HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-5-13, Page 88 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1887. WILLIAM O'IRIEN• teui •ini n'° iv. Meautimop:`; FROM WASHINGTON.! 'aD"''11• /!1. Ciroumstenosa Attending, His Trp to America ■1s treepilee at Are Seek Ms Terse- -Mee' .. sato ..rd tit. /tea, leer- '. neer 1st s meads • A lathi ,Tuesday ) night's New York de- spatch says : The steamer John E. M.atre took the 0 Brien Hocepti.tn thee - wetter down to the steamship Umbra, which was at stayer outside Sandy Hook. last eventug, and they took uA Mr O'Brien std escorted him t.. the Huffman House, in tluscity. The night was very foggy, and the Mt.,re sem cote• pelted to wtow a slowly. h e as 1 o'clock this monies; when the party gut back as far m Quarantine. A remarkable scene was offered when the Moore ran up alongside the Umbria. Fur sevtral minutes alter the object of aum. Canadian members were published to alb the London topers threatening that if 1 stetted Cane.la I would require police protection. It woe then for the first lime 1 gut the announcement of Lord Lrnsdowoe's repudiation. aboard here.- There was a wild cheer at ibis. A ladder was run up te the steamship's rail, after fore and aft lines had been made fast, and Dr. A. W. Satoh, brother of the health olhcer of the port, ran up the ladder. Ne went through the form so far as Mr. ()Benin, Bishop Ireland and:Mr Denis Kilbride, wore concerned, and then CI-pt./in Mo- M►ckso asked 1 to prim the ship. I)r. Smith evident) thought that the .tearu- ship people had not earned any special oourteey, for, notwithstandnw Captain McMickan•s repetition of his r•.tuest, with the added plea that by so dutog Dr :smith could save the ship valuable, time, the doctor told the commander that he would have to take his turn. Just as Mr. 1 Y Brien landed on the the committee had b..0 madeklsown, j deck of the U•Kre this after lima ..f the 00 pers.t its authority could be diseov- I beat parted and her stern swung awry. Bred to strand to the New Yorkers' •thus preventing the dieembarkiog of Mr. watts. The cheers that the.x.utu atter- titlbridr, who was the tint truant evict• -,ten and their frends.ur.t up fur Mr t'd hytl..rd 1.ensduwne and who ace••ut- kir. %VII . n uu hu ter. Mr the passengers rod crew, with groans lOBnen was greeted euthusesatically by - . lani could nut but he pleased ,ud .ouster cheers ter Salisbury. 1 slap New Yorkers. with whom were with her recept at the Unreal States I!MtieeMbilitessea 11I. \ Mr Italfeur ALA other 1l Materialists Judge W. W. D,utherty_ of the Boston ,vital, Ii distinguished attentions eine Reported l.+TileDhonlMm llart4r �ttURI ---r- $eediug in tht• %w/auy is alwust a1 au hi What Sao Transpired at s United 13:atne Capital. The :Sabbsl It .ch.,.i1 .4 this church it tend* haring .0 et.trrraoweut about the i -- malelloofJune fur the beo.tit of the Tb. soiree N taw* i accreta,, Lamar school. L 44: out fur further partI u - \tee.►. cew ls %bare Rehr lee Vale Moser laser Wooer. Fara WOIttL. -List week Will and%'hart,. M. ..:anal ploughed 1t acres it arum our !Special t'urrespor. •ret. INi hours, and tom .4 the teams c••u- Waidougton, May '1 shoedof two .alts aged :t0 moot sod 'mar % Secretary ' tar did u..t attend the heard. Who we, beat the nural. e State dinner even in honor of the B[ar[[. Queen of the Sandwich Islands at the - ---'�- White House ur Friday eeeniig, and Demi_ _09. the gos.ips -mere reedy with an cal•! iiia• -- - teen. They said it was ou account of the c..utpleston of the dusky soreret.enl This aocusaaon trade it necessary, of Mr Jam.. Dear, rate .