HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-4-22, Page 88 TELE II URON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, APRIL 22, tom. C$ANGEog BUSINESS DOOg OST FOR BARGAINS! WALL-PAPR! Booxs, STATIONERY and FANCY GOODS -ARE ALL DEMO - MARK= =OWN_ t-t('t1.1. AND t -t: f'Itl• 1-. G. W. BERRY, Successor to JAS. IMRIE. 00DERU'H. Aprft I Ih 1ST. S. Burke, who did some chopping! rear Dunlop this winter, has returned, nd has rented the farm house erf Jas. Thurlow for a residence, fors time. Ers Weise has returned from London after a stay of some months. .SkentutLOR• John take dA the first plowing f, r I ides!, on the 11th test. by getting a: it , •hortly after 4 a.m. S.ncEace7. - - lehn Gentles, of Kincardine, per:i.as- 9 s fine lot .1 ho -res in the vtlla a Let •reek. P. D. Cameron, of Belfast, mire& 'neo the village last week end opened . ut t general store. On Tuesday last week a largely at- i tended meetiug of the Maitland Presby- tery was held in St. Andrew's church, •.o forward the call to Rev. Mr McKay as minister of the united congreg*tiun.. behind our ass cousins in Lesbians in the start. "Welcome back, Martin :beau." asy the wtnsonte smiles of many fair ones .Lo are wanting to see who will be the tint to be chosen for a drive with the colt he showed such skilful horse- manship in breaking in lase Saturday fur Mr Tgbin. g sae •-„ .‘cAlr AwA'l.-The iron horse last week ct•aveyd our popelar architect, D. Cumming, with his stall, to Stratford, where they go to build cottages for O.T. R. employees. A nuruber of new tools are in the cneeit, replacing those .:eaten by the sidni„ ht thietss fut:r weeks vo, and also, c.t-efaUy packed away. are seyeral pairs of quoits, with which he intends to be ready to meet u.y •)f the local champions of the Classic City in a friendly game. V. have no doubt he w'11 vanquish all before h:rn. and be ceck•of-the walk. u he was in Goderich durio, 1886 at quoit playing. Caa the lovers of the game trot unt a titan to meet Eno in the little city that is put - ..ting off its baby gowns of two years uld 34=11157. Lis SUM. Miss Dundas, who has been recectl y isiting her sinter Mrs R. H. Morrish, eturned home last Saturday. The pror.rbial Easter egg eating seas. In was kept up in our t ilLere as usual ; i(teen to twenty were taken inwardly P. commemorate the event oy souse ,.f •.dr villagers. Master Herman Meedel returned to Owen Sound, after 'pandit.; a week with the old folks s' home. Albert Joyce, formerly io the employ sof Mr Roissier,r,n off for the lased where scresmeth the eagle last Sunda week, leaving his wife ,tad two children be- hmd. John 1:.iisier, .,f•Ch:rrydale, has sold hes hands. me gray team to Messrs. Whitely sad Porter for 1250. The -verso bought for the Dsketa market. Past A1ber;. Mahally's sew . u has now opened f •r a long season. Mr Thomas Els n, was tl.., gem of Rrbert Graham !eat week. but has now gone or • short visit t. his parents whn reeide at Toronto. His proseuce w:11 be much mimed among his many (retina and acquaintance who all wish him s Mr and Mrs Conk sper.t • few day last week, visiting friends i : tlolutes- vllle and vicinity. W H. Ab..rn, who lately pissed the medical eiamivation at McGill (:.!liege, as an M. D., was formerly • resident here, and te now visiting among friends need receiving Conrratulations. S.•tne of our young folks took in the high seined enteutainieett in t .ler.ch, last Friday, and were well pleased with the proceedings Fell wheat in this section *toed the winter well, very little being killed out as yet, and if the weather keepe favora- ble a good coop nray be expected. T. C. Wright spent Lot week with his father, at the Point Form. He is taking a few t.ul:daye, to recruit his health after a s ren, attack of illaess is the Qeesn Pty.I: will be a backward miring." 