The Huron Signal, 1887-5-6, Page 6o+ -
Houseltolb }tints.
Hot wale, is the beet thing that can
used to heal • sprain or lorume.
The moms of a house need ventiletiem
In the daytime, as well as the ; in
the winter as well se the summer.
A little anninioia and buret in the
water "thee emblem blankets keeps the
Gnarl soft anti preemie" shriakryg.
Heroine coke in the kitchen and Mon
dry 4ees saves ,any a big coal bill
aud makes a better fiv for such pur-
Castors twilit of leather are a new
invention, sure t.. prove useful. A solid
leather motor will save malty a rug or
FatesTales. -Roll the belled tripe.
cut in squares,put in ere, then in cracker
crumbs, stud fry to a atoe be.,elei. Sego.
with catsup.
Housekeepers oheuld not fail t., keep.'
bushel or two of charcoal in the house
with which to make a ked of curls for
broiling. Try it min see the difference
it will make in your steak or clacker or
A sirnpLe remedy Ir neuralgia is to
ripply grated lionte-radieb, preivite.1 the
saMe as for table nise,iii the tenVe when
the fare ire head is affected, or t.. the
wrist when the pain is in the aria or
Do all farmers' wive* ku...w that •
quatt of teaterindk and • t.topoonful of
selenium. stirred up with buckwheat
fihur makes the best pane. ke411 ! When
done, steaming them in • covered dish
i ...moves thew very much.
A Ni Was Tu. C90!: CHIS. -
up the chickeus, put in a pan, cover with
water and let stew as umial. When
done make a thickening ef cream and
tlour; add butter, pepper and salt. Have
ready a nice shun cake, baked and cut
in equine Liy the squares ..n dish
and pour the chicken and gravy ever
them while het.
Deists Areae Celts -Teo cuPs of
sweet dried apples, seal( neer night and a
chop ; two cups molasses, and let it
outliner over tau hours , cold add
one cup of sugar, ore eggs. one half cup
f sour cream, *me milk and butter, two
teaspoonfuls of soda. four cups of deur.
four temp. maul* of miler:ism, and one 1
teastivesuful of elvers sod one nutmeg.
THE HURON 8IG/IAL, FRIIMY. 'fair 41. 1887.
Ileb lbseillesaw• 411eaes.
INS the history of =edictal"' no pre
My son titian you bear • maim peeling Nmedatiose tor the elk. mitten sff.
sad molding became Moody teats 11200 • Gad the permutes' mare n effects in h
way mama as Dr. Van Buren • btu
Oars. Its amuse in them diaereses
eta is simply wonS
derful. .
Hay lever is a type uf catarrh bay
peculiar symptoms. It is attended oy
MAIM has received elk+ universal e
•tesphatiii. r Nerve Foca, a
1%4 Tv We • sismaseget. eugi all wawa
as map coilea•.
week for preaching Christianity, yuu will
perceive that be meter worries a ha be irfWiteuti.
aims Ingersoll gets 17241. 0 • night for
preaching stbeteat. You will obesive
that the was who is unutterattly shucked
beosuse F. Murphy gem 1350 a week for
temperance work, seam to think it all bowleg aaf the nostrils ter -c, and
right when the beekeeper takes in twice Minim arrectiug the Image Ali a
am much money in • simile da The mucous i secret ed he diechaege 'seer.
laborer is worthy a his hire ray boy, aroisTiareley_w_ith a buruieg ecteetiote Tit
and h. "t as w"rthY et at to the Pal- attacks of tilladsche, watery aud infia
err palacr .1 •neting, thaw
pit as be la on the stump. aid eye. Elys Cream Balm et • re.
