The Huron Signal, 1887-5-6, Page 7TEIC T li UOJ Stall., FRIDAY. MAY $. 1St lad,,.R etre t ttedrmare l enadeeare. Few mother. really think whet a ,trate error they are committing in reveill°X the oou deoce of their little ones. The tome may comae, all tun noon, when the children who are tlf • repelled, will re I'm to have coubdeanoe w u.a Malta, a I,ru Amp would give all she bolus dear iss the world) 1.. gain it. Children taunt Late ...nobody to talk to and modulo in, and if mother dew out have tote to listen t.. •bran is it nosy sawn than natural that they will seek • outttideut elsewhere! Aud who kno■• what wrong snd harp - tall ouuusel and advice that ptr..•u may give your boy t.r o_irlf You nosy say, perhaps, that your boy or tilrt never osr.d to confide in you; they •Iways pre- ferred outside oocbd•pts. 11 so, moth- ers, whom fault s. iti A mother to her child • natural cvn.tidaut, put as much aa she a tier child's 'tetanal protector. And if ber child terns from her to seek cuoueel from others, then to cs..* net of too, the mother tout have woe folly failed in her duty. In their baby day MAMMA 111 •Is•ys ready with her sympathy, when they come to her with their little grievances or troubles. If elle is always ready to point out the right way to the s.nelll fads and Meese, to listen h. the wl.y and wherefore of each. mistake. failure ..r success, if who is always a ready and It'll - mit sharer of all their little secreta, th. n her children will always oun.nd.r ber what she should he, the very best confi- dant they could have alt the world. Aud the child who confides in mother all his or her secrets, whether they he creat or small, is safe. For what boy .r hail an go astray when they have nothing hid from mamma, --American Agriculturist for May. Wt.d The (lark. The best clock needs regulating and winding when the mate-epru•g runs down. So, toxo, when the human mach'. • nery gives out, it needs reinstating and the stain -spring pure blood needs ton- ing. Burdock Blood Bitten will re'qu- laee and UneaIl broken down conditions of the system. In purchasing B. 11. ii , beware .•f ensetisifeita. :2 a Tallagme Cep. I didt.'t same te ten shout the .life, but bow to itsibea tniu,egas cep. They are prettiest made .,f double zephyr worsted althea" it is not unenmmnn to um the cheaper wood. 1f made of the latter ono and • half skeins are eulicienL lies a pair of slender 11 tinder'. rubber or ivory needles. Coat t n eighty - ono stitches snd knit back and forth gartw'litchi until the width measures four and a half lingers. Then Mud it off, sew ends together neatly and draw up the opening .t the trip. Corme the drawn part with large, full pompons (three nr Ove according to taste). made by winding roedlefull• of the doubled wont over double rings of pasteboard, then nut the rings themselves mid re- move them. With • pair of sharp aci• eo% shave the balls until they are as smooth as velvet. The prettiest cap I have seen rr.,uired six ounces of double zephyr, and ninety stitches were cast .on the needle instead of eighty one. Of coarse, the size of the head is to b. con- sidered. Ayer's Cathartic Pills are the best t can be .e.plcy.d to correct irregulari- ties