HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-5-13, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 13, ISS1, 7 1 ouseholb }tints. To twat the shite sit rem qulck:1 add a peach of W.I. A leacher heir blush is the neat fur dusting lee china. Vinegar 'n Oar nnsine water Iot pink ..r green oa mom sill louehteu lheu.;•.s;a ae..were the venae mud tor both purple and blue, 1 del o..ttuii fLinnel 1s the lest cloth for •,ping gilt or btuese return freeirs. A Israeli y•sulity of *aft of tatter ulae..:sd in water is good isolation tor cies g framer, Osie may utilise old ntattilit which is nu Iotagar fresh en..u.eh to look well by ',ottine it under carpets it esti Foo clean• rid perfectly by washing it ou boom sides with hot salt and wane,; ham; at en a line outdoors to dry. (:rate the yellow reed .•f one Eamn; add the juice, our tableap,snt(u1 ..f meter. one half cup of sugar, •,us rYY• au'1 a lust p of butter the sue of a walnut. Let It boil two minutes. Huse -Three cups new niilk,une cup of sugar, one half crap of yeaer. Make a stiff hatter at night, and let it rise until momma. then rdd erre hail cup ,.1 cur- rants. and Rout sufficient to roll out. A little cinnao.ou may be a.ldred, .f Itkrd Cut out Itle biecult, and let rise very light isefore baking. FOR THS GIRLS. LratNrs.. saltier ieadrred Iloilo by ■ Wale Ids leer. Plain and fancy leather -belts promise to he quite as ;...pular for wear with light summer dresses this season at least. They will be worn mimes hat narrower than the immense broad bands of rather worn last summer, which made a girls form look all out of proportion, and the distance from her neck to hey waist about six Inches. Buckles 4 :leather will be looked mon with acorn t.y the advanced yeunt lady, who •i:1 recognize nothing is belts that has not a siker buckle. Salter is the metal, and e, her glove buttoner, perfume cave, chatelaine pease, and t!►1• dozen and one articles which she suspends from her uelt are of silver. the buckle on the mase roust harm .Simi as a matter of tiut..hed taste. Very broad ribbon sashes will be worn :stenaively with dresses of every material. To be eztemivrly .tylish the libbwt isust be extraordinarily w:de, an entire width of milk beim; honked upon u only "a pretty fair width. •'Moore•' ribbon is the most fashwuable ; the sash is made separately from the belt, the Latter being made of a narrower width ,.f ribbon, to go errand the waist. and 4 the 4trge sash is pinned to it at the back. A large quantity of pans is required to do the fastening, to insure its security. or the embarrassing predicament of losing ones sash at the most inoppor- tune time will he the result. Large pins with fanciful heads, designed especially for fastening • sash securely to the belt, are seen, but being somewhat larger than an ordinary every -day pin, they are dra'h to the ribbon. • rate eget. For many years the proprietors ..f Hsityard s Yellow Oil have ••drrr•t to re - fen 1 the money t,, all purchasers of that medicine wlere it failed to give relief it. ease of pain or painful atfecti orae, such as rheutuatuum, neuralgia, sore throat. tsInew. burns, bruises, sprains, stiff joints and coni,. and i it••real or ex- ternal i►lttaram at ion. • •*blas( Ertn. in the course of last aammet some strangers of distinction were induced to visit • wild and aufrrgnented retreat in a distant part of the Highlands, chiefly from the report they heard of an echo, remarkable for the clear and distinct na- ture of it. reverberation. On