HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-4-29, Page 1/"316
TIIEII l; PLO` SIGNAL' fur' Tu ,uatutaiu order : To twin- 1 a H pE ,t "•-• the spurious article. The religion
Is 'shushed ernes trier Mural , bt dl• ts•n order. indeed. N�h d there r THE THREE lli L! Ilia
ng . Why, as
tiltoot./.os filo.., at their Dace. North.; any illio'der, in the House, )'• u would
+Tse Queen:City as Re -viewed by tin•I the Speaker rushi..g •.ut ..f one dose 1II11quent Anni�reary figr'mon liberty like that "( the French nirtda• j Tittle That Are flapp•ning
• !of Christ was the true Itber•y, the tree
fraternity, the, true t.tu*hty. Not 11 . -'T"
-- - a Former Resident. by Rev, R Kerr. of Mitchell. , twit which deerorreted tot,. license ; i Around Ufe
I h Iftr - • not a fraternity that Ie.f tt murder and I
be kiwdwev. Last mum stars : nut an motility that festered vb. Refrain of MOIIrel.a lemmin
ear Mr.. Id resifts.- wrongdoing • ' Au L a \• Place
ktCOILL1(`t•tpit�r'-}tItQri Pus, Dimes.
t thSeA•'traitI\.tl.%ANch. ,
. -•
1►RI81AY. APRIL :erne, 11Yt),.
-�!-- ------ 'other. (ilstOme)e: 1.okrd sere es, and Tom• **•iwur fawn
An ars of •yea mottos The loal.•w wag the only utas • h.. didn't ser wrier«' Teeth -� ■twain
Owtso to'Mrertraing pro»Wre upon ea tae* s all.
A •ht the r�reut•at•ars$ s out of the
1 b•SI• • ltw;rcer Ire wrtarul. L
fur columns se hate tont, f..rrrd to t siitea...l ail... tb •Iluarr!awar the fu,, C4rur .o, The wreak r fr,.u1 entad.• .8 Ib.
molted tato ateethd Mal •4arb1
0..raar` Tank. 8.s Teeoaao a adoi are.
creed tent a large quantity t.f town Aped
country local matter.
/eon trio in,up•'- ••• which tLe S. •tt I TwwarTo. April .h:, 1,484; .
Act is being ruforcvd an Naftin o'er ' tem, if any, cities w tate word ha
*Add aln oat Ihu.i it war a pr,.;u41:.,r/ made note :;euuine advat;ce,nrnt eluru 1
the pan driven )rata trim; Toi unto. The
law that prohibited.
Tett Turlet are erdeavuri,,. to. tired
come the Itieltte bookers back t.. their
sante. Froom the tenser 1n whiaa tl•.y
Ahmed the Nati, naLats duetne the cam•
p8.eo we had ivatnir.l ..ur T •ry friend*
had I:au:rd 10 Hi,. airswhritl,e•.
Tntt St,., last newt, had a we:i written'
article on the pnete•t to the West Huren
election. It was c,).i.d fr..tn TRE$tI)-
al. of four )'ears age. We eous;retulate
aur coed.eupt,rary upon its acrid' jades
merit It net 11;1011 111 arittniiItty.
1Ca:.s,\ people are mowing in the C.
" it matter. - We learn from ao
esteemed correspondent that at a meet
lig held in that rellagr recently a Targe
:aid inflltdnt,al committee was appoint
toll to take tte,re to Coater the cunatruc-
-ion of the line in that %tensity.
Rosner Poari a M P., for West Hair
t n, cr.tret far the two amendment• to
tt n aI
nidi Y t. ,t a Irof lee.lrts to tate. tear Wears feet toatra.s.
err Geed (.twutlat�jand Allaba.rrnur.t ..1 selfIf,, a each It '"!-1
1 barn way to the u'rife 1 j •h Acheloos ell leaders sill •He *port
1 ---- __ - u. of r •u, irate m The >At NM tl'MeMt t ••lea.scJ N 11!•
Hmrtangs couhsldwl .ani *hat .1.. kindness recogner::hg the teott,un of his
( fellow. N e o1•rn pray. ,. >ro�ert tTrlse Mwert.
