HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-4-22, Page 1RTUITH TRAIL. t erweroIC if LAIIIIZR 11184. GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 18& . J MS l 1e C DDT I.R' All ationsew- THE HURON SIGNAI, WHAT'S UP? PARNELL DISCLAIMS Is published every 1-riday et*rmt tq Nr --- tllt.t.ict:uuT Now.. a tear ogee. u Thing"That Are Happening Around Ua GODERICH.OVUM. FRIDAY. APRIL Hour, 1117. A 1)llanly Reply to the Forgery in the "Times " lite George Otte Trend/se, .e erst- while Liberal -Unionist leads,. has bilk- ed os the Coercion Hill, and throws 1s las lot with the Home Rulers. Dr. Montague, member fur Judge peer, d Mr Baird, representative ai o,f returny officer Dunn, are the only. ssembon of the Howse who sit above sad Public 4*aaon. - HOW Enwaim Buse was usanimoum iy re dented leader of the party at the Refute caucus. Yet • little while and fathfal Commis will elect him leader of the Howe. AT a atteotiag of the dltectuea of the l,uelpb Jaslbctton R. It. Co., meetly held at Guelph, Mr John Davis was ap- l'oiatd engineer at a salary of 8150. The prosecution of the work will be proceeded with at Ino.. Lord Lansdowne is becomes, well ad- vertised as • rook renting absentee Irish ' landlord. O-,udases knows the Milh- ous of Ceo•da help to pay him a eatery large enough to enable him to live is Iaxury, without attemotiug to wring the heart's blood out of the 'nehmen of the rid lead. • TUE publication by the Leidon Tia a of an all_ -sed letter feat Mr Parnell to Mr Egan, uprooting his approval of the Phoenix Part murders, is creating considerable e:cit•nte.t. The letter bean oo its face the evidence of being a clumsy forgery. and • roorback of the most contemptible kind. Tax pretest menet !Cobert Porter hag been entered, the p.tation.r being Thomas McGillicuddy, of Guderioh, and it is expected that the present member fur West Hurn is kocupyiag the gest fue kis het sermon. A counter petition has keen entered against M. C. Cima- rron, the petitioner being 1!. W. Ball, of tioderieb. T. latter is looked upon as a gams of bluff. Nicholas Flood Davin has several mo- ttoes un paper, and, before many moons, will wake the echoes of the Commons °harber with his reeosaat voice, .ad dovetailed metaphor. When he gots through with his subjects, Nicholas Flood will, to me • pet ezpre.sion of the bald-headed eagle of the bouadleee ?reirie, "oat Imre • lac hole for h!s -eppeommts to b•ag as argument upon." IYs Davin well fill a plus in the premise Hew •mal•eoas to that .f Sir Boyle Risks is the Grattan Parliament nr to the time of wriLag no Tory wpm has bees so consistent as to ds- sse;tae,th. Tory Gnv.ra.eat for rol.d- iug • Rieli:e First Commoner of Ostd. Had the positions of parties 'Mem reversed, sod bad Hoa, Edward H`ke.ppeuted • Speaker from meat the !remelt Ceadian members who bad ..dal against Sir Joh* on the Rid gveo- rasa our 'Tory eon rera would shoat themselves hoarse in demaciation. Now Chet the Tory press es dumb on this leashes we are amass to know what the Otsego brethren have to say on the illosubjest. Or, is all this rant on the Riatite matter .seely froth and toll., es we haws en sloeg sontsnded t ' Pat may he U'We sad very •Res wteag, Pea t Mica tams very Ism; Pat Is M d sewer, y !mews. $uta ere • es Mow* t!e ookO. our.sseed page will be found a re- port of s psrwge-.t-area in the isspe- risi Hoek* of Comatose between the re- doabtabl. Major Sanderson, the co - patriot of E.11ykilbeg Johwtoa, and Timothy Healy, M. P., a Leedom Burne Muter t asaderson warn the aggressor, bet the Irish tae.b.r pre him bettor that be gave, sun pat a Wel oo hies that he will have some &ides ty is shaking off. Hedy was "named" by the &maker of the (Imams. ma ea ..tom eras s-tp —dad ; but 0o seesaw eras Ms ems disposal of teas Red.oad, smother Naticesliet .sober, gime the lie direst to the "JIM major. No ae- eaon was taken is Redeemed s ease y the How. Sawaderess them essayed mos more to ehadsr the Irish as.besa, when Ties. Setttea.t►e dugout suisher hoe Washed, threw does the g.u.the cad mode him recant nue toll be was os the gross yet if the Tories per. not it the srereive