HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-4-29, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1887. A WOMAN'S WIT • 3 gunnel *audition,' she revile), "se it howled • *10 bill to the pultttwmaa. • lesele4 • dont much matter." • Uh, arca, Fut really nut to .'l u[+ted ''You are aware that 1 state a wail in ; •f. Cirouuststic a drove me to the If )0u buy a cheap u.d a `lea` mates - pee favor team time axis i'I asked. I esnmisswu of the criue.. Forgive me." isteui for best wird .•n+ fur every day, 1 used tv la+,t at t!,.• ut.r test a war it to ec•aomy to me►e •p the better .tau multi ..utwu a ween I ....•d to "Aul papa threatens to alter it if 1 ; "That's all huutble." said the police- wets u( cafe for the Acrd wear, say, that, .watt w she meet tor, .. noon Shaw any deur+ u to petese myself , •uy , utas ; • 'wens .1 •oyl. YOU follow, if you ppro- ven hie seitew about hum era ,u,.rt••r 'UAL. mid Mus Metilda. "1 premium 1 please, twee I d•.u't consider it the still. Thal she (wind be detected t., au he mitt year here to way se. He has said I duty of go.,d ottiaeru W let such fellows „scant, and that whatever hoar t•urieeia se eery often himself, very ofteu, Milted; I off, (Pe my part" g..uw si she m.ara»Ie. I Powesaal. �r --- emerge Letault, of Tetrads,ikota WIN v What is economy I hr can heartily •r.... •..J l d►•.+ lhs .8 No d•,ubt ibis Ituestiun dons not strike the least whaler • f rhrnn.wne la.w, fisher wool u.ub.r fiascos soil red r you as a Ilea 0115, nevertheless apse we , years with rel-•te..t.sn. .id *11 ,e..•"dita was, she *hewed et so plainly in her face aad 1 1.11 )ou, as 1 tu)d him, that mutt• "Nur 1." saiJ I. "Caere, on, Mies that au twee could be &leered fur a m•- elf, $b•.sh desirable, it nothing wises it the struo4"st feel - went. tueot. Aird coat, as she emit :(e nu I Umlaut the way of where without attracting atteoteen, end 1 ' 1 urn's Ida. N bat s the u.e e,f mu:mi+ "littera1 a" "" hr "leeeae ueadwl • male pr.iteetur a hrnever who did enythu►g out .4 the common w"y, l to toy marriage, but I am of age ; he is gentlemanly appearance. New Yurk such u taemit a journey, or ,i eu,i out' erestreasenable. I intend to du u IP lease thievees u(tet have if heart really Tee pueepiesu 15.1 tee way with the young man. As •e walked belied, I particular'y caulked teat be had a very after dark, as she never liter, how to ole- i Y•.0 Lore my auswrr. vidine of course it is of suttahte cu!or. And the colon •heul.l always be durable when otiw'a Memo, is Ismited. The helm dressmaker .►11 succeed best if alae centime her effects to plain styles, not severe nor ugly ones, but attempting num of the tangy frilla that Worth puts into his splendid trucks. Have a care fur future remaking, and "out up" your material ss little as is feasible Kamp ask, •ud hope you w, else arc year selves "What u etas„•,. s "ffseunoutyl tt'!oy r. .. •My s ' ser teeod ! leavu.g wets. "Money," you sten ter Always "stony. money, Must the low of u.eney be the active principle .1 the worlst f .reser is there nothing to be eared but utoiry' Let me ark again then, wlet is true eaonomy1 hied for hitu. He was ,one ebu &tumid in heavy materials it is a wise provision Ne amuse. Trus ... o••wy is putting' to here an entire ekirt of the material, things knot only moiety, tree u. te, but speech parcel, or weasel,. gwrey, *rid I '"51..daut, I arid, "arty tneaseee fr enc hate played • better part. had not ulwa of the house of r*tlway y' ur Lather a till' )tar are t • return tee artived *t 1115 ,erten