HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-4-8, Page 3After au .n.aulp ant f t•
weeks 411 Maoist••.• •• n. n tt.
northwest for thirty • ,.1
now camp on a cowls • i,r •,•
the Cauvery river. tweets
us. There hail iwee . rt.. Os •
im Shia 001 4h114040444411 foe two
the reason that • tea. 1 ilei:
reed off hundreds of the u • •
.pnpu.alwl uua•.y of lie ..0 1 to
had hal nppnrtuoiry to Iwo
had religion to look (••rwa•d • ,,, • a
*,.Wont sport. A Nati., 1. . test lv
ear Seriigela*tam. rut I el,. stili. ••
In cutin_•' ..t the srr,.ut• •. et
7 goo ( s•,tk•,ricy t h •t i.,.,. , 1..r.•
al come sta.. tor« al.. 1.lit••.
soli they were a- ph ..tf,. - . ea•
that we sh••uid burl • but 1. 1 • . nyt
We pitch d ' e.,1.11 "it • • •t •ora
tin the twit 1,;•..k • ! 1.. . s hen
bad two fart .,1 e.•rr .ti • •`•,u•
ii feet wide ii .e• , 1,•' • . ore set
h .u, a., a ith t' e gr u 1 r• r' reit
ionto red Il till . • - a•'
•Iaandooerl motive •.Matt.
Sere, of vms.,d wh ,•h h, 1
tailed wen- now grain up ••
!,e•'.. Il'r writ 1'.2n e,•r••
hour b••t••re e 1 .•11.
The neat day e** ueh.•rr1 it. rrh a
driulint: rain, and it was ...sr'', decidrl
n.•t to hare a117 genera: Meat up 1 •r gano ,
but tc overha..1 Attn.-aril trspui'.r» awl
THE BUI QN SIGNAL. FRIDAY, APRIL S, 1887. , _ __ _ _
.tsps when I turned my eyes to
It, ,•r towant e.trp. rile right
ler tike as, elrctr.c •p,r:'es . C'WOO
he wall tin the loft held side,
_••r a r..uHu,t Iiia fol.,. •no
Assn veer• of life. Oa the
.. suis '1111 •{wo ulnae to the
ea a ntedwm sued
WI i the •illtUJS of b th
.sowed shat they bad been
sea is .r 1' .ss • still hunt and I
was ' Ire .ellen Tho lion had coals out
cal • r b Art • th • ,,!ht, sn3 the tiger
bad ••.1 f the thicket to the left,
au • •s vb.. creek Neither aumual
e•.. .r .r... the other, mai thus
tit • • • • •r4 .warn of each t ther'a
Her. 1 •.,.•t„r.l un the building with
ore ' • .h,• .1.e.• .nattier m'•utrnt
• r I'i ..! est. w.1ol•1 uuduuhtr•i•ly lightning, the ttget b.uudtat through
• .• •• •apt of ails eu••uwh 10 make a the apace and alighted o.: the 11,11s '
►car ' h••.• 1 our • hick, and 'gaits they ro:!:d a:..1 woo.
-Patrick Flanigan. said the District
ed about. The bight was t• o tierce to he
•••w iul the h!a-k a w•••nt the nt eve. \ttorney...ne day ni court, stand up
kept up Iona. and b•• •letenrlmtil 1., t to
ON III st..•
.t their valet alk••••• slid made and plead eutay , r Lot guilty to the
auk illlesafke, White the lion tied the: lt'a.pili' to sake, he puts mu book wart, ! Never be idle. If your head* canna t
tiger are lu•hmNy belated amenities, I w►.
iseep•se 11,e fact tt.at both had planned , 'Bake the d• ukey *1.s court &Strati
to tustu meet of ins, and both tett ger shouted
Lingut .
list always
f..,.u.elvrs dimple toted, arou:rd all It oueri,t was the
their 2.1•...ty ftl.•at of the time dories declared that that app
the nisi ullach they were rolling over I .aneereelest mistake he err' prods u, hie
and uvrr lake • bell, team/. biting end I Ids.
reviling, mud the movements of the LmicU p -_
tiger were much the .tuiokeet. They ; did hew y It wee • nota►.Have y.ow r. res u.w' Ata(ireR.•r .(, errat
Madly separated, each bmckiug of w few q asked his. "U,d the dunkry do the l'o'ts • Carb••l,, ! eratr t r ...tee of soy .�..r.
