HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-4-29, Page 4. 4
Are now oh ming an excellent aeser.uterit Co-
stprose. of the
Newest and Choicest Goods
au the ruarLri.
DRES4et titri-OODS
t...pecl..1 low line for Vitt: fRI-r k o ..rth
Alm. a koreisl lo.e of
ill Wool Jersey Dress Cloth
at pet ),I. worth 31.'s•
Punts, Chanibrays and Ginihams
In 1;0:1.
Colons Ski
at Lr.. t f"riner hot% a' i,..tand.libr
the ad .ance at the faxtur,ro.
411 I !Ira goods .11, r. ;
.0 tar
No link, retool off-.
„itio •4'r XIS
Ne trencl....' • •i' • 41. u•mt otr. .thot:'
Med putting it on.
The limber goods ,tre- markt-4. the greater di.
r• .
..t Ott and umparlson of iriot•-•
Irked at
Josetan'e Meek .0hurt tiguare.Ciederit
tilth Amid. 11,117. 201/4-ly
- -
!hew Adventeessente TbI. men,
rer ose-,Dr. Ms:Mk-knee.
A ter Pointers- •". A. Itlarr.
Pasture to Let --if. Morogemetty.
woo Get's the Prime Prof. Clarke. 1
Humor to Mint -John Breckenridge.
Fit notrein Warded J. W. f.. Itunalshrion•
Peewit Family tiroceries Rees Pelee & ton.
County of Id urea F.'s n• taat ions- Peter Ada m •
megu. -The family of the Pr. CALL or Tee "Tot ems" The Wes- I Illatsterr Costa*? -Sverybody as.
voicial Treasurer hare red timed to tuwa, Ilion of our uightwateihinan is called to titillates an unisseally fine eidertaill-
end will Teutons here duriup the kuat• the fact that a gang of tougher, of all nom, to itigitl, the wee -sumo. le -mg
ever. Goes and tome, can rke found every *veil- r"tespllitivistsey hritelit colitN•1 t t.. Prot
I Ili •"; tows... Mr H. Manlennots, ing in the vicinity .4 the Salw•tion ilarke. The E-I..n* *ill be
we are pleased Le record. has so south Aruiy linrracks, etele....nind to dieter). sultLo.e.t guotiootte that nu “till VIM he
,„,pr,,,tad in health to be ....le , toa the seri kes within The es:imitable l• toothy...noted 11 • rettesuii Nimes*
around agi
"He. Iforeolt". -Mr l'. Ilult ;Caws*.
ton, Hult and Cameron held w
W41•14 esfl attvottaa sthe rtaagnif sent emplay el WALL PAPS Re ter tt e epilog Trade.
We bane the
e Thai rate I t feeeured flees r a toad t arad Maz.attaa Latta'.
malaried specially for snaking examples of Wynn Wilk insert. Cook. Mews.
jest such "toughsas those. Milligan and II pilot. ..1 tioderwh Mr
ACowiyt. J(a.. - A. E s„„th, !S. T. Church ot tit Paul, and it tiE.
of Varna, , wetly'. 1 ..s;,.rth et Metl.,Ki lot Oakes. Ch..t..u. The town laud will
Dunelleinon last turday.
pulpit Liar, ,o,,rosre4 aat.1 ,resm.K. ,1(1110 .Veil Kir coticert advanee
.Success s iittendint
and preached two effeatir• discourses. th• rar"tar 10"ifrat'n- Thu surthel 1111
Jilin 1 %tete,. i
Toe entletuan ta cJever and own I be • full house. lest eieryttudy tura
VitaCtini speaker, and litany that heard out and have a 1;c-Kol
services in Port !lope. Hundreds can
him were Con% itiord !lg he i• ,s•keroteti 1:..• 1. 1.) A. ‘Ni. T. 1 ates,
oot got torn standing room.
torts that placed him an the food. rank il•elertch, ky. t./je jut., bujejsielps j
Court for His Honor Judge at
A Perret De KILINi. Captain Chain of young mem III the Methodist pulpit Wingliaisi. 'lite Tosses hist •oek hes the A
a iiiew house '.51 West street, needs „Asa
but the painter's finishing touch to make 6, J.
l wnt L Soeurri.-1.1. D. .1. ' who for the pest year luta run a grocery ka7
,follewing reference.. NI. Pryer, but
it one ut the prettiest in the town. \mite' is tresident, el. Mo111111. ray, sec : store in thi• town eel,: ..ut this week to
Ih.eiti-rioh Tot K. W. R. Tiffin, as- treasurer soul depositary stud the tow,. ! W. T. liaise, ut (hideriub. whu will
sistasit •uperiesteindont, 11. T. R., was lit clergyman are vice presidents of the . wary on business in the none okl steed.
