The Huron Signal, 1887-4-22, Page 24
What Hue Tlanel fired at the
United !Mateo Capitol.
F'r w our ',metal Coss'espot.dent.
Wassisuiun, 1). C.,
April 8th. 1887.
Since I last wrote you, the five gentle
men eh. compere the t ew Inter State
Commerce Cumwimwn arn.ed iu the
city, talked over prehmattrtles, vtetted
'h• I'resideut, inter. weed _cI. tort.
Leaner, received turn Ceueum wua, .....k
the .oath ,.1 ulbee, u.elee:el their tem-
porary quarters, took peesweeioo .t thew,
ideated their chairouu, aid entered up
w. their Dew duties.
tin, what the country has I.•. r I••. to
clamor:ear i.r'ts now en acc..ruph.t.ed
lace, But while the new court sill t'.
able to remedy 5. ene wile u, curry. t
transportation teethed., it a pretty eel
tem not to de so great en aur uall • 1
Rood as is anticipated free) It by ell s.•1. -
of rr(drwers who %leek slut 0•, repthu,_
can be regulated by law.
The President of the Cenotitui- .. '-
Judge Cooley. a !Lehman ate ultl ewe.
N.. electlnu s*. predrt.r,luue•4 It se.i-
undentuud by the ether members the
President wanted him to tea at the head
aid they ae+4utesced in !ut chem.: with-
out discusst. u, Adelittini that the I.eige
anew more shout is mid ra• read
marten than all the other. taut
As the hoard Is aloe nl.d . up and
urim mmed, eat c..l out. ••t thee Ineu•.crst•
and two Repel tau.., one of +Utah as
bairman) when it fells to satisfy ship -
pars -s• it is aLu eat ctrt..Ie, d.. -Ins.
D.,m..crabc House C4•, d1.t e the ,u -
awning graffiti with the I(rpututcsn
Senate, and the Dem..•tette n'.jeri.y .4
the Commiui..n es.. plied chat the w .as
was directed by a Republica.. ch.lrsua..
To app.u.t a rosier ty ..f Rrpuhl.ceia 1111
the Commission mould hat. tern a
shrewd stove on the peat of the I'rrn-
dent, but the ,.it sis .t thing sea to.
give the Repuhl.c.0 party the m•.t.age-
1.1.01 .,f It and the respeaUb.lity enact-
Probably no appointment of Presidr'it
Clevtlend's since the fourth of %larch,
1885, has give.. mere geurrel s.i'.ataetrou
then that .f *lr Fail child to I. S,'.re•
fay of t1.eTre.aury It 1. no the direct
line, tow, of cn,1 service reform --e pee
"melee for feel went. The Dee Cabinet
effacer is very p'pear ea tb. Tremolo',
Department, as is also J adze !i•yuerd,
the Second u „optrollrr, else taken the
place of Assiat.nt Secretary. When
their prom•'tioes• err. auto. atelier!,
announced these tet olft_ul. sere ever-
whelmed with co. tr.tal•t'•r•. Th.
rush was so greet that Mr Fairchild was
forced to ask all callers t.. 4..14 until a
certain hour, when booth gentle.sen gave
the.naelvee up to with the
hundreds ur eu.plovet .4 the Depart: -
Mrs. Fairchild, the •.fe .-f the Hew
Secretary of tb Tr.asorl, aid the nett
lady ref the Cabinet, is a q pet cult l.deed
lady, with reariog arid grle'uus msnnrn,
one who:n tt will trap.--.eurr to regard
as a leader. She is a hirer 114 the late
Governor Seymour, ..t Nes York, ae.i
the f.m,ly, bring 111 1114.4111111e. have not
gene much into • "arty suer they came
here. They lit.- to. a rather modest
house in the fisafeenahle West En•1, aid
.tins Fairchild remarked that it was not
uetil recently that 'hey decided to keep
it, not koowieg but that they would q,
U1.11 of . face srth Sr:ret.►y Mant,,.
Notei•hstandmg the fa.:t that the
marble halls and cinders '.f the Capitol
lute been deserted by oar lawmakers.
for a 'eolith, the guider about the build-
ing are doings d..urtahlug business.
Vao•ra from all p:.rts of the United
States flock there every day by the
hundred. Before the Fiftieth t'on tress
begins eta axe alive life the C-.pltol and
grounds well present a much ,render
appearance than they have ever below
possessed. Great changes f• r the latter
are in pcoyress. The amount ailed for
thio purpose was 11125.000. but Cele
grams decided that the present c.ondieion
of the Capitol approaches should be re•
neighed as quickly u possible, and doub-
led the amount The $250,000 thus
placed at the disposal of the architect
will enable his to have the work en-
tire., completed during the summer.