of the stomach and bowels. Gen- tle, yet thorough, in their action, they cure ennatipation, stimulate the appetite snd digestive organs, sod strengthen the system. They wenn at the citrus : "Have jun ever men Mlle. IA Raiz s great feat r "Ifo," she replied "le she • Chicagoan or a fat. Loci. woman 1" • A rah e*iv. Tor marry Fess the proprietors of Haq•rd's Yellow Oil haws offered to .s- tand the moony tc all purchasers of that medicine when it failed to rive relief in case of pain or p•i.ful afectinns, suck as rheumatism, neuralgia, 'ore throat. Ovalness, best., bruises. sprains, stiff joints and hinds, and internal or ex- ternal inflammation. NIC ELIXI -.w Tlla atvwable yet potent prepare. thin is e.pecuily arlap1rd for the relief and cure 41 that class of disot.k•re attendant upon a 1..w or rrd.nw.d slue of the *..tem, awl usually aa:ouupaund 1. )'all.r, 11'eaJte.a tut! I'allo:tatt•.n e.( the Heart. I'r..n,t rr,w;Lt will follow it* 1150 In cars of l.ud.k,1 lianstio11 t:riaio:; fr.uu 1.11... •.1 11:.u.l, A••ute or ('Itn.uie 11iw•aat•.., tool 111 11,o wcakis». ilial Invariably a•rot..p•auit t 11.11 recovery boos \\'awtin�; 1 et. nL No reined) aid rivu more spiv day rrtirl in 1 i) ahs psis or )sligesiMu, 11,4 m41.41011 the s!..n...e.h !.ring that of a gentle mud ls. rntl'sa..nde, exciting the organs of di,,. runt to a. :..n : ud thus affording isiu,.'liato and 1rrfnat.-nt uelief (arualuati,e properly* of the different aromatics which tbo Elixir contains Feeder it u+rf'al iu F'lttulvnt 1►yspe,wia. 1t ie a ralr•b4e remedy for At.,uie 1ayap•pai•, which is apt to occur ha Perste,* of s gouty character. }r Impoverished Mood, Loam of A pp.etitc, 1 k..p.avlency, arid ly all caws wiore alt effective :tad certain snout - twit le rr.plire.I t:.. L:iaif wiil lir fout:d wtrllwb:c'. In Fever* of a Malarial Type, and the various evil result, following expo- sure to the col.1 or wet weatl,.r, it will prove a valuable r•Ktorative, as the comhuuatiun of 1' Inchon* ('alisiiya an.l herpenterta are universally recu,;u.ad as specifics for the °Lute -unwed dieser- dere. .Sona by all Ikale+, in Family Medicines. Prime, $1 Irv. L' elk, or :tslirfe.%,rrii. Day is It Lair -c : Co. (Limited) SOLE All:\'TR, �1uvTQI1* P.tj. `21 aseme S Cem'pe•Itba on Med)elae. "There is two kinds of medicine be- sides the kind yea Rub On and the first kind in the Soh Kis& which you take with a spools while A man holds your :lead and you kick and Rypfle aline he- elball' it tastes so and the othw bind is the Herd kind whish is called Pills and is the Hardest of the whole because it it so Hard to go Deal bet ft does not make any difference which kind you Take when you tet it Took you wish you Had not for it makes quite a Row is your Htnmoeh and Riots Around. Is A SIN e'eadN•w. "i was no bad with dyspepsia that I mould not take food of any kind without diwnaa, and could not take • drink of water for a month at s time. I kale lees a great sufferer frees liver complaint and dyspepsia for many years,' says Mrs Nelms W. Whitehead, of Nixon, Qat-, whom two bottles of Burdock abed Bitten eared. 