and were trains, or the war to get anywhere or du Lente, under my escort, at ester i led roti a sur: of private parlor, where anythtuv 1.gs1'„ the man who allowed! '•Perhaps 1 shall refuse to g•. with we were asked to wait a white, the pre- vuu," said ane. setter beim led away by ti,u p !iceman himself t.. be 11 .1. ate,' by her we., lucks' • 1 eau the dour of th•• ro.,•ut u, which th3 lees than at ithet. I said, "I cwt prepared fur lately cents w fifty per yard and are I have altered mypond now. 1 home !tha.t.e.!eesiae. lusts., sat, open ; I saw cite peMoiwr wueen w fate a :•ars anal i11 brarad.•, and to put away enough surplus woods thing. to their beet use Atuoug said "things' s time 1 "time a money you kea.w") and to a false ewrtm*te as to the. value of money ..err that of time. It dart; a great deal of lea of energy. Ever since Beteatuit: Franklin's grand- father was a baby stet a gond deal fur- ther back than that for all we know, there has been current a starry whish sought to teach that for the 1•erson who. habitually mattes the ttrir/ tf suo.h per cels +t come W him, as tndeyeudut.t for tune walla. for • new waist or buttes. leas always the very beat waist linings, and line meat and sleeves alikewith Whet*. The Leafiest priced qualities are from been the eeer•bei .e1 JGs. M itilda Mid- 1 And then i brought Ili the legal stand b*f, re hen Tien it et...(d with •uSare very pretty sial dru rler fur h.•mus-p•ecus with which I had roared my- a being. lar another natant the pellet- silk "Pile a essery fit all other materials the %eked v for twenty four hours, and 1 tie era returced sokwl all that I have sae!. A wut.waa ; turf the least pliable :ruing* that do not "Madame, thotegh of age, it to s.ece.a• "`Nim," said he, "Lis Loner wishes to uuu+t Ur up • parcel, eat t" an nukuuwa I err yeti alum. Out stung rnan •:ec:arw 'give ' at all are best, and these come at pen "t this w,,,m, cut auythieg with a' wry ter you to ahuw just cruse otiose y y twenty•fira carica in plain suers and ru11.. oe I;ne a dtreeirot pn•perly . bar; i y'u can roma to recant tae :+ l.areut'. the meta a cowpiraey against him, and very tinnily wevee. Good hump help re. f. Niue days are necessary for a quit you will be questioned separately, No ■hen .L.• tar:r ..e. up het mind a. warty to win the Mule in fitting, and t4 keep a eu.0 one 1111,, s 01,11111{1, ,,la 1'1.,"11. I staioffence. air.n. Meanwhile you are legally a it „cep Iron. T.ibwa asp the brat ' :n't nu. 1'cadinx your pruuf before • "N..re," said I. T1►em I Lsckused to 1.0,.1 51.1i 411 fila rinks cu:,i Let ba111e!dressmakers wail never fit a dram over her. St... it hate hue ..s1, w,.‘• mem/grate, I have auth• my to arrest ' the pdiecman apart, and slipped two 1yew seed tale y..0 Lowe. I d. se in the dollars me, his hand. ''1nn't bee .iitht new corsets. The tint newness ..f every - Mum Mottoes Middlebury ►. * ytuetg I mime sof the lee. I trust you Sill IPA 1 111 the y,•una lady utn.l sloe rejai.s tea,' thing but the very Meet French corsets 1 sail pnsiu.e* at. ertificiel figure that is Inst "leu, sir, on a•. ac.aeunt," ,arild he. soon as the corsets have been worn a And effHwy went to•.ether. They were few times, and teen the fit of the bisque et, and retureed at, they ' is omelet. Cereets should tie of the a bad loran wcspi11t, firmly woven French ,•tines. without e was all succi- ' etiffrnti.g except f. •r the hones, and Gas- ing the shape es the cut. These should him r• be worn often eo•,ugh to conform to the time's/ of tl.e wear.