HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-5-13, Page 6d he Poets Rosner. Tim Sarheler's Mltllger. 1 de not like a girl tkat'. tall, A girl Ika1•s short is aura teas all ; A girl l hat's 01111 1 would am woe. A girl that's pert 1. odious too ; 1 sigh not for the girl that'. tat. And uun That s Ira,. Is worse than that 1 would not court for our fleet's old. Palma. intend. she'. gut 111. geld Anil one that's young 1 would not not. For youth t• tk•kls, su'Os sold : I wouLl nes have • girl that'. lair, And one that's dark i cannot bear; A awl of onto 1 could pot rule. And )r1 1 would not sed a fool; A dialing girl 1 would not take. tier she my heart would surely break : A girl that talks from morn till night. 1always lout.nt nal:atfrtaLt 1 and it vett' bard to suit. I cause of hat tag so ranch fruit No pick trail Adam, 1 belie,.:. 1'be obly weatan then vise Fare : But le no doubt deemed her a prise - llr look her and hest Paradise Mee Thr t lark. • The best clock needs regulating and winding alien the 11ma11 sprints runs down. $o, too, also t'.e hui tan machi- nery gives out, it needs rrqu1atin.1 and the uhaiu alriutt rune t•i..,e nerds ton• tug. Burdock Mood Hitters will regu- la'e alit' tone all broker, down c •ndutions of the syatrm. In purchasing 11. B. 11 besarr .4 count, tfed*. 2 Maeseed. that 1 *.re. Mall' people t:ace been pazzled to an- der..rand why the diantonits Toru in ear- rtnys 1.y :adire noteada; s maintain ',rich a ce.II t•at ,Iuiteri i utoti .i. 1t makes nu didereIa - that the hest' ..f the wear- er is ul perfect rrp.,ae. and that she is even speechlets, and, therefore, riming no muscle •.t face of gem. The secret is in the srttio_ of the .1,4111o11.1. avid the meth.,) is it latent dry ice. The paten- tee is rral.ing a royalty of CO) apiece' from every nnu,nfe,•iurrii4 iexel:rr to whutn he aet't ti:e pit cile;;e of using it. The stone is set in the usual wanner, except 1l the band, like the handle of a diwmlutiee basket, is attached tat the framework. 'Vs the under side .1 this band is a cup lie cavity. On lower part .1 the hoop is a projecting pin pointed with rhodium, a metal which never wears out-soinewhat like the iri- dium with which vtlded.,prue ars tippsl- Nuw, whin the diamonds are put in position en the hoop, the rhodium paint projects Otto the cep. The result is what scientists would call a condition of unstable equilibrium. Like this pea b:•rwa with a pipe by a .chvolboyi the diamond is given no yrs:, with thedidLrr- ea» that n., effort is required to keep i dancing. The metal point n..rer wean aft.-Pittaburg Dispatch. from ails irreg. While out skating last winter. I:. Var. u., of Blandon, Man., g,•t 1„s fret badly :rotten. Ile robbed- them with snow, and then applied Hagyard a ) Aloe t irl, shit.h speedily carni them, :cud sated Item (rum beteg a cripple. _ A einlry toss. 11tr Derhyshiie. sof I:reel:rine, dm acritese the ideal utilch cow as fellows ) The prat poiut W be determined is what the animal is rr.Iutred1 for, wheth- es for the cheese factory or l■or the dairy. A general purpose cow .canted now be had, sty more than a race horse cannot by made out of a draught animal. Dat- ing f•,aod an $uigal soiitable for your purpose, breed from it. 1/un is a lairy sow. mud these are the essentials : Plenty of brain roem. Seven.. -Large bright eyes. r.romin - eut an4 ttkitd, ��iitirJ.--Bead muzzle, with large, dilating ,nostrils, showing her to be a good feeder and :ante et runner e.f oxy- gen.-- Fourth..