HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-5-6, Page 1ore titi)RTiETIi YeAL ! WHULlt NUldliLIt *1, OTE � coUN cENEAAI. INTELLIGENCE GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY, MAY 6, 18137. J MCOILLICUnfY boon haat menet•. t eke0 ♦ YKAII1\ ALYAMb. THE HURON SIG\TALI TORONTO LETTER. "'�''� iTHE THREE BY -Li 11� S• the rut ..t "orthudoa" tisr� � lseubhate4 every :Way ]turning. by 11 respondence. • tlruruuuuT Uaor.. •t their Oats*. nett►i7 � I 'Vo pent up Utica aoat rs wr Moes Meeting in Victoria Opera Tar %perches tie ser •re•.ee Tae ern. Dews LeaLed al frees moue pear* -Own. avid e'Iewres lee Use £ke. lar. I a•rlwsr. I %tIt%•Iee Its rarer el tar 'geese,. Musings on Various Matters in I Kut :ti whle br•use mites:ye is oir uts. G01111;RICti, MITA RIO, � t --w- 1 the Queen City. VIUUAY. MAY egg, 1887. Is IT ant %last timelite Porter armor aaeYwe•r s..»e Heelsoar r teem - 1s. the „mien, v"as Liberal 4 ow- ed with the Minister lit Public Rork. fur the ereeri- a of the public budding* in (Srxlertch 1 wanted fur play f•.r Dr Smith are mow •wesnnsp O'Brien must hast l.r I what they call "Ikit.isli TUE men wh Kane Mon Hal that Wi nam heard. That's fair play." Ma Lerman is -memo,; to effect the, repeal of thetet anchiee Act,ontee ground that it re unfair and expensive. If S:r Chariot Tupper nieuis anything by his puofessious of • desire to se otuize, he' cannot apply the knife to a wore etteous exerssceuce then this. CHAtar* Itv>;ri:t has been chosen chxtrnan of the politic sec 'nuts commit- tee of the Horan oe Cosuuuus. An ex- amination of the i.rivate accuunl• • f Louis Smolt. w4• l' lead to the belief that the member for Linculu is at. ex- pert in tinsnctal rotten. IT is now dammed that the Gemara - mien( left Curran s Herne Rule reso- lution an open question. They did so because their experieued .d last year peered that they could not close it. Sir John and Robert Porter, loiterer, did all they could against it, but equal rights to all mew in every por- tion of the Bntah Empire is a principle that can no longer be trampled under fo,ut with impunity. No. better *vide Es wanted that the 0 esernment was othcer Dunn's crime than their ac- tion in the vote un the gnestien in the • (rouse Every man of the lett who., . *tel "gamest Mr Sk'nner s nee tion voted to compound a felony and eudurs, • theft. Robert P.•rter, of Simcoe, the accidents) member for Weal Huron,veted in favor of the theft. y to returning -I Cror.toE;Alone. time Ads pursed Risen Mr C,suker, the meat:her for Iialdimaad who was counted out by 'ledge Ceeer, publicly stated that the ludas was drunk when he committed the act. The Toriei et that time said that Mr Coulter would be brought before.the courts for making the statement, not up to the tome of writing the threatened pettish - meat has not fallen upon him. (ns thing is certair, Judea t peer has been lowered in the estimation of every right thinking man in Canada, whether he ' was drunk or sober whet he committed the crime. [ paid a visit to the Northern Congrega- tional Sunday s4oul on Sunday after- noon. 1 receiy a warm welcome from Mr H. J. Clarke, (of the firm ..f Cupp, seemetwes ore .erewautarrr. arty I Clarke & Cu.,) who is regarded as one tieM.i -♦ *ted i "nada) mrb"l, ane • I „f the toot superintendents in the city. I gNasss eaprrtrreweal• There are larger Smiday schools in To House. Teens -tee May :.1, 18137. A' the time of writing genuine May reacher has arrived. The season is a week sr too backward, but now the y rush. The heats hare been running a (acrpl. of weeks, but there is as yet but little tnfc on the lake. Building operations will be lively this mason if the Carpenters' strike dotes not u,tsrfere. heal estate has been bootie mug during the past fire years, and al to •u;h steno are pessintistic enough to shakt, tie head sugveatively and say '•Itemeu,ber Wiui.ip.eg, • Yet the con- sensus of opini •n amour; bu,iiites men is that real estate in Toronto has nut yet been run above its value end that is. panic need be feared in that quarter, lith tuir,blinc values an s. crushed for. tures as the result. . The fire system of Toronto is still kept