The Huron Signal, 1887-4-8, Page 22
What Has Transpired at the
United rotates Capital.
1/'t. taler••tete Commerce CamendeMen
1w•••timelier are recent. Sal treads
Tewau.t .. Me did lamp .,remme."
Prot.. 1. -per l 1'nrrespeadent.
V$MHI wit,,, D. C ,
March Seth, 1687.
truce 1 last wrote you the vexed
quo •t:..•. of Liter State C w.ueree Cunt
taaulealers has been ,ett.ed and the
little army wf ignored •ppticauta sal,
waited l.a suspense for recueuruun from
the President has had to centeet itself
as best tt could, The fire laaarn select
ed for the stew Natlou.l Court loser
been thoroughly daesecte.l, das.uwed.
viewed toom eatery staudjs....t, std final
ly pron.-mitred '11.e 1'utnmi.s,.•11
wa;i now urgaua.,r a,Ij euirr upola Its du
Tim next trouble In cennectia.n with it
ar in ending a house ter the new
That devotees uy.n Secretary Lauer.
and the Int•nnr Depart•ues.t is .dread)
Iiar r sed J
I il. Ink 144411••••w
.• ter reeing 1e Lewd
teriladsNat Mwv
wee. tate a'
t .rrea. OM! beset ave 1N iw•1 %atone. Lisa.
d 4p t'rw Ke. •111 i t.
Irl* Ma-
a►tnrr• rd.
____ _ flea.
Meal be
London, March :M. Mr Gladstone re-
sewed the debate uu the Irish Crsmiutal Toaosro, March .t.3 .Arehbuhep "1'he fest!* I go, the s ruder 1 li Ret
Law Amendment Fra .0 the. Hua oet Lynch was found ■t his reeidu
noe this there.
0,1U111.1111 this tie was !o*diy This was tb•
.leered when he streets. He mud that in
wnrwrr I : a,: uvw got
w issme mu lira.., proposals w extreme(rein • yetis* luso wbeo 1 asked him
SS those now put forth by the tiovern- why he drove his horse at what s.em.J
mint, reviewed ample time fur oote.ider• t. Ilia An uuuSc.ssaay speed It is the
Ile found himself hound to sup -
or g by • New York lit rel., oorros
pordewt, who asked him what had twr.i
the partite's: ow mefur writing the let-
ter addressee! to Lord Itandolph
Churchill, published in the ll• 'AM .w
ll•anday last.
p ort lir Parnell a amendment, because "1 had been u.editeting ooh • letter then !•.artery from the cradle t,. the
the ground up„u .halt Mr ii►Ilour based for sax months past, visa the reply.
the Government's case wan •l
abs,utely in "My own exw smobg Rapid athe ,rarviu¢ grave. apid transit see:ua t , i tbu
suthcient and unsatisfactory. The I l,.v-
er..iuent Ball, instead of Nene a cure for
answer that a great many could give in
Irialr ills, or cystic'ua
a pa tas), was
measure that wield aggravate the desp-
oil n
t srstr.i and worst disorders. "11ith
this Coercion Bill, ' exclaimed Mr Glad-
stone, "the prospect of c .a.•diation has
r.anuhrd into thin air the G,,vern•
mens Intend to settled., the Lain Bll,
• Melt was the moa rec•,:nmer.datain ut
commission,thcommission, which has dant c nu•
I.-te.1 all rihamst1Vd 10reattratlob 0 the
Irish tr well*. Nothing rramaina but the
figure 0 coercion - bare. ba'd and taunt
sl.e too Walther' The Chief Secre-
tary for Ireland has attempted to exon•.
00.4 et Ireland, and the misery and
p..rerty glitch encountered me en every
side during my many visits theft., were
what partially induced Ili• to ,rate it.
Another reast.n as that I firmlyirelieve
that the et/use Emglaml is pursuing to
wand. Ireland would In case of .stay trou-
ble arising between the United rtatw
and 1' aagl eel precipitate upon Canadian
soil myriads of Irish -Americans, who
feel ss keenly this treatment as d•. their
brethren in Ireland.
IaaLA\e'n ai t 1-likl\c.
"E•eh visit 1 have made to Trolard
e o c has brought to u.y ryes s.wsea ..f desolk-
The President ,runout cel the run the proposals on the gr ound that crime jinn and dare want more heatarendrsa:
I m Inlaid during the last thaw year. has had seen before. I have heard
perpieou of this l'ommts.l•en the meta' the screalns and lauaentatiun, of moth-
Ierplexr.,g problem Vet encountered by 'nersased, but he hu fell oesed an ma -
ors at alloyed station,, Itartin t from
hue to hisresent .Qe.e, and the uolver- usual course in refrainer; iron' giving
I" ,1 in`.•:ristiou proving their ia,Ilreon, who were c.mtwUwt to
sal peens accorded t.• lin ,«,Ircu•uIli. Ionone i a c.•'+ 7icigo to America for very lack ,f %Menet-
h:m much i;raeheatien. But the Cone his a te:atoms. The ,tarlsUe• wf .rimy erase at home. I have aero yrunig we
mtsaionen cannot fall to have a hard ti' irelevd wereagaanst the Government
time at best, They are steel men nmol It was the first lllm0 he •;ladstone knew men 0 eighteen and nineteen years of
y of uwnym.•u, ai..rtaru heel uuptseul age running in their bare feet t., church,
pier Dien, but thou labors wail Ib cow• and I have since read constantly of evic-
let, cow reheusite sod exactor to on ['ornament in support 0 a demand I
h p gtion and o ircive measures adopted by
rind description, and they have Mw
immense purtie to work out in the ale•
law. Jay t;uuld said it was a coed
thing that they •ere all lawyers, far
they 'would get vat 0 th. law •:l titers
was in it
The effects of :he new law npvon
Washington wall be to greatly inerea•*
Abe setivity of the stating .ewmrr. A
large bunko twist 1.. raptliy organized,
jt cloned and otficmt forge employed,
and thousands of person. interested ist
questions couliug heroes the C semis
cion will swoon down upon it even b.,
fore it is ready to receive them. The
clerical force of the latter -State t,wtmts•
Moo will out cause, under cord service
rules. The L`umsiesionrea-.,.nail, .it is
sell ,lace the or1►•narati•.a --of- their
e era ..ere under three rules, but 't is
n ot probable that tiny will ►uluutarily
ewrresder the power of selection and apo
'ointment veined in thew.
