HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-4-22, Page 3. t
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WGylies ?olive S11A1 1L lie City.I we.. t! ilea urrrr •particle of eon !, .rtlemru, and the bright. sulelhgeol
I maieretwn
• Ionise with •both she had used to artswer
+ -
"Maisons, du not cars •bout tieing Itay s mqulnsyg glances were mon and
aunt Ley -and It Gertrude's
fleet I cud mon frees The the conversation of the Icor
••I'etuewer •lis ueI►w oares1.8411t."r the st.eoth and glee -
Tor oleanug the brain, as .eU se the
enmpleaw°, for dissipating the linger-
ing vegans* of the night amid settler Ile
blood tingling to the finger tips, Lot put-
tiug • new sous in the mouth std •
gladness in the heart that tau wine cam
give, lor making uw teal Uwe to spite
of the lemeutatwus of the reamed *1141
the indifference of the agnuetic, life ie
worth hying to the uttermost, then is
nothing ibat can take the place of the
mersitte bath. It u said that iu Alaska
the ludian boys take • plunge bath every
senor ung, even when it a neceeser] to
break the ice, the nearest sheet ..f ester
11 we I. 4 d•) nue .,f .b•..r early
It&, t day .►.t were au elltuu.lioir .••d
Moos Y..nunr "ayhlnd, tired wills ,hat
b .1 of n• /.pmol that c.Iaei/1a lis"u•.M•tl
p. the. we ' .un.e.d nett . leahs.w>al.le
Itl letem. . • • u' int ler teat a'.d r.'er•t&
a ..1 K• • •sa • calm, egos hie .'• '.out
IN inlay it/limed, but It eras a lode an-
e rine .• t.... her quire iniesr.,1.•• •. IW
ti • t lat•rhlnsg and cL. a ,.•,1 of
el e•y ,I.111 .bora r.•Ii , .t
ti h• a. Att., sowld here sal...e .tl
! •.ay. 1 have had six seesaw. sod as sore at fault. He saw and felt the
you mg. deme podiu.g malt thew. ohmage, but failed to drib the proper
ltwo/ what m'rsey you have ore (forty.'' inference.
"Rot what will people asyi" Thaws gs had indeed come to a positive
"Never •'1st people. Paps is fat In which it seemed to Fortune tolly to
frr... well - .ay that 1 am staying 4e take parse Imager a aentueent what& it wag
tate of bus. I am stew seem tine moo( esedeut Ray had not tits slightest desire
I.• do It, wpe°ially w he can nut p>mtbl) to reciprocate. She would at pore give
leave the city." tp everythwg ;fiat eno.uryged so barna
was finite reconciled t'. the a love. Letter to detroy she had setts,
lot also toad prep...ed for heaself when sad as f•.r tokens or *,eosins, she had
Ow new ho. hspoy the plats made beg owl. that one aneteot brooch of • dead
d. r 0.1 •1 tither. world to give up. It was nota pretty
I.. .r oar was duct, .red I4141,.1 d "I have not forget, Fortune,.. he said, urrrment, mod she had never worn it ;
u• 1 h • t•r.hest t• il: t....1 1 \ but Ray bad told her that at was very men" fur their bath -tub, and :hat, on
Cr ,lni K.te Cr•..r h d pee Peel
fr '1.o, .•,►roil• in el
1i o.•- • .•1 Melissa .pmol
T • r. .e ••urn. tau:d atl.•..1 t• y as
a' , It • • conA. I..r•t.-r •
•esitir a. d ori
1. it .e.ily yew i 1 ail et
yo, •.
