HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-4-22, Page 4CHOICE AND 01114P 'Spring Goods J.1.11111310 Ar ow aaoicds w.huwuiaYteat GoO" tsr fi k"."0-mir DRESer Zk)ODS • ilposial liew Ilibe ter IWyd. north ft - f Alma ill Tool Jens! rt188 Cloth ., Sc. sir yd, werth sic Frill:, Umbras ai iiIas rinty dews III /Me.. Clain, Orly aid Cattail*: at less than former pro. sowIIhsLu4isg the edema, at the factories. A.14 their mods are zlied at esceediagl7 low prime. No Discorente Takeo off. Thoosoolo aro asideadleg. No merchant ma give • dlement off. without first putties it on. The higher goods are musulual. the greater dis- count ma be 1,Am' oft. tIrlsopection aad comparisou of pekes in- vited at J. A. REID & BROS Jerillea's Meek. Court Mousse/imam, Glederich 141h April. MM. 11,1-17 low Advertisesmats Mb Week, Stray Celt- J. McMillen. Chums of Buss -O. W. Herd. Spas et Mares for Sale-Johe ['err. New Fatally Grocer -R., pri„ Iteeties Bale al Farm _gnaw•Lewi, TOW N TOPICS. eitiors eramp pr. takianoire. Alieteilik hell mast The soseos et Mors will seen be upon us. bat • geed photograph ma be had an the year round at Geonie etewerta A BAD MUM -It you fall to see Illit-Cor- mistrsopriee sleek. VarloiL 'argent, demote read Mem He acre to emetics and save 's mew cough syrup is the best thew !mown for maple asd csida. Try It. Pre- seriptleaa tind recipes prepared in a first-class soosoor. at moderate rates, by W. C. Gomm. throggint, Albion Block. Reny the vocalist is very mckar is 0,0g. *risk but t be Ironaeosen who west the nal - Hem saps have pepelarised T. a A. Prielhass, fer tashiesable Whirl ag establiatissest, limy mit all -big sad little -tat and heaa. TN* WOW*, Canntritir Truncations 'Jaime will meet regularly for the transaction of beelaseo every Tuesday atter.... at Mt g'clesk lo Nortlest. eliercii. Evert woman 1.- 4 the work 1. cordially Write4 to attend. A special differ for the seat GO days. Aay person pan as organ. piano. or sewing imehlea CHMAP CASH DOWN PRICE& will receive the memo et • CKLEBRATIM WOO WANZILIt LAMP. IMO. W. THOMPSON. Agest. Come ve 8:wt. -The low prices is Wail Paper at ilasedene Variety Store ars going to slay iiimssesr, sakes the sales continue as lave bees delft for Om peat week. The rash ter the cheap base is great; tb• low sa lace atLita se. If yea are c y paper- riessegeell and be convinced at -the cheapest Mese nailer Sae sea." fiseastlang sew. Jag neared the latent Anierless styles la Meeks read relives. (WI early mid secure barnalas. Hamm whits. widen a lei ot horse geode cheap ter mob at WR. isaismoth Harem depot, Mmelltes sc Goitres& • few baby carriages to be weld at out. as I =6"..:421= lksa. W. ACHE:SUN. Huoo AND am= LOAN AND lamer user Ceimane.-Depeagese in thle esingsay have the beet puselble sowerIty ter their mem ey, all lei imested in inereffede en term roperty. Dss Mie. Ira lion la all the oempeari•INNS. Illatest Were* paid. tress 4 to 11 per Ont. sa= be ammo and dorsal= et a pine imam sheald"latear- eed ese the ----.per. bavieg "Keep off the gram." The swallows have arrived is this sec- tion. . . Hector McQuarrie, of Buffalo, to town. Thos MeGilliceddy, of THB Stamm., is speed* a few weeks in Toronto. Miss Maxwell, of Weston, is the game of Mr aad Mn W. Aeltisoa Mrs M. G. 01111•Mon has been visiting Moods is Whitby daring the past week. A J. Mower and wife were visiting, lriesda at Lefties daring the poet week. Meetieg Harm Enconeposeat No. 26, L 0.0. F. asst Monday 'mooing. - Mies Tony McGregor, cf Kincardi ne, hes bees visiting her parents in this tows. The seemed shoot fee the Goderieh Gun Club medal takes ***this (Friday) &noncom. W. R. Miller, of Toronto, formerly of tIodoorieh, was in town Monday, look Mg as chirpy as ever. Danoey 'steads to leave for So- irel, Que., next week, to mut bar suitor, Mn Laos. of that town. The adjourned vmtry meeting will be hold in St (hone • school room next Monday evening at 7.30. Mrs J. H. Richards, and desgliter ?leans, are at rresent