HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-6-3, Page 1Jr 1
• .
miff EB* bi
ugalujetillotrY BROIS
t $11.0 A YUAN IN ALVAN( b.
every ids, Itoreihobe
rttMtieriv Bi... at their Ulliee. North al
- .
FRIDAY. JV$& 3nn.
Now that the realise Kditoe et rotted
I -.laud nos Mouthed hos tour. now would it
o t..,Mr !mewliiHrtrn MttiiIllridd. ot
orricit oon .. swamtoe awl out with
Ur* oli " rhe shoricomino4 of 1 ti Qswen.
• to, lotto.. rooroieuerat and the Tort patsy in
o "wets r• Anything 11) catch the. Voir.
'rile Above, from the Lntl
."•A *sirs lelv""d the walk was tak• TORONTO LETTER.
THE HURON SIGNAL!con Up to the parliament
minted the creed of gentlemen looditog
'Ile Hanle* of Lord Elton and the num*. illinnellaneoun Matters From our Things That Are Hal.pening Wednesday night Meeting elide What Han Tranbpired at tho
try with blasphemous and obscene epith-
seems, after which some hundieds of
e with Queen City Correnpondent. i Around Us. in a Fizzle. , United Staten Capite.1.
Os. Thwindows were attacked
the iamb rushed into. the building. The , „m.o. ,........ 40,...., ..p.„......,,,. Tb,„ • „amp iiiir.s..„.. ab..,
'leek Labseers AN OM Shard Darius( Rears Stark 4 Isles* Tb, Sig Drill Te Troop* Igor ...queries
' ..
assembly was sitting in committee when
the slitters buret through the doers.
The members
fled in dismay. seine tak-; — _
in for e in the lobbies and other" he -
I I Wow Don t•ests'asells Tr Nns• trash Ls." reser raw aloe Joshes Ilse illssors • greens* sisesporde lel 4.m.41 4 marrellliele ',ark1pSrlI lisrmroo.
Loge ordered. sissy I.r ibe "1 rUseaser• ." lobs ibe I.4. Lessitisio; up freer Atom eDail..r
e v
hind the speaker's choir. Then the
rioters pissed on to their work. Some
wrecked furniture, others wrenched the
Irizs off cheirs, Uhl.' and demi:., while
some demolished the chandeliers. lamps
-44, is a specimen .of the twaddle to and elolrs. thoe .of the party, in the
tuu ..ach aileutta beading Tory imperil moist .of the hoof.. seated hinetelf in the
sneaker's chair and cried out, "The
French parliosenert is disaolved." He
was hurled from his place and the chair
thrown oser and wrecked. The
WAS tern out oof the hands of sir Chis-
holm, Vie sergeent-at arm', and subse-
quently left as a trophy. of victory in the
remit of S Allan IlcNab, at the Don,.
oral hotel. In the midst of the riot and
destruction there was a cry of "fire.-
Flatnes were then found in the halc Inv ;
sod almost simultaneonsly the lee:Warne
c chanter Was aldose. The party
left the Andante. which it: a few minutes
'fhere was little time te
rove any of the contents, and out of 20,.
000 volume. not more than 200 were
moved. A full length pertrait of, Her
Majesty„ which cost t..',001.1. was res-
cued, but on being brought out oof the
building oGel of the !optimum punched his
,,tick thr eigh the (-envois. The fire cow -
&Mee pretoptly turmoil out .on the first
alarm. hut on their way to the building
fell 1/04• the heti& ooi the geet'etto• • to
gaged in the incendi won, who. deetieed
them till everythitio had btuu
by the dames,
inroougn some inteutoderstaselose the
. o
military w4 toct 4 81,,t1. and the Mob
only left after the to.eet tartiliato pati
the cenfiaeratteo eas tom-, Van with
'neer', and athirst or nee 1, d•Irrat.
If Wan a ritre(01 nicht in Momireel Many
a blanched face was ie. 0 o, f Ile tJeam uf
the conflieratien, and a deep shudder
ran through the community at the so
Enultatietous clanging ..f the hells. While
the tires of the burning building shone
in the:to womio.ors the ministry held •
cabinet and decided to meet the fellow
1011 morning in the Bonsecours Market.