-1....m.;, lean face, same as a race horse. Deep, broad through the body. behind the shoulders. Sound, l.r'ai and full brisket, showing targe size of Julie and comfort while lyint; nnwll. ..... Broad of hips awl straight back, :n•tng a characteristic well/0 shape to the '.•..iy, and stroml digestive qualities. Fiat :mid i. a w illi ivaioeine hams in hod plenty . t r•e.m for large udder att:.cl n,( -1,t. nub long line of absorptioe. earned wr11 forward, gir ire plenty of st, rale r. nu. Then elas- tic skin, an.t a until temtn•rttnent. Neck tapering. tine at..' not Peshy, strong jointure of spine to heal. Plenty of nervous activity, and r u 11..te the Com- bined characteriste • t'..tt ar. essential to a dai est cow Mall Moans a rtfFl, 'dc(lreger & Pork •• • Cxt ...lir effete has been tried and found to he the only positive cure for Salt I:hen:,t Punting., )11rtches on the face or hand, ('uta, Runts, Iirnises, or any s. re that n .thing "les will heal. Try Mct:regor k I'arke's Carbolic Perste. 2:►c I er hot at (leo Rhynes' dr* Muses Id, }lave you Toothache, Um F:uid Light niter. Home yon rheumatism/ 1'se Fluid Lightning. Have you a Stiff .r•.int I 1 ae Fluid Li1g1it- ning Have you Neuralgia' Use Fluid tight nin:. Have foe Lnnths9•. ' 1 se Fluid IwaM• Are c trcnhl.d with Headache? Use Fluid Lightning. Hoye you any Pain 1 1'w Fuld Light - oina It will ewey"a the instant it is applied. Try i:. lac per bottle at (1. Ravage' drag stunk (l. TIIE HURON SfOl.kt, FRIDAY, NAY 13, 18811 lc the history of medicines no preps ration 1►aa reseived such universal coin nieudation, for the all.vtation affords tend the I•ermaos.l cure it effects in kid- aey diseases as 1/r. Van Buren's Kinney One. It. sties in these dtetressteg ceinplainta is simply w..uder(ul. Stili b1 J. Wilson. gut Hay loser is • type of catarrh having peculiar aympt.uo•. it is attended by aft tuaarned o..udtut.0 41 the rising metu- braues of the uestrils, tear -ducts and • throat, affecting the lungs. An acrid memos is secret ed the dtachargeiaacc..tit- palsied with a bur - Y soneatiun. There are severe •pasta• of ane.tairet, fre rieut attacks of headache, watery and iuttatu• ed eyes. Ely's Cream Italia is a rebs dy that can Ise depended upon, :xlcts. at druggists ; by nail, reglteretl, t(' ts. Boy Brothers , Druggists, (►aolf., New York. _ ly N.see Sete. In (:rrt•t Britain the question of Home Rule is commanding attention. To the mon with a cold in the heal or cheat the safest nay t.. ensure Ht nee Huai ..ter a cold is to have en hand a Dottie of Dr. Harvey's Rol ruse Gum. For sale at J. Wilson's Prescription drug store. tf Dont apehighe i' Run no risk in huyieg wediciue, hu• try the great Kidney and Liter regula- tor, glade ht. Dr Chase. *tither of Chase's r.oeeinei. Try Chase's Lever Cute fur all assesses of the Liver. Kidneys, Stomach and Bowela. bold by James Willson, druggist. A rrwalaN. Life. Few men have see i. 'shed the some atuonnt of work and ¢.•..d in this world as the colebrateI Dr ('hese. l)vet 500,11110 of his works have been sold in Canada •lone. We want every person troubled with Liver Complaint, bys- pt psin, Headache, Kidney ,tor Veiny Troubles, to bur a bottle d Dr Cheops Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medi•itlle and Tteesijps Book $L SAL bjr alt druggists. 8. S. a.- _l. W.rklwg Seder. "My husband /was trot'•., --i %ith dyspepsia for more than f ►r r.•ar.. Two exp.rient-ed physician, .1:.! ht t n• good. .%'e .t discouraged. 1141111 w., read if Burdock Blood Bitters.: h. took only two bottles and now is as ars a► ever, and doing heavy w..rk An the ante." Mrs Itichard 1: owe. Herby. Ont. 11 B. B. has cured i t t. worst cases of chronic dyspepsia. 