5'• said •.roe .,f ear rsaideti:s fnrtserly of NNefii udlsnd, because it thundered I• muct, and he has already r.oticed this ut tl:e past. S.; far !.c is right for this year. Plowing std nu start,,! :mut Thursday by J. Ifort-n. and the tell ..aird did a Itttle f r the Burdett., of • li ammuth Sower bed, which he :titer •ls t ' fence with barb wire, ea ha ladies frieads •-dessant visit, and safe return. may get trarped before Imp year The aalnable farm of the late R m P. Ot!by has rsturr.ed !mot a two Graham, was sold by public aucti..a nes. In oath a sojourn in the De, on.blre April the 9th, the pure! liter being Mr settlement, and will be foremen of the JAhs Graham. We are happy to announce that at the Border fano f -t 131'. !dr I4haw has made • goad choice. time of sending -.air notes, 111n W.A superior fence a betr.g but:t by W.,-, Btew•rt, un the er.uthere part of Bow Vrooman u improving gradrully. W. hope soon 4o see her smiling cuunten- Park Earn. Alen Bina*, ef Coding, them around once :n•,re. has Ledertaken the east of dyggir a the post h.lef )r it.We are sorryDr Reer!s has detenni.• We are pielseed :* learn that the yd to leave us, his practice was daily ennneetios of Knox Cburth, (:odench, increasing. Our eitiaene will miss hes with our church here will not 1,. sever - pleasant face. We sincerely tender the d, es gr,kern of wverei weeks sin,. D. worthy doctor the bel wiabes of his Cumming ir. oat interest here, attended many friends in this locality. Hie future several meetings hold on t!'• question, home we understand will be Toner'. sad gava as akla address ca ti. rasttar Very little plowing has been dons hem, so feu, this season. the ground bon( very wet. A few farmers, how - ism, mono Isar than their neighbors, have been plowing for seer • week, and will, we ha.e.o doubt, also si'w a Lctrls before the mid of the week. A Pltomesu Ewte-Mr W D. MacMionus, has a .we for tie past four years, which has given birth to triplets, Tin [VIM At: XIV. - H. Tichbwnu.and ha• raised the same each year with horn was visited strain lest week and mi I success_ Doubting ones tor: see tbe hags of eats taken. iamb, of this year, bas:mg about in his John McAllister's departure to the barnyard. the mother bringing them Classic City. as foreman of our arch!- sP htirs.lf. Cse cry of ovr cntems heat D11.1111111 - The eon. partner of the new firm of carpenters referred to in these columns two weeks ago desires us to state that they have not undertaken the Joh in Leeburn. We aro informed that Mac- aulay A Morruw have the contract of the fob in question. reeve Brei, has cut quite • gloom alai Chu record Airy Otte year those femora cur fair ones, as they fear )to may fall who sold lambs to the hatcher got as into the net at Stratford. hiq t1 aa 14 26 each. Two word boos were recently giren uy nor .a.ineer and ow pretm•ster. NE.. Both passed off merrily. Tar lit•ttout (lummox. - D. Cumming made a anemia for signatures required /air appeal to the County Cos.cil at the papers please w.l �sgN Dentistrg. M. NICHULDON, L.Ad. DENTAL ROO11s. Eighth doer bellow the Peet Odlee, Wast-.!., °osmates. IOW l y VTL WOOLVERTON, L. D. B. . veneers Hall, North St., Ued.rcb. moderato. AU work war- rented. ar rented. Gas or oHelloed Mr glroa ty(_pttt less extraction of teeth. 1t; Domestics iiIanted. A 000D GIRL WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE wp�K. A to Wan. D. YcOLLLICI;DDT, MosenSt. MeV She People's Column. &PAN OF MARSH FOR SALE -10 ► 7 mad a years ea. la Smbeles oo.dkMa (food workers us far.. or other pear) week. WtU be sold cheap r the andeeNgned ha. ao week for them ; or will eac►aage for oohs, 511)/b art or titres 1. that Use. Apply b JOH HERR Horan Road. Uoderleb.:113-1 VOR SALE OR EXCHANGE -THE 1 Subscriber offer* •.barthore hall efght- rwt esuatbs ell. with mood prdi.nr fur oak. or would each•nee for • suitable cult. or working horse. Cep/ It JOHN WASHINGTON, 200t O. LOOS FOR HATCHING. i - rM uodersigned I. or yang to e:: a limbed n tv otte end Brews aof eggs hawsfsockyImported from the beet fanciers an New York. Price. Leeborns, 51.55 LorU , Wyandotte*. 