The Huron Signal, 1887-5-6, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 6,1887. Am sow @bowies ars szosillest aseemseent for Qprl t. lowest and *Ehoicest goods 4- IPPRIft 1 in the mrket DRESe S tOODS Me • epeciai !ow Ilse for 124c. per yd. worth 10c. Also a special Snout MI Wool Jersey Dress Cloth tirialirnyydi Mt! away down in prim. CittORS Skiing ad Cationic: iem thaw. former prima not withstanding the adverse at nes Motorise. Wags All their goods •ret smartie' at ezeminary low priees. No Dleocrunte TiMen Discounts are mhaleading. • mexiono ma rive a demount Off II Ahem trek putting it on. The War spiels ere =sae& tie greater di. essist eta he lama off. difrhospooties asd oeseporises of prices In- • ded at J.& REID & BRCTS, Jambes% Bled. Court Meuse By Goderich le* Mord. M. TOWN TOPICS. .4 Oak l'a anew. yr, tak.'w* mess. As' /eta prewt 'the pall:tern and Mossiers are dieing • lively trade ihiespring.but for omit of ertimic mer- it in phomeraphe Geo. Stewart runt he heat - ma. A 1Fist, If 7on fail to see Menem, spr.ng stook. Varied. eirytnt, durable sad cheap. De sure to es.sne and save mammy. Cesar Caltli STORE. 1 Wt. cf new toe& is 'month(' week all lime of das groomed.; shed at law rates. lospectios levier& If. McGILLivitsv. Mrs. °info Due opened ect • stock of ladles hosiery, underwear. dress goods, kc.. jells, atom immediately inertia of tbe Censors. Wessel Ilawiltos at rest Owilesioh. TDB WOMMie CHRISTle• riDePallteDelt LIJKIDIN Met recularly inertia. transaction 04 Mama mem Tesseme a -Mermen et fdla =he Northeast. church. Kier, IWOODUI s. 1. the work is medially livened le Mead. 're Mgr I Ole May t. Amid an Earth today and tbe trees wen boos bee vertim en Muir new ..it, so gree..but for 411191.. ftt for sim Penn of man Vse soot to gel sr.ited is at r. & A. Pridhosili. Compete takes up. oloserod and Maid. Great bargains gives Is all h. nda ef turemere. seeneseses. express warm, cartm, frees wt.. dew blind paper. vend/abet stair and carpet. teats end wall paper. G. C. Rossi:ram Orablis Block. GoedOs Black Cherry Clough lat.alsa ir working wonders. 0.6 sos. our own coeds ties pewdereet I. and ok. per package am shoo giving Treat astiefsesies. Mira dem d ispeadoes speciality. V. C. Goode. Draw OK. Albion Week - There is at eresent a meromerey pelage ea wally celled 8eldeste," that R. R. fleGowe takes that as to the propeiW of polattadviZik steaset be esselled for sesessrty mak quiet iseetL alcusee. P. T. Barman says. pays Weber thas say other commodity. But *Isere Is se humbug about tee names' Is wall= which is betas dives by Saunders • Those pretty es mad lec patters, aro pokes elf -lively every day; tbare ewe abeet VMS -rolle et the shore bargainalett Oen as4 pet a empty at The Mamma Mese eerier the Mut Tais Bumf essilemenLomr AND BMW, omenam.-Depsames *5 0.3. maim, =ties beet insetbisesemerlip ter their me - m. all bidaa invested ta neertigwe ea teem peeporty. Depositors have. firm lien la 41 the compeers *swat& lases we interest paid, tem te leper me esseidine to aseeent wad dummies et demean. Farmers bather sew -4.....illiaald canoed ese the WISINtater. Thet stops leading to die harbor ham been geopmes& The big mill, after .• short rest, gat 1161111M again on Meaday. Lan Mame left ;Thursday moment to Mho. position on thedredge Chalking* J. J. Brown, feresently inland messes dhow at Gederich wee in town Monday. Aleek Salaam mild. M. &Weir, 4 Breesels, were Motown Saturday lest. John Shaman, of the Woodatoeicl enkindarel, 6 is town MI a visit to rela- tives. Jena VIM& left 'for Owm Sand es Monday. to joia the crow of the steamer Barfield. The Slits, Capt. _Kerwin, left There - day menthing tor Malthus& Bay, to load ties for Canasta. The mhos, keen' monthly meeting will take plass nett Uneasy, it having been postponed to that date. Mr E. Campion, of Goderich, was acting Judge at the sitting of Division Coen in Wingliam last week The stimObier Evening akar that was somewbat Miami in St. Clair river last fall, is partly filled with water. Breed Maleonsion left for Buffalo Friday kat, to take a position ou the Gomel° that sails frogs that port. Mks Lizzie Kensedy, "'Mier the past two years hes melded in Oedema', left jer bee boles sts Winghant Saturday legit Miss Anna Hoemod, foraserly of Goderich, was married in Dotreit, Wed• needs, last to Walter Hutson, of that My. Capt. McKensi misted in town on Wednesday, and st Mee onseaseneed retinae ths Ariel remit for the mason's w ork. James Caseaday, of Tea htiomm, etaff loft Wednesday mornine to visit rela- tives in the meinity 4 Brantford end re • se ex rio Humelegs Mimeo -There will be a memoir of So Osorge's business moonset tea on Monday evening Seuoot Amos Deo. Friday a this west , Mug the kat looky ist will be Arbor Day iso onmethon t0. 