Is the man who is honestly trying to dy that can oe depended upon, 114A
save year tem! worth leee than the Ukilit aril ; by wail, naorotered, SO.
who is unly trying hia level best le go itir.ykri."1"e" thaati"4,N
to Congress? Isnt Mcody doing as good -
wore as Ingersolll Ist JonhB. Gough Rote.
to Great linitaiu the question of Ile
as much the friend ef humanity as the Rule is conimanding sitteution. T., t
b mender! Du you want to wet all the men with • odd in the bead or chest
esti in the world for nohing, so that safest way to ensure 'Imre Rule ever
you may he &hie te pay $ high prww for cold is 10 hae ...hand a bottle of
the bal? H TTTTT Red Pine Gum. For sale
J. Iriletee. Prescript' drug stre. •
Routeuiler. my bey, the good thietire
in the world are the cheapest. Syria,/ u Seal ereedete.
water less than corn whisky; a box eryitif: garoestrtti1818 helattititt r1r.t:tt;Lll.
of altar, bui two or limo bibi"• tor, mule by Dr ClZne, author of Che
• gallon of old brendy ants more than a roceipes. Try Clea.. fever Cu,..
barrel .4 flour; a "full b*nd' 4 poker 111 diseases of the Liver Kith'.
often vets a inan mere in twenty mans- Stomach and Bowels. Sold by Jed.**
MI dent, druggtat.
tss than his chureh subscription amouuta
to in three years: a state election coats
e Prolltable Life.
m we than a revisal ef reitien; yeti can Few nem have secomplished the mrrt
soeley „ean, amount of work and geed in this wo
in church every w
!or nothtnio if you are meals enough to a* the celebrate 1 Dr Chase. totes
• 600,000 of his weeks have been add
Id ebate Potasent beard upon SCIellintill
a, AD, Menuuseted be Prefseer Austria.
11 cures Puluem•
...oulopta. it k Ideodache Nese
v. . %net**, Vertigt. an4 Neuralgia
dmerees of the: human A dif3count of Ten per cent will be
era. "hoehel inn not a Medgeine,
allowed on all purchases
" Lc . rouvIll, Neva/WI It entutauci bo
intim:bed oundition of the Illolog tar
• IV • ., ..r inert! Peewees, (hearse
a'• IN, t atiol atinielent but atter, over one dollar.
I I% .Thiele and t.artnc Klement.
errl•. 1 e
Or ilsoly food. A eolith, 1..ttlit
f. rife ; I • • molt ince. All Drugguit•
eel 8
... i ill) per lan'10. 1.0111JIIN &
J. Co. DETLOR & Co.
H. • • 4 -rts fer the trosniiios,
.-eet East Toronto
in Gedereb Eris. Kih, M.
desd bsat your lodgine, but a nep in a Canaan alne. We want every perom
Penman am costs you every time; trembled with Liver Cemplaint Dys-
pepata, Headche, Kidney or rimy
Troubles, to euv a bottle ct pr Chases
Liver Cure, it will cure you. Mediclue
and lteceipe Beok 111. Sold by all
pair of trousers frayed at the end, bazgy drugists.
t the knee and utterly bursted IN to the
R. L n. lIN orking Order.
dome for the /icr; the dancieg lady gets ..eey neoeme wa. with
$ POO • wee, and the city thiesienery dysEwosta for mre than feur ysinflt.
ets $45.00 a year; herae race 'Coops its Tw., sixperirriced physicians did bass iso
2,000 the brat day, and the ehurcii fair Ife4 We ditte"“-sered' In"
read I Rurderk Bleed Ihttr; Le fegit
.sts a week. works twenty-five ..r thirty
figty oenta for the circus and a penny for
the little onee to put in the missionary
hoz: one dollar for the theatre, and a
SAGO ProorNt• --One cupful ef saeo
soaked in cold water until soft. Add bm-
onarts of scalded milk. Sweeten to
taste, and add a little salt. Let it cool,
and when ready to put in the oven, turn
in three well -beaten ens, but do nut
stir the mixture when you put the egret
in. Bake themoquarters of as hour.
Faor to taste. Tapioca sante as ga...,
nly use five eggs.