51.30 for 11 1J.Inas W.P. GKIEKSO\, Du&gannoa, Ont. LALTSIIEN WANTED. A7 We are la want of a few more men to canvass for the sale of choke varieties of nur- sery Mock To men who can make a somata of the bnuue•ss we as p1 good Wanes or 0fm.tssies. ■d sire permanent deploy- ment. We have mauy new &tad choice vie chitties both in the fruit and urn:trental line which others do not beadle. Address at ono*, eitb references. HAY BROTHERS. Nurserymen. 3ML41 Rochester N. Y. /T�ENDER8 WANTED. Tenders will be revxeced at my office. Town Hall, up to sous oo Mender. May Stk. for supplying the material and erecting a fence around the new Agricultural grounds. pur- chased by the To n. Plan. and speed%&tuns ma be sena at my nibs up to that time. %% H. C5 MPRELI., l'lerk. Dated April 1115. LSE'. Seidl 1,LL'81('-NIBS ANDREWS, Orgdemt L of North street Methodist Church. i. prepared to eye instructions in music ipkano and organ.) Chargee !t fora corm of Mks sou. Mtgj 5NDitt• W& Britannia Road. Oud.Nck, Feb. tet. 4v!7. iteL3m CROWN PEAS FOR SEED. A limited quanta: F of the above for sale. gti•55nteed pure. Tbey are offered to full cwedenee that they are the hest pea ea the market both foe yield .ad facility in Awrvest- tIi The present crop was her%ewted with an ordinary reaper. horse rake and barley fork. thea sarins • lance an Hunt of labor. Price, tit per brisket C.O.D., lbmes iact t.dedt.deli .er- ed at Plpre.a swamis, or taken from the us, denature/ • JOHN I:OI+SIER. w•S1 7rn Cberrydale Vane. Colborne Tp. /IA USIC.-M18s COOKE. LITER 14 lA years st tidy of mettle. is prepared b rewire pupas for the Piano. 5I lain -. gdarterly. Tema : es r 'r quarter- VW SHORTHAND. -ISAAC PITMAN'S PHONUORAPHY. The n•o tpopularaye tem taught lastrncriert haulm no wkat TRt SrONAL codex. It:7utrl by rad girl allay am .hertha-.4. Mat Ls1al Sales. AUCTION BALI A V AI.tlAPLZ PAM RIN AOHF1 L10 ' rest esor$arr or baetga 5115•. Pummel b rsatosaa trues DANI5J. WHEAL *ore will be emend hie sake by Wh- ite ► ilk Auotioa'M I►at e Hes,d, 1. 11r• dump et evert Albert. ea Mtsntal. the Rib Darr of AMI. A. It. ISR .t the Item et Three iamb p..1., the t«ttee w 'Womble term prevent. .1a: Tot North-East quarter of tee onee(la dee Dwell ag r eettwestern W tag ensueae of YM sU well c aN well (Novo with IOWA water, frame hare awl frame Mme, -Biglifeta acres offs!! odisaf. o alai/ L. radio= ones oe.dtttes 7!1 eta meted to . raee- ti ttrsiasl far :UDS as year. awl is esti ef IM boat M Soret r ♦ eaeair les Nada Hull Ie th* beat .•rtti� atter. TERM$ Or SA sal. to he nada k..wa e. day .f eels. For !umber particulars apply to iZAGtRa LKWI$ er to timiiseilM, JOHN $TSV Stn a+ Pert Attalla. BY LAIW NO. 3 OF 1887. AUCTION BALE OF VALUABLE FARM PaoPERTY. 1►f Mt Ger, wm,tioa ..f fhr Toth olo !bele Under and by vistas K • Power et Male, esu is 44. tib«rah, of Hnnrw,dwd ire contained a &certain doted the Det once of ohetarw fu dwthe.riu the /.td .s uotfhsita. asliaw sod by ItiakeM• Thomson mad James flatness to tba Ved.rr, f�� J defauU barbs bra roads to the payment threat, the* will be sold by Pubik Asctto. a Wednesday. tie 1715 1 et April. A.D. M. at ewe scloek In the afternoon. et Swarsl'. Hold, he the V411.. of 11ay(teld. is the County a Hares. by John Knox. Asc- tioaser. the fe0Nwiag vs1..5s tam proper y. .aa.iy . --All sad e1.ss ar tthbeessse certain pr- et•de er tree* Wised sad pt unless mite .1ytag as4-511-5 tio. the Tow.a5lp of Gedenca, to taw Csaty at Hures,sd Prim ince of Ontario. sad beteg compered of tau ■umbers .meaty els51 and s.Mty one in the BayIeM Coa- essok of the esio Towsakto e( Godeeich. oast•i.i.t _tawnier one hsnered sod tour- ism our ism aerosol 1aesd mere or le.: to number forVa•e fa the trot oe.ees.,s of the said T.w.MIp of Dederick. t-oelalains twenty five mem mon er Lew, sad the westerly sad of lot aunties' terty�ss i. 15s amt tos- eesios of the said Township of Gods - rick, having • trustee, of eighty rods a the Oederich road. .al twenty rods on the Mk road. and oo.tafaing tea scree of land. mon or leen and costataise together an area of lip acres, of which about 105 acres are cleated. and the remainder L weU timbered with beech and maple. The land clowned u of • clay loam. in • good state of euluvatlon. The above verity is situated about one nide from the