There are ism -seems ellen fee In. lie
too deep 1 or words, and the opening of
the next day s et -ernes' ions oof
these. Mr Baldwio., who made a mo-
tion, *poke n a how voice, as if under
the infloionceepeome painful spell ; but
the worthy Hamilton knight to whom
the mob h od breught their chewiest
sp.ils was en his printed g condi
tem. It is Hot worth while to record
here what hr said, bat it is worth stating
that Mr Blake took occasion to make
one last comment upon the quality of
the loyalty with which the are of the
House had been so long assailed—"a
loyalty" he said, "which one day incited
• mob to pelt the 'vomiter general, and
tt t Jemmy the halls of parliament and
the public record*, and on the next day
. ought to find exeunt* fur anarchy. -
The men who mobbed William
O'Brien are the political spawn of th.oe
who. stoned the Governer General,
toe forced to revert for leek of argument
. !the 4) tirtett- LAModurr Coolititoverlij•
far as the editor of Tit,; SIo:‘,41. 4.
•!,,:ct114.41, the personal aouito from the
uitaidised Tory ergot' is .of no value
bete tie is known, and oof Ices value
brie the Ffe, and ea editor air
44 Ali. It IS fitIltA. true THE SI .it.
ioo, Os ',ditto favor tttt f oir Play nod
re.• ion of speech in all cues and under
circumstance..., whether it he too a red-
nded frstracide like Rev DI Kane
alto or a reek renting landlord 'tenter
ke Editor 011nen, of I eot..1 144444ot ;
d it is quite true tluit the ed.to. ef Tart
IIMAL 5 quite willing on any platform
before any audiesce, to meet any
t of the principle of freedom of
h, and discuss the oi(iestion at
tie; but when Josiah Blackburn of
e Loudon Frre Pi.00ko. staters that Vittot
'Brien is • Fenian, aro' when be tit-
uates that Daniel McGillicuddy is en
holier of dialoyalty oben he has feully
deliberately lied, and the truth is
t in him. When the Fenians invaded
nada in 1866, and •hen Jositah Black-
rn hid in an Mike recce. oof the i'r.•
then published on • beeletreet
leondont. Daniel McGillicuddy was
Vie first re be enrolled for active
omit in the 14th Batt. at Kingston, in
fence of his adopted country against
e insaders. The Erc.. Pr.., is only
0 mouthpiece of that mom of loyaluos
loch is co mposed of men like Jim. L.
[lobes, Josiah Itlackburn end that
rideecript, Dr Wild, who shout loyalty
for revenue purposes only," and who
oo.00d cease to. be loyalists and would -
'out against the Gooveruer•General
Queen, or anyone else ' Crucify
ern !” if the pap were held back. Fur
e benefit of Mr Josiah Loyalist Black -
urn of the Free l'retis oTory for revenue
urposes otily), we will give an extract
tom Canadian history, out of many at
ad, wherein the "loyalists" of the
•Gentleman's Party" stand out as charm -
one of the (Jason's representative in
Canada. '1)1. incident is taken, not
from • Reform source, but from so
staunch • Tory authority as the "Life
and Times of Sir John A. Macolunald,' the Parliament building, at
written, with the approval of the hero of Mentteal, and who destroyed the p
the work, by J, E. Collins, u staunch • trait of the Queen. The "I oyalists" of
Tory as Josiah Blackburn, or any other today ire no better or no worse than
Tory who ever lied for his Party, and the "loyalists" of fifty years ago—like
accepted pap for Ilia lying. The follow- the Biurbons. the Tory Party never fur
ing, which will be found on pages 127, gets anything that is bad or learns any
128 and 129, is the extract. thing that is good.