reaching ' the 'pot from whence the trial of its powers is usually made their guide put his hand to the side of his month and bawled out with the lungs of a Stentur a saleisti,.w in (Mehe, whit+ vers repeat- ed with a precis' u H. at seemed beyond , the expectations of the party. One of the gentlemen, by way of try• ing the strength of his voice, put his . hand to the side of his mouth in the same manner a• hie guide, and called mit "How far are we from hemp These words, much to the surprise of their guide, were also repeated, when poor Donald with a simplicity which brought a smile riper the faces of all present, exclaimed : "Yoe may think it atranje, gentle- men, but this is the first time f ever heard our echo epe•sk English." "i have uo doubt," said the gentle- men, but ,t can repeat other .ant .iages if you put it to the teat," and instantly bawled out anise brief questions is French, Spanish and Italian. "Well, 1 meet say that's very queer : my -Ise father and my own melt have known that echo for more than ,eoenty year., and we never knew it nee nn language but Goalie lesfure. ''Your eeh'y is sore learned, then, than Toe .uppneed 1' said the gentleman, l..ghiwee, though at a Iry whether to impute D.enatd's remarks to archness or .. :,..open vita. "You may say that, hat we an tell yn,t, at r,'• sand the poet follow, wadi so eIprvinis of saneetneal that sees Mob. swt• ly .meei.or to those present, "as this echo has never been nit of the errantry ; where ems aha have got all her edpsa, ion/ CAMPBELL'S T0NIC_ ELIXIR '1.1.'■ agree:Ale yet iedrtR I meant - Veit •tl i , r.;. , ... J v iuLl l de•.I 1 r tot t t litl[ *.114 t.tre of that rl:uir '-1 Eli -onions t•1l.tI.:111L :sloe er r•.tite.'l anal* 4.1110••1•14.1. 4u.1 ni.o.. ty a.'. N,alti Ly l'.uI„r, tt c_kts•np a:rl�i of Hiss It,::rt. i'roul•,t n•-nitw will 1 ,!t w its 11.0 lit t:o t$ e.f > oath a Eat• 11:t1t+1...1, ari..ne; fro:s Lose of K1waf, Ae,ifeorti:n,u:ei 1►:.u•r:es.r;..1hmIla► wr:,l,w-a. diet 1:etxrm.:!.ty n. .. a a at.'t•a tLo o+..rrry (relit 11"::-tont; revs re No ✓ rue•ly nisi •,;Ito m..ie►l.eily t.lielfn 1)�.;s !mill Or haa;;t ati.u,, 11. M 11,11 on 11 .t• welt I,ei11lt t11st of :t t;t•I.i:e mot I...: ; ..i ,•wore., eaeittu;,; the t.rralis of w:�t•,u.;it t.etbuI. slot thea affording Panne l::itllatl.l I.t•ruialwnt relief 'lira ear at:ve pre ire of Col diff.r.ut rom aatics whit the E.Iinrrowans*uns* reinter it usefulhl 'tarot Ilya/v'Iwia. 11.14 a TaleALI.: rasa(dy dor Atones llyepet .ia, w!,iclt is site to .occur to urr.uua td a trimly chit ram Eor Insis.verial.o.1 111.Mh1.. ,„lives of A;.ivetite, l ses,ns14.ne•; , aril lu aiM•s j cp wII... a•rc tut effective tool certain a u- Iaut is n.tuin•.t the 1.oar will I(sitid IIIL'ail:at,l`. lu }'iters 1•f a M:Hari:.! Type, and {leu various. evil n•auila following expo- sure. to the r,i.f or wet wertbcr, it will ',Porn a Talilat,le restorative, as the cumIu,a4.o1 of ( tan-lama,Ca:iasya au.l H rriientara ern unireniaLy r•engeiztd as apelcilice fur the aluve-iwWtd dlaur- ISOM. 'Du(J by ,ell lkaalrr, in Forney !/cd:ciaes. Prim, 11 per 16411, or Det 1:.f,l.:s for Ili Davis & Ltwrcnue Co. (Limited) SuLl. A.tlaTll, Morrnt:At., 1'.(4. W' PF,RRY DAVIS' 'mit PAIN -KILLER ra secounLSDLP IIT f'Rvsi irt,u, Xi ti.