2 Moderns/ instinct. Mammas (tn I lacy who has stumbled and mashed her doll'. head) -Don't ery, my dear ; it can't be helped. Lucy -Oh, mamma deer, Iota due's know how I feet: you've never loot a child. soon" PERRY DAVIS' -WI PAI N -KILLER IS **C:ntoz'DLD ST PAy.i'-ians, ifimiv,'er*, lfisefmtnv;t5, .thindilerI of 'toying 11%.►:' -stops, P'i.aatatiuttt, Swses tx N.ap:taL, _ *,Mort, everybody everywhere id..a Ares era gime it a triol Tsars 1 - ALLT MINIM worn • WI•$ .:LASS II? ROT 1111.1 •44 IT WILL sot rooms a Kars* Vous) eras roe SUDI)EN COLDS, CHILLS, cox - GEN -nos OB STUPPAGK OF CIRCUL.tTIoN, CRAMPS, rAl'g IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER ANi) IN►WFL COMPLAINTS, SONE TiIROAT.Ac. •PPLRD t1T•ADALLT, IIIrt5IL•('t 1155 PIOVIN 1T Tet NOON er►*CTITE A•t. SKIT LIlrl1INT u1 1: L&:eOTI%O Tat PAIS Aa,uIXO .toy SPRAINS. BI:: IS: S, RRErMA- TIS,11• N1'1::.\L( I.'. SWF.LLEI) FACE, TIN ITHACHE, Rl'ILNS, EIter T BiTKS, Lc .• 4c. 2:t. per Balk. Ear Beware of Imitations- "ill Pewee ■ e Fees. Wbil. out skating lest winter, 0. Var- eoe, of Brandon, Man., got hie feet badly (,...... H. rubbed them with mow, and then applied Hagyrd's Yellow Oil. whisk speedily eared them, and saved Wm from being • cripple. 2 ems .wars.. CAMPBELL'S 5' CATHARTIC COMPOUND Is effective in ental1 doers. scut without griping, doe* not oa easino nausea, and will not emote irn- tationand congestion an do shiny of the nsna) cathartics so1- ministered in the torn of Pills. Aa Ladies and Chil- dren having the 11110114 sensitive Stn. mach* take this medicine w ahem trou- ble or complaint CA t.'. CATnARtle ('nwpor is especially adapted tor the eure of Livia CA tiaatere •SD Ell-IOLA I)M- Oenlma. Fog ACID STo*Ac* AND LOSS or Ar- eering. YOU SICK Hsu*Ac*s sae Poste rat Fon Cow,Ttrevroe ala (OATS A. Pea ALL Cowm.A1,TS last MG 111011 A DreOaDaaan 1 Ina Sro- MAC*. This medicine being in trod forret, the done can be easily regulated to mei the requirements of different ppm sour, thus making it equally well adapted to the use of the little thrid as to the adult Put up is three ounce bottles. and 'old by ail de.tlers 1 faintly medicines. Price Retail. :.i Ces1s. If the Bair begiue to carne out, eat it short at este. • The object of this is to lateen the wsegbt of the hair, whteh te the immediate eases of its felling not, the w.skn.a.d route set being Arnow •snag► to support tM weight of loom astir. liewy ssereioe, shampoo the misty with • soft brash nod cold water, tied n► motel red with toads of the *ogees. ii these is desdrotf. ewe by tri weekly sheatmestmo wit► reside snap nr whit. of (lilt, •Pp4 'hemmed s misters of stud parte of masker nil mod ale ehoL SCROFULA Erysipelas, Canker, and Catarrh, vatticn Can be cured by purifying the blood with 1 de .it believe that Ayer's BareaparUI& has ea tOt es a remedy flat Hu- mes. 1t 1a pleasant $ tale, glees et s b lad 'igor pods ew a mai No_ te- ever ■•ed.- L Ko. Llsd•Ie.0. 1 have used Ares In my 1ltalmm-- uta, sail liiw, rif it 1. take, faithfully, it ME thorough!y eradiate this terrible dimes*. - W W. F. Yowler, M. D., U.