etaw4• • icon. aewual aeries - about W.terweoeta, Nucor.. alms.. goad rare. and Taus Tb. *sues ea wee /cart• ttwate. /- - And the smoke „f the rubbish heap is abroad in the land. The aroma -4 odd rage and tree pruniag.tell us that Spring is herr. and only the advent of the grin Brant organ man is wanted to tell us that Winter no longer lingers, but has gone ►epee. The mornings begin soother now, and Old Bol puts on his fine blush at so hour that would startle sluggards audit. *beds if I were to tell them. Hail, gen- tle apnea ! I greet thee And so does every one who has had to keep the stoves gang fur the peat sit months. A few more such saunas as this and the coal merchants would dwell iu palatial brown stone fronts, and the rest of us would go to the iusorhouse—yea, even the hem- lock cordwood men wield pot un airs and wear purple sled fine linen at the ex - pease of lbw consumer. But, thank redness, the day of cold things is past, and if we feel chilly we can go around the corner and take a erab•th without being one nt.kel out of pocket ; there's corn in Egypt, boys, and I'm agoing to get some. You'll excuse me for this slight digression, but takiag all things tutu consideration, I'm mighty glad that theliveabls pert of the year for poor peo- ple has come around again —And that remutds nae that the as- emeor ham grow his rounds and put w his estimate fur 1887, so that our coastal will he able too figure sip the rate of taxa- tion in good shape when the waterworks bylaw, the electric light bylaw, and the agricultural park bylaw are pained. --And that remind. me that I was told by the neighbuee that $Mayor Seeg- er jumped upon the local press with both fest at the lase council meeting, fur not advocating the bylaws which ere two be- ing advertised, and also for not placing a halo of glory upon the noble brows of the deputatino to Ottawa recently, fur their pattnutic efforts to advance the in- terests of the town, at the public ex- pense. Now, defending the action of the press is a oontrset which I don't ho - tend to undertake, but I intend to toot my horn of my own account for about a minute or two iso the points nosed. O• the waterworks question I have no word to say against the project if it can be shown that the neighbors on the back streets ars likely to derive beo.it sant- sunburst. with the extra amount of tax- ation that will fall to their lot If the service will only cover five ailed, and ths;atreets of the :own extend to the neighborhood of half a hundred miles, are the mew who live on the other forty- five miles of streets to drink well water loaded with malaria, and at the dine tom help to pay for the artesian supply of limpid bee, pore noosi.tency, and perfect aaalyaia that will fall to the lot of the more favored brethren living within the Gee mile limit i If they ars, then I wast to know it ; that's all. At the time of writing. it seems to me that the fellows 'Atka the II -mile limit will hove all the water ptrivilege. and the whops latente the limit will have to supply beauty all the "bald." Aa to the new agris.ltarsl grounds, thous who want it can vote for it. bet I trade! weeded •boas raw t year. the oldpl was always good enough for me. Still, ell mot he o tither if say one will show as that thee's mossy for the town is the new armada Om the electric tight bushman I'm down Eke a thetmaad of brisk, het, hat, sad ever- lasting, es for a the dims of Goderich is ommereed. Metals I'm getting old and eirmaervative is my atrle, bot epos my aenmyy o, I thick that the electric light ahem• is a tallow estle tows is too asides a jump. It's possible the tweet- ed editor of Ts. S1otrAt may not like M to suet est the electric light ,hooncep- os in this meaner, but I can't hate it We leen se me, so far me i eon see, fur electric lights in Gnd.eieh, as the town stands et t, sod $7,000 saved aroeld he P? OSO made. --Ga the railroad delegation question I have already gives h speedos: The gesitarc. tet 0 who a cod sedfell the delegation .n a Ice of jolly good fellows. whieh no- body will deny at present, but they had as such to de with emit* • ohms. d epiaie. ie Mg Von fBorn.'s .id, so Hrs Parti.gtoa's broom had is swwps.g balk they Atleatie'. tide. Th.y rid a ,dee little trip 1. Ottawa at the memo of the ratepayers, bet then oma [matrf, sothiyt dose the, special patios eholuW he grime sheen for. The feet that the Mayer M the .seeing is quashes aide •mittsia claims for the delegacies, sad shook himself • try the hood, sed thea ewe of ►i. entessegrid, ''lie, toe!' doaa•t satisfy me that thee 'koala be kaig#tted fee their genies. this jetsam yes% or that the tors dwelt. west brews s ataa of the. upas the court home wlwtve. Area Tb. bee teaser teenewoe.e aloe Letter ae a sae. roomer, e'es6mt.46 Idem Wilber aM/N< Mr Peens!! followed. He mild Mr Balfour pad with oharecten.tic wife:r- oses refused him, at a tile* when his words would have reached the outside w.rld,tbe tau minutes he craved to refer W a •ole, barefaced forgery—(cheers)-- pro.:al in the Times, obviously for no other purpitu than to in8uuuoe the division. He thought be was entitled to have wit opportunity to expose this deliberate attempt to blacken his char- acter, in time to reach the outside world. There was no clerics now. In additiou to passing this Coerc.on Act the dice had to be loaded. Great organs of public opiui-oo were to be permitted to pay miserable creatures to poetises these columnists. Who would be safe under such circum* onus 1 When he helm of the concoction in the Tines he sup- posed that &wale autograph of his had faller into the Kande of • person for whom it was not intended, but when he saw the letter he saw plainly that the signature was an audacious, unblushing faioricatioo. He failed to understand bow the 000doo les of what used te be a respectable journal could have been busied and bamboo izled into publishing the letter as hie (Cheers,) Members who compared the ftrgery with his sig- nature would see that only two lettere of tbe forged signature bon any re- semblaom to his autograph, and the Times could have seen the same. He never heard of nor saw any such letter aotil it appeared in the Times. Its phrsseokogy was absurd, and its purport preposterous, and every part of it bus o viducts of an absolute and Irrefr•gable want of goout•eseas. He had never kr own the late Mr Forster's life to I:ein danger, or that there was any conspiracy . gained hint He did not know anything of the conspiracy of the lnvi.cibles, and nobody was mon surprised than himself when the blow fell upon their victims. If he had been in Mani: Park he would gladly have stood between Lord Osvendiab and the dagger of the .amss- in, or between the dagger of the assass- in and Mr Burke. He had suffered mon than any other man from that terrible deed, and Ireland had suffered men than any ether nation. It was ab- solutely entree that the National Lieges had any cotamenisatiou whatever, direct or indirect, with the Fenian °retaisation in America. He never had any dealings with anybody is America in respect to proe•adsagp or doings and sayings. All his sayings and doings in connection with Irish public life had been open and above boort. A. to the bill ander dis- cussion. incuawon, it was the most drastic measure proposed site* 1833. It would empower the Government to subject their politi- es! opponents to tre.tmeat reserved for the wont criminals in England. (Cheers). The groat heart of the Eoglisb people wsa, he believed' against the bill, and be hoped the country would make its voice heard before the committee stags was reached. He trusted in Grid that the English notion and Parliament wield be saved from the peril sod de- g radation of peeling such • measure. (Obese.). Loados, 'April 19 --In the Hones of Cummooes this afternoon, Mr Caldwell (Liberal-Uni•niet) pre notio. that he would move for the apparatuses' of • select committee to investigate the charges made by the Times .g•inet Par- nell and other Irish leaders in corium tion with crimes is Ireland. CScacmat a orutlo i. Lord Randolph Ohurebill, speaking .t Nottinghaaa this assutoi maid that if the Perwdldes'hump to beag or egties against the Leaden Times, they meed set trust an EsgBmb jar', bust...