the runts of her father, kir Wm Bisset, t Wolfe street. C. A. Niason. who for some mouths pest has bad charge of the jobbing office of James bone, left for Brantford Men - day het His Lordship Bishop Baldwin is ex- pected im town the int Sunday in May, on widish occasion be will hold /emir, I tam itsc•ioes Captain Zimmermann, of the Wye lion Army, who has lotoon in ill heath reesattly,wes hist week recuperating with frionas at Hamilton. Dr McDonagh will to in G ',detach for consoltatifln on Saturday the 7tb 01 May. sod afterwards on the brat tister dee of every 'north. /WNW Price &F n -trifled out GinMors on the square Crow.. oz7 See their announcement en ink page in this mese now. W. Jonostoon left last Thureelay for Burford, the ststr,o to which the rev gentientar. wee recently apponted by the Bishop 01 110155. J. J. Dalton, of Sotto', who bee bees pepetising hi • otosieseiset is the 111.646, MAW am nekton of D ell dinologoug ism • limey athlete .4 some of beemoi a imiaserseor, 01 wriollowsy hii;be kaow, sake ang of THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL 22,1887, Cadet Wright, 4 Lialowelk lakes the plass of Capt. Moore, in the branch et the A. stationed hero. Es arrived to lawn Thursday of last week. J486.61=6* left for Tomato Monday hat to !MUM erramgemeate for *sterna into the Ostia( and polka/sin beti- mes with kis brother is that onty. ✓ isel Mee* bassoons& es An apron Wel will lo loisM Video- =az st the samisen ieltaRas *14 J. A. Reid A Bro. are askew their regular spring mosenseemest. The Ir. clam that they are dame • big trade sod stoma &Surd to be mderseiti. Da; id Asher reasived by rail a few days ono., • doe Clydesdale stallion, which wall prove • valuable addition to his already well bred apd carefully select- ed stuck. Gardeeise will mom be the order 01 the day. Already the work of cleariug op the yards has commenced, and soon The rOftidaf quarterly wises will he held ia Vast,.ia street *burgh ea Bun - deg mat. The dist:wit supertateadeat, Am. J. IL timell. M- A., wlll forma both morsiog and evening. The mess - swat of the Lord's supper will heftiest*. imaged at the dose of OW mean' ear- Viee. We regret to Mars that Mos Trey Aimee of Boallakt, is seriously 01 with snilasesaMory rhesaistasee el tee heart. the Fer the few weeks she bas been at of her lather, Capt. A. IlsOneter, of this Mora, esperieneiar misdeal treannest. She was mom - ponied by Mr Savage sad tie shitless Mn George Askew", left Tb - to, (twee Boma, where she w o I two weeks as Kismet ef Rev. ''r „ger ciaisp.'"••• bell, lesmeerly plater oi ."1"11161141.11' Guaft•Ift.richi.oe. merY lire All'171;Alseng trawwa' ..blwee are pliompill lo state . . RIM now ferny re- label& Pry"' ad km twine soothe ego Troia ,IAS fl pubhalted in Waco. the town will aasuise its regular summer 1 wo'sales, we After i a th st Pere' val appearsoce. i' /Palma, an old resident of Dods - Gregor McLean. Ow 11 at Pr mart gen, bus illbes appointed settee essa• atomised Wowdattwil ("Hs"' •••. boo, sedr el Vim State Central Bash is foe Emit* holiday* dories il A week. Ail illto . Frees the some paper we He returned to resume 'Ala lltedll• letitiNtai Mr Watson is one of three Tuesday last. Voliston wbo held • oostroflieg interest is W. 11. Atm". a Gdmieh, appears the mock 4 the Malc in the list of those w`0 hem passed so, a Huron Lodge Na 62, 1.0.0.F will ,00millinetorono",,°„Mo Mc( Caelw1llitY. Meet- celebreno the anniversary of Oadfollow- ---• .-- - --- illIdA1011 to the degree of skirt co this moonset, by attending M. D., C. M. divine venom at 8*. George's church Dr. Wlo.nag, won - , nt. cootemplates next Sunday morning, whom the snoi- tiering t ob gououf ono other buildings sugary sermon will be preached by Key. on the occupied IM, thereby Mr Kerr of Mitchell. The emashers 6(1•*.ait hies a laws, ariveway and other will meet in the lodes room at 10.16, rounsisoces. and web from theme to the church. 