•t ICuitr.hridge, course, for the Secretary t.. cote for- who has recently taken up laud tit Nimbi - ward with his own esplamtruest atiom. He igen, was the of hub sister, Mrs. D. said the true inattention for lite moa-apel Cuuttutug, this week. pe.rante was neuralgia. from which he Our Irishman has eacnelpte.l his famed Y[nsoaaL - Nies Blanche Videan, of Gonlertch, visited herr thio week. • FINE TAILORING 1, amu Gants' Furnishings. rt l akiwi prepared to thew a complete ammertet oG oVMtt•UAT7hU$ in all the New :shades and style. ♦a canines %firer)j• .f English. Irt.h and Scotch Settings. mw As i.nenstock of New sad Stylish Canadian Tweeds. CHEAP I CHEAP I I CHEAP I I I KKrntrmhew, all Goods bought 14 the Yard cut tree • huge. /� orma4. OnttertchApril 7th, ler. B. MacClank hat. suffered ever since the delivet y dairy ea„,,. that ine ,,,,, rable ration at the unveiling bust, with a wee "te9.t, for • livt hey of the Calhoun eatue in Charleston. c,„It. a tone bachelor in Leehutis. He further voucheated the information With soother colt he intends to form • that he very much regretted his InahilitY new team. welch Ise imp, will outshine ta sof .t Montana of a ft", by Weise W Sala nosh. vii mg alb M. Alfred Knish! agt.i 7•‘ rears. to eit at dinner with Hawaii* queen, ariving and it -tutting the lirowne, hays. "Lew._ which he felt would here been a hiZia greys end sorrels. of the Butternut How. 4) Brien were atiewered, lit portions of Pa honor. apte These were le turn responded to by tee" Re°61- ' : • Y• Whitt she moat desired. Victoria ..11;1 non Comini•tee Mr T. M. Brad 400 Irish 1.11mm:rants 0111110 Utbna with Prete ent o. t e *ton eitimon cal ; Hegh Mea'atfrey and Mr. Luke scarcely have had more honors done r w heat. tram %bums ao 110 epreee,,,a cheers ea. Mr 11'141011, Alr in the emit. length of time than del the wheat. teed wi ter116 buni; .... 0 ' 00 t cf Philadelphia : Mr. Ed Ornrd D Queen of the little kingdom in th P wheat. esprime bosh . o se 9 u IV 1.. WOOLVERTt /N. L. D. S. Parnell and 51r Olsolstene. besides more act t% heat i awel 6, bask • •,•-•• 0 71 0 7 I V • Odle* Odit Irr110%. Hall. North et_ Mnore of the Pittsburg Cm mil and • I For Salc or to Let. liootttit u. Mee ty for It.shop Ireland. of Slinitesota, "rho t CM. tic. The Wan returned her Inoue. Hallo Vert. . ...... • • 1 90 cell at the White I oasis in loss that, t kors."2"1 . c-utt• •••••.; ?Yu 4b., 0.2, °Diu rateLitet..!.trii,Cuitisouer:r.f t,tatiinseti Air Kit en for polo. le on the Umbria started up wee - was also on the steamer. Then the loy• ° h heurs-the allowed by royel etourepaieeo per. cyst ettopiette in returning visits. Oats. v budt .••• had reached the middle of the verse • ; • • The ladies of the Cabiret and the • •ahed hove the Queen." and when they The f.dlowing Are the 1111111041 of the tux narieyes bush .