The Huron Signal, 1887-5-13, Page 21
and flat the mine room is the begluutnl{ tn.eatM TaasMys.
uta subterranean tie to mows
• [rase.
war It*) mule• 'lantana, through which un
olden tones the kings of these on,
countries assisted each other in tunes
of war. The eyes of the faithful can
also see here • third sacred river -but u
we are infidela is the 11uadou faith our
eyes remained closed to the beauties t 1
this stream. Wending our way along •
marrow, slupinly, serpentine military
rued, walled on either side by heart
stonework de(r,ou, and guarded by •
sours of frownieg *slack cantons ready
to twerp out ut existence all usfunu• were lustre potent for good than the site -
sate ietruden, we curve to the ditch and
drew -bridge which Is of little prettiest
F'le remedies they had borers a rustumad
sat now so warfare ; this creased. the to ; and to this ocnnecuwt it may be
hates ere reached. A timelier of red- said that the less they knew about the
Coats are l,aculg up and duet in front, remedy snot She mune mystery surround•
lint a military salute's suthciea.t in these
days, and we paw in, no questieus ul.g it the greeter their faith in as heal -
quiet ing powers.
T¢• 'Bali encloses an area 4.1 &beet 73 No one ever thought of finding a cause
simeh, covered over closely for the most for his ailment. \1 hen he because sick
pert with strongly built stone beiracits,
mag$ZInes, store news, the r.- tet was a •1*cial interference of Prove
sutence of the getsailor aso the .,tticers' !dance 1,, punish him for has wickedness.
quarters. Within the fort there are , If • child was sick, it was a puuishmmst
generally about a thousand British and cent Up..I1
i the arnuts for their wicked -
at twice as witty native aeld,rn ;
A Pen Picture of ''The City K
Illerrrlpal.• et alirbab•d ted 11. awe.
rounding. The •malas sort s tail
\atl.e seadeerr.
Front Itenarea we direct our wander-
ing stela to the fatuous Mahout an
city of Allahabad --the City of laid -
with a Ia'pulatien of 151s,00i, the seat
of government of the Northwest t'ruvio•
oes, and one of the hottest places is
India. After • sleepless night in the
stifling hot cumpartmeut of a railway
*run, Sunday found us in this partly
attractive, torrid, well -laid out, rapid',J
growing, but withal duty and utercrewd•
ed city. it is only in .Iwots beautiful.
The pert• built up.... and reuewed since
the memorable and disastrous 'Si, giro
some tune ..1 cosut..rt std supenunty to
It In comparison to Inpist .time Indies'
cities. Trte handsome bungalow• sed
pretty villas of the Europe., residents
.ut•lue the fort, the hoe at roues of dark
!.Rage! shade trees, and the send
romauttc grandeur 4.1 the great fort
Itself, tuakr you feel like pitching your
tent on.'e more 'intuit "coney et the
It is certainly as ew«ariaKing sign of
the 'toes to see health publications
prosper. to the first moths:. of the
country people ,lade their walnut pn11.,
gIR#ereld their own rotas sad herte and
doctored themselves wish fairly g tad re
sults But as population kaoline denser
and the medical practitioner nearer they
were led to believe that those a ystPnuue
remedies of which they knew nuthiov
hid efeeseats of the system. Toward the t►wk that we have say moue right to
trod et the year a damp, sultry day- m.dd:e to this nutter than my ewp'uy, r
catarrh weather is aowatimee has to ask how 1 spend my adary.
by a sudden fret. and et ruck times 1 1 feel same resp•asibthty for the men 1
have often found that • sox hours' wha'a. wellbeing of ui.rybudy under toy r.e•f
tion of pun, cold night air will free the and I try when upp.ortuutty utters to ita-
ebstr.teted air peerage, so that on the :emu ...poll Hefty the uecesoity of right
following morning hardly • •Gehl hus►1 living and right thinking. We do we
neer of the mem •ugeesta the furrow- I ,wake H.tty "one of the (aunty" m the
nem of the acme. (rem a two-week• ta,(.uler souse of that term , hut if she
eespiestory winery. Ilut, aided by !wants to Ostler 5" our sitting teem ler au
exercise, outdoor air of any temperature i h .ur in the evening when :e are Ilene,
will accuwplish the aawu effect. 111 two) she Louvre that she can do ... And she
days i resolute peiestriau can walk ern terve any book oar paper ui the teeter
away frwu a summer catarrh of that it she cares to rest them. Mn i.ane
'ora tenteot type that is apt SO defy half- ( was very ill for • Itog time sinew Betty
opened nudowe. /tut the specific of has lived with us, mud if ever the u was
the movement cure is arm exercise, 'a fr,thful servant Iletty was elle at that
dumb bell swinging, grapple -swine time.