feet and each stood broadside to u.e. 1 ' duty f ' kind ! It le beyu.iJ eiount the vary best
,hwld see half • dove blond •tun's on I "Yes." said the Provident, "but after preparation in the market for haling
the Ilon's siar white itis tiger bis been that time every donLey in the cvuutry and kering Sorra, Burns, Bursa, Cut:,
Pimples, Blotches, and a rhe . my I.rop-
terribl bitten about the nee:, and wattled an eth„w ' air oueth•yl , f ol•plrtuw C12, .tie Aeld,
y blo.,d scratch oar his ! The shout of lauvhter that echoed SolIl st 1:. i;hy otos drug store (d Vic
In soca ped lhrr.
be usefully ewpiuymt. art.n to t e C -
t•v•tioa of sour mond
Never listen t.. h.. l:v'twosome-
time. You had be ' .' 1,•.1rrovai its
yuur blared than roar ,r,nc,nlee.
Nate no haste t be rich, .f you
would prosper Swell ...• i st,adr ,ales
love c..mfwtsncy with Ir.,,lu1ltty
( Mott.
''They hare • hurt se's in my die-
tri:t,' says a aril know:- iruaggisr, -thou
*n7 u'':rr pill ..n the market sell gni
the best aat,f.ctson for reek hea.bielie,
bilotou,ness, md,keatw,li, rte au,i when
cnrnblme2 oh Jv'u1•(e,. • Time Bitters.
Juh••st••u'a T.n,c Liter Pill. w..1 pie
form shrill o•• either inudi,Iiid h,, d••ne
bailors (••t aulfer•mg bonunit% Ptlia
2A cents per melte. tt4t•re .a:) ,.cols
.•..1 tel per bottle. Kohl by Horde,
D o.wut, Altman blotto 4.. a.i'eh, sole
I ' I
hare visa . y
quarter. They faced teal: other our
about a minute, the lion 'tering in a
deep lass and the tigrr stairltn,; like an
enraged es' Then. switt as a !tach cat
fr.•ur the hotel t',rnd•,r at tike tel:cit of per 6"1, Il
this narrative would have made the for-
! tunes of ten., or three entirely new
rat elsulaq•'s Loatr
,1s e' u.ei l f•.r 2he moment t. „dor rt, I or e•
St ••,lit elreuun•ten•n* illy wad Leat Nbon the breast• finally s na •!., t, I NLru f'at had a 'u: led with Ile pu-
u t 11, sr: ;Zi;
charge preferred agaknst you."
u, their fent. the tiger had lo:ld o1 the• ti••n lite res torsi tl:n• made ! y the ofhoer of
bier. -A •n.•ve wort is a rare
,•r1• 5.111 net clearly un r•tood .til 'eat k.ac .f the fore vL.•ul,!tr, at•.i tis i the taw, the attorney pr seeded to read
•• *km ••o01, .1 •12,oil at on , and a second hunt tt.e-re acid •arthral tl.0 tu,g as a(1"g I frim a paper in 1..• hand • graphic de-
., se enol n„• thein to kgnow..nola would a sheep. Twice tho lion yelped out , setipiltu •,f a
certain transaction In
• so .w WI 1 d 11 but j 1 d f en
•. 1M•rl..
•-h w7,1
.,r.ilt .w
1i 1,1 WI'," 1,''t sight 1-f the, beasts
loot h td hell turned, at If to anrak
.Note, .soil.• thv t •,.r was crouched
legal ,h.- ani!, and apperred shortie
1.1 d- mad 1 ri,rtl np and ,wu,.i; toy hat
sod el ••I 1...t1, w.•ild have belted, bat
1 twist voiles. , .t, taking my pale and
.1w.seta rel mNuvr• ,o lot., ace„cant, 1 visa
baggily . t:o.t I cou'dn't think just
WI if he ha ..st ms co as e , to nut - • which t'at had been engage in s e
dainty wade • ;grand esertl•.n, broke the I Jays before.
tiger's hold and then turned and cra:ht Wort ay you aryl you guilty •r
him btr the neck. I thetieht all was ,u t lenity
over with the .rt. T. hot, actually ,,j'an not guilty of half them things
hitd him clear of the ground and oak vuule;read to tee,' said Pat, looking at
him, and this time the tiger whined. f the Coed, • bus I did have a bit of •
After a nit, h,acver, be twist.'" las row last Saturday west and I dome)
Wady around until his Lind claws caner jest what I did, for, y•'u see, I was
drunk on the meanest corn
break ••.at i took m r•• west' • • nA• int Thera war another r.•st for 14 m.n•
r y 1 1 db Nothing 'l'uu, tilt' a mom.nt, en• ri'•ed ..