Just beyond the beautiful plans which
ar:etches esaatward frown the Capitol.
excavations and preparati..ns are nine
trade for the erection of the new ('..n
gra*sinnal Library, where the ingest and
Dost valuable cellectiun of b."oke an the
(Netted States are a. he stewed away
'I-bere are over 1410 0011 ,olumea, and
it is Commonly said that Mr Speffurd,
the hhrersti el Congress. knows some
thirst sheet the &nevelt...4 revery volume
ie the library. A C..nrressman recently
.i'.:. fecetiou•iy, "i don't read b•.Iks. 1
read Spofford. If s Senator or member
wants • quotation that is difficult to find
or is of obscure origin he ewes t.. Mr If he wants the beet aoth..rity
en any subject. or indeed, if ho wants to
(yarn anything that may be found in soy
of those th•'nsrnds . 1 volen..'s he C. pe to
the Mame
The iO4 a,•ee •
Telly !AWAIT
♦ Yarlsss of Besse ILII lose saver II► T.
.1.81y, st.5'., "ttmpanr at elle se•ss.e
Taos. 5...... ■.r . •N. Sp.. *e}r
Lamson, April 15. -Sir liam
n..n'darcoon, resuming the detests •
the C..erewn Bill in the House ef Cum -
teens ties afternoon, said the present
.deu1,ee tetween the Libseals and Psrn-
enure was based oo the Liberal reoogni-
ti• n • f the fact that the woman ,x.licy a.
Irish affairs lay in the acceptance ..1
see a foam of Irish government which
..uld tend to astisfy the Irish people.
lie twitted lord Randolph Churchill
end %!r Chamberlain with haring swum-
ly *Insulted lir Parnell, seeking to
make au ethane with him tot their own
purposes, Referring to the conspiracy
sed White Hoy clauses of the proposed
set, Se Willem declared that they sap-
ped the foundation of all personal liberty
sod would levee debar Irishmen from
fernung business combinations to defend
their existing rights. The spirit in
wtlioh the tiuvernmeut wuuld administer
the Coercion Act. if it were passed, was
sufficiently shown in the appuintmeot
of Cul. King Harman to the Parliament-
ssy i%ndersecretaryship tor Ireland.
By this appointment the (:uvernmeot
had declared themselves to be the parti-
sans .•f the Iasdlords, and determined to
administer the hell as the agents of the
lend owners in Ireland, thus becoming
uutruruen's to stimulate the worst peew-
it/me of the people and their bitterest re-
ligious prejudices. The bill would fail
t • suppress the Irish National League,
becaase the pe•,ple of Ireland believed
in tl a league and trusted it. The effect
(f 44.0 enforcement of the bill would be
to nuke the Government more detested
aald the League more impulse thau ever.
As to the Tory sad Liberal -Union uunu
ab. ut American gold fostering Irish dis-
content. Harcourt said: "There are
none who have less reason to cutnplaiu
of American geld than the Irish land-
lords, for none met more cf it. They act
it Or 'ugh their poor tenant*. rents.
The proposal to make the bill
permanent, Sir William character -
teed as a breach of the fundamental
c .editions of the union between Ireland
lied Great Bittern. The Government
pn 1..i d to reverence this union, but
were doing their hest to violate it. If
the •:orerfinent earnestly desired to
reatntain the union let them abandon the;
policy of exasperating the Irish pl.
eis$.4 I bis ata/ssent .e would vele ;divers eras. esdttues teseNe Is 5 wife. a etmpts MrIlttebd.
drew. J
mai. $asnrs
d.00 replied that shandat . Wanted, • women : Healthy sod well- I
wall •mem bur of the ase commit- I Pup,rtiva.d, with • 4550 lb" 1/111
tee, of which the saaisr ler West Bel - -OM." nail." lb" pretty ; eyes of
(ad (Goatee) woe also a member. Sited 1my c" for, °I.ell oulurs, t they hat.
oris t' e( "withdrew sever told a lis, and if, mateed .4 mob:
Geitem : "Did I Immo him $ mai WI. they bmvii to be sought. Arms
$ Mpdu.r 1 Did I trees asominte milt I Mtom(almlia to al"' a twwyeer 44
a also wham 1 knew to be • mseiant t hely *Kb as w41 as pr►A
(Chases and a voice, ' Witbe aw reel °°°a• Tarte enough w palish a gate sed
`seldsrer !' "J small wougli to play a pian.,, bent
31aj. &oedersoa : "1 said that $Aller e's111 to mak• puff paste en earsols
die wall uu the committee end against
him a true bill was found for complicity
is the l'h.enis Park murders. Mecum -
maitre must have known what laud of a
man he was.-
as.""Here Mr. Sexton, springing to his
feet, sbuuted, "I say you are a wilful,
ou.adly liar '
Then there was *nether uproar. The
?arnellrtae all res. and cheered (reale-
cally, waving their hats in the air.