s of Hayeeld. and about eleven miles from t town of Uoderiah, mad u • arm claw farm is every respect. There sa good two storey concrete d welting house 40 x ti, and one frame tarn a a MI, coe- rced with MA nem. There is who 5acres o' g.Od orchard on the premises. weU stocked with carious 'nada or excellent fruit freer. Tens or SLLL -Teo per teat down at the time of sate. and the balance i■ one *math. or upon such other terms u may be agreed upon et time of sate. For further particulars apply to Cameron. in Twenty )vara from th d h h this Holt a Cameros, Batristers. Ooduich, or :u tlytaw takes affect. with havered thereon in the Auctiooe.r. I the mese-. payable half 7 cal 1, ai 1.4e isle fire per cent. per armors. CAMERON, HOLT h CAMERON, lid. The' for the puree... of .,corint t5. tenders Sui►est«n. FINE TAILORING! Monts' Furnishings. so sow prepared to ebw s o..glet. •.erttws.t eif1 Sra rd c Goes OVERCOATINUS Mali the New Shades sad Styles As • /sad Scotch h time. . ltiak A. tmatsw stook hof New .n'd MOM Caa.disa Tweed& CHEAP ! CHEAP ! I CHEAP I I 1 e�I.aa..b.r. all (Leeds bought by the lard cut feet B. XacCorma,c. Oedorlehh April in. IMT. fug_ 8traaeb Animals. (+AME INTO THE ENCLo L RR OF V the Subtleefber, lot 1. As5esld TownshipLake . with whitU Mee andtwtwo Met. hite lea'.! (The owner is reteseeted b prove property. pay c .ad take it away. It J. R.I. Mcllt"1.1.hN. FOR SALE BY AUCTION. The following property:. -Lots 1, c0 and 11. Maitland road. also :ore 11. N sad 10. Cypress AL. in the Town of Godertk5 Ili acres is •111 and buildings thereon -the man bni:diet about 250 t 50 fee . derrick and cooper shoot also about 155 cords of Mose in walls : t10 5. sold Mr. Ra at the British sxchan(r on act n 1. tion 7th oat d ]fey next. ■1 t: of - :lock, nose. The Company reserve the right of me bid. it the property u Sof add en Nock` U will be, put up to 'reiterate Per - Cele to suit purd.aeere. T'HU8. WEATHEP,ALP. 754Jt flee. Tecumseh halt Co. BT -LII 10. 3 01 1887 Of eke (Lrpove$ s t As Tallow 4 hods. rirl, in Mc County 4 Hirer, f. the Pv.eiwa of fluarie, to .(tt'A.riar the tines fo bsrro.c the sum n emat^r�ie. within the said Tetrw, of 00eletr.w0.00 he Mr r ae u rnri.liny Water R'unk.` and to prre ds *4' t.a•ty. J pep I P , -7.:rat therr�t r by borr.ncie2 the mom an Maine LigAt System. W H K8 A S It r deanship to casstetsot and AND WHEREAS it W bees decided. and nsr•b4W Wilier Warta wwu Use said taws V aeomrr; to prevtdo a til Mrm of Eleatic for the prpwa of ..ppying the 1.Mhlta.te Light for the we a the .id Town and the thereof with water. and ter the papoose of lai.&abrtanu thereof, and it Is memory to Are protection'. burrow t 5e sum a Si «10.00 for such purl.wr. And whereas tete estimates of the peop.n1 Abd whereat. the tidal amount required to eippeenditius for t5e purposes atm are as be mind *enmity by special rate for pa!tau follow -8: the said prupo+ed debt of a 001.°0 aed cuter ...NM feet of a Inch ptpr .t 51.ts I*L1. 57,M7 M est therein u Use sum of Wide.,sex's " e 111 Teles M Aed whereas the amount of the whole rate- 11.455 " 4 " " Olt " 141N 1. able property of the rid Municipality ar. Special castings .. o.dleg b the last revised saesement or re-. eft Hydrant., at Ste etch. 14.11:1111:17"000001 •Me4 sad squallaed assessment roll u the su, (rates. gate boxes ad esta/nt. of 51.11;107.05 - Lttttag pumps. two 1!t meats .4.4 whheeuraesssa the .tsouatof .hr presentes- tubin'g mad atucbmea4 . 4 0n sating Debenture dens atm said If anicipslity pombtaM pumps is the sum air $i(r71.'