•rrt, lfiaalnnnres, .Y.taevers of �'.uPP, iea 11",tic-aree.e, 1'IIa;A111 •7:a, Ysrw•a ts1 11.apit4b, -.s short, rreryieslly eowryrhrre sl,, iols ever goers it atria/ TA\Kw Overlie 'LET *1555 •ITN u .: LASS or NOT fltut Awp t..uaa, IT WILL as r e.D • TAIWSI e • CCRS TOE {SUDDEN COLDS, CHILLS, COx- UF.STIOif OR STOPPAGE OF CIi:CULATION, CRAMPS, " PAINS IN THE STOMACH, srx- SYit AND R"Wr..L CO'MPLAIN'TS, r *ORF. THROAT . to. APPLIED $ZT66XALLI4 EIPE1IFSCE Nita P507E1 IT Tilt WNW STrtC11v6 ANw stuT LIS11t6AT oa SART* 11 It5107110 TNI{ PAIN Artery Fro* SPLtI' . flRt'1SCS, 1211E1 at.1- TISM• NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, Tel(ITIIACHE, I: t-I:NS, FROST MTES, Sec., Le. Xiirta 1r. R tt4e. rt.r. Dewar* of Irn:tations. -5c CAMPBELL'S - CATHARTIC COMPOUND® is effective in email dn.w•s., acre without Griping, ties not ole ••SOWti ABN+ea, and will not cr-ate t.. t i o: t and r. , tt;;'- o ion AA do a:nny of the to,ual cathartics ad- ministered !n tba turn of fink. Ar. Lsdi(•a and Chil- ds, n l.a\ in_ the bold, w negro mn- macha take this m.di.:iite without trou- ble or complaut. ("t Vrsui.t.'s l'A rntttl lr' C•se Mf'fn is especially adapted 1 'r the cure of Livia CoxrLA*.n •5 It RILInrs 1)1.- ORIIEQa. Fon. A.'*. STONArtt A'I'D L.M. or Ar• rat LTE. f'nw Vit'\ HSADAPnt AND nrarcntA. }'..0 ("ow.Tt1.4m.y Os ('oalteRrr..a. FOR At.t. CoNal.tiwrt 'A11saw: ►•R..11 A DuftotDEItxn STATE Or THE ISM. N Actg. ,Thia medicine being in liquid form, the dose can be easily r•itntated to a,.0 L that rl,tnwrcuselttmi.( ets#wresse1let•• .••ns. thus making it P9II;Ily weil a.tapted :I the use u( the little child au t:' the ad'ilt. rut tip in three ounce in tics, and an:d Ly ail dealers In family medicine's. rrm�ra�'w,_ CAMPD T I18 4,0 This 414; deil yet aaoteable nt' O w adaptedW'tor t ref fie mod 1, are of char riot of thereat'', attendant "polo • len or reduced stage of tM system, sun Lusty r• ossllyawie,t by Pslt,r, Weakness and Pal- pNsr.aa a( dee Heart. Prespl reals wi$ L.tb.. Is me in cases of Selden E ahauaisre seas from lases e/ Siad. Aute or Chronic Ih.ra.e.. and in the notate.. the Invariably e cow.ps„ie she germ -Pry tow W au iaa Few.. N. remedy min (ere more relief in 1)r .w Iwdii.oetn. For s Ire=• .bed bleed. Low D( Appetit.. I)r+ psadmey, wad is all ear. whore an Pratt Ira and (a,r.Ie .41. srismia,K i the ELIXIR soli be Itowad sevalt'- eF Sa/J Fy all !)eaters iw A/r.1i. iwrr. DAMS k LAWRENCE 00. (i1"ii) �_.. 1,.•.r... MONTRI AI, P. Q. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER nraLCILEtzFRIoo 1-4: so' -rate-' -.• A. ( - - t! Aii JOB P8INTING BR\ DESCRIPT1ON EXECUTED W? i 11 NEATNESS NN AND DISPATCH AT THE \ SIGNAL lig BELL ENVELOPES Wholemate sad ltatalL -VT IiIT' E - Business Envelopes We are prepared to supply Envelopes in any quantity', at the following LOW PRICES: A Good No. 6 White Enve:ope at 80c. per M, or 2c. a p'k ge A Good No. 6 White Envelope at $1.10 per M, or 3c. 'a pk. A Rood No. 7 White Ensetope at 81.25 per M. or 4c. a pk. A Good No. 7 White Ent elope at 8 1.4 0 per M. or 4c. a pk. A Good No. 7 Wkite Envelope at - $ 1.75 per M. or 5c. a pk. Half of Quarter Thousand. at same rate as for 'Thousand Lots. Ladies' Envelopes, the very hest quality in the ,markt. for the moneT. Good Quality Ladles' Square Envelope. 5 Cents a P'k ge, 25 in.Pk. rim Quality Ladles' Square Kos -elope 7c. a bk. or 4 bks for 25c. Call and See Them "THE SIGNAL"' OZI.JP PRINTING OFFICE. DEiIVE IN TEAS! 114,1, r e.,,.: J.pan \.•w Tues Kan ai (itgnur Jap., . from ark. to S`c. per Ib. .l apererte.talt. In 1 otuut Try sto .5. Young IIysui, and dud u 1 sP At C. anted I'crr. S Its. for 'I n:a Tea se vs' mil to any sold .0.. lb. by pestles .. Ialra 0,1.11 \'onn,t 11. sen, frusta 151•. lb, up. Ilyes. ":ea .., •, IbIRA. Ifni). for t!1 311. 