0..• public schools Hsu10uorr. -P. Holt, barrister, sated im pears at the Cliatou dieser' mart Friday kat, mid 611.40.. masers very acosptably. Ragtuion Marneu. - The maul meeting 4 Goo teen commit will be he is the enamel chamber Ibis (Frick, 've- nni/ at 6 o'clock. APIOTIEDR V BC1toi5o. -Willie Marieuis is making ready to build &sot air vessel. It will be a schooner fur Al Deenelly, ot Kimerdies. Paasona - Mr Frank McGregor arrived at the uld homestead bet Wednesday mink, haring. been caned ham ty his sister's death. GOSS BAIT. - Miss I)&ncey Itf f Sorel, Que., Wednesday last, where she will reside dor the next few mouths, tbe guest of beer eater, Mrs Lam, et that plum Tex Ls Pthus.-The ice en the lake has hem broken up pretty completely during deco's* week, but the breaking up hat been enure gra4ua4 tkie ammo time for any years. Deere/mu Jewess. - Wednesday more. ing the terors were drafted for the June seesome sore minty court W B. Horton J P., P. Adamson, J. P, Sherif Gib- bons and the clerk 1414.. peace. Cesersowise.-An arinanned meeting of themsommittee of manageonont of the Caledonian Society will be hold in the . .1 the Heron & Brae* Inv. Cu this (Friday) evening. at 8 e•clock. AMMON SOCIAL. -The apron social un- der the auspices of the ladies ot Vieth - nests -1M church, Thursday of last week was a very pleasant affair. A good pm - grim was promoted on the occasion. 'no Toot A Thema. - Wh ile placing the smoke stack in position at the pumping Mese last Woodsy • keigth gave way cassias the whok to fail to the ground. Some little damage occurred by the mishap. Damming Lamm& - Scott Act brim liontess have been granted to J. Intim.° and Geo. Rhyme. Goderich ; J. Maadonalet Bir*; Dr Worthinetne, Clinton; C. William giod Dr Towhee, PWinghans. Tea Himor's QOSILTE11.- During his recent diooesaa visit to Godericls, the theta Rev. Bishop Baldwin was the I waist of I'. Holt, berrister. The Bishop , left for Leaden by the early train Mos- eley .ores.. Sairrom Harmer. -Comore and cap. • tains of vessels can obtain all kinds of blank forma at Tea FiloftaL odice such las Outward Repoets, Inward Reports, &c. Blank* not in stock can be fur- nished while you wait. A moths* 11110111P CoNlY0. -We Dr. M. Nick° the VIM street deutiet, makes the preservation of the natural teeth • epecialty. Om adminis- tered nem 9 a. in to 4 p. u for the painless eatractioe of teeth. Burt aslin Hulot -Troy W. Severe returned to Buffalo Seturday last, ori the mon train. His ea* a md hom- e monis. He took with bus kis two little n chddree, but left to the Colborne R. C. cemetery the reinaim of hie yougg wife. He and his children have the sympathy 1,1r„ of omeSy friends in Gedench and ',tena- nt Ay. rill Boon AND LINA- TM trout fish- ing semen opened on Smoky, but the .1sy wim not taken advantale of by many of our local disciples 4 !mak Wel- . • us " too. Monday, however, M. C. Cam- derstand that ameatements are being made by Rev. B. J. Walters for the moire Ciarderieli of Right Rev. Jobs Wakh, Bishop of London, at an early data A Tatars announcement of the *vent will Melva'. Tea MUMS. - The Governeteet dredge is expected in the harbor in *beet a week. Slm Melees. ordered to team Owen Sowed for Lion's head. and to proceed theme to Goderich. There is plenty of week ler bar to do in connec- tion with tbe Mr and harbor. PeetTIONM. -Mr H. M. Reynolds, of the Bank of Commove, Brantford, has kelt that institution to enter the Bank of British Nortb America. If the change in pentium Means pommies and an increme elf Mary, we pest thee, Pygmalion. Gows Forams W. -Mrs Donagh, an old and highbrestemed resident of Goderich, has disposed of bit bombe/it effects, and has gone to live with her daughter in Belkolele Park,Detruit. Her many fries& inGederieh wieh low every baptisms in her new &benne place. Thore.