make readyt•.r n. at .itis I}..,, after obit oar•• tt t.. he d• nes and therefore list* play, amu the!. the li •n had t a let star
whiskey yet humor Iver tasted.-
nary rr•t:'I' et sl'pir l a•"•" .•sir* err ll.crsw«•1 i 1,« 1.es,ts, and then came such ate cat so, And again the tiger w.s the
'But, Patrick, war never taste it,"
► rt This time t key
triages Into me (',.•tail 'god w••, ...it•acne a 0,11„..„ were err' pletrd aggressive party.
its I e o
tto harp a 1.••k at the ,'•••.•rfed .2.1taem lee -said the Judie, while a smile lurked be-
st. 1 ilea opp•,ltum' y to. see ,tern a hon bought more like doge, ut,It ler aet•l::ng hind tb•graye judicial cunuteosace.
lo. w as.. a tinter a,.proach a vIetim, "totting to ablw-to d•irn the tither, and they kept
••1 warn eon t • 1- woref.d •kr." ran' 'oe struck (Lose 1 h..ve wondered a working away from 1'.r uui:t•u.g toward "iure, now, don't you though'!' said
Pu, with & Ilook of mingled surprise and
tweed 1 name ager .Ljrr a. 1 (wsool :h••uarnd tours what could have come thecreek. I advstit<to as they retreated. ,
the spot on salt:.:h he was usencIn.l a „vet. me i,, sit there with Ivy gun within and they were Still doing their best to incredulity, well, thin, you ought to
Addle. vetch out say err.,ter in its ..Nair an
d Ih 1 d deatmy each other ween they relied off (kat ruse, to knew how to pit7 a fours••
flat darts Sur* Pot homer grant*
"Oh, I have no (ear. and the wild •u+k. ny the elithturt nu••.e to saw my the hank, IOiQ _ creek. Lack Wee
b.avta eat ten asleep this mmntnr, any 1.1.• w-ia+to- tb..a•.A.sw t z aloe crelu near -
bow." et aid ',enter. 1 tbwk the p •kion b.-
nurnbed end awi'utird rue t.. a certa:o ex-
tent. may n :•,' haat• •c ed, with a
tent. Th.t t., .Pule k
bra,u was neo•
duteousduteous•hake of the heal, and hu era r m v re arcate :.cad to) ryreil;ttren l I
coveted with blpod. front to lee to tat ,
and the injuries ineicfed muse late been mllabief yrc
a.ricw. TFe tumble into `the water roeself en!ea ye take a drink tens toed
separated them, and while th. tiger thin JM t" N" bow it "kN
ms. en 116.reached the opposite batik at one �• a•. bisalt''
looking after me as 1 entered the busu. the lion crawled aro: at another tbi"WhoY "R• Pre yen the Ii'lsrer, Patrick :"
telt L•elpleas to mose,at:d toy mouth to
i had i •rgottrn to say that donne the as dry a: of 1 had a !r.t•r I knee my feet away, and b ,th kk•n(ve': in",.., the aatte'i the Court.
night we were Itcrwt{ypturbd by the peed 1 es fci:y a, a,.y •_ .2 could, but when forest withoet ti.e slightest desire 10 re- - "Weil, I .tonne si..it s :..s name," said
noise* around us. sItrrio se. ere! large I thought of ;;s a.; in;c toy rid* and 12 -41 -1 -lout:,
new :he tight,- 'ew lurk Pitt, too !retest to turn inf..renaet, wb:le
lues going, and while these prevented tug K t12e eXett,n regnirld dac• utagrd r gieSin of tics n.lIve rniAnf iwl•(•kl!
marau,.me bouts fru:• commit tero near, me. List Na's war wet nes 12. iia like rya "tido i i+Dcw T ettiD R Ii
the tiare probably attracted them to the - esnN it7e. tebind the Lar, Tosae,
Tote bun vats the bei ler ..i the two. I :,ear•, a story reptated the other dry
1•.cality. Out could intinzut•h the spit Judge, I was w<:rling f•.r the city, an
02 the panther, the snarl ..f the tiger and
`biter n.akiug up his wind that I cutl3 as an "A;,e [,margo story, ' but what to
+3 itis vitcect• list clox by, an. 1 was
n ot hum hittihe held hie Lead Bell tri vd - d t u • ha••e altrmbered s,•n•e-
ha• . talk a •,rink lout cultist to hate hurt a
.Ins pec.. leas under cuss', sod he not ..t.e that the p'liti:ians w call nes
-1 - .