practice, and wod•chuppin,f. Iris a cold "rue of our friends shake their heeds
worntiug (for, •(tar all, there are tee 1and decl ire that they "reser, street
winter catarrhs to cue ui summer) a could give a sersant the privileges.' w*
woodshed matinee seem: to reach the give lletty. 1 do not call them '•imivii
seat of the disco** by an air Zine. As lege " Thera aro rights that belong In
ti. chest begins to heave under the any good, honest girl who is tryieg to
stimulus ..f the exercise., perapira earn her .own living in the way she feels
tiuu becomes free as it bee.wes she is Lest fitted b. earn it. I ie. t
deeper and fuller, expoea•ratiun Hetty down town the u.her day, reel "f
ceases to he painful, and the mucus is a course I tipped my teat to -per A friend
last disrhargeJ • , moor, as If the system ! who was with me looked amazed : ••II hyo
had only waited for that amount of en- uu't that your servant girl 1-
c,nggement to rid itself 1 the incubus. I "Yes. it is," i mid. He 1.14.ked at we
A catarrh can thus he broken up an a for a second and thea said ••Well ;
these with the wives and fowler' of the tiros. When one died, it •as said that
British e•.Idi..n mad the servants mud his time had come; "The Lard gave,aud
attendants swell the p.puletion to four the Lord had taken away, etc.," were
or bye thousand. the words of the minister : and thus
As we direct our way within the great
were the reepo,sibilttie■ of persons
thrown upon the Almighty. "Notwith-
standing there is touch more enlighten-
ment sow, there are yet nuny people
wall, passing giant -lige $ep,y sentries
haunts of civilization. every few roods, we hoar tattier un the
A room engage I wi avaleure.•I, eeof the quirt eeeutng atmosphere the pleasing
aduforts of s cooling bath. The water, strains of • church organ accompanied by
its stringent claim t.. the Willie is that a moose chorus of voices. It cheers our
it is wet, as brought us by a c.a,ley,wheae weary, homesick heart to listen to the
•eh% business is to any t.. the guests a sweet strains of Lu.. B•no,w.l, and to
donkey skin full ..f than blessed fluid so realize by ;he familiar china that we
eesenttal to a lsngwd existrnre here. are not ■ holly among the heathen. We
'V.. envied him his coed occupation as seat ourselves on the wall at a point
he dripped in and Put 01 the hath nem' where the Jumma washes its dark, loud•
burdened with the leaky, dirty donkey dy waters against the masonry sixty feet
who are always dosing• expecing to ,,ogle day. For the next half week the I you're a queer fellow ; I thunk I see ter
bring back by medicine the vitality they dirt should be frugal and caomg. Fruit. ( asself tipping my bat to our kitchen girl.
ars losing by constantly violating n•
taro's lava light bread, and a little ould sweet milk- 1 can, without any aeif ahemeut, tip
is the hest catarrh diet. A fast da
If I,e•'.piewhoareeonstantl awallin y, my hat to any good woman . n earth,
y ewe though, as still better. Fasting effects though she he only a ch• gem.
medicine could knew the true effects of in a safe way what the old-schoolpeso- from dour to door scrubbing stria. I
tt,. .aur sleeping are Targe, below us ; the evening is plestautly cool the substances they swallow, they car titiunen tried to accom lith bybleeding; !think there will have t , be a re."no in
hush, airy and c .taforta�ttr, ed to a everyyafter the oppressiveeuirat of the Leg day; cattily would renounce them forever, and it reduces the semi-febrialconditi•,n I this treatment ..t house servants Lefe're
they are in India. trached u, darkness as creeping ab.'ut ua, but we
bedroom is a bathroom and • dressing are ge lad . cat awry from the stuffy if they knew how little science there is! which accompanies every severe cold. then is am end t., thus cry wb,•,t meet
roe in all fairly well furnished, and streets and the ghostly attendants who in thenpeutic's they would have leis I •[•h --
opening out on a wide verandah run- are always shadowing our movements at
g round the four sides of the house. Liwrtr s Hotel ; and here we sit and
The cuisine here. like at most 1t:d•au think mol listen to the distant melodies,
hotels as gout, but displayi,o a great and wonder why it is that this wonderful
variety of curries 11115111.4 pungent stately peeple, the British. with a paltry 140,.
ditches strongly an kerptg1 with the UUI) residents can keel. in suh!ecttou this
prickly atmosphere. Ice is used io vast ration with Its ..!.-e5 millions. Hum -
abundance, punkahs are kept continual- •y.n.r..lkbar, Shan Jebel", Aurunezebe
faith in the medical pncutioner. Hear' at by exercise alone 1 tient and impertinent help. We
a catarrh can be gradually "worked off." a reform in our own Gonne when Hefty
what s.,tnt of there say who have. learned I But indoors it is apt to be steep, uphill came and the result has been nest _rat
how little a thing it is, and are bold I well:, while cold air, even i.efore the (yang t.. beth mistress and maw.