As soon as there was a chance to be
heard Mr. Sexton, agate addressing Maj.
Saderso;, esdnissg r "11 I only met
p. u outside the door ut this house 1
w.wld thrash you within an inch of your
The excitement was avain renewed.
The elt,eakcr aresa and addressed the
House, but his voice was inaudible
above the din. When .later had been
somewhat restored the Speaker said that
unless Mr Sexton withdrew his spew
Rion he would be compelled to muse
him. He appealed to the House to as-
sist him in his duty, adding that he was
•iiling to do auything in his power to
allay bad feelings. (Cheers. The Speak•
then pointedly asked Major Sanderson
whether he charred Mr Sexton with as-
sociating with murderers. Mr Sander-
son, after several evasive answer
which were interrupted by loud cries of
"answer," "answer, "the Speaker's
question etc.. then withdrew the
words be had used.
The Speaker then asked sexton to
withdraw his expression ; at the same
time adding: "I cannot conceal from my-
self the fact that the provocation has
I been very great." Loud cheers.
Mr Sexton then formally withdrew
his expression. .
Mr Leake, number for Lancashire,
sagirerted that Mr Healy be recalled
The Speaker said that nothing could
be dune in the matter until the neat sit-
I Mr Seaton thereupon gave n..tiee that
at the neat sitting of the House he
wculd more that the suspension of Mr,
Healy be revuked. ,Cheers
lir Sanderson then resumed his
speech. He said that Mr Sexton was
present at the meeting at which Mr I
Egan was made Secretary of the Clan
Na Gael, stitch was a murder society I
of America
Mr Sexton nee to a point of order and
the Speaker adewed Mr Sanderson to
withdraw the offensive expression.
Another scene of oontesien ensued,
Mr Sanderson repeating the wards,
ct nitron.
Major Saunderson Conservative, said
the National League was supported
mauly by criminals, dynamitere and
murderers across the Atlantic. Ile did
n. t ch.rge'the gent iarren opposite with
1imbruing their hands in blood, but he
did ch tree them with associating with
men whom they knew to be ,murderers
Mr Healy nose to $ point of order.
The Speaker replied that Maier Saun-
drrstn had made the gravest charges,
I lour tat these could be met in debate.
IHe himself was unable to interfere.
Mr Healy responded that he would
l say what he thought of Saunders,n, re -
izardlees of theconeeq*enc•s. 1f Major
ash, 5Ja.
'Allot a truly beautiful word we l..•
Net are sips, us grandeur .4
rn.untain,, gletS and .seven, and
thousands of means of mei .yni.nt. We;
eau de ,re no brttor .Are ,n perfect t
he•Ith . but haw ..hen do the melerity 1
of temple feel like giving it up dishe.rt-
e,..d, diseooraged and went out with
ds.ease when there as no (•eo•ainn for i
this feeling, as every sufferer eon easily
oi,•siw sat i.factr ry pr.e..f, I:rein's
/Lutist Flower, we 1 make them free
from disease. as •hen been. Dyspepsia
and Liver ('nmplatnt are the dtr.el
rause of seventy lire per rent, .f .n. h i
maladies as Bih.muses • i..divoss1.01, beadaohe, erlstivener.. err.• •.
pr..atrstiun, dizziness .4 ahr hemi
palpitations .4 the heart, nod .ether
Jttre*aine syrup, ems Threw .1...•e • f 1
A menet F.ower 5111 preys us. wet derful
erect rt•mple bottles, 10 cents 're)
it yen.
Mrs Pend/upset- 1've been in luck
Ilya n. 1 bre ht s Rembeendt for 1
e3000 Mrs Tan Tyumen (illiterate and
.lghsty d.str-Three Airmen dollars far
a ' Why' Mem my weal. what
act • d gendm. urea N 1 Foe should have
beeeht the •b•.le piece for that
whereupon, Mr Sexton shouted : "The
hon 4tentlean is attains 1 '
The Speaker called upotooth mem-
hen to withdraw their cffensive remarks,
which they did.