up t.. the b chest atendard, It is a si,ht to see the imagines and ha,k and ladder cans get out when there is an alarm of fire. The horses move at the sound of the seine with the precision of clockwork, at.d are harnessed by an automatic prucess, and go tearing akmg the street.' towards the acerae of the fire much mire opick:y then 1 car, describe it. Surae •lay I may deecnbe time muds n..re fully. I dropped hot o the V'oxnz Liberal club rooms the other eve.,ine, and heard the h..ye debate. They hate sate rattling spea.ers amen: thein, end therein scan -- dor, • meow o.f address and i:od ,pendenoi, oftheutht ant a c•sursee,usneu of utter• lice ishib.tel by the •p•ai:en that. make tits proceedings intereatin:: as well as sustructive. The club will c'oee its regal tr meetings ler discussion for the theism by a bareptet to he held in the W.'ker Hoaxr in abtot four weeks' time. By the way, the Yount C,r.aers•stites have rooms au the mine 'medium aqd meet the seine sesiot .g. 'It will sure) y shock the feeltnes of my friend Mr P. W.Juhnstnn to learn, that the Y. L. C. A. will hold a conrenti, n soon. Those who remember his allusion to the "Predated Rime' at the meeting in the skating auk, will see that • chance has come me: the spirit of the Conservatives s• far as c inventions of their young men are conceru.J. it Oiror,r.N.tatAN.--Eighty •uuw ?s end winters hare not damped the ardor In that gerial son of Erin, P. O'Meara. He can still answer tits violin in good style in a "nate Irish jig," ring s num- ber of good songs, with a delightful brogue, and tell thrilling anecdotes of days gone by in • most graphic manner. Atter s week's wait hero lis has returned to his home near Benmiher, Touu Htv Gm Ye Deem --Frohn last week's item c• pied from the Strat- ford IMujr.,is, one would think Stratford had a host of champion quoit pitchers, but notwithstanding the boasting of the '1101wrro, the Dunlop people will stick by the architect. The yitrstforditee may not Ce willing to see him cock -of the -wails, but whether they are or not, we can tell the ffrorow our architect 'teen nae foe,' end when he returns from the classic city in the fall we expect to see at his belt the scalps of all the noted gooiters of the thriving city of Bardsville. Metioser. A. Knight has erected • new wood melee for Wellington Otirer This is the first building of the season, - Ju Rees has added • sulky plos•rh to his farm improvements. Jack will not 'roe an tired after his day's work nog. Il• will be sb:e to go for a walk in the even- ings. Saratoga is locoing its population nota more. Mr and Mrs H. Feagan have removed to Gowlerie!., they will sail to Algoma after navigation opera, where they intend to make their future hn.ee. G. 11. Wilson is bark again to Here - tors. Genres looks hale and hearty, he has engaged with hie brother Henry se gardener. Joe. lkeith is the early bird this seeem. He Aniehsd ...dreg the 25th nit, sod has got a bag of potatoes plant- ed. Who is 'heed of Faint The Itl.amington orwreepta.lent wrest be ask or perhaps hes pies is worn out. if that be tree we haps he will get a new tier that we may hoar from hives 1465' etkvinL D. U Cameron, formerly a law eta- dent in Gcderich. now practicing as • barrister is in p•rtnersl.ip with F. Mc- Phillips, also a former resident of (:ode - rich, reed a paper at the Young Liberal, club meeting on Monday evening .•n "The Mineral Rn,urees of Canada.' The paper masa learned sea practical one, and has attracted already the attention of erase who are desire -us of pettiug Mr Cameroon's knowledge of cur mineral deposits to • rather more practical ac- count. McPhillips tt Cameron are . working up a nice little practice as law- yer, arsd as both gentlemen• have many personal friends in (loderich, perhaps this little parsgraph clay bot be without • interest. And this reminds me that there are dozens of former Goderich folk residing here. i will look up the names and doings .'f some for ■ (Mute letter. One cannct keep his eyes shat while on the streets, and, therefore, I cannot help seeing the belles of Toronto. i mean !he Toron'n girls. Brut,ettes prevail. and one sees Iwo pair of dark eyes to one of blies or oven of grey. And yet i have n oticed that 'the majority of the lathe" of the "old families" are blondes. 