town Tuesday last on a tour of itioprt:- i i.airrich brooch. Th• Mere', .ry haw Mi l'Aylle has 114.4 dceitiahl •11 to whet
tom, and remained duriii4 the day, heel. removed to 741. MeGolli..1 ,) w 'tel. he *ill ,lo yet, but ittlevala remaining ill
Pat.o.tritit The l,,I:olring es taken con er north st and square, aml a hew towin The pe.plo ,d N1 inehani wilt
teen a record Issue of the Canada f;,, . dock h... hoots isiLled. Any ft- I'vrtnit and • g"'"I nannu"" man and a Leuze- , Children's E Apr, ss Wiiggons, Carriages, Hammocks, Lawn
.t,,,4 l‘pt or THE t noes Time. Arthur .,„F"Lvt'''' ‘11"'"". l'i 1 r Tennis, Fcot Ba'ls, Base and Cr cket Balls, and ,Sporting
ii...ntry captain mid paymatitey Testainents and Eibles chimp will now dealing citizen in W. IT. Yates. or we '
rind these at the depositary. are very much mistaken. 1.4 thiderich
F. Jordan, t . be iletiontry Olej,ir.
hisAa priotance. Goods of Almoit Every Variety.
_ ,*..c. :;:i,.„,,he 1 ohm the good • Ili .1 t %cry ette i
(toilet -1.-h to engine. the other day. rOp; ci y in oth _ t Felt
Horsey, the eldest titan lit Canada, s IkA;,..,gt:e.f1.1.1 Wt e.leiiithedoiteltk.,. ..417..
'41irf.Ortili*, _ _ litehl 4 )! 11 vie Yr.l. .i.t/ For
liek years ,.1 lige, and ii...k a trip from
of Elie?. Colley*, Wh J .,re appointed 4 Gollie Utile liOlit • number of pupils of the
the Foreimimeo up the Overt:her to -going ' tr day P••••• but a hall-duz"" "r 1'1 "i IS sTN I. MOM: Litt'ILLLIAT SIIIIihibek et' a U. tit• Vito Total( 4 lie.
gn Mission nontuittee, are ow publicneghool have been in the habit of
%Vilna: lint: 14:4- Titre - -The Park
on a tour through *event i )tstalj,,. plsyme truant from school. ilarkliy s
honest gild luitlare l., initAllite MI herse. All rour,de :n Great Variety, ar:d r.t Pnoto t;., Sot all
.7:. Leo. mum Mr McMath started
tor tioderich where all hone deeilers are
ricks, or dewy' by the docks a liee thei Pure hasert.-..
....ending . the gosnel letht to those ten inuille olchitut can hu even l'Itt" 'nil "
hundred !no i ..i. s 1... ire as yet Stone the back streets. around the salt der
r kO umi.s het FRU Mill eini1Mr. est selected le wmteb bPepera
- • see
Ws hi. c • 'are. Oak of RINI.;
G. .r. R. At DST Mr pton, travel' i• the darkness of heathendom
ing auditor of the T. I: . was in town
Friday laat, auditing the seaming at the
station. There Ilea no complaint made
by hint.
1I 1113115-4' I :VerITt re. - -The annual
inecoug of the Goderich 11m:haters
. Institute will be held next Monday eve-
, gong at 14 p. in. Those interested in the
success ..7 this inatitutioe should be pre -
number ,.7 Dicis ba‘o been onrec" test Beet of leer g, nioiu
THE It T EIS% •TOlt. -- A large farglita fondly
ithaY'.th::. witr:uladt eue111
.r. i draughts of knowledge.
the past three weeks repairing the I:.
gest to our poblic board of school true,.
It. elevator. bolting, ie., as the •
tent at the iteXt tilevtIng the ad 1. usbillty
Company eApect to de a large ikumnoss
in grain during the coniii,g warm'. tr"41" "th'-'er."11"" duty
There are apresent :id and
It will be to hark after the "h.eikey
t between
players and t•• deal with them in such a A) carloads uf corn in the elevator for
'iGooderhain %Aorta Toronto /, manner as will discourage the comma
Saler of the pernicious practice.
' sent. been there since laat fell, but will be
A NoTeatt "StroOT." - Lan Friday
!tee.. Pm. & SON. The large an- shipped shortly.
'nuns by hers Price & Son, on L.. r YOUtt Lc sato. We bent a I 15° th. ire'Jud "1"A tor the
our filth page, cramps up our editorial few alow-pey subscribers still on orse het, ',rich gut; club medal took place oo the
and correspondence columns this week and we want all such to hem et their I Wm lllll one. Oily eight of the feurtee
, ll
It this thing contiod ues we'enlargese
TH) labels, e what they owe, and pay up that dred In the ti 1st match pot 111 a
Sit:NAL at once. We don't care whether you appearance. E, It Watson, the witioer
At. 111)31 SALE - -The suctiou sale of lire in China, British Columbia. 3.Iani. will held the ;siesta' till next watch. Th
th.,se ehootiiie. the
household goods lielongine Mis toba. United States,the county el Huron
Donagh, eonser of West and ‘4 Aterltat or anewhere else, we want you to pity • oht.eined, the distances tireql
at., will be continised today Friday up. We have no use for thie funeral and the ttals for the two shoots
auil Saturday, et 1,30 p.nt , H. W 1411, ! procession, slow•payino patronage. if it :nit IM,,.