.44 .t which no pert of soh- *sad pipe os etpprlscipul or Interest is is arrear. lroundstJen. t.a55 Qs Tkeretone he It enacted, ■.d It a hereby Two boilers 1.141 woos. emitted by the Municipal Council ad the said Eagtne mol c nne••tio.s. Sde Ot Corporation aa tulbws 1st That a System of Electric Liget maybe Buildings d tend 7,110 00 constructed (thin the said Town for the par- 1 uperlcte.desce at.d . of ttugencu s 1.01110e pose atom, the twat thereof not W ex. tired 15e said sum of 57.00u Ow and for seek TuW & 1JAta a. purpose that it shall tar lawful fur tee said And whereas ler the purpose of paying to. Lunctl to take all is steps and pro the cont -nation of the raid Water W.rk. is erodingt. and un behalf of eke said Corpora- es necessary for the said corpuretim b harrow non to eater tato all necessary contracts, the sum of 5u,ow. repayaLle within lblry deeds or other instrnme&te .ewsssar, tor the years. purpose .!contracting &ad e.tabUahlat.the Aad whereas the Intela'nntt.t regalred r - mid Speen' of Electric Liget be raised annually by mpecul rate for paying Ind. That toe the purpose of payingtor !fie the mid vectored d.Lt and Interco( thermic said Electric Light System it shall be lawful is the saes of 57.4'1115. for tee mid Council on behalf et the .aid Cur And a berme the aiton.t of the whole rate potation to borrow from say penman persons able property of tee said .tuukip 141 , &r - willing to lead the mess the rid rim or cording to the last reelsed •ar rev .M 57.550.e0.lwhich said sem shall be repayiWr erqqualled ames•meut rut! u Use sum of 51,112, e ay on w 1. .is lei, And a herr.. the era»•'rt of 150 pre...t existing debenture debt et for oak' louniripai dl is the sum of 030.710.41• of which no tsar of ettner principal or interest M In arrow. repayment of the geld sum to the Irudum Therefor.• be a matted and It m b.sebt ea 'dermal. it .5.11 be law tut for the ,.:.I Comical acted by the munrclpel meowa of the sold cur to cause to be issued Itrbenuires of the said pora•i'.d r futluwe Corporation in amuunya ut not Iris tbaw Stole• 1. That • system of Water Works lbws be 00 eac and in w bole not exceeding the sold ooestructed within the said tows for the pr sum .f 57.0ut.0. payable in twenty years as poses aforesaid. the cost there.( me to exceed aforesaid. which said Debrnturss shall be the said sank Of 534.055. mad fee snob purpose sealed with the Commute Seel of the said that it shall be weed fee the mad mend b Corporation. and .ea:t be signal by the Mame tsar all sne..ry steps sad pruoeedir:ga sort aid reuairrpgn.d by the Clerk of the add outer into a basic ef the mid c.rp...Lot: Corptmation. and shell have tenpins attach- all neeesmer onetraeb, deeds sr other Lein. ed tor the payment of interest thermos at the meets for to. Sarum, eaf acquiring the lar. role .forrneid, 5.11 yearly, an 1 the pi ncipd required for the purposes*( toe roil Wan and interest therehl lbecur1 and *greet t• be Workaand of raster¢ and proeart.gthe lam paid shall be p.yabte and shalt therriw k ea- Water N orfs to be ounattacted mad couplet pressed to be payable M the Hank d Mon'- eat. treat at its nitre in the ('ity d Toroo'e, i That for the perpuse of pall ter the 411. That aortas the currency of the said said Stater times it seal ea fawf�l ter tie Debwtu.esthe tam of $1155.55 for the Ipslwtsat said cesacil era bort of the sad Corfsrsu.. of the interest. add the further Alla of Ulla b hetrraw trots any eartles w1Ul.(to la.d itte for tee payment of t5e principal of the said rame, the sad man of 054055 rehlab said sen'. [Marto urea shaft be raised and 1•:-trn in !lash 'bell be repayable .n skirt, year" (ream Me dal year by a special ruse na5lrient Therefor on on which this by •hies takes afoot wells inter all the rateable property is the veld Monies• est thereon is the eawan0,.., payable hat: polity. yearly. at the rate of r e per Beat. pe.. SOL Tib Bylaw ahallmete ir.•o fore* sad swam. effect en the Mb dal of Rat, 1567. 1 That for the pe peer o.• arrnreng the rt 615. T5.t the rotes of the *ler"arm of the pttymeat Lt the mid sum tr the leaders here mid Municipality entitled to .ode upon this sf n *hal be lawful for the limed melted a Bylaw seen be mama ea 't'bu►•eay• le. 1'Jt5 mese to 5. mooed .lebestaree of the wild ('*e dal of May. 19.7. hawses (5e hown at nine poretios in amue.t• of not lens e5.. sits o'clock In the forenoon and St. o'cl ck in each. mad in thc who,.