'There arc the facts, make what you l'4e out of tam. And that reminds me that the foolish hebit of bleaching the hair is' very prevalent here. Bet as the girls' cannot bleach their eyebrows, thiwgs It may not he (-maiden.' nrthrdon liar • newspaper onrrespnndent t'. write * baled • Sunday School, but as i have •ever troubled myself about oheerrirg tae articles, acknowledging the cosies sines of faith, ow seMwittieg to ehereh diseipliee generally, as seek, i will also *wears the. "acre liberty is writing, and give your reedier' the benefit of my ohapru•teme mi matters, person, and 1 thieve mitt if 1 may al times go net of dor'* always asateh. root.), but fee, if any, have a better staff, of teachers, r leave more pleasure em- i ("mem- cries cries with those who have attended, either as teachers or scho:•re The :;reatest drawback to thia Scheel is that j the premises are rather small, and the ' intermediate cheeses are consequently crowded t..gether. Mr Clerk-. has been superintendent of this Sunday school fur twenty semen consecutive years. • length of service tet can be equalled by may two other superintendents of the city, Mr Kerr, of St. James Presbyte- riau S. S., and the superintendent of the Richmond Street Methodist S. S. The Northern Coagregational S. S uses the colored illestntions for the lessons which have become to popular, and the main room of the school is adorned with banners besnng errinture mottoes—une for each year. Mr Clarke is apt end th-,rough in Landline. the lesson in the desk review, and is out of thteorder of seperintendents who d..esii't carr to try anything new in matter or method. The library is conducted on a rather novel plan --at least ss it appeared to me —but it is a good ides. The pupils u( inception of the scheme. He then gave the echoed are die ided into two classes. (a history of the imitation fair public im- provements, with ehich our readers aro• senium and juniors and a catalogue is fa i j t d Quite a number of the ratepayers tuun- ed out We,lnyday evening to hear the waterworks, electric light, nod sericul- ture' perk hy•Isws dteruteed. Shortly after eittht o'clook the mayor took the their, aual explained the ubjact+ of the useetine. Tritest hy•laws would shortly be submitted to the ratepayers, and he and the a•,uneil believed it to be iu the iatere,t of the town that- s meet- ing should be had whereat the different schemes would !w discussed. He believed that good water was absolutely required na (i.xlerich, and the other schemes al though not in the list ot necessities wou'd, beyond •nation, prove to be in the public interest. The present time was a entices, .one in the history of the town, and he hoped that every in- telligent voter would prove that be had tho interest of the towel at heart by voting for all three bylaws. He would not elder at greater leugti: upon the ewes - tions, but w,•u:d call upon other gentle- men who hest come to the meeting pre- pared to address the electors. Councillor Butler was the tint speaker and was warmly received. He bemoan by stating that there was • great difficulty in takinr iso the sihject. owing to the extent of it, b'it thought it would root be out '.f place to go back to the mi.tar, ne • e :urctl a t:mu and printed for each division. A copy of . azain been berated f.or not attempting the catalogue is given to each lay and too hit the torn out of the .1 xx h, %tad i Ilei desiring books, when the scholar Pow that the council hard taken definite actoen he hoped the Peop:c w.o,:!d back"; ones cher the list, striking nut x11 the them up with their sotto. The ceeneil books not desired. The catalt•gtte s could do nothing without the aid et the j then handed to the librarian, who writes pe'.ple, and if the people desi:el to I the name of the scholar on the catal.rgue, Public imp they s) uu'ti tela and places the latter in the cabinet with einem' had otere its w'•r'.. and OHO the h'•,ks cf the s•htoo l. As each of the matter now re.