-Boine at our local pelmet:mg of the rod and Me who doen rejoice in a proprietary or ether interest in a treet streantare bringing in large hesitate fell, sad 'ivies high on brook trout them fine moraine* A let at people most have a spring creek at the bottom of the weft Us Comm 'Lenox -This palms Mama of the &mg Mei will mike her tall at Godson* this (Friday) sorn• ing about six endemic. There is • lot el -Moffat the harbor awaiting shipment to the Sault. Agreement the passengers from Goderich will he Aferelasee Smith and we& Lee. Tuteurre BUgralle. -Constable Yule -was engaged &teak, last in delimiter Ammo" neemotanriat• permits Of delin- quent pupils at the central school. There would likely b.. number of waren Meets in town on that day, but the register per centime will derive • bemoan dewing the ensuing week. root nos Flames finowes.-The tuff Woe. H. Siebold left Thersday morning for the Saltine hiked. to assist the Jealous CM* during Oho mason. Follow- ing is the crew for the owns : Captain James Inkster ; engineer Elijah Ram- ie* ; mate Dan Grahams ; sailors David Bentley and Alex Gesham. Cu ems or Buseiresa.-0. W. Beim, who recently perellumed the hook and atatiemoy business of Jame hone, has amociated with him sa a partner, C. A. Shepard of Locknow, • well-known and peahen( Waimea man. They say they are bone! DP pet a cheap library ia every house in town, if possible. Rewrine.-- Rev. John 'McGillivray, a Montreal, arrived in town Tuesday last and intend* to spend shout a imonth with knives in Oriderich. H• has reoeiwod call from Melville church. St Antoine met, and weld be nedeireed on the let Jane and inducted on the 2nd. Wo fond congratektions to the ,e141 Godeo h boy. arm Mre J H. Rat+ anis has refereed hoes* semis to Carlow, Oter • pleseant genie amose !mods during the past tem weeks. Tim Salvatiou Army ememoesil the salaam limos by holding serene last Seeds, &bermes on me Court Nom ,f111. Dr IldeDesseth will be in Goderiele foe eneeshaties Smerday the 7t4* of May, sod afterwards on the first Omer- 1,4 41ey et every meth. OM Ma BOAR -We wetleretaiwi Jams hurls hes amegled a leavetive weeks :Zs Wavelike doff of Warwick MTH ha a me en the reed. der be ie of • kit of snap Be lek foal" mrellay es file sem train. Firearm Courser. The mono& me - met in Victoria opera home last Friday evening ores not as well attended as the merits of the progress pesseeted dessee. ed. Mies Wyss sane in splendid style. Her sangria, is appreembed by all lovers MOW on all onessione. Her wake is very sweet and effective. Moss Wilkin- son wee • treat also. Her mks is (kW end sows& Mr Hyslop eseelied alt former efforts Rh Chorea, the, leari- tom. was • treat to hear. mud Lomsre Okes Sod Olathe mounted thedemares 4. good form ,•111fettlMalo% MU Id the procession es thie stream bus Le dedu t call at Tent eloN•i. office on the way home, DV NO ODU.1 say any thing about his luck. itoartoweo Dalai -PI, se is claimed by rescue, April usually eichangee three days with March, thou this yea April mot hate taken monad cold days from its predecessor to ket for the out fire year.. Sects ati messually ould April as that of 1887 haa not been eaperieuced is. this section tnr gamy a jeer. 2c.icz.-TY Some Act Forge. - The animet which wee &greet to be submerse - id to the coeuty Scott Act fund by the officers of the Goderich municipal branch wets duly forwarded to secretary Stevenson, Of Clinini. Moodily last. J. A Naftel, with the assistance of the W. C. T. U., was suocessful in noising the required amount. To Be hiscorme-The Rev. eloo. A. Francis. formerly 4 Victoria at ol-.urcii, Oudot**, late stedent of KIWI College, tuts accepted • call to Rodney and New (Laney/. He will be inducted by th. Presbytery of London. on Tuesday. May 10. The rev. gentleman has the best wishes of his many friends m this maks doe success in his mioisteo. N. Hume Tins -neon Iseurvos.