The 1're/ode:it's nett d.ffiJuit teak will
be to cur -.truth a Commies/ion t.. invert'
gate C. Pectic rai.r•.sri.. It to rr,e-
dieted that he .mei:! hare *ten in ore
tiouMe to finding the right *men f. r
places plac. than he had in selre'ing the
t✓ L,ter•State - Commerce Commi.aiOreta
It ta,uow ergudnt ae • settled tact
that Mr Fairchild, the Auist.-i: Speroi cegniz'ug as a fixed pttnciple that force an aria:hronism. It should have Heine
was a remedy. Tne lemon of :many i tale and he treated as da is treated.
years abused that (verse was no remedy arena has aruselessly and iso
the election of 188.7), since the gloriously in F.:ypt argil in her African
.bulk of the Liberals had judged that at warfare& more millions than would have
child is, r to •..,t. vale •-i an n twrestaia was tenth right and safe to *rant Hume bought out x11 the landlords in Irehired
poittiaa! t.x{»alder rt The Prs.k
o..•! 1t.- Buba, Ireland had been free from crime 1 du nut like the h-nrllalang p sition of
doted ht., t., set p..
ant trot.. ••1 and eutraee--a condition long unknown. Canada. trembling: as she really is, de -
for legislation. (Charon.. A demand
was suede upon the House to commit the
m ,at formidable breach .•f trust that a
'popular assembly could perpetrate, ti, re
lax the cenditinne upon which alone
Parlament should san:tt. n a change in
the criminal law in under that ,he late
might fall with increased stringency
upon a particular portion of the Queen's
subjects. The Opposition would insist
upon having the fullest uplwartunity t..
anemias. the prey:slues of the Bill.
Every Irish and every English member
should hare the fullest scope for present-
ing hie view---(sheet's!--and for sifting
and scrutinizing the proposals of
the Government. Among its must in
suiting and exasperating propo+ali-the
worst 'ewer sub.uuted to Parliament- source that their douse in oppreesin:;
f J b wast u is be -Ireland inakertmadaans fret itisezure.
held in Loudon. He had never known I as by no nlesux an annexationist. 1
such a plow at the National feeling of boyo Canada and I respect the gotten. I
Ireland. The Government could -hays want Irelantl to be .0 ('.nada is, on
devised nothing more likely to aggravate humane grounds. I,nd i,- -use l -also
emery existing evil. As to the perinea- want Canada to be secure in the know-
ent duretiun of the Hill the propua!s ledge that the mother country is net
mild. one's Mind II. To establish daily- placint ns is a I.. aet•on in which
what was formerly only a temporary re- we will tie at the mercy of the mighty
medy as a permanent rule of existence republic at the south 0 u•. 1 amt not in
for society in lriland, would put a brand favor of the separation of Ireland and
of inferiority upon Ireland for ever, r - England. Separated, Ireland would be
the British Government. i deemed it
nay duty as a prelate and a Christian
man to express my cenvictinnso on these
matters, and, bring acquainted with
Lord Churchill, and knowing him to be
a man of talent and high print -Odes. I
aelecte,i him as the one to whom i, anuld
address my letter. Moreover. he le mar-
ried to an American wife, and I believe
that the line of freedom and j • it It
which she is inthued must certainly have
an effect upon tris conduct.
"1 felt convtnced that it was better for
England and Ireland an• for the British
Empire also that the stiammen of Eng-
land should know frees a Canadian
.:raze of tete day. ltoys are in • hurry
to become Ines, Men are an a hurry to
realm twnsaty, lies the prol•d la. (*n.•s.
.listens. cons. dee sae fur a shimmied
ouuttuuaua crime*. and mit mates for Ute
the process .•! 1'•v1 Oltli ti . Y... w,
proud C.t►Ltttd, thou are JOIE ly proud Ill
thy culussal strength-- meat justly of thy
prot:l-li:• oepvx, t.l.wl ut. a tonal
tuck, tva t.••r lo: •: ler .aa,ito.s,.W4 an sent I
bend t.. rend thy seta, rests Use asitia.•
of England. He wwats his hour, kat
counts out eke hours Let wren. Ha
knows that it is r.•' ut_ tip through Ott
,„;!..oto mel ac tad thnt ala.heat •
to war! by the I. it hand .-f d. rims'
Ilam 1 murmur :h.. the „i.t. eel .•t. t
f•r ale that 1 shall not L.•.r the ra ge_-e-
wheels,•1 the chart. t • 1 eh.• Lost
Cngiatel• It will cuter, 11 as ..unit.
has ,::e. 'riot s l.,.le esu, Id. .• • •.