•e d w.th the voter'. A ' remanent; boo. ks t_ given out 10 the committee., toad been app.'iate3 to in - reader, the title is struck off the cata• rest tilt pr, eased s_!teme of l loges, and so there is no ditii ulty in the "'atm -wetter, samples of water hal been analyzed, anal found to he impere, an artesian well had 'seen sunk and :be water obtained thpanfro: s lead been I analyzed by Mr Mee, a competent analyst, and found to be satisfactory ; Mr Rice's snaiysis had afterwards been i verified by the arialsate .1 the water•, wurks company in H .chaster, N. estimates hal been ••btai::ed, and a prat- tical engineer heti been engatod 1, take, the lathe( the town in c- nnection with i caking a feasible Plan for the Most I eatisfsctorily lighted. It. was also pr.- , babie that gas would be run in c.usectir.n with it, ler it was now found that m- islead of being antagonistic the two eys- teus .1 illumination went hand i:. baud, each having its uwu sphere. For ez- i tensa s illuminati.,o the electric light look tint place, and for • con.eusent dume.tic light, for heating purposes lend the dieting, of machinery gas was fast e maim/ to a front position. Down in Loudon they ran the Crooks' Act by electricity The bar-r.,ows are lit up by electric light, and at eleven o'clock p an. the light is shut off, all around u thrown int, darkness, and the tenors in the bar -room beeeme eteaolyvol, ,Loud laughter) The adoption of the prupoe- ed schemes would give work to our laboring men in the construction, and would thus pruye et wore assistance to the town. H, belied to see eery tooter p..il his ba:lot to favor of the Ly -laws Thursday week Loud applause Mr (;arrow on coming forward was lo•Ddly applauJeti. Three thine' were nem -same to properly enjoy Lie --water. food and air—at d it was important, if eossible, to secure all three. In (lede- r.h we had tis•. o1 thew essentials—we h rd fine, braceng, pure air, and we had, (even amongst the pas•rest; $ for supply of healthy fusel. The only lack is water, and if he could secure that at • reasonable expense, he felt that he had a right to appeal to the public spirit of his neighbors 5.1 that they wood.' help hies s i obtain it. Hear, hear., 1f once; inaugurated it areukd too an spay matter tuegtre the water supply to every home in teen tied seeded it, without • great deal of additiopns: coat. The scheme es I cor.ten.'.xteJ, h thuusit twiny thought i it• ugly benefitted the heart of the town, *Peered as eetent that would praotiaa.iy - heaelit three-f.•urths of the pepu'atiun. It would eztrud from the tztrrtne red .,f East street to Iles extreme end of '.West at : trove Ina I end of North st t(, Britannia Reed, and *reverie the entire•leugth of Victoria at. j It had been said that cite laying of the ; mains woo d cost slu.•,at the entire estbnate, hut true gas out so, fur a ' L'nni:n arm had already uu•le offer to pet doe- the pipes of tl.o pro •posedd1 system for i117,:,J'l, and this eller in- -ela;led largely the wain riots, which were we.l kn•:r:i to bo tl:e most ez- pensive. The ether streets . 1 the town not served in the p,ropuaed s. hems, could be led with smaller piles by the aid of annual expenditure. The moister- i works p.up•p!a1 was not a scheme for al, locality to 1 or individuals, lint was in the into rest of the town and the oee,ple 'erieraiiy. The actual increased ee en- dit are, supposing it cost the aueouut estimated, would not be more than four 1 mails on the (toiler, lir !(2.40 ennui ly on • $';00 property, was there any fame- i hutdee who would attempt te bieght the, scheme because he wuuld have to pay that additi••ual amount ! If there was "nett a one he had not heard of him. Bs- sides,the ssvine ir. insurance and doctor's lel 's w: mild more than compensate for the additio•ual taxation. The scheme could only tail through the iunorauce of those who voted egotist it. As to the Park by-law he considered that was a foregone conclusion. It was alrecdy bought, and If we voted down the by- law mow, we had to fix up and improve the park out of our annual expenditure. The electric light was a tndsog matter, becsuse it was prop .sed to operate it in coanectio•I with the water -works. A cry