5AAC PITMAN'S t 1'l1ON(sokAl't1Y. The MOMp,puiarsys tem taught, Inform lion book. for talent THE Nonni. mike. Every boy and girl should shaelhand. 2001 -For Sale or to' tet, L'141I FAut on TO RENT G/II)D j' Pft.ME HOUSE on Nelseayt.. opposite emeethe's planing mill termism. Tl.t.louah- ly dyrrhauleil and repaired. road• for neon IrnrT, or wilt tzrhw tor a smaller house. Apply to itOfiT, It1:1 t. Godertch. 101 11 • " ACRES OF LAND - CLAY o i IA►Akt tea sem fee of wnm miles from (l,.I,rj, h os. 1 eke Hohn, o.x- rliw for w smaller far er saw mull • ne c g000dIoealltI. or wilt 'ellen very easy terns at less than R1 IMer acre. PG, fell part lenient apD$y to Olga NBINPHOAI.1., IN -:mo trodetich. r(1N (t Fi ids r.CLA YARNS AA MS FOR 1 male. One sft the towsehip of A.haekl "mttaining Is* acres ; and sae In a seek coats..mng 1aa"a Irma tYawr rt h T to ('acorea. Veit rCa tea a d! I(IARM, TOWN AND VILLAGE Plt0I'FitTY FOR I*1.A1. rllThe F'Trt•ntnrs ant! Trpalees of the Rotate the late JIMEPH HERR. neer fnr male mho owing valuable Properly, namely knfldtnlggtt Ines nnw.her, 129 and 421. fa •Lr nem. 's*i. very rod I f an acre each. Yearly Pave& r nbk for b"94,ne per Half hTot froselelt atm Resod, Tawnehlp Il ng psrs of 1 Malt - 041 (traeraaja {, } * k1 s la the Malt- Irratae Cottage wmm rrinmr table. hiP. Ni.e I(d nwmhsr >L Stable. pram lien. Atte of Miner street..1114 ellmali train.. Tea* acme .M M tj lir •lay •h ar en aR' each. tea n M aide of Flume start et LLet 11.COWWait 111, 11 Nest Maws sed a mIl•s 'labored. ornlicia 11 Hie Ilatstater, rletelteh, y