- not eeesdfn's the 150 anemias. at the (abeam plied witbie solo of 154.!55 pa;abb to !hell yearn a. the mid Mualelpdity, beteg the pieces in &foremd, *hod' rid detention dt.11 he which the lair Municipal Mamma' fur (;ren- sealed with the ('erptretemai ere thewidesr dikes woe had. namely - Iblhnq 's••b (Mel- poewt5ee..eed.5all se signed by 15. Male mad m setersias..o b7 Use Clerk of the amid ('orporatlur., sod shall hare ooap•.s attach ed for 15. pe) event et 15e latereas themes et the rare • e -.wad. halt ycaefy. sad the pen ciple to be paMlsshrnel alll beewv&W Ma11 Meflecinial and re.eed .i be exp-+lbed b be payable at egoism Nut of Mosera.l at Toronto. In the Province ad On torte. is the Ironai.ion of Ca.ada. 4. Tbt dudes tie t urrescy of >5e mkt de - heater's the tam of P231111 for the a5yNnt of the Interest sod the turner sum .f MILD. for the payment o Me principle of the .id debewtures stall be ended seat Meted is mob year b1 a medal rate su5lciset therefor an all the rateable property in the .sd amuse; pallet. i Thu bylaw aba4 nesse 15 1 tone aid ere !seller! the lets et Msy IR1". & That the votes of the wiseacre et the sal/ memkapalitl entitled to vete apse ebb by law shall he taken so Thursday. Ise tltb gar of M• 55 7. between the hours of aIle 0 clock 1i* the feranemn mad eve o'clock la the ahrrnuon..1 Ilse !show! plat*. witlt4a 1h. .W manitipulty brine the Maass to which tbt• IoM mnatetpat ekctsoss toe town'0A0rs were held, asset .-POUtmg 9eb.55rtl.. Number Owe et Henry ltt.ell rhos she.; James Addis Mall be Deputy Returning °Meer there. Psllkag HsbdtvW. Number Two at Leese Pr•ise's feed Merv; Rees Pros Mall �be Deputy Est urulag OMoer there. f Aebej,Ylbo Somber Three ea tM Twwa !tall : B. Van livery anal le Depot !burn' (Meer there Peas" tubdtvl&to. Nam Four et John dotes' weans shop ; Jobs Rales shalt be Dapstr fit► turning miter town. Ndltse Sat►d4v10ys Number riven Duni °ordeal, .5.p WI (Jordan shell be Deputy Benne then. Nano 5o1ed14 Was Nun i 551 It John Hrop50y • aSop : Hugh Hon elan hs Devoe, rtetarulsg Meer there. Poll)! aiis 5sRe v Somber srwea M fit A.dsewi Ward sebsol bets. • Jeb.°. 11Uee\e .ball M repot,J Retarwln't 6Meer thee. 7. T5at tM (ansa Oeraarst &ball *teed u tM Town Hwa11 la lea Nett Town on rrIdar the UM day of M.. tidy K stereo o'cheek (a the tereaetm. to era. ua lbs •umber M votes gives ter ad ag.ima this �tsw aid the Meyer will attend at ties .id Man sr .Moen' *'clack is the tenses. rot aassrMay the Ilt5 day of step. 7. ter the Miewietu.et of preemie mie to arssed es the emmplapiviiriet•aeliai s. mess 55 Ne anal ores t eel ore.... Jsts 5104 is ai 1 CM1m.rMrlrl. R_- pa•t•t U* p.un'ss d t W blew r't�e t( 1 a�.Tp�ALLaE NOTICE tb�at If.es �esMOiaam(sist4Sa�*s re•as P fle*tlaswe dpp..'.4 5. 5:! 11N and tef-w.., s.owat fn' tJee ea 1 t. 15e1115417wF bur. day an'd $ae t5.i51�• rtsr tuskS.gigw the roue et t5e sleetnn eta. petit w W where Microtsed w55.5 ewld ►yfaw w1.r�bd0 (skea bet} sees 1 aatt a meeting slorlthe lid 1. M M•aa1 .Cha Tenon Han fa the add elf Aside Melt am Rids . the 1515 gal of ■s1. 1 1•et eight 0.10,5 1s the awem.in'(. 51�-a Wye. COtort AMPSEL JOHN KNOX, Uoderioh, Aweeinmerr. SOW Loans arta insurance. VE ARE STiLL L')ANIN'J PRIV- ATE Pt ND"; at St per rent. 'unload loans. Interest plantae yearly. Tame dr.ir- Ingto reduce tear rate of interest siuutd .al or write for particulars. Sa:AtiER ! LEWIS. :070 tf (in4erieh. .,°°,sole TO LOAM. APPLY TO faf CAMMMIWN HOLT t CAMERON, node rich. 1:10 MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE dim .react of Private ram, COT I.Tertmeat stlowest rotes e.. wrat-closeMortgage* Apply toGAKROW t PRO1 DYvaYr R. RADCLIFFE, G*NERAL INSURANC1, REAL ESTATE a71n MONEY LOANING AGENT. OuluPlMdaes Cempaafss Reprexated fl► Mosey to Lend oa straight loans. M the boost rete tet interest going, in ail wa7 t0 West Street. Ood.rieS. 11(3-11 number t wn at Ikioe's feed stare. Rees Prfoe, Dewey Reesrn- $5O 080 TO LOAN AT a PER , at the Ter. rhos. B. an Erre Whtrlbrew 7 Wil CENT. •t the Tow. Hall. rhos B. Van l rry.'L»pu4 Iteeiursine °Beer. Pulling Slob Dirttiuu nem - THF, TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS ('O•Y her four at John Hetes' wage• s John are p r d ro ben tnon.; at 0 per Deal. TWAY Deputy Ret arcing Officer. Pail Soh able 5.14-F ready. tr. Wvisk.o .ember 5re M Daniel Oordow i TERMS TO SUIT BORROWERS, '�- I1onM1 Gewdoo U.pSty Returning Ins. ter. Pollto4 sob Df n,imber ala M tw ern'class farm security. I John Hrephz ._ebeip, Hugh Hamdtee Deputy kpplii to Return! °Moor. Pont ie CAM[P.ON, HOLT t CAMERON. numberravenat St. Aednyw'. ward ',bees Barristers, (ioderkh. bonne, John G. thee.. Deputy Ret twain,' (N- • Agen'ts for the Tomato Deseret Co'''. Meows. ('Aasirtop. Hots t Camrrwr bare also a large amount of private funds to leas on nest -class farm security. Gedstirb. °.t.4. I1R'. 