1 a tree cin. Around each le,ttle of Dr Chain's Liver Cure is a medical guide and receive b.t.k containing useful itif•.r.uatinn, over 20) r••'eit:es, and pronounce.' by doctors and d•utrgists to worth ten ti ' the cost of the medicine. Medicine mid book tl. S..ld by all (Iruggists. Sr .0 leer cased. I1on't a!1••w a cold in the head t1 slow- ly and surely run into Catarrh. when ou can he cured for .5c. by using Dr. • Catarrh Cure. A few apphca- tiobs :are incipient catarrh : 1 to 2 beet cure* ordinarycatarrh i 2 to 5 boxes is guars teed to cure chronic catarrh. Try :r_ it. (hl .nod sure cure. Bald by all dr is ly Eon anode rattan lard. A skim young man in the height of fashion was violently meeting in a street car, when acomp ton remarked. "A w, Chawles, dealt Soy, tow d'ye c:.t.:h that dwea.lful cold." " w, tleah fellah, left my Faust in- the lower \hall tether day, and in Suakin` the leery handle, so dsrcadfut sold. it chilled a altatst to death.` If Charles had via d Dr. Har- vey's Arid Pine Gunt his c .td`would sot trouble hire very much. F.,r ?ale at J I ila,n's prescription drug store. tf T. Ib. 1Se4I.e1 rrsse.se.a. sat all whom IS may c Ph••e Ihatine, or Nerve Pow, a Platy ff este Klemwtt based times Scientific }'acts, Funauated by Professor Austin, M. L. of Rumen, Mass., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo Lind Neuralgia and all wasting disease* of the human system. Phosphatmte is not a Medectes. but a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetanle or Mineral Poisons, Opiates N ut ,rtes, and n.. Stimulants, hut sirup, ly the I'htaphatie and (lartrie Clements found in our daily f,tuli. A single i...ttle is authciont to convince. All I►ru„t(tats sell 1t. $1 00 par bottle. Lowest' & Co".. sole agents for the lw,aaut:oa, 55 Front Street Feast T..ronto FOR SALE. Lot No. 668. on Victoria -et. in the Town of Goderich. tit copied by TIit'MAti a1c111t11)t. This :to Is situated n a Mood ,,art of the Town. 1l her erected thereon a 14 dor) house, •tr•th altchen attached. a l:t. h ha. teen pa:mat lately. and is in a good state of prr- Mrrra,:un. '1'EltMtr• Or SALE :- Half rash. and bal •-,.•e on mortgage to roll pt.rchas. r. Pus further particulars apply to the under- 4111'11'; odes atgua. (;AR11O V • kI;(►b'DF(F(IT, Age- n1e for owner. Hat.•::rh, Sept. ink. 122.4. Aon ' f BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONNS 1• the» are rotas Inferior • -.1s. corded with jute. •map, ete.onfercvl and u.d n• l'..ra.l•a ley angle un - 1,J chants trod. i ins m ug en tate reputation of our wiera e.r l'eraSsr. we warn the lalitsy-atust sorb ttnpost:ion by draw- ing their atteetbe to this iie Basi ty Wareing that bks nit -At `O101IPTON CORSET N. is stormed of Inner aide of c:: Corslim Boole. slthos! Whisk nuns sae aeaalfrr To the Chinos ofSolortok .t`:• rl l:1:'lt?l,l\tl 1'VL'\'11:1' : If iv' ntr pnrchase.t the ger, will and less'- . et oar well=ttnown tvar.elssn. H. t'latas, a.e etre prepared to 1u.ai1 kinds of PAINTING k DECORATI•NG emhrae,••t in our Erse. 11' t x ..t, to inform fl a good people of ibis e1ntln.tn:'y that wr a..• :1n 1.1 star. twits, .ttiently w- are prepared :o part the 'motet ernes going. Sotiriun*a fair *herr or your patronage. we are yours to r ot*atan!- ELLIOTT & PRETTY. N. 11 -.tt'e make a specia:ty o' Pape"•1taall- isa,arNi ksi seeninlag. Godes:. h. Jas. r. toe. " 7 011! 31' THE KEY 7;O :IEALTH. '- lC'rhr;c• elith' clae:. 