had been milted that the centre lit th4 town would be benefitted by the passing of the waterworks bylaw at the expense of the outlying sections. but thstwu a fallacy. Y.,u could net tmpr pee the heart of the tows wuh,ut the outer sections receives)" oorreap.indin* benefit. The town wee kke the human Ludy—if yuu puunsh this ash the extCefi,tles eeeeive a belie. lit. (Hear, hear) NuthiuY would se much contribute to the popularity ..f Guderich ** a summer resort as the establishing of a waterworks system. In speaking a he had done tonight he be• leeved he was voicing the sentiments et !the large body '•f voters on them opi..- tions. Although it aaa generally sup- posed th:.t lawyers could at short notice take either side of a question, he had tc- 1 night spoken his h•.nsst convictions •en • ' these bylaes. Although a lawyer he wa1 • ratepayer He had served the 0 to for seven years at the council heard, aSid had never endea•:oard in guy wsy to. grind an axe at the public expense.; He wanted nothing now hut what a! was willing to pay for. Every user of the water would have t.. pay for the nee in addition to the annual taxa- tion, and no one won/t1 be getting the water at fins outside neighbor'+ expense. The men who used the water had no.t only to pay their heir ,pills en the duller bat they had too pay water rotes besides. , The p'an was intern eel to I.s a peewee ent one, ,nand the fa_t of the cuvorsuun rah mg held of it would save t' a csnsum- en from being at the mercy i.1 • joint •st.ock company, which patter in melee in stances nasal* extraordinary profits. The cane of the Stratf•rd waterworks was tilted in this connection. in co elusion he l.eluced list enc. Aad s bright future before her. and in the sent of reciprocity with the States, which he felt sure was coning, wont(' eventually W- eems • poo amorous place Oa sanitary and financial emends ho hoped every voter would pelt for the by:aes. 11, Williams was next wiled upon. ft„ ,neob ped hewn ssid oat the urseetrnn by predose speakers that little wee left unmet. Hs hail hoped that s. niathing wewld he missed, so that he eonld find a Weis to talk upon. but his hope had not 'welt r*hsed. 110 holier ed the having of for them a tree: from Thursday. The! librarian seeing what books have sot been read, end he can easily make s choice of a book that the scholar is willing to receive, as el the books nut desired, together with the be ks a:reedy real, are marked off the catalogue. This hint is worth something to these engage ed in library work in connection with Sunday schools. In the Yeithem Coe- gregational S. 8., bookie papers, quare general disinhution of geed water for terlies, lesson leaves, etc.. are not given domestic and other pu-(;..fes. Nothing vet until the close of the **hoot. was inure necessary than good water, f.,r it was a well-known fact, that a man Mty 4. eau:d live lunger without f.i...l than I witnessed the procession last night wuhout water. It waa alru nrceusry for in honor of Lord Lansdowne. An town duet a aurpnt •and tf cttr for town I,rcarne a pone of sttractu.n for insmeose corscourse assembled to witness nunufa.turing industries, a pleetifel the proceedings, but the welcome *se of supply of gu..d water woukI not prove a negative rather than of a positive is be he kgs: inducement. The prise,oot tanks and engine for Are protection oad character. There was tittle or tin deom melt suu.e $10,000 nr 312,001, and woo' ld ! rauun of • public or private tart, the �etton have to be replaced. Et -en if they cheers were few arid weak, and crimper. were replaced. they had t . be confine- ed with tho ovation tendered Lori Dui ally kept in repair. and, as • tire prote,- feria fifteen years age, the proceedin,te tion, could not *bays be relied upon, i if we want good water we would hate to Th Af d were me. e e and drum hands to psy f'sr it, f•.r it was a well-krsew•� were out in fall force, bothered by Yonne fact that everything could be bunght bat rMswa Britons and small bays carrying torches, ctsd there were a arum berof private car- riages in line, as well as the vehicles car- tt•lvatatm • laughter and there metro MOMS rho mad* str.sitst us efforts Se - - thit, but without acad. Of Cottrell there were some people in town rying the city officials ; yet, considering who grumbled abr.ut being taxed the :road .d onlookers, there was a list. 