HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-4-15, Page 7TRE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 087. 7 } un aro J ancg,. "If my J.:d.,.u' lite suyth'•.c." et: 14.iwed a liretl.o aviUik •al.u.i, bt, "eaferytnely'.y he as ..• yu1 If he bitwis.web.,JJ, den .af:ylr•dy says hr ureal Is killrJ. $aers.'to esu dad th.g .loan net M,We fear •In•..' liurst ,nuuK eacttedly fr t: e talYlr, after lostoot •t. o:,:e 1..r the hest tune; "It • ►marry I .1 1w L..tiot. rn 1 t.i •deet• •1 the meeting. but I tallier, joker's brew *silting the g.u,.et.erries." Judy.. Y .ulr LI o '•?1. t t has put my fay. wberr 1 can't find u," er•,wlyd A•p•.ii'y this alga •a he r. .1 w1 rlr•1,r hes .:Ilse desk. Al.. aw, yes; 1 thottel.t so," he added III a Wainer tour, a. (•e hauled the I writing utensil front ou• nel.tnd his rsr. "1 will add." conc'uded the y.•,u,t than applying for • situation, '.that I Ain a csll.Kgrs.luate ' "las, that won't snake air dttf"retier," w .a the rca.sur• Mit reply. '1' you *tick to your aotk: and, besides. we want ...niel..Jy ab..nt 'he place n hu is at rout r1...ugi t.. carry t is anal " A young roan sle. hell a loaded I pistol to hie brad, awl rhM1rat.-IN•d t.. ►ol•.w his beams out u. leas the ,irl wham had refused him would "....[rut t.. hoer him, was t.w.ily toln hr the von,, Lady , hp would hay. to hli.. • me bran into hs heel first lie dtdw't bit w. 1'harlie rive out this puarle to the • ompwy A hay P.'wtirlt to a girl arid. "That Kir! is my own awl only sister, •ay irarenta hail but our dill •n.l 1 dm I that child. \1'h.. can rtldaio ;his r.t:z• diet" t% hen all heel gtr.•u it up, Charlie said, "The explanation la the boy lied.' • Professor -“:.iritt lima. I»dies, 1 sill bring to your aa.fuau ranee . M. of the ,:oat then ..f the part Delightful yowl. lady (1u her neighbor: "i ahould prefer to make the actiustntanee .•f one of the voting men who barn'[ rased yet Eliereade Biaetter, "The oar i• full of a!nn:ni ' ■hiep.r..1 Mhos Iteekunstrert to her friend from the Wwit, as they t..th Journeyed ('alt hridgeward in the home car. "Vas .•,d the Chicago girl. "and bow it '•hot... •ne up, ti•.0 t it' 1 seuider thee d•. o.•t Pen the teut.lat•,r. rton ftalletut "That a a Mon dinner." said the w•tatan It, the tramp. "but whr lout >e •et dawn wh,:e ye eat i•T' "bet t .wn7' :lipoid".; t!.r tra.np "M.tiau1. 1 was a street•oar driver until 1 got toe tired to -ids, an. 1 wouldn't know how to eat 11 1 'ad to set down 1•. my wca,a "-Bing' 'larepton itepuhiisan. A t'hu,au:an to sparking 1• him.elf as o 'Ie irons a shirt. Peeks up a sitar, ,h..w• 'ug evidawee ut having brei well caret ! for sad eats: "Bachelor. Him landlady fix him." j Packs tap another. t'uttor,less and ■I1 -L `rayed at the wrest and neck. and says; ' "Yrlallied man. '- 1:...t..0 Courier. "Silver pitcher* f,.r I,re•entati'•n to bridal couples eau tw had of in as low se O2 and they .111 wear for three twciptia," e'i.ertiser a Chicsazo firm. ▪ That lam Ines tumbled to a Ion, frit • want and those pitchers will sen be sold all over a hes 1' ours State . :hey haus:[[! to •ret op a set of eQ..r •poonsorforks f.