•r before fitting a dress le. over then:. l'.t a lesque always tette lady ••f tel years. I. as Icer fattier • legal adviser, luow her react ego. Iis- f.re last Thursday I had uerer MOM her fact t., face. h *a. this wise : There twine a letter dwttd (151neuce Hill, and force me to put handcelfs epee a Is ly's wrists, or to call iu four police ofticen and ledge you in gaol ell night ; but le ing under Wads to your father, I shall he obliged to dr a, if you restet ; other- wear, !hiss Matt gone tela: Into written, as 1 Log at once, by . nn• Per. 1 wise. I can taller you my arm and escur( ' The lady's evade sun to a s*Jrnt reed- Linee e.'1 ereolied- you, as any geetlem.tu neght, teehe tail- ciente acrd the ntau, Lettere toy uup,. Tits it what it said way atatiuu. ' "Then they Aare commit to ale . -- As she listened all the pretty; red stark- said 1. Ct.tsaw tiUr_:.. �rtnr. ,t1 r faded frutu Mus Matilda's checks, ''i'es, Le's cunuuieed." said Mab Mr Mort.*, ••WL.t a dreadful thing law is ate 'Ole e••.•r telluw eI-1'11 So aur,, b%e skirts of an a11•r• ainute thickness to Dealt Sis, 1 shill make see 'polo ev satd. "I had n.. idea such !astatine, d. :sleets •' thew it will be were over. for trcubluzg y eu a'.•,ut a matter which Then suppose 1 moat go with you. But 1 le• i Is os art dight hollowness at the arm you will perhaps conetJer a little out of i i Cir away. As we went I saw boo your sphere. I sh•,uld n •t make any I'm net a Lyble ghee me your p:w,fs--- spolegy to the kung of anywhere for sok- your papers •hatrver terra you your rug him to pull me out of the water if I were drowning. The is • life act death manner matter to Inc ; you must help Inc Breaks. you are .nv eve adviser, right.' s 1 took from my pocket a lease written uu parchment, and turd with ret tape. •teJ 1 want y..0 to take the law luta your "The warrant, morass, I ',ed. own hands. Teat is a11. i then turne 1 over the ed:,e of my I haves dear;bier 11*I dr Middle- waistcoat and exhthtte.l the pin of the hwy. You have my sudl at her nicer. Jolly Good Fellow's Club, of which I possible that you may hare b. alter it yet ; but that is neither here Lor am a metnher, site said there. That daughter is n•.w 23 years "Ky lege of nffice, madsm.' cid ; consequently, .el ave and her own She turned peer stil', she sat down metres*. 'he has despot t.• fail in 1.•55 with a t,•tte,u tible, Lo,1 fur -teething and begun'''cry.• y sloe allied rascal. whoa, I have fernrddru to speak her eyes •et wnl her ream. and she to determine.: 1•. ; `'Msy 1 er to : ti• to to tell stenebtdy marry Lien She tried to I:umbuf nee. 1 why 1 se eersgeanest ' Alabe- e. the jade, and promised to sive him up ;1 fore t to dawn to the cupid h de where but I bare positive tutenusties that aM 4ptteads u, marry him un Teursdav after- ' Pees wants t bury ,:,t•, well you ge mitt Loon. All preparations are made, end I me to the drewtwker's 4 - tee 'tee trunks packed, for a departure to ••(etaiiere• I eteeted. T,. myself I Karot,w 1 fur{+t to wry that she is visit• I said . "Sett will plat t.. ts:are ere at 4 y. ►riga friend ac street, New Yurk, The tase.sl rates there .eery eceoins, ' the c:resarnaksre. I ctu.,t vetch her plays the piss.,, pias seuuuucutal eons, there. and nukes lose. The other girt i, i t • :Mae klsti:ora wrote ..5 feet.. $ba the plot, an] is mete to be bridesmaid. 