*inister. you are honest.W4
pay up.
"WHAT s To IS* MINE is nit CAsk; r • i F. J J. Neftel 1 11*
-.No person should fail to embrace the J. Wyni, .11 4 .18
opportunity of heating the, highly eulti- - t•rirlst 4 4 M 24
rated voice -of Mr S T. ('hurzh, the ii.„‘`• Ent."1:d 2 4 O4
greet baritone, at the complimentary E. • I. .L. "Un7n 7 C, 12 24
benefit conc.tt to Prof. Clarke, at the w•.„L'aanaut 3 9 22
Victoria ()pens House toniekt. Besides "all/ I 8 20
rendering WarsnMe grand beritwie L','ao,'a* Mrt:xlve. --At a meeting
"Anchor -1, Mr Church *ill render his called for the toirp..se at the Alien ho -
exceedingly hisinorou.tine "Wi•ors t•• tel the Huron lacrosse club renrganuted
w that enng terprisibury Is t" ,1„„, fec •'-
and elected etticers as fdlows . Hon,
harethe talent .4 the enmity town go
down and repeat the perforinence. , A Volt Tli 4:kkit. --At the condo- Pruanfent, M. C Cameron ; hen, Tire
*ion of the 1.0.0.r. sermon Sunday the president, .1. T. °arrow president, R
us Apt ft!. lel'
A eh ir among g'. MA -ire metes.
A ft fa5111 he'll previa 51.-
httesettime and shadow follow is their Seem
%aimed phd:oirralphs can be had *11tbe year
routed at Ideor,reetewarn'e. -
.1 BAD Idol,- If • oti fa:1 to see Mrieco•-.
nAi.'• Wiring ^ ••• 'Voried. elegant. durable
and cucap. be assist te eigetine At* NIT('
The European warcitesd has taken Easter
holidays, bet rt. mallows, the photographer,
cm be totted at the old stand. coiner of M...T.• I
I. pal street ..1,1 I kutairr.
on. yelp. you'd.' ode know him if you saw •
film. Tier ., distinguiehed tor *bete
h tis, and M... Writa were shreharted' froni
A' A. Pritilsim, tho fashionable- Maury,
t'Se61 rale.- Adopt:se tho ta toning .
and 111 Hare bargains are bring glees. •
all lines ea: chi. ice and new grocer:es. t'ome
iss-cure ell111. values. --M. .
THE WiAler5ril TEM PlitANCI'
UPION Will ifteet nitularly ter the tranhaetion •
of Inisiswm every i'.. .l;.43' afternoon at 210 •
o'clock, in North at. • Lun1.. k.rers woman In- I
tereated 111- the work -ni 144 to
Goode's Black Cherry Cough Rahman
tuition( wouvIc".. AVArowr. rood,
tom siow.lerk at 11. and25s• ser Oa, kage are
wlosi gis itur great motetaetion. Y,est claw
•lietseuatug V. C. Goody, -11rtig-
clot, Albion H/u,4.
It.,bertt!Sh 4 Ertl hitt re:talked A
targe order fmm J otos M. Lean. Ituudannor,
the large, .n that wet-to:not there:us:T. Ail
parties vs.4),,duslatin tht-ir ceme•
tery tele Are reetel:411 to Inspect 'he work
turned out by this arm. M.i.rbte and itranite
weeks. blueerieh.
They all exclaim. How • an you do itwhen
thertseire how few they oz.- wa:. papa r
at leaders Sor.'s. 15.1.P ‘t....nre parer.
tire fart. A fresh ',OCR et kalsomine
nuked points. brassier :and every requisite
for beast ...ening, at low prime et -fbe. I
cheamtit bougie und•r 'Le sun.
TRW Hoitum AMP litftl•Ci LOAN AND
IllttieCelld'Alev. Depositors in this cowman,
have the beet poesdile security for their men- I
ey. 73 beteg invested di mortgage oa hum
property. Depositors Lave A IlIrst lien in al: ,
th. • omelley aseeta. hate of intereat paid.
irt.tn 4 to 5 per Leas, amanita.1.11 arriour,t
and duration ot deeusit. Farmers her•mt shr•
pixie means „mould tan and gee the manwiter.
firing out your sussbede.
Get your baby carriage mended.
tiring down the shovel end the hoe.
It is now time for the watering cart ' c
. $waftteld, sa
Clinton. was tewn
.1. Best, end wife Seatirth were is:
town las week. • '
Charles It harrister, of lastekuow
wee it' town Monday last. •
liSittt1,415 asteniss -DT J
to Reeve, who for the pest nine
months has been practising in Port
Albert, left that section Saturday last
and intends no seek another luestion.
He was in town Saturday.
