The Huron Signal, 1887-4-8, Page 1A IreftTIKTII V. MILE • DEVOTED" coUN Ih4tii .....,-,"°If P _,, .8444;e41/ 111• 46'7t - • i ,...-i'l ':-• IP' '-'11' ...Ir.' , ..,;. tit 4, • •,, ,, .• s .. s• -•t.. 'It . . , . . NEWS Magelleellelealleeireate GODERICII: ONT., FRIDAY. :t1)IZIL 8. 1861. 11) 4, 46.4 11.0464r. 44 • tefwasev AW° crNERAL iNTELUCENCE mcolt.I.IPUDIDV littom Pt al 1.1i1.1.6 A Ylt.t it ADvam THE HURON SIGNAL! IVIIAT'S UP t puiritaked every 7 ritt. MOrlittak. lay Mc talLi tettoot st dont tolke. lcurth GODERICH. ONT A RIO, VIRMAT. APIII Oen, 11187. To omit evieli. After many years of weary smiting k items that tanderich is destined t.. awe a compso. :lite tat:road route E..t. T., cellitd Hi this %Ake from unicfrilol thO itellt company. we are In • Itnaition, t. ;date that almost *a stem aa the from is • .11 of the ground the work of construe• tom on the tlielph Junett..n 1: R. t.. 4 :oderich will be commenced. At a meeting of the Provisional Directors • f the rued, hel.1 at uolph on Tomitay ei en - me. tire of their nomler were elected as a Permaneot ilard,v:c., Thu.. Gowdy, .1.,fin M. Charles 11...y.nottil, ttaehi Mccrle, eery, at..1 chairman. In additi. la to the foitt,poistit the Ms; ..r and AIJ. mien Hatch anti tfaeband were appointed hy the city kteentil. • Already stuck has been taken .117, fr..te C..rrene,e(1,q,ce I M. TRu44. Wart'sl. •"" 'JOUR NEW IIAILr.kY.' BrJRGLARLY AT ZURICH. ;Angst ei Ilse flt;re aro far the %ate C P Cnnie to tlei teat; ef nttn. Ilan he hed aliother w. ek, Around US. ! the remainder of the 370 w .u14 here *ral Tit LA., Sa• norm. mad rre..Itle et Melt of iv I been chopped .4 cleat'. linter ae tia illat of Zurich, o eider...41 hy IA. 4..urdivos.. • ' emendation, of eieht day • mit 4..n the Tory mapority Ea.t. Huron tont° ez-I men ese nod ces.ber,,. Things That Are Happening IIIS LAST sUND‘Y. e C. M _ 1 Roy. Win Johnsit Cloece In s , fi, the morning of the •.:.!trtl of Mara" Connection with St Cheorge re. eon s County Town. the store of Mr.11411 el rsteinbacti 10 the y %c • • r ..tr4 rs who attacled the safe, drilled a I ., Ir r rem et meta, is lee eseesiiisig the I Chirf Jaistme Melt drOoke Cameron abn """ jslingin" a it- "P " Melt% chars/ell It anti powtier. and blew olion of alaroa I redid., in NI. 11110ae f latfooted outeginu Chief amebae Andrew „ celestas %barter It ogitr tee Itoreale. the door to atoms. The ilite:t ,r atei I morns /pea 11.1419 Was. ; Stuart. ef Quebec, nave been Ineglit- -I inelentrol sonie ..1 the ;1.',..e.gi• ! ei. Sir Illetiime Camearma will gut At last the hopes of G. clench are $51;:,ed chest was forced out of its place and re-; frem the premises. It coottained I Sunday kat Rev. Wm. Johaiston. wilt. - .._ in ineney, two, Ii' 1.1i Vi..1.1 rings i fol. ise.srly 4 a.. t 4..11CP 1141% hefd the 1..••itaisti ,,,,,.... h.vu i.o.„. j..444.. 1•1„11,. ,,,,,„enn inien;n: n. in, non.. iii in. en, d folios' to be reid17.ell,end Mitt* near haute and a lot of pruninegory toote In.... & -- of aseistant rector of '4', Georg.'s, el"lieft hoofs os door pooltets t.. ratite a drfer.ce ofti days, spots, ot • ,.., ream cniumal ' 4 '-' 1":- lit''' '''''e ': r''''''Y ""I' run I" damn to the theft .4 three. seven : hie connectom with tl....t thutch. ft l• 1U.4.1414,4e.tviteLtittli c ith the 'West ikon is r.).. r ts "Mem Crlit.i• " ' • 1 I 1.4 .,,ie tow... For years past torts have stitches were ahatracten front a show ; watt. eete,eut that we bhi .2..i.i bye to Mr JOhaaton, 1. r during. hog resideoce tii blederich he proove.1 that he sae a aorta:ably devoted I 'nr..ti..ii gentleman, aksid he numbers aniotonst lint natensj ref sinal fnenJa represenrst nes ,.f a I d. tonsittimions in Iowan The rev. gertle- tuan Wiliam, to the eve:sterile-0 branch of the Ettlitet.p31 church. tnen like Bishop liald•in. of L oidon, Item Car tuichael. of linuireal, !tee. Mr inlet:tab. of Wiughew, anal • t hers ; f th.; ilea school .4 Church of }.044 *11 divines who believe that the peator $ labors 011.. not alone comprise reedit,: th.