Cushions for piazza steps min be su
cheaply and easily made and are so cone
fartable and luxurious, thet when once
made and tried, ene will never be will-
ing to be without then again. They
protect olicas clothes from poseble dust,
eed make nice seats when piel on 'the
Vass, and can be used in ham:•••.cks,and
are Mee at all times for little teedont te
1..11 over both indoors and ma. They
tan be made of old or new stuff, plain or
elaborate, as one pleases. 1S e made the
cases abed ticking. They were made
twenty•four inches long and twenty-four
inches nide. They were stitched up on
the machine, and Ate end was left open
for the stuffing. We stuffed .1110111 with
layers of straw, which was packed in
very everly, and over the straw next U.
tNe top we put two or three layera cut
from en old bed comfrt, then sewed up
the opening very firmly. For cetera for
those we used kr the bettoma heavy
cloth cut from eld ; fcr the
to?s fivire.1 canton flannels of rich col-
ors, blue. brown and cardinal. Th.
edzes were finisheil with heavy cord,
large tasselwere placed at tho crners,
and a strong loop was sewed securely Old
one side to lift them by. The handisom- sh
est cushiona ears we have are made a ?a
crazy. of pieces of rich, heavy brocaded
stuff from an upholsterers shop. The
bottoms of these were made of oil cloth
such as are used for table oogers. Fear
cushions are not to many for cone piazza.
Make oee and you'll soon find yourself
making more. HaNdsome covers for
them could be made of invrain or Brus-
sels carpeta.g,and crocheted covers would
be very pretty.-thlina in the House
y 1. e ee and now IA ea Vial
of the best women in Ainerice nearly to levr, and doing heave work all t
death and coulee out $10 su debt. ; time" Mra Richard Retire theeler
Why, my buy, if you ever find your- 1 Oat 13' B' 11. has cetett the.41111
, cases of chronic dyspepsia. 2
self sneering or sculling, because, once ,
in a while, yeti hear a preacher getting a : • 1... sin.
1 h bett le .4 Dr am«,
irini, or even a luxurious salary, or a Around eac
emperar.ce worker making money, go Libo:tkorC,entresila a medicalilgrie and reeet
unig use u t. ermatin, ove
out in the dark and feel ashsmed aim „...„,„4,.,8 led pronounced by det.,
yourself, and if you dont fee: &bees I and drutreists as worth ten times t
kicking a mean man kick youraelf. 1 cost .4 the medicine. Medicirie at,
Precious little does religion auti charity 1 iluk $1' Bt." by a11 tint"teta*
c et the old boy, end when the money it re as lee- r sear.
dims give is dung lute his fine, like a Dont allew a cold in the head to slew to. dog. the donor is net benefited ly and surely run into Catarrh, whe•
by tieing Dr w d bf
ou can e cure.25e.
by the gift aed thc receiver is uut and y
Chase's Catan-h Cure. A few appljes.
c ertainly should not be grateful. n.
one cure incipient caterrh : 1 ut 2 he.,
- o
cures rdinary catarrh 2 to 5 Nang is
guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Tre
it. Only 2.1.e.: aud &ere cur. Sell by
all druggists ly
a. 14. if f.
is tirSan.
W."4 thet tehre" rarr'de tPuelePt
=IP at ;.r.•paert le lime* the wen,* „:1,117111;Deann.AW ea rod tee 1is :krovvs steel over ..t.;iiron in tkder.irti, ceinirripe4 vie line us
.•er ..f your patronage. to the he. tea:filter:b.:de. I a:1-11 eeirra. fru"' "ll &ME. th"41.." L. itra4.*
we ) et oftaltlid.
1..'N'.. 668. on Vicioria-st.
Is. .e Town of Godericb.
1.) Tit)
a lirelerl in a good part ot 11..e
1,..4 Mr bet on • if story
. rhea a! loci ed. w bleb Lau bees
. sad ta :a a mate erprie
tf? PALK:- lair cash. auml 1C-
01,111110114 volt rzechaaner.
nctl• nalare•yka lo Lon .lhair,
Aset.Is fur Owner
t3.1111114 'ea
i.esfissrt. ars missy tithsrlor
or. I. el with na.a.
Ipo p. oor „altered end ..Mt
am ( be seam me
• p.hicpto. merchants Dad.
en to. fsiu1a&8n. et
we warn me tattier spinet
snob Imposition by draw -
their attention to Om
$11 nemoity of segue that Use
gjalfINO BI-
LL Yit$18111110
o r simple tee Imes,
elle. pet la Thee.
Sew/ Moeller vbatse.
we or therm the aide
canoed Dist: •••ter
• ('*•r., mat
.1red • journeyman
Aarlace. n• ere is •
position la AollIesurv
sr • sU than Isorson.f,.,
Ladys& 1 litidrini •
Ikr, 'alma made *
im ail dae• Se/ unteg.
rt..I !ROOM
nut West Street. tato dew. east a rm.. tiedealsb
Keep Your Feet Dry!