1 Cheeks Blake, our townsmon, has About 1,.r weeks ago the old grey sowed a rich' of Ottawa aerie of peas on bone which did such faithful service for his Goderich township farm. It ts in M. Hopper in the dray business, man all probability octe of the largest fields up the geost-in some unaccouutahle sown this year. wooer it was seised of lock's'. anti suc- cumbed. Friday last the &apnea pur- chased an annual to replace the dead "grey,' and he is now on the road again, and into business as heartily as mgr. The book sad stationery business carried on for the past five years by James hart., has been purchased by G. W. Berry, and will be canted os hence- forth by thst gentleman. Mr Berry is a thorough basilicas man, anti, as he has had experience in the statiooery trade, sill so doubt snake it • socome Thio week he advertises big drives in wall papers. , TM thanks of the high school literary Dr. M. NIckolson, the West street ' society are tendered to the following dentist, makes the preeervatim of the ladies for kind maistame in the getting natural tomb • specialty. Gas &anum op end arranring of the recent entertain. towed from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in for the mono Mrs Jordan, Mrs R. R. Smith, painless extractoon of teeth. Mrs Crawford, Mrs °arrow, Mrs Crane, Miss Hamilton, Mies Hutchison and Mies Hattie Smith. Also to these at present nut &needing the school who m- asted in the program. was presented in an acceptable 'meatier. We have received tram the publishers, Lone t Graham, Toronto, "Only a „,.....1"1 w••ko_ "bort, r•P•rt •footh•oPre•••• Laboriog don,' • new piece of mimic, taoon to zero W. aohnston by toe con- the word. midmusic of which ere cols, gieoration of St. George's church, we prised by James Fax, the een.knoion eo- omitted to state that the service was purcheasi from Fraser ik porter, of this calist. The song onetime • good senti- ment, and, as do words are adapted to a town. Allan Cameros, who is attending Upper Canada College, ate hi. EWA*, eggs at the homestead. He appears to Ise sajoytog better health than he did earlier in the year. We are requested by the mammon of Kai: church, tootate that the comer advertised to be given to the church OD Friday the ?.9tb Met, bee been postponed u ntil further notice. The oonfinnatioa class met the new rector, Rev. W. Young, ii. the school room at 2 p. m. on Sunday. The rev.I gentleman will meet the class again nett Saturday at 4 p. m. Rm. J. T. Leggier, of Stratforol, cos - dotted the morning services last Sendey in the Victoria street Methodist church His swop was an impressive o.be and spirited air, we have no doubt the Lieutenant Moore, of the Salvation „too and powwow, will b„, solo to Army, wbo has been connected with the Mod a ready eels for it. work in Godericb for 501,1 111.0 paet, has Goof) HONS. - Josathan been Prpil'Qted ta) • "Puling' w'th • •••• Minor, of Benmiller, and J. C. Martin coon at Tosmater. He •laniwelled" Sea- of Godarich. Lao, purchased from Thos.' day lam. Lopoloy, of Seefortb, the celebrated A meeting of the Goderich curling thoroughbred trotting stallion, Bowie club was held en Mooney mooing Lost dick"of "Ciear Orit'and"Hasabietosian" There was • good atteedance and noose strain. The horse has been placed mitten a onnortenoll were linculsod• ander the care of Hall Rotledge,of God - The financial statement showed the club ench township, and will no doubt prove to be in good steadier. to be a valuable acquisation to the It does not savor of erotism to arise breeders of the sestina. end remark that RO ether rosin in Onto- Aitantai MD. -Wattage Marlton has rio can beset of ao much feminine glees sow on the stocks a tog owned by Mal. and beauty as can Godericb. This truth McKenzie, of Seethanipton which will was fully demonstrated at the High be launched early next weak. She is School eatertaiument on Friday evening 70 feet over all. 6 ft 6in deep, and 14 kat. test beano Her engine is 12 x 14 ft Up to the present we have heard oo which together with the steel boiler is of parucalarly I.yal loyalist rams an oat_ _thot manufacture of Om J.khn Doty cry for a big jubilee mubmiion " Kayos Co., Toronto. Mr Marlton is fast *stab/eking for himself a repotetion Goderich. Our towsfolk ars evidently bound to save their enthusiasm for the •• • lbw' al" "tP-build•r• big Caledonian cd.brasion on the 1st of me meeting of Sabbath mime! workers July. sidled bar lest Mundey evening was poor - gill Er TNOWDIRR cior.