'sough to say w. season .,1 actual frosts, acts ups!" put
Prot. Alonzo ('lark, M. D., of the wonary disorders as it dues eat malarial
New York College of Physicians and fevers -It reduces them t o s loss F • . aeacregse.• Long a'empeod-
Surgeons. says : "All our curative ma I{ Hate v•u a bad C. -ugh. a Chonis
ly going, natives staled at your chair and all the illustrious and p.,werful neat •tyle. A combination of three 1 Atmrserrt•as, a feeling of Tightness in the
beck famine.: you. and to further lower princes of the past only helped, through agents are p„'isonous, and, as a cerise- I specifics_ _exercise be hest. ee -. 1 frdlan-O est. it eek Lungs, c
..r any similaring fortune, to narrate an plana ! if s,,, buy at otic, s bottle of
IIun cure McGregor'. Lung Conipiund "It will
y persons ..n coming from church ,
the d•heat tenip.rrst ore woven
l• 1 ,•a.1 •ewerise.
"1 ars s onset 'Both aisle/pita that 1
roue! ....1 I.A.. 1•NJ el seat kind witaout
Jlstre .. •v... ut.t , . 1 .eke a dr u• of
wr'a t..r a u,.•ulls at a time. 1 have
b... u a 14..1 .ufli•rt t fnnn liver 1. ., plaint
end dy.1.-1 -14 her many )aar.. ....•
Mrs \elem. W. 11'httehrad, ' f Nixon.
Ile' a4,.•r s two hIdea of liu,
(it.. J 11 ...-i..Prod
'•They have a lat,,r ... r ir, my dis-
trict, 4S a r tit know, irutYn•�, "then
.. y ".thea t• 'I ..1a Nat• market. a. I store
the le --1 eet•Lf,uri.el -for sick he*dache,
bil • seissear:' nmol gatstier, ear , N.•: ■heli
r'..wbiseel sash J,h.ut..', s i ottn Bitten,
.Io', stones '*'tone lover Pdh sill per.
foe nr while .....,rh.r uw.hci,, hake d•,ne
M•fpre t.,r atelier., h'•manite " Psi s
j3 er•w+* p.r s.,• I., 11.ttua ..D ..•tea
••..1 d[ p -r 6.111te. uu:4t by Ge„w1r,
Dau. le, A a.ho. week. tiedencl,, se's
vsrT d a n.ult
"tattle"' are placed against the' open date this matfe tt:cent but dissolute land
windows. and buckets of water dashed int., ote great empire that a might in
quence, every dose diminishes the vi-' air -will cure the mast obstinate cold.
tahty of the patient "
agatst these, which if kept up regularly due tune come under the sway .,f the Prof. J. sa•ph Smith, o1 the same ' complain of headache. This is caused iticnuof which one dose is mere eff.•c-
certatnly !ewers the temperature, belt all-p•'werful British',ati. o. school, says : "All medicines that enter ry the action of the impure blcod on the teal than a where bottle of the old time
Our tt'ou_hts again wander, and we the circulation, peieon the blood in the brain, due to the accumulation ..f car- re"'ediee. It is put up in ,,A and R1
are picturing to ourselves a human mcrt tame manner as do the I...isms that par bnlic acid bottles Sold by (:. Rhynaa,•t
hbe which was a few ce.itunrs ago alarm duce di•ra•e.. ' R"s in the air of poorly caw- Try it ao u w retire)
Proves • useful oath -avarice to ,fill the
coffers of the resident physician. We
observed a peculiar la.ka,g notice stuck
ad y ell never hair
up in the readuiz n. un herr, and ea Ingly prevalent sinorg the stns nglnaa Dr Evuu Fellow Grated churches. Thepernicious effect • to ctenpialft
Motet in ion find it to be a mire! tribes of L,du. -
spm el The
y 1 env have uccurr• 1 the Royal upon the bran and nervous system is
style of insuring meat for board and ed h
Coll p e u y y -.�.�
payment • tear where we are 'Bons sitting on the College, Lundin, said : "The medical very a tl illustrated b tote draws We +o:r.rtiuu a c�•u►rcratr our t,:ra ere
lodging bills. A long rut ..f delinquents baths of r.,e Jnmuna, a sacred river practise of Pur .lay is, at the brat, a listless attitude "f the scholars in a poor. (%ail, but f,•reet that Ida is nettle op of
s gives who found It neaw•ary to have which ha• ever been such. and here. at m'ht uncertain .to u,satisfscto
between two days and not convenient 1.. its c.,ndu ;'ice with the (:aciges is looked ry ly ventilated .ch.s'1 n m as compared days aud hours.