They ...t d'•.m tugs eller, est
ea" • .•. 41 dace.. lo. r• , • I
- r
"ohm a splendid little h•.uswlreper eons
111111410 a'x years ago. -
Mr. Mrs Wily,■std .red her ).•uhger
deughter went to the Branch, mud Fur -
tune sod tier father lived together in a
reaul•r quiet fashion that was the great
est lui.,ry t_• the o.er soiled lawyer. 11 *u the oily h°k bemoan thew, tad
Team Mr Syo>iug4•o had called befogs A .h••uld be broken at rue*
the s lie. left, and beth tines Fortune She walked to her desk and took it
a '" wowed brei. The call seemed to 1•ave soul .•1 a little bra iu which it had Lie
' r made bill. in.pre*stow un tee f•.uily. fur years. She laid It in her graft, and
Ono ' fors w'..y,and mid he had aged a i1'eeesr4 to glow mid burn and redact a
•• .Yr were rooms t•• Fore.. Ke at deal. and Gertrude aid ht see thousand lights it was lovely. It was
wits charwit.tt fteallu••s. ' bad. •" ' 'w ,illy and cries and old; and there For- rely dear to her. She kissed It with
is eeee L. Ow 1::•"ch * •'• • 1 o•.e:• se tori .
n•uuoce rndml passionate fervor. She threw 1•erseif pts
previous to hitt, mud valued *bums gold
coining out, they switch themselves dry
and silver. Yet he had anode no. 109\11- with rods mud branches. lout this heroic
treatment, whsle it may agree with Alas-
about its welfare, and nu r..wmrks
about her out wearing it. If he valued �° youths, and no doubt leads to *pike and stones falling through the 11...0
it s, much, he should have it beck ; Spattene of them, would be a bazarduw
',loch they fit end thus bearer quite scop. -
expelimr0t for the Nein of our "higher rated. The cocoa is then broken up t
civilisation.'' Evan • piuuge, sntu cull' a wet of mill, each separate "hopper'
The Prones* of ifisusufaintur OR the
Coope Ott>Y.s of Commerc0.
~ Ono met Seal larra>d• saw Mgr itt.
leeerbw--Brassy alad Maws ►M t a-
wes sad taw sibs* lir LAN Newlyn*
-/teYiell TeN...
The first operettas is the pick tug over
The soar* ''ran comics in bases. it se
'harm to get rid of a,] foreign b.d'r-
. hich may have gutteu mixed iu it at ile-
heIlia rim. n( palatial( pebbles, hos of
wood and leaves.
At the saute time bad lintels and de
fectite berries ere spied out. The arse.
which is used iu this operet►un is • neat
w"nderful affair, the be:riw and soul.
full•• t. his sake M• •It• ••. t'e He asked after you, Fortune," laid the sera and wept wine very bitter tear*
silo"gra sur, slid I .u, u•."• I eo Ares tri I;,.rtsu,fe, carrlrrly, as she w "'anon- for the death of a dream so tender and
C*i•uwte him .Ir. " /• g her ,.re. riding hat, "anll matr:ula
''.\n•1 prey who» ++ It y 14v o,, •••'• i told hint you were absorbed .0 tuilettea
' A. if )o u ell ...•t k...., F'Kl••n• at present. S•• he raid:
Why, your father is b„ . • s . • He i.a.
Lee.. hock fur a mew... ,w 1 a... ,.t .he
Notice' mud II,!liards'. s-'
"Now I kite. w •. w %..•i aeon " said
F. rtuue. "ile • -•d o • .• uremia
dr.,4,"uIh••...h,{,rr.. r.sit.h..ad.
That la am tear% • 1 saw • rel) .
mcho•o.l girl thvn.6u, ti• In • tint 1 rewire. -
bei of Hay lye,.u•g'••+ 1 tbu,k be •ill
m',rr fall to he. •.•h at 5.(415e rt.
cep* nue Inade '•• ••*der Howrrei, doe
d.•.• not cus,crru inc ; I have tritium on
w lovely, aid she felt that all the sweet-
ness and des , f Ler youth wcut with It
But as ate lay weeping. Ray stepped
"Pray d•. mot disture, the young lady; quietly up to her rode. He took her in
1 date ray she has forgotten me." his arms, and tenderly kissed away the
about two werla Gertrude'. let.ris std, large tear. "fleeting,' he said, "I
br:ga, to n.m, Mr Symtuigtee very he. have seen a11. You tate sept my token :
qurutly He and his c'.u.:ti, Cul. 11,11, You were weepiuit titer it. You love me,
hid called ••n them, avid Gertrude F"rtene-y.,u love me. Do not now
th..ught i ti, gentlemen "very utct'. deny it
l'aetty esu every letter was full of the "How dare I love y.o, Pay 7'
leu ua.oes They were the ley note to "II"w dare vuu laot 4, toe° me f'
which ail Gertruue's life seemed to be nave I not carried the image in my
set, end F•.nune noticed that Ray 5y. heart for six years ? I won't have my
no. gtun wee the prevailing terrain. 4.ken back, cud I won't leave yen until
my mu:d at 'newel lie 1 -.,Is say god- Even lir Wsysai.d began w speculate 70u say that you will be nay wife.