Womb 1Womb Mie Will
the totem of the lion : and afd.d to these 1 t' air :a., s' tI.vsty, au' it tear e., hutdy 1 .kat ion ars'
awning hs t�•1 a o let and at rtD • v here fora good a l• 'c Certainly it its;
entre the howl of the welt, the c
u t baby. and in tits aearnds I was crazy
of the hyena and the yelp of the jars &.
Truly, we hod struck a rich find Driv-
er.out of este cath••' dutnetm, the beastylsye•1 r ;nay t'.te
crektion had toad. their way to this, and 0.4' ?h2 :r_rr di
the sound of a hunter's rill•• had near eat'." thsractelatic* as a cat creepIIg
tree heard hire f• t }'ears. upon her pray. He crept, crawled,
twisted about, 3rd 5.0:ht t•, shelter his
1 Lal n, t. 1 • I. a •lout'' of a m4.1 'Jody Deland the slightest tuff of gram
in•u, caaop stir,. +loo's hlsr t snake ran He did not, however, take lis, eye; off
hire g away from coy flet, and 1 heard me 6 r the tentfi .1 a eteeuede and tt,•
* wt:d brant of a the tett making kis way rester he care the n' -'re Lu !:seat lips
to the thicket. These were proofs fast
i could not he over pruent, and here- parted to rhos t:u ye.: •e 'eat!' He was
a supple ea a snake. and u•.t:::ng could
after I kept guy ryes aa,ut nor and say be mer' -actio
wr t th
an his rurenects. I
rated f serrire The
or tus.ac. ,
village was 'trunk along the curt fur eruld see ' is t-wmendents mus:iso quiver
1.512 a mile, i 01 the first lot I catute to
was an indnsu:e that hid hero need for
n council house Thr ..: wars erre of
.•,lobe, while the reef was t:,atehe,i.
Taere were really but three walls. one
.•id being left open except a shtl.t re-
turn of each side wall This •per span
rota at least twenty :ext acro -se. while
there was room enough ,rude 1.r 400
people to wt or stand. The • per. end
looked back in the direction I Lad coma
and twenty feet away was the bel ,actor
„t a wall which extended f• r ab. -lot 300
fret. It ea about font fes: high. made
lately to repels. on the swnti, beca.a•N I drunk, al.' I dreamt that I was at
regrets on their craft. In a little group Dunk. .uk fair, an' that m a!: l r.• arm
at the Parker House, hasten, a Adair
noisy „tun itis Cit?
� bee till nest n.nrrrilg, w::ret 1 saw my -
kr!alai in caul.
Hell waitecF.ting the aertu::eab tf' .
Henry Wetter...o, and •lefending t1:• "Rut. says the Coors, "sou a»
princ.l•.! tint :he 'roils be', reg to tl:e' eharcwt with perpctr*tints ■n n eaves -
victor. :knit aas■u't ant b..tcery tin �Er >t , ilii
"I see t:•: nom, r .*1J lie, ".h7 any
.riot! -keen".'
Repulwiicar. 411• old be kept :m A Frder.uk "k; mi:, ter hon r. ' sank Pat, ii 1
office here :11 P.•'aton, $kills 1, a Demo -
party, tato for s2• •::d be left ot:t in the cold. :,iveu hint •1132 Iirrnse I wouldn't 'to
siren drunk - an' tf 1 hadn't brew drunk',
" T Iter. is • ,..aii�M r Spicer,- said a
please pr.uaro•ler, tl.d,ca•u.g an untie
IUg cnml•
crrsrtlusllst, •hu was •r$171ng
the earn of a patient alum, "VIA, 1. a
mine of maforouste.11. a perfect encyclo-
pedia." ll'att,og mutt: out of ear•shui,
wary Stith replied, -Yrs, 1 km.•w he us,
hut i prefer the• et.. tail.pe.l,a in book
form. You can scut that up, you
Thu latest tamely for_Cougha,
Croup, Whooping Oriel'. Bronchitis,
ete., 1a 111c(irrgor'r Long Compound
There is no remedy to existence con
taining any or.e of the active ingredients
coaitx,smlg Mt Groomes Lung ('omp..uud,
tiro do not say you have taken everything
until you have tried this her your cold or
conch. anviol,.ulpink•,': a 11! he the name
as all who here used it. viz . that it is
the tweet. Sold in 5tk at,d $1 1w tties feRhymey
G. Rhyme drutac:•t. .1
ss he m• tied, end I;remember .02 tlin.k " - hat reminds me, .old an elderly
' I leu'•dn't se got into the brit, end I
in what r..wer ire 'mast have in :.is ler. man. 5)',•^1 a:l 11.0 t. wit wluid ream.