_ pay their little ba4r:ce due. It ran upon as I, holy of holies With a high system. It has neither science nor with the bright and animated appearance .
somewhat • follows :- Major $mnte. a.•un(I'ng and dramatic crr...,.ny, sur. c,mur.n sense to c'tnutrnd 11 to coati- of the children it. • ueighhrring r.a•m a sat 1a.lewaaa..w..
Ilford and lodging 1500 rupees. Colones. pasrine that of ancient i.:reeee or Rome dente. ' All paths '•r aches 'Bili uatautly re-
8autt ditto, ditto :t,000 rupees, Capt. lin grandeur and awful beauty, we soni that has been carefully ventilated. ' moved by drops of Fluid Light.nog apo
Carlow, leant, loJang and waahinq 6501 picture the victim called open to meet Prof. Gregory. o.f F linbenth, Scot- Careful attention to the ventilation of plied over the &fleeted parts. \e tins
rupees, Viscount Yalr,, aeoommie' his tate. He may be '.0 unfortunate land, to a medial class suit • '•Gentle- churches and schools w:ll eoreveut much • last ; no nauseous nlydttnnrw needed ;
dation !Kitt rupees, ami itidh to over Brahmin, the most smiled caste whom sten, ninety-nine out Pf every hundred f thett J sleepiness no poulticing or using greesy luuntente
e sin
W. weer info u n,a ,mors an a lYpttte.a that is
$3,000. ribrd that many the aburigiaes hated and who now "pi. medical facts are medical lura ; and It will not blister
or ds Ina th kl�
d the gentry and noblemen belonging tis' aces the wrongs of his t. , ,rwsun observed during the aftrnn.r•, Seat ice or acrd at .'3e per battle by fico. ItJirn+s,
i i { Priest- medical do,ctnnea o tssmiun. druggist. Sufferers// front Neuralgia as-
aure us that they nekerfear it when their
hues, ceutaius a bottle et Fluid Lt_ht•
ting. (4
are, f r the rust part,
l 1 1 m ' by life. Hes ted to a tet
Her Majesty's Indian ar.0 are accustom � ho d his li w stark, searing nonsense.
ed tic Leat their way among the tetter and wonnded slightly that the crowd
cleeshonels hereintlus way. the admired may be excited by the sight .4 b1.N'd, , Dr .1. Mason (:r. ,d author of the
the isgwriuity of the landlord's plan, and the unfortunate victim is stripped of his, Beek of Nature. says : "The science of
if it dad not bare the effect of securing flesh, the possession of which to the medicine is s barbarous jargon, and the
amount • the of debts c .atracted fetor, crowd who aired!, their Rod, Pan ten- ' effects of car medicines on the humeri
the hat was Placed there, it surely will tel. insures participation in the merita.4,
cause all distinguished Quests who see ; the sscntice. Such a sight has deubi-
tt :o cash up promptly in future. less been *stressed in these pens often.
Thie is Sunday, end ss we are choir- times ; but whet a titnong amtrast is this
o'uuf read :ng Cawnp.retoiourr,•w even. I mental picture to the quiet calm of the
MIL the town and its sight.' are hastily Sunday evening service of snag new be-
dews. The first point ..f interest is the' illy held within • few rods of us. Has
cele rated tomb of Kuehn o tt,tgh, situ• 1 this contrasted picture abytbtcg to do
ate inside an extensive walled garden. with the fact that a hat,dtul of British
There are three enerutous square stems 1 soldiers holds in subjection about one-
structaree of excellent masonry sur- sixth of the world's inhabitants 1 Doubt.
mounted by large artlaacally beautiful : less it has; but again oar thoughts are on
Acmes. Within the maurnieth tombs the wing,and we recall the fearful scenes
i nonuments which will probably last for that were enacted thirty years ago
hundreds of years after all the gout!. around the very spot where we now sit
Vibe Sao tier •teas• Jess a• well a• tae
rarler 1.11.•.
system is in the highest degree uncertain II -hen a person is 'obliged to.lie con;
except indeed that they have tit strriyed I hate away■ maintained that many in- staidly ut 'rise pcsitim,, as is the use
with a broken ire, the premiere coming
more lives than war, pestiirnce sod dignities were put upon the tenant girls constantly en the same place. bedtimes
famine combined. •
Many more could he quoted but
perhaps this will meth -e for the preemie.
In times pant doctors killed people with
the lancer and a; ,mei ; and cheseied
To Perrone aed.eres.
of belay, and that touch of their imper. must he guarded altain't. The low
tinence a,d stubbornness ane from the part of the back is nt•.t frequent!). at• 1
tut, sayo a writer in t:w ! 11wao.k. ,;w, I tacked. The usurer sh5;rld pass her hand
7 , wooer a at !emit twice • day tee that the .