' we wast with alt the flummery awl tin- Sunday morning last Inv•. it. Kerr "F� rgive us'
s••1 and cold lace at the • peening of tie
Lezi.lalure There a the ht.omulc
cauuou, and _ci,tleseeu Moth their relt
spurs try, ••ver the carpet ..f this /lice
. , N•:et.ell preached the an,it► r ry our dells ail wr (-logien our debtors " ---- 11
e w ser , -
i mon to the nav,oheit of ur.. , L edge i hot 11•.w freeuently dura it happen that I -That 014 reliable at* *lS.y. •!Ie 11"w-
1 31:, I (1 t i t. The brethren met *he prayer is nose honored un the breach !shoved, has newts sheathed lu 1•a silken
1rt tbJ
• v ,•.^,• neem, North street, at ur ::V sheath. a
than in the elm-ro mer 1 F n m th.•se
s it Were, 'Io ,: ho. beet+ plated
• ' • L• nd .ctrl.. throe r Dien '
her. " This t;,eect •.f W„ed . w is elle •t. (:r .fit«'s chat :h. Thury wa• a large lure and truth. They are funky illus- I ss au ornament ep.•u the porter wall ;
cenws returns sh w au immense per -,,.f the to •ee anlusi11.t of the srs«wra, are the principles I 1
the or ler. The re;utar service was tier- P 1 es that :off bone the the el:alter'Isidore heave been taken off
cents,« ot. the Mere.* of the papula. :although he was u, ilea•! earnest. f formai li- !tee. W. society to which 1 articularl ' add
j poo, a!tl 111 the wetter of street lila- I Mrard the author • f "Daniel t ) Young, rector of the' i' ) rub end the blinol. put to their yl•ee. ; the
/i :I"- church, and special music wan repderrJ myself teals m.a11int, and in wt os« no Ikrfanmit•er tul11t: the eau at, and decors -
pfoven.eut. ;•eteLc bmld.hga, business :n 41.11 Met,'tr.',twn church o11 toy the ch• •ir 1114 ty Prof. Foot. The ter .t 1 speak, 1 think 1 hear stn e !
Moods eveo.n_. He was ,n,e•! and I sermon was an appropriate one. and was 'iuciyle of Brlak call h, mea t" gu up to tion der i• at band ; initroctn ns here
IA e►. and pn.1u* rra.srkeds the pr„ )'Is" their lade neon. see their wreret w.rtk- • been ,ern ti. whitrwsl, the •a owl ban,
well delivered, and clearly thought nutnt
errs. h,a 1,, rn equally u.arkad. Turns- ! practi.•ai. H« ht the • erepectahi«" y N101.41..18'11. 1.• 'oft sol ahem -- ,uq, need curse them, bot after affil. •. I
g ('hriauats r. u, as to stake it look ..•aa vl.om • ducal
W hail one thin to its fifer a.utrasted grit and left, fits ad un of upemnn that toy wor.'s would' R
In tier loth chapter of Luke, Tenex the Wan en of bird -among, atusbine, mole
with ether growing Much on this side of t dew leek the form of a lectures a 36 and 3 were found the f' wing tn�ham., the of the aat. chu c'e to (the' R.
Tarda .- ' R'hich now of these
"tem. + , freeh g,Kden aro; and--well---atverytlipg
thulltat tri,. 1, was uristhbor unto his:! welfare • f i.umaf.ity so tnu.•h the l • rt -r, betokens that bright, happy, joyous
that fell ataiuug the thieves! Aug --hes' for it has aver.; indeed like the 4:o...f I spring hoe come, *bah its' house-cleaning,
arid, he that "owed mercy nn him. Samara III. 1st the ledge hetet• me thin- 1
a•ioc , r frau thence liruc.r1..1 b,I 1st ies arlat Kindness
atteudseve o.rtst atested in the picture .rt wonted. They the ctlalatuce has bean given a tacattun;
•,( the mrwt.en if D 1
1 the Atlantic, and that is its mural statue
)las IPA tlutreaard IO inverse ratio to its
t1•1ar.emrr.t .1 ptioulatIon, There I. a
ruuelI class 1n T•.n.rrtt•, tut it is well
kept ,u el ick. TawI agate. the heuur
iutlueuce ,is eseak•mrg, and with the
1 mams:1w .i the grip of the whisky ring
the more leao:;mate business Itrterest.
OK mere coke and centre! it, netters
eta muniettal and r:ub:ic nature gen-
eral!). In a week or m seventy four
salo.,cs will be cleeed in Turunto, and
never was thsre a piece u( temperance
legislation teat gate lucre general esu*-
faction. To try u,1ud the only holes for
he death of :Ise levier tnL'ic in the
Itias is a;y a /,roves* of slow atrangula-
,wn in the s.l.ape of lets ;icenses and
the Home Rule resolution in the ('neo- j c
taona, and when the main rn'tton was 1 t
submitted finally voted in favor of it , Archer (11 1
The old gentleman would Tike to satisf, I has, ep .;en of Torrent,. s remar►a-
• t.uderich township ani AshhelJ, boa be lu ettte- in i•.v.utatwn. A!1 the e.w-
taking a slap et both will nee do It. coal%' -"s ate root desirable. Matey excel-
lent, wrchuocs ,I:a:e co,n.e (rum across
Te! l)ntano Lerisleturs ptorezued the sea. and ate daacer.tly at.d I.:duatn•
Bible reading and a ...room c•,ylnneel.