•savtlie, T. Fee me with forty tI hy. da dpeas. I have tried MI ton• of remedies for my complaint, but found no relief until I commenced intuit ♦liar. table( bot- tles of this medicine 1 v cempktely cured. - Mary C. Amesbury, Rockport, Me. 1 have suffered, for years, from Catarrh, which was so severe that it destroyed say appetite sail weakened my system. After try- ingother remedies d getting ao relief. I� began to take Ayer'* Sarsaparilla, and, In • few months, wan cured. -Soma L. Cook. I06 Albany et.. Boston Highlands, Mau. Ayers Sarsaparilla b superior to any blood punier that 1 bare .ver tried. 1 have taken it for So.ofula. Canker, sad Salt - Rheum, sad received much beneit from h. It is good. also, for weak stomrb.-Milne Jane Prime. South Bradfor.I, Mus. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, reepe,ed Ly 1wr. J.C. Ayer a Co., Lowell, lura Primo Si; oda baths. Si. oKATEFU l -('l IM Yup:TING. DRIVE IN TEAS LITHE BEST • • 8.+••!Ins dJ.p.a Nita Tess I\'anawt.dbo claws foot N• Tbiere."r��w°°wad le Ti E CHEAPEST. Nitro a Wt.Wt.b .bx "edDual Yeah• Ifvr.u, from Lye. Ib. up. F Other Japan. from [mc to • A. per Ib.Pk A •p1xt-'u�i It r in Young Nle xt Tea la ! Ib iota hill • nor $i takes IN eacMage. ----- Try m7 MkYuwat Wool. •u•1 lad a the Cannon -et w l to rket- LEDsAt C. CRABS' „ CiGti6riCh° New Fruits, minifys.-s COCOA I. opened out a full • eortatri.i alt lily own importatlu•r. snd sc11:n6 at wholesale ;owns ..e: Cashmeres,. woe! 50at *sea. INa•tts. and leviers. no AsMalnh.NE\V Tay.ds sd (mummes at frier• A !'ell and sane. Also'. ~MI is show stark£0 1)O not forget the u/d ,Maud u° the Square ..tee; lf1+Ilfaidi.___ ._ New Nuts, '° New Teas, Just April 7th.:►y'!. MeV C. CRABS, G-oderiah. NEW SPRING GOODS ABRAHAM SMITH TAILOR & CLOTHIER OF ALL KINDS. EVERYBODY INVLTUJ TO COVE AND 9F.E THE IL..JU1 Finest Collection • ' reccirr.l. and is now opining a dation asurtsumt o! READY-MADE MEN'S AND BOYS' SPRING SUITS. 010 C.11w on hand • part,'e eta". of the 1.1 I N A 1/ ci rr opened out in Osderich. UTEST PATTERNS OF TWEEDS AND CLOTHS I' rW.$ pg ?WITS ORDERED ORPECIALY I 1aHRASAM 8B&iP '8_ Ea,t >;iie,.aura (Jctdrrich. march 24144. IIE. 9>D• iT YOU WANTWANTIF ICU WANT •:r YOC WANT RG AI NS �A Toronto Cash Store THE SPRING STOCK ....Tow CoMpLJET E- crA:I are lxvited to agar and examine the quality mad price -me Remember the toned O _ aI nd�-TNY. TORONTO `' ., E. A.M o.. = BRKA K FAST. "By s thorough knowledge of the •hood laws which govern t1;r..,•eral As). of litre,�sn and sutntion. and by a.ar.-ful sp.•licrtwn ret the Inc pr rertie, M w 11 .eel., t•cocoa. t M 1. E pps has provided our adelicately flavored tees .•,■:;. *hi !. may sal., Us many heavy doctors' balls. 1. is 1,: the judicious use of such ar:k:les of dot that • nosatitution may be gradually boil% up until • tronit eaoatb to resist 0.0.7 'endenry 4. disease. Hundreds of suln:r mrlal,es an tooting around as ready to a'ta.'k wherever there is a weak point. We ms7 esca)" many • fatal shah by keeping ourselves well forth ed with pure blood avid a properly 'semis/mil risme." - '-(tri Seemer (:n:e♦f." Made simply with boa .1 g,r enter or milk. Bold only in packets by Ortocre. labeiled thus: JANE: Fp►$ ii CO.. H•awnpaihle Chemists. ,j mLoudon Kogiand. • 0.jkMBBEW9 - S) •Ipaa*tyr. I: t r.j �* �w.:lei; = i'P 1y sN.