* tbq inn take prece.dings against the paper is Irelomd or Soutlaad. He wcuW not make himself a party to the accu.atios, but it might be mammary for the Hous of Co..oao, iod.psedestly of the Par- a.Uitee, to tak• action to clear itself... a body, cf grave cherries made *genet a section of its ree.bera a!1 unRT a Orllt/nw. Mr Netberelift, as o.ineat ehiro- gnpkte expert, has oomp.nd the mea tune •ttaebed to the Tine; Parcell let- ter with two of Mr Parsell's signatures, but dochose to express as opinion in the • bsertce of further oxa.ulea He says there are disparities between the sagas - tare to the Timm letter and the two others, aid that there are also diem/i- des betimes the latter two. He thinks the fairest 'u.p•riess would be with signatures of the lame date s that of the Times, met with sigaat.rs recently writ- ten for a test. He says the signature given by the Times, if false, is a very good imitati'a, bet that It would be u nfair to give or .piaina hosed epos two sigssterw written for purposes of com- parison. The Globe aye -The letter condoning the Phonal: park murders, whish the Ueda. Tito..' attributes to Mr Pared!, tarries the following evileeee that it is a forgery i—(1) The toady ad it is not writhes ra Mr PorcelV. head. What mad be more anises them lir en mod- , err • mem to atetbor 1. orbe sash • said to hed -. s ) 7L ire ens, is hisat top ref soother tea[. The Towm swR- mesa the it wee se wetness is weer that it might be tore away. Md the emy object for which the tsltpr 1. awl k hese bees written was that it might be shown secretly to sympaohi.ers with the Invinetble. What would be the use of showing them a letter cut In Mr Par- nell'• writing, and enliven his signature? And if the intentlou was that the segos tune should be detached, bow estreneeiy improbeMe that iiwtructiona to that effect would not have acoompenied the letter, and been .obeyed, if it reached its destmati on. If it did coot reach its des vitiation. but (ell ludo. the hands of a detective, where are the iostrectioas, and where is the postmarked envelope? (3) How more than improbable that a ihighly educated Iwo, .s Mr Parnell is, would write "he and you.' for "you and he,' in defiance of a rule the obeervatior. of which must be as natural as breath- ing to the alleged author. The letter is • 1•laiu forgery, and its pubutatiuo an outage which the Tu,.4 would probably not perpetrate against any man in the world outside the Irish Hoene Rule group. NORTHWEST BUDGET How the Tories Carried the glee - Lions in the New Districts Tse etaay-Maes e'rreede's'srabe Govern- ment •neat. Tee Weenier, soles. ,tee him/weft sed tiallwes rr.J.ete. Montgomery, April 13th. 1887. To the Editor of the StireaL Sett,—Pierre insert able in your vial - sable paper : — Weil, the elections are over and the country has settled down to the uld routine of butanes. again, w hile (se Ajax said about West Hsrue), the Liberate got left ; but we are not discouraged, and, in the future, with the ballot, and a different franchise, they will be heard from in a very different way. When you crnaider the amount of Government iudune* brought to bear --as the country was overrun with Tory bribers from the east, and all sorts of intimidation was used, together with the seed grain surplus for settlers and and an endless amount of promises ; Governmetot officials and mounted po- lies who had either tc vote for the Government or was sent an some errand so that they could not vote. etc , etc. As to the polling stations and the voters' list, the different polling diti- e on had about 300 square mile of ter- ritory in each, and the polling station was put at the best advantage for this Tories, so that, in many cases, Liberal votes did nut fro on account of having to go 20 miles ; and the enumerators for each division were appointed by the returning officer, w that the lists were well 'tutted with bogus voter, many of which were polled by bringing them to the polling booth over eight and opening the poll by a fast watch. So, taking everything into c,asiderati..r, the 1 ibersla hate n othing to be discouraged about when beaten by such questionabl. moans. The taew Judge for Eastern Assitts- boia has arrived, sod taken up his abode in Whitewood, the railway town for this settlement, which is to be made the judicial seat of government kr Eastern Aseinaboia, which will help to build up the town. TIM WEATaga.