-About foot inlyibetepase, bans had' °Inuient weaersoWlereame.imetmr. o'clock Friday afternoms a thunder- R. W. gamma, was wppowitwl emir. storm passed over Goderich. One ohm man and Gen Rowe esermar7, and " was sharp and *Pr" agjesnanient was then made until Tose- have struck is the vicinity of t • public day evening yeiih hms., as 7.30 &clog •shea' No diumg• b.. base rePcseleg' in the North -at Methediet lesture room however. when it is expected that every &biota A. M. Polley, retuned from Posisyl- school in town will be well represented. •••i• Thursday thar••••' &het hsvumr Th. anneal mooting of the Ooderish disposed of a loot of hones. Hs says mechanics. and /Army Amu_ the DatiVDS of that State are MUMS 01- eitiatow win be held in the median erased over the fact that high l.••••• rem. so moods, „aunt, May m. will become the kw there • year from 1887, onwortwintsug as 8 &dear, for next May. the usual report, election of officers, The Meeting of the eoffseiltee the gad any other itedness. A 11 teenteen Cideaosion Hoonty on Mood lest, was who have not already proctored tickets edielinted until the, (Pride)) evening, for this year will please do en before miring to tbe fact that a number of mesa- sae mooting. D. Haigajgga, librarian, berm bad to attend a curling meet* will happy to supply any one wok MoOday evening. A good attendame ticket. is requested Friday evening. A meeting of the lawn tennis deb me AIONIIIILY.-An amenably, under the held Teesday afternoon in the Canadian sespiees of the Godench cricket eisb Bank of Commerce. There was a good will be held in the roller rink, Friday, attendance and the member* 4 the April 22. Tbe getting op of the affair is club (needing a large number of ladies) in the hands of an energetic cosaseittee, were very mthusiostie, sod are &loo- sed we are led to believe that the memo alined to gm to work as soon as the hely will scrims all its predecessors. seats of the goosed will permit. The The early day* of the week just closed bIlkwirtg 'Akers were appointed - wore quiet, chilly, owing to the quantity albwito lt. 8. Chilton vim -president, of hoe tbe lake, which het been drives Aba• &Inchon • rem. erase , R g 10 shore by the recent wester!) wind& bap". who *bit dire* ladle" egomPolov Latterly, however. the toe has bees obi mtil"litte• of wiliRaitenl"t• drives, net and broken up, and the Action, has been broaeht by Time temperature hail mourn* decidedly mild- 'Stephens, hotel keerer, geaforth amine% et Audrew Govenlock, J. P., and Jaime Th. warden's committee of t he county Walden, of Varna, pal Me emote - *coned mot on Monday, to rook* at- trate for South Huron, on the ground rangemente for replacing Helps bridge that they acted es justices of the nem in Wiiirsoosh,oarried away by the recent in and for the county of Huron en Seim food. The question 4 sisonining the dot cases without hewn, the legal Manchester node,, mid to hsve been lealifintion. The plaintiffs claim is for nsiderehly iorired at the same time $100, one half of winch, in the event of was ale. ha -fore the meeting. °minium, goes to the poseester and Mr end Mn M. Lynn, .1 Sslinse city, the other to the Provinces! Treawarer. Monterey county, Cal., is at present Fier. --A Sr. broke net shortly be - visiting bee brother, P. Lynn, Orokorich. fon &Mush Tomas, looreling in a They are nn an eastern tour, and will small boom on Macdonald street otecepi- leove for Boston Moorlay sett, Oman to ed by Mrs Squaw. The aegis* was New York. Wash ingtue and New (Orleans, quietly on the scene, het despite every and will return hoses by the Southern maroon on UN* part ooll the brigade Om Pacific R. R. eta Les Amens. 