4u cam do t W- aist a s rry trigirg veld b ttlf !LI( }our
ima coNse.9 BOOTS & SHOES
_• a al prethle Sceaa.
• 41S IWO eminise
..•`.1;',01.-i if Goderich
(eeteSTRY :
• win sod bes
sow • .t..sro:- .11.11111.11. H. litteille.
moo ore prosier td to la al. Linde et
AT THE t4 cr
Prices that Will suit Everyone.
pe Sag H e usske etcalt3 of lng 'ape-haB
and s si
rs Goderiee, Jan 2: 14P7 San bates Gots, in Button or Lace, 11.00 to 15,00,
Misses and Children's Strong School Boot, from 75c, up
"They hare a !aerie sale in my dis-
trict,- says a well knowe druggist, "than
any other pill on the market, and give
the best satisfaction for sick headache,
biloioinees, indigestion, etc., and when
combined with Johnston's Tome Bitters,
Johnetons Tenic lover Pilla will per-
form whet no other medicine hes done
before for suffering humanity." Pills
25 cents per bttle. Betters 50 cents
and 11 per bottle. Sold by Goode,
Druzgis., Alobin bio, Goderch, sole
••ty -late*, by llairsao.
It was at a ball. and he had just come
from ti.e Etat. Ile had been itareduced
to a lovele creature. Ile told me what
e were. ile was one of those follows
Sao know what belies wear. It was a
y-bltse tunic, trimmed with green lace
and embroidered gold, with a skirt of
Valenciennes linsey-wolsey wen. -
thing like that ; I doe't remember. He
had caught her name in introduction as
Mist Something, and he wius much
touched by her beauty. But he did not
like the apparently very friendly tera.•
she was en with another fellow, and he
began quietly pumping to find out how
things stood.
He seems veey fond of you," he said
0 ye.; he rather likes m."
"It looks very serious."
no ; not very serious."
'But there is something r'
"Nothing out of the urdinary.
• ILood ItoastlIon ler • 11:.sed 18•111.
The followiug le Poifemer Sanborn's
system ut relation of eruption the college
fine at Columbia, Mu. It is • good
sistem for a naturally good toil, like
them of the Misaissippi Valley. On •
poorer quality of sell wotild take too
much out of, sod put net enough into
the land, though dne dressing of stable
manure and on* crop of clover tunics'
'under every six years is rnere its the way
of fertilizers than most of out fern
eet . -
He begone, say, with a timothy sod.
Manures and plows in the fall for corn
id the spring. The corn is cut early and
t iken from the land as seen as cured, the
land plowed and in the spring 'owed to
oats and seeded with clover. The oats
are mowed early for hay. thus givIng tbe
clever a chance to COMP en and make a
sestond crop for hay. The first crop of
p:( ver th• next season M cut fur hay, bet
if the land needs improve's( the second
'rep plewel under sod wbeat sowed.
if the land is in gond heart it con be
C at for hey r saved for seed With the
wheat is sowed 11 nothr, which is age, -
e d to length two years plowine it op in
th, .4 11e second year to plant to
cern seem the next epriag, thus briaging
O s '.11Cit to the lerginning id the rotation
agile This is • six years rotaion and
In the six Team tile lets Mire" eropS,
8*. es the seemed ernp of clover he
p8 e.elst Tim lewd i • seen tined 'Very
▪ years. Deur tete menagement, 1.' ▪ .4 ta• land beenseing exhausted 14
air hissomi streamer med more fertle, as
ha' hwelb pt- 'roll oil the eollema farm sad
ta.olesle other other mem
"Perhaps Is is a relatien.
"Yee, hes a relation"
Brother or cousin !"
"Neither. Hes owe, • relation by mar
nage. Hes my husband" San Fran-
cium Chronicle.
Merchants ma wet their Bill times. Letter
Reads Se . fres nrinted •1 thia °fete tor weer
5810. P0'*-. and It bolo' to advertiser. their
smee down thew greerally re for the
0611 and sea easStist and et Prices
Kate Field asks: "Row many women
marry a good mac?" Only 40e Mile
Field, and one. if the good man i 4 true
to his reputatin.