'rtthnut getting the water tains lard to iistness and • lack of enthusiasts that their own down, nut at present it would sh,wed that the Governor-General hap, would gine • too equch al water facilay down ities to. ata; not yet touched the popular heart. The and even if that were ; p.,esible, it might ; fine evening, so clear and summeelike, not prove satls(actery. Why, the only pad Toronto's lure for display, brought time in the history of inankind when an 's c'nd waterworks system. is the town would be slalom a geed ea a bonus in I the wad of brusgine in an other railway lime to Gdrnch. He then dealt with Ithe sanitary aspect .1 the %question, and clsueed that the clearest and mom !sparkling goarkling water was 114,1 always the pur- est and must h.slthfui. He aim) gave the experience uf.Dr. Tayth•or on this ma- ; portant point. At prsent the people of ! Goderich had t-. partake of water which filtered through the filth of over 4,000 human beings, remit 300 borates. 400 cows and thousands of smaller animals. The tome *mild r,•eer.e great beoebts by the 'adoption -of the waterworks sys- tens. Councill•er Cutborus th.ougi,,t that every man who had the interest .•1 the town at heart should favor the carrying of the by laws. As chairman of the beano, committee o1 the onion! f:e ea, in a position to show there that the town was able to hear the I-urdemu likely to result ((rem the patinae o1 thew bylaws and $ railway grant if ercessary He ther- went into all exhaustive beancral shuw- ine, wheal tended t.. peeve that (lode.- ich was comparaticeiv free of debt. The aeseased tabic .�f the toss: was un the netehb..rh.,.od .4 31.110000 ; the bulk indebtedness $:i:l,:lti ; last y'ar'• Nat- ation stood at 1c. on the duliar, but this year that wound be reduced t.. 1 sc,eidue- ite of the propelled by-law iudebtetinsee , the wat.irwerka taxation on the d oiler wou:d *remnant to Jo nulls, the agricul- ture! park 'tit -100 of a'n 'nee and the elec- tric light to ii07.1000 of • mill. Io a few years the coking fund would wipe off our protein i'deteedness, and we would he e'-rare'y free from debt. Looking at the el•:estion (Hent every strudpetut, lie was tevurably inclined ro the watrrw .ries scheme, and could not see how anyone c.•ule Le rpp•esed to it. Mr terabit was to favor of waterworks, if not "1 t:,e scheme submitted. Nevertheless. he ie. reed It his duty to tote fist• t .e by laws. (Heir, hear! Tho cleanu,e uu: of tee wells each year now c. at more than. the edditiorsal water taxation w•,n!d cost. He thought a saving could be effected ru the working cf. the High t:ch.e,l that would help to li,t.tec the hurdeus of the ratepayer+, if the c.uueel app. inred t_usters of an economical taro o1 need. Mr Radcliffe watt : fever o f the sense of bylaws. `;Peskin( on the ws:erw.+tks question, as an itaurence man, he stated that a decrease of �:, per emit was given to town.' w here goo. d m %terw*orks systems rusted. if another railway catme to Gedernch the increase in population and besinew would eto largely toward meeting the increased taxation. Mr (tiro said the water from the artesian well was 'opener to that in the waterworks of moist cities. It was a little hard for setae purpose", owing too ver situation upon a limestone ridge, but there was no deleterious or,.euw matter in it. Orr well water waa Jbtaic- ed loom rain water which faltered thrnagla the gravel until it struck the clay fwd, whim it ran along like a bard, seeking the lowest les et. If the well was lower than tie cesspool the water filterel into , the well, and we were thus forced to drink impurities. The germ theory cane• iu tight here, but it was toxo , lengthy a suloject t.. enter upon, and he would not discus it at length. He aka., sots -word the Babcock tire es- ; tinguishing system in connection with fire protection. i Mr. Arch. Dickson bettered we alight either ho link the town :.r do something. He was in facer et everything in the bill. Mr..fames Sheppard said now WAR the time for men to raise the menthes' .1 the town. Since the ahr.