bye, girls " or. the possibilities of so intimate an •c- L'hina 0111 a moment. •
It a enough, Ila). I herr thought
only of you sax years."
"Then, my sweet Fortune, let us he
married to- morrow -today. Why should
we dela] imager ?"
• Oi a tltn,', Kay, -I must uk you. I
is. two Ietters from l:citrude auomg
the papers you dropped one mon:lug."
"Gertrude Ito written to m: all of six
Ietters "
••fah !"
"Ahout my cousin Hill. 1161 louts
het dest•erstely, and Gertrude has 'wen
tras'ug hem to the point of diatracti•,n.
I hate trotter. and given her some geed
ads ice ; she leaded 1t.
There are ct advocates like 'veers.
"Wait a snarler of an hour, and y:e
will take you a. far as Aitken'*.''
•'Tbanks ; 1 1 s,• net writ ; 1 rut 10
'•I d., nut tblek it would du, Fortune,'
he said nue est -song, after he had read
msec swims a, d "trwde at Ms4a.ie and re -read a letter teen his site.
l)eelmers Adir•1 " '*(.cony an•t Symington i mean. She u
F .nun. .ice •a?king d.•wn Br..a•iw•y ,', find "f society, mid he nerer cured
again, and this ion. without the east f ,r it. It woull u,n d : au the u."niy
seine of Beat ..r f.rieue She was calms iu the world would out mese chew
to remrnibraoc.. th. autumn days six happy. Mr :rtunngt.w u
' H:•rc, my dear old friend. The rier-
rant t"Id sue wi.ete vuu were. and I took
the !Marty t f c."on.g withuu: aunuuoce-
matt -a* 1 used to dc.'
He had token Fortune's hand. and
Mewl 1. okiog n. It. r face. Aud he drew
a chair bet *.leu f .they and hdau: tier,
and sat down. Ile had conue on huasnees,
he'std. but it would Lee/still next day ; They speak with the tongue. of Inco and
there was I•leity else to talk aa•ut, and •"gels, and Ray won his ease --in a
it must have been %cry iutereetitg t:.at• manner. There was a Lurried si.it .f
ter for the three sat together chatting Mrs Wayland aid Miss Gettude to New
happily until the church clocks were ; York, and the neat day all the fashion•
striking midnight all around. able world knew that Rey 5ytnitertun
11 w:H &beet the altetsuur u: ,surae had been married in the most unfashioa- I
property that Mr Syn.ln*tou hal n- ..AF•le season .red in the moat unfaahioo-
yeses age, when she hid first seen Ray
Symington. " hat • happy Srpteether
aid October 1t hit been ' 5ho hod come
auto teen early I° truer 4. enter echo,,!
tial the euwmeitemsoewt et the seaawe. and
had beeu Moor with her father. Danns
these days flay had been mach with
f. them, and she had est luteuie g happily
to ►u travels by land and sea. sad heard
him discuss wilt' Mr Wsytand scientific
subjects in ahem tooth .of thea were ,n
terested. 11... often she ha.: br.ug1t
them tea sed a edea w:.l'r they eat talk-
ing, and .bat pleasant we,rds and hooks
he had pt.e° her !
Nev. there had beet. sometleng mote
thea this. over eeztoir wl•t„ At Waylandhad been calledout on burette's, and
they arc oat .done by the little open
hre that the chill Itct.•ber nb•ht made
necessary, Ray had hell Ler Land tied
said sorrowful', :
"Fortune, .dl y ee 1. Met tie wheu I
eo over theses, and never remember the
Pleasant nights we three hay. held to.