11. go building was encipletely destroyed, sad peels to reach Mum by the 10th 4 May s INIWN Portion of the otietonee wee lest - kir Less has been is Oaliforsie trw the The boom ma insured for $900 sad the pest twenty -Gee years, and prooloo• to metes% for $30() in the Qiiesn's fa- ll time was a resident .1 11.. township seramo Company of Motional. The Morris. He is • statiosch Democrat, Oeilding was formerly owned by A. 0. takes an active part i Ibi points' Mardosithi, of Dunlop, but was row* ha adopted State pookieed by Mrs Sooner. "4".-illaPILF -annum eaf, 411111,91WL14 SUM #6.trainaramosoallik*:11111ftik..11., 7Noo Arms Jo No &MIT Istrannan. -Sem hum, they are slighted if they otrideoo W we are Al °seal 1111. overythies theAwouig lib, o • wed hot slime after we FIT lallPwwrie& 11•1 to gum do mar „„.40444 50 1..005wedin awes• everythiag 1 It 11.16/11N your t* wart some pawed oiler pow own family, erhauifin"a.kr.14I a good local item, jest • was alleed, we sell at the el- " h will Ss all eight. It wad loe s olionely wise emperor man who dem everythieg silliest beim told. David Pike, hostler, of Zurich, who attempted to commnit suicide is Out on Aiwa SO, by minim his thrum, was brought to jail last charged with the same For semi unaccounts- bie reason the gash in the throat bad sot healed, sad us Altai account presses - ed • sickening appositions. The wooed was man dressed and sewed up by the jail medical authorities, amd Um patient is sew doing as well as meld he e d. lie is sustained solely by taideirodIS, the working of the jaws secemary to the inisotication of solids, being found to aogravate the wound. Dar Fame Lotus 27, A. 0. U. W. -At a meeting of Maple Leal Lodge. No In A. O. U. W. , held Monday evening April 13th this following resolution was smaissesely passed : -Moved by Bro. W. R. Robert - eon, seconded by Bro. A. Moines, and resolvedohat we express nor rustiest asd esteem for our retiring Mr. W., Rev. W. Johnston, and meet bis departure from our towu aud-lodge, as we wore be- ginning more fully to appreciate his rml worth. And we pray that the gracious favors of our Divine Master may abide with hint and hie family in their Wore home Bro. Johnston replied is very suitable tonne Ten MAJOR'S IrAaNwou..-Toesilay evening lest there was a largo turnout st the Salvation Army barna& to wit n ese the "Farewell" of Major Glover who for nearly two years has had charge of this division of the work, with head quarters at Palmerston. The barracks was crowded to the dooss, and a vary interesting time was spout. Addresses were made by Major Glover, Capt. Coafflu, Clinton ; Capt lowin, Myth Capt. liallantym, Captain Zimmerman and Cadet Wright, Guderich, and number of the soldiers Maim Glover leaves to take charge of lbe Beni* dif Men. Wednesday evesiag he farewell ,Jai Clinton. Gotosaien A smote -Netwithatandiag the hat the* Toronto is looked upon by mug as the Osten) home et art, it last week fell to the let of • Ooderkb ntello R. R.Sallows, photographer, to go to the Quotes city mod take 000 Mom there in commotion with the Hume of the Re &motorist Fathers. Two years ego the 1Rodemptorist preachers, Roe. Mame Miller and Keats were mowed in onisects work is Goderish, sad "Male here sat for photo/iambs to Mr &Bows. So well pleased were they with the re- sult that they have met repeated cordite to hist NINO, and last week's enrage - smut was another token their appre- ciation of the services of the Goderich knight of the camera. Hos. Peter Cooper, the philanthro- pist, once said :- ••15 .11 towns where • newspaper is published every man Mould advertise in it, even if it noth- ing more than a card stating the busi- ness he is mamma in. It not cooly pays the advertiser but it lets people at a die- taries know that Om town yen live in las prosperous ommunity of be/tine's eneo. As the nod 15 1050, ao the trusts