•rabout 1went Die cet.tt' An nil broker received the follow/toe '•tiler from a Iat'y who deslr'.t to make some pin money in ••11. "Dear telly - t't.aIe Loy Ina' :0,000 barrels of oil al ninety reefs a,.l sell at 711.14). Krmit the the differ....oc, lets your co•nm:.stott t pon the promptness with .hreh l ou exrtate this • tdrr deperda tut' fat•ir'"-" patrwtage. Very respectfully." play .M Wbraeferr. What is the meaning o1 come of the terms Msr.i by broker" I . A boll t., one who ...term.* ,.• Miss tIte value • f scot k•, Ilat he may buy for i a rase. A hear is our . ho at Ile stark fcr future delivery shl.h is., 'Lase[ not tau at the time of sale. A corner is when the heats candor hay trborrow the ato:L to c.i»tr :n fail..•' :neat rd their contracts. 1.wog w when a person or party las a i:lenteful supply of sticks. A wool .,r rine is a eumbitmtn,n forte''- ed to control the prior of stocks. A wash it a rmtsnded sale i y e peeist agreement between buyer and seller h r the purpose of getting a ..nota- tion repepteol. Why do wool and am! amp when laid trfo,•n the fire 1 - . Bectlnse the air or iigcsid contained in the pores Lrc'.ntea PTpandrd, by neat and bursts the enverini( to wh,eh It s confit:• ed. Why are two -•r more echoes smile - times heard ! Iterau.e separate reverberating sur faces receive the sound sad reflect it to ssccessu.n. At tila.Ilow. Scotland. stesr a mansion called Ro'enpath, s a very re. markable echo 11 a truusphet plays A tune and st• pa, the echo will begin the cam. tune •nil repeat it all $"comely : as soon as that pelt. has ceased, another will echo the same tube in a lower torte and after the •reond echo ha* ceased, a thud will sneered silh equal n,lelity; though in a much feel- ler tette. At the Lake of Killarney there is ea echo •h{:h plays sn exrelient "second :. stay simple tune played •,o a bugle. %abiit y .f (lar meter. Aa an tlluetratins of the ruling spirit f'f e. moderateness in a tlg•h.e character. we may cite the snetawlote of the gallant N r Ralph Aterarumb.s, of whom it is Ie• I,ted that when mortally wounded In V.» h.ttic of Alnnretr. ho wet c•r•ied at n nttrr "n It••A1.1 115• "F• .,dr •}ant '.• Ira wise his p.ato s ssrldiei s blanket a ' p•ac•ed under his head. from which k. experienced e••nsiderable rebel. P•• Raked what it wan. It's .•i,ty a s,'dier's blanket, aas the reply. Whc•se blanket is it, said be, half 'tilting himself up Oo'y •.rte .1 the n. -n 5, as the fetal' 1 with to know the name .t the man whose blanket this is. it is Ttunchin Roy's .,( the 44w4, !lir aisip•h. Thew tee that Duncan Nov gets hs blanket this my night. 1('iven to ease hie dying agony, the Hearten; woul:l not deprive the Weals of lin blanket for nae night. Sate =, s 'ant CAMPBELL'S ELIXIR Tithe a_ri'•tib b yet potentrepara. t:ou iA •�a•, tally adapted 1-•r the ri lief r iid r:lis of Istat Grego a,( di+.,hlcrs a tlrn.lnnt [;path 5111,5 of rwlt5s.l state .