— While, secording to Tim Stout, of April let, the winter 'own then had taken a new grip - we up hen in this north pole region (that ia, according :o some papers in the *set), were enjoying sunshine weather up into the seventies, and seeding became gene rah about the 5th and 6th. In sottthera Manitoba there was a ;rood deal sown in Maros. Etuoaarton. --Then •n prospects of a big emtaigrstton teem Europe during this meson ; *mete of which hes already arrived, sod if coy one from down in your locality has any adieu of corning out te this 000.1.7 then is a good deal of vaea'it lead in this settteraeat, and within reach of Whliewood—w►lea h likely to be a gond .narks —which it woeld be well to *manse before going further west. Ti. Hooton Bar RattwA 1. - The inhabitants of this ooestry have gnat faith is this railway, which no doubt will be the taking of this motion. A geld deal of the line will be built this sum- n v'r ; also vurtber ext.nsiun of several other roads, so that work is likely to be plenty during the working season. A. B P. weer ease.. Radom his worship the aq sir. Monday, April 18. John McBride wee charged with • •u - tettoa et the Cossets Temperance Are. u After the exninati.e non of the witsessea defoodait was fogad guilty and Geed $60 and omits. O.o. B. Cos shamed with visa/thou of the Camila Temporises Act, was fogad «silty sad lad $30 sad ousts. James Bailey was defendant in ea ad- journed sae of *alias (Moor in mat's - washes of the God• Tatap.rance Act, whieh was further adieu ra.d until Thom day owner to the Oman of a witness. Horses Martin, bart.n mer. Noce of the witnesses eu.iaed on this eras thus for were eei.imetly segriaintd with liquor to eeeogs.1 what they draak. — — 1 einorvre. - - The eog.lar sums' mneb rd the North Heaves Terrors (amtit.te will be held is the eehdie school. Wine/ - hies, nm Thongs, sad Finlay, May 144 amt 131►. Gains Benstbw, est the ngisry o , released hem Brims meaty Thereday Ise, +Mthw be had Mea to Intend the fermi el Wit Nether. THE GREAT CONTEST. Pries, warrior, toe chide first choice fur the head of hie tougher ; Perey 111.1 crimson, hunter, the uwwoaoeful wooer, The High School Literary and who timidly etude his rival to the happy Musical 13ntertai .n end. h utli.g grounds , wieeoollsoeuas lndm.n., wpra w., renerades, etc., made op the remainder of the tableau. reef r...ere • N•toddled • At the close of the las men. the mew tae Judges awmssrd judges were called from the dtflttwt parts of the hall to which they had been seated, and rendered the following tem aerie. respectively:—beater, t:0 to 61; Colborne, lig to 68; Embury, 50 to 65; Lloyd, 64 to 70; Chilton, 60 tc 74—the avenge ,lauding, 60 35 to 633 r. The resell was no sivd with wild shout. and a warden.* by the rehire,after which the meeting was brought to a clove by the siugiug of "God Save the QUeen.., We are inf ,timed the net proceeds of the entertainment amounted to $100. a Itrmortau rot/gram •p the tineas.. Perhaps the must elaborately arranged aad diversified program ever presented to a Ouderich audience was pitted o0 the boards of the (:rand Opera Homes Friday 'venires last, under the a.gweea ut the High School Literary Society The performance throughout was of a highly creditable character, the audi- ence was large and appreciative, most the beet of order prevailed, octwith- atandin the number of tire.nnte wait - sing spells that occurred dunng the sera ng. In tact, the inordinately lung iutervals between the pn,ductt of the numbers were the "lily drawbacks to the thorough success of the eon!. per- What Sas Transpired at this turmeric., and it ts to be hoped that nn future ocoarou• .pedUnited Lliate9 Capital:al efforts will be made to reduce the ausooya00e to a JI tea, sur Special l'errrsppm, eor. minimum. H. I. Strang, heed master. acted as chairman, and wade expiate April 18th, 1887. non as the Panoraoast moved' As the titre draws