aa by .,.nue untehtp ..;•aur.n,, soil ..•
rain• -e a. wild cry of lo.. sed .•.t... .1 . -
and throws Itself 1..1.. the ., a ,. •
butt •.1 Eti jlastt. Ileueef.•it•• .h
•re a lusts Me, u.. lo.•orta% bur .ur,,
dividable well ire the w .. !.1, •n' 'i,•
world wall be weer "6nglau.l '• HY
virtue and her petiemce have trio matte.,
The lamp . f her faith, I. 11•111. ..1 II
ap•••et•,Ite alum, Mira,. . s • i...,..... s
'nankin! Her .t.n.plc r r.' •• .,, rwtt-
the tea int;, her imtsi,uesa hess r,-I,ul.d toe
rebellious, and 1.rut:rhe , Is .• . 5.
chanted the geed. Her to pal sol hot
temple shall be the M,-i..atl'I J.Ihuiatrua
of the renewed
aoquare riches ant h ..urs, mid the •.ld
plan wf tra.ellimy by easy stages dors •
not 'adore to the era of strain .end elsa-
tticity, but all the wetic of life must be
gauged alp tufts :iittif..t iuteusity,
"Tho faster we to, the wooer we get
Yesterday 1 atteuded the funeral of a t
man whose life was an lluatrattun .1 the
rapid transit system. When be was a
boy at school he was in a hurry to gradu-
ate, and he consumed the midn-ght r tl
and with it his •,.n physical vitality in
his efforts tope ever the greatest smuaut
of gr.•uad in the least posiihle time. Ile
traveled fast and he taut there, but he
gut there with a weak and stunted phy-
sical organization, for Nature s iaws will
have their own time for doing their
work, and if you best them out of it, the
work isnt dyne. He didn't give Nature
the time necessary to build up his ,
steal structure and Nature dale t 41. it.
a, he engagar: 10 business, and of
course was in a great hurry to outrun
hi. c .rupetit•• -s in the race for wealth.
His business was conducted to the high
premier 1)1111. His nerves were .opt at
su,:h a hlrh terenen that he could scarce-
ly sleep er rest, and as for etu ytuent-
lie hadnt time for that.
1Vheu the outraged Laws of his being
made prates: and gave the orders to
slakes, he whipped up his !oaring !,hy-
steal roergies by the use 4 mitt ireltc
stimulants. Faster and faster he went,
and harder and harder he imbed Phis
jaded powers. Friends noted the fright-
ful speed at which he was gong and
warned him of his Ja,q;er, hut their
pleadings aril remonstrances were of n •
•rail. He had acquired a momentum
that i:e could not check and on he welt
to the inevitable end. He travelled fast
and het..t those. He Tired a seventy
yearslife in thirty -tire years. to his
journey he had ne rite to plack:towage
try the way aide. He I..oted neither le
the right nor the :eft to admire beautiful
landscapes or to ire uplifted by c )ntetie
plating the marvelous pr.ducttons of
tory, esti I* peewee/le/ .ho aeareter-
ship ..f the Tr..tamry, and that his ap
puttatmrnt will lee aun.,araced
the 11.444k The s !,'orlon ..f Mr Fair-
prejuda;es in rawer h [natters.. by alis W-hT ".s"bul 11 was because tli. Irish *Wall the of a weak I:ov-
spi,,n:ntao,emt of a"1••,io,,l•tii iwier •f hue , {»•'•t)le knew that a largo, though 1ssulh *reinvent at Ottawa, lest any trouble
party in for ::sent or South qutait$td't•► mime/ large, budy of Llh.rals had adopt should rise between i atasda and the
u••uuic the task.k • ed their tensest, and would abide by United States. I believe every word
Tne !lire -114.M Ir •. •lo.tut':a. sin :ere !them to the last. (Cbeer.i. f the Lib- contained in my letter, and therefore
u. his is ales*. an'i rn'far;,rt d t.. t:nJ a ' erste acceded to the appeak M the Gov- ,-adverse criticism will not annoy tale.
p.pu'ar ;seder who was a . Iiractical ; rrnment the -molt erneld be a retro-- _
6nanc.r, .•i,:d will u,; to awes:.:e re.p.-lm- i leres•iote. The Inlb people *mid return sew se IMM a tem
fi▪ nu;c,•s f. r then xt ten Tears -/rieut hr, had.k alradytlpartlywhich Liberal remedied. So long %lanater .Rub F.r,,usnn, tadkii, to a
did net succeed. Thr de•tted s,atesonau course ..f tader.tinn s. 1..alt wined Lib New 1 (irk reporter. says : •-"To stop a
salver w.r n.4 fend mer• ass r.;rt wial,.tt i
'rale be bend to peraerwe i t en.iearon bell well renluires practice. An isfrtlder
to .e: 1 ... and Gee I resident, after offer
in: t•. sat r.Ecr per • e al ;•re fea.-n e, and ! to assist her. The time would soon should have agility and a quick eye.
to take .e app,r.t'u-alt n. : •..tislianee I c••me when to the 'teeny now suppor,tng Little mote is required. , The deed b.:1
with p••.::tcal ':Y_.ati •h, iaias return.,' to i tNs cause of Ireland would be added is much easier to atop than the lively
MY Farr; mid ' many more, wbeh deplorable priwposals,
The KaKwrr,n Pet, G. A. tet . a,•t,l each as thief of the Government, would ball that was in rasa when t played third
its twentieth anr.ivervey camp ale at • be no more associated with the name of brae. In those days the balls came t ,
the National Bites Arur.ry a fist • Ireland, and amen it would beheen that y,•u reel -hut, and it wasa frequent'cc•tr-
1 ie dnir.g what they could not to serve
charmed h•. hearers with .,u .signed c I
The rddier was hes subject, and the nritatn.- {Pad.mged eheers.) i comes to you without any mfr, and the
American .slant.." soldier probably - rtA,"ITT AND o BRIEN Att Tag1R claw, only thing is to base hard enough hand.
teeter was ex/tainted.. in a mitre heroic ; Michael Dal alt. presiding at a meeting to hold it. I could describe a number
light main was turned spin eta: by (leu. • 4.1 the Nal -tone' Lague at 1)ohhn r..- of ways in which the Nall is etnppe-I.