•!tram. 1e''i,t 11.' 'u:yaytieeosi$•uttrd I.y I'.,!I..r '' I'* sncoe aril I':tii$t:.til,n '• I:i,s ilriut I'r.ns .t smote w'.:I f ,lr'w lie u.e hi roe/sac( 7•u4.1rtt Ex - haus *1 arising It 1..ias .:1 Itteu.l, .1euW or t'hn•uia lamer:[• a., t •..1 tit 11.t§ It CA Wild that lemur :11..1 A' r,Nel tth'.rs 11.e n.'.nrity bets 1.1:l.tx Jin ;'manly tr, ,:;e'l'.ttrI.".ly 11:ltdIII It* ail toil nil the ,I. nu,t'll t.r}ipj that of a &;roll•: aril [arta;"•,;"•44th[ }• Iltn oremos of rlicu: ion t•' ::. bon. soot ilius yD•.rding itioned:ate tu.,l to moment relief '1'1.n propi'rt:ts of 11." dogrel.[ ur..,wt atm. 8. arch the Elia,r c ,,,nuns reinter it Wit till in Flat Went 1►vap.•psia It 1. a rut:LiWe n'u11•.ly Ila _Awn"te khel*i'•ia, which Is apt la uacur in IA'1,011w of :Spotty .•!,Rru..•ter. For int.'verishnl 111.••1, ba.. of Appetite. Aral.-ud,'li4'v • ac,,t its n11 eases Nln tr * s . tf..Yir.. and t'efs:t:n 05 S is • luta is sultana theE isir *ill be found Iallaltia•ble Lt karato .,f a ,'aria; Type, and U:e variouaer,l motets 1. !lowing expo. Aute to Lim 440.1W art as.•a:1•. t- it will pro%e ir,_ 'to Whitby r'ato4a:14.•, tea thn cuutlaltai:. ••. of 1 i:sebum[ t... '.a):, nod Serfr•ntatix ate 111,.{tt7Nt.:j t. ••. •_ ,,X.tl as apnCdica for the ahuvou:tiu...l a:.n.rr• dere. boot by all healers ;4 Frtai(y ifede inp. /Tore, el /e► l2,d!le, ort tree. n1aT:a & Lawrcnza Co. (Limited) S•ol a A/ihCTS. �:•'m-1.-.AL, 1'•,i. Itroir P!.RRY DAVIS' "tip PAIN -KILLER IS at t'' I':L:rD ::T Philo irffuta, Nig ,A(.n, ]/ieefnrvr►fes, • .i6s8'4n r* 01 15 'r •rid. 11 ors • 840pm, J'Irra a•we. t, Nurses i w Ibutrita/i, -.s AR •r. r.wwo.iy a : eryirirre ahs bat icer poem 11 a trot/. TaA).'r 11TLR*ALLT 1r1IRO Tr IT■ A N I x w 51-•11/1,N7 ROT 515.5 AND A, GA It, 1T Wtlt. ae101:710 • AL.taa r..IuJUe eras ria St'1}Ili:\ CO.Ikl, ('HILLS, Ct1X- l;k i'ION OR STOP1'.lt.Y Ib)t CI:I('CI.ATIIN, CRAMPS, I'AINS I ! TlIS STOMACH. FL'Y- )::a: ,t N l l 1)4 W'}_L Cold l'LA I NTS, SURF: Tllti,►A 1' . plc. • arrtt.D y:x TLSNALLt, IIr'Rnfr'n`tt 11 .• rR.•t•r'c 1T Tar MINT arrte•nv1: SNI) tu.•r I.1%PM►:•T ux taALTM t* 4'£11,... T115. r•A:* ' At::six•; I sow S!'RAiN''•, 1:lit'IS::S, I:IIl:C1tA- 'T' ►;'I'HA1'11F, Flier!:'!' BITE, L4., Lc. grim•[•. p!- Henn. Etta" Eciw'u'e of Illnitstic: a. :x CAMPBELL'S CATHARTIC in ooMPouraj ie lases, t4'1a •t it= riping,.1..es mut Oe. ennnolt t.t -.R. and will tat cr to irr:. tationats.e r •"earl• a.; do alai!), .'f the il.aal e' :Inn:es f••i- minister' d !!et the form of 1'i:ie.:Ie. I.a,lkns, and . Chil- dren hosing the bio•[ a'nstt;re stns tn'uh t take this IIlea'ricuie a ltlt04t noir hie •.r cotnpiaint. ('.*tni.t.t.'s CATt1Aillie Cnspnrvn is esl.•eially adapter; for the cur' cl I.sv.R CowrLAsxrs AND Jinuota '1►t.