nes, for the Wash 11 T 1 inztun Natro,ial Drill, pub is attention opened with an iustrumrntel duet by' w concentrating upon the morel erect, Misses Price and Slack, whish was well and Preparations go briskly forward. playeol This was followed by "How he The ruling of the Inte-stat•. Commi•- .aved S:. heehaw..," a r.citau•,r, by sinners allowing reduced rates of travel Flo. Wtliisms, which was renuer.d to to be given to people attending the drill, fin. style by this yuuug lady. fiw will lewd greatly to iiecreaes the crowd Wdtums bids f.ir to sec• mo nu9 of our of visitoon, The leading railroad linea bit local r.adrn and reciter., Iter cot the country telerraph to headquarters modest cteuuer and clear enuuciatiun that they ar..zpecting and making air - being of great advaotage to her to dbia rangements to carry immense numbers regard. The "solo, "Dear Roubin, I'll 0f e&euauuniets to the 'Pocatello. cad be True," was sang by request by Mies that the accommodations of the capital Wynn, and received the full trestmsat as regards bused and shelter will probe that is always given to her ssl•ctioos by b.y los taxed to their utmost capacity. the( charming •ucaliat. She was d.. They are unnecessarily alarmed on servedly encored. The pis. s de reat.ta-,.as e this point, however. Whtngtua is a .f ,kis port of the program was out city of hotels and boarding houses, sad presented in the shape ..t "The Japanese its adaptability to crowds has never fully wedding." The foiluwing was the pe- been tested. ft was not uncomfortably .,a•oe- L,u. Ohbsoa, bride,Roe Strang, full at the time of the Cleveland ileo hridesrioaid, Ed. Campaign, bridegroom, guration, and it was estimated that then Dud. H,.Ioi.s, gluom.men, and the were then two hundred thousand strut twelve little maids at fan drill, singing ere within her gates, Still the drill and dancing, woes, Cara Slack, May enm.iteee, whieb seems dote -and to ►Ialcoa. a. e.label Cameron. Facny leave nothing undone that can ad1 to. L.wrelict, rotary Nicholson, Maud the pleasure and cemf"rt of the occasion, Sheppard, inn. William., Y.•a1 Max- will keep a lot of ho•teL., boarding and weU, Flo. Horton, Ells Fisher, Janet. lodging housuw, where room. and led. Dickson and Meanie Strachan, while with and without meals can he had. Miss Price played the aceompaoiasrts. Fcnoln. are rmustered at Paioea raugiog The sones in oonneetion with this per- from $1 upward, sue sod mals tan tem had from 25 ants upward. If thou wanting rooms will address the National Drill committee, stating jest what they want*. to rooms, beds and meals, and what they are willing to pay, they wail be put in communication with persons whir an furnish etch accominodationa About the :1st of May acre official will be at mash of the railway stations in this city to etre the same information too potpie .onion*, w as to stable then to repair directly to such quarters as are most Bao outsell to the motion where they arrive. There is every indicating, that the drill will be suoce..ful in crery pasties lar The Bret, West, North sad Smith 671.1 .vary other ..coon of the Velem w ill be represented in the coolest, sod an abundawos of funds for the reputes of the whole affair were long ago sun - scriber, and prod tato the treeewry $6,- 600 well tie distrtbet d in cosh petsss, besides stand* of onion, geld, eller a1 breeze e•ed•h, .penial medals .nil pleb trophies. South et the White House and be- tween et end the Wuhan/ten mono meat is a beautiful level ellipse, mne half mile to oinamforence. Her. the tai) °onto.,. will he held to show the pq money .f t.. idolatry, cavalry, moiler, and sive tactic. Bach .seting there will be • •grand donee parade, and on Governor'., Day the crest parade will take pima, when it es expected that about twenty.4ve Chief assertive* .t Stats, tnR.lb.r oath this President, will re.,.. the pr„.grenon. Grand stands tar spectators will be ereeted. around the diol gnstdr, std hart ; creel step -mother, K ,fall , the camp is to be on time brad et gyneon, .1. Gooks; kiss, Georg. Carroll ; pens of Orem Ivtng soused the Wade father, T. Allen , hasld, Ld. Pawners ; taieoe messasut. The drill will nom pate, EJ. t.arnow, end • regular little mases on the 33r4 of Kay and oewtra.o beauty t4. fairygodmother wet pete•.n - nine days, oiww.g OR the Ntb, "Dso.es- tl.d by Bella J-,ha.ten, The pnritomi.. 