151141 Nor somber one at Henry Mimi ,hue more. oma Deputy Returning i)f♦oar. Real r� nine tae Borrower. ileal Aral tor Sale. generics -Seened door from Square. I Pettis, Aeolian. Di R� - $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS For Sale or to Let. To ter. tie farm and town property at taw L'Rl IT FARMS OF 42 ACRS FOR 1 `,A1.E. t alibleMuck KDedsrieh. out Hay- field Road. Keith Leal of lot No 1:. 1.d ('.im. Godertch township., 130 bearing •ppletrroa peed., pl. fes cler:T •adpea pears. and 4 scree of choice varieties of Mtawbernea. Good welt, 2 cisterns. spool ripest creek un nosh side, good new Pram. 5.... m. born, seabed.. est coil - on. Well Morro wi•4.straight fewer,. Addle.. ALEX. GERKARD. 7014-1 t Ooderla 5. TWO FIRST-CLASS FARMS Fon stile. Oise to t} a fowa,hip of AMeeld, coataioi.5 IM screw : and ,tar In Vast Wows! e ach, nonentity/ rsl acre,.. For partla•elefti apply tae Camerae. Mot t Cameron. doge- nth. TOWt* AND VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR PAL& The [sern't n sad Tra- mmel of the E.tate of the late JOSEPH HERB. neer for sole the rellewl•g valuable Property. r.&nae S . Ia the Beildiag Iota n+ tubers t and fid Town a Oodex,rb. ( of an r:re reek. Fatly fenced, and very desirable for building POI - Nr t son! Lot 'mating Mill Rot[. Township et Gesdorirb, being part elf Lot 1 u the 'Nait- lead Coarem.oe of said Township. Nice Plume Cottage and Praise stable. Lot number 1. South side of Millar Mgyesrrts Brnssitnr. l of an acre. small triune 4w,51 Bsildln`` Lots nembeee edit and OS, �W tie Town et Chasse. tet u acre each. Beaten full, Wedged on South side of Huron street. Fairly baked. no East l of Let 1i Cos. 14. Won Wawa nosh, IS acres pod load. M skews Meaner and !emend. rrmaieder timbered. Abase 4' 1 tam. (!tend reeds. �'f' miles from Lt.r kisser aid a mires nom Ar 4' 11-;ro,t, Mich.. Apr.: 3515 1.1 , Minnie I rete further portae' lar. •ppty le T,..n. intent and oat, daasbtrr .l John W ' E. CA ION. and Ansae M Sermon (formerlyhaute H.nlae•r.em aAM steer mode ts.ehs. flays. Funeral 55 ri, 11.1 Miley i \rtes. A. Wt-rJ Mowe1 meeting. A Rio WELL Di o. -Gen. Evans and hoderft5 As*et. hie son deg . well for Mr Tobin 6 feet R,Mrt,4 57 Teleph•s,e frna Harbor 1141:..1 eprare sad 30 fret deep in *beet seven Goodatcri. Apr1111, Lae' dayKS . We believe the owner intends M lx '• eraU►Oblrh ,N sr- - • b - M rS a M 77 .Iia Olekeep it in reserve in case the lake ruts alma. I! wrl V bushel, 0 7t w . 72 Wheat. t R hash dry thio Damson. . iii . 015 Floor. I V eat t.. 1 ti p t M Fleur. Minato • cwt . . 1116 • 1 M no.. *tree* bottom le , w • 1 1. • 2 le rlonr. 1pat,5tf per. cwt . S b • 2 Le barb •77e eID 1 bush •Nor • My. • hush. •• Psatnea, p bush ........... . � 5 Ha,.•toe . ... 7N • I • � T. Gledhill, nor pop ulsr assessor, was in one burg Isat week winding/ op hes business for iRS7. Hi. march through the township was only opposed by one cn.m dog, and his lin carr saved hien • !welting from • fiery turkey enek that chased him like an ostrich • distance 'd a•) yard*, whirr help amen.. Gardening nerd plowis( started IoM week. Marti. Fialsad, of tit. Ae`eet- 1 M, tote Mw 5fietl..n of Latm !nen• I.... this pone het 1seM est to stilts of utter.111 re 1 N w 0 17 eggs. hem remarked lVdee ..i It.7 to ion 012 ee,&'tea UA. f'hopeol Sluff . rot - h I.., s Mlx.e. etfl5tid. tislMch I Lr. 7 .m H1:» p lo SO pm 0 4 w sntaaded t A.. 1 .m I blip se I III pus Railwap Notices. VOTiCE. 