"If they were Oman.. why d.. you go
away r she asked s ftly
"Tea almost tempt me 6 • ail t.. stay ,
led Igo are so young It would be unfair.
-teas as old marl, child, teaseled .til
411gi/triAsd ; it would lee unfair. Yea
ling see the world first, Fortune , sad
thee and thea if you remember u.e,
ass, how happy I shall V„ ! Give me
rt; the rose at your belt, des: eh:ld. Per-
haps you will think of reg till it With -
water in • cuwfortableebathruum gives
too great a shock to the system to be
safely indulged in, except by those who
have been accustomed to it (nim infancy;
and however safe it might be, it wuuld
be impracticable for the majority of those
who live oueside the city limits, as tum
parstively few c'mutry houses are sup-
plied oath bath -tubs. But stub of water
is by a, means ndwasary for au Invig.•r
sting bath. Dr. Diu Lewis, w lecturinv
to ha chases, urged the importance of
the morning lamb, even if not more than
a pint of cold water could be obtained
fur the purpose, the benefit depending
inure un the friction than o0 the amount
of water used.
For ordinary bathing the foot of •
coarse cotton stocking or a knitted wash
cloth made 4o tit the hand, likes mitten,
is much better than a sponge, but,for
the tipper part of the body nothing is
better than the naked haud. One should
never stand with bare feet while bath
ing ; either give the feet a good rubbing
with wash-dorh and towel on first gen
ticg uutuf bed, 4uttim( the stockings and
boots ou at nnee,or put on a pair of warm
slippers and let the feet wait till the res.
d, - - y.
loins" dash the water over the throat, T u.isy the btu:si::g and the m:xtu� "i
chest, shoulders and back, dont to the the cutt..r and the sugar u dune mesfaau.'u-
wa:et, and after rubbing ti.grously with tcaliy in a series of gratiue tai.
a wodetately coarse towel put en the Their booing, hung ue. n S rerticat atlr,
upper under garments ateu c-a•tit•t:e tl e turn slusly while the c.c'a is *,sire b•-
process. wine the e•ah•cloth Instead • f ing grooms.] and 'tared by ter seen
the naked hand for the rest of the body. 1 ,t:Ilioiatuuea hang sine.
It is not necee.ar) to conta.ne m'.re than The s.'rt of butter wl:itlit the ce-.•i
len minutes in the operations, and th•s j berry
sort of a bath, even ii :a:: n 1n a fire:es- ; tis;,
turced. There were dowel:me-houses to
be turned tato stores, and he had decd
ed to stay in the city until the architect
, had ficishtd the plana. It was very bot
weather. aid the arcm"te.: could not b• druf cures eruptions and itching. of the
horned, and Rae we:. in no mood to scalp, pretnutrs renewed grusth of hair, nitht, shortly before retiring, as the re -
hurry Lim S.• :he days came and went lied prevents its fading sir turning giey, lazing of the system opens the way ter
in a clow. dreamy n.,w,tory that every - - colds Many a teriuus cold is brought
A r.ew paper out West has started „n b exposure after s warm bath. I
one seemed perfectly happy .tth. f ?°s
under difficulties. It tell its' own *tote
ILay gerer. 1y stnol:rd gr. to Mr \\-ay- es follow* : We begin the publication
have in mind a young girl who one sleek
land's 51 they wen "'Ming breakfast sod of the Rove"v H•n,nhw, ('»mens with afternoon took a warm bath,* little later
theme phew diphphicelties in the way. went sleigh ridiu 1. The result was
The type pbnundets whom we bought
our outpblt phnr this ophphice phalli/4
to supply no ebb toy ephs or cars, Old
it will be phom tel phive weer bep oto
we can get any. This mistarue was not
holding about 50 kil..graws The ..pei..
non, which lasts from three quarters .
an .hour to au hour, is very delta..
l'poi Its 1111C0111411 depends that of a 6b•• •
penud of bun -bun tnaltug.