Mr Sanderson again resumed his
speech, and charged the Parnellites with
various Connections with Egan, Ford
and toher advocates of murder. At the
conclusion of his speech Mr Sanderson
was greeted with cheers from the Con-
1 Saunderson referred to him he had ne srrvrtive bombes. The debate was then
hesitation is saying that Saunders,n was adjourned.
a liar.
This remark was greeted with rousing -
1 Paroelltte cheeers.
The Speaker called upon Mr lle•ly to
`r1s walla a iy.
Rome thou eine lbs .lis et s pebsi-
nent citizen of New Turk city was try -
raw his expression. ing to instill in the„elied of her five
Mr Healy replied . "1 am not entitled year old son what it meant to be getter -
to rise until you sit down. when the owe, thus :
cheering eu renewed. "Now, Willie dear, suppose mamma
1 The Sneaker then resumed hu chair should give you a cake and tell you to
!and Mr Neely *gain t .o: the Men. give pail of it 1. Harry, sed whoa you
He seed "I am only able to meet the divided it one piece was larger than the
1 charge in one way. 1f you rule that Ma other : it you gave it to him that wool.!
jor Sauodenon was in order my @epees- be ,cenernus, but if you kept it for your-
sten was equally in order 1f you rule *elf that would be selfish. Do you under -
him out of order. I shall 'withdraw my stand f'
•xpress"On•'• The little fellow thought he did.
The speaker • •'That is not s... Mr. The next afternoon, wishing to Mat the
Saunders.n made • charge of the gravest effect of her teaching, she gate Willis a
nature. The responsibility rests entirelylarge, juicy unaortaenge, aortae :
with himself it is his duty to prove it I "Now Willie take this orange and
if he can taheers'. But 1 cannot allow divide It generously with Harry."
the expression you used.-
sed.-•1lr. Healy repeated that Saundersor,
was a liar, and a great uproar arose.
When to her surprise the child !who
was passionately fond of oranges) gave it
hack to her, saying with a roguish
The Sparkler again canal upon Mr twinkle in his bonny blue eye :.V
Healy to withdraw. I "Here, mamma ' won't yeti plea**.
Mr. Heals 'duped. give it to harry and tell him to dtridr it
The .pt abet thereupon named his ' Ron ly with M :-Judge.
and W. 11. Smith, First Lord of the --- ti
Treasury, coved that Mr Healy be sus. A Rawa•e-01 Sue dram 'TA♦tsa
pa, IT" to airy elle .ending the beat four lin-
Mr Redmond jumped up and shout rhyme on''teaastnv, the remarkable
little gem for the Teeth and Pat.. Ask
ed • i •ey he is a Aar, ton !' your drooped or address
Th. deeded on the manors to
...speed Mr. Neely, acid the n.olio• wee A Teutneic eerm.r in an (lain town
. ,, n.•d e.y • of 118 to 62. esti called upon she other day to "sit
%m•. the vete was ann..olaeed Mr. on" the ewe of • 5155 who had been
Ileo y eslk• d out d the Mouse, applaud killed it an Ir u mill. i. order t. Imo
1.1 by all the Pau.ellttes, who stood up p ►ial-eitdemieasefd.. a yfioMmt.
warner hats and raising cheer after man i bmf no purse tel imt.rant is
cheer. die .see. 1 bef bra ar}russli td assist
Mr. Sauinder.on, open attempt'sg to b, sloe mrnrfrctretu. lase der iusamsu 1 "
resume his speech was interrupted by
lot pies of "withdraw "withdraw
Mr. ti..t..n. interreptirg, asked Maj.
Ceunders.on whether he $arsdamn.) per-
lieretwaits saw wet ftset, er
rtew , Wirer M w
M to
the sick one's pillow, and heavy ewowrh
1.. wield the broom or guide • wayward
sato. Set Diastole on emends of 'tierce,
and limb sturdy enough to withstand
life's current. An ear quick: to hear •
mother's counsel. • husband's wish, an
infant's cry, bpt deaf to Mr Point el'.
cattery mod to Me denies' method of
managing husbands ; • tungue leu quick
than the ear, that can praise without
wounding, and comfort ■'t-bnut hype -
A woman emphatically, having a girls
ionoce000 without her tenurance and
affectation, • man's firmness without his
obstinacy, and a woman s gentleness and
endurance without • woman's artfulness,
.1'he reason firm. the tempervte wi1i.
I':adurneee, ta.rre11tht, teremgi4t and .sl i
A perfect woman. /.obi, planned.
To wren. to eorrtron, arid .omsnand.