Now, our next deer neighbor firmly re-' draw sheet t+ a free free' wrinkles and
fuses to allow her servant girl to have i creases. Mor•uig and night she WI
iabnestories have succeeded in cess- any company at all. This is outrageous bathe it with a small sp'.nlge dieted
pnnnding p ois'nl* no less fatal in their Heap has the free and undisturbed use arc oho', or •'BluIan ..f Canute end, at
effects, but with names which the
ordinary Individual may net compre-
deeds the despotic emperor did have long and which were principally brio*- bt. bend
been forgotten', are the sarcotpha.i orf • about through the inability of the poor
the emperor and members of his family, starving, wretched slaves to pay *sorbet. Your physician will dor, you in silence
each carved to peculiar Indian desiene ant taxes imposed by the mull powerful as long as you pay him to do se,.
oat inscribed with parts of :he Koran nation under the "blessing of whose t Whenever ■ edentate system of teeth -
and the history .1 the entombed. In rule" they were brought Attain we pie i cation is rwtablished and generally
the cool .•f the el ensu g ter, drier, throo 1, tun the pttm•ut state of nute•tentha ut
when it is dry rub it with o,.rnstarch
of our dining remit, and may hate or- ; buckwheat flour it may seem iuip,•w.
derly, respectable cetnpany in it any tele to her to get her land mtderu,at
evening she pleases ; she. ,day have a but mese heels will yield a little 1.. pre
beau it she wants t•', hut 411? and 1 must arse, and by working in a roll •.f
ectab!a man linen under the beck ah..te the place
know that he is a resp
be bathed, ,he will obtain a little 4pa
he and all her other cem;nny must bee i to work in. if in epate ..f precauto
out of the house at Ill, ..I.-:; at ni•ht. the back becomes sore an air cn.'.;
A Common Cold
115 often the lee_in::tag of n.•ri.u- rite.
tkens of the Throat. Itre,iwt:iel 'rut.
and Lung*. Tit •refire, the h,'w,rtatw•e of
early and effective e tn-atment canner be
et•reetlmatt•.i. .iter. t berry t'.•i.'ral
wiry alwar. I.' r,•ttt•el upon for the .p+rdy
cure of • told ur l'•'u_h.
1 -amt Januar' i m a: a. -t. ''. t. i.11 at
peter.. I o4.1, m,':.1,, 1 n••_1.•.•t a t, i fro.
(trot t i3N..urr., Ins•, ant• mer•. , iY.' r
Denim!! ou my lune,- .% -rough
.un 1" -.owe.'.,meel to pains in
the ehevt, fruit vv hie -h I =nit rid iutriw•Iy.
Atter I r) ing various i'• ,mare.. M it heist
'brainiest relief, 1 rousmrt.•.I taking
Ayers 1 .Mer) I'.ctoral, mud was
Speedily Cured.
1 am .ati•ded flint thio ninety eared soy
life. -Jno. Webster, 1'awturket, It. 1.
I centre -tot a *even* cokh which ',wi-
den)) •1'•'el";N•'1 into Pna'usn..oia. present -
nix dangerous 21141 utmttn:ur .vmpt..m-.
Jby',brae-ism at anew under**, the woe "r
Acer'. 1'hrrry let • His lastructt":r
were follow...1. and the moult mea* a rape:
and permanent euro. --11. E. Simpson,
IRnaera )'aeon.. Tclas.
Tion r,•an errs f atfered from a revere
1'ekl who. !) •.Ilk 1 on my Lows. 1 roar.
salted t ar•fnus p by•ieisu.. and took the
medicine. they pr••' rib. -d, but reeeine'l
only trundar,n• newt. A friend tadue.•d
Me to tri' Averts cherry rretunl. After
taking lain t,,.ttlea of chi. mrdwine 1 we.
tun -.L smrr 711.'01 1 h:o.- given the Ycor
tural to rosy cbildn u, asd eou.iJsr it
The Best Remedy
for ('Alt.. (''•uzba, and all Threat and
l.unedi•e.•w,rteeneed in my tautly,-
Itobert Vanderpool, ool, Meadville, 1'a.
Some time a_,. 1 took a slight Col.I
which, lain; nry InNrd, yaw 'Barrs,. sal
settled on nuc lungs. I had a hackiugg
cough, and woo trry weak. Those who
►sew m.• Mer considered me Life to be
in Lomat Ilan:cr. 1 rentinited to surer
until 1 eowgnetw'Pd u•i,g Anrr'a ('hurt
Fectoral. Le-. Iliad one bottle of this val-
uable m.di.'ine cured ter. acrd I feel that
1 ewe time procreation of nor fife to its
curative ywtwer..-llrs. Amo Lockwood.
Akree,..,'w York.