- The annual snootier of the North Humus Teachers' Institute will he held in the cestral school, Winthase, on Thursday aged Friday, May 12th ard 13tb, 1887. beginning at 10 a.m. An interesting progress is to be presented to the inset- ise and it is expected that an 'Admen w01 be delivered by Dr. Macdonald, M. P. •te emu Soo Lore -Fee. G. R. Torii wee unable to oocupy North street pul- pit Sunday last owing to en uie throat. Tbeepulpit was isoceptabl;83Zd however, by Rev. G. F. Salton in the morning and Judson Truax in the even Mg. We aro pleased to learn that Mr Turk 6 nether vine. and mil probably be atle to resume hie regular pulpit donee unday next. LISERAL/TY. -ThOS. Trivett. of Exe- ter, offers $6,000 towards the building a n ew English church at that place, and e rill give more if it te heeded. lf Mr Trieett will come to Goderich to reside he will find a handsome and commo- dious churaiready built, and the church here could easily take to its bosom two or three liberal Christians such as he undoubtedly is. IX rex EMPINIM. -Mem in the employ a the Doty Engem Co., 4 diPumno Toronto, have bees mosseed during th. past week or ten days putting in the ma- chinery of the two tows recently built by William Marlton. The work on the Siebold was completed Wednesday, and on the afternom of that day she steamed out es her trial trip. The work on the Juso will be fionipleted by next week. OMETVAMT.-Tlis following notice, which we take from the Waterford (Ire- land., Mirror, -refers to the death of sister-in-law of Mrs. T. R. Edwards. Vie torie-st., Goderich Revisor. -Marsh le daCanalerhellladbasa. Olivia. widow sr Weidman Roysett. Req., desplitar of the late Onet. 8. 8. Johnsen et Premere. Deenty waterier& sneer et Rev S. R. Johns's, termer rooter of Cleemesa. esd graftessine of Use lase Nam Deemet, Diocese of Cloy se. Team. Rieslings°. -rho hammer sad maul are being plied beiskly at the desk this spring, as the following ressek ere being fitted out in our port: P. Ma Zwan's Kathie', Copt. Densey's Jam McLeod. Capt. Lawman' H. N. Tol- man, Capt. Kirwano Inligo, Capt. Dena. McLeod. J Carew, Capt. McKim - :ins Ariel, and Capt. Murdoch Me - Donald's Miry S. Gnrdon. The met week will me a number of clesiMAMS. &Hoot Ex AMIXXWMID.-Intoadtee candidates for school mangiestions would do well to read the advertisement 4 the secretary of the Board of Ex- aminers which appears in another column. If the advertisement were carefully read in every instance • large amount ed annomem and useless ques- tioning would be does away with. The seem of Adenoma speaks (or itself, and is as 'a se the proverbial pikestaff. Kern Cnuacto Potrio.-Mr And. McWilliams. of Mnetreal, • divinity seedmit, meepied Knot oberch pulpit needay met, and the otber appoint.- ..Mee in connection with the work in this sectim, very meeptably. He is • readmits of Kenai College, ..4 immune time mit has oecepied the positiou 4 classical and mathematical teacher in Montreal College. He gime evidence 4 gond work. He will assist ai Knox church for the next three nsontbs. "'MDT WANT 1141 445575. - The Owen Sound Times, in 'Miami the ap- pointameat of • delowste to Meet 01*...for the purpose 4 pressing on the Gov- ernment to rive .me acksowledgment 14'the volunteers of 1866 and IOC mays Twenty years have goo* by since these warriors of rhe peat took the field before but they are as ready to shone a Teaks --Of take • land cruet -as ever. Had not the rem of ea in Onderich who carried • gen in '611 bettor joie in in. propagate's. To However,. --During Om peat week 1 we have garnet nut ems Goo bills est cards Sher • number of OM ;noel I already !arm mock 4 eats, sad son suit • the horeeneem el the sestios is every • ekes required Rates amoebae, end the beet of work. We advise ear readers when hog gee& to reemeaker. that J. Lie 4454 & ram theories the beet Mee is staple sod faseey dry meek, tweeds, &a. 14 ea h *ill pay Foe to give them it sell a Y. W. C. T. U. -A making will be lioll tn Kam shore\ looter+ room on Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock fuer the purpose .4 forming • lumo Women's Chanuau Temperesem Cuiou iu Oodm rich. The ebneoe of the society wil; be to take up Band a Hope mok in tali- wriestatou with regular triumensuce mid other mettars 4 inoperteme to the apintual growth sad development of Sabbath whoa children will like be un- dertaken Every menu having the good mese at heart is iowited. Hs Wes an OLD Pion's& High Hall, who Abed is thiderich us asturday Mt, at the advaeosd age of 88 years sod 6 monthe, was one of the pioneers of Hun's, luislog settled on the tome line, us tbe liars now ocoupieet by Mr T. McIlleese, in the year 1837 -just 60 years ego He was burn in the county 4 Cavan, Ireleed. and cam* to Canada is 11•821i, maiden,' in Darlington for ore tem, and was an active participant in the rebellion of '37. Itiouse nine airo he JAIL DEliVERY- lbw*. ro pad weak emend deliveremes froses jell love been o ere ly sosel I*.full, e eted . Tuna - clay loat Ose threw lilyth hotel heeler*, situ har• been tocistoerat•O (.4 ten days for contempt, wereIltrnI4r4J ; and 'Ileum day the Halliday family 'tether mid two deughters, who Moe pest eonspIeted • eix menthe' terse for vegraney. shook the Just of the &mile off ti su fest. They tourpose taunting to Brussels Them aie new In jail nine persona all told, six id whosa are insane, one aged woman for vagrancy, one Man 84 yeses of age for reenact,, mad one man °barg- ed "nth attempting to cat his thrust. Cit'ImE OF TUC A MIZONcit. - Saturday kat y000g Williams shipped Ina bereloberk came, Autikonos, to Man- chester by Hopper's dray. aud then took the river route for thehrrich, amwpas- pauied by Walt. efiention. At thl muse time Win Ellerd W Hutson had their duckhuat launched and voyaged in the wake of the Anaikonm down the became hopeIesely mane, and had DI be raging Maitland. They stetted the trip removed to id for mfekeeping. *beim 9 a. m., and after a taunt air of 811ITIFILD ON TIMM BATIntl.D. -Captain stoppages, resched Order tc.k shortly after A. M. McGregor left on Wednesday ad 4 p 111. -a distaace ut nearly forty miles. lest week 1. 1.4.. charge of ths Govern- At Heuesiller they haa to portage their moot y boat Haybelel, under limo* owing to an apprstitensin. as the Commodore baton. Lem Wednesday practimbility a "shooting" the dam the portion of the boat'. crew resident The boys •Il My it woolen enjoyaole trip, im Goderich and viciuity t -sok paiware but that the homestretch from Beninikler for Owen Sound to j."6. the vessel. They to Gudonch was • rough palmate with • were se follow.: Norman McAuley, heavy current. Win. Sutherland, Den. Sutherlend, A. CoNtroicxed. - We take the fol 1 Sutherlond, and Murdoch McGuire, of Chdench, and John Fergueoe, Percy Moorhoese sad -Keegan, of Hayfield. They are all likely uses sad god sailors. Annone.-D. M. Sullied, the cham- pion jumper ot the world, who fixated compiceously in the Goderich Cale- donian games last year by jumping over tw• horses, f rens gram to ruegon • stand- ing jump, was in Brussels last week. He intends to go into truicieg St. Thome* this spring with J. D. McColl, the champion heavy weight of Canada. 116 .it. likely that betas will be pres- ent at the games to be held here this year. Archie Scott, another of our successful competitors is. all round athletics last year, is beffled as manager of the Durham games on the 240*. Archie thoroughly owderetanels all the *Mem a list of isseetiesdes an& limescoles shish is most useful at this moos .1 it, roe. 'The sobers epd.„si „wire is 1111 pet, . •hich includes n eesebesib,i, • f the ego oteiti..11. 5 eopy 4.1 its osesemel al..1 a etkre in the animal desalination .4 silents. in addition to ij. magazine. and begiu •Ith nel uo.ii*k TJ 111(14410434t 11.111 • nd increasr es usefulness, the editor effers to send it fur eight motile. trete May. to new subseravs.•, ter 50o. Avi- dness L Weervestani, tiere. Fruit Grooms Associatit,n of Ontano, Girmisby, Oat COallas•Tion SEW:icy& --On Sunday enormity hia LorOship ib. Hisliep 04 Huron held confirmation services at IR. tleporge'e church, on vi loch occasion the following candidata" were admitted to full nurtubesship in the church. Wale Cottle, Fatioie Wereberald, Lucy Cattle, Era Caws, Mary Niche soil. Mall Elwood, Alice Goldthorpe. Mr min Mil Joe Golothoiee, Rite N.ftel, Kathleen Ball, Marian teriro. Maud Itutaon, Florence Williams, Miry Stuart, Mary W A de Nib el , Mary meek , Louisa Hopper, Rama Frirsley. Fred Hafted, Heury Naffed, Harry Veneto. Geroge Weathereed. Levi Card, itobe Mies, Geo l'he church wee crewded by a large congr.-Rat ion. The rector rood the prayers, the bishop the lemon. Hie Lodslhep alio addressed the candidates should on the spirit in which ousfirmatiois be scoot. the duties inee• posed by its acc.lit .noe. fit the con - lowing hum a recent ala" "1 Hal 'elusion of the Bishop.