Black. I i Might said the very stringency of the some played will Sitio the ball, that is,
This enieds'me of an nod anodises re• ' Balfour etersure apoeare 1 to elm to be the will vee o it with their all, t with
cent iota (attune Ile had been tit a fay.,rabi. feature. Hn wa* not pre- 7 1
re, •alar victor at the Pedalo• efli.e 1, pared to say "'bet 1t might 1... necessary the tntentiuD of picking it up quickly,
*vele day fur more than two month*. r, - i,r Iriik saahtwd to d-, when naked but in doing this the ball is very apt to
that the clerks i:. th- ":e of the (thief ;tersest," reigned in Iretuld. lender per- bound away from them. Again,. player
Cie•rk, where he stet its presented him vc„am Tory goeernmeuts despots' had wife 'crowd' a ball, by dropping :•n it
self, had crenae t.. ...the an inters -.t in !been made to feel when they tried to
ss Ireland- Continued in her present
ntm¢s A., , at.: the •.n,mnun.t •ocr ter fence to sees player knocked orf his feet
Peuuun•, who was ,ore •f the , .' ;e s, ! the Irish cense, they were . / serving .
h d . , p � tire cause ..f the wide empire kd Gru:,t by theist. That dyad balk as used now
Mat (hie Monday m• rnang- he was crush liberty that they themselves had
ratifier late u1 walnut lits appearance, beep crushed. William 0 listen, editor
n:a.3wid •hat he had abr.ut gitetl ep all re( United belayed, said he wnuld not pre -
re -
But the tat^ifday 3'e !eadj t.n)i 1v.11t •I.leetly aloprelltuiir, of the
tl' i, `in -ahrrirage pewtnn .T1 future The Irish people had gone
more thee =11.1300, awd the clerks ! thr•'ugh similar :reale lief. re as those
gathered aruuud lairs to see hnw he , •hey ',mild have to endure, should flat.
would take the awed news. Tran f l,r,'peosrd Cttertiult law be adopter).
jos rsn deem the .oho man'. h,;,; d ••When Mr Balf,ur shall have had .I-
ron face, awl hs rejeierd at►d welt f r -enence in the results of coeroton ` said
mealy en hour. • He had never t'rrwn,e.l kr tl'Brten, "he will find a plank lied
of half so ieu•.h :.r +try bef, re. Aft.-: • much more tolerable one than the beef
Beteg for years -1 Lit 1411.i.0 o1 *'. . f' 'Nei Secretory for Ireland
:1�stouth, ho nes * u:!a z:wan.- The la,Ij' The Pali Mal/ Gault. says "Such a i found it to he effective and that is t..
h �,o. t•1 ' y iso , measure, salt ecttng • osteon of whet .
with their hands and knees, but mnira
they are very quick they are not able to
recover themselves in time. Then i
harwtuen pta)ers'draw the bail,' as at ,a
called, by standing in front of it with
legs cl .,e together and let the tall rum
up thelistele. This is the worst • f the
lot, for tf thegro•rod a is anyway rough
the bell is sure t.. lamed away t•• •sty
side. Ti.' perfect pisst, according t.• my
idea• is the one whteh I ilwaya used. and
ISe_reaee • •.sena , nee.
When we soy Metllne.or's tape nay s alio
se the only pet'... cafe fur Dyspepsia,
Lirrr C.••.+.. i.. I •.flaw..• o• a .. .m-
v0n II , I .Iet ieltu,K 1'Ltu twos, Ili
•laseb .u.• Ie le up.,n h••udre,b`•u ,e•.
: y w o •oro Leam restored to pretest
b nat. ,) pe u- . We ■.,uid the -refire
dent!. •Y foals 1' 1••.i . .1e A •01.1,,,k,V -.Met tr ' • 11"i/0 11....44111., love ,ruatt-
(frop•.r' r.iy fuse a trial ..rd he ear.
roams - ...wit 1 odic .std is 1. tiles
It U lib.,s ,It *t.•rr. fYl
•. C. t. foe o1 limy. B. ILO
Mrs Agnea Bisck, .it Orton, tint:,
sal.. ' I'', r Leo yews i have how a
sufferer (rum dyain•p.ts end lie l;frsl.•'..
1 trtr•i .,ale loafer .•f Itura:ork Kl • 4
Ritter., and was netting Letter ; 1 lhor.
bouaLt three more and tt cured
A In • •••, • 'airy steels ler hie
easel. ,.. ,i w h• h.- iourht and N
Nutdi'.. 1• a••. ls ,..- •0111.
Etalrpo7,'e Magazine
11.1.1' t'T U.%TIID. e•s:samt.we1N•k+ t, strut." rudtsiu
what:, .4. • . • at, emiths1 ^hark.' a were ea
It ue.,ar, 1st. any !f a11.1. rt. lr'Vesra ; a mew
hen .a. .-mMtl..1, ' April Iirpe.. la, hi 1.1.