Then Comes the nnnuweig and brut*
Ing of the berry in • insch,ne minder 1..
use as well as appearance to an . W fash-
ioned flour mil: with its griudieemea.
iso, 1'
bruised the beau Letwevn twtints
cylu,ders, while a ventilator buss ••u.
the fragments of sktu or smell, and th
main of the cocoa, by rear, n of
weight, (alb below. On leasing 11.
machine the cryo• goes to a new 441 •up
of "pickers oyer," who subs. subject eit Ira::
inept of berry w s last and clove rxau..
4:00)1 AND are IR.
The c.ccta is Grow at the point of ►o, -
coining paste. Ter years agso tole clnenee
was accowp:uhed by hand work
The cocoa and sugar -the only iu;,re
clients of healthful, purr chowlste were
pounded all • tawnier by the aid of a ro-
de. le. then spread upnn • •teas wile.
gaudy warmed fruan uuderueath. : oe
workman brushed the bruising and tlir-
mexiug by rolling the mw
Its! with • re:l-
f tau bath* to token. Then rain the ime im until the et' was cem'diu tet
Ladise *mei 1.•,S w • 11. I'snsplra,1il. eche*.
ltnuth 11.,.•, ••r Y',.'.•, ..r •micro .•( any
deeetmei. •e •h•.ul • use h1,4:..4*.•r £
P"tie's yste.•1\1 1' rata It will jaws
the.kw •a 4,.rivet health, stoma b, deem
mid weirs 'Y,Ir.e Be sac. .Wel Vol the
t,•ru4i:... by eke keeo r t I'"kw
hip. NI •• et i ;tee Rb) ".r' Drag
!teen e, .,'}
-'* Sore Eyes -
contains and the correct teirpera-
tiuin'aone,l barest;, the peeIte
room am a 5e.rinber nrotnine ria Imo: i J8,e3 *eve !till(. *.01,1 tee C4 .41.ee.g;-
the lstther l„ a d' thin wilt !.et '::.I lag of the cocoa and the sugar ,:.'u ^. i
the remainder of tree :uilet is turd • homogeneous 'mote. The gr:n.lers
plate the tral:afuru:ation ! j destine :ho-
hrpaste between two (lieut.-ore.: shaped o) an•
dere, also of uranite. This nieclo wiam
can be au tegu:ated as to make the cul-
ture hr.e sir coarse In q anuty as r:.y be
After leaving the grinders the theme:
late is placed in a drying houses, time
which it comes fur • mew going over.
L.vt ORatN,.
This V1ast working of the paste brings
it into the humid: h.cd, which beats it
thoroughly, etnkiag it on the granite 1
table, thereby giving its usc,mpsrable
tioeuess This working has also for an
object the bringing o1 all pans •.4 the
Paste to the saute temperature inset
thoroughly warmed .t a :out run : i:r. uslh
• pipe into a suit of come, where. by
means of a screw, the last air ctbble•
are squeezed tout, and it cote, f.rth
looking like a bluer pudding. There re-
mains nothing now but the very gent ap-
pearance "f al: --hat .of the tablet.
Upon the table where the molds are
placed the workman sproaks hie paste
out et may, pregp.leg it down smoothly
in all direction* by setae sweeps ..1 hie
arm. For this Operation un ma,htnr
eau replace ins "ries.' It N neweasary 4..
neve motious at well oalculateld a:.d as
variuw as those of the human timid 4t
arrive at the desired react, wretch is to
gine to. the paste that bn111ancy and
'•.bine' which makes the finished tablets
w lemptw, to the eye.
The cakes are molded while COO ing.
They an ax,led "down. M mew" on the
table* set up in a long subterrir,-,r, gal
levy made rxptessly for the p'.r;,.ase s
vertitab:e unreel. in fact. Beoeatl• the
tables passes a stream • f un I an. At
the end of half an ht ur ate at.au:ate is
cowl, consequently shrunk a littte sad
drawn ,away from the mold, of wi.lcb
each is, by the way, tie very image.
There remains nothing tout t . maks
the t.alet "f the es;-' that it arse appear
to the world F. B. Marr) I u. :few
York rr•phia
The eyes we always in-).si.ethy wlr
the body, and *Shrd an .•\•-e:teet bedew
of tt• rondit>us. When the ries bream.