Ct.:terms WOG!): Ir. -The fame of
Gederich's last high echo( I literary eu-
tertainment has reached Chattel. and
Ji AT Tut Tits... -As exchange
menitiers returned 1.. the lodge room, 11 Williams : let vice president. W. C
ra.is ; "A new style of bey.' trousers
when oIllaanlialous roteDyinetit 1)
the thank* Pe.r'tgry H..!.N‘4.at
- anter, H. .1. Haile; captain. Thus. Mor-
row ; held captain, 5. J. Reid; reamr-
has been invented with a copper sewt,
of Huron lodge was
tendered Ile,.
sheetornn knees, riveted down the
Mr Kerr for Isis admirable sermon to the
teams, mid waterproof pockets to hold
brethren. 'The anionic:re kr carrying
brken eggs and worms for,fishing.
oat the anniversary artangements. was ,,,_"*Ituannalttne. C
F. ox,
Pitatioxiso -C. Nicol, travelling *gent empowered. to hero the rote of thanks •••• ili•nru• Mellainuti 11. W•118141-
.forth. faole, was towo-during the eneroesed and presented to the rev. gen- Th Players are very enthusiastic, sad
week. He says the fest train and the IIe,uals, We might onention that be- ere in for solid practice, and all that is
-reduction in price has given the circuit'been sixty and seventy thirifellows required is the hearty c..operatioa uf the,
Ron an impetue. During his ata7 in marched in the procenion. _ citizens generally ot nuke the ellb pros:
town lie succeded in raising the localVI0LAT011.4.:-Thwrvilist. , ay porous. The boys, in abrest two weeks.
vitt e
Nrw lirW il•IS-The Stretford daily lesi. week Jas BMW' was linhopus for elialleage frout any eluh
ed $.) for in Weatern Ontario.
thoeori has d eft a new ••hreding," contravening the Canada Temperance
which adds t.. it. appearance. With or Act. Monday Jae Bailey was again 1731('RJt"-4°-
without the • 'beading- the 13. lined day evening the Juno. t'.e *venni tug
8:00 Iher another offence ef the Same
*hely. n spicy local sheet, and deeereertkind. Monday Kenny Smith, of built thiopental by Wm. Moulton, NW
the patronage it appears to be getting. street, was lied $',0 end costs for keep.: launched. A lame gatherine oi ',tee
Lt.'s T FAIL To 1*1.111 H131. -It ,nay be flag • grolltre7e but "jumped" the town tors witnessed the event, and at 7 30
well to remember that Mr O. F. takes,
without paying his fine. Theoday Ed. o'clock she struck the water. 8lie eras
t Clinton, a pleasing baritone, ppears
tnund Peacock, of the Nleitleed House nosed by Mies Lill. Ilerre. Tito Jo •
ctesfessed •judoisent and was assessed is owne
ed by Malcolm Meckenn,
cipant in the very fine program to be •
at the Victoria Opera House, as a parti•
at 1050 and c•ota. All tbe above con Southampton, and ig s eteurtch
victims& ware secured by inspector ' craft. She is 70 feet ..ver all, t Gin
pretended tuuiebt. Don't fail to bear
• deep. end 14 feet lean Her e dine him. Fawley.
, • 12 x lift eloch, toother with he steel
Aativen. --The Brantford
"Scoore VE'Eko
says; -Rev Mr Johnson and family ar-
A , ... A loud
&WOO believes they have a man in that isolier, iof the manufacture the John
rived on Tuesday. end took possession of classic city whn e*" inak* it h"t I"r Dot • g about went up from the as the tug
he parsonage. We hope they will soon Donco
Donald* Cocooning.' ohs, lhinlop architect,
be at home to oar midst. Mr Johnson in quoit pitching. This is theleft the stocks, and situ tammusly With
way it the splash in the wet , anti the break-
, spoken es an sztive worker in ell talks bark to) on: Dunlop c irrospen- ing of the wine how
hur,:h work. dent :-'e$, the little city can, and uuebad been .t,,eed
LAVIN TIVOCIA CIA's. -The Goderich it things that ca
.,n "down
hiIn too. i
Lawn Tennis Cleb an baving their . k"" Laert• 7. the aboinDlon luttit"" bed up serenely,
rounds laid out near the ligbthouee. ' hereabout, wIth Any nnmber .4 :mod ann.. A ian
the enlreikers.
The job consists of the relaying of near seconds., The Huron ve.eran will ind :ne.71„.„1
here several doughty former' who swill
y 500 square yards of sod. Wheu
finisbed it is imps:Sid it will be the best he happy to try conclusions in a friend'
hrat trip •
Varnest ,lreitit, Erete?, war :n letdra court in. this district. ly way, and give him cordial welcome
i Tare t
oyer Sunday, veining friends • ' STILL In T/111 BrnlItIlita.-1.. t.
,, i, am. to the hub.