Ilea.5..: -.aeon, ••retch,■, I.% 1 l an,..
l•utl.y M t,.r wail ! • erste H•rdinst ib.,..
illudlwt..r I.y \\ dl tai II..s. 1,05. t:wt,su, ;
' 1:n•sa ..n. t• en Ind• w:' • on, Inti. ;
"Mean a ed •.,' b1 Is k. T FJ. ; farther
anieles ..s. n e Itaalsar Preemie hl . usepr
et. .•
eit priorse; Nets' .. •. •. of q:wtgUoas by
F.. A..A1.1,' awe Alto r' 1'aaa.ns; anodal by
e:. a•. iter ; hod •.then aterlNteb►.
H.VKl'Eft'K Piik1UDICAL$,
Irk trAS
IIAM/IiI IVY ttahl-41:. .• _
11 elt1'1.l.': i„tu.lxi\! . .. Id4 as `
ft a It i' i k'e Wren 1. Y . t M
'I ARI'M Ft'' \ eil'Nli I'►t►pini:.. ± in
lu'I•.1:'- Fit.tNK1.1N $tQU.AItt. 1.1R
11,, ' ear ,ACI mew n NAa
IIARPF:R!1 UAi W b :t .. one iry 1hf
heaw.r.I,l . 'SAID
1 west,, Free teat .wb•trt5Wmla els Van.
e. reverie eesamide-
11r retro • . of 118• iMA•A•asa begin with
for Itowt4r. ter Jew. and 1..•. !ober of rash
Sear. ' hen on tire.• we .pea •ped. It will he
ur•d.•rs•nr.4 that the .atao rl:n r wishes to
begin one /he tirret.t h,awtkr.
!totted Volumes of Il a wron'« In An A Ere r fpr
terve • vara Niue, .a , a loll loading, roll
he 'wed u. 1.,a:l. p.e', r.w Iia• it-, of 11i no
per t,:aaei tb II ems. tar biotin's. SO
. trate emit by hail. nopiywtd.
t ear /.rent Mark.. led,. t,• H.atr.Nr Ya Ar:%w,' ipt.aletieal
-- 4aatyt.,..' ....t t'1ss-iM-d, Nor V&•enw 1 to
1 I
Tile : .t ,r tr.ft•o t. f..i,.,dr 1 ale, n f••nr
great rocks, that nothing can aha..' •t
the 1) nI irr'•ui.,.. aa. Here 11,ry
are .e ranee, a!'Urt.:e, .',1.t..w
law. Avarice townies the yielder, wind, -
sok sed retail ; appetitii touches the
aid'itt•i .•Ierate drinkers; cust-uwi
ouches the frames 'ret of a.etety. ,and t
nbna J '
•a'.1', on•, I)�4. to Julie. 11111i,
111•, vjt.. eta... • netts. e: el et. sl,ourd 1 r matey b. Past 0100e,
Money lards or drat'. to •avant ()mare' of
Yserspwpvr. Orr woe ee ,..fes this advert et -
end eir►.at the ',vete. et. Jcr of Ii a gent L•
NaR11:1; Rl,(.TllFf1!•. !ria Pork.
law touches the Ieglsleture and Oneida
the trek. To remove the liquor traffic.
therefore, a remedy most hu pros,Jud
whiet► eta apply t.f' the sender to 'he
drinkers. to s,etrty, and the law :weaker,
License prem re. the avarice sit the ven-
dor and increases t11a�appetite of the
drinker. It is foe titter reas•.r., made.
gelate--i:f fact, ut ase ,slue ale rs mealy.
Pretibitinn is the rsverei,n reused., fist
itanntn,ls the vendor** at. rice. eel • 'he
drinker's apftetitt ream:ate the . r•t..ttia
of e'n:ley, :ui1 ttee....•\ti. • lei: /1 prut,ei
that ewe,. t. the a,u.....i .i .,-•
• irgere*aaRc.
Gest s handiw.r:;. No, he had no time There hate been unary rr...vrka'ule
for these things They would du for the terve'1 deafness-rr'p.rte•1 free t!,e ase
slaw sin, era:rierr. eh , were cuuteht to 'of Yellow 11.1. The pc..prs.-t..0 •.1 them
medicine haw. a isR,e nutul.•r •,f swot
mak..• their journey -•n the did three score teotirooui*L. It to th.. ;;tee, ►
and teen rchedu:r, but 1•e was on the remedy foe pain, I •.a.rietio • inoenem,
light nimt .-tires. s-ith :. , stoke at t!le and w,tesrsa .: Perry' •Ir-a,t?,-is.n• .rid
oma!! .tonins 'f Few ,yreetn• IircTea, ..i1 tate nail iltterwaily and a:.ra•wfii. i
Wad •ciao t'leesurt..
He :'1 there.
.At the .a_e ,d thirty -live lie died at
the a:e ..f seventy. Ily the high pres-
sure plan he :ted ,cunlenewl his lite into
one hs:f the alkotted atace. And ytit,
pe•'ple uses„ weer daily witnesses td the
high rate of iCp cd at which be was
trawling, w.inder'ed why he got to ht,
journey's end w soon, and they mur-
mured something about the was of
Pr,:idrtaee being mysterious. There
was ne mystery about it. It was eh: -
ply a *natter of arithmetic. Unable the
spr.l at which you travel and you ale's.
tan the tune a the rued. An engineeri
eh,, expects •o take his train through on
tiwc, must know at all tinge the .peed
he is mai:in:, a',i if we eeetasul'ed the
gau.'e of 'our ,.esu lire. is syre:ea:ice:1y.
we should 1* warned ray the reg.attr .f
high pressure and atply the bra:ge.