wouldu t hay3 been here this mornin'.
f ten minute, before the tote :1 I were t• descnte hits, oaf an
It WAS s
beasts &p;-r••rrhe-1 the fe ints where they Inc:dent ::,at I heard ,
resIi:-ed .a'h other'. preseroe. Yo. C. :.. a mfr. imstra2tnn.
w ould tare .i•ought. with . r.ly a wall cal i. itut:an who west
separating them, that they must lave ton t-' get an • .vii.w that
heard or *rented each other Tae fact awaited Lie apfbc*tion
hila. In a c, u -,:e ,r
•f early in Lin -
1 here was a k.-
••r to Washing -
be felt Sete only
to be Riven t•.
wzr:.a fie came
This was a process of reasoning new
to the Court, and it being salt evident.
Pat was dise�ri
i n t A Itetw of maty. te. R. t
The First Sign
8arp3?a' Bazar
Harry-reIlaaaar oe,nbtss
Mthe uhu,. e lit-
erature •,.d the mes( art ihlu
,..trs,u» wilt.
the latest taalu•.ne a..d the num! 4,14/12 windy
reading Its .tun.-*. trwn: ,. anessaareey • are by
the 1/•.t writers. matt Its humorous sketches
are nv
neorpeed lir yawns on es tat eu-
queuc. decorative art. homeerp.ait .5.11
14 Or•e. h. s, '.carer)) . et. • sake ,t !•A.wla--
ublr. mn
, every household. Its besot
elate. and pattern-eht rupplements en
rile ls.tirs to rave ,-
many times the ..l .1 .ub-
..r/prion by ming ,heir owe dresanaakerr.
Not a line Ir ■dnm,lyd to its (minuses that
•uu:d shuck the must tastidious:Wt.•.
II A I1PER1t BAZAR...... .... - 114 el
11AH1'NK1t WICKKi.Y. . . el*
l.tftPS:Ilii Y°►UN.: t'ItUPLE. 2 ww
H AIt Pf.it'!t /its K1.IS t•iat;ARS 1.1111-
It .% It V. OarYear tar_ Nusab••nt . N N
Ii Altf'P'K'll MANIIY SY-ltlk3'. lh a Year St,
N mmbrivl ... - . IS N
postop fent to art ewba' .hero it tar l'+ sd
States sed r'u*rdd. Haus: --clime' of thHaus: brain with the
Ont Number fur Jatri•r) 01 qct. year. When
aro time is rowel Owrrn 5.thh1u,ptluns will be
eta wrih the nu:ubrr , arreht et l,en
tone of s
taint of order.
B,,uad \.tomes of Horner.' flame. for three
tars back. la neat ..loth eluding, will Lr .eat
1•r nail, gonane pad, or Ls
y prees. tri' of
sprn.e tprorldwa the treitrtlt does tout riveted
' lt'1 Ott per s,duleel lot i7 w, per soiumr.
l'toth Cases fur yeah Vitiator. mutable fur
b1sdfntt, win helmet by forst. postpaid, on r -
ceipt of ei (acerb.
Eemittanae•s shon►d hr mode by 1'o•:
Of fai:kno, h• o.Oh, whether in the .ria of Maury t►rd.•r or than, fu "met „hem. of lir..
15, b1 • w "'II.' and \eryuwarea, or i11 • \ ew/Tapers are riot 10 •vpy Uses n,: ettes
alma' without phr'sines ord. r o/ lkIAIWfitt
t:m•.•m&tla. Adder.»