- aRpl.i:a. •: J oa .1i iu MTOV AC ! Asn T.,ea. Or .tr. 1 At It Fn* Siert a IAOAenn Axa) t►tar+ reit. }'on ('anal iraTne% colt 4 ,Y.11% L'C... FOit ALL COMwiAItTs *i:s.lt•• i'1:1rs t 1)I•0aln.aa. STATIC far T141 STI. ■A a ll. Thin medicine being in rho. J form, On doss eta be mimic -a "bouton[ w 1154)1 tl.o r*iiirealeme of different per. ."1:1, thin nlnkin2 1t fglttll!' wtdl aoiap,t'.1 to the uso.of the little ciabi ar, t . t;.y uiulr 1'u: t n i:1 Itis a itn.'e sold by to: d.: Mere tis• fano r; . ' iciMit. • CAIN: P LI^3 `0 "sal �� apranth ' Yet ��� } '4 aa. s1 fare w nh.f seal O tte.of[halrla.,.of•'•«rare•• alts.da.1 .part a low w nd_ad arm a( . bey dulls.. W alt e.t mad Pai- maaws.. ef ties Heart. reset* O'*.k, win f.i4k./tta w in doe. of Sodden i thauatinw arr.mt from Lea of N.A. Acute o. Orotic tit.•'eat. N,h,u rrUp a• ~NIA,ata the Teo. a Fetwa No remedy will_ see nage 451' 1. retie( is tMl* lar iw aeKIR ar' w'. rt r- •.1 Mat, ;.cos of Alpe,, '. .• _+ w fidgety sod is dears where an NeelTITA 0119 CIIRT..lr f'f $VtAsT M 1rsI1.tXIR M 140. hand ,avAtt'- AIMS. Gr'i .ry all !),alerr in it/Aline". DAOII4 & 1.AAREIOE OO.(Liali!ed) Sot r A,.Rw n, MOIITRIAL P. Q JOB TF Yot 11'A• a' D. , 1 t' WANT 51 Yat' WAN IC. L. McBer" TOSS, BARGAINSeat door to ;be' !ia e, kes i,eIso ;It alar;;a4dlwj 1allarlr,1. t1 stoo.t I .t1' 'fliE Gro Toronto Cash Carr bu, i. a. n•Rar•t...,u.. y *IA puce, with AR) other stock , los Yli laity. THE FALL STOCK Zt3 NORr COMPLBTW. t,C.tll aro in•itcd td .'ss.e ALA rarusiuc the gwa1,ty L'cnlru.iwr the teal .d . 11fV. TnC,t\Tt, i' x-11 .r0I:E. G•rleriah, t rt t 1lxk I((. 7\r.1 3s. pllINTING zuriar 4 IF TEAS AND SUGARS ,t ti1'I:r •, lo reluthanks anks to my customers tee tL ity,rIrons/ ". 1 wou.d al.., tut Ott sax stb- rrs w l.0 w i iL w . al. auo tamp•t t toy WKS. C. L. $cINTOBH. south tt'r.t . de t.1 the Equate l: ode, -nil. Fel,. 1st I,. l • • t. ' (30DEFt2CZ3 PLAiVIN is Tie Latest Frond' sad torn Styles,' sBachlumn,La�aon Robin�en BASETACT! art:t ov Sash, Doors & Blinds HATS, BONNE ". 'Feathers, r lowers, Fancy Trimming I u m Lcr, Lath, SIS r I1 illes DEALS:SO IN •LL KINDS Or REIti I)LtIt!tS'11���\ k'y L:a I:.sod bwldrb w.[rata; of awry d.•.• al,.•u. ;The Chi sago }Iou.se., FW1,1„P fi A S/ECIALTT. ,srA Jrdu- prompt:y-iattcu'.edato. •G.,•lencft .lie. >" WU. "-ly EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS 5 1 i ( N A J, PATNTS 72,000 COPIES PER SEN.' TAia Cun.ptrhu i• L .main" b,nelr pit Furst, Ageit for -Domestic • Patterns. L WES7 STREET. nODEItlt I'. The People's Livery _ `nitVf STAnt le DANIEL •,CORDON,' CABINET MAKERI ANTI LFA5sI' G UNDERTAKER. JOHN KNOL Proprietor. Anyone ran advertise. bJt 1 can show the Sire. I have more stuck un baud than any 1 w o The akocritrer is prepur, .: to tarnish the p*b houses :0 tow n:o w1.•.: roan. I,t wail, DISPATCH' FVRNITVRE. ; The Finest Rigs I have now on hand to „Berea' styles of It.•.truxom Mattes. F different aryl.