Meal, sod the Ws latlame4 awl mere, ft fe
an evidence that the .ystem has berme
dtwrtkrv.t by ttenatuis, for which Ayer'..
barsaparitl• la Me beat ksuwu remedy.
timolol., which Pr
..dttr•ed • I+ddai ts-
6a11luativn to 4117 a)es, can u,e mer\
.utdentys lot a uunber sit twur. fly the
1.4% ice of a &My -Welsh L commenced takiugt
Aow's Ssr*wp.rilla. After word Usia
a>edklue a abort hats 1 ..a..omplotely
My eves are Dow in a .plendl 1 cotdltt.a.
and 1 ant as well aid .trowg u ricer.
)ors. \t' &U>.m (Vag., Concord, N. 11.
For • number of years 1 was ttoubk l
with a humor In my eyes. and was unable
te obtain any relief until i cemmeweeet
11,1114 Ayer'. Sansiparllla. ThIe medicine,
has erne:ta.t a uompkle etre, and 1 toelle.e
It to be the beet of bk.od purifiers. -
l'. K. Upton, Nashua, N. I1.
From childhood, ail until within s fes.
months. 1 have been 3111letert with Weak
and Sore [ryes. I bare ur'.I for alae.,
con.plalut•, with benptlgial result., Aver'e
Sar.apa1Ina. and o-utolder It a great blood
putider. - Mrs. C. l'b Illp+s, Glover, Vt.
I suffered for s Fear with in6anuni-
tion Iso my lett eye. Tbrre uk•ers forwent
on the ball. •tepri.':I,•{ nes of a►iW, and
r!LLdigg LRat pain. Atter trviug many
un lief I ell r.t.e.,10 en ser rpo-e. 1 ..:i+ 6naliy
Ilsdaced 11. me. tycr'. !4reseirflla, sud,
By Taking
three 1 ,ww•:.•a ..1 this uwe,lictue, leave Gaga
entirely eurr.l. My audit Laa been re-
otored. and there 1, no sign or int! winos -
tion, .e.re, or ekwr iu my . vr. Kendal
T. Bowen, Sugar Tyr„ Ith ge, Olio.
Me dweller. ten ,ran old, war a1'h't«f
with Scrofulous tier, Eye*. Duthie tb.-
la.t two year, .be tx-ver -s.v Hat of any
kind. I'h)'i•.-sans of tbs.- bi,'le.t atandlnx
eicrted th-Ir slitll, but with no permanent
.WVW.►. 1111 the roc. b .•n•Iati.M 01 a
lrieal 1 puruh:i e.I a hutt:r of A) est Sar-
.api. la, wash sisyY dsusghtcr':ommeOl'ed
tektite. Before .he had u•sd the third
house her segtit was ro.tor,•al, ant she can
now Mol steadily at t brilliant light with-
out pain. Iler .err. is el/104 Mee.- W. IL
Sutiterle::•l. E.au;ch.t, �Lc1 .j t ity, K..
of course fur • delicate cl 1Id or an I
invehd it would ten be ails 1111)'.0 t., hewn
this regimen to cold ~rather, but if
practised daring the summer it can safe-
ly be continued throu;h the winter in a
roost where there is sufficient heat to
tele off the chill. And a child or a,
adult who has had a rigeroes rubbing
able manner to Niue }anon.. WayLltd. from brad to f•.ut is much More likely to
_ come to the breakfast table rosy and
As z superb hair dressing and rennr& smiling than one who has sashed only
ter, Ayer's Har Veva is uiirersally the fsce and hands.
commended. It eradicates scurf and dan- The beat time for a warm bath is at
Fortune gave him a cep .•f coffee. He
sipped 11, apd talked "sec the Lows in
the mesons ~osis Use ties tee pe-
diment meet draws town tegrtfiter, sad
F..rtune took her sewing Into the coolest
room, •r,d found her own thoughts
pleasant enough c-rarany until atter-
aonu Before dinner .he went with her
eerier t.• erre in t.e Ptrk ; and they
generally met P.sy before they returned
home. `otsettmee he rode hi. rue at their
"I *bell fu: get yc•u -- side, sometimes he gave his hone to his
stat Rosy either misdu•bte41 the yoon>j, servant, acd tick s seat beside Fortune
iw.T[•eri•nced heat, rr he feared to in Mr \. ayla:d s carriage. When he
trust the futon with it Ne only lnah did so he staid to dialer. and when he
ed the rose, and ki•.sd the hand thatT-
Naid to dame, he clad till midnight.