1 . tf I.elomy : without And here am 1 w th thereat in my right • sent tt re Ices, aft. feet, cbaiue+i down at •Ckrew►re Hee leaving the PnrIi. she millet a taste tea witb••ut a friend I dare tr et ..: the +ells 1 bri' g her 1.er lane sliawi ai.0 • :..4 sad veil. ' Ae':J ley react -eke: tie:• red 4!. wet. Kee. , she added. •• And re member, rack everything ntcele." Thee. harlyg bidden go ntibye to bet weepicg filend, who- c*:lei her papa s ••t.rutee and we reeee o.letrodut- ed 1.- roe, we start • 1 • ' As we left the I Louse 1 wretched her cl•rsely There was st►meth►eg .r ber face I del r.ot like. but I felt test I wee melee. . t tate situation. Set e-. ,i. ea y.;. ..rone:a::et. lire I asked She 4*ve ;at the addriess t. was not sate you. Foe heavens sake. tin 1 me the Take her into cues. Jy. Arrest her. D.. what ya1s chaste with her --only thine ,, lass sight art her until you brine her safe to me I dcn't cars what it costa : do it. 1'r, a rte!► mean. Any bill wit; he c:.oeidered r eson.ble. Y•u hare tee undying gratitude of yoer .44 friend to the bargain. of curse. Matilda J..es not know •rythin. abut law, and is awfully strata of it Pe - member, out of your sight one memeat, sad all is over. Thank heaver: you :.ever' earned and have no da•ehter. Yours truly. J. F. Mirw.esrev. P. 8 -No. - street. Dant I s.t.ere- a fasha•nablt set of ;ear:. n in forget. Leiv by the name of -:ark, -sire.' There ivy the drafter, and I wife • 1 Dr. .Stark, us the person she to knew e. Mas 31a.uda. mod I. suiting .1. F. M. 1 'ayes wt I emote m-4 for recendtnt My friend,, the man who would de- you that I wriest ls^e y:e even a j me4t it t. ' ort then his fellow -man under such eircumstaocee, mac be lower even than "Nu need to reseal sae of teat," she the brutes. i confided the business 1" answered, in a tone that was nut, to my my r,artner, telling him that stfurs of the lett of it, very coctpltraentary 'armistice called me from borne, and, We rolked drum LIN 'tryst toget':er, with a small carpet beg containing Deme linen sad a brush and comb, walled ever to No. - - street, without any further delay, and requested to see Miss elated& Middlebury. In five minutes she came iota the room- a abort, plump, bread-ahoelder- ed young wostl*i. with • turn -up nose, big black eyes, long eyelashes, and crisp. curly black hair. Her culor dims and went, so that 005 moment ber cheeks were dappled in red, and the nett a clear brunette tint. fibs had whit* teeth and pretty hands, and 1 kuew by the way she Icoked at me that she had spirit ; but i knew also, that w..ween stn igaoesnt of law, and no I thotmltt that I anted manage her. "Miss Mtddiebary 1" said I. „Yee, air," said she. "Mr Martin. of Martin. Groh .t ('••." 1 said, bowing. "I ata eery much pleased to see yr., Mr Martin," said she. "i've heard pal a speak of yogi. "My dearest friend -rine ..f them, at least," I said. "Your father is a sear for • daughter 10 be proud of. Min 11 td "el+eels ensued the beg. 'e:t's d'ebsry." entpty ' ' sued she "Yea" .rid she. "i •oppose tr. '•Whet' Have you played that And what du papa 1.11 yew 1" ray ea i mune said the poltewman '•Yes u me y' I ham to eine ue to the ..dice. miss. et d "My deer young lady,' said 1, "era auks a sharp. We'll search him ; I* roe know lief you are serienaly rCeted• moat hare It sheet time' ing yr'nr pod paps 1 ' 'To be sseioesly P•? and 1 man elderly gentleman. tett that I aught r[er ber my arra. Ste was oamble. I saw. of runtime sway st any moment She esnr.tered stuw.y, staring at the sleeps as she went on, n'atiea re- marks Meet the people we peered :the carried • Itttle beg it her t.ar.d and twirle•l it ss she wa'ted, w a riskless sort • f tracer^ What happened might have hese ex- pected. At the tarn of the street • pony 132$6. dressed in respectable clothing, darted ur .4 sr.