1 prnc_a a the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry it:;( oft :;nt luso)c' w,thrr::t weakening the ey-.te14, aa tke impurities end fuel li•:ir.ore t tt 'r►a' at the carne time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, runrtg Biaot:snevs, Dys- pepsia, Heeetach_a, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Bki.a, Droray, Dimness of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum. Eryeipettts, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nerrousress, and Gen- eral Debility; a:l three and many othc'r similar Cre l,:ai_ta 1 to the bans ir,luenea c: 11UT''.DOClC BLOOD BITTERS. L 1113tIf A CA. I 'sir!»-. Tervel► C( it E8 Al.!. iit.YIOlth. from :. , Iii n..n Motets. • r Erep Ito t.. Sts. wv.rst ttrrolala. salt.rsiee '4 Fever *ores," Sealy or noise tibial. in that, all .assts -s •aused uy hth•.d ..n• t' ,nauem,t by tine powerful, ;met t Ina. and invigorating ts• tine. Orono Emtln` racers rapidly heal undo., its bin nigh I2 n.•n(r. E.pesiall )• has tt IDaatfrMee In n••• In • ming Tetter. sone Mase'. Not la. earbnurlen, Sore Ey cm, Se ref• n loua bores and vskelliuss, allp- joint DI.•a.e. Waite teure11Inis, Golfer, or Thick Hsieh, and Enlarged filande. N•u.'. ten .manta In stand's C,r a Imre, testi'.. wrth eokw'd ores*, on ewe Din t...•s, or the same amount for a treattw Sal s.-rotoheta Affr.thata. " TNI( 111111.000 as Tle.r.,urhlvc.-nt,w it ity}using Gold's Medfeal Dfseovery,snd good dlee.uou. a fair akin, b.aoyaal spat Ito. nod s teal strewg(th, will bet•Mabilsetd CONSUMPTION, which is aerofale of site Lassie, is ar- r.n+l tool Bund by thio remedy. if taken tee- fo'n• the Inst stage" of the dtsa.r are n'h hod Fri nl n" ttarr.•h,ta power over this n mild; fatal dhows,. when lire offering 7A•, sow ielehrated remedy to the puhIM. 1)r. Pl. net thotirht a rtotlaly of rolling bre "t oat ansspllon ('+rett" Istat st,tcdoi 4 than name op t. . II.Uttc for a nir,lttie* x'bN b from Its wonderful c..mtenation of tonic. In atr•rtithening. slte-rwttve, or blca.l h•nnstor ant-t,iHote,, polorid. and nuts 11'r- •hw. Is unequaled. not tmly no a ., roe do for oat:guumption. but for all (bromide Dias eases of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. if yon feel dull droves.. ,re sallow ..t1..r of skin...r yrf4,w4h-Ion.. a .t410 on tam lar hotly, frequent Meda, b.• • t dials t.'. had twig*. In tptotatli, Inter r:..l 'out tin iNllls sN •patina wtT M,t Sushi •, hew •p(iMn ■ ml ahem!) fpr.-taeliusa. trreiritar notrel1., NMI cited ti ngr N•. you are wont r ring (r.' indigestion. D ap.gpsla. ,n.1 Terry L iver. or "Nitleaeae..." In ninny teem onl) part of these symptoms at. \le•- ritocrd. A. n remote for s:i such esses, D r. rleirrr•a Bolden Medical 81.. *emery is un•.urtw/.rd. For peek L.wg% oritt I sqi of sloor, Shortness of Breath. Strom - 'While. Asthma, Severe Co.Shs, and ktn.:m1 aw♦o.ff•th)w.na.t'n.iIriY an/ 1 a •N-eat•nt OMa.w 1T a. or S;I STTLI$ for •5.10. send ten cents in stators few Tyr. Picot r testa on c•ewt.umptt,m. A4.t... World's DI.pen.ary Mesterei Aero. elation, en Hain r'tr•-•t. Nrrrsio. 1H. Y. $500 REWARD Is ogerad by the proprietors ( In. Page a Catarrh Remedy In a cow of catarrh .Mels they ratter* ono, f f ren says a .1!.- wrwe fr-in the Mar. 'Rensltr or otherwise. partial hr of Mel. table, or leering weak oyes. dnll_raln we preemie es bead. rr hove (1lwrrh. Thou- 1110 ewes trttnlnet. In frinforwplien- Tt►. air ••t trtliwrl Raw►nT.11ra$h vial,( types of Catarrh.'feed 1n *be psoas __ clltarrhal gea/P :ss. 110 nota Tisa W3Rzer .. .tmzKy. Ne 7io iruvnd wrU.- THE BEST IY THE CHEAPEST. New Fruits, New Nuts, New Teas, NEIY G000S EVRYBODY INVITED TO COME AND SEE THE Finest Collection l I F CHINA r..