118.4 he sp-ice ui v way that could lee
! cooped 'rah advent:a;{e by some of the
pr•aehrrr .1 f:u,u•rch and Toronto. (Thou said Jesus, l:oand do thou like- 1p'.nung i m.y sae that I find since l$$ij w•t.i'npenng, cellteg freaeuind, uacom-
t I/ asl..r,a:1y h« crew coi1.,vsal, end wive." Very often in loekrl.1 at metal.tl{at neatly $l 0,0 bac« been capon Jed l f'rrtrbla domestic wlrouuding and scrap
tally.f as blunt:y as old Ureic! 1.0,o, -old 'winhua s, we we contemplate tris in sick benebes, $2 $ have been p-sfd : dinners. The vies with which the or-
works of some .,f the masters, we al- !toward fdber.h. %+t)O have Darn YITe) ait;ary *1411 AD gees trio a house cieanina
, rule t.atnertf wucd.;. laid 'u« : ••Clan• most believe that the figures represented =lid or wade''. an,:I nrphaps--(:•xl'e eami,aittn is eu1T crinkled by the anxiety
lnadrt., 11n t as u1• nr•rry ..f )mor clssa ••n the C41.1' 158 c,.uhl speak to us, bur ,Poor and• Hts spools) ch trge ; while {
I how the) are fee.l:,-r. i).,n t et them the picture here ,irewu b7 the others oh' get through): ami the pi:•uure
nets of relief outside o Now I to
t: Divine 1 r
I.r,s1n1 •t themselves. 1);t«n they sty I)r*u1f`Iunian 1n the chapter quoted
t enumerated have f.wrre.f' Up mp.Ise $21$, which an ordinary men takes 1t, the per-
fnnn,speaL. words to move and thoughts 'rat„tat of over a,GO(! within the tinsel f. i encs FOUW not be of a wearier kind
they feel low in e•,tr,tu.l ulat!ere, fans' to. inspire os with the 'whef that "He srx•rtl;ed. I should lute t•, knew the, if Fe 'Are sentenced to he hanged,
the trouble is wits their I'.dl,rrstt.•r, or "pale as uerer 111811 spoke." The first churt•h to ihta t>.,wn that has-.1E,eedeel
their liver' Let them Irak o t t,. ser scene --that of the midi who had fallen "t. •`Iciarhattties the nom ••( $I .s 0J in '1and were put un scheduled tome W ti!
what gond they can de. Get them 4o ser' Gni"u:
thieves--wass pau.fu! pea- the wine 1p„nnd I know .•f anon any 1 the contend. • I in old, awl tough and
stn , ,ed wo 1 d ,1 whirr. Think • I
what they have Ito; u1 (host, and what ' 11 u 1 e (11d left fur dead, n y1 a re, .there is sone- seasiot ed, and you'd almost think flirt 1
! wish a hot •un t anti continuously
thine Cllrtstlike in the gcobecome' would have become accastumed to the
Christ has got in them And *roam. upon heti, s t derinwith 'thirstanJ.." 'liked seri tatk'•d uuI)f
, 11eargued+s
"Give us a consecrated church, ai, l we ph)sieal pain. his 0840 was indeed pain- t and argued .only. think foal f Nity, in- I Dole• el seisinatie disturbances in my
will conquer the w.,r'd a,.redily, 1)o I h'e' U.. crus"oe approaches, and
he..;or dael 1 r we are iltf.►rnlea one went++ housel:ol.i, out I feel the ■hock today
tl.ittrro m the hrralat of t6 isireaea ibo.it d. inn ge•r1. • Jwt in on, rtitm jute as set •r .'