, May
ng in atilt., ta . 2 - • ee
Moore, *beet ten years old, son 4 the ' u
at a place called Roseland, neer Bran-
' dos. P. R. H. was a successful wielder mathematical 'lower of the biol.' imbue!, ,.
of the birch in this &octane of Ontario. 'startled his relatives by not coming beine
land will hold hie own ia the land of Thursday and F relay of last week, a
speculation, *SS rife ae t.s the o.a
; blirirrdg end beelines.
his non-4pearance, 'Saturday he
1 Foy, Tr:rower. H. W. C. M•Ysle• ell' arid went to Isis fetter. rinu co
mar,o of Wingham, wan is tent) letttr_•=141,04.ha_Aasidoimaar_with 77in .
A. .1. blauger preeched Perna s
ball, Clinton on Sundatoiest.
Mr and Mrs Beory Nave re-
t urned from their wedding t
'Gordon Robertson, son of G. •. Rob-
erts..n, is home visiting his wen
'tread is only 4 cents a los in
• editehellobertoovirpritgrlittir
We regret to learn that J. W. Missal,
architect, hes been is feiliog health r
some time.
. rs . • Robertson, trout neero. tee
weeks in Sarnia, :foe gun! of E
Mis• ADM. HennIags hao returned
Irons a nsit her tester, Mrs. W. Swat- t,
opt& of Clinton.
The regular 4401,110y vttikr:ng -7 the
public sieh.-ol testi will be bold S
Lek. Monday teenitee
Mies Clintie, sterographer the gar- 1
fume* office, retucoed hose bee titan
v &ration Monday evening.
Dr klcDemegb tit Gnikeieh tit I
"Ins Ratio •
May, end afterwards -on the first 14am,- le
day of every iseittla
Alex Campbell e-oe to Sind 14
Beech to take, the pose ; n .7 ithe-ehenj, b,
, f 'toner!, ;ocupied by his br,t het , sh
Dente% now deceased. .1
• isiting his children:. iisho ere sr:, players in conneCtion with
with their grandparents Hon. A. M. I schoel that he attended. 8
. a young lad, who
ay on the tug. "bob-
" to the estemiebinent of
He turned ost to be
eerily, and is now
!two for havou. nude the
1 the "Juno
lts ' tut May.-thille Of Ott
s in HARPER.% Idamenee for
, Ner,,h agerrt 1:u4erit
ftletPitb ST Tilt LOUT ter :Sib Moot
- ch' wh.. has been runitie
milicesseed *nigger, tot West streel
toe Sias 'maths pest, wee poonord tiro
_ by ininester Paisley • M.'nday lest, an
nisi bolter* hie., 'ship the !rktor. fo
reestravetiiint the haudt Aft. Monde
event tic Se hail "bee,- atilt with tlfe
aid id some grittier neighhors, 'Hoke.
op het and Chatt01., and dine
hence by catty morn. neighbors
are not wearteo crepe on their euore tee
cause of Me departure, end the respec-
tability .4 Shit portion nf West etre.
has linen teenedersibly euh,notol.
Died In JAIL -Hugh Hall, an indigent
Imo died in jail Saturday evening lin
seed *tyros. He had friends, in the
vicinity of Clinton who, when the
heard of hot dooms', made the necessary
arrangements for his funeral. and sen
11 hearse op n Sunday to take ..way irs
node. ileum to the feet that the too,
of his death on Saturday precluded •
inquest Jrnni, being held that day, en
that Sunday wee a holiday and an in
quest could he held legally t
hearse was ctonprel rd ter return wit
the body. M•gol "v morning the in,
. days, hot it is 'hoisted Ibis is not the end
g 610 lipIrt, MI the defeetitiita totem'
ctiog %about jorieticti• 11 and (else
tt,ersine setups the loseistrates for
d I ..eitimeut. 9reat excitement prevaile,
✓ ass 1 •rflf 1.111110.149 tor a tett ease.
Y Cr. trtnit'e Btu. -The anneal bet!
.4 the eneb Cricket. Club took piece
t else volieg rink on tbe greeting of
i Friday. the Ot2nd inst end preyed to lee
sfeirs of the lied whieh has yet taken
pike. The nnk teetotally decooret-
ed, and the door £$1 tonic that could
be- desired. Abeist fifty conples were
,preeelit. end d 'Mug wise kept up until
about 3 30 o' very leaving be
• fore the Meek up, which wee done
ins of "Aoki Lan Syne.
• whist* was notbuted by
friends of the eluh, was must
and of the beet. The ("Hoeing
wine others, erased the occasion
b t r presence
re Cruse, black satin, diessorm ornaments.
Mesta. Parsee... black "ilk. wtili lace.
Ilak.ortnion. Ivey silk. sold oraensettte.
Atm Itacklitfc., ittreou male,
t' tans Heti. Mai k and jet ornaineette.
Mr. it 11. crea-a
Mr* tteynot la. black tie. ember orasimo.. • .
Mrs (*word, white -
e Sr. ItAstrea.blw.k -with Stievre.
Mrs 540:4.,suary colored la.
Mrs F. Kiefiel. matte ,4 dress.
Mem %%oder. *lace Moe.
C.PHSIPS. mak anis raped w;•.'