•r opt nett out iuGoala•rit h. C. A. NAIRN, Court House Square. Uoderich lee. 3t h. IAss. 3' JUGS '4.1'1!1 INE LUNCI . LIV CR BLa04. (.El' 'TIME BBF -ST. For Coughs. CoIde. t:orrahroat Week l unts, Dr. Jags mrd. n.• :r lits '.eel. rt is the chit dens tnrdal:ie. siople avid MIST o tats The Istat knewn seined I •..r Heads* lie. Itd,ousi.r.r and • o.:,pal Lola .s lir Juga 1'.:ie, Ilba• 1 le gruel. t Fur .a1, at Y. Jordan* 30 DAYS SALE A discount of Ten per cent will be allowed on all purchases over one dollar. J. C. DETLOR & Co. t:odrri.is. Feb. I:lh. 1:1•7. C. L. McINTOS$, Neat door to I:hynaa Drug Store. Le. ;.ii coSrtantly adding to h1•- well - selected stuck. choice Fresh Grocerros, ire vitt oe ro•tn • to ''•l p .- ....,., beth u regards quality and price. with any other ecce► in this au -laity. TEAS AND SUGARS A `PK('IAI.1'Y. in returning thanks to my cosrinpen felt it, {...towage, 1 w,rii'd "1-u incite say eft! ers who w III• ti). all and inspeet my stork. C. L. MCINTOS$._ /11 /I tt'rrt ..de of the rtivar_e C.alerieh. Feb. 19:1.. G-0DERICH PL/LVI G MILL F:S1 AIt1.l.-IIED I6 Buchanan7Lawsel = Robinson NAN! t'A. :t•g:KS 01 Sash, Doors Blinds l.Etl.k:it$ I% A11. Klan. 01 LIiIllber, Lath, Shin 1e*, sad bender • ma:rrial of every description. HAYIWO RE - re RHDINED ar ubep is the latr•a 4,yIe. pot is Three Nr Sarin r t'hdn. we of Mem Our ode mated Itoch.ster fining C h.Ira sad drsd a journeyman yar\r•r. or ars is a position t..doge/Mr .. k than hereto- fore. holy'. a Children's Hsu eittiog teeth ya gucl.ky un all days •meet wtorday. Razor, awl St•ItaOfy ;rooted WM_ KNIGHT +111 N .,at Street, t d..ors rata of P.O.. ti▪ od.rlek Keep Your Feet Dry! 1 ,.o .•an do : tu• u t a s ery t nlltntt oast by bowleg :our BOOTS & SHOES, AT THE STORE OF E. DOWNING, ' 1 bate nos on ..and the largest stork ever shown 1n Uoderirb, and comprises every line se walls t.,•it:d ins tint.claas .i:.. atom. from the Anent kid, tlroligh all the toter mediate grads' to the h:.. hest cow Lets. 1 w :.: a.•11 nt Prices that Will suit Everyone. Ladies' Boots, in Button or Laced, frog 11.00 to 15.00, Iisses and ChildrEn';, Strong School Boots, from 75c. up. Boys do., $1.001 up, ali other LinEs Proportionately Cheap. 1 el -as 'tai will edit TW. WI la gibes Siad Wesel. ▪ 13 0 -ver. G Caab1's Block. Cerner Est mot and Square. X.Us-Ti the tesi'. lisstbry and ea flags la any c egtlty at Iwwelt Prices. Th. GreatestLuxuryObtainable for Impaired or Diseased Vision is a Pair of (14he Celebrate! Anis Cut Pebbles ! I IuSll FURiITURE A SPECIALTY. arA leder promptt)lateoc?ed.t.. MP 6sierkb .A nae 2.ISM. 2-17 L A. M P The fraud.- that have been perpetrated en tie ,pectacle wearing a e radle f'.,.elr 1 was People s Livery l,lll.11l' lot- moat spectacle Realer• ane' past:,11ar• be Living agtsu111et1 and `V STA PIE' I Pori'''.ly N on- Expr.siv.. ETES: LAMP lin iranteed. Made In al- l.ty les -Tabte. tiradtet. to attach to cban• deiierl Lanny. etc.. lc. JOHN KNOT, Proprietor. Thr ubecr fiber is prepared to urrish the ; a0,, tic with The Finest Rigs AT REASONABLE PRICES e/ CA CALL AND SEE CS-Uppe the Colbor l%e. tp6trV Hole liodench. ,hitd npwatds. I .nde►ich. see. 1178 1st 1/as Wanner C p White !eohin Picas ata Organ all frons the nest wcelar ted make»=e tat t7. tt. GEO. W. THOMSON,. t. 11. •..Irno . rasps Howe Fist o[ ,''w.e.bta I'an:_1r 111!. +�IiSr•:f 11H.' RNjl' LEIRATED D" CHASES' s nris.rws LIVER CURE , HAVE you ,� GOBRICH BOILER WORKS HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY j;.., Isms/soots is Lsoainq Mewl, on Forte ee••'arif,r at L»red /{calls of it.lereat. 