believe u1 society. ed we uu 1tkr,wit►v, ere -
atranc.•r. t it a priest wbo nmsas-ao air•• 3u we fulfil mime uutalned "colt that ever had
Well let we answer that by the .tuts- exponent .,f the law, a prote•'i.,rsal bel _ the will of the Master. Oar Arvin .arks
•n.1 respectability I "1 t 1.'o 1 t t e!y as if I were the
tion Shouldn't our felluwahip 1n Curio er of the suffering a,.d the ailllet j, weft come neck tat us a awritt irceese, es the homers of si rin hl-uses;,aniez
be the greatest claire upon us fur fr.eud Whit a t•Ieasilig that the newer •aur is a a benedistien fella: open the tents of sPru''g upon him. 1'.,t I m cin eiiough
privet, 1• r sl:rcly he ail; 18,d up tri. I"r.atl, ant.11' be! tag t:f the widow, l and sufficiently ac,)•i.it,ted with the lousi-
ly wtercoursr I won't argue that lois wounds and c:.re for the s .ffeter ? Aisd the aarin nr for the fatheroet., the cnuet,t-
itwee tin, th•,.1r i. 1110ase don't ask me to. the priest came up and 1• eked at tri. to how to the is e• ill.'..t., and my
odour ay last, and the sapient legislators nus;f wieniug their bre. . but among ,y trig y the a sseli trif relexiirtp of the t
l I will I've 4 wit.; you. But let me say *tea ctrl one, and passed. on. !go help needy is an aspect .1 religion *hat ie I 7 at'ifety ne.w is to Gra with whet
Lave "'teed down to the ordinary how• the al !•tones of the paatJew lean Ise that there are unsay who are nut e.vwl, "c •+ai•tauce mss girep by Aim, t nt a poor eomm.•dity er unworthy n{ litter wear and tear, and with what sav-
trum realities of Ids.
1 eaterday they • 1..; from the pur.ieos vt Lorded) --those I sod 'the are to a into hell • 1 priestly garment must not be s with f eke beet Chnstu11 *trot Ira tri•• utedi ing .,f perapiptivn lean et tl t the
1•ed PP' g
over t to *t.rks . f kindness ' His business es to a 1: .ro.el: , e
:a ► to the Province from the Legis feli..ws wow alasoys catch hold of the if stumbling block of church respects- ceu.hict worship in the temple, and not c ay at nnen to visit with telcos the I trying kerah But ptoea t who wore
lathe chamber -ter da the hollow each its ainrwhiskers curt bresu:e altogether fe-
y 7 latest American *Lino. and repeat the Witty. He will Le ::ere a,, -stn •.0 1[n)• to minister to the suffering' human befpyj widow, the rtrph*n, and they hun¢rp- Deep
"Haw, Ruck, "'Gee, kntht," from the I newest Yar:ker goys with au aggravating •Gari, and I shall hear hail Then, i( who Ivy by the wayside. Next come" a in tris vicinity of the muna.Iery •n whicb eo::cited t • aprir-' housedeaniog, and
stilts of the low. To •v
tasfunatus diet): r -e.
I combo y, r the y.aiLt ,sayings ut its
adf 1
given with all the peculiarities of an
uud,agL:.l.ble L end •u 1. uticulatiun.
In my . ccasi• hr! sauntennes down
the favetite pl..n.etlades of the city 1
hsee been struck wit!; this peculiarity,
that the Tur.nte belles are, as a rule,
decidedly taller than their cousics west.
Tall and willowy, the ladies mute react
• fully along, w h ,e the elder generation
of beau: appear, by p ntrast. as d they
had lived high and drank bard in de -
cadet peat. The old chop -house and
lotr Las helped t:• redJeo
'the nem and wtdsn e
the wt of many a
; Toronto gallant of the forties and tif.
ties. The lunch counters ar.d tables of
Nesmith, McConkey, Coleman, the Bo
$hsftesbury hall codes house,and a ors
or two of cheap and popular refresh-
- meet resorts of a temperance character
have dude a great deal t1. faster better
leahits so far as dicing is concerned,
and the drinking habits "f the huaina
etmmunity has consequently improved
1):'r • 1d f:1, 8.d James Gay, the f:se•:pr-
ort, has sort us sr•me sp: inn and win•
UT poetry r our inspection, and f.,r
insertion on our columns. We huin
e -
spected it, and we roust c,.nfeas that it
steeds insl•rction. After T'ennyson•s
jubilee cde anything labelled "poetry' '
will *tarot interaction- (ane of the pieces,
The Eleph•t t &rad tris F lea, ' embraces
the extremes off poetry ..f m•.tion, and if
set to suitable miotic would be in great
demand on the musical market. When
Coe premiere upon our advertising slaek-
ens to • sufbctent est.11 to enable us U.publish the poems, u requested, we will
inform the talented Guelph poet of the
fact. At present we are loaded up this,
other way The poetry. tax , will not
auger f• r not being published at pros-
en t.
New Br glanders t ec,•me dr
or as a er thus and I cockney accent. The 1w:1..uage of a i Possible
e u 'thea A remotest.
To't:e Y:.btor cat Thr 3lgna'.
- -- Lear .tot e.
Carat. Jas. Parsons left Woodsy Ise;
to take the position of urate or. the Wee.
dew, of Dt.tfal.., -
(lap:. James liegie this vest will awl
.s mate of the 1'nadillu, of Port Huror.'