• seri ice, preaching the sermon, celebratin4 mar - reap, mei anti petfereiteg obeiniiiiee over the Jetports' ; bet rather are then tarn ly c, of t %it...el:U.4 It's. necessity 4.4' neloneene fer‘.4 tiul Chrstivai eftruestness at all times *oldies!! seasens,and of aneeeinui- creasing anxiety too do the Master's nill, ineuet. the &tug Weil -not brunt ho f' e . MM. -if 45 feillatal we r, -,r..4 the removal ,.f Mr nohnatoin frninnamengat alt, for Melt of the kind v., hese nienstoested ere not so entnenoti in the pulpit 4.1 any on-lientua bandy that r hMr planes ma le. a.asily &applied. This closes ..f clergymen !flake ne effert to shine at the cenvinial party, in tit. namny was'nz ne $t the povessive euchre board; ate% where poverty needs a helping hand mail a sympethent. voice. whore caiateity needs comelier!. mad whore the departing soul need* words of hens to cal..' the proter. and that some of money is mill in the hands ..1 at least o4.t. ce•:lec• tor. I hatch t. hollered suaLinit ei.ttuiries int . the matter. 'out 1 ululate - stand that hereatti r when ennectora art •pnetered ro tottraSti the be• had/ of the defence ftuad. nothing slow' if guarantee companT's bond wall be ac- cented in the case ..4 each caincasser. hear them LA; that the plea by the Weiler is, -.VI 'fork anet no pi:. T g.te there itte.0, 4 tdalefee that there • ato Appreiteot mon un the pelt of nem, of the itelith Writ in reference to toy attitude the railway question.- Some • f time thin: Fel oppused to seaway &gated's* ; HS dm read by the city of Guelph' end ••••••••••••••••••••1.1 40.1.1110 Wg have n... natio( tem of Cm Tory well", di tn. Oto 41.inoeittogient, for nuitilitatou! ot tihoot ort, M 1' fat I ; Leval, te the 4$ '.7 •4 30eatter .4 the ; 111..usts .4 Col 1.111.141• C 4. It al -1, was .1 4tlet the original ,r* '.1 th• Ittel att.. Ition, and voted the 44..verninest Ion tit. 1a. dry needutiots. holt the 111..r- ' eminent is 4.4.1 has, mad eve" "Wellies' ere i • . it. if, by p' dein/. atop:pent van hst sectored. Wine% ed. tie tire first Tory torpor to dem ,,,,, on tn.. •'Iti. Ste" AptabOOri .n aud case tl t. 0.15010 t 1r 1 reas I.c of Datecti've artaVI:je7ltr: al...trench too mincer. r tiring forwards mumcated with *old visited the tess.1,:e. acheme, but Li:thaw tangible in I ,ss a result ..f his investigations he, as etiape a as oostouto.,i ul.w.1 quite recently. slated by constables Graham, I and tented its 3! 4(4 Ili Seery Weller, and A. Z -tit, the *Lau an maii.tuonteht t the I'. R. liessenhetry arrested Ada! Sirldr, Ab 'it a 1. years ago John tl*rtut.urwserweeltihtnn"wdnii'sh•en'4.1t.k."EaCt.er Maud.; reew.ee, 3 tetertu ra.lway a4itat.,r, oho t,k,,,, her„,rt. enioirn wenn. wi,„ re. ars* at that ton. er.dee;ortii4 to boom 11110111C0 them to Goderich jail until the 1 the Outtri...i. t:Istibeti line, mule his ale 1 m''. fu the enennin the priseners were hndIght Godericli, Arid lodged DeAtalliee 114 Ci Alatich At..1 ocher 14.11119 141 111 the county jai!. fluiron„ and rais...I the f.e.:114 an facer of lc It. no.lerennteek a arest net:rest in mad papers which ha4 been carried moray trre. a ceaspetative lemon railway with the ;. Z -w, . Aprit :i. -The vault sch...41.e. ,stituss tied and at thn rine-tern ef Stleinhach • 441,11. 1.1% X 4.1 . art. ... were . us. at Ipaneled a tateama *4444 bytes ia tagof- el 41se-a- Maion ... request.: I bt freopused route, but the vetnran &gnat they win. with that wo are ast the The Walser of Pabta: Works, inacantnn 4 1114 4i,Attlt wro1r4 concession, sled don't you fail to On vegan's tv; the extent 11175,000, remember it. I hold up both hands as the line is virtually a project et mid stand em hath nee in Ebner of in - 'the C. P. I. mimacenient,(44 (1,41114 creased nail way fectl.ties : Mid, if Leese- ., wary Inn %Mien to accept a pass oa the evident its successfal and early comple- , train anu int at the expense the, town ties. so tar .is 11W44e1 1•12e4/111111.410..:1 mad Far years Tug Seisat has aeitated , otour aro concerned -- eit1se favor of a competitive hue mat, and it is .ny ttissefA %Mee sod snake a fee feeble sainfaction for us te know that at retnar•• is favor of bringing in at:. :her hifte t.T three '.re Imes, as the last we are within a measurable distance ! can 11..,y lie. .