Ayer's ('herr, Pretend i• .nnsider•d,
.here, the en- arrest remedy for all dbrawv
of the threat and lune., •tel tr mute
In demand than an other medicine of Ra-
dom. - .1. t'. l:chert.. Magnolia, Ar►.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Mp ra,� Fv 1,, .1 ' - A..r k 1-.. I uwP11, par.
by iiru.*Iru. !•rocs 61, sot twANe. K
Arent« -rare tat ko. fact.:at,eirwen
a 1, n r 'o, veer +, :a .t c0 -escaa
daaw ops re el warm- V L...:.,.. owe Amass.
ATLANTIC FLX1.10---'•1:V14 F:.
h. ' LIT YOOL't is QUZIe STCWN.•
s'•-emahie tel W nwtss.•• form Nee
:J lurk w►Hr.-.t.ay. Mai' Y. June M. Jalr ice
nd Aug•4.t fl.
b, Largr.t end ;trot pearer.wer"r afsat-
ce 1 Saknn 1•aaaa re. tilt to eras. +•« ondeosie stn.
ria C31....A.130.01Pit 1912.JRVZC7ll_
1'ttramnrr. every. 9at'451M
., on. New fork /0
eaten 1la.sagr to Bias, raw, le'tel wderrrryy
. Lic ' n.Nd ,r Reified. Ow snit gin. roeroaA
•"xl. tateeta,:e, onrwar4 or prepaid.
•1: . i•.. 4 5*.
rklt.w.a F:'.'tir iron Tirke tat Redoeed Rales.
Teteenera• Cirealar Let'ers •.t .'emit', and
l'-,!tm for any Amonai les5k" at lowest car
n t wm.
For it.w.krata ret Tonto Ta kits or farther infer-
•ri..a aa.Mt►-Jus
HkV!►Fttrtl/N ItktT11Eft'.'.w
Ak.'HI kALII t►I1.'K.4►�l, ttoderhb. issgs
the native bezoars an astir with the thenati•in with whom ae come in eon. taught, IIthelio's occupation will be For more then a year this,ent 'Both • h„le in the middle must hr ,.rad
thousands of hovers and sellers bicker- tact. The "ryots," or cultivators of the gone, and sick people wt:1 scarce. has obtained, and we t,+sP suffered no ; b. prevent the sero from cath, in c..m
Ing over the price e( a•hsndtal of %-eget.• . soil, are ground w death by taxation and tact with any aurfu •,..r it autiut best.
blies, a mount. of rice or a hand's' unprincipled money lenders ; the labor- To this end :rt all health journal can- utcon' enience from It, an.l the pn•vi:wee
breadth of red cetten. ( In•n •el 1 ing aan with hie family tribute b teaching le that the are ha* never been abused. Hefty has seldom
pa {, y y is obliged to lime y B Prov 1 serer nerd tr.-
painted Huido" Tempiesaide by side with on a rupee and a half a week, eons! ii I-r'estt•,ssible for their sufferings, and to linos her friends call oftener than .once in What : Never tried Johnston's Tonic
the Mrbommedan mosques, reminding ' about :10 cents ; a handful of rice washed • avoid them by ob•yieg the immutable two ser three weeks She has a neat, (titters ! Then do se at once, it s
us of the denominational differences but ' down with water is their prise j fu;,l1.1b
ni'ieh►toriy helanesftn-stllricrn1 teirii.1 ,ei ;4; Mitfi'fftiitfiitiiyi the ary reason visits the I -
and a dozen ...reupanta *toeing be the are sure to carry of thousands of the 1 treed`. - -- -
els, m
-- s p
Bnelish a..Mier .sonde a fine °sentry. putatde to souk upon such utter wretch %Ye _enenlly try to fight a sudden iglushasno regular after."au wit, when market, but tinct you rrn,inmrhd it so CREAM BA! .1
lire are boiled:: carte with two wheels I land, when famine and pestilence
of. nature. - �•
well fernistied tom* of heft titinrtt"°y' the .beat `.eneref 'erne ''m -
with furnace it. at ; she u net tucked 1 ice "(ten hear.' of et but thea:ht ;hot
sway in some dark, cold, shabby Tittle it was to he place: on the int el the
c•,;:retry, •
here Jonnueenag htttog¢.d AettRar starved ed villagers. It a truly lCuLhy hole unfit for human hahurle,n, many trashy prepanturm that 8 .•NI our
cher ger gaol -boot through the narrow wine« such inheres"
streets scattering the i inbred mast misery i these c ,hl with heat ..r het applicatio ns, to in- !she is obliged to f o and come likes highly i II give at a triol. I1, poo it'.