Aad pet a spirit. 51111 and bright
With .ower htag of enrage' nen:
Wauled : A 'clever woman. -Not ■
blue -stocking, not • Woman's Rights'
Lecturer, but clever in her kingdom
"Hulme." A woman who men make •
50 cents go as far as another
dollar : who an wear two dresses
whilst Mn Snob wears three, and look
n eater and more latly•like as well ; who
knows to • nicety bow Long to boil a
p.tar.,, rather than sketch a micmecopic
al section of one, or gives it a botanic
name : who can arrange • table well,
rather than make a guod herbarium ;
who can dress in fifteen minutes and
nurse as many hours, and ooh ' can make
e dinner for two, on an emergency, de
for heir, without letting her husband
hair of it afterwards.
Wanted : A gond woman -Not •
hypocrite, nor yet an *lige! :
"A creature not too bright and good.
For human nature's daily toed.'
A semen who chooses the right at any
cost, whose influence leavens her sur-
urroundings, who will be able to say 1..
her daughters, "Doss,' and whose
memory will keep her boys from wrong
consistent an 1 well principled, nut good
merely to be in fashion, hut equally
good in a spring cleaning as under a new
spring bonnets.
A woman of tact, knowing when to
rule and when to obey, and how to •'u
both ;
walk to town in adversity, and graceltie
1, yet simp!y recline in a lanla'i in pros -
pent y.
Wanted, • wife who
"Looketh well lo the wars of her ios':..hold.
And esteth not the bread .,1 idlenrs.
Her children arise up, and ca:1 her
blessed :
Her husband also, and he praieeth
of adaption ; who will ch. Wally
(leave I.egaelt, of Tayside, t ant, *aye
he can heartily recommend Yellow t oil se
Among the mysteries 111 preparaliia
for a Intlo ries comer, nothing is eget
Ser than the b.b.-bask* wish file ma -
Mom, rear for the tint toilette. Very
little expose tt01 Bary• c. deem • otos-
Mo. wuU•••. feed ut shaker basket, at
{t eel bs as beautiful M need be.
material ed the basket is of very
Waley widowd. re ►wr•rta..ce. as it is en
tired, covered by • w.ubnu of poi. wok
Ulf blue, uveas whteb i sheet u( (hate so
lin, d•.urd ..r pIh1 as dre■n in Adds or
puffs oft t'..' msidi!and let tall in a full
rut"s en the estsd., the upper edge of
tiles basket beteg finished by • qullleog of
ribbon iu whir, "blue fur • girl ' and
'peak for a bow," and carry it into ell
pr.parat•ry werdr.ce. A te•krt heed
with blue would lime • small blow pin
cushion, a blue arid a whale powder bee,
thoweh a pretty white tom is babyish
TheY4n..ket beteg revered and fun.iabed
with two made le.clets Rhel ee thrl, he
blld with all the articles iimeasa,y fie
the first dressing. A piece of mar.*
bobbin. • small bottle ur box of %Aeel-
is., a nulnber of small iguana) o4 rah
Item, .or the rn-.uth clen.img, a plree of
VIM soft sponge, 'quarts of pure email.
soap. These artuies will all he required
!Delete the clothe, and should have a pr..
minaret place in the ttasket, for the,
dressiug un top is found a strip oaf soft
Idatum!, torn from a pie., awl turned
over .only on the edges for the betel, the
little shirt of hand knit wool, tyre duo
ere ut old soft hnen, the pining blanket,
dannel moue oat anal the slip, and •
square of fiannrl or a knit blanket to
1 wrap around the little ...t' when it is
tarried about.
The baby -basket will he foiled *eery
morning with baby's tu.lette *ruches all
ready, and there will not arise *.sfusioo
in the search f..r Fishy 's .rig seep.
sponge. etc. For a lehy po.Jer, the
scented rete powder is not as Creed es
cornstarch, to which • small quantity 1.4
pulverized orris r e.: ,a added; 11,11 is
the purest and best.
In addition, we should ale, sug:eet
that a r.ttou, fiannrl apron, furry aide
.out, is • val.uole p•o•sreelt n for wirer
snd ther, as the little one can hr
taken from the bath on to the lap amid
rolled up ut the apron, which answers at
the same time the purpose nI a a. ft
tnwel. For wiping of heed and fare, an
old white silk ha..dkerrhief is • root
thing tuse at the bath A Jitney
wrapper, which is very inexpensive, can
be made prioress in shape, of cheese
cloth and cotton wadding A laver .1
wadding should be tacked between tiee
of cheese cloth, sud fastened at Inter
vale of a few inches by knots .1 worsted,
as in • comf.ortehle, the wanted pale
blue or ,ni.k. The peewees pastern is
rhea laid on and the wrapper cot oet,
.he seems frlt..i on the inside and the
edges finished by • buttonhe de stitch .4
blies or pink worsted. Three little
wrappers can he wore after the math
•luring the morning, and reed warmth s•
well as save the freshness of the al ip her
Maire,is aMMer. .