For weak losss, spitting bleed
shortness nf breath, corns umption, nigh
sweats and •11 lingering coughs, Dr.
Piero*. "Oolden Medical Diecevery"
is a sovereign remedy Superior to eod
liver oil. By &noices.
Have von Toothatt• tselheid Light-
Have you Blieute.atisni ' Raid
Have you a Stiff Jeint 1 1 se Find Light-
Have you Neuralgia? Pee Fluid Light-
Hir* you Lemhego ? 1 se Eilld Light -
Are you tomtits.' with Headache ! Pee
Field leehtning.
Have yea any Pion I Use raid Light
ft 001 eons yea the inditei it is applied.
Try it. Ile per loofa& at Maras'
dreg MOM (I)
Mew a 111.4. teamed C.M.
A shin young man in the heigk
fashion was vielently *fleet:rig in &Ment
car, when a companion remarked, "Aw,
Chawles, deah boy, how 'rye catch that
dweadful cult" ••Aw, deah fellah. left
my cane in the lower hall tether day,
and in sucking the ivory hand., se
dersadful add, it chilled me almost ti.
1111th." If Charles had used Dr. Har-
veys Red Pine Gum his mild would aot
trorble him very much. For sale at J
vt% dorms prescriptimi drug store. tf
OCK Boys do $1.00, Up, all other Lin. es Proportionately Cheap,
01) ij 0 -VT. 1\T I T G
;RS. N.B.-To the trade . Leather and !hidings in any coartity at Lewes. Pekoe.
1 Lan and will aut too in ie..ds sr.1
Crabb's Blec, Cotter or est street and Suare.
iLr RHEf17,
cisoraerod L,VCR, 100,4EY13, ST
Aol eprelo of "arose arIsin A-sto
alLm.,13 Ort 04.000,
OF THE tiro";
7. cum & cr. Pr7Pitze„„,
1'7 The Miner
NWT of /taboret. Irmerrilaibee• and *kill'
fel raretetm. avid ememireme.
Pittl.mts treated ben. er at Mew homes. Kitly
treated st hme. threturb corepctdtver..
successfully as If here an lemma. Omar and
LIZILidetr joeneei seam eleene. Our ovir
." wharil girPo AL panto.
Mars. Address: or~is DMPILanlAlti
CAL Assoctenow.•• Nato neissw.
Por" lenrisnatt "rainAtoirn. drte!semosd
echoed hitcher% minor -ea, trinenetemers. h ware
lteelere. and ,ei-erwrio d women Iril"i"my.
Dr, Pleroes Irst mite Pomenseicei 84 :11. I ..11t
01 51* reatorsttve tni."1. It Ines s"Cusomil."
but admirably tent& a aingletiem nf I" f"Ir•
being a mom pot. -'it Apeetic for sal Fo*
OhlOnle WPSIntenare and Diem.. favirt7'.t.••
women. The treatment of many thcasti
of such MOPS. at Ow iniiihin. 14.4.4 end rowel
Ina, 80, toferseee s Mont ese...em
in adapting rms.c.jIns fur tboir relit. .4M
k. Perse's Faarks Pressriptios
se the resuit of OMB cost earee..-n-. For
Internal etmereeelent, lofts= stat oast
amid silleernaten. It le a epeeist.. st
la • powerful general. is well is ,Jt• t
mad nerri.w. and imparts •nd 51"1 tib
to tne lamb wpm.. ft egret weeltale
stovasets. tedlrstsma. Idnalesee. •r• -s
nervlAng 5•ba.041fie. and
streplemoree tar either sex. Yin mire Preserie-
non le rill hr 4. easete 'mime a.-., I.Oleo
soarentest, boo wrapper amend frat,.-
alt JISITTI.1111
PRICE I1.00, roe
10 camt• an of amp. foe Dr. P1rroP.1 laree
Treatise ran Disease* .af Wolpn s biO paw%
piper-romirmli. Addreee„ D; -re V -
SARI, IleAscm. Ass. ATIO/i. eel ham Ata -,.un
Rialfalia le T.