•tched the bag, and itnmedia'eiy tined and fled. Hewer,-, he did r• t tun fag, f .r f.efore I Muhl niter a woo rd. a s• set 'et remise het darted from a shop d sir, seized the thief and bell him. pale with teeter sad an I shakung like an Wen teat, trete se welted or. "Vena Lag. mime" said the petits. - ..an. "t►h, yes," said Matilda. ' i m so thankful you tomtit fowl tit.. 1, w could you be s, wicked ' But ter? apo I'd better let yore off, ynun4 nen, now ( ve g. -t the morel beck... the policeman greeting after u.. I i a frequent trouble, and one that no c •uleete think why. 1 furre/helpa-cut from sheets two perces tee said very !title as we walked an. , thesis* and shape • 1 a large size under - and we were at the dreseeeket's , in no arse shield. Between these put sheet time. Now or never would site hafft.1 wadding -not cotton battinv--uf the re- in.. She might escepe by the hack door g'a'ted thickness, usually twee or three or the roof ; how could I tell 1 I re- layers •uswer, theta sew neatly around :used to let her go" into the nett room. the ed;w, baste iito each sleeve at the 1, stared at her while madam -x11 in. free et the ut.dre arm; and sew the ii1oatwn-measured her *boulders end caeles in reser them. This will be found the length of her skirt. Whet: she e. asset fitting materially. line or two sent behind a ecreon to be "trnl on" 1 rete of "Thompson's Neer Break," the, patched her little feet lielus it, and , under -arm eors' st.els, seen into the but she is tnumlehut.t, fir aloe hes free when 1 got out of the hearse I rejoiced'. under term seams of dress waists, will ec'sumical---she hes found the needle. We caught the train by a hair'. breadth. k"ep tee baigas well down over the hips. F.uno•.sey is a great art and the w«r1d's I did not doubt that she had tiled to Thew steels c. ma in tipped casein/1e at ealvstion,btit let judgment be exercised utas It altegtLer, and all night I watch- 1 fifteen Ceuta a pair. and may be aa "tide ,s t•• which is the tete ani which the. -J torr, lest at some st*tisn she mutht awn in as whale tents. false. It is ft•au t!:. very 11115 of Yet elude ms. When, twenty-four Weary! arc see often asked Sb.tt find *1141 false ce.,ncmy that Ina :y pet pie 'w rk Aunts trent our first meeting, I rang tLe • gtrslttt� of chick s+lk :o buy, t4at we thetmmisw and ethers to death - •sell cf ter 'ethers residence, I was a gusts fspm a fashion writer iu Butter- There is no .con-omy in s man keel - ,laded being, rout 1 was triumphant. I ick'* Retiow, vile) sty": inz insueh-ient and iaefheeot clerks, calved int, ber father', ehsmher, sal, "Black ai:e., a*: ria x1,.1 tt I% eta ate and himself work tight and day t • to*ke up tee :chciency, thus laying the found- ation fur present dectur's hills, and • useless odd age. ' There is no e00110 ly in ctee women escel t 1 Alter Oil. 2 The First Sign 1)1 f.tlllu� !r • tlth, whether in the feint of 4lst 14w, e.. and Servouau• .., or ,it a sentw of t.eneral Wearisome :eel Lows of Appetite. rbutskt at .goat t be use of otter's s,r.aparttls. 'flats preparstiuu 1. must effective for giving tow.: and .trrngtb to the euf.•.•bled •yst.•nt, promoting the df1estion mei a+.sim.lalt.,u of fool. restor- ing the aro t.,,u. torr, tot t,.etr •ortual cementite, sort for po ire.n4, ren:nisi,;. sad vitallziug the W.,:1. Failing Health. Ten rears attn ser teea.th 1,ee41; r.. t.,1. 