"On the afternoon of April 23th, he
Lcrd Elgin) drove into town at the call
of the mioistry, to assent to a customs
bah, which in consequence of the °p. -
.4. aminaterea,44 weetelaUelteffil,
should go into instant eftect. he ru
nice having gone abroad that aseent was
to be given te the obnoxious "rebel :OW
u it waa called, a number of persons
*mooed to the government, and all of
them "gentlemen," packed the galleries
-4 the assembly. They made no stir be-
rted taking snuff or shaking their cam-
bric pocket -kerchiefs till the governor
nodded his assent to the rebellion bill,
w hen they *PON •• one man, aud Isiah
much pouoding of feet went oout of the
building. Ilia excellency did not heed
the interruptioo, and when his business)
was ended, followed by his suite, passed
-out to his carriage. But he had no
acener toads hie appearance outside than
the body of loyalist gentlemen who had
/.ft the betiding net up a storm of
iroans, hisses and oaths. Some of them
likewise seized bricks, stones ()epitome of
bottles, and with these missiles an attack
was begun on the governor sod his par-
ty. The vies -regal can -lege got away,
bower, before serious injury was done
to anytwidy. But this was ns ly a small
ontburst of Tory loyalty. Upton the
Tow/aro, Nlay 31, 1887. 1 saw hy the last SIGNAL that thele Wedneaday evening last there was a
The city just now is loukine very at- I was • strike by the ''trinauters'' down at lenge attendance of the businees men of
tractive. The corporation in the put I the deck. mei that trouble resulted from the town to. take into consideratit n the
forming of • Board of Tn. de in Goder-
was toot 'paring in the planting of !shalc it all .1.ng the litte. In the Sit:NIL ,4 ich. Th3 meeting had been called pur
trem, and the co reoquenee 1 that bolo so•tometit, 11 otever, there masa discrep truant to adjeurtiment (ion: previtous
meeting, and appeared ripe for business.
Before the eatheritie convened it was
discerered that back in 1873 • Beard of
cT,,incrad,e had existed in Gederich with a
regular staff of (officers and executive
il. The t•tlicers were : M. Hutch'
..n. president, C. Crabb, vice-preaident,
W. M. Savage. secretary, and F. Jor
dui, treasurer. 'I his organization, it
was contended by some, still existed,
and un motion Mr Crabb vice president
of the old kto and was called to the chsir
After some remarks tronoothe chew
Mall anent the old board, and Onsets that
led to do subsidence, a desultory dis-
cussion took place as to the mot manner
of forming the proposed Board . f Trade
—orheoher to aina:gamate with the stag-
nated Mord er to begin anew under the
general statue.
Nothing of imrortance was done, how-
ever, until • motion was made to form •
hrstioi new b oard
brootit.ht out /I hot argutnent, aril
immediately an amendment was moved
that the new Beard be tonned through
the medium of the old Board
Some of the members contended there
was eld Board—that it lied tiled •
natural desth, ,tc., and-othets held that
it woos still in existence.
When the vete was taken about twice
u many hands went up for the amend
metros. Nevertheless the thaiiman de-
cided that the amendment had the
This action disgusted a large number
f those present, and the chairman left
the chair.
This was the third unsuccessful at
tempt that was made to establish •
Bard of Trade in .Joderich during the
past two weeks.
of the stieets well deserve the name
"avenue.' The fullest° is very far ai1.
vaneed at time of writing ; Itryant's
"Leafy June" as here almost Whore the
eahotolar would allow st.A drise 111,417
some of the most shady streets at this
tune o f year is a !root. Keep hammer.
ino away at the council and populat.
generally oof Gorden -A to plant more
shade trees - to set thein out systemati
c.ally, too-- and abuve all, toi see that the
nom cow is not permitted to turn the
;.oublic streets int' a pasture or a barn-
yard, as you like it.:
Church street, one of the moat popular
ancy so far as the remuneration to con-
cerned, which I will proceed to rectify.