He left Friday last 1.: join the craft,
Copt. Andrew Bogie again takes com-
mod of hie old orwft, the steam b.rX*
Belle Wilson ut Pieter, He left town
'/ Monday last to fit her cut. He intends i
to .all at (.oderieh during the wenn. e
Mr Jame, Iok.ter will be captain of
the new tug W. H. :toehold. A ported
Captain Dancy is thoroughly repai-;ng
seharLer the Jane Mcleod.
Captain F. Trench, who has beer. sp- i
;elided mate at the steam barge Hull, ;
left on Monday to take up his duties. 1
Three thousand ire hundred dollars
we the' nos acid fur the Sligo by heel i
present owners.
The whitf the G..d.t•ich lishtng white •o
beefs are bow resting on the beset pre-
per•tory 10 lasreh,ng. 11
The life boathouse, noir nearly cone
plated, is • great lmrecwment to the
harbor, the contraet.r,Mr D. McLaren,'
baring put op • levy resl.ectabl. strut- '
11 the yOUtlg cavaliers of Toronto do
not Garry a sword, they aro none the
lees 01 a decidedly militate beat. The
pomp and circumstance of war alms).
pleased the fancy of Tortntenians. Af-
ter the red costed "regulars" left, the
Ridgeway affair, commemorated In Mar-
ble 1n the park, made the vulanteera the
darlings of the populace. The rxplc,its of
the Grenadiers and the Queen's Own at
Batoehe and Fish Creek have gime a
fresh impetus to military matters, asd
he parades and "march outs" of the red -
coated Grenadiers, or the Queen's Owl*
o rifle green, musing to martial music
mm braes and reed, fife and drum and
bugle hat de, never fall to draw an
rrmense concourse of admirers- The
military drill fever has reached the
poblec school., and Cloys 1n knicker-
bockers with wooden guns go proudly
through manual and pl*tt«on *aweless,
each longing for the day when be can
she tld.r hu reel rias in the ranks of
las real militia, an4 top over a rebel ( r t
Fenian. as his big brother or nick
id within the memory of the pe.t
aerfl tot.
1 was in the reportet's ge'lery the
;get the member for Let Hastings
rattled the sword and belt of the flee-
revt-at-•rtes sod the cocked hat of the
Speaker. The Homs and the gallonage
were In roan as Mr Wood, pointing to
Mer•ge•at at -arm. said ' Look at
dist geetlesnan, thse,, with lou sword
.d belt, what Ives he need • sword
Captain Babb has neatly ftsi.hed • I
betiding fifty feet honepu• np ex meal
for the seeommoelatvon ut eseenienuts i 1
who want t•1 envoy the lake breezes. I
Mr Rabb having noticed that summer 1
)4Ia. •'tease allow mewpaan afew- re;na-
ea the Liao* held in (Jo4erich ow II.o III
and i showed • colt in the clime of road
carriage norm•«, tore. plans old and un.,r
lay holt weelfua!•d oh the ITth of May. 14
' anal. being a t aluallle •nim►: -
Lerite-- not a priest, but )et cue loon he abode. One day he was prt.p•ar:nit to the nider I get the harrier the medicine
i whom kindness was expected. ll., sally forth on hie eeeest.•m 1 reund l appears to he to uke. But ti's.: t e the
; also. looks at the sufferer, and pnmibly whets u tris bell used the r, n: hr.Ur
gives see thought t.. the aft
but his rr_ular vocation is that of assist
;tied ann, • Bond c( littht was east in tLe ,i.•orway 1
tog at reh:it/us ordinances, not in caring
' 1 for the sick or ministering to the du -
ane I tressed, and h.., too, teases on. How
religion has faller. when it becomes a
scot •nea1s
411)111 10 my hired man to r.rd him as
abouts he fed. th*t it togas. for gro w enol pit
tag:only. Perhaps be WAS nub tat wont
ffor .show, but that due* sot si,unit) . Pr,
or no prase. 1 herr the • nit dill. and i edeas
Ince him. as be trek.. in the cutter in firs
'rateatyle. When 1.e ni.t a loaded ate:*t►th 1
Pat off in 4nep snow without nay tronble. A
tLo iaow woo going sew.. an drip lsrt up tri
kali opposite t[rO(edhill's *'oticn factory, tri
i last time t.e was driven, nee wlthetaodlertri
hat that the Wroeln•) wasp bare, he pulled my
j two hired wen in the rutin without any
temilMe. .bleb •bowl then u no balk in
.11: he wan nM awarded a prix
i ant • a lues 'Isamu,
knee sa he was
fairly *beer. tweeted arena toe ring. and
sbow..A wood •.riot,. U8 . nurse, it a. of
little consequence to me. as t do not want to
use ham situ ihiss.a.or. end ea he cost me
tato 1 do oot sant to opal: rim • but 1 tr•titte
tire otjrr1 of sum. parals w.• that an a,
tonal d my brfalc Bete they would entt.ar
10 depreciate the rate• of the colt. so that
lbellreulJ buy him at tL••arne.n trice. Well
preha n tI 'y trey orraay not. bat •n..' of the
)u4ges 1 know, ane h-• bee not the mrene their
would be required to buy the colt. ss it would
require thousand. d Arltan to get it from nor.