1ten Dor.” with • grad aombisatien perms throeek the striata of :he ehty. t will be the largest gathering of chums soldiers, sod the fined display of their e zeellence on the manual (4 arms shill military nran,i,svrssw.bat hes ever beer w ww, in thus eeo.eary State and other local droll. have hewn head .t different plugs, assay of them msetieg with signal •teases. No sta- tional drill has env before bee. • t'smptsd, and one e.mld sot be carried out eleawbere then here Hatatary di. plays h.v always been popular, "the pomp and e,reum.taee of wee- always attracts the multitude. Th. Nat,,rea Capital will weenie. the theatre& of ,iso or. who will look the doming at eamprnent, in all the bawdy of her best ern by Gus.. Carrell. We base *mu attire, her new sprina met of fresh, better d•sane, Mt the meet was a /might *room- 1.1147 hate 11" idea bur nc cute eetptwom. and .teamed the rest. ch*rm,ng W .agtoie is at her bowl, buttes. of the sodium. T. R. 11.ddle and they will toe .mrprised .rid delighted with the Mord a.pheit enema Meet with Mole 'ream, firat.g miles of green notes, cad with the status and foam tame ere perks end flower. that they will as. et every terve FROM WASHINGTON. formate" were .parkliok sod catching in the extreme, and were muck appreciated by everyone. The chorus which follow- ed was not up to the mark expected. "Bluebeard," was next put o• in good form watt. Alex Dickson in the title roll, Nephi• Wt Berea, "Fatima," Ana. biratioc, "Suter Anne," E. Campion and Dud Holmes, the brothers of Fatima. and Misses Straiton, Maggie Cameron, los. Gibson, Hord Kazwel1, F1,. Hor- ton, and Elm Fisher, represented the "dear departed" wives of the ientleman with the dark blue beard. "For Baby's sake," was feelingly recited by hiss K. Acheson. "Queen Victoria and her D.omiaioni' was well placed, the repre- sentatives being • Queen, Mary Macon. £ogla*d, talars Slack ; Scotland, Keg gie Cameron ; Ireland, Jepbie W Biases , Wales. A:lie Johnsons , Canada, May llalcomw.n ; Australia, Tina Kwldrutu ; India, L..u. Gibenn , New legend, Mabel Cam•ren Cap., Colony, knee Straiton ; Jamaica, Minnie Strauhatt N•wfoundlacd, F'e Horiies , $orae°, Mary Nicholeoo. Over snglasd,fretaod, Scotland and Wales was the loved "The Brettse Wes;" the "Queen ' sat in the centre, sad the other representa- tives bre b•nneret• The monc. rpption was good bat the effect of 'he nerfnrm arcs was totnewhst marred by irrsgu . levity iu singlet the National AmtLem. PAST 11. Wh.n the turtles rem, the pmeNo minae a "l:tsderelle" weepprrvn.dduos4, the repro esotation being Oisderolls,F Raton ; the sisters Mienie Cooke and Woad tug was rod, the aeoosv,00m hetet wail pled, but ee tits ducting seen. goo. 'of the lady reprwtttsu.us but great sid- culty Ili keept jtt track of • wayward parin.r. end tttidia.aswuo the ball. room appeared oereemssnhwd. The eoetr.menv., duct an the violin end piano, by Mime Dough end O.'.., was heartily enamored. Blta Dickeun's "Willem Tell" was motel with dras- tic power and ohs, dieter The ehorue in thio part, 'Joggle I8dl..' brought applause frim the wsliecco. end was woo of the panthers that reused rho wore '• Benue, Seatu" was • H gb :sod dance by Matheson, to the .wit of the rir,lm us the hands of Kiss D onsgh,sed • "dross" plated on the et - maned the •%'t of a good reading well read,"W y be would root eel therm.," by .eking the .educe. watt •oo long for Mm appeersnes. TAr heart i, ' Cut• where the Lilies Brooms was eon rake• la Moms Cooke .rid 11.11 sad Ksgses Heddle sod Ostend. The "Islamm Take J. •. Rad • Rio, ..k• specialty of Immo were the.p.stsesist treat of the Bae tsihwert. sad hays ria head t►. I.vowing, and • Asst of of nd.ieatiou sem theins steak ee tweeds sod aesthete is the mgi the cations The piiaetrel kew*. They strew at wo•i diem. #.a. dt*n.Mltm were : H. P. WiNioamAhilli; leo for pod aro which they set egt rams 11110 `rt shed'n ors to Vied arsa d stento tea