• 0 to * n called on the teueen at her h eel. Aa v tett Ort e 1•.ud led clear Irish veice was heard I best in each clam. in S. S. No. 2, Mh. above the anthem to cry in earnest at!. held, kr April. They are arranged in cont. "1491 Save Ireland." This caused the truer of merit, ....nh dam, 3... pal. a getienil laugh, and put an end to the i Anide 14.1ton, Martha it Neil, Kate s had much difbculty in finding any on the steamship to take • line from his: mary Noble. John paltutt. mary lam. boat. sey, Mary Dalton, Nellie Sullisan. Sen. His reti: est f. r the presence Cap- . , 3rd. Thos Hussey, Mary Fay, Michael informatien that the captain was at ani - more jeers. i: Agnes 10411. Jr. ltre. Jehn Curren. ner. at which there were Thos thConnoar. Hannah Ittle.r., Fehr After about ten minutes, Ilmtlever, the, Dalton, Maggie OCennor,Nellie Heeati. captain come to the rail and asked,' "We have a yriiiit to take 3.1110 pea- Soder:eh Tavas1:1;„ , seat froot those around her, not even • eengers off,- replied General O'Beirue, -- cushion. She had to sit on the hard ..-1 the committee. H"Intehedle, May 2. 1'Pe... board bench jast like her oenmen The captain's rest ..n.ie t.. this camera- Council met today pursuant te Mtl• neigh`vors- There was nothing othetal ent. Members ail 'resent Mee cemiected with her %int there, which leave hee ship until the dector has made utes ef last immune read and passe& was maJe at her own suggesti..n. and ..f , his examination... i Bylaw No. 3, coalmine appointment of course she took her lot with the oein ' ••0140wieve Itot the doctor and- the. is.ard ..f health read ahd reseed, Court mon herd. It was not even known thoo ' minim house inspecter. tee, chimed ot Revision apeointed for May 30th. royalty was present, .11.1 she was ;er- ethe chorus hunt the 3Iootte, and there 12447, ..penin2 at 10 si.ch 2k a. ni. Mewed netted to walk threueh the three mc .,... eras atio I h. by J. Laithwait, seconded by T. Church- deetedusien passing itt and me , 1 the 1 sa; hir., terrine' to Mr O'Brien. "We'll have • of G. Elliott until the gteeth „f tile trees • eine of pubis.: &tient 1.qt as A stir hell I The Tteellast ntallIms '41110ew flood" artil tray id the follow i,:g route during 11., seams. " Take him.- said another voice, Te- i hill. that no actien oe taken tie the letter , gr"tinils ss entirely free trom any toes- chnT weother now that Jonah is going - is advanced ereough to be iiisheooted and been 11..nialy In pelt culler. bealth sod weather permitting: .FI CRETE house. corner of Albert mud paniri. hard Anal mat *Ater, itg.; !here are alsu on the lot nips laws. flea bars. and a 1111U redently w•ctiPed In, ,A. Chambers. Mrumors apply le JOHN IliRECKILN- 06. NiRwapar.ai. MIN ark! hoed. North hall or tut No. 11, 2nd Coo. 10.411,(It 11 105 00:6'.O. but hearted appleirees. (rood new frame honer. bare. stahle• tosieric tt r we ., 0 es et n IRL WANTED A t la) (1111L med.. cent/Meese tee acres. For porta elar• 01164146unit:it was given in her honor at ely Ceserrem Molt itt Camerae.. 6ode Kegs. fresh ummokod idea o to In the Hawaiian Lig% as well as at the Cheese. n ar 0 12 Bran ton . fer general twos, worio tete thee V40114 Ithe., wages. Attire,* or apply torsee made bit. her tatietit. She we. token chopped mete g Ate n si •• 0 et i: Pittll't.la N. FOR SALE pieta of various other attentions from glweesk:n. 0 " 0 a. ean amusements %kite here -the rams and the circus. At the latter place there eras nothing to distineuish her majesty's Elie Peoples tolUmn. of the late Josh if ER 0/11.1.0 eale Thoroughbreb Stallions. I Tonna lady. Apply at this ti01.31. lorat Win ler at 11041 bees paid tor. Also any ram lwaT we Ind tare c•ole, IS tf Mite. CASE ALLEN. Jnat then Mr O'Brien eppeared at reported upon properly. Cari 'ed. 31oved The 'te teen seareely 1.1 her come etteeitiotT. eel proceed to Ism was litat;ft. Lis 's Hotel for mem: them 4 &A Kmitre "Are there any of my friend* who want appeinted ituitectert "f Ire" their t.. heve 1.0 s.tihfactien fer her. It T11.1•49AY. *ill jr40•01•4 taxi ta tit.' ing the people on the enquired, ly, that. thr weaskiwr. of the, Y".