6. ('healer u. 1Lr u.arket. I. age tat en ul etekeast% CRABB'S, Coderich. INS G(k DS Js•: u{.enrd out a full ae.,rtm.-rat of my • s at in.putileions. an.: it. girl at e beebreadea .. yrs, ea, I TIse1 luabiarrr., Moot Detain'.. M..ltas mot re/as.. tweed. aid 4 Nl_ttades N PItirlte 6e AAIs_lall. 1d"Ca!: a..,1 a •e. .11 way ► Wayward to Will% .tw k. Santo t..,i ,rutge'. t' , old ►:aa.l on the Square. t ♦pet 7th. ISE. 33p1tfC. CRABS, Cko ! •erioh. NEW SPRING 2OS ABRAHAMSMI'PH, TAILOR & CLOTHIER, 11.s juat ree••Ited. and is now opening a l.ar,te *45ur:.n.•nl of READY-MADE MEN'S AND BOYS' SPRING SUITS.. .1 tau ata hand a lar je stoat. of she LATEST PATTERNS OF TWEEDS ANG CLOTHS F..r ILe rake -up of "I'!tl].: -1 1'1 ORDERED WORK A SPELL .LY I ABRt1c3A ISS M IZ'I3'f3. East ziide 3 tuarc. Ooderi: b. March fli►, -. sie IF Ycrt' WANT it YCII WANT IF YOU WANT BARGAINS l'Al.I. .AT TIIF:---- Toronto Cash Store THE SPRING STOCK I$ NOW COM PLETi:_ se -As are loviltd to come and examine the quality and price.Z1 Remember the stand :-THE ToitO\TO ('ASH endue. a09r)EA.7 Zv.£azZager_ Guderich. Au, i "-Orb, 1(M7. 6911•3sa M233 S CSN. The Latesi FreIlch and American Styles! HATS, BONNETS Feathers�loRrers,,Fancy Trimmings The Chicao House. Agent for Domestic Patterns. V.'K8T r4TREF:T. (iQI,EPICR Ooderic April9th. tribe. INS DANIEL GO CABINETM ANT) LEADING UNDERTAKER S N. Anyone can adserttae. but I can show the Meek.' i have mors stock on Mand than td' two housed In tows to select from. FURNITURE. i have nower hand Indifferent sty len of liednw,n Snitea. s ditf.•n :it styles of Sideboards, 3 Parlor eu;tea, and Mason anything in the Fnrnllur• tin,•, all a( which will be sold AS s'11EA1' Alt TIIK CIIF.API.'*r ANIS DON T \1St FoltOET IT. 1n the t'Ni1ERTAKING T give personal altrnlion. ani the benefit now of nearly 14) year. ezperlewee. i think 1 have the best Hearer, In the ('atom. of Iinron 1 will lease the public to kedge. [t have every tiling asnally kept In a first-class establishment• such as Caskets. C'oiltm. Shrouds. Habits, Gloves, Crape,, d•c. Embalming done when required. WI Guarantee to give satisfaction In every cane. 1)LD ST.)ND BETWEEN P. O. ANI) RANK OF Mt►NTRE.1L Oederich. 1f. pt. Oh. IAN. GIH -Ss PATENTS CORD WOOD. COMFITS. TRADE IIUS AND coryigrons Obtained. and all business in the la li.ate„t °Mee al tended to at .tdOPICIL4 TI. Ft:P.N. ' Our ratline Is opposite the P. 8. Patent M - flee, sod worst. obtain Patents in leas time than those remote from H'/XNJAW TON; Bend MODE:1. OR PR.1T1'INU. We ad- visees d•visees to patentability_free of charrggee • and we sake AOCNA NON UA"LR,SM WIC OR Tat[N VA We refer, herr. to {fir 1aiidtiii i-teTl•=.ifer fluff. of Mosey Order iDiv„ and to °Metals of the U. S. Patent OM,c. For cin .,lar. advice. terms and reform'••s to rental chants in your own innate or O'omitJ write to C A. _MW ACO.. l'rrwonfo wishing gond enril wood at the low. net rates e.u.1141 the same promptly supplied by h'a%intt their order,. at GEO. OLD'S STORE. IOur ager: sill call at the store daily for -.len.. Al«, on hand. a lot of cheap wood Duels a. short slate.. tsl raps, ere. All the �SOW .'5 .1r 11015145)1 tett »Op w d.eliaar.d, as the buyer deatrrs. 'romptnewn g'.sran- ' teed. XAVIER BMBCHLER, Vail Re.srve 3I111s. opposite Patent (►IM e, Washington. D.C.) June ted. Ma. 11/10-17 R.W.MCKE-NZIE IMPORTER, tri?te--ti7P Wholesale' and Retail Dealer in SHELF*.*AND *.• HEAVY HARDWARE, P8INT8, OILS AND GLASS, GODERICH.