There are nosey re.0 - lite r emsehs
coed cent., out there are few t t prove
se setts' wt ry .n. !la_t-..r i'. ! :total
;al4am, ooh : h .. • 1.'r11...-.• a1,d trtble
•urs for all threat and lung tenth, i, in.
cluding ton uchite, asthma, croup. whoxn
ing cough and the pulinwuary cump'a,nt 1
of yeuug or old.
''I wish 1 were yen star," he sr.i.i,
.Ireamily. "So de I," she ret.,rnrd
promptly, heroically sea:leowlir a yaws.
"And why, dear ons1. he asked impel
%Seely; ••why dee yeti wish I were yon
hrillunt orb• •'13ecauer," she retitled,
in odd, matter -et fact 13..atoneee tones;
"because yen brilliant orb is just 11.-
760,971 mal..* sway " Ao.1 he
silently out like a mist befote a summer
the best reliever of rheumatic pain. b1ri sun
father and mother having solfere. La _. -
yeses with rheumatism, snd all remedies
failed except Yellow Oil. 2
aresiarlty es Ratios.
If there is one table•Iaw about which
all persons ■re agreed, it is. that our
meals should be taken at stated and re-
gular People may defter about
vegetarianism, about sweets, about pies
and cakes. about tea and coffee :
but I have never met a person who
would insist that regularity wee of no
eensatuence-that it was just as well ter
take two meals today and five tomer-
n ew, to take dinner at one o'clock today,
t three tomorrow, snd five next daj.
I Without understanding the physiologi-
cal law, all art agreed that regularity is
A long journey by rail does not de-
range the stomach because of sitting in
an unventilated car, 1 r the traveller,
may occupy a still worse place in the
pursuit of his hw*inees at home ; neither
is it because .'f the character of the food
1at the railway lunch rooms, for the food
st home w often worse ; but the slomeeb
derangement which nearly always comes
with the lune railway trip is, in great
part. to be traced to irregularity in tbe
times of eatine in a recent trip, we
took breakfast the first morning lest
after daylight, next morning at half -pest
nine ncloek, the Holt at wren, and an
with toe ether meals ; only are day we
bad no dilater at all. When we reached
our .e worn all suffering iron,
indigestion ; evens were e.H..cIo0* of me
discomfort en the stomach, bet not one
.d w escaped the dullness •.d depres-
si.n of sterna *hien pumas 414 imperfect
dis.stl..n A• the minis {.e thin
one of regularity 1• preeminently is•
Isisemesa.a Sews est...
Coosamww. - -Me Camphill bas hoes
troubled for a sembr 14 years with Ier
emotion snd Cwuattputson, sad was is.
deed to try McOrwq.w. apse,
owe f esmd et .►i that less beaded, and
would rastmessad hes sae to say pews*
o imiMAy tr..Ms.t Thio inwle.lals es -
weedy is sold im .very pert el tasada at
$0.. sad 01 pie Mottle. Geld at Hawse
Uses** me mamasia am* pts Hbfss.t drag stew. (4)
Mon'sivne apeab of "repo•inz spm
the pillow of • doubt, Better repeat+
a4.a, the certainly that I)r. T'ierce's
"Favorite Prescription" will cure all
shrew fintate diseases with their at-
terelent twine and weakness.
Deas bit --Your "Favorite Pres.•ri(-
tion" has worked wonders in my case. it
gave i.umedute relief.
Mke M. Geeewe s,
Nenica, Ottawa C '., Mich.
M'Ia Noma eeasal.
]la(hsgoe i Perim'. O•sMdiu C.eetle
has beat treed *54 found t.. be .h.,
positive curie foe Salt Rheum, Pimples,
(ni(rto►ee ea the fees •.r ha.•. , Coy,
Bums. presses, Or r..77 Sere that ,e•.yhamf
ease will heal. Try hlethw44 r d 1'■eke e
C.. holm Celeste. *leis per $a•a at limo
Ws) IMO' drug Mew (4)
*.$r►ase s Maass relagme•e.
Hare you a bed Costly, a he•nie
H.rtwnees, a feeling of Tightness in the
Chest, Weak Lungs, or any similar emu -
plaint 1 11 so, buy at once a belle rf
McGreRor's Lung Comp .un I "lt will
cure yam.'' It contains e•tirely new
.pecifics, of which one duce is more a lec-
tual than a whole bottle of the old tune
remedies. It in put up in 'due and 81
Mottles. Sold by G. Tihyoa•, dniggi•t
Try it, and you will never here reason
to co.oplain. (4;
Thereat* lots •.f stories ttold 014 queer
witnesses snd how they take the oath.