- - -_ - New lea.
sense of (..neral We'lrineet and Loos of
Walk' enent the t.-'• of A? Pee
Sarsaparilla. This preps:atL'n t* most
effective fur giving tone sod strength
to the enfeeb d system. promoting the
digestion anti a...lmitat:':n of r•s'or-
1ng the wervuus fomes to their norms1
condition, and fur puri.': inti, earsinn,4sppJ v Ranting tb• hiatal.
that they did not Walt nrnbS12 1 ',WI 71 10 • • l should not thin', at right did I not
the excitement wider -rhica t:ley la:our hack. tits r'} testimony of what B. B K. heti
.!1 "Wel!, did ynu get y>i:r ,?are hie dune for nisi I was tr.ohled with
Ii ofriends asked hurl," said lir hillioesuem. I took one bottle it fate
B/ and by tae :ion war aaa' s: at he immediate relief. I can rec•.mui.I.d it
end of th• wall, and near enough for his „fid you tier the Prssi.1 , , ' as a cure for bili.•ueuem. Minnie
spring 3e crouched down. *witched. Smith t►rlflia, tint. L'
. 1 es, of course '
.1 adobe, avid I could net sake ,out for
his tail u' • menaeint way, sou 11..1:27
,aha: porpoee it had been erected. If saw hie talons dig into tae earth as he
An enemy had been ezuected to approach gathered his muscle• f. r a great effort.
from east or west this wall would have' While bier' was a Nettled Jetert:,l•1#;i•A
,s Ivft on hie part tet make food ••f roe there
been a flood brooder 'k, slthougn
flank could have easily been turned ( via* * e -01411'I tertoda-ren nt h $ immoral
.temesuor. It ." Ph"''.at he ess ice ("r 32r , but if I can't RiteI stood for three car font minutes sine. I mystified:, lint his 'emulous nature Lti- yin; that. I can tell you $ uory We 1
sing the interior of the building, and vadat" tweet to Leer the story and let him i
then walked to the further end .•f it. �o 01:1:There were& °staple of whitened adults The beer kept 1M8at of :he hot.. and thus there waa a certain king.' be I.
on the round, and 1 gave nee of there a he via* the first to tante the alarm Ile
kick. As i did se an insect nes reptile of I evidently stented the lion, for he reared
,elms sort ,Maned forth with great swift- I tip, snuffed the air, and then finog oat •
tat ..k Volta
"What did he ay '
"Dell, we went is ar.d .taut our air•
rand he heard ua patiently, and then 1
1!e Mid . !
`•Gentlewer. 1 art sorry 2 have to of-¶
said, '•wt!• kept an astrologer to fore-
warn him of '.ming events, ail aspeci-
ally t•• tell hie, whether it was going ti• I
or bit me iia oils l.fc paw and ■ ,1 a am aryiry C$ ..0
ilea and stung7 he tient tai•. rain whet: he waited t, q:• on hunting a
wrist. Its movements were se rspd that I
never uart,ed the lop, and r expeditions One day he had started utI
ran[ showed his teeth, and conk bee eyes , f far the forest with ha train of ladies and ;
1 could not ay tee.__. -- _--
at me. i simply caught a glimpse or teen 1 ttse for the heat time Either animal
id a dark, hairy object, and torn felt the! could na•i(y have leaped the wall, ht:•
pain, which was as severe as at 1 had 1 neither mtt•mlpte I it The tower t.,..k on
been touched with • red 1•"t torr, 1, • tierce ionk and drooped e, .:,r ,.1 hie
carried an •nodule for insect and row k;e stealth, but .1', iinn r'em:hed the end of
t d.vvaway was , tae wall first ',Hering',Heringa roar of defiance
plwianninz- far the wres
block f wood and i went to it, par, ed i and evulentie et;aecstn g to tome an r•t: -
& Noe r.
my .d a so..'. sed enol Tha titter war four •,r 5.e teat
,l aminu fit'ned the we P ray
Thera was bath from the .cat . of the wall, ard tie move
one po>aetrrr, hut It had drawn bi.lod.
Ile1 m*Je wen 16. 1.11.'1 that fey eyes
eoitId tient follow it A• Sha hoc's
/. Ivy
necked away at the wound for ten oe eat made • lightning spring., and th. commie, and w.t1 t . 2! .. forest , bet
threa minutes, end then applied the' rent•. meant the two wore riling ever midday there came a terrible storm
antldnte snit wrapped a handsel, •Met ted near at u'y two, hihttug .• .111:y that drenched mot totff.tted the wholehave drawn all the Potreo, suck he•eta eon light, and growling .n • party When the tie[ returned to itis
and the gosh was rapt, ,y The king trwted hos s•tnaleiger,
had showed arruuwd the ai'
leatims for a Iowan seas.