►, tela.:4_ of is Hew( .rawerwill „Er lea mu i sada ew e1 arse Rakwrisw anis tor. Lies of red, mete w await Diseases. sod r die weaber the invade* ancespaiaslbsreerwyher tywi.L•Nerfevere. .hin He d,mINLow�w pyo 1 hi 5 iLjl.e set& An•4RiseI 1 d'•cy snd i al mese 'rims �� e. 4 .a wrr.cltw~TAMe INA ~TAM enaures5T is rreiee6. the lownl wr b. A. heard 4'ryALe- .i *aa 400 Sold h e11 Pka/nt i., Alaset ws. DATI$ A LATREIOS 00.II3aitad) Iota Airs. E01111U416 P. Q. a'ra CATARRH BREAM BALM Cleanses t 12* Head. Allay* Inflammation Heals th.So Restores t h t SeneesofTaste Smell Hearing A quick: Relief. A positive Curs. A particle it applied Into each westril sad is agreeable. Price 50 arum' at i Ir, uagi.l a ; by mail. registered le maw Circulars fret. 1Mg-1r i ELY olio&, 1)rt**isl.. Oweto, of T. Ooderich. A V:.1 ^_0 I , IRQ;. .'0211.1w. C. A. NAIRN, Court House Sque: e. Outterlok Der. Mi. lana. CYT THE BEST. For Coughs. ('olds. Sorethroat ' and %Veda Lungs, Irr. Jogs medi- ine is the best. 11 is the sbil- drrnr' medicine. siniple and easy to tate. The beet ku•wu tcmedv for Head... hr, Biliousness and II%nst.yrniuu is Ur Jule 1'i14, •toe t le gems., For sale ai_r_Jordan s Na C. . licrnTOSE, MISS • ri •' C Next l The Latest Freuch and American Styles! HATS, BONNETS Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings ANCHOR LINE Eu.. Etc ' Etc. The Chicago House. Agent for Domestic Patterns. WEST STRKET. (.ODERICil ATLANTIC KXPRKtW PKII 'I('E. Li 78I{.P00L; via QV=C'TIVIIT'.!i. elteenehip -VITT •e *latat.- from New York. Wrn•mso*T, May 2., June .2. Jule 10. and August 17. Largest and Rant passenger Steamer ••lost. Saloon Pasea.te. deo to {Irl. second-Clar.itel O LABQOW BICRVIOE_ steamers every Saturday from New York to GLASGOW aatl LO 902QDZ°ILIT.. Gabes Peewee to Olat.gn red Land liana nderTy. Liverpool or Belfast. a• Claw, 430. Ntoerage- outward or prep•td. either Pervious. fie. SwloenEzetuslUS Tickets at Reduced Rates. Tmeelbw' Gensler l.tierp o1 Credit, end Deans for any Aaowat Lased at lowest car reit rates. Tor Boole of loam. Tickets or further tutor - maks amply to HENDSICI )N B ERA• New Yorkist; A1t.HIBALD Di4 It5N. (iod•riob. x055 DUNN'S BAKING POWDER nEars�srrab Goderic April 9th. 1576. 2022 DANIEL GORDON,CABIMAKER BuchaflatIl,La►�soIl : RObIIlSOfl T �r Sash, Doors & Blinds AND LKAI►1NG DKALL'Ra IN •LL KINDS Or ' Drop Store, constantly adding to his 111.11 - selected stock. choice Fresh Groceries, which will be found to compete favorably, both as regards quality and price, with any other stock in this %trinity. TEAS AND SUGARS A SPECIALTY. la getersing thanks to my customers for their patronage. 1 would also incite any eth- ers who will, to can and Inspect nay Moak. C. L. McINTOSH. South-West side of the Square coder!. h. Feb. path. 1••t. CI-ODIDIE ClEIC PLANING MILL ES1ABLiSIIED 1a Physicians' Prescriptions CAREFULLT PREPARED W TTH UNDERTAKER. Anyone can adrettiae. but t can dhowin etowckStec. •elect more stock utilised than any two houses FURNITURE. 1 Lave now 01 i MI different styles of Bedroom F cite.. 1 different etyl.• o' Sideboards. 3 Parlor Salus. Mad almost anything In the Furniture line. all of which wall be sold 1!t clot: pr AS THE CHEAPEST. AND DONT VOL' FOitt:KT IT. In the UNDERTAKING I give personal attcnuom. ani toe benefit now of nearly s0 years experience. 