The other day a Might young buy ap-
popeared upon a Denver witness meat?,
and one of the lawyers thought him
rather young t.. understand the nature
of an oath So he to question
him. Said hs "Ike you understand
the nature of an oath (Tha buy re-
plied that he did. "Deo you know what
will be the Consequences, if, after takine
the oath, you tell • lie 1" "Yes. sir
"What will happen .f rev tell a 11e alter
taking the oath .' ''Ill helm 1.. pay
the meta, I suppose,.' said the boy.
Denver Tribune.
a .- -ane ttlraee«esrr.
Many bad joints. by which people are
eripplied for rife, are made by neglected
or badly treated rheumatism'. ids l'Lnt,
of Strafhrt.y, w.e.Ahcted with rheems-
*ism ie her Bowers .n that mho mold not
bead them. Yell... 1111 eared her, and
se • pr"'nt t esre for all painful tom
plaista. !
"They have • Morse sal. in y dis-
trict," says • well knows dru iso. 'Visa
say 'Abet pili ow the eserket, ata d$iore
the 604 estlsf.ctnon for seek besdssr.,
ae s, iDdiesetn, etc. , . who;
eaoMad with Joheatos's Timis lilhea.
4 4*u5 ass's Toni* lever Pills mill pee
Iota shot so other usdisiss bar done
hobo,' fee ssfi .lent Itwun'usty." Fills
TS b Gai N atria
sad $1 par
Druggist, A I bion Nook, 440111,116.
wows. itr..l.e B1ap
seas good theme arc beard now sad
them in the railroad wrtli sudrdvile•
of a physician W e y u,t ata
who complained .1 a.rv...twrr, 1. a et
*Woe, night sweat* $..d * pour . ,ole
tits, the other munu.o,` ras , vw-
heard by • rrp•.riet is •... •.f these ;
"rhr.e •cry your ongalrttes al,.tIWO
• geed beet .4 b •.• ,uoe fie• ..leaf
brw.kfs.I,' .r1.4 the s.•.1 a dootut, sad
you will i••1 oriel may p. l..:u.e, 1, tiaa
Per. ,. .ant^.611411y *i. • 110.11 nolo;,toff'
twit. As tl.0 ataplu C... '..ue ria time
it tztn resale he s4 td 1.. ase hwlp• to
ley the fuuudetiou "1 • .twat
hg, tt'1th its pr ..lie • • hoz, i ivy
id the net very rem.. .at *rico- the
role keel seep y ..i
and the ,I,.,lw. 11141
WI 'aroma (..rtes err
r.esy Imo. esu be p.
Lrkr 1. oleo.. retie.
.11.1 .1.. • . ;as,
i.rivere oinkr
di areal. tot p!
Irons t. ,ILL
1G. r. tu
bake •'r 1•. 4.11, 41144,a, 1ww, ted
Red tun rt tete •1. •••1 eta •. aim-
lalat 111l 4041511 4 .. 1 pr• ewe • by
ilal log .t u,.,, .t se, I. •a.ut • a
targe ew t ..1 e• • 114• 4e.- ae
51, tail, a .5i-
1.11.1 Tu.,.'Os..•
1 nod. it 1..s eom.e
14 LGlee
t..1,., piny .rttrs
1Wa1 HI ihw-b..l'. •
nasits. Yr 11.1
liev.I ht e.,p.,, ,• d
uaik, n. *eh, .1 .
• lade 11•..1 .noel
m.:u o'. ei 0.1 4
In¢ 41111 ) •'•• ' • • •1 •
0/111111 1 • • u
a •t sassier
7111« Loge., • feat.
a relate lo..i, pert
4.dy .r Inc it er 1
1lie tth'. r ey.,efr
Dr. t'4....'- 1. ret 1'
(..r Liver ."••. KIM'S
gr.arap..,.l, 1.. reit
1..•dielir $I 44. 44
A Kanasl.aat.ti i
f..unera 1e -hs hat
Gewfeneh durueg th,
415.1 .Ii u( hen, het
to tate wenee•, 1. .
bo.rb.od : fa the ,•
shenif • • 16.e and it,
010 p8,',., 4 at,AV,
dr.k awl •r the Art,
aoon•••r rn ahr 14,1
the trate:lose ..thee.
tarn pro has beet us,
all the.... ways a..q h
halo r. All wile
perf•et work, an/ wee
w riter Sole ag rl
« rs..h n y'a
has rase•( es -
F01 1 ,Sam
o.s uske e0..