'f De
pedigree ut the cot speaks for itself. It la
as follows
tTrwe copr of an Diol bei
The imported sot of Ryi yk's Ilamtektoa.
tan sou weer. re. W
use of my going ittu particulars when
and the figure of an angel *tot.; before every man in town who re t•tces 111 a
Wen. So overjoyed was theme r t at tee' healthy'ife is going thrnuah the same
antelic appearance that he 'l •,• wind 1 course o: sprouts 1 ft's a mighty common
robnquish his mission to the widow, the thea:g nowadays to she ere nt the child-
; orphan, the sick and hurgere(t, hilt a
c mere travesty ' cul it is sorrowful to voice within said, "Duty, Dcty ' ' and, son etlmr a;. street and tell pat --;unit•
nil contemplate that the priest and Lerite irking a lunging luck at the ecstatic Psi net to go home for dueler, but to
h of the illuatret,on drawn by the Saviour j Vlsicn, he went f irth to his murk of take in the hotel luncheon board for the
ao! are by n.. means extime spectre in the *lrnag,ving and 'pintas) cnrw atiun. cession. Otherwise they will have to
t I 'retold today. But another tieure come' When he returned, great was his joy to j Mt rtaucir; up, or feed from the busi-
e to crew.
It is a samaritan -an „lame. , find the beautiful vuten still there. enrt.
more bri4lit and radiant ox 111 religi.,n, onside the Dale if anything, jj nese .::d of a cracker h. t. And It: this
re , of Jewish commenioti, a ('uahite- - than before.. The lemon to le leaned I mu.ser does the head of the house suffer
!sod surely he will not compromise hiswas that when we had an appended w!:..n the tousekeeping era;e tare.. pm-
hated character by oleing a kiwi!), act - mles,on for the benefit of humanity and 1 sets:, -8 cit •te frminins ei der of the da-
flut although probably atom anathema- ; the glory of G •d, nothi, f shoes{ deter g
t tazrd in the temple where the sick roar I us fn•m Its ac.1ompiuh.ret.t, nun r,r will f me"tic circle. Rut we have to bear Al.
Lad worshipped, the Samaritan stops tone
I always tied Choat with ns to help and j and we may as well gran Thee, w►y
nen of tett tn•r1111ur
the tout* taken by(t Albio:, in IMO. Ile u •
black brown. w,rb tall color o11 mncasr and
flanks. stands 1) hands high. with beam'-
? 1 boa• •••••-
•w4 although be was sever
II•.41ee1 for speed. he shows • very tact n
Wait far • hover of Ab yearn. 11. made a abet
...on Iasi year al the WeWera Motel stable.,
and nearly 8:1 the snares hew! to him prated
to be in foal.
ear Meets:.
Mid41r•es, mired by 1ty.dsk s ilaweblr,o,,.
tan . dam by fiddler. son of Monmouth
R•cllpse, sled dam (`nd fester. mare. •'ewe
Mo�nlno,.th Eclipse'New s 2n4 dent,. ee was f by Importt-
ert Messenger. gaa.ag Meddlers two dire. t
cremes of Import. -.t Maro.sger through bis
first sod shoo el 4
always blended well ',hen unit d with tthat
at o
rsdyk'a HsesMetnnian, the sire of Middle-
•' a. was the tr.wt..( sire of trotting stallions
the world •ser produced, and hundrda oI
Mer sea have born 'made rich hr nhtlwg
awe reit from that no111e 11n, ar.A he has
trsaaslned to his nom.rons .01. that •-ma•
d•efal powrrof gelling horses °Irmo speed.
and it sem this elm 1 had in view when I
pardon..a Maddlrw►r
J. Is. ilntwr►-ra, Preor;Mer.
I rec••ived • letter from Mr J. A. Wlekrtt.