recom- pense Never pull down year sign while you expect to do business, for it often indicates that besieges is moor and you are baing your grip, commercially speaking. The nodulose advertiser will receive in return ten dollars for every one invested in the columns of a lire • • a imwspaper.'' Tun Kato,- Wolves Concert. -There was • fair tun out at the Kelly -W..0 outioert and readings Wednesday mooing in the Grand Opera Hasse Mr Kelly, who uo • fsvorite in Goderich, esid well sp to his odd steadard is hit vocal sod fruiter solos, and was repeatedly moored. Mrs Watson was particeloriv good die eoartier scene frogs Shakeepeare be - tome Henry V aad Cathatioe, ead in "Hew Robeastein played the Mono." Her "Bairnies Coddle Duoo." altlicierh well delineated, betrayed eke lack 4 m- ead which is the part of all who are born and reared outside the borders of the "land o' cakes." Os the *bole, how- ever, tee program was well presented, the greatest fault to lie kneed hen, with its brevity. Wednesday last K B. Oeler,of Toma- to, made $100 in short metre. Hs was engaged se oeunsel for the plaintiffs in the matter of Coles v. Coleman, and opened the sem with a Ili -minute speech to the jury. He not wily eermeeded in externem the jsry that his cheats were mooch abused mad mereilsesly dealt with people, bet he actually brought conapie- sloe • o the heart of the defendant. When the eoert adjoarsed fur theme, Coleman weight a settlement, and one was made satisfsetery to the plaintiffs, which de- pleted the exchequer 4 defendant to the extent 1.-f nearly $1000, $100 of which went to fee the clever lawyer who had broken down the barricades in his °pea - mg address to that jury. No Moan DIADRIAD11. -At • recent meeting of the Dominion Live Stock As - mutilation, held in Montreal, it waii r. solved that as the Grand Trunk aid Canadian Pact& bed jointly agreed to isms no passes to live stock men, and es the tarand Trunk wben they had DO noproation, issued free to mos in charge .1 stock sad 17e: °interns, the live Stock Associatton pledees tool, where practicable to ship exclesivoity by the °rand Trunk until fernier notice. This is emetically a boycot of the C. P. R , and 'say bring hoth hoes to terms with the beyera. The ectioo of the rail. way eriespenies which has brought annul the above is enetained ia a circular Wed April let, and .aged by both tragic managers. to take easel on the fith. 11 1. to the effect that free trans- portation me way will he hersialoal for es* person to secoespeay gash most of h.. etIrk when is ONTIONdo, bet under no eireeireetancos for nee ma passenger trees. No retook passes are given. Under the former system the pease. were gives prmadecoonely to awl progstocootisty; those heldssig neeent, roce yang With the stock et all, bet ruling ttl passeeter frame. and the stock NM len irojeostly unosred ALL PAPERS FRASER & PORTER .1 WALL rxratts Ise the lipirgre woo& call •11.8"..4. libitVitaY• ye the Newest Designs in all Glides of Papers That caa be prepared tram America& Magill& mil Canadian manutact arms. OUR GILT PAPERS ARE GRAND Our eionnxits and rstazas are ese and orkatel to match the Tapers n• NWT. • knee Mock el AMMO 000f)4. _ • - Children's Express Waggons, Carriages, Hammocks, Lawn Tennis, Foot Balls, Base and Cricket Balls, and Sporting Goods of Almost Every Variety. A. Specialty in Moth Proof Carpet Felt' • IN STOMA SOWN ELCIELILtilf SILVIO* is CNN ARO IMP TIM &mow All Goods to Great Variety, and at Prime to Suit all Purchasers. FRASER & PORTER, Cromer of North stream and Nem, slittat 6 April Rh, UR. New CI:PrOlts Remit mown. - customs officials have reamed new and striet orders in relation to the examina- tion of the teenage of paaiengers amine Irto Canada by railway from the Vaned States. The new regulations are similar to those esforeed by the Unite" States authorit- ies at New York with regard to mesio - ship memegers from foreign countries. Hereeher the mail sleek or the conduct- or en a tranior the