When I we a young man smoitmeif, drinking whiskey, srvtciiiating
with ern a.mapanttis and indfilithy fed+
what is called -fain habits, I think I i
shall say t•, him, as the young man said •
to me, "The footer you go, the . owner
yen will gat :here. -!Western P1,w•
.Kam Britain w 1 entrails
r a were so mach a t n the
man's •.,,otion abet they wept with 'vim t..kinned, Christian and catiiiz.d to .,hi- *coo•
n the hall as at cowmen leo you. This
end for a ttaue t1A•te esu :.•.t a dry ole I teary interfere :re with the liberties and , I do by h.•Iding my h :odc c'o.e t• ;.ether
in the ro•il1a. rights ••f swan, wool,' justify an in•ur- I at. d give my arras full p'ay. A. the 1441
tecti•.n. 1f the Irish in revolt they :comes up Ire the hands go leek ►o••te,•en
11) :a_. ••f *Ten air etetcise, Intl the, eon►d have ••at. hearty sympathy and j
want • -f ult!.iarnt inns tit the smatter ,r'snpp.rt. 11 they .1,d het wish t.• revolt , th. bats dizhtiy, u:d whin 0.„ ►nnh ,.
diet. the ••!:••le •slay■ n: 1.Whaattutn be-szrMwst est -11 a system they w,•rtil deserve I sh„et a t ''1 from you, auddwoly bring
e•renes imna,r••d du: Nester.r,.::r• N,ter. Ayer a our 'Infinite contempt
Ftarsaitara!la .. the I r. i • t t,- .a -•Jt t., take .
in the genie of t:,r t..r t•, petrify the
the hands forward and run rhe fi••grrs
under the hell 1' '• a+.v and .•ire '•
bhw d, .acne the envoy ase .. .ran and If HA.1'• 11.r• 11. r.' --r r»,.'*., e!.•an•►a
More health and t:.!. r. hr,phr•w., end wv,�•rsf•,rbe hair, and twit ap•rwlate.
rt. N•.rr. livor l nr' •►av Mir 1•, its y„nth- 1 Rijn no ries in horn., medicine, het
Tilt Na+AL Tett/weer The Rev. 1), i rot •r and 'est •.. People with array fry incfgreet Krd.ey and Liv" "Vidahair me 111.1
elle 01e Ihr ) •Fewer and thus I for, made by 1►r. Chao*. au 1,r all
ince t►w ceirn•ei de ,fI 1• •
y''• ;eine. t eine . 1 fn.n thus w•.rhl th• it hl.ached Chars res.' ..-a. Try Cher '• l.•v.r
asiutoter , was f ittr:w.ty se ,tint.. an
on dna rs• aaste,o, dun.,tt hes r, rm••n ho 1' cks alto novanrt 12 a,• I Cure for all d..ermea .1. the Laver, Kid
Heys, tett, mach and [towels. So .1 ',v ell
was aerial, a •)•d by a' )..o..a• .o en
loudly b owing hu nose in no.. lino,, A Rem ter PIN F:ii.•cn Witt 14 druRgieta
Ral.T '_ of the choreh. lir t -o.. -.e,,, fountain pens has- h.•..! •n use in
ailed , , t the n.terrn•,t,, /..1 1•'1•'a.rh dnrm¢ tk• lout "oven meeteo 1 Rh rt It when • le renal or parry se•11,
remneed that he would ran not. ..,.. ,, •1 .11 of 'hem have riven astidaele.n w .Ir'ek when tory bare dinar. ao.l carrel
n „y ' to bo nr burn ,w rn aim. tet del
Lo 1,,,,d.
the ;stator's ankle, at the hook-kf•.sa.r's TI"y
� (lrei.w's Speedy Core In, 1►,.ptla and'
leak and at the drnyvvt's pre,crlptmn i Liver ('owtpl.•,t, and do I, my t
onnfer . in the 'nit • I, altos. and by , thin if it mot me on• hundred d•d1.r.
•» •rer.11tng • thein: , th. Hirt foodn•t h
- ($10 1 a !attic 1 ...old .e •',haat
I fain fen has been over{ in :7.derich ,n ' it, are is nem dooms me more good then .11 ;
an these wear and ham 'un found ria- I tAw tlictnre 1 weer use,l, asfd i /.r) likeheel, nn
h.l'a. S!1 Mei• ¢nan,rnt.erd to do I •raw.nseman -..vers truly. Ault Grant_
perfect wnrk, and no; to • heel, the (cartons. Mee, Oat. Thi. wtedicin•
e '
' atdoe. f:..:, ...u.. ,T►.ua, 31,,.., J.,. ' for sale at 8Oe and t.1 ;,Cr Nettle a' C.
I 4•11100V. l Rhymes' dm' MMI.. (1)
I e• owre•rA T ) Iver
ngeen Uuo •e
was dol) ctn• Ido thea to n writing a b rha d
the e.tfonder ("way .t.'.d up, re• 1..1 '.,•
trumpet twice, and then say, N..•
I)netor. yen may co .•u ' The cs-t•,mh••
w*s serer repeated
For weak lenge, opitt.w: - -4 ',!"•,d,
shortness of kreeth. e..maemptien, night
...ata and all !intoner, ,''1,1!,.e 1►r
there sea •'(3nhien Medt.,al free ,eery
we • 1101,01.01101,01.01101,01.0,9,1n,' n*Ar Soper'or
lever otl. Iffy dri.gtate.
t . reviser, elite.. the
.herrn• office and in Ike law effieea ; in Tie let.. owrtih that 1 hare owl Me ,
What a Kwan writer says of Stfg-
i land: Britain is a menace to•tpa.
thus is the most aggressive p..wer "r
•osier., times. There is n•, part of the
world where she has not established ner
warria.m, nr her Colonic,. Her fleets
dominate every sea. x% hat p,w.; is
there that hat not suffered from her
e nahwt,•.,l She has torn Gibraltar fr.-m
gpoin, Malt and Canada from France.