IT of
it, aid in an hour there was a. end T»ey 'lid not even talk together , h. 1.71).
')°Ot eaters, adakls4dowa to sew
of Fortuna'• young romance feast too tate Imo sn d of toe tell,'
had fallen into the habit of asking her Arrestinog. when he wrote these linen,
Perhaps in this very hour her good
..1d an the lounge th•t very nearly prov-
ed fatal.
le eco;pp rr `at►ingg, even in seems,
to Illus ter Isis debilitating. Scarcely •
ph"trod out till a day or two ergo. it's
stielearr passes that we d" not hear of
have ordered the missing letters, and
.ill have to get along without them till Mae out who hal been harmed by too
they come. We don't Isque the hex iie much salt water bathi,lg : and tray be
this variety 0v spelling any better than Melly harsed by too mach bathing in-
cur readers, but mutat will happen it, doors. Persons -ho perspire freely
the beat regulated phamihes, and iph the
ph's and e's and y'• .04 q's hold ant .. often injure themseliea, in their over -
shall ceep fowled the c hard) the ('yrfnne fastidiousness, by unseeing' the under-
whirlin, aph'er a phashion till the aorta garments two or three times in the
arrive. This is no japue of ours -its a
serious sphp+ur. course of the 'day and accompaenying
every cheers with a bath. as the process
necesaarily reduces the t'itality. But
with winkled in general the tendency is
to do too little rather than too much
fate had turned toward her, for .hat
she had failed to do and failed to find
'all the morning, now came seal] to her art J when he had received this he went "Golden Medical Discovery," invented nethntg lake c.Id water for strengthen
hand :and .ren such *tows as tiudultt nn with ars •rgumeta. and prepared by Dr Pierce, is an effectu ins the throat and lungs and forttfymg
the exact miming wanted may show But p.rh;ps thea ai:.nt cndentandongal remedy for iudig'stiou. Sold by all one against arida, and din addition to
that the contrary wind had changed and .f each other was more dangerous than drttggtsta the weekly bath with soap awl warm
• favoring rale sprung up. She was not
words . a: aro] nig, F,•rtcne felt it to be.-��- water, that ewe] civilised being Is sup-
OOnNCians of rl.MNIMr in this easy. hut sn Si'.p could n• t Am/tiise fr. to herself The Ga:etfe of Teeter, N. H., relates peed to take for anomie cleanliness/mks.,
she felt a change, and under Its,nduence that 'Lay Sy.n.ilgtot. usurped more ex- tbst a young elerstyma„ a very boyiah the mewa could be parsnsued to take •
looked coo bright and happy that, when elusively than ever all her thoughts wed a4$*5renty was engaged to sepply the.
*'seat 4• any of los opanser.a by • look, gave grid scientific advice. Half ret our bathing. in winter, especially, there is
which she ger,eraily answered by • bright people suffer boom dysptp>.ia in *nee o,( a shrinking from "nntact with water that
rte many forms. 1.184. brcnmw m bur,len,
intelligent iitt:e .nod e f acquiescence : and hwin.ea •orcin and annoys Th; is not at least lukewarm ; vet there La
she met her mother and sister at Ha
Yoram, *, t yet she wee forced to admit
dame Decimer's, Mn Wayland cheap 1' that 1'e ►eemed una,necloua ..f his
feel irritated at it !pester over i.er She n"lined that tier•
"You an to oontndic neve, Fe 1-7."747...;trude had ■ever named him since he Tett
*he acid. "Hen you alma, h'nkir.,l as the Branch, .red she wondered what this
fresh and happy sa possible, while pixie
Gertrude mid 1 are wormed t., death.