•g•trun of reeepn.- city nothing had been dune to help, the town, but he believed tonight • Durward nsocrment was commencing He be- ; Iasi ed ht pe..f.er ',Own Sete toolen pr•oe- penous times were yogi in store for Goode - rich. Kx-Mayor Horton b.•lerreal th. rrriee of bylaws would carry. H's .only anti- ; ety wet that the incurring of the debt would not unterfete with the greeting of rsilway rid when nrorssity arose. Every ratepayer should weigh the 'tatter care- - before voting against either of the bylaw•. Ili. Hulme, correberated the state use:'e ..f Mesar Williams and Bice in regard t.. the 'anitary cnuditions. The clerk then explained the mode .4 roiing, sed an . trimly meeting was brought t.. a chap. equal distribution of water was given to ; together at. immense remoterse, but it ee-ern human being was alien it rained was not nearly as erthesiatec as that' for forty days and forty nights, and the which greeted Hanlan a few years ago i Deluge ensued. And the water at that when his aquatic honors were fresh. 1 time, like whisky in our own dsy, nearly 1 some to ere of preventing proved th f laughter.' As to the additional Ideation 1 «':Ilam O'Brien from speaking in To- for the prop.e.' scheme, if everything' on the geeetionlof the Irtnsdowne cele- preyed an enure failure, the lac -•used time. i pal inclined too think there will tazatinn wnul'1 only emownt 10 shoot 4 he livelytimes on that mills nn the d,41B, sr.d 45.1 am. occasion, but a would easily he save/ farm 11.e emit now I believe in filmdom of sl..ch, I .41 incurred in annnr.11y cl.uune wells. He be there to hear Mr O'Brien, then contrasted the financial condition of ,! number .1 the leading teems in On- tano with (iodertch, and rave figurer. shoring that hymn if 3100,000 were add ' ed to the indebtedness of of the latter it would still hate a better oration finer- i day. 1Ve understand he will he en- really than many of its rivals. in propx• gaged for three months by Knox church, tion to p.srusoauwt. The folkwing is liuderich. tie eompwnssn Dr. r. Wm. H. Ahorn, after a pleasant W P"40 Dula risrt among old friends, hes herby 0, 01) 29.900 Berne to 7.13-' Guelph 10,00") 229. .0u0 rich to doe •bet a little bird whisMers, Palmerston 1 fit4 6..1,000 •Rech' I ('o�tingwad 4.91.) 46.000 flan ever haw last week a SI peat ford 10.0110 300,000 The Rev. Mr Rliteb, who has been es- Windsor 9,005 17(5,000 seating Rev. De Fre f.mr the past three Sarnia f 60(1 1118,pq mowtb., tate trendily* to the a,.sgraRe- (.awterieh 4,000 JO,000 Om. in a few well ren eew remarks. Der•'. on the electric highs n'ltenre lee hied ing his brief way be � of visited •hwong' uwly to my that it was *fie light of the msey of the bermes od three wise sttertelI des ansa hat enmas In ata for et reet the ehnrch, es geoial manner won I•vh$un it vowel met only e1,OAn er nine relents. He perform.d we wed- se em0 to fight up (lathe -eh, and he ding *orrice While ink miser%, ' hue. ;.f no town that email he mole There is Il h P e ruioati.pn o the race i ,mud Lee burr. Mr McWilliams, a Modest of Knoll Golltete,A1•,utresl,preached here last See - mer. Ferre westbr,. The roads are agsin dusty. Where is the arterial et t Large crowd .)f farmers to town no Saturday last. Charles A. McDunaed well leers for Chicago in a few .1a) a. lie has disposed lit the u,aurarsce busuntws. 1 4iyiwies were in Itwn last week, hat no horse tete•. We soiree lame Mode of furniture leasing Into furniture tunas• 01 Messrs Beene At Andrews. i bey arc "pushers," Jas, tt eatc•ott, who pelt Keeler for Cal- ifornia, s short time .g...on a prospecting titer, we •1e ..Try 1.. My, is shout to ie mon theca. We understand, pat catboat say bow fat the repa.rt s true, that N. U. Her - i d• n and 11. McIntosh will have • teat - ttae rate n•r ilea a ode in • few dry. TIse humeri to compete will be "White Flyer and "plana " We are glad to learn that the mambos of the gngl,sk ehureh will sweet • *sew ',berth eve. daring the o..nsiag swmmer Thema" freest' W deemed the sura th4n0 ter to erectine of the edika 1