1 war troubled with a desersetng remigr , Night sweats, Weak,,., anal Nerree-- arw.. 1 tried various rem,• l s.. I.r.•scrtl1M by di/runt physietans. but beanie eo weak that !could not }ro up .tato veth- out *emptier to rest. My friend.; r••••ont- taeCIrd nee to try Asrr's a:arepxrtlle, which( duff. and 1 am now ., to .10h, .utd K rone as .ser. -- Mrs. 1.. L tt'tlhaws, Alexandria, Mum. 1 have used Aver'. Sleeperilha, 10 my family, for Set...luta, and k,uow, if 1: fa taken faithfully, that 1r will tburtughly eradicate thin remise disease. 1 here ala, Kuotleeaalritig a a g.,ud thine Joule pnscribeul It a. a twttc..us well as an alter - leas, - a habil of ecutiomy a better ore *tire, stark 1ins1 say that I hirer eh beLWve It W 4e Ills let rw•dta•,tw ever but cat one judgeof a inane economy cempoialod. - W. !'. 1'..0 1c:. Le 1). el.. by such a thing .$.,this; y- 1►., lirecnYille. Ttue. Now when Bete* a F:•nk;in•rgrat.d- Dyspepsia C':r c. father was • baby, st tit, such as we 1t w Nee b • ilut(...eo......• f•,r 111•• '•.th, have now, waa no teethe soiree and hi_h :trio wt.+t 1 .uKend front Indtgvetiow snot Il.:.a bit. up too the t:me 1 "141 taking Ayer'* Sarsaparilla. 1 we., u priced, and as such was to b�wleed and treassred. In these data ^waver. the rare of rariott• pbv.i. tai. a*t1 trit+l . great cataria uu.t, of ir.da rile,, Inst when it is t.. be Iota bt fur slue web- carer ubtalnc.l snore t!rtn temporary rt- ine, and the world is •tori -e -sir.. 1111. Altertal'iug Ayrv'aSarespaum;la fur ret•, itK a short' tem• , my h, a.lat Ie. dlx.i.pern+l, of unfinished wort. W consider hint and my'tome+performed its•Iwtk'•sten the true ecunumist wh a uses half au hoot I,Getcty ick:.rt meri- 1.-Mary elarL - pring- or even fifteen minutes, to metes Hsi 1J, alas• hundredth pert of a fire cent , ball of lta':e !writ:ratio bin :i+, 1 by the strung, is ornainly to place a (*lea esti rt u,.. or Ayer', ••tnaf.,rttl.t. It 1 invigorates the.. -.tent. eeriest.•.4 twee upon times, which surely posseme, of the digestive awl assimilative re great a face value as au ether ..f the 1 italizta for ti.h*l . it M, y the most reli:al,i . blood world's c.mutuditi.•s. A woman drupe t.oeen'al. --1!. L). Jobwa,n, her needle stet ferthwah drops her work Itrtwliv*, N. Y. sill t tepee rued on her hands *1141 knees b..l ng for it, I:ot to keep it fret") sticking tete souse unwary feet Indeed, but because it weted be extravagant t. take 'mother iii its ;lace. And wit what sstiafa.tiolr,d,.ss she cotwe,tu the surf.•:a after ten or fifteen minutes. T.. be sure she hat IL '•crick in her hack" - site has wasted ten re mattes, she has tern her diem part way 'front, the baud. pit, tones the act organs. wttbout d lurib,•r r•'t • Aslant:.' *5 %beetle on my arm. in vogue. The cores are somewhat ''Sir," f said, "1 have done my duty. heavier than formerly stud the intensely Here ie Miss Matilde Middlebury-" dull effect is no longer approved. The Shall I ever furore that '*iousent As silk seems to shuns its appreciation of 1 spoke. mettles tcrr.ed abut with a hems raised fete suck. pr.i:tinence from with a large family trying to do the week high, t'.e veru-srd.sitn trite which it bad which three could mere reasorsbly ac- "hoa're made & eestaict,' said a]:r. suck by draping to etc gracefully. All "A married roma, bean her hr,- teetsare tried with blast silks to aseer- heed's same, Mrs Jackson, if you tate their worth, but they are like plum p'ease. Paps. here is my, certificate, pudding, in that the only irlfallable prout sod ties is my ring " She dI<ew off her of their g•eu! qualities comes with actual dove and a heavy wedding rine;, which experience. The feminine world mean she had reit worn Oben we started. over enortnene Priem fur soros--beavy g'itt•r•ed , : her finger. "leu wen silks that cut, and otben that grow afraid • tee drses•naker's house," she *bine• taut at last, perhaps, furtmn "there we. no danger there. I was termed at the puttee station. Cherles was the thief , the arrest was a sham The policeman was bribed. He merely ushered Charles icer the presence art the mattes o f peace, escorted me afterwards blanks drawn are much talked about, into tee same reo,t, and was a return while but fee aures are devoted to the to the ceremony prizes. A black- corded silk, soft to the "Tie Iaw a very hard upon us yuueg touch, and glistening enough to show wnesere- she added, with a meaning that it t* a ole, makes such a costume elatice at tee , "a d the pars} tneot was as is deeirahle to have with us all the very impost:lc, Hut tl.e•w whom God eine. because of its perfect suitability for has yeaa•d n. teas !SR pet ae.nd•r. mane' eeeeitutta.'' And papa riust forges before n,y hut- We advise intending purchasers to buy bared •-�.u... to -morrow." 1 supeuas Mr Middlebury did f.treive his daughter, for I never altered'' s will. but I went hack to the city that day in such a boiling rare, that if it hed been to my l..ewer to disinherit her, Matilds would not/ be penn,le.s 1 got neer my anger len* ago , and I have learned a Iausoa by it. It w this : ----- - - - A wt:ful ossa will have hie way, and Quantity in medicine is'no indication aro titan con stop by. of value. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is coneen• tatted and p•ewerful : requires a smaller •verw.e•i d. dote, and as mere effective, dem for 1 •'Mv !.,shard •trained himself with dose. than any rather Sarsaparilla. It u cuu►pluh and thus uretic herself for everything but an early grave. We should try t.. remember when teaching the most useful lessons of ecaitmy, teat net only money. but hart, brain, health, tante, alt must be crosidered before we car. zee a true es- timate of ecenotnical living. -Prudence Pat sons in Ladies' Ii• r..• .' , r a'. smiles and one is delighted at the die- -- - - - c.rery of a silk that u neither inclined sty the use of I:e.cktr gh4s a Dyr. the whiskers mat toe .*s:;y ratite a perm* to tut nor shine. Bao silks at best are ne,t, natural b[urc, sir Olacl, e. de but a Lottery; albeit the came does no: sired. receive the credit it deserves, for the __ -. _ Isere Mt markable 54111, only of first -claw house*, t.. pay • fair market price, and to rely neon honer. sick headache, lever ct n: plair,t, lancet. r, wikn.sa, ete . s'n disaprear wt:ear able d.aler1. One very geed teat a to crease a small piece of silk between the thumb and fore inter, 1f the create shows when the silk is straightened out, it u tuns pour to buy _adzes' Horne Companion. Fourd at last. what the tree pettier has been h",king for thew many years --- and that is a medicine whet. although but lately introduced, has made for . itself a reputation second to none. the ' medicine u Jtbrsoe's Toads Bleier*, which in conjuocttrn with John,..n's Tunic Liver Pill. has redeemed tame mow wonderful cures inseam er no- po..riehed blood soon becs't..a purified and enriched. Rilliouanes., indigestion, Ayers Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr .r r Ayer Vries •1: ala r'a , Leestt, eras. tis. "I'11 give a np, ewe " raid the ywttef '• 'vded is •'s am. "3ere le tbs soap, bad . t nverr,rke.l, caostne a large .selling in the crte. Ho suffered meat agony, whish deans failed to relieve ; he meld not eat nor .Ieep B. B,B. quickly cured hem. He says 1:e nevelt het such quick relief in his life in his hese" Ilttrset Iron a letter from Mrs. Coergs Beak, Conketitle, Oat the hest .