H,•haolan•I from I).n,nark, the rape of
thee) Hope frn.n th. Dutch, the cold
Ceest from the Portarteesn, And Hong
Kong from China. -'h. has built up by
the •wnrd military power in .‘ala,
mecums her r... ernn..nt .'err two hund-
red mtll,e•tt suhje•cts in India. A• Aden I
■ ho hold. the ¢ate. of the Hod ti•a. At ,
Sintap.,e she .s mmand. the read to
China. Fnen Fiji she do.ntnatee the
Pacific. Her terrItnwy is vaster in et
1,•4 the.. the •hol. of Europe Russia
attn. see no t.tipulalm.n .inept KIsys •nel
• /ee tribes in Adv, while of °id1,f10A
000 of Britain's subjects only 20.000 AMi
•ria Ret.Iuhmen what nationality has
went s,rwe of its members under Bntub
✓ w1.1etelr (d '
says: --Over that aria, i•
a Wes ter tut Ceara.
11. lertt•st •teas,. NI d .•ns •hat :0
a contr..33iU. tat' • n tete tt•-ash •:a the
hotly is the liver If t..r, i1 .r tis tree
the who's .}•era. i•c i:•ra 3:s..s.•-.1.
1)r, Chase's L.. rr ('.:ret :,a matte si PC.L::y
for Liver awl Kidney .ii•ea►aes. an -1 ,•
guaranteed 10 caw Kecmi, nie.k ..
Inc :eine $I. bold 1y ail dleget/its,
A : rwARD- orf '•ns a..a.,.-"Crave,.
aT ' t. :any mete elyndtnii the h. 01 lout .ale
n T*Aetssr." tie : in-make:rle
little gel filrithio Tow.h an:i Baty. Aae
yonr dru • est or *nine,.
1f the Liver be-
comes torpid. ,f t ,e
hooch ear.: cwuti
falls to perform its f
A), r'. 1'i'1.. They
S Sugar Coated
f, ,•r .f th. !I
::•:assns properly• nes
en *Matte.
For anile .ears I w
l;uwtria:alt, on '-are-rue
puttered :rout fluterai 1
ratite:. A r.•w bcxc, n
remote 1 trio to p.elect
fir g1.;m-y, llend.n.uo, W, 1
. Tor -ser• t 'ia•r rolad
i .ktlm to Liter
e 4,1 whk,b 1
silty end ladi-
.Avet'. nes
ht W. T.
+) M.wi M. T heir Pith, iv, rmtill to ,
rnddetheir work thoroughly. 1 ham.'
th.un wh►h gM..t • fist t, in casco ut ft
ter -fiefs. KI•hlry Tioubi., arnI it,speF
t1. Y.tVlllrr.tttkborotgb. )rats,
A'•.r's Pills '•nred me of Stomach :;
IAtrr Usableri• from who h 1 haul eefered
ter I enntid.•r them the b. -.t p110,
.ml wtwkl not Ie wttbont the rn.
eerie eta:.,. t►su moil.. W. Y.
1 w.. •:Larked with animus Ferry,
which was followed by .laundicr and was
no dangerously ill tbat ray friend, de-
spaired .,f AY nay recovery. 1 c0nane•med
rt.' Tithe and coos *•Rained my
raienerary strength and ! Iyer. - Jtha t.
Pattitwm. Lowell. N,braska. ,
:•sat sl,r:ria 1 •..iierwd greatly ,from a
tr,ui Ie.nmr bum..; on my ode. In spits
of • v.'' rffr.-: to . urs this rrUpt.on, tt in-
creased until the flush heehaw rpt±n 1v
raw. 1 war 1 rouhlwd :at Ihr ,anew lime,
Willa 1M:q•whun, sod u•.ti.or,,g rms. in
The Bowels.
Hyde ads ice of • friend 1 &wan ►taint
Ay.r'a Pills. In a abet time 1 err free
from porn, env fern.] rtige..ted properly, torr
►4rvY oa any Meta ru rmaneed I4r141i1W.
•n.,. 11 ;e,. tea• one month, 1 mew owed.
-'•rInuel lin Whit., Atlanta. tis.
1 lusts long mrd Ayer's pile. in my
fam:ir, and believe theta to he 1M beet
pith mrd.-. K. C. lesrekn, !Medea, Ni...
Ilv .. if•• and little Kiri Mere taker with
In-., no• it s ,ew da). ago, and 1 K ower
Iwtrau t•,:reg
Item email dome of Ayer's
pills• th•nkhig 1 wreak! :di adoete,i if the
dh+ar h..•ur.. .s, worse. In • she -4
than• the inanely dfrbertrs stepped, ail
pate weot swat. est bent*, mea. rec.:on-4.
Tear,+Ir: a !'.;Iden kkbm, n51.1 a.