`iltYll by the consy racket of the olt WION set -1000 browr tor at... "We all do,r• came the sh•lted reply. ; the trees se planted when ro-luedet.1 by' about the ring it ittlele her lats.:h. ttl CO to New York tonieht 1" "Then. kill go," said 51r 0 Brien, 4.my persen havoit tilanted miaow the when tee clown's turn came to batter the 4:reset Rowel to Wiluem V./11114'i. (41(141C estertninedly, adding, after 4 pause, "if hs law proseel ter that pproose-Cal tied. the giganti: beast "tit lot breath and lieenhour 1.0:hee.'en'elehth°..tlaul`W 1110'` 110 4;"- teily oat t4 comph entre her vresjesty cut:heel ....aright. matte line to Mr P. Nugent fee one Iron . on, :nee customs ceertesy too Kings. was : erh,,,t tee t Haste/ • rd 'hy finailv lay lom primer -de in the acetic -Meitit:XEsti.a . 9s2.1 procrol tssIn Sth h the 0ant I. in lay h tit Moentv.te. 34ay 11.7 TI4144 WhittrlY, that that part of the hylew :the elepheit has me been trained to Ina , thew, J.55.1 a•enture depot lay a inoelerate number of trees eking the highways be rescuute , .oathusiasstic Ireoh people, but not Ls and filet benus be paid for any tree* &morrow etutseted, and on lauding leauted later the 21 day 11t May, 1437 (.1 the National Association, with the seconded by J Lattheatt, that the clerk go to the ex -terve and ex deputy reeve oiel 1 p.ii. tor tote hour them. rigidly observed. She W4.4 ewerted the steamer putt a line made up of '. THUltrilbAY.. will is:vecrd alone 119. +A ii teteuty one guns we., feet. f„,,i,-trib, Yhttil DAV will eeetrl the Heron Road to leteenteiry to Doe iteteLiiilelmerAw tor este beer: ,si to Was ani at a loss t., And words to express tether enth the tape Iniee-Camed. centre o.f a distutgotstied compa..y. The Duna's. ter teem; tloench to the Coe.; ne gratitude for the warmth %%Rh which Movehl liv T Churchill, seconded by Diplotnatic Corps wag generesesly reran- tiarizotaml.74:.tattri,rt: btisto,,,a; :to Miller • SO. airOlt2 in the rousse of his remarks - Prorate's.' Starines in the.r hands, to- cabin K. ihoolani fnund hertelf the thence up thr aa R. hitely. that Ci Itumbeii be appointed Dented ht the tin:Mater, fr. III Yen- eiATt'enAk. toil levered ent throat& ins fellow countrymen rally around me Keyed hy .1 Leithwait, ogee:aided by "Charee d'Affaires,- awl the Cheiese Se 'aim JAME% It A tat Proprietor. aud frieml, Mr Rilleide, eur pathaamiter he road do mon No. 45 t zuela, the Net hefty:as, Austria. •lapan. ot tioderieti Toweehip, tunic* borne to IttIVItelat on behalf- .4 the poor and ep- north, T.n.til of W Coneetl-Carrtece Turkey. Se. it zerlv ml. the Binomials ! siVnirtinsiTItier'alne.beary'‘aoh;:el!". ..41 Tressed egainat their perm u "prow . nt ver Indicted that the Canedian pea. Mcarlien. that the reeve sod and trea- cretere of le a h. lie l'arlhouent has Slain and aurer 4tith'',1Zed to -horsily one Om: 11overnoient wns represented ur .ses at as by etticiels .4 the Wsr. State and Nosey Ro-.. in Irelat.O. and TeT mir suffering reasonaide interest as possible. payable accounts were paid through play. I never, helieved suel Hexer will 119BDO11112 believe it, and the result wilt be tee dia the clerkai check book, .1 Saunders, re - crediting ot the false prophecies of those *root atiteuehre tin box 50e: 'wrist who said the rentrary. We ceme not te !Stationery tor clerk, 111,6e, theiner, (Ater offence, nut to meddle in Canadian gravel account f.or 415 sud leb, 11.50; affeirs. eet 10 deal with the career rof nut' Rich irds, ab Wes et -anted Loped Lenstlewne as Governer -General, /15. Cement adjourned to Meet wain Vit Parlide, deck. but as the exterannatot raw human . on 30th May. t,eihsrs. We canted expect everybody to.; Latour's. 1,f justice .