�min Mho raised my ceit, all be sayele
eke q% bought frolb(ras6181•11. coltetheals
eon ed a no race 1 swam at libertyto means.
hiss • milt myself. *ad on nailed ies Horne
ChM ' -Hes deft t• by • *wilful brows Nerve
s a 1 fteekshet R.-Iipee, Mr dam by tarry
eeseamer. M Toreson ('AIM. 1 hope yea
seeress ducky with our colt sr w« 8081 is
.hewiaa ear Mecoll.eW. took brat peer. herr.'-
Thee hatter goes
Into hwt,.m matters be
ween aa. Well. t Isiah. 118 ICAilew that those
adores Ishii knew es much ,n O•el.rteh the
free way w.1ud name nit any hewer with •
«motels complained of the want of boats: d
he rowing purpose, hes, during the ge
meter, built ten very niee epees. which
he will keep for hrni in front of I e
the "visitors ret.'
Ottoton N>taredder
wire•% W�T ebb MApr;; !odd. the
At theese
4F• a/ the earleItsV. APr11 arab. 1ys fh. •,Its. lflswe.wit's l•NNtpt .... i
Ifewsig yettl+tegalet'SI let U. C. title..( Iii ..ry
Metter powwow. i *1•. tled retell with the 41 '
meets for c1••sifylat the beer... a. they did
by Lalling ter wise three yes..Id weed es.
der. wb.n 1t should here been threw sears
and over. HM the heroin toe ..Is.a.A Iw
he last neatened me rem it would have
a1Mped me trees eshibiee g. a way oak was
ogle thlety• are meetlroy and 1 oeetd these
have bees saved the um. •spier ,.m,
sewed with deswl*g riles 0* .sir
eels rhe diforters thn., ht the edgre tenere
anew tee ape. 1 do ..w my t will all eighties
y more. for tare wore • •ember M re-
tarsp►es primer sod 1 prefer to
re reek Iedm ow pya1fi•NariN• there odium fee
ro ad ho rs1 b. 1 beg e•e s
• VOW" truly J -.mm totes, .
the wet, examines the comdrtiun of the
i sufferer, ;sours oil and wine umis hes
1 wounds, raises him gently fr.on the
earth p laces hien upon his own beast,
; and then trudges alongside until the inn
sustain us. The true sea':meat of the I m su.:hng so widely, don't you see 1
Chriahap +hould be.
Here 1 ,it forever ,':ew'n•t
--1 obeerr-e that an. eget a to be
Menq'a strt.a'tea an ,wrr►m t of i... - 1 made t, establish s rogolar Caledonian
Pserosa drops, mea zoo. bedewing.
Plead modoiern my peace *„netol tetcietY to L wn a• object. as I undai
cried. Aud his bele to the wuond• A11 around rile the dead and the d) logo i star,; .t, is to fodder the kit of athletic
an did not end in bran '
he afflicted, relieve the distressed, care for j of a serres . f games in (:oderich I don't
!gars of his means en that the sufferer • the helpless, mud cast the ban•dretwn of
1 would be caned for in the time to 011115 your kindness over alt ,uffwr•ng hnmani. I pnrtsnd to W mwA Psawil ..n year
That was true compassion, which wan ty Rohm your reach Thus w:11 you I S.1 tc1 game*, ribrtchs, gtllte collum
ed mging hon to and yeti should see to it h help the sports, raid •n triton the annual holding
1 the place of succor,
for we read that 1
felt by the heart and by the pocket.
1 There was a spurious kind of companions
which .•(teff found etprsesi..n in "turd*,
but which found the y 7e gate me to
pocket always her weal i was thinly and fs g •
est follow 111 the f.a1tsteps .,f t! a great 1 and arch devices a,.d desires of the Cale-
Exemplrr. Look at the lest r:•ne •'I d .rose heart, but 1 know wumetking
was all hengrfed and
Iet tl.e arnica,Romanstyles, and the
•v me no OI ra sc ams, and the fleet-flwtod
meticalh' sealed. The compassion of the I drink . i was a stranger, and ye took me y P 6
Sau.antan had the true ring. This
was the picture before w this morning,
"Which now of these three think,.•
thou was neighbor unto him that fell
among the thieves 1" And the answer hungered, ur *th;-.t, o1 • strenger, of well worth seeing, and differed consider -
was, "He that had merey on him." And naked, or tack, •11 in prison, and did out ably front talose of today Just inasgrrre'
Jesus said onto hien, "flu and do thiol visit Thee '' "Then .he'! he answer Alcibiades in hie youth and beauty seod-
likewise." In this connection the prat them "eying 1 I '
not Ise ; naked and ye clutLnd use nut ;
sick and In prison al..) re visited nue
n. t -- The.. shall 11,5 mads?, religion
tat say. "lewd when saw we Thee an
rem it the races in days of yore, when
the n:yetis chaplet was the rtct.•r's pnas.