Yeti said that the rate per day in Sarnia
was $1.30, and that here the rate was
$2.25, and the men struck tor $3 a day
Teo is net just how the thine atetel. In
Sartoia and ether pens the "Indcers"
charge $1.510 per 1.000 bushels, and
a year or two ago the Goderich "trim-
mer,• raised their tariff to $2.23 per
1,000 bushels. Well, according to the
latter figures the United Empire last
wvek would have to pay 845 to the
"trluliuers f,r unloadinc the 20,000
bushels ef Brain which she brought auwn
in the city, is now being "block paved- for the Big Mill, and as eight men could
up to Bluer, and the street cars are n „toy handle that *mount 01 emit, is.
rutinioo on It. Between the :nicks a side of ten hours the wage per .man
roadway of rock ti being laid, and when
would amount to over $5 50, instead tof
the work is to spieled there will net be 82.25 per day. If rot per 1,000 bushels
its voila. to tl.e city so far as street pave-
ment iscencerned. Property on Church
street, and indeed on all the respectable
streets of the city, has reached & tre-
mendously holh figure. A desirable
frontage on Jarvis street now costs as
rnioch as the stylish mansions erected
upon them. Lind on Jarvis street a
ipt:e trent. my the corner of Queen and
lionize street, its steadily bought up at
$100 to 8120 • foot. Dirt is not cheap
to Tenet., even if the city only eelo.
hrated hee 50111 anniversary two oe three
yesrs ago..
The woe ball fever Is raging here just
row. The ttty has r. professional club,
one .1 the Iotenutioonal League teams,
snot the restults uf the games played are
daily bulletined by the newspapers.
Hamilton has ale. a prodeuieuel nine,
atol t • t cities are vet, jealous nn
had been given $60 would have been
paid to the guff of "trimmers.- I tlen't
wonder Coe captain IJ the Empire kicked
against the imposition—he'd Lave been
more patient and long-sinfering than
Job if he hadn't. If our laborers
charge in proportion for the work be
ceseary in connection with the laying if
the mains for the waterworks vte'll have
to put another cypher to the business
end (.1 the sum set down in the bylaw.
Why, I remeneor when I had code with
a dock wolloping gang down east, the
boys were willing to pile Rideau amid
cordwore at • York shilliog an hour
for day work, and 20 cents an hour
for overtime, and we didn't have any
equealibg, end every man put in his
best licks. And after the labor sewn n
was .,ter, and the _boys o ere paid off
they usually went home with their Nai-
to,' miner et the u;yrits of the rival and didn't chase around with a laid befopremtheanconur,ti svtizut:h—eraJoharnt40
these cluhs was played in this city, autl
hand and a black bottle in the other, in Cchistthunim,
"'me -The game 6ninrdav between medical certlicete and the boodle in ore
all on the' grounds of over as -
segment ; but the assessor was sustain -
attracted a crowd of 11.400. The hems, the endeavor to imitate the inside of tei in each case, except the tatter, which
club pounded the "Ilsonia,•' as they are
their necks with distilled damnation. was not take* up, not being • proper ap-
peal. The court then adjourned for din-
ner, to .it again at 2 o'clock. The court
th-on sat again, pursuant to adjourtimenit
Chas. McPhee applied to have his dog
struck oft the assessment roll. baying
rival Canadian professional clubs wilt be
chums on the question of "trimming,'killordit, but it was not grantee'. After
• few chsoges were nude, the roll was
paved its Hamilton on Saturday, and
and the parties of the tirst part under- peed " t.
the betting fraternity of the Ambi- took to "trim.' the parties of the second The ceurt then rose and formed a
tious city expect to have their reverie°. part, and being in the majority, succeed- council for the dispatch .1 eetteral
And here is the great evil of these pro s- in their efforts. On the afternoon inibr
inew' the
fessional matches. Betting is very wen-
ques • • police court case was the rt -
• preeved sod approleved. A motion mov-
sral, and ...menaces heavy at that. op -
suit, and there was a goodly attendance ed by A Young, and seconded by N
prentioes bet, employers bet, tnerchaute
At the hour appuinted his worship was Johns that the following/ accounts 1m
bet, clerks bet. Sometimes a hat only
somewhat dilatory in making his appear- o paid, was carried. viz.: DStirlintowood
o for Mrs Brindley. oharitypurposes,
staked on the result that the loser can .