•f ell blood medicines. reefs, Um. What a truly beautiful world we live to ' Nature gives uIl grandeur of mountains. glees sed eosins. and thousands of means of enj.,yment. We ean desire no better when in perfect health ; bet how ..hen do the majority "L Jetty's Youth a est • yard weiree of t. ample feel like giving it np disheart- en exchange mys..�tt the meet nota- Med. discouraged and worn out with b:e thing shout i that she always disease, wham there is no • session feet keen it shut. Observe, she ' tris feeling. as every s.Reter can easily is .. -- obtain sat Wade ry pnwaf, Heaven a **NW levee amusd agate r August Flower, will maks these free Ne •'hardly ewer" •bunt it He had from disesar, ss when born. Dyspeputa an attack ..f slat pec pia es!. "6'4..11,- mm:err! t. *wile was itap..euble Y.t nose may eanttle and smile, and he a villain still, •tt.1 he was no w►I:aun. but a plain, blest, pains* sn cit, that needed a e.us.J y molt w Dr Pierce • ' • Ylewwt Peneeiy Pellet.." •lith never fail to etre bf'w series and diseased or torpid . bear, deepspsis and the ill, eteitip• '14... (.K 4res4•t0a - k. treated by they excellent tonic n,edt- eines. Fee sale by (;end. dei 'gist, Al bion block, tisderich, tole agent. [d) An hoar glass is nada .r..sliest in the middle. it shims the waste •. t••. e. ■.reete... One dose of Dr Chase's Liver Curr will cure sick headache, di:zoneea, and sour stomach. 1 to 2 bottles are erarr;attt .4 to cure Lover t'.mplaint. indirection and billioasneea. Sold by all druggists Ethane says that no ex;serin.ent weieh he tried at night ever failed. Now what we want to know is. did Mr Edison ever try re night to feed the matches in his herr feet witl•r art dirturh ing any of the fern:tore . r welebing hs big toe against seventeen different ob- it'uctions blethers' If your daughters are in ill health, or troubled with • paleness that seems imeersble, rr if they suffer 1ensrel debility, nervousnews, languor, •eeknesa, or buss of appetite. procure at time • beetle of Johnoen's T.•wic Bitters Liver Co mplaint are 'he direst anti yew will Lot rennet regret' the ore - and lay. The Tonic and et/Persil, strewg•h• came of seventy fire per cent, of seek wins elf.ct t.f this medicin. ia truly wsaladies as Biliousness, indigestion, taareielnu. 50 eta •red jl per bettie 1 scrag hwadache, eestiren.aa, evene at manes deed store, Aileen slate. d of pemigration.emigration.trsineea 1h head w tiederlaa. sole sweet. [d) palpitations of the heart, and ether distnaeing ay ea tetma Throve demes .4 Ageism Flower will prove eta weediest I exellarwillaam- can cwt noir Rut Nee... water abet. trample bottle+, 10 mute. Try ere p'7'... .. *la y M .� labs mere ttt.�e fhr glib mite sae et halos to %A varus* theft fame., M. yaw tbtl sad res morn anal me prigs% Ifni 1ar11ing- e FALL WALL APER SAUNDERS VARIETY STORE. r'RF art"it 1'ttlt•R5 ••eewe.r rrt.♦. lir 1. Ile. new aro •. •• tie t. lee. Mw nor." '• •• 'ter 115 11e: new Ile. 1 t•...- a-. Iwo. veer. , t Ire Mit for Hotelkeeprs, Laadlordi or %at: TNit UIIE JUST TNT *NMC ♦ Fresh Stock of American Papers Now on View. The Cheapest Eores UNDERse��ttTHE SUN. sen M w -et., most door to she Poet Wm.ri a, wadi SIC