1 tell you the old games ..f Greece were
...rI y wy ort s u
thing he would notice was the forma- ..much as ye did it net u•• floe least
the of religious life. Many prayed and of these, ye 44 at r, t en:,, Arte -. With 11,w great annual c m7etitinn, and
prayed earnestly, and trimly talked and your broad phylacteries and temente taint up the dollar column• to ase if
talked earnestly, but their religious life out in the met relreeer• fas'l,•.n ye (the eoteety was bang to the extent of
consulted altogether of prayer and talk, passed [alto hyo aril ,,•rent *I11 1M the $.d 8n the bul't sum ann„uneed , er
and was utterly day yid o1 earnest work condemn.tu.n But k •od,ess, 1..r. and ;
or kindly see we tar • .humanity vise con- Truth will lite at,/ 1 -rid: toot. . ri1 los• imagine hen: taking 'neck of the
mountain clot heel t„
everlasting snows -• cold, dreary, chill- cart .,ntw.•t ,
ing sight. llfeo were often seen sitting
I plow Lite'srrroll, tier. mr,o •.tarn. ; aw•J lea; the btjple't poli s• the cash
• 'n tog f.•,- a pr1'e list 8.8 the getters up of
In :
corned There was tv "
much isolation aye. r.m,retiton blase; tt take parr, and fig
alb out it -like a - ret. links awl l the ,►a4 !.;l ?Miers , ur:r•g tip ,n •,r,., .ohetr.• whereby he
That h.*rt t•, h
a. vA there toy hand base, I
apparently devout in front pew* who, Trim M pti :-., least -4 the pewter rt!.da:• and
1 h or•uers from the +ail t o: newer*
To cheer the tainting vial • tan corp•, veneered rah silver and chased
Three ear • n'
like the Pharisee of old, fervently j to t• hem rtJ rum fila heaven 1
thanked Geld that they were better' with g•.;.1- • long. stern c'vw by the
flat their Ives fortunate Tbwasrs
who sal in the back pews, and til Ater aha burial sod.
Torr. Ilan
beyond Life's titrarr
brelAlM. j Iss o1 r•prorons muu0 •w.tt,ttg way -for the more ambitie.ts
F I W 1* tb 11 or'rMR.nfs
ermalesm had made relien.n almost •
hoeing and a hyword. Then there were
the fur weather Anshan*. who newer And the anaw.r comes • There is w„ilk )'1aodIta of the mu'tttads in the old
(ailed of •ttend•nce on arnshtn♦ d■ do in
>•. (ear vein to helping the ■!1♦•rteJ, In Gtvr:•an devil the pow alien di
and nws.r pree.nted en •
mere never • r 14orphan, and to
tatting adeantage ref all lhd (Leel ge•en the melrrtuds? 1.1th. ptlrp.a. ,•f ineresa-
vAurr'A whom adversity come A second • t
brt.Ity t.•o often teen it nor eherrhes is r rt, mai your h i.d I stn wuh thee 4)lymples 1 rmay bad hw
• Isare tkit+g if w • an some that .aA.ry sttNr►q your g:w.d .
poor anasrne.aitr, and ' work. awn tlor•fy your Pathttr •h,eh i•' noes en the vitt• rt. ea en the olden crus.
1 hart o woofer with sb*sue that your int He.vo,ns " And when Jason shall ap. `Muse!. and montane,' should go ;..tette
atlat•ntec• is right. Bet Ism aloe glad pre in that last spear mon. Hie l er, oat they are net always 11104 enc.
to state that the tree brotherhood of *esti. to erne 0111 1►a, "*ell done t..ed heed In that respect OAega are
y, taught h� the 4•rine► i wd
r'.!l alms snit ab f
. h dwelling, who igli..r.d filthy lucre and were sotto.
TN. I era.* of fere ()ed.
Which, think ye, Is the blotter plan , tied with 4elt-edged 'nuveilrs end lbw
Ppaerance when I cheering the distressed In aids the fan dot get
fool weather prevailed. Thane latter widow, ut wt"t.nr thenp wndw ch..ars and Fut up "fakes- on
etre• strength 1.. tl/, k'
church; het ve sity ca opportunities that der. Ire upon yet in ing Otter bank account, by means of
of seg td was tri. ;nicest el hutwaplty and fax ib. wt- iron.)!. M.bb. when 1 tet a* well •.-
the r.en<ttiti..n a hroeh.rht•tad in erre.. of kind nwa, bre and tfwah • and 1 rlwr�ted 8th the Caledenran games ea
hsw,.mfy You tell .i• 818.1 if the fn- iw 0.w1'• *stow 1 ''f
homer ee ea t a , • feeAftl weteant enter re ,r -to the named during the last two thrummed
shelve to ref .01. n be j•.y ,d ynwr L•r11. 1
fort•. Art*