* address, the atAv%•• (1,4 7..... published ID pressers ceremony of iseying oo of hands Buffalo N. Y. -At tbe motion a was proceeded with. The choir sang the breech 22, Tnoodo7 evening, the lhokte• small nsuessior Meiticle exceedingly well. tug preamdle and resolutiorie ut in the gemming the church wets again elTnPethy for Ben. T. W. Savage, whom crowded by • large congregatioe. uei wife dope:tea thus life at the benne uf !oboe occasion the Bishop preached an her parelets in Goderich, Canada, last eloquent and forcible seem m from 2.1 Sunday moming were adopted - Where- Kimmel ziv 2832 Th. °The barley field" sa-We, the members of branch 22, hear with the deepest regret the &Rectum of THI FlottlX44 Fume -The Goderich our brother member, T. W. •, 4.1* left for the fishing grounds 'heft- • ! 84•111te, after 6 o'clock 'ruesday morning kat ' the death of his Inhered wife. Bs it in tww .1 the ma curt. Thera Resolved -That we tender to our afflict- wars "I„ hum, it, tha tow. " follows ed brother and family our heartfelt i_mapta Let, Joh, craiiria ; 2_ sympathy in this hour of their heresy, - mein ; end be it further Resolved -That Fiat* A, Alexander ; 3-- Alice Maude, _, Wm. Saunders; 4-8eoteas Thistle, Alm an action be ontorod nitun the "num' Cringe. ; 5 -Flyieg Med, D. McKay of the branch, • copy promoted to. .thet family, and published in the Cribueo rook ; Bell, MeDusald & II114111 nli nws. Peruvian, Norman McDonald ; 6 -Pearl Elizabeth, Wm. Wall..,; 11 - At the regular fortnightly -open meet- J.,•••w"moli,,,cealtTwft Janies Clark, John Bain. The tag, ing of the High Scheel Literary Society armor P . MICILSAT Joao( F. firms& which was loaded almost down to the Itat Friday eveeting, the following pro- gunwele, hael • heavy undertake's, se miss B. Rusk; aida, mks stnirban ; nounceasont at theesener-A biscofetwaNiturtb"hitette...1- baliallaseelieeillateadidahara "for esiaazbiletwiltarie7 /MID was presented - Trio, Mos. A Bin Scotian* Moure. Boddie and Ileasimes mediae, the Square stated neat Ftlibef & Puree -r At ine very outset, jest OS the tow clear- recitatios. Mies lielLeitht ; question ed the end of the piers, • tante doe get drawer, 8. P. Mali.- selectioes,the Edi- Id wet's"' 5ttgf° marble. Mune'', 1 wedged between the third and fourth ter, Mies AikeekMd • reeding, mina at 4.15 p.m. 41 4.. time specified the „sta. and mimed data, for a abort 14.4, Donohoe ; chores bythe'inembers • year- lig•th•rine el sciamd ch"ren that and about tit, miles oat • similar .4.. *01*., Mimeo Rebeetion and tia/M and eaglet, "II • lerge on., lumf h•f•re hap seemed to slacken the speed and m- atey beton to clamor for the marble' so Mae* Taylor avid Heddla Dunne the evening, on 'motion of Meier& Hod- loudly that George Porter hail te roll up quire heavier preesure from the east:: di. and Taylor, the thanks of tlie his sleeves and scatter broadcast By of the tug, hut about nim o'clock 4.15 the usethree were exhausted and water was ginned, and some of the beak May were voted to all who en kindly the youngsters begais to breathe }reel, hoisting sail, greater progress was ..on helped the members at the repent enter - after the jostling aud tunibIing iu the ' lb. Ica, "'ache"' SuatilaaaPtaa tenement. dust Su that they might be kept cool about 5 o'elcck without any mishaps. and it is expected dm remainder of the GOOD REAPING. - ID 1100041104116 for some enterprising youth., not connected the brevity a its editorial utterance., in a.. with the generous marble distributors, tresuserely asysi"71446a:oolugyillialideis saimi•IPhis ti"°roees3 rreel°°paitlha.forrl of"wtilaleter.buoibidici:g twhietyh eerive: modem for the" sloop 00001"Wwl blond"' I -o bested freely upon the urchins, nisch tiemlneete. Ffelfillent the ethfc'reee'e •ree to the diecosefiture of the latter. Al weeld ea the inivngthing "mill" in 4,15 one a number a the ward schools psrrmtic assa liesiisesealseustlookkailifotehebreeeineast"inethwo.: toweillent hestdwas eizroprissii•dia, and tbstlresithPeadisPPuitribis": the houllenik foe woYs arni °ewes tion bad takes' place before the scheduied thriftier k•fee, file hull's" flw • time. lt rumored that a protein will placn,the house hunter for a tenement, be antarad tha ward artwAara; as veil the eeeeTkqed fur work. ee,ewPePer as the tieze;Lry deposit can be made, diet thirt7 dare old le •••%,........"11 sveri so thee a oser distribution may be hale. My al e alaelaPe l'a adaace-a TDB CANADIAN MIITUODIST MAGAZIND will be good reading • hundred vox mar._priae 62 a year. 11 f..r ail "InOsoelliterwoc warUor:load or ens Cnuaollon.- ettlim;. 20Bricsongs.