Make few pr ties.
tows to man anything.
Always speak the truth.
Keep wad company or none.
Live up to your engagement*.
Drink nai intoxicating ligs'rs.
Never speak lightly of religion.
Re just laefore you ere generous.
Never play at any cams of chance.
Fern your money tailors you spend it
Keep y, cr ren secrets if you have
Good character is adore all thins elms.
Reed anions (..•'tion of the Bible every
lords. for • grand hunt, when the train I day.
met a faro•er riding ' n • donkey, on the I Never borrow 'f you can possibly avoid
triad. I it.
''4 s•'l mocnit.g. farmer, said the Kwep yourself innocent, if you wculd
be happy.
4 When you speak to .'Amine, look him
••t:owid :.stating, tiro, said the fat• in the foes
mu . where are you folks gots;
ifuntnag, said the king
• int , yeti 'i! al: beet wet.- said the far.
l the his
in„. 1 home's', my arun air sed
it. 1 must
...at, but nevetheM.m 1 soon found toy ; ooannwr to m.kn e,) h•.r 'urn gra7 is
self as weak •a • babe and mr head was thew that strength cane toot nee,
o.sesed four times ton MN* for my 2 and i 'flair tip, Mit Instead ••f reeh'rg
►aody. Iarlesd, 1 via afraid t.. staid up , away I ran thank int., the haddiag
foe her that my hotly stook' not seppert Reaching the rear wall 1 attend there •
This fsrlint began t.. g:,; /iris -neer sad • spe,•tor The brad clinch
t bol
Irises he 1 ad ti:e aetrt loger decspitated,
and snot for the lamer to take Lis
'.tae '• aka,- sod J•e flamer, when
be arrived. "it aint mm that knew* when
g• its' to rain , tt'• gay donkey. When
laaswd almost threw minute*, and was it's mot*' too b e fair weather. that donkey
in aDont fifteen tuinwles, sed i' le • :rtes bio ears forward so Wbea
'::: (Qtic„•ateletirg tryle4 On r7 firxrylcterts.d 1,7 *itch (vowel .1 [ fills el II cs ,
Rave when you are young, to speed
when you are old.
Ever lire, misfortune wacepted, within
yoer income.
Seek heat the kingdom of God mud His
(loud company and gie.d conversation
mei the very sinews of virtue.
Never think that which you do for re
ligi.on is flare of money mos -spent.
Your character cannot he 'essentially
itjored except by your eon arta.
When you retire to bed think over
what you have done dining the day.
Avoid temptation throwgh fear that
you may nail Ile Otto to ollhstaad it.
1f •$rune .peek, evil at you let your
life le M i irtu.ur Unit mese sill helmet.
1t1W. I
Fading Hea;lh. AN ILLI;•ITP.ATED 111EEK LY.
Trtryr•trrr1m'i. te-v hes.:1t Mese t' fait.
I wan troubled with a d,.lrewutt Coag,.
1(Igbt fir, -atm, Weakness, and lNrrv.g•-
mr'w, 1 tried various remedies prev-,-•robed
by different plitsicians, but became so
weak that 1 could not ig�'oo up res:,if•, with-
ot(t stnppiurt to rest. 11y 1r:enels re.:um'
M. ruled me to tri rye's . lria,
which 1 did, and ( moa 1Jw ns healthy :ind •
Bary'+ rungs lee-, iLlq has been called
'•tt:e astelrl of what a periodical for
readers ought to bre." and the justice ei
osmmet.datwwi is amply sustained by the
large e,rool*ttea it net, el,aimed at hose and
Os Orn! Britain. Tins success has Issue
reached ty na••'twls that mast •'.:,,.ural
themselves to tb. Ju•1.tement of parents, no
lees than to th.rtar' . of chi:Mr.n a►mrIy, t•1
•a• earnest sad well •uarained effort •u pro-
i':dy the bee: and most attractive readies for
strong av ater. -11.1. 1.• L• R 11Jasm, 1 mane �,* ata low price. The atluetrat ioe.