Ayer's Pills
Mesodont 't t,• t• Are, 11 t e, Iaw.11 Yat.,
flat* b all tetea.ya ha ftsa:.•.r.,�
81 -37 -
Harpers' Weekly
ltsrprr's Week., inwints,nis its positi..n as
ter the iret i:l,urrated eewoosper to Amer
N'+► : send .:. la.,l spec peb.r• esteem sad eom
*Mom was nes.r strutter, tI..s, at the Dna
rnt 1,51. hassles the pictures. Hermes
Wr•k1y a:lraye.eatalua mate t t • er one.
a. 5nion •sh.,a:) ,.f two, of the best acerb of
ti.- dal. rawly ttlustrst.-d, wk5 .bort storax.
{nems. slur. 5e..aod parsers on tw.portast ear
rent t..p,sm by 11, moo papal. wrtl.'n4 The
tare Heat how tiers sn.•.e•a nilly eaereised to
the peat to make Harper's Weekly a sate as
well ass welcome 'Minn le every house/60W
wdl not le relaxed rm rt. tater,.
Pr. rear t
Ir.fJklfl►h.4 af'vi ..
NAK!'ictem N"kg?ALI'. 9, w
NAKI'KKa SfaLeif.
YAL:J'lisett I'I I LR ;:
t.11KPA14 M. YKANAI.1. ,N401 'A
1.UN4I'. rev Y.., flelwn*.'raa 1•'t.'.
11A1tP1•:X*4 114.%1•Y r'd:r(Ik8, film !'ret
(Mt Aster,/ ... s.q
Pe"syr 14., ten:: ene•.1.t..• in the
ort Allenee..e ar
The Aft;urse% of :1.e Were i v aerie me i, h f h•
Ant Nen.Mr her 1arUsrr of ...• 1 ; ear. Whey
Ila time •e nwut perm it. t a d M rmdenNnw
•t-11 'et' .i.ttw nerw y n i<ttr.:.. eutosre .re will
the Aun:f.-r 'i* - .t the t.u.t • ( the reteip
of serer.
tt. can Vott.r,rfal of Hatierses Were t. for
*tee, y • 1 h,O,k, en now! .kerb Labd,pig. wit
ter goat P., . rioter.* mild. or by express
trier of .- preew Ip"., 4sird tl.e freight dote dol
.•r• r..! ore teles: per volume), its 07 ha pet
I -oh i'.vrei few rails •.nowt, .teaab1e fo
44.e. wit •. .ort Sy tail, postpaid. m
• .-prn5M
t:.medius...-..►tot"Y; Iia malar'. M nacos..
\t,uy t.Mer or lnatt, to avoid stance 0
' n.-.eepces /AJ+ alt rfia,
• .wf Ifs/iQwl the rslIYla.•.tar r,/ If Aorta a
, re►lli.ala.
d.t 1't 1 H 4 HRlrr ifEft* Ncw Tusk
:873 GRIP! 1$
re . - LIC tICR1a4.
Ii w1�.[fLI(i'. 104 TRE rife iG IEAit.
- r r.w .•r M• b goad a. :n re.)
t. , tt , •tLer dMcrtpa,.t on praise.
11110 fluty hubs* Amer te a ateed..
t•.trtisLrd at about Oft f1ALi TtIF:
Pit:r'f6 u. a mi,ar nernatp .n .cr L'atted
inn ellaa TOQIS
• ..••1'1'..0'oin•.str'tr,rev .m wh-r
i%Leg ".tet to poet are dusty. . Wait
of he awe n asd W.Patsore nalrer ally ad
mired. TM. )rwr•a1 at emerged to tt steres.
tad ill/,4 414.11. hairy toted lend well
•salet.dr red paps.. Tb1. . 4'... feel, •he en
grsvia«a 1 -ad the letter Orme a beautiful
sPteva,wractt•'. And. r. tr.w,tbi.atdlag ales rn
laf/erweat rad .11:4
'• .troupr
t, the ice
! .'
i) Atr*Xar-a, •I.alrt.pMe.Seems.
Atte pr:ns .l . un n..' I • .. t. but a fbteFpeg•
.n Aewr ....cnr.fe Yetrirme...'t!h
aet.caA;.A.y, Tr+.rA c- u,af reaper.
• be w -them th's sat -erns cased-
• l'ea»•L iia p•...• p.rea rt
Ad. rem: aN Pothook nod reseisS
rem tee,ta: a'.. �• y'r,-t ••,torr tt'e.t.Toree-
:w. N• w ear ,.vei se•r.l,ne 4 . w ell rent.0
the paw: ah( - ' tie of Its.n,smd to flet 1►e•
,•sober Ile 1.
A 1 wilncti► to to • tt,py of
rawsb "fhwMktAlter
pante., post.' 1 terr•et.
. iwahll$11414 n pat
NI'. ten or old, are
b• ra.ni1 rht Mho -
•••r Rt.. `o.r lb" ..ire •
*s*as, ahnrtly to
besets tor poet -
(Laos No. 6C8, on Victoria-st.
in the Town t;f Ooderieh.
tkrap ed by 711415(',p M. IILII) .
75 01 1.•t N rtttMtrd !a a trona nett of the
Town. 11 has everted ebter.. 51 s►ary
kcal.- • its s.teher ettneleog,•hi. hkaebeen
I,e alt.-, :.,rq and .• ca • good Sate la pre -
es,. ail.
TRNY•- or -ALR ;bar .ash •.d W-
are. or ., .,rasa..' le •7.t pore hisser.
►et. ftrthet part.ewrr. apply to the use/1•..
kiaRRu:t w Pk/.l:i,F1.144Te
0*dsrtek, Sent. eta. IMO. wtlrION u�w>M.