purser on a boat will present the traveller with a blank oa whisk the peemoger win snake declare tem es to tits datable character of goods in his or her, paying the du- ty, if soy. =ate of the goods be over $5.00 they will be seat to the near- est mew home. Where a person is Malay passer* through Camas or oaly makiog a brief not, the reeulatioes are to be iaterpreted in the most liberal WPM& /This absurd rerslatIon has emee been easselled by the Minister of Cue teem -Bo Tim Latium or yea "Ww. 0. Sts - WOW% -A lane number of our towns - rat slathered at the harbor Wadsoudai last to see one of the new top recently mentrusted by W. Marino, launched. The "Wm. H. Siebold' 1. 6011 over all, 611 dem, sad 12ft 4ia beam. With ar. lagise 10. 10, made by the John Doty Mania* Co., of Toronto, and bee a steel biter, Everything 1004 10 readiness, a pole was raised, to which was attached by a slip -knot the besting upon whisk wee the seam of the tug. Th.n the bottled champagne was placed in mea- tiest, mod the word was given, "Let her go!" °nasally she Seim to more, and then more priespitately;a rresteplask was hearti as the iag street th Watot; the wine bottle was dashed againet the prey ; the slipOsiot was loosed from the bunt- ing. whit* floated out upon the bream; • toad herrali went up from the multi- tude assembled; and tboi "Woo H. *410 - 10)4" was launched. In the absence of Mr &Amid, F. F Lawnisee acted as sponsor, Mies Inwood loosed the Sac sad Miss Menai* &radian struck the champagne bottle Tnx HOUIDAT FAMILY. -The unfottu- sate feesake of the Holliday family, who wen sossanted to jail from Brimehi for vaarasey nearly six months mo,have sow almost put in their full term of cos- finemesit, sad will be diechorged on or about the Mb of May. The family 000 - sista a the inotber aod two daughters, wbo are in j.il for tb• heinous crone of poverty, and a son Jake, who is in the Northwest. Darin, the p..t winter several letters have been received from Jake by the mother, expressing lois in - taxation of endeavoring to bring them to the Northwest when their tone of durance was soda, bet the last letter received iadisatee that the led has met with finassial reverses, and sin not 10 able to mattempliodi the object which he hod esetempiated. If by asy means so arrangement' were matte to seed these e sfortmates to their natural protector in the Northwest, the county would be the gainer, &ad the people in the vicinity of Breese* sod that parties of Morris and Groy, when they . ineaserly reeioied, ahold ase tbat praisers be brought wpm the councils of these nannicipeli- ties to provide the neemeary funds for taking them to that relative, wbo is willing to support than thereafter. Failure to make provisos ter these en- fertenates in the indimited will ?molt in tbeir becoonag a leanol for jali Derpooles upon the musty. Let seine thing be done to help time unfortunate women en their distrom Mom Swam Tine WAIII-ND. - Now that the oaring is owe more upon us we would lik• to call the attentions of oar town fathers to s very pertinent N utter, ani one in which every towns- man should feel himself direstly inter- ested, and that is the questiou of plant- ing shade trees. Year after year rolls by, end no systematic whom is instits• tee for hating all ,d our beatitifsl StriPO4.• planted aa they should he. Whey wait for private enterprise, which only re- sults in the tows's detriment 1 We see the beautiful results in what Goderieh hee already done in planting Nast and Wert street and the gqoare, and from wheel' every one has felt the bonsai. Whet particular reason is then that all the rest '4 the streets tri town should not be plated in the same regular way, by potting in acertain n umber even year,and thus gradealy completing and soanisg uniform every street.with regular rows of trees? Z.ery !print or fall this matters is neglected is jest so nisch time wasted. If Der town had b.ysm ten years mooed devoted a eselein mai every year for this Goderich