•0 our tilde that when they Preteesai,.- Last Sabbath .1. A. Mc - heir what e ',eve t.. say they vtill agree Oillivray, KA., who formerly assisted Rev. Dr. lire with the charge here, c ntidence that when we havst sheen the ole Canada the conduct •if Leel Preached In impressive sermon, 01 which I he called the attention of hts hearers tin emote refuse me e 1,111,01, tam next 14th lies:ember -oCart•let:. The Department.. members .4 the Solpreine Court. and hy members of the senate anti 1'ouitiiittem Fereign Rid ilea or society. The conenamler ef the Despatch made FARMERS ATTENTDIN. The undersigned want a nines enieststy of tlendock Bark for the highest eash pro', will he paid. Knee it to the Uodersels ; Tatmery Witt get your cask., ART CLASSES The teepee term -of tie eke., ROW bv me vr:te volumene. Oft Wester...it seat. Net Wt. JI.1 this w111 be Ikea last tempos tete ~atter intradies peiPIS Wore aura; Ise at ein, se Mall min make an rob ...ail Itadilieg lags numbers 13/ and 121, sa the Torn of Cosier,. it. of an ar re .04 h. YairlY Ilalf sere Lot fronting Mill Rowe. T3W11,111,i1. ot C. lerah. being part of Lot S is the lase. i•usts emote to veld Torrathip. ic•• I Lot 1440111.e.t 3. South side of Millar lareft. lieustelier. I of an sere. small frame dwelling. Radium 1404 r outliers Id end Mt th.• Town Clinton. of an acre rarh. Itraut, fully so sated on :south side of Huron rarer sei fenced The East i of IAN V. Con. 11. W00',W11.11rg WO r• good latid. SO serer 4 trisrr m, from Luchnow and 6 miles from Witty; W:24 1 NOTICE 1, hereby plven that the T000 blester:ch. Nay 12. les7. Mot -Loans an') 3nsurance. ATE NW at per rent Mtesistir loans. lot. rest payat4e yearlY. Twee &her- ine toretuee weir rate of interest should sal: or write 1,1 partwitsirs. ,sEAblEit at LEW 124. • .Q:411,000 TO LOAN. APPLY CANNEON MOLT SCA1011110E Sods .11,4 a:sessint ar Private Panel* for in vettnient V lowest rates on •irst•classAiorteadyes Apply R. RADCLIFFE. COURT Of' It IL T.1.610N. . MEAL Es FATE rgo Elates --- cauaeliar Wag Wavoueset 1001.1 al ti... tesermai* kali daturday. May Mt h. at le a. Mileas. May Stk. tar: " if OFF 11'1; Seocs.4 door frost Square. THE TORONTO GENERAL Titt:STS CO'Y aye prepared la Wee vatilie.7 at 4 percent.. pay elev. half pees% ow TERMS Tt SUIT BORIDIWERS, erstlais fano security. NOTIC't FOR SALE oR EXCHANOZ--THE .14144' t° Atedies'ir•et b• *:° '1••• r''';i3"'"' :ea nsialoatacihrs'oldtIrr.n.ft-ii7tema °kelt 1!..11"l'iarneturet•-al.cl.:': Agents for the Toronto oentrat Thaws C the Doloint•el• '4"""n• far an*" would exchange tor a so...table colt. or 111 which he it for. -.ed her that by order of the Sectieary of tho Navy, whe was Mart h :6 woman. he vseuld pl-o•v her in command slightly enileora.s..1, fidgeted with her of the vessel. le pt dem won evident y _ t utit i the woe. '.Come.- In the Bible it could nut alley her te •iv that *he was perh.ferh ehewed (het was ever eskine fer fellow - Room fee All.