' q stoor are sit tenants of G„d s fair f,wd- I ',eel for any complsiltt in which a tense Cleanses t h.
of white cottoned, t!d' turl'anrd, black
stool anhjedt(d to, tout still the thank ;duct perspiration or the opeeing of the I prisoner on pan.;,. She can r" out any is of benetit, and an ie taken by man,
seed hslnanity with Gia rifting whip ; offs -rine chile continues to fl oat heaven. ': pores .4 the skin. that ti:e .;old may thus afternoon when her work is done. Myr wulnan, '.r child. :.0.o and al per h.dtl, Hero]. Allay-
m w a wedding pr..cessi..n healed I y the ward on the mid Sabbath evening, and i bar br"ken up. t of Tete years many tneell• ',evenings are ahn.,at entirely her own ; ; d fiw"Ins. ilrtil store. Albion block
1*.y groom dressed in red, the. central inat:a *011 claims the dolmen n of the 1
sal men h d i i�edatic
have w rano, new theories and ; � base sewing machine in her ns ni h, tele aunt.
Itlure of the crowd ,nemmed,mapromote bt:'hte.r gem ..f England's Crown. llur : _ _
h nos and followed by a deafening and wandering thoughts are recalled by the methods to treat cello which are is :her own -end makes in. at .•f her awn
di.vordent crowd plying on um, bons sf pooch "1 a eery tall rising, a.'Idirr direct opposition to the old wiles, and I drothes kat She as always ready to do i Mat 5. sol dins 111.,..
and witted instrntu*tato until you think who is attracted no doubt by our sleepy which seem almo.t dangerous in their , anything we ask her to do in the even. 1
the last :ramp kid rased al, the a,nateur atritmle un the wall. !family pulling darinr[. An eminent physician 'Basta, aa Ing The beat corrective we ran o Howl is Soneetiof mate
ntusicia,s that had ever noised their ` nua =art together we etataan, ' the p y to gel pone "scold- to read and redact (--
r, ..w mora • r afar-gHle scripture sentry an. ere meknot or the *trsr'cr n it w jar . V a never •peak slighting of aercants ! $fatnll Hefat'ia►
is her presence. in fact, we never use I upon the f•,lloan'g haragrrph by L. 1
the word "servant.' heti h �• Lytton- 'At d i dare say y.,, have A gt174)< ReiieL /! Cure.
Henle theSo
Rentoree t h
feller 1 t trent f k ( follows l,gteally up the h sad
texts ; now we past • delete" .1 the *h*re the guile and can ante has been I would be quite certain, In any care of
1 ...teat caste Fundis. v: men who mmkr a' triune; s•'ai.• furs.', •hen se Holm. •' c,nur'g up to the malt,. P( the w
,req re e►. omen eta2ldold pier wife very criers, Newman, t le+airlr i• emitted lntn each nnalril sad
L.elih•wN1 by prevent.:• f r fuel tk• arse ^f flew nat,yr r"IJirn of duty medical profe4si' n which since the days Alm sensitive Aim Hefty hate the words ag,r.•Nt.te. rine., e• „u m ;wowing; INei by
1.'. lure !tethered from thio street. of the 1•rel•arn•.g their supplier. Carman led r we,wnta. elrlaasMni'►aP
city ; naked chi'dren le hnodrrd4 gram pr,.mi.r,•J ut h, stand 1 one of Eteulapius has been, I cure." r there is no said I, tutee. (!:.1 \rwmwn 1, N, 1' nrttL r4
beside E u I nr cu 'service and "servants down end h y LY Biu1B • brsgkAe• oomph if.T.
ileo narn.w streets and h,l thio dark, '.f them. tritest to 1••t an ides '.1 his
As seen as oppression .f the chest. eh- "ovdering sr'und by any one. We try "Newer to hianif (e to*
I up the reply GRATEFUL- t?[1tNtr'f►rTftltlf.
cheerless doorways as we gain the Eire betght, .ern ing tits 4 d' awn yn.mped strut -lion ..f the nasal tinct. and to remember that it tt h g y : ani if he has I des- �t
-peon qua =r5=37 sass)
u , fr'.:n the nn• r y as feelings m served it.' An f, I daresay, if
the truth
rte. nncr mere and Jve,•t ear 1 grass and array d them u+ual lssitlwie indicate That a '•c,.ld lies common with the rest of wemanklnd,
the (rt that (emelt trader "1""m .lit , ■n 1 a til,rr t finned, sore preen taken," itsioflnenew ah,.ul.i at once and we respect her feelings.
was tol,l, y. d have ie,.I,lwl him quite as
.••• arse t"
.•d t::e •i« tl a !'^wrr(,il 4nd h.