-P-Thenupintaceb.r.of honor Ws beim bogs favored with a °WY °I in this %/umber ie given to an able article as internalise little week from the pea by the Rev. Prof Shaw on Dr Beck- et Demi Carmichael. of Montreal. (a for- lay., man( book. 'Th.iand a the mid. amisteatrector of Geolseich) whisk night Siin_tha Taar and Nihilism:. 11 advocates the union of the three prison- ie-'aeraptiionafT iibiatratad. al, ars also Preeelelet _bedew Cee•Ah"fle__ o_ Lady Brarsey's account of her admen- Anglicen, di* rniebYtera° ee° fee tome in Venezuela, etc., and the Editer's Mtele"diel The werk bef'we es Fir closing paper ea the Pacific Coast. No Own with tillt onbiont so an seep" new better cat-orinteng is dose in the world ios, .04 0*. author plainly proves that than that id tba bna „warier. of ilia be has given meth seedy and deep magazine. The Raw Dr wiiiianie ens. thelett„tbe WwTh.geee•„, • n___. **tic. tnbutes another admirable paper on the eh. Peetweee e/ "awe"' 'wee. wf Minor Poets of Methodmin ; and the Mtel•reel, 'I well worth/ uf Pereeefby Re,. John Philp, of Montreal, a striking all who look for eloper fellow_eleip article aa mochoisom and sooday. ammo* Protestant demominatioes. schools -a record 4 which all Method- Aceomneret tinoommo. -Wednesday kts 'nay he justly proud. A new story neglening Memo seven and eight o'clock by Amelia E. Barr is begun. It is a Howard Cox, son of Oftorge Cos of strong! written Wee of Yorkshire timerat staff, minted a blackbird ea M , which prognoses to he of one of the trees in the orchard and etesedenit intent. A brilliant Juba" west into the Muse lura ran to brine number is in preparsoolo The oiremoo Ay, oriel) Beim' --One of thil nuo04. down the gams. After beeline a breech- nos of this Magazine is steadily income iletetestiasA weddings of the meson took leading shot gun, he was just going est not, but back numbers 'ten UM bit place on Timothy, April 26t4., in the of the kitaken door when the gun mot supplied. formerly 4 Ashfield, off, discharging • portion 4 its contests To BlicriallelltND • POLICY MAistertern. Catholic church, fieeforth. The °m- int° lb. foot a Fooninio brother Bolo' - -The secretary of the Huron Scott Act treating parties Dakotawore, John Ford. of sue wb° wee Rapt"( et the wathefiewle toolootoWoo Iwo i...04• dreellir willint mod Natalie McKineon, daughter of Castistaes, , periorming ablution*. The eels of the • meeting 4 the Aseviation to con- Donald McKinnon, one of Tooker - slipper of the lad was blown almost eider the recommendation to his Honor, assith's mom respected farmers. The oomPII441 off, but fortunoto17 "IY a 010 Lieutenant Governor, et some imita- te+ grains of shot poileteated the foot. ble person toe the pennies cof opclaes bride was &reseed in • very rich bridal Uunder careful reediest Matniest ties inevierste for air county. Th. 81.84.. prialemetemeimmtrietpaittoblawise esbnutinn,44wittoh m as‘pprot c h , boy is on the mend. Mg will be held in the lecture room of loth ro.o. tett 'toed of rare • Pitmen You ARC Own or Teen.- tbe Rattenburr street Methodist church, There are a number of people who have Clinton, ogi Tuesday, May 100, com- thee far *selected to have the date miming at 10 30 o'clock a.m. Those cheered on their subscription labels, end entitled to be present and vote at this ohm a neighbor calls to borrow Tim meeting are the el else maw 11IGNAL Irons them• blush of sham ty, the members of' t • executive am - mattes to the brow as the Mimi. label mentos of the county Senn Act associa- tive@ evidence of the fact that the tirr, the president 4 each municipal has eget been paid for. ILO a man Wei- %wench Scott Act asenektion, and two nese to borrow a newspaper, bet it is far other delegates from each municipal mum to take • paper year after year brench association. The Lieutenant and nod pay for it This applies to the Governor in Council Am now the in - in arrear wen Ike in Mani- thority to appoint Married police maga- lobs, the States.in Guinn. Oetario men. Mtge in Scott Act counties, and will ties or around hem. Ler* at pear likely he guided in makinr the appoint - kiwi, and see if yea are one id the pen- went for this county by the acti in of pier to whom this item is dedicated. If this representative 'seating. The prone - you have pod op and haven't been cam- dent of each municipal association is nod muse in and hem some fun with ea. requested to at once call a roosting of his branch, to select deleer gates in ord that there may be • full attendance. snows to the grueseds bo mom - plashed without hiadrance from floating ice. The tog, James Clark iv this year manned as follows Capt. A. Chambers, mate, John McLean; engineer, Wm. Sheldon; emm it WilliaHatwouel, and fireman. Wei. MeIntesk. PatanteSit The greater part of the farmers in this sow ion are through with their spriag seeding. Miss Mamie McMillan is serimely ill from the effects" of told. • Mr R. Dawson, of Klacardine. moiety depety fur the 1. 