1'bink 1 have the beet Hearses in the County of Huron I wall leave the public to Jodge.. 1 have everything u*0 ly kept in a first-class establishment, such as`M (ame. Cm. Shroud,. habits. Moves. Crepe, d'e. Esbalsi*g done when required. Seri Clamrant«. to give satigiaotles laprOIT colic. OLD STAND BETWEEN P. O. AND BANK OF MONTREAL Osderich. Sept. 7th. 1x96. Pr and ReIiabIe Drub J. WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE Cif 0DERICB- _TENTS CORD WOOD. Meted. d all smugshuns in t C i !'rates wishing hood cord wood at supplihe ed and all news n tb< est rates ryas have the same promptly sapptled 011ce aote°ded to at MOI►RRATE FKE& by tearing their orders at GEO. OLD'S STORE. Our *Sloe is opposite Ibe r'. R. Patent doe. snd we ac obtain Pateata is Mm Utile than char [emote frost WASHINGTON. send MODEL OR ORA WINO. We ad- vise as to roadability tree of charrfgrr • and we snake \OCi,IARG UNLESS WE OB- TAIN PATRNT. We refer, re- to the Postst•ater.the Supt. of Money Order Div.. and to 4taclad of the U. S. Patent Mao. For circular, advice. terms sad references to actual clients 1• your gown opiate orevenly. WIM write mos.. (vpo•lu Patent Moe. Waskingtee, D. C. The Canadian Pacific Railiaj Te-- V'ooisk'• Fsver(te Haute Aria/we MONTREAL, - TORONTO, QUEBEC. OTTAWA, - KINGSTON, BOSTONDETROIT, - CHICAGO ST. LO KANSAS AND ALL POT'eTt RAPT AM: RUR. gm Wok Time Tsblea, Tare•. TtNela 4 welly to R. RADCLIFFE, Osdwls., Jr. 14th. telt. - Our agent will all at the store dally for orders. Also oto hand. • lot of cheap weed each aA abort slabs. edttnRs. etc_ All the sae wood can ee bought at theor�:ellRae red. as the buyer d teed. IIVIER BABCULBR, Talo Reserve Mills. Jule ted. itNE 15551. R. W. McKENZIE IMPORTER, -'-' Lumber, Lath, Shingles sad boulder's m.Aterial of every dem i:leno•. SCHOOL FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. srA Tlrder promp(lyjsttentbdlto. Ooderlck Amt. 2. lilt. 2.1y The People's �Lively "" The .buertbv I. prepared to utrn4ah the pub lie with The Finest Rigs AT REASONABLE PRICES CALL AND SEE US -Opp the Cotter Hese Oodench. Omawlet. Fab. MN 1d HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT AOMPANT Thin (owwpany u Loaning Money on Farm See•irity .t Loosest Plates of Interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 end 5 per rent. Interest Allowed on Deposita, trrotvlirsg fo ransoms* rind firm left. orfleg:-Cur. et Markel Square and Need street, Ooderich. HORAI'E 00541054. poderlch .1..e. S1h 1M6. 1501 Wholesale and Retail Dealer in I GODBRICH BOILER TOW SHELF 'e7 A N D ea. HEAVYCbxytai & Bla les 1/anufartur.r., of ell Mode at HARDWIA.RE, IITATNNERT MARINI UPRfONT NIS MMUS BOILERS. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, GODERICH. SALT PANS, SMOKE{ STACKS and .11 toads ret Sheet Iran wort. STRAIN Ale• WATsa nil's mein' eowataatly els band. On bed. road- few delivery IS M.P. Mw Meet 5055tH. t • R.I. Mow 50.11.?. A ` hosts toi-aa1 Thr.AMK Omit arllw, i. e., f.pme•tev. te. aU is pe w.rbt.t . W qt be orvld d obey. Moll erten win resolve pv'seept semetisaa mems r opt. a. N. a. *taw.. P.O. BOX IS t9da•tsh, May Mfr. M