meld kayo looked a yFL" on Kam in the 'nonuser time. Sn o - the teen can spare PA or WO every year for this landahle object,ausel 1*wowld he paid Melt with tee 144 interest hy the beautifying efforts .4 tbe trees in • taro *bort :law. itt. only difficulty is :. to stake • begineing, and when once started to keep long ahead by deorses. Let it be understood that a certain num bar .4 trees will be planted every year, and the residents would be surprised at. the results before many pore Among ons goorbotligtr5 surely Owl) IWO MOO with an eye for the beautiful, who won take this q.iestion uy from a palate standpoint, av4 discuss and advocate having trees planted systematically every year. Who will be the public bossier - tor I SPRING ASSIZES C Light Criminal Calendar, but Many Civil suits, kaolico ilmals and Woo Joules SOopoosto saw and limey ester Leek. Loam sad isobar Legs& Lyles Appear. The following is the motieestion the report of the spring wimp, beton his Lordship Judge Oalt, 7 TUIRD DAV. Wildneeday, April 13. The coon mooed at 9.30 Lin. woo - ant to adjounisseat, The grand jury came into mart with "no bih" &mien Jame. Ferguson, for noshing an amigoosent to defined his creditors. The greed jury maw into emit watts a "tree bill" menet William Vassals for lareeny. The Queen ,. Wl1lLarceny. Lomat, Q C., for crows Canopus for oft. The jury retarned a verdict of "out guilty," and the prisoner was diecharged. Adam Sipple, charged witk burglary at Zurich, was oommittad for trial, sad was admitted to bail. himself rit00, and two sureties to MO sash. rot:Rill RAT. ?bender, April 14. Hutton vs. Yuan] - Actaeon -to re - strum tbe clefts front taking timber from plff's milldam in Wingbani. °snow A Proodfoot for plff Cninerrio, Q C ,sad Dickesson for deft. Hie Leridehip do- hvered the following judgment, 15.4 that tbe clefts had no riparisa tight, as alleged in the statement of defame. I find that the defendants were godly of a traipses in estenng on the property of the plaintiff, bet I consider that this action is brought now for the perpose of establishing the right of the defend- ants treepsaeing on their property, and not with the view to repover any spacial damage. I, therefore, give judgment fib favor of the plaintiffs for the ss of $10, with fell oasts, and 1 ellow defendants to withdraw their booster elaiso-the defenolents to pay the costa et the counter claim. Fisher et Gray - *Mice for memo profits asseesseent. M. G. Camerae for ..'-'-odant not repramoted by *pun- net Joo..z1t in hour of phi for $128 and meta. McLean vs. Prior -Action foe an ae- eront. °arrow'4C., for Off ; Holt and Elliott fee Ado Os applioaties deft. His Lordship postponed the case, deft to pay this COMA 4 the day. By commit 4 spousal his Lordship trans- ferred tlito Inoue to the county court. This closed the bissineas of the mart. J. A. Reid Bro. ere new showing • sample stook 4.f as. sprmg goods which they are offering at much lees thee n - radar prise' for sash or trade. They offer special '10. 10 dress goods, prints. 'nohow, thiumbrays, no. Also a aps- es/ hoe of ledies' waterproof Madan for ailk each. worth $1 0 CMOs NOTBB. 1,#; ileum •r taferireS 10 1,. Rows Wholl thew Ube -litroat ealialtod.^ T Petrie has been appronted M. .4 the schooner M. L. Brock. The bane Pinafore now heady for sea, will leave on her first trip as soon as the lake is navigable. The ter Jaime Clark has bed a ooe sidentble porticos of bar deck replaced, and been others ise thoroughly over heeled. Capt. J; W. Grown ktt 'Awl on Mao day for Vomit., to take Moog* of the sahooner M. 1. Bonk of which he he. beat roof ittl) app 'noted eaptain. 11100081 DANA . All parties genie' their mai* ROM printed st tido Wive einem* tree notion Iswl.d is ibis no to Ob. time et lobo. Aeetlon We 01 bessetteld funnier* and other articles, ie Crebb's Week, Oederiek. he Jolts Kam eastiomer, someseacing at 1 ()Week p. a., es /later day, April 32rJ, 1867. See posters for list, ote. - • re. -4 lt