It is too aggravating'.
"What is the menet, mamma"'
"Your father is neo provoking' fhb
apparent ind.derence could mean. It
must he one of two things -either Ger-
trade eared nothing at alt for hew, or
she eared a great deal
tine mnrnir.e. as she was handing Ray
came bowie early to -day. just becs rue he 1 • cu,, of codes. he had • mambaof let- iffy hsuMid f, _ ramwmed himself with
knew wp had an appointment with mad- tens in hum hoed, and in his "fort to roe -
overworked, causing • large swelling is
am.; and he talked sloth 'nnnesnes set Mere het apeatily he let than drop They th. gran. Hs sof.r.d wrest stuny,
not bring able to afford this and diet, scatterer'. sof Ictent'y to allow bear to see whit+ doctors failed to relieve ; M
that it really took all interest get of mgr1 shat two .•f them wee* directed by d..- et►uld. not eat neer sleep R B.S.
gwdekly ewvod ►iw, Ids say. h. tnrw
spring °estemma. fieardea be actually 'rude. There was no mistaking her had ench quick relief in hie rife ie hb
wanted me to Nay at home'hta *sewer, small, running, ilm`afbeent writing. life.- Extract from a tetter free jlllee.
and lead) el *pd Comes gith yore ' Atter this disw»il4 sloe withdrew MOM Qss,p Desk, C.aokstdb, Usti i
my tern. He:was en small that he was
concealed from view by the resoling desk
and an old lady who sat eines by wean-b-
oomed 4o see a boy in the place of the
ex ed clergyman. Se she arts. cowry
en tly, stepped on tiptoe to the pulpit
stairs, and, beckoning with her fateful -
Rey whispered loudly ie coaxing sccenla,
"Come down. my boy ! You mustn't
.it there ! That'. the place for the min -
Wer , r
good robbing off duly with cold .ater,it
would gu a 1 one way toward renovating
elle raw physically, intellectually and
apirituslly. F..r those who lead a sedan
tar, life this Ionic u even more ementul
than for those who are much in the open
si R. Sleight, in 1:...4 House-
to violate boa b••••••.r..a
All slams or aches will instantly re-
moved by drops ed Fluid I. gthlning ap-
plied over the afeeted parts. No time
jest ; no Sieele.>ec medte1.,.a eeedwd ;
tie p.111tie1tne or 051114 greasy ltsimersla
It will not Mister ,.r discolor the skin
Sold se We per brittle by ne■. Rhynes,
dr.ttriat. 18.fer.rs from Neuralgia so-
*. that they nerve her it whew their
Ila'... contains • bottle of Plaid light -
aim. (41
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Priv* -.41 'y I,. .r .' 1>.•r k Co., Lowell, Yuma.
eetit ty all Drrys.ta. l'' nes $1; iia kettase.101.
"sere Tremble war N est *sed"
if you do not hee.1 the wsno.nge of cs-
tore and at (WWII pay atfentiOn t.. the
mas4tainanee of your beanie Hue often
we see a person put t d iron, day to day
the perchaee of a medanwe which If pro-
cured at the outstay; -.4 s dues** isoold
have remedied i' almost immediately
Now if Johnstotes 7 mac laver F.lio had
been taken when i e best eswlnews
made its appearens 'he Nimes would
have been "a.tpped the bud.' .1. hn
son's Tonle Bitten and Liver l'd'a are
decidedly the best medico.* on. the mar
het leer general toms: and u'.Igoratsnls
peopertiwa Polls Y:s, per bottle Bitters
SO mute anal fit tat Witte, mold t,y
Anode the drugsgiit, Alhi..a Mort. IIs 1.
"031 tit .11 PPP 1 t Kit .
i11gr Poke. Ire t. I. mew ar,
•. •• mfr t. 'tae. sew ase.
" 'ret le lar. now /tr.
Throw. sr+.a•.' y••1^• • l co11 but for
Iiote.iet ii LandtAi or NO
Tit) let JUST let rpleG
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Papers Ncw on View.
Tha Cheapest House
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