0. 0. T., p54 um an officiet visit on Tuesday lam, arid changed the temperance organization here from the Royal to the Indepedest One of oar enterprising fameess,is per- son of Albert Towle, has become the poesessur of two self-bioners this year and also a handeome top bogey mango factored by J. W. Hildred, of Leeknow. Albert thinks them is so soaves danger of hard time sinew the Meedeseld Gov- ernment has been sustained. DelTD,-- Thareclay, April nth, Mrs Taylor,reliet of the late J. Taylor, passed away to her Ione rest; Her death resulted from • fall she had received • few weeks previsous. Deemed was 73 years ef age, and leaves • large ninoner of friends to mourn her los.. TT Seetertla. Tont BAT riP FUNDY. - We have re- etif wed from she Beard of Trade of Mt: Jens, N. 31., • pouphlet ronteinim "Report of the Spezia] Committee on he Bay of Fundy and Harbor of St. ollea, N. B. hs. assosupanied by • map shows°, the weeding* 4 Rt. Jobe harbor on feet and is replete with die- eriptive matter whielt eceseassively moves that with fog horns and setematie beetles within eaning 44.4...., the home sledded with lighthouses, its ides aged their enemas well keogre, and better Aerie, the Bay of Firmly ..i1(.. 11.. is todoy robbed of the terrors wSish were widely attributed Ii' it is the prL The seers owe pot funk ley the eneneit- les is that igs this are of sessRa m, the y F seedy 4.5115.11, lode wish say ether beefy of water is the weal Weenies* seeh as & Martin, W. F. Ckrk, D. Rog., James Bailey, and G. Graham, .04 are sow in • better position than ever be. fere to rive thorough satisketios is this Hee. Thie year eve have added be .it 1. 04111/1DI•N HORTIVI:LTIAIIIT. --A copy of the Canadian Ifortieulturist for May, sad of the report of the Fruit Growers' Assesiatine for 1886, has just come to bead This is the only sereethly reagenne es dee enntimnt devoted wholly to the Deland Of Canadian Fruit Growers. It 6 mite& by • practical (‚.41 grow., hos no ongsmng etice interest i. say onrsery. Our Canadian farmers will fied ese it wholly unbiased evictions re- garding Gee merits of new and old fruit& heistrsettorts in (mit meters, sad the heat modes of marketing the mesa bier on forimulters, lawn lemmatise. elk ivory neesher has • beautiful Morsel le as. froestispiess, sod asiworous Tint .bit for May will artelkal e.:1,1 natural Sowers, setting off yr to advanlare bit rich, blood* compleo los. Miss Annie McKean** sister of the bride. was bride's raid, and Morgan Dakota, et Ashaeld, soar of the bride- groom, misted as groomsman. At the sloes of the suptial high mese and mar- riage sereasony, Father Biwa gave the happy ample ems good advice, ad- dressing himself particularly to the bride, whose Ise had known for • led& complimetisig her most deserved- ly epos her many vette*. After the services in tee church were over, the bridal party and resets betook them- selves to the hotel foe Aimee, after erbiell all drove tn the madams of the bride's father, where a resorption gad banquet was given that ma very eredit- able to the host. When the repast was aver. all the young people isdentod is the giddy game of the daaes, until the dateline colt of day told Nish that the unrestrained festivities were over. The beide wee the meiment 4 may beaten - fel aiiii enmity pelmets. Mr Ford is to he ceisgratelated upon hewing sesured for • 'rife owe of Tether - smith's best mei oniverest dauerbters,and we wish them every seems aed happi- ness is their (Mere swains brogues. Ong Wo Was PalailMT. If a ma thieks he might to Ise • Masesouid is pet net lessame be ken, asit it to he • domes. Wbeeswe pi rod sod reser a snub. we melte ourselves ea weer se the mom elie mires fie moth. A rerrir. rtrolo. rrorr.. . . --2siesev-yrw wry, inisr,---+