• of sideboards, a . AT REASONABLE 1'I:II ES Parlor s uites, and a:..u., any Ihitnr 'n roe Furoiturr line, all of which will be au44 'CALL AND 8EK 1: 4-- Up{w 154" COii►oe As t'HI:.11• ,t.. TITK.I'III:AI'k:ST..\ND iK'T YOU FOHI*:T IT. Het! Gortrrtch. In the t'NI,h.R rAKING 1 give peroral &P.ntion. ant tyle Lenten non of nearly 10 years j God.rich, le b. WI IR 1!M experience. I thank l has.- the bre• Hean,.•a to tt..• ('oun.y of Huron I will leave the public to _rattier. 1 hive ...•ry'thiud uatallr kept in a *rat -metria establishment, such Aa taaketa.' f." - ('ofllna..hr.and:, ;Ishii... Gloves, ('rata's. [-c. Btobaiming dose when reua:red, - - - - j t!'l Guaraatr.'tp'lir sat isfivum, in eve.•7 sane. OLD STAND BETWEEN P. 0. AND E1.N;: UF MONTREAL .t'1"1- ll is Getderleb. ['rept. fr h. lark. \.4'--..n HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY WE SRL:. ENVELOFES l(' I ":.'salt• nod I:••:...:. --'w•j T£ Business Envelopes ClitEATS, 1 i:A9E MARKS AND Cap1NiMTS Obticnet%and all business in the ('.M. Patent t iii. ,' at tctate 4 10 at ."Nr1it•:RA 7'E FEES. Our u111ee is opposite tit.. 1'. s. potent M. e••.•, sod we' car eb?a:n rote•[• in leas Ouse than those r.'nNo!.' trona It'A1.t1IlYGTO\'. ►wad af111/l{l. 1►R 7)1L1 t1'IXI:. We ad- vise aA 20 patentabt:ity tyre of chart[" : and - we gawk*. \'IP('N.4At; E: C'.t'LIi1.', lt•F u11- TAl.t' We refer. herr, to the Poa•master.it,r saw. o; Money Order It..., atad to o4ttt•tal* o1 the �. Patent ([dire. For a ovular, ads:re. teems and refrrrea en to actual •heats lit your i own Male or 1'emery. serif" to (' A.1Nl• W • a Opposite Patent Orrice. W.:shine:on. h. i'. c reE 6,000,000 PEOPLE USE FERRY'S SEEDS -_---:ti!.TANi.l.trl a i.$4 Y LAIM_- --� PtaMrawein F_atar,rts•as : \a., Iaapr.tresea1: t: rase. ttr•rkly 4 ,beeurty o1 /,.'cera{ /fates of Islet -tat. I 're*, ORTGAi ;ES PURCHASED. S, 4 and : ?rt rent. Iuf•reaf .1Uutrvd '.n i)4ystoit.+, (fermi -dill, 4,, ,il)iunnt 4511,1 fiat, left. I OFFICE: --Cur. of Market Square and North :street. Corti rich. K: .*I or WEEKLIES. 1101L 'X HORTON. THE-- I MACAO R1t Goderich Ah e.sth l9'.. 1154 Free Press HARI:Nat: -•;, LI)NDi)N. HAIR , D. M. FERRY 6 CO. ? Tlw.tlrrici.lonl Department is a noted Restc•tr *' .rn.-5 ...1. •I,+ Mature of the "ere. Pee.... }wing •'way. on ht r to . lA411187 altaYta tache i1Milt. aro' eAendo• fed h I M. FERRY i GO'S tiottL7 skilled c, taro., t. ork. marl ' res.. :M• .N...A r.". l We are pra•jesre d t•:, p.rp^1)Enos 1404", in any ytant:t). tat tate fdlewb., LOW PRICES : A Good Na d White Envelope 01.. -- :EEO ANNUAL For 1897 rr,II hesail d rasa weate aepetrsats. 555-.1 tabus t•me,... easlAssArs w.ir•vt ..- ,50nne a I. '.41..4I. to •:;.roma, ream ow.w I% Ow .l.e, ,'.i., mass .A...M 'AA/Addr..r I.!r.PINT aN. W .Idao►. Ont. M. per M, or 2c. a pik gc' -- A Good 4o. hi's Efm.lopc a: S1.10 per M, or 3c.a A redo./ No.: While Ent elope a Pk. 01 25 per M, or4c.'a p .i 'A Bead No. 7 White Ibavelspe a: .C.: Lt�ICE-- I 1 . slops '... r ALL THE NEWS !loafs.' . , 1. I n C t t:.