n ay sari t e o , woman
vr so w.•11 m , Hi t sante time a in..t.• p ate •''\Ni h 11 COCOAstirring days when this Gory Neill meted ti.rrrenwwrhl.w d.•zen aro c•oold n..t ' be enu,awracte.f by the purest and tihe nr m. ether woman on'Barth is hie brief career of glory Here it ere. he (ear i serving in Itritish ranks Th. a odeet air availahlr, ■nal the patient ever asked to polish my ho'.ta,hut 1 know with a beauty of kindness which the
Oast Lord ('antunr aftosa the clone ,.f the alion lest meson -wed sit fort four inchos in 'should not stoptow world cannot excel, how ran 01 wife
motley dulributrr) hfto!en mil:Dons "( height, ■,sine'•( them were ria (tort tax weigh the cost ..f a gra:a who de palish the boom "f the mar -
loom her ' p ..i m h 1 1 „
(kV.. r. I h
I II ..roamen the cit rs w n,1
en •r ster o r
( .t t e, h remained •••. •tet all w.•1l hnilt ni pr. teirtien, •
nr ones ave rest the d g ( 1 th hour* I cell that degrading '' an she ,as ,wen w r1
bial r" file itra:iah. The i.• term ..f ye d humored r as sow ass chronic cata•rh. in case imperative seri tic*. 11 i ha nen to 'req for her an 1 her little ,ries all day
f l , Ther snole.j pp; be in the kitchen 1t may h. a ratan is peevish at times. for
this splendid feet IS jnst •t thio pent .4 01 alotat me4sunne our hearted six feet • dun- should interfere, the mem must w Hefty's feel had is empty, 1 qn
c.•nAnence "1 the (tstigws and ihw .lie, ago••ost their starrenor eta niches, and 1 be met after dark by devoting the first Joon cellar and till it for her : some- it n hes who bears the creme* r.( the
It uhe tie hn If r. red cNndat . w.rivers . 1 1.t hi t•ymT make ours.' fust Ifhesnmen whohot
half ..f the night to an outdoor encamp• I lilw*a 1 build the firm• {{„toy world ; but who should nuke him f .r -
with r tmerwsr, f"get theta lout los wife ' .tris she had
w,tlon Its wall the pals,, "1 the 101501 al*sy• adelreaMeei in their ewe tengee merit hetero a wide open window. Iflohm eu snow tvit llf the path, nor retie
be h
rerose ilio h kg tl
e e the ryby their eir o '.Yrs, ov ooh it .4 very th li • tight t is . short and decal, e, the
:rite '•flies.. q•urten and .norm••,,, little ala*, and with us, as early el 'derma r.sent.e• of the adversary must be
A weather steer, la t. Id by the emigres 1 taehv« usreu
e sed to ey means of stweinenee from fotrd is the meat
that now within a tensest ► eaten to the)
snround tart of thw 1 , t a seered 1 they"
yas. effective anti at the me time the
"move of immunities,. end war material generally put If, "cr.nv*t.alH,n wen taw dimlmahed by a tinct fad. Temporary
thews, wqt^'l,whrr•t ant mom W.
• "'d, D. k. of tic,
the ash barrel out is the ash man, 1 heat for her "w., sake , ter nob. dy ran
scrdA much when the scolding is .11 0:1
relegate sueh pl«sin., tasks to meson,
maintaining, u 1 de, that such work be
"M aids "
longs to mon tether than b. women. We 1l.r.h. is ea* *.I thNr Rill 11,644. loiter
Haada. tae It.. ntinl.d at that sAlee fee very
Offer no aigjPations to Hefty regarding Intl. mere than the. Ir•'n••rwltr n4 for Ile,
'lafe.t Teethed for elillsjdstieg the mor• the expenditure .1 bet wages. I do not i at sodw4„elt hee�eosNti get edemar tar.
' 11, a th".:aygh knowledge of the rotors!
'raw. wt„ch govern the np.ral,or•M A.ewwt:na
And nt'ntinn, and ray a,•.r.4111 tiptoe moon Of
the tote preemie. of well MIN -1111 , -•' „n 11r.
15pyta has prw'Mrl mil. treat fool '5554* with
a elelfrwt.1711 avored 5r• crag" "the h -'Boar sa, •
'0 mane heavy Aew•t,ww' (.1'• 11 's he tt.
'ndielm.. tta. 4.1 .nrh ares• I.s of Aid thsla
ronatatation may he Rrad,s,lr built op enr11
t01rnne wwor.,th In ••et41 ..wry trnArary ro
dieease. H11n4er&s of Italie. sorban 514,'
R.v'•ing an,and am resat to attack •„°''
tram is • wee'. mews Wr awe *sear*IMnJ)
• final shah 5, keeptn( wwrs u.oa well ern
M with pries Metal awd • ,rhesweiteed
M•tne - . (re;/ ,ir,•Nrr onr.'y
lit OOP sheet, wee betties voter we rwtlk.
a. i1 only In serk.ts by GI -week Nhell'ta
Jfhls rIPS it CO , Hotnsnys•hte ( Arm's••
074•17 Lemma F.rnrt5ml