may be the wager, but often sums are
&nee, and as•nce, some of the interested ems
$2 50: J Kirkpatrick, repairing culvert
disinterested persons iere illumine un -
ill antrd to lose. I do not say that opposite Bogie's. 11.50: R Fuiford, re
aviligation has generated betting, be- miatakable signs of wornness, Frank pianism culvert, 75c.; J Horton, repair -
muse the savages of many lands have leserrence, the express agent, undertook line culvert, $1; T Morris, repairing cul -
The Court of Revision for the town -
%hip of Colborne met in the township hall
Friday, May 27th. The members hav-
ing signed the malt required, the follow
ine appeals against the assessment were
called, all over the fieldand the heart
of the &coiling Tortntonians were joy
ous and their pockets heavy over the
result. The next match between the
—And this reminds me that quite a
little circus occurred over at the police
court Thursday last. Some of the dock-
hands got at loggerheads with their
From our Special Correspondent.
Washibgton, May 300, 17.
The great Notional Drill which has
absorbed all Witshitoeto ti 5,44 ismen)
visiters fer the past week, draws to a
close toel.iyIn fact the Port prep, r
has ch sed, . hut the distribution of
'Aire* sill Lot be made foneally,and until
their fo tonal prrarlitatnooll It CA111114.4 be
accurately knew!' in each notauce who.
the vi ets really are. The verdict
front the grand 'tend was promptly
rendered after elrely coutest, of course,
during the provress .of the Drill, but the
verdict from the judges stand, composed
of tot perieticed army onkel*, whose
practiced, and critical eyed are supposed
to lose sight of module/ that is ill the
slightest defectise either itt the mailual of
anus er in the evolutions of the soldiers,
cannot be expected to cerrospeed always
with that of the people. Stonle surprises
TII has been a splendid
spectacle nethwietandiug the disadvan-
tages it has encoountert d from rain anti
cyclones. The greater portion of each
day hes been beautiful, the soldiers
hove marched well, and drilled we 1, and
paretled sell, and looked sell in their
variously designed, and in many in
wither* oorge.ous uroifoorms. There has
been a greed gathering of them from
thirtyonte different Sutes, and they re-
present the Hewer of the country's
militia. They have had a good time
together, and the Drill will prove of
eteat ads antage to the citizen soldiery in
rummy respects.
The camp has been qui'e a magnet to
the peep e of Waalungton avid to the
SAYISI1Weril here. It ha* been rutted
diely by people of both sexes and all
ogee and steer, atid cook re and condi
:ions, who were curvets 40 see how time
was passed in this city of tents. The
camp was astir at an early hour every
mominit, and the companies who were
to participate an the competitive drills
each day always retired early, to • man,
on the evening previous, and the guards
were kept on duty all night with strict
orders to arrest any comrade who should
attempt to leave quarters. Such strict
discipline was unnecessary however, as
every man felt anxious to be in goon
condition and took special pride in the
approaching contests
But all night long many of the soldier
boys were prowling around playing all
worts of pranks on their compaidens,
utterly ignoring all military rules, and
defying the guards. College songs and
popular airs formed a portion .,f their
pastime, and merry shouta of laughter
disturbed the otherwise peaceful slum-
bers of the silent soldiers, and rang out
clear .on the eveuing air a long distance
froom the camp ground.
The liveliest interest has centered in
the contest of the infantry companies
which were drilling for the $5,000 pnze.
On WednesoIsy, one of the field days of
the drill, the drill of the celebrated
Lomax Rifles of Melillo, was expected
to be the event of the day. This is
called the crack organization of the
South, and it wag thought it would taloa
the shine off of everything as it had
hards•ome company of
men in snow white duck pante, dark
blue coats, light blue helmets with white
plumes waving and white gloves. Their
drilling began and a rare exhibition it
was. They first stacked arms and then
spent through a number .of evolutions
owl* limedee4e1. avaniney- eititesstivene
Tn the 'manual thqgrem. tanRemy
who had drilled up to that time, and in
mom( tayonete, they were almost per-
fect. In lying down and firing —which .