• •
sm eta PULL
ANT1-1111L1111/1111 end cernAerric.
all ions Need
Sisal week VNIllaftarbIP::
sloe reIvetl•sl.
Slab a vlek 611
emu am hese, titteile, -
reir "awl trf m".
• • me a
ememally 11111.101.11111111111.1111111111111118114.
ra easel. r ewer,
No Glebe.
No rbonrry.
No SW:0hp,
Ni, Oder,
Na. Hest
around the oil
POIntIvrly Non-
Made i• all styles
- Table. Bracke4.
swath to, Imp
APIter,.. Lbrary.
Price. - S4.58
and no. .ndi
Wainer C & White Vachines
Pianos shad Organs
au teem um Nov kpra ,
for a h
Wel te Ira .8 lint; of 4oeerhs
55 .0. rM,lIm7'et
00DRAIKE- -4- -
flow (epiolvdDaeiledemetiam, ailionsieem
1•••••14 Heidarlao f, Ismisem Pam is 1. 1.8.
80 say diesels erieni• from a derange
tier. De (:••••• LAM Cues Se thrseg • as
as resety. •
Fi.empiedified teeter of Do t nem . Liver Care
Lone emu foggy rah the fart thee it i
empeamied from aeteri. weithermo hew
Wasme.tica 410 Dasisamee, reediasd Xis=
*bee leveleatie meta hark, mid height
eilat on th• Kidney% faeuraelh ale
leer ersr-heifw custel adr4V a" Cilir
Sneed. 1100.000 BOLO
ow. o44 s ed.• Wo smut man. nowt
oomoo owl , t4/4 lo4, trireA/PI 044 Libor Cat.
mow 4 fry 841. oreeoei overd,o.
toornms iota. Om am
Wnen184 ar..ore lartlera` Ile (AIWA
Male PI ' Gads sad
Sea (114 i e.e..«e• vsee emial
medical ewe sal
lith tea hew the eeinetr
Tie Greatest Luxury Obtainable for Impaired or Diseased
- -
Vision is a Pair of
The Celebrated Axis Cut Pebbles
The frauds that have been perpetrated on the ststacle mooring
by most spectacle dealers. and peddlers by givin' assumed aol
ancy names to ordinary glss, speaks for the ignorance of the public
enerally. in the all-important subject of the preservation of Right
There are only two articles from which the spectacles lense:can 1.,
mantifactured. Viz: Pebble end glass --call glass by any other name,
it still remains glare. Pebble, on the other hand, is front *nature's
own manufactor-. It is a natural crystal found generally in free-
stone formation, and is harder than the ruby and etnigrald, and near-
ly as hard as the diamond. The Pebble is not more or less than n
transparent stone cut by aid of diamond dust, and the greatest
amount of power is pieced immediately over the centre of the wain
found in all pebble. It will give to the spectacle wearer the coolness,
fre.shnem and a pleasant fftling that Llis ordinary spectacle Amy"
cannot by any possibility impart. All spectacles and eyegiaau, arP
stamped B. Land eon only hepurchased from
DrUffeitt. Godorieh.
April 7th I1*.
Thte ant repressists tie desbie trees inflame Mg bett. Nme the pam"' et tee gre shave
spriagiatnatml le tbe Pad. by which • nuffliff 11 NT Imo may niw•Ith aad I MARL)
protean. eepperts the berate ebee the trees is adjusted.
OL 313.41.0 NWT% 4:346DERIC
Polievary Mb. MI
Extensive Premisesald Splendid New Stock.
0. IBA n ivy
=were ellfddill ant. feat sad eedde
Am% el meta
Ter Cetera tam ise tate Atm mot etvls•
saw Avilx en- 440. sPasoas
EtainSton Street, Ooderich
A �54 (*0, eft Itteniem. Ileivaeltt. Meter itherbodelel pellet reprtee.. ewe h he Te
low reeesifeeso Omni reed C1414111.11111n, -11141116a, kanrosam ashiessed
wisst-Illess.s.salus messes
w R -A ass.g,••••eiesseseetecesee sea Shwa& alwers 011 baled. atm Rearms feet te
lemeasele mesa
11011) ell OfellIps • raiaarapssisios • ageeralty. -A e asaikited