3t1(►RTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK iiI:ANCH. 5, 4 and i per 1". of. Int.v••t .Illowrsl un - Ife1r,.net.. •i,'fnr.f.Nri t., rt,Nnrt tat and 11 WI. l: it. OM( : ( or. of Market Square and North Street. ti derich. 110FtAt E. HOI:TO11, 1d saNi Atalsrto, .Ant.Nk 1st). toga Coss Complaint, r>t•pessia. isefenstion, Ril,nsieuu lanndpv, Header. he. Donne,. rain to the H..h e.t•vene,a, or any di•rsr twiuna from a dosses i.... Da. CsAtw, Live truss wilt w(Mandai tad cos. needy. NATURE'S REMEDY 11.. wwgaalifrJ woman of Dv (ha•.. Liver Care k Li es Complaint rest. *del, ,tIt tee fact that it •.atpnaedrd fro.n.r.r:..rtl.h,o.. ^ Hop reg.iato. Masns,.t AND D.sotr.s+a, ,:nwbined with maw Ake. invaluable rn.o. hath. .not herbs, har�lg +raid l sssct an the Mewls. Stomach, &men ass R►eUd 1100.000 SOLE ^ser mar -•tai/ Soames rf De. c e sa'a Rands And .Tri seder ,. • .epoch Wove. we woof troy sort w aro ..d . ;am peke Ir tee..,.I sold Leper lea Maser re to 44, •rrr$M tweed,. Swann, sae tots flora MB Arpr�A .e, .04 .'•�, 1•..et's �f i>• limos'.. liver Col? s odsable Ii•v dd Medical Imide std Rsaip ansh (lk L motioning gree ahs .oat ratieM t.edir.1 r. mot *Awn r l�r�� be, an.1 worth ..n firers the prim dtk. endleiss. TRT Caws ''lyssa. Coat A sial abs Polio TRY Caws Unity sn Lvs s Pius. 'o re*. en ben e )L7 NY ALL DLALER8 •M rt .. • : GC•• eek. sies.% sbedsaw Chrystal & Black 1 )lannfartnrrn of all kinds or STURMAN!. 888111. U►STINT AND TIJM(LAI BOILERS. ALT PANS. BYOKB STACKS anti all kinds of Sheet Iron work, TL18 ASO WATT* M►r r1TIl8G5 constantly on Safi. On hate'. ready fee deliver) SS ■-P. Sew Steel Railer. 1 a ■.P. Sew Roller. A gemplata 21d -hu i Tbrasbitg ORtit Millet Engine. SePararrw. he all n lewd wnrki NI order. will be "old cheap. Mall orders will receive prompt utsatloe. Works 1 flop. G. T. S. aea/1.w. P.O. BOX 381 Oedertch,'Stay I6(k. AIL fancy names to ordinary Maks:.. speak, for the ignorance' of the public generally. in the all-important subject of the preservation of Might, There ere only two article: from which the spectacles lenses Cali 1N' manufsetur(rl. viz : Pebble and glass -call ;gaps by, any other name, it still remain'' gla.. Pebble, on the other hand, i- from nature's own inanufact(.rr. It is a natural crystal found 'generally in free- stone formation, and i• harder than the ruby and emeral•l, and near- ly as hard:as the Elias ,iii1. The Pebble is not Moire or Tess than a transparent stone, est by aid of diamond dust, and the greatest amount of power is placed immediately over the centre of the grain in alpebble. It will give to the spectacle wearer the coolness, freshness and a pleasant feeling that the rnlinary spectacle len•tic' cannot by any possibility impart. All spectacles and eyeglasses are stamped B. Land cap only ate purchased fmrn 70=•&iiaV ' °•w... Druggirgt, Ctoderttllli. April:1h tat'. EASE AND SECURITY This cot represents the double tow W11 boat the belt. Note +Lr lens tins of the i shappes Springmined.d in the Pad. h, tripoli • ('I'Ns?ANT bee rrsy 1\'It 'ARDanti CPMARDD Dreamt re *imports the hernia whys the truss a ajtiered. GEORGE RHYNAS, - Druggist, sot, 33A,C1- ENT. C -O D£RIC February 0th. 12111 laal Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. " . 13ARIY, CABINET - 141.1KE1. AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Godericb A anal a"sfrterwt et Rltehps. nett -room. ilna!tg R.sow and P.rbr caret err well as Ts 1,8.. (tbst,-. (hs. ease aitd Loyd we zed Cupboards. NM osseus 8.0 trews. 11a.b.t•041 teonget.Sots&. w hat Nola, iw.k:ng (Waimea. N. R. A templet. w.s ssatrt sf ('sew* sled meta.:+ dears M %sae. ells UMW, s ht) Ia at r.stasable rate.. net ere Travelog a tiPdsity,-A tMltls 11 sal r