1 j Appllretieo will be stale to the AHialaest er tb. Dominion. n its Net se.. o. fir M authoossal? to the 1 t. line J free Jts� 0 5 CoespaaJ b er4nA 'rs tine from OMi10��e M • plat .t or moor Oodrrleb. or to • tapeta fie Uwe M u mil way having !1. If mimes et eedarkh. �t., sell or WOW such ex seadoe. M. H. WATT'S. Agee% for A. J. R'y Co. Merets 11\ lN'rt alba t. travelling 6uibe. YRARD TRUNL s M n,.,n Pcwt ! • 5 1'f irr IN, Niro 7175 c. no a MOO 4n....,.. t •,. OM" etlr'ettere j Le .m AA p.lap.la Rains' p m eV Oe,„-ry Ar.I ..�1 rvp.I War: iE1i /lE ij MIL ea la►erest. Mortgage+ purchased. 0.e aim - 7th. That the (Text of the mW Corporation .1011 &eIen .t the Tows Ha8 in the rhe Town o& Friday t5. 4515 day of M.y. 11MT, it eleven o'clock fa the forenoon, to sem up t5. number of votes_� Oran for and aptinae this Bylaw, and the Mayor will attend u Memel Town Hall er slew. o'ekerk In the femme tie se Wednesday. tete tltk day of May. 1111, for ft appointment aperients to attend at the mtestoa ch& *walls 10,15, Trost atd Lass . pnlllag places &rad w t5e. Mal snm- ('oen�y (hod&. the C•Yda Twta/ed i ming.p of Ise 5514 vetee by the 1'lerk 0a \e- rred t Compsay. die London Lena. ('omppy i hall of persons !stemmed In &rad promoting of ('aaada Interest. lel mad 7 per Beat. or opposing 15e passage of *hie ML !a n r stereb- N. B.-Borrvwen can obtain mosey In es* 11017. day. if tirk eat imt&rtor7 TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing le • true DA V MON t JUHNti'1'OY, 1!^►, as., QNerleh 001)704s peope55d Ia5w, wberi l' the Brat publgastio. •pp.ard 4. t5e Nutans fetor*,,, sewataper, ss 51da1 tM 11th 4.y e1 April. 4ae7. and at the hour. slay sad places thereto Axed ter madam the votes of t5e Electors, t5e Polls win be bed, sod which esu bylaw will be taken Into c•asidaestlos by the Coareel, sod slay be teetta•Ul M a meett(n1� said mused to be at the Tuna ys.M In Riillwright, Ualuator, ltc, el A. HUMMER, ) MILLWRIGHT, MACNINPST. the said Tows of Ooderi..h es Friday. the 13th VALUATOR. AGENT• tee slay of May. VA:. at eight o'clock 1. the sit - Estimates Wade mad centripetal Taken for tern000. House Heatimj by the Hot Water System. 1VILI.IAM CAMPAF.1.1., MgtMw •'Yet. Hot Water and Steam - I nnen. Little Gloat sad other Weer W heels. Atrlc.Iturd 1>a elements. Mill Machinery. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. SALTATIONS MADS. EAPT ► b. 11BL DOD BILIfto Societies. • ANC?i11T ORDER OF t.: K I T E D K001CME0Sf. MAPLE LEAP LODGE, No. 27, A. 0. U. W. Meow* Melt Lotto Ream ever Ter PRIMAL OMr. Godards•. ea the !<E(Oytl/ AND FOURTH MO$DAVA OF EACH MONTH. Vlll1Ti`to RRETHRF,\ ARE ALWAYP WELCOME W. JOHNSON, REES PRIG MK'. n ti. W. THOM N. 5H5-ly Recorder. Amusements. (1ODERTCH MIICHANICB' INI?i- TUTE LJBRART AND READING stoke. ser. N East street ad Romeo tee Open teem 1 ism p.m..end teem 7 to Mp.m. ABOUT 2000 VOLB IN LISLARY Leal* Daily, Weakly .sad Illge ibl Paper., �fn; anwas, A e.. net A. M1MBE55711? T10E IT. ONLY .8015, 5ra.tl.s has ass of i.Ibrwry and Mullen Ll h erg imanh ip esalsM b f. NALCO Nd.(1150. BTTY)TA 5. Q.dorie5, qeb. iiO. �aats•t��f Legal. 14 AV. mirk teenierC. HATE, twatsod Woe auuiSnalaclroi, don este meet, sods to lead at Ftf tepee. Pet e 1n1► QEAitIER t LEWIS, BARRISTERS, Oederlek. C. gamut. J.. J. A Monte F. N. Lswm (_'1 ARROW A PROUDFOOT, BAR �T RlRSR5 Attars.," Solicitos, Me O.dtri.5 J. T. °amw, W. PreWtooe, 171 CAMERON, H3LT R CAMERON, IhrrLtoes. $.Itset.re 1a Cls 1731 3Rsaica1. L. REEVE, JL D . C. M. , MEM - 51R se the Calitltse of Pkys:ctata.54 "*' '. Ae art. R- The Cush,' Plc* Railway DR. MoLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- 01Oft.Oerossr SICIA 7b. tion.'. eararlfe Reetw beiwre.. Erne Be,Bt, aewr4s west et� MON � QU�BLaTOitO NTO, URA. SHANNONaa & HAMILTON OTTAWA _ KI Abe est&•.SBS tMTpN gaol G.4 Dr.h D. C. d■atsistr, Alert. DETitorP - • : t °AGO 17.1. Aa>eCtlonaelI'ina_ A,,,D ALL POINTS FAN? AND WEnT KANSAS l►1` Or. W re Map, Time Tobias. risen' Thebes,, • ). -, r R. RADCLIFFE, O►FI(E ' West Sbmat. Ilppa.ate Army. Odea Dert't inn. the ('lett Roderick.: s :, MA. '..E. Me , f I