Mis. TIF#Te. fellatenh "Ink maths
t Nos Stant...rest. Meet gene, draped wit!
..eie of the nem suceesehil end enjoyable
Y to the et
The se
1 the le
e mop)
• Isis
was held, formal verdict wass rendered
and the body was delivered to
friends of deceased for interment.
..4 RP; Fore It is ex ettel the
izit will be
Celedonian eociety t
favored troth • visit free)
u. July let. One of th pertly to ea ma
to lie none other th .1. .1, fialrori
funnerty of Knoell. bee been star
rine tbreuith Hie teas & professorial
athlete sod qphe onielija wrestler , an
"ie... and ma...
• .M.sie cream s.lk. 'lowers. mergoec
• mt.".
Wes tamers. black saint. trepot woh black `sp,
Maw el.asria, bleie k and rivet.
3.1r .a.• tt tom pals esialatnt ar...
4the1' IA It. . . allavan, the Jitairipos
j?stper ef the •.vld : another is ''herlet
sinithl, the r 04.Wea colonel nettle.: &Is,'
ath'ete. T latter souse!. eft 4;rs. ort
big s'oc; go, sueasoree 48 in tirerareuitd
the ch *--td when an certain ot +melts
24e1 dee ft-drth is at prevent as
Moe ...nese, cream silk. triecwid wIth reIet-
eiark and hiss 8.cheleor. white his;
j :Ili pia! pink.
*ism Maggie Wi:kinsen, per' wittie one.
ytk.writabarr, .7:44 roar, oak amid peas*,..
7 Mew ili-turirrirrid. :ace ar4
M. ithecomeor tile( Oitte and White
Miee Ida Wittman, tge• k maim &ad • \
envy roam.
iaa Lards herr? rotas lace est mon.
Mow caws., niece seen ind nes rites,
Mies Rattle sit4to, erne; osioneen, trines
w.th swan awn. -
• The oveserity of the ether adios preent ,„
"an noon" bet be is a ohenomee u
at et ere.
Cetsettoten Gases The ineettne if
he Ca16.1 ...ism ',woe, the; *44 to be
held Friday eiewrez was l:oUrtted
until Tuoiscley eventng, oirieg to the
helding of the cricket essenitly on the
!former date. M..tiday eterime a meet-
; ing of the working c minsitteee- ,rf the
i society was held in Om rooms of the
;Huron dk Brace Invoitment
The dmir oecumed by any.r Stager.
and I). McGillicuddy performed tbe
:ditties...1 •ecretary pro t. • . The pro-
gram committee wee instructed to hew*
; its report reedy for presentation to the
net mectote, Ti. es:rotary was asked
I„, at once oeumenseste with the rail.
o ad anthoritiee with reference Mak-
' in: "Itii arrangements tor the -1st of
July at t;otterIt h. The nest Caled,.tean
Oriv,,rato,11 teelench promises to be
the peer .1f any yet hods] in Coned*. Al-
ready eorreopondenee has been. foretold
srti,.tohy one „e 7e... muse op with the meet renowned profe,00esi
athletes, pit •-ra mid dancers tomerove
ted '4 French actors, M Cognelin,
n theert of acting. IS view of the and Re% oral hake Signified t,hr:r intention
oprusehing visit of M. Cofiuslin to this at /*tag P""ent• W. L Horton was
,country, hie statement of the principles aitteeideel correspendioe secretary, ;
governing the thenry end practice of his Geo. &irons resigned, ;mite: to present*
rose femurs& of Ms paper are the high levet
art 711 611"cii&ilY :tiee't4itilioerthebnuisi:117.uriedninigfunitent te:TueedThe;
owed upon which he places the dramatic re lereninatra.• lath' Ilaralt
ltitY" ',onion and the infinite /shot w.iilirAtiraTri 6114- at tt alralt).
he word bee own eminent potion has teem ; Quoit. - Friday last three Myth
ng in a attained Nosnerous referents.% are made hutemekeepers arrived in jail to pit in a
la•t on trip Ilermany, where
be sheeet on business for some months..
he will
I salt -derrick irreoul meals bed
taken the elom r off the truant business,: Franeaoe I...Mil-tom.; the points whi:h he motet
to hut avanriate artists at the 4 One& I sentign,Cne a,f4t,..nt dta,vs for, c .nterept .1
wo: .act istirt.
Pena' A watox -We regret to chrer.-
icle the demist of Mrs Troy W. sewage,
of Buffalo, ekofb• (Mooned at the rein-
leoce of her fethe6 eget. A. M. Mc•
Greger Smaday :est. She lied for some
tune put heetioutfenne front t 'denim st oey
• rhesinatiefe id the heart,sod Solite week,
' tic . came to Godettch In the
. chime, of sor, oceor and meetUal attend.
.nee w odd beneSt her LIM, week she
speiwared to ituInove VI IOW* t beT
1 h I ..1, accustom)* • her to
Godtrich, felt satisfied that he mild re-
turn tolls* LaiiiiieSe interests In BuiTalo,
and left for that city Saturday at foie:.