^^.:: • i i,,, � n • grow:h, :. w; Imo- FTS•- I _ j aottoti 42:1., . j, sty Te :••crtl(`e, '1'• 1. pi •,•... :dad and ['oral's• EAS a, 1 .. _ f �`, t, gondrn, a rap to the h..ur or public*: eon, tryM r, a r. g .t...:al Market tiepins meut..1zrle•tltural I�e- aCptlw e e� t'ar• rs"nt, sermonLy Or. Talmage., apital . n.,,,, I " R(, -'try .tlw•ar,.ru:nn:ng. Ingenious "'unsay ;'1,1- ,.. h 'is?(, 511.0. Ile:nuru is !te ad '. t. P ).../4•7f . rear from time to lime. !'ra='vital '.l:tatr_,t:ona of Meta and Th.i.ima[•, cap- Ha- •• - I JUST THE THiNG FOR TUE FAMILY i I -sere r'' -u t . r of the boost held yogi sly .uu't• fur 14 ra,•h w.. !.. »LARGE $1 PtAPZr^t t, 111•41.15. team[ •!ger. ti.derlekl • ::.15.111 ret UL a y.. V pP t an ! ►'L 'i 1 tN 1'1,1'. T.,.• frock is ureal MMEE r550* PMI%T1114:15.. • 1.044110!1 CA31ADA- $12.000 ip Preatioms Th.• must i:nentl :n.!acementA ever otfeeei n l •nada to ra1111es R.•tting ate ,'Iaba. fair x1,. eek I) }'rye fess•'. Bend for s envy of our I','-nunm Litt. and .e.• the n d a'''. m.. I . Giver Almy to Pilots sir • Tot trenul[: .n ''• topics tr-.- on l n . ix. :at r:t font and upwards, :. h.:ation. Ad teas M. or 44:: a pit. 4. rre,sL Oysters i 1 • A (end Ifo i The bees brands of Ovaters is Walk or by the w11i'.• 1 n,"!op.' at Iran. N"th.:arse •tom ; of•'-1\I'l7-`t. NON-* S1.T5 per M or 5c a pk i G. CARDONE. Half or Qua • Merchants ran ret their HII5 Heads. ;steer lies/[• I:c.. tc. pr.nted at this oal..• for very l.ttie me,. than they generally- pity for lila - Later, stat it I.e1*s ter advert tar'i.e:r Lea saws. Call and sec maniples and get pries*. the:. r♦ LL .-+. ..� '�!1!'.N�•�f GODERICR BOILER TOILS Chrystal 8t 1�1, Mar.,aa, t r•rrr • ! .ti k,. ti of T. .. MEP.T MARINE. r 1 NT AND 1 !TA a E. u R ti 0 UtUTAR BOILERS. GALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS and all kindso($l.yt !rut, wctk. -4-wow'... 0,4114641-t5PIi !'FPrOlib»' ••.tl..tanrty Oil hand. On bLnd, Pear:. for ;kiltrrt 1 :M w.t'. ao w sweet Roller. 1 a II.r. %res wailer. A fomplete 2rd.pa9 Threshing Nth ' Jos• •. 5r s. IND:. S•'.: • t Quarter Tho,:wsda a ramc rate a� � G sorklog o••der. W 111 be mitt "hemp. saes liar ThousandLots. �' Mail order* will receive prompt at tt ntiut . • M l\s/_ Works t 111!!1. L. T.)5. MMIM. R. GMlrrii h. May auh. It1tM1 - )toiler. Engine. Separator. fee.. all la good Lai les' E:velopcs, j ::.r 'tory hot .,'aclity is *he market for the I money. Geed 45 .s:t p Lad i.'s* tpuarr 5 Cents 0'0e, 251i Flee Q,laltty Ladies .4o.sam 7c.a1k.or4 bksfor 2 - Ca11andSeeThc: L)UNN'S' BAKINO'"THE SIGNAL" , c:n'p PAINTB, OILS AND GLASS, THE COOK'S BEST MEW PRINTING OFFICE. GO D E RIC H. IMPORTER, P.O. BOX 881. 'sale and Retail Dealer in .'AND': HEAVY HIGGINS' Ewins A RDWARE Ft541 PCItiTY.-4%r•:t:T•:5---. A ►:. • . 18 UNEQUALLED. DAIKYMEN it w ll Cm.tl in.;,r, • • , r BUTTER & CHEESE. A4e'•"T for it •. e1I. OakI;I:uts I4 HAMILTON, ONT. 4,' woof for Fere ('!frgala' .'$* I llatek ss15., Naw Iw:i •:Y