- After the service mane At this p•ent she &reticle ..... nit Queen t : came forward for a frietidly shahe oof the attentien. and 'mid, '•I'lee.... do what ie esti cetera/ but sort. 1h.rd Lahhh:sne. ihe i hand, And 0,114ralulated liltil ,.11 111s re. cOtif"Iiiary or re.:oired hv the occasion. ' evieter, I hate to deal. and I deal with ; But he wits not to. he battled in regard cent graduation. *not his call to the is t.. be hoped that through hot 1.1a.rs watiteol too fire • *else., start the vessel, *lid properties, for hoth are at ties ine- American people. • ere to Ilin hotne, and warned us not to W hen they arrieed at ..51..unt Vona* meta at your mercy. chore° 44 NIelville church, Montreal. It to the due% of royalty, ai:d whenever he him in Canada ht. hot taken ati- many mit. be gathered t . that home or run up • nave he followed royal tete. ram:A..4 brash public epimen, h. he the t cArrv 0itt a system 1.1 learances oere there is roam, for •ll. monies'to the letter. un molded since the turie ..1 the great 111r. .1. Healy has as,ld hiis hay gelding famine P. aa.erted that he cannet to Mr. .1. Tobin, elf p, he a good No leader has yet reen uppointed in the Senate. TIP:Merl( IN. a. Lest Friday evening, The Id at Oatineen P ant has done at dm regular meeting of the I. tt 12. T., No. 21:1, Br... Peter Stuart installed the efficers for the new quarter in the ate Crater. The Leder, donne the .peat quarter, added ties new names tit jpa membership. Tee entettsottotentliwebe figure. defend mien, leo he ieek advantage (11,111/ 111 Besides, angel .-1 the oewspaper. elp ef an (Acceding,' as beet. enabled to t he 110T;41. Lord Ity is that he lad to. CI • the plea Den- • of lea a the erditiery as well as by th elites his Viral ht., r has an exceetl.n.:ly had not at all eertatit be vs tett regard to the lament-, that Ago) Meg of Ti.lism, offered contort the tenantry withont the landlt. knowledge r Trenchr's lette lista, and both were made intereating to panning 1.1.!•tteil that tf.e !atter MILO 14mely debates llome talent . ate W swim, ittnn e“rtp•rondent (hit Islands is that the Crete() State' desires the islands The prepense Tietre arrival at Chico - $3,000 male. Speaker Ouimist cuisman.1 tit* Wenbleden team. A deepetch hem Smolt tete Mere. saaa that the tee is still si•li.1 tieoree, fifteen miles emit of there. Doi the hritlee jointer?. on Ills 1.144 la New leek state. supposing that the .ntlit la ere inirers had •ny referenee to the fishery controversy. tare the let'er In ”ur reetweeiroi I won n 6, ed in the "slier the 1.;terary Trench does net des.y that, litio.'unted . ‘locset . the High School, 0.91erisgh, ,,,,er depertUre for Canada We accept Allen sa, f..wier, for a frieedly dimmes- t . n '.1 it order and the mon on Antiosation The hoe,. tame Ado: to .41 or as: extenWoo. rauelling Mixed. Milted. Retirees. WIN Jt)1111 WASHINGTON. Auburn II' 0. Tto• undersigned it prepared to 1111 a I otoolo.f 01 order, tor tifyand. tte and !true.. Leghorn eggs !nor. s•oek iasported from the 41.05 tor 13. Wy atidoces. $1.31 for 13. !Dungannon.. hit. 4-7 fall% tor till. Mae rhUlre *1•1101,. go( 11111 tter) mock To men alio can make a so. cede ihe business *e can pa. mind salarli, also a large amonnt of private fluids to lea t on erat-ebies fans security. ooderirh. OM. I. lea.t. 141141 S200,000 PRIVA71; FU N To len. on farm sad lawn property. at low rittoom chanted agents for theTsist and lAlatt Credit Condon,. Or 1.coultin Loan Company of 11:41110a. Interest 6, ie and 7 per cent. N. 11 Florros.