they did excellently—two of their num-
ber met with the unfortunate accident
of letting their helmets, which their
nourished the gambling and betting te run the justice shop in the absence of vert on division line, $4; W Itohertain,
Sia ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, Assumed 1 indulged in the vice of gambling In some
Wednesday laid. i
Aim as Lieut.-thorernor of Ootario form or other ; but our civilization has
repairing culvert opposite his place, I;
W McPhee, repairing culvert ou
eetwere, ar teeny, mirsionim
vett, $2; W Young, repairing mad on
division 81; W repairing
red on Barker's beat, 75c.; Kennedy,
bonus on were fence, 820; E B. Watson,
painting 2 signs, $1.50; J Barker, re-
pairing culvett at Joseph Morris', $7;
J Barker, breaking road, 85; Nor pnnt-
°Ain and ehrond for W Peen in 1886'
Mg. $9.46; SIllnAL, $21.90; A Sproul
, captain, of course, replaced on their
heads. The captain, too, failed to 1M
' &sit with his company, and stood im-
mediately in front of it while the first.*
was going on, booth of which were con-
sidered ertes errors by military critics,
end will he weored against them. In ail
nf the double quick movements the Ala-
bama h ,ys were finely drilled, and their
tiring was like one .hot, except in Midi
instance, when the explosions were nut
eimBeuhteittiseet umtnex posited treat wee in store
) for the audience in the &dhow of two
Then I'll sentence you to twelve i lake mad. The clerk was instructed to
notify James compboli to motor. hie companies from Texas, the Belknap
fano off the road, as agreed to Rifles and the San Atonia Rine*, .bo
iag, and I'll increase it to five years if toff to ot have talked no iestly of themselves insets
The couneol, •fter mor
Dunlop, on Friday, 3ed of June, .t 8 o'- 111147 has. been hers' They had not
clock, for the purpose of tome around been on the ground five minutes until it
was seen that they were "dark horses"
Inn first place. nefore they had hall
finished the program handed then cap-
tain by the judos" they had made many
partisan*, and like the Toledo Csdate
who drilled nn the illey before, they were
applauded to the mil*
A nes geld Geld !reported as Yampa-
valt• Albes.lanvdy. stnk• of mackerel is reported
from Shelburne. N.14
The nest annual meeting of the Mot -
total Confirm°, of the Methodist Chen h
will he held in Montreal
Monteimsery, aissistant physittiaia
at the Ilansiltea Insane Asylum, died
•avro,i.eserweisprimepesseire4r,...-- aptrit,, ehd 10101011-11 CalliV9 QJ
Tits foolish settee of the tory rnob in athletic gain* and sports. *
what it has done with our oarsmen and
Tometo has earned a barrel of money our runners. We live in the day of the
for the O'Brien omission. At the Beaton hippodrnt—'1.t gumlike the ancient
meeting $20,000 was nosed for the hippodrome the same are outside the
League funds 'ring.'
h atamerr looks •• if Chapleau will
step down mid nut from the Cabinet and
accept the position of Lieut. -Governor
of Quebec. In such an event it wi:1 be
amusing to watch the harmonious rola-
Itions between His Honor, and Hon.
Premier Mercier.