♦icaafdrie, )Utica, are eept ons aael of anoint/II warty britt e21.v-
I lace used Aver's a .:-•a(ariia, In my
dant of utrSrti. c.
family, for Scrofula, and know, 1f It 1An epitome el everything that it Mimetivn
taken faithfulh', that it will thurmigbly f.Wideraab:e f , juvee.de 1tiera:wc.-Bvetew
eradicate this *uritis diseavr. 1 Irate also !'raef,r. -
presio•fitel IL ae a tonin', a. *ell ar an alter- A weekly feats of d things s •.: :..Ile trope
alive, and must tray that 1 hom :le believe •Sr; giro i• 8.227 tenitiy' wbv1, it ',rave. -
it to be the he..t Wrntf mrlia•ioe ever
romlxwumkd, -- W. F. FL.::.:, U. P. $..
31. Iv., Greenville, Teuu.
Dyspepsia Cured. '
1t 220,12.1 be imppoos•siirle for m= to d•e-
o-ribe what l suffered from iudigestion-
and ffeidaehe up to th^ time i baF::u
taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. i was mail.
the care of ratios pbvoic:ans spa tried
a root many kinds of melirin.., but
twit obtained mute than tewpoiso' re-
lief. After taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla fur
a short time, my iheadsehe disaleprared,
and my stomach perforated its duties more
tri•rf,s•tly. To -day rev l« -with Y coon.
�Ietel`y.irstored. -- 31Harley, rley, :rp:tlteq-
e1�. Igoe s.
1 have been gr*atlr twn,fit.f h} t5••
prompt n.e of Ayer's Sar••*perla•. It
tore.t and invigorates the . v .t rni, regulates
the action of the digestive and ,1.41a0i321%,
orgasm, and aitalizcs the blood. it is,
w•tthout doubt, the most rel,:ihlo blood
purifier yet dtrcovereti H ll luf moo
ltLwUc :v a Broukll n N 1
It Is wunaerful .5 iu..'e&Irh o! pictu:vw- ie-
fvrto•t i21. sad lute:; tt, --1,w: f4far a .i 1... qtr.
2'a. ):
tt`1s • Pdita,;e Pr paid. %w 1' fora',
V.I. VIILcommenc•-•, November 2, :'ol. o"
enc .r 1 Nommen. Tire Crate Neb•
ttenw•teaacee shoul•t ' • mead' Pm' Once
otoaey Order or thefts'. avoid a e
r of lyres
Netr.,t7rrp,•a ore Sot to nom Shia .44.wet ..4.
taean,r'IAeat Noe art,r,,a *rat/ of Ha.;•sm
HARPLR k BR") 11 RP, New a irk.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. CM
G 0 tq
rt I
Prepared by Dr. J C. Ayer k r , . Lewalt. tams.
Fries et; ala busssae,
en -721-1 1107%.2 0. ! H '=
1r-g'saraa:tot la. 'ra-aas'brirew7 I c 5
P - e. 1,r. v::'», r - •, _ t eheet.•i
dnitlepir of won= is l -,._t.• -i res Adcl:a
• r!• +C _ t W
, t,.
By wearing 1'3-
ilea of :he Orris ort 147 IV 14 i Morris
Reitollred Spectacles alhl Ell gleam
p 91
• I
gip I NM
ti -4
IP4 Nip'
Thee Pp.e1•r-i * and Parr Glasses hate been
lewd for the putt 12 years, &n4 In, r•. In evert
,..,aner untounned mai Wa artim They me
:Yates & Achesonj
rola •ea' Ire Toe 5021012. Th•'v never t
ma tut ,many yr•n withal f , 1, ince.
■1HOWate. 111111114 SATs
its Maryland Road Harrow Pose,.
IJmv10074. R'IOI.AND.
dote 1.*s•rws A *wrl► . Hartford i stes.l
t>•\e enaasetk.e whit *sr e,:.•- arm in the
Itewaiwtoa of COWMAN.
e JULt'tb,1ii
II. d__ .:,-;171 OR RE'.11i11Q
Cr_ '1"7 Int l$:".7 NE.f*
o7.,,,..:,..7,4, empioet,
1.1311E^Tif #. F'_'fl' RlNR
1,4,2"1 AFT 9F MrIRV.
EA` ; ' piss. t,,, A.'iOtT r 1•►F
CA r eivf:. : no 3TORA''N.
If 4 rR':MK DA' WRAF
jZ,etarc•'NC OF rNE 81ClM,
Awe genii' air o **se
,/1seeJe.-•.• „ore, Mwst.ygn sT
m. eo9 or swum
los les ; T. Cl(LBUZN I. ""r=