•. . an obtain iwuney in one day . if t it le satiabsetore. ()MN K Ni IX, ilENERAL amt. Haring had considerable experience the suet it. neering trade. 1.e is in a position dischartre with thorough testiefaction all eons inlasinu. entrusted to biro. Order's len al Martin • Hotel. or scat hi mall to an address, R•. 0111ev. roomer of frqnsire arid M eta etre. I, tennerwh. OA t`t telegraph aloe. Pri b.7 cuatarieh. li. N. LEWIS Mir G. eltaffall.Jit. J. A Accoerbee, see. Poi Albert. ow 1../ menet,Cerorier ese. Office lied Renee SUMO. eevetwel door *rest el T full 01 if 4 Dor pottery I hot on the II•este Rule questson. fattest trip on weird lisilloaso *he tWn RH A `c Nit I'd & HA MILT011 lun'rra" `'"'" ta . to be l'Arg worry'. E I 'sod sad , 110111 the dectohei oen the return des- gn Sonde, home Buffalo., hanger made the street • eriusnilmion. and glee en, tnent em which others do net handle. Address at sere, i 3102-6t Itoehesirr. N. T. prepared to give 'nu ruetion in tun,. train. , tioderich• Fel.. 0).1417. Wad let (211OWN PEAS FOR SEED. A limitcl quantity of the shore for tale, Interwove(' pore. They are ottleerl m fall emedenee the; they ate the heat pea as the market, both fer ytekt and facility in bervers, hie 111e prem."( roil was hart ested with an eedinary reaper. horse rake and issrlei fork. thew meths a large an mint of hthor. Prier, per husitel. C.0.111. theirs inelvatedi. deli ter - ed at express statom. or fasten from the PO - JOHN 1:Metairie 11194-Irri cherrydate Tann. Colborne Tp. MrSIC -EISA CISME. .1FTER 14 1 years stedy of meek. i% prepared se isiswiss pupils for the Piano. 14 lire pH, vs-ta;aapiiv The moat war WSW 40=10 Real Estate tor Salo. FoR MALI SY *remit. The folIonlag gearliseey ,--11,04 it at ono 11. Idaitland Mee lots 1454 ALI 111. c, press, ye.. be t Taws of Gedmich tly wren ia alb and building. thereon the main Weddle, sheet Me AO fee,. derriek sag r ittom Dtisitia -burn vtilw ILEUM . COt. et hart street avid Square tea Open from 1 tot p.m.. sad from 7 tr. p.re. ABOUT 2000 VOL S IN LIBRARY Papeete, Mai:daises, 4s., as File. # MEM HERSH II' TICK KT. ONLY WA*. granting free nee of 1.111mary aad Headline Application for membership received by Librarian. in rooms. S. MALCOM:40N. ONO. STIVENS. President. Secretary. Marl taboo*. ft A. HUMBER, Eatimates Made and Contracts Taken for Homo Hennas by the Hot Wster eyebrow. 114.9 ll'aier and ?imam heelers. elute mast are rnhCr Water Y1 bo:yds. Agricultural ha - PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. swam NCIENT ORDER -4 UN ITBD :1 WORKMEN MAPLE LEAii LODGE, No. 27, klews In their Imdge Rome neer Tara Iratee• tholevielt• ea nil RICCOND AND routtni MONDAYS 05 emeepapers in ref , re wee detaym. Doeing the Cow 'Nye *bar rh. debt ow the t:apat.. prirehased some trete, in tasty three hear* •fi 11, See h no tiff.? to Wel flew set. has beset paut ami the The fastest time previottsIT made was Am Eschews, sei follewed On Tittradae *it v.ht jet It We wired eta Selo ' iewire Itar.• bet • f..r the annual poraie on the 24th I Teem easel about 141) tees of coal ow ih• I hh""--•`-` hem i ...it ..1 danttar A rriuseaanents are en hegira arid forty -flee tionetee. the, term out of tleht and hy the prrmeller Jewett. in suity41:tre -ea Week' it will tie pte en in sepienelle , ETO. Tot ewe* Salt Co, 14 •71247 THOMM4)hl. pleleferamarirtater PINES IlfAS01111BLE SIGNAL I 114-44 paw sad rigicalost pre