the ineyor. The plaintiff was first
cited befeeiL the jostle__ tout
4tiet-"Ttsbill-tri imY
sentence of the court should not t•
pureed upon hits. The reply evidently
was riot deemed satisfactory, for in mea-
sured tones the justice said. "You are
no good, •nyhow, and I sentence you to
Tea Hamilton Spectator claims th at Isis months in the central prison." The
Goldwin Smith is not a Tory. Will the' iarpneee and swiftness rd the sentence
Spectator be good enoegh to explain seemed to drive terror into all concern- $14; J Morris, bonus on woo fence,
what Goldwin is. One thing we kn,erw ed, and when one of the defendants i $14 50; J K Tema. P 5 I. attendance
is, that during the elections tof 1878 stood up before the stern arbiter of theilitZdsineas, maeltirso. to wet:'ancil raes.usrstaiiinp,"rtogt ofseset,
Goldwin Smith stumped the country in itw, ornt, it was little wonder that ary, James entered, and
the interest of the Tory perty, and he his kneels smote and his cheeks blenched. James Taylor seconded that the reeve be
, ritedthe dThe si'lrtuSeteTitealeir Vlieset;
has never linos resented the heresy. 'Who did you vete for last election 1'
was the first question put hY 1.wieren. thc:in exetnineel. atnd a new beet
Lawrence pro bon. "For Mr Cameron.- i
I made numbering Kt, to oommence at
was the faltering reply. "You did, dial's. tindery lone along the 13th coon., to
01-ratosas estimate the spring suit of
the editors of Tyr SIIINAL Si .bunt $10,- Fenn present appearances it looks as
without trimmings. It is ornatelif the Board of Trade atOtation hes re-
but not 2way, and there is no attempt ceived a set -back in Goderich. One
at display on our part. There is but mere each sereeming farm as that of
one drawback • It is of light Brown 1 Wednesday evening, and the lain
fabric, and those who know mom about nsil will be driven in its coffin. What you ripest the offence." The new jog -
it say "it won't wash." We don't feel ; is wanted is 10 lee the moribund Ward two. it could easily be peen, was warm -
months in the central orison for so do -
Champ de Mars that evening tethered s bit proud, however, and still oalk to ' stay dead, sod if • P-ord et Trade is ing up to his work arid it was quite land stemming the jobs that would be
Isom and turbulimt crowd The
he meet-
y way, as of ; necemary for Opilegieb let a brand new ; let the following week, adjourned.
mg had been called by placard arid Mr t maghim* is • fnend ible that the death sentence would
Augustus Hewer& nephew of the chief 7015 on
institution he lessined.
have been passed upon one or more of Carlo0
Carlow, May 31. . .
justice of Upper Canada, and a society
Ir Hon. Chaplain retires from ; Ix the vote on Wednesday, on the tha remaining Pria"nara' had his
hem', MSS the chair. This gentlemen h 0 the mayor not importunely arrived upon Reosnrisw, N. W. T. June 1.—
mot. inetaimetney speech. esul see , the pneitine a Secretary c.f State, we QUireri • COMO, .
I °et Ifie t • (".:i the • and tits aid with the justice 8411tt• McPherson has *treated the
14 -alcoved by Mr /Credal, ; Mr Ferries. • would suggest that John It. Dunn be memo* were sustained by • majority of
ea* Frank contends that he Wes mardefed smith st pelt lisise
Indian named Nonnateksatit, who
newspaper editor ; Mr Meek and Mr appointed to the °Mee. Dunn and Pope 19. Anson** the independent Compro l
er- , .
Monitriu4IV4bi •nnehnv i"nrnalini* all would then be in the same department vetiver; who voted with the Opposition
• • time/in." The chief *object of the ' decidnns, and feels • little nonplussed , on the traelk of this Indian ever since
barons° esti, olio, ie the time 1,4 se. i of public service, and they enuld easily were, NORM Patterson, of Essex, anti
that they enniti root be earyisd not, murder and at last wee sucergehil.
I A large party of citizens arrived at
tom,- while freqeently shore the din 1 essaimalate things en that the eleeton of Boyle, of Meek, trots Ontario . and ,
Ajax. Broadview last night in morels of
meld be heard the ery, "To the
Fed's' k the Dominion would be of little trepan- (ligaelt, Deposit, Comore and Dopes, I
had made the Mewing remarks he 'limit. a." " fetors in 411° i"rmuibm °I ills of to4166beIt
e c'heet Pmluii "erl in 1 Hon. Mr Leenate ie tinned as the NwardeUitathes wFvel'irdiand.tlwary. It. 111°ThieehtmulenasinntCry to
eet bedding*' Arta, the ile
.4 nut. „mow boy., three (theme for ob. i fieleeel aorrernment. let's have the fav or of the coolititerneY-thiel. tie we isuenesene la I r. Cbspleau as Neeretary 1 evesneing with erased mem in pursuit of
OHM ; then let es take a walk." The Hon, John R. Dunn, lty all means.
i eluded by equity, if not by law, in his three seeks ace. Mellosann has toms
I prated of Ste,
.E•is murderer.