Sunday lest Mrs !savage • retro -ere,
hesrever, end despite good rro.dical trest
mint and the king care of frierids. pen-
est away, in her thirty -seemed year. Mr
harnite was at once teleteephed for,
'at • .oted to Iluderich Mooday. She
leete6 • noshend, two smell children
ether retain tie, sod a :dirge circle of
glomming friends. t .drilt her loss.
The funeral, which wee largely attended,
teok place (rote bit (saber's reOdence,
j.,:4.1igleees-st., Tinsley morning :ait, at
••••44-oin--arttritrtriffella /Ugh Maas
for the -.cession. wee celebrated at to.
l'eter's by Rev. Father Watson, Roe.
Father Luz kindly insisting tbe choir,
who sane the firmorien Retereurn Mass.
At e ert:nry, she hyena, "Jerasidern,
my Happy Roe," was song by MI
Griffin, the eh Or joining in tbe ehnres.
At the' conswerattoa the oboe. Peng
"Neon" my God to Thee." After maw ie.
Rev. Father- Lot: 'played a beautiful or.'
Th. mermen by Rev. Father
was from tee teat, "Preeiees te
the eyes td the lewd ere the jest wbo
die in Hie sight, in *bleb he extolled
the Virt1141 the deemed, eh- was
faithful wife. mother and (la igt-Oer, and
who, while tn the otagre Moto A St.
Pete •
•1 ence
Coorikearioe Smote T. A cnrifirme- disciplined schoeolif
Ion seri tee will be held in St. Georee s corery s. s. M
beech Sendey morning next by Bohol) weikip77
taldwiri. On Saturday the class will porn, herd in
met in the solved room at 4 p. rn. for ' North Street
lereP y . The ii/sh.p will dty evening
reach both morning
ea a bettor emphieuzge. The text is arroeinanierl that village Following are the parts.
. y , .1
by tirenty-six clever 'tree:1110i of the omen - (4,aitAt so Interesting Scott Act
Env:, -- At the sa„ Various ectnre menvi,.ned. In their heed a,.... •,,ii tried at Myth en Friday last.
5 S. workers of the ; role*. The article is gopplementol by before magistrates Venni. of Blyth, and
le lecture reote of the ' fout-notes prepared by Itrander Met McK•y, et W moham. Mr Campton, of
etliodist church on Tomo thews, the trawling American authority Goderich in reared 1 th . del
there wits a large amen.' ri,e up,„46 the drama. M cch of the fon* athje,lea taa the 1,1rItitliCillIta .4 the C.' 5514
d evenmg an of teacher fem. all th•scheole. Arrange- • of the ertycle is due to the excellence of • fiewever, the case, *175 45117.4 The first
mem* wre made for the e,,,,,,,,, co„. ,,, tritestatt,,e from Coltielin'a French, , we. .11 tont E. 1: IL.iriiien, who on to -
ins( --The lands es ion Cie venri„ 0.1,e 73o-1,1 early 111 Jae.. The which is the work of Mrs Andrew Lang. ing ai.:e.1 t.. giie eveleime refined, on
railwry c•itling between the ene
gm sed prineipal work for the Gedeoich cool- A minute C.Toniesey. --The Wool- the ...round that the court had no ions -
toe elevator have been of se attrious a nintee will be the billeting .1 the del, 1 stock Plentint? Rev.., r is 'truing te be dicoon anu he ceuld not :ore evidence
noture. that section foreman Macintesh
has hed a eatist of men clearing rites, which will he entirely left in their 1 pleasant at the expense of ••,me of our either lir •-•i• *vain., 1.11-welf Richard
• b d T
ay .luring the pied two weeks, and it
xpeile 1 1' will take fully another week
complete the pa.. 1
TRAPP A large portion of the bus The
r held by our local firm.,, he. been at the ea
ipped. mid the docks ere now nearly pointed p
e *well' netrhhore in this semoon. Here is •
schools were entrusted with the s.'rk •.9 armpit The festive clerical lent who odd
ditto it *list aeo•Inninditti-d" e in tie an ignorant world, at the remelt railway
red and will report t.. the secretary. meeting here. where Royfield is. had
tine adjourned to meet again better lord, to hie latirrls and the in(er-
«9 Mr e whe WI.ap- sets of his great railway terminus of the
anent chairman. /mute. He hea a powerful moil way op
• petting t. navigation. how- Gout Nine' W. T. Colo wife of a for somewhere along th bike shore. An
-:r. soon reined/. th,, mattt.r. tof .ner propriet•.r eivotai, chef ateomilly onagmatire and exuberant in.