J u.u- re-
. •4 pure • .wi
to dysp. .et•,
ue added sill
..tell wort . Iry
.w.• trratat t to
o wheel .Par
*IA pc... i( 1
•.0107 lbat o apo
Arrlib '. the
01 or inee'emo
atm 4, . ..d,
o. edit •
rswa. .e.'1 is
• ipe area •nd
• 1' 'te1.. Witt
• • 1,0'. in
.*•ren 0..'. the,
at eatisb•tiot
>t shortha'-1 or
-try otraaw the
1.. 5 ulNo•s ; {m
h.• h ..el -k.. pari
• . prrecriptlon
e l' "r, mot by
• Ilk• tS'Irt bole.
I to.:..drrecl. m
. twee found re -
r r.,.rrod to do
t11 go bask o.. the
For weak lunge, -parting ..1 h4..od,
"hot -trial ..f breath, t• tn•wwptie'u, miff
sweets and 41 11h, •• u•r roughs, Dr.
Piryet's "Cherie.. Medical Die y
a w1.rWva Monody. 1Kep*rlut{ t.. -..d
lv.r',ti Hy dieutinis.
A Common Cold
It Otte. tae ten :.n:ag of scrims* aR.ns
ti..ns of to Threat, lireteleal Tu/Ors,
sod Luny. 1've-forr, the insptrtaire of
earl, sed efleett.» trcatmrat ceunrd be
overr.ttmatelf. A.V.,Clllerry Teetorsl
sway alway• t'.• relied epnu ler t4*m .peedy
cure (f • Cold or Cowl:.
Last rewire I a' .. ,': •trkol with a
teepee conk tib,.!., by pant (re-
quest rxps+nrr.. t.er4nv! . 'th ally
seuuaq ng qy h/ngn. A terries.' rung
s."m fat;lotted, •rrompa,.ir.l bt Iain+ is
Me .'h.•.e trete whirls t era. red Intensely.
After neater refs u►... wtb.ut
obtaining rvli(1. 1 room, r.1 ';skew
Ayer'. (.'berry 1't'etoral, sad ws.
Speedily Cured.
1 No wtialr.i ,hat We Tcn.,'4 +:•.rd my
JYs_-_iso. Webster, Pawta k.4, U. 1.
I toutrsote.l a severe roll, akicb attA-
els'11y devclole l into Piw'umnnia, pr..e.t-
lr1e; dingeen na and nbntinate aysp5ms.
?ty ,•a}.Irian at un' a order,'.l the wee of
Ayer..'f'b•rry Pectoral. Rip instruetii".s
were followed, and the rvewtt woe a rapid
$is.l persinrut carr. --11. 1.. stomata,
Roger. Prairie. Tees..
Two rears aro 1 m ierod from a severe
('old which .00hed ow my Lune. 1 con -
suited vario.s pby.k*wh kook 1pp
medRliea they preecrneed. but received
only temporary relief. A friend iodated
me to try Ayres Cherry Pectoral. A(ger
taking two Melee of MA medirtn.o 1 Was
curd. More the. 1 have wires tae Pec-
toral to my children, awl couskper It
The Best Remedy
far ('red-. ('ough•, and MI Throat wet
Lunedi..ewe. leer teed In my faa(i!r'-
frebart Veaderpeof,llletasdville,Pa.
Some tine ago 1 tool s alight Coll
wbirh being neglected, tow wor, sad e
ea m, inset. if had a becalm
.rough, and was s'ety weak. These who
teem naso best eine idwrsnt m, Iffe to be
Io great gauger. 1 eoothmed to suffer
oath 1 eagernes•.4 wing A
Pectoral lase than one bottle of t4M r
sable arrdiefne eared we. sad 1 bei ural
1 one the preservation of my Mf. b
eurative r. -Mrs. Ann bock od,
Ake:ew Yorb.
Aroyr'Cberry Perteni le eatemiled.
Sero. the ono great remedy for 51p aisasiu
of the throat and imam e.d M Imes
In desead than as other ed Ila
rims.- J. F. Reheiti, 1Nagoe Aelt.
Ay,r's Cherry Pectoral,
1 I)►. C.'t gt , atalwsa a C..
.*tf ►y iJG,p,e,a
WOB.TZ 1'OwiEF_$.
Ave plasmas.•*t Coevals theft ens
pow ✓1s. : e rte '1 s'• . a. •! ea♦'Prnral
...Yrs/4w ss. ,n. Ni .c