t* large shipments of set have here her residence in Ir
'C'') ."11 the ,'*73'dividttal c;:ntriSutes the following to our
fr'n "" "t• and the "cr.r" inst. Stip had hOeli her arenetomed wheehrte stock of geographical knowledge
mons ,ops 'JP D• "titer c 'mot .dull•ta- good health until sham week before, i is tbe columns of the Sesferth
Two he A Kona Dinng the stay of when she *at takes" down *th a staled, "As good • terminus as the Canadian
v. R Kerr se teen he was the einem that finally •shibited livid. of nlosid Pacific Ratleray coeld wish for on the
J ; lame. hey are both geod poisoning. Her body wits &hen to I shore of Lake Huron is to be found at
roteetanta but tech of them has a warm Sycamore, M., for interment heeled* her fhe •111••• 01 Port Albert The village
sot in his heart for the Emerald Isle. lat. heehaw!. Mrs Vex was well lin a as situated tea miles north of Goderich,
73. pr,asnt itt.'n of Indeed and t•• the old residents of (l•wierieh have ano twenty three voiles swath 01 Kin•
e chance% for stalline ref the proposed . been reared and married hens Alined ohne, the there are thirty three miles
erne', Inplaur. would beyond piestion , tire can SRI sh• retrieved to Chi.,,,
country with -nit any railway mot-
tle pleis •i Jimeeslon *bore she resided antil her death. A muniention.- Other centres of intelli-
*en them. Th.. thermions by the Rev. ' hew week, ego • letter from her deughter, Reece and patriotism that wish to been-
tlesaan in Kt 1;eorriti church, morw• I who is now a misssonare in A fries, wee, omoe. through the agency the Neel
by ir end reeling/ were much sotweristevl pelisetie4 in Tits se. o 41, She Idea I rail, the nortlogestern suburb of Wooel
hos hearers. He hog enough .,f the I 11111e04 three ems and one Janette, is teteekwill 1.1•4/7 8P0•11 •',"' 11 II
brogue me:• Enolieh perfect. 'Cimino.
'rya Muni in their history.
Mr Black senstent a• Knox Church e•
preached -les farewell sermon on Sunday le
ev•noie Imo, He had bees in Goderieth
about three mieithe and had nuide many
Dr. M. 'tock,ltien. the %est street
dentist, mos *,!:e preservatien of the
nature) teeth a st•eciafty Gas admin,.- p
tared from '. a. m to 4 p. as for tbe ,7
painless extraction et teeth. T.
kti •e% !ION • - Very succeae- th
fel quarterly services were held in c,
Victone st chirkh Sunday lest. The he
pulpit was ..erupted morning and even
by Rev. J F. Holten. district
superintendent, (Ieliverer' tee' int.
preemies. loOTtn its Th•ra was a large
attendance •'
()winter). Emrich a..1 .4, Cunning-
ham Alto refused t ,ti.(' evidence. A
great toonnor eitie•••••o sero called
on all the c`alieq, nf any se•
.01 t was cet out tat •tieni, as they SII
wore thf•y, lint tie thine' hilt ''shnrt.
long,' '.whute.- "herd," do.,
c. Mr Scott, of rlrikem, for the pray
uti en, `Mowed t• 'fin& the Int-
ones tell the ingredient 4 ••7 sefeelji
ind nt drinks One writers*. heine
Ceti 4 whet he j t was st- one. said he
d net think there was dynamite in
, but that 't molls ritti.e • report when
cork was drawn.. carni ho moneyed t.,
("my it 4.4 /I. Rut wher •,Delilwg from
u'olock a m till 4 r 91., they menaced t
get one of the entnesses aga:nst II. it
rwion to say he felt a little fenny
ter he got his drmts, felt shout
• he did ett..m73. e.k los brat
ok•, and on this •vidence tined
an ro and oven', •nel connoted oth-
three defendants fee e,ntrenpt
ert. They mem wed the sentenee
ly aed have gm,. to gaol for tea
. m. els '9 omel-
ettes 'The oral le•arers were, Messrs
C. tttrachate .1. 14%04, kbenes, C.
McIntosh. M. D. Curry and J. Irl.
"rxpress.. We extend --',rre • th to
the tiereaveil husband Utifi ?trews
While no e. rove left *.sitar, the
pell-lotterers 'stenos the catalog, en which
-re be ,tiv ;rift* of Nov Cooke,
ordahlat, idayed tl 0 ' !lead March in
Keel. " Bei cileeem peen Floral
gif's Irma mei., by Mr and Mrs Geo.
Ilhynes, lir and Mrs Joe. Kidd, Mr
Wilimm I, Horton. Mr and Mrs 1%.1t.
A. M M.-Gree•.r. Mies .1onie and r
Merray Melneeh, and others who're
moues *0 bided to oloene entommt
hue present from • 4,51....4,51.... were J. M.
Roberts ant wife. Io
) ingennn, (...'wpt. A.
E. MacGregor enwife. Sarnia. C91.G. W. 114ael:rewnr. Fort Horne, Min
Annie and Murray McInteele of Detroit,
lid A. L. Mscgregnr, Milwaukee. •
Mr sere,' has Seen 111 receipt of Assay
messairoe .9 concirlenc• from symps-
bielog frtende wets tonsble to tot
pr.' -µt t t
4 6
s5 t ie ,teseja