-r words et thst effect. the realtzatten of our neon ardent Satre. rat fwd. a aliftifead elhtet- heirta on this regard. Tune and again ter, ,,r banner -4,e neweageon" dulin4 the past *even years has _this If -tertia..ke" and lumber wagoning, when ..urnal ands elan to bring the scheme :4 g4, -"i grail.. Inen1 rail* eeni Pullman 4a .4 increase.) railway faciities at ticaler. C41.4 "btais" t" ! eat an outlay t4 peewees' expense and ...h no the attention ttif railway senators, i 2r tiro :!reat WOW and tear ef nreeeell Sind althninfIl several time, the prefect "nun,. y, don,:iat ju hat I iny, was Its.led rite by nu:dialers mod seen !pa just pay ny expenses ta Torenni. ra he feasible, yet,e,reainatagera wee ' ,ttasia or Jlentre..1. ea the case may be ; ,i,,t and aro.,y theta show me Mr VaiaLf. rue, and. of I and r,,tit riff to a later date the don't talk to hint lilte a hneed man, arid give him t.. undetaland that inedetich is tem the wheelie. the pivotal (mint in creation. and that Today we fuel that se are at the boa the C I'. I:. ail! 1COlf .ts boat if it fails rf tie end, ro. Lir as the cos.! to connect with 'Juror's county town, I'll never charze a cent for gretkiug overstrut:item ..f the proposed lohe is Colt rerned. Manager VaiiHorne has given ; timn e sal indemnity ter mapping in, jaw in the interest of posterity and tne lin word in connection with the scheme, neichh„ril generally.. and hy tieing so has prec:ically p'edgeadee What I esy is that itt.?. t. the eark Car gith of the great cerpora- I ene„intety ner.easery n, hal., any dpirtial. twin th.t ert"" the cAHltimult -ann-- ' cotemittves goitij jutaketting all over the naked the Ituckles. • universe and part on 4 tetario to hurry tinder the circumstances we feel we along a olvad sure tLitig. Thar fact thin are juatitied in confidently ststigie that the C. P. It. as in due Cm* coining ts before the close of 1843 tiotierich will l' Goderich is now AS Saha as hechnnie, and have realised its highest, holes e" far ' a score of depotatiets could neither as a cc atplatitive lane is euesented. hustle at inning or keep it Ervin cerning. nau might jest as well send nut a lops - Ws haven't heard anything in the . , mai committee to let you know that the Very papers lately about Mr Nelson, of I sun will rise temorrow, anti have faith lidinburgh. Scotland, who. was repelled, • that they could roll it al.mg ter. minutes would. if Mr Rake retired. be the re- I g ment. I hose of you who prat, peal for last December, by the Tory press, to be nhains steno -0 on the Cosh line et the C. I Maiestya Ord West SUltelk regilnent DI ' me; and Ilod forbid that 1 ali....1.1 be en ,nawing at the vitals of the I totaein 101- ahead of the scheduled time. The C. P. gret of everynuar. in Canad• ash . really 1 some sic or eight, miles, it is in ; fete, and latterly est the it”yel Conadian ; ceasing in prayer fee y..44 A • a c,n.tre- yrs to the extent of $40,000 a year. Now It. nonpany have decided on • line front sialires ability in an opponent and de- ; P. rt . 1 Rifles Although getting aril etiveneel 1 Katie ..ti have iny &wrest sympaah . sires that purity of public lifa .4 which ' tended to budd a link connectir.g with • tlue'pla lo I ioderich, and tLey're twilit. 77 that it is anally settled that Stoma wont -1-1•••• although peeeesse.1 of indomitable Indio( the ..1 G.A./rich ta. eon- ""t `n; "n•n-41 18‘.."4441 sideration at the harlot. of :he Goren wee' y urt er • ui. ertokina. and, mutat lii and harbor int f antral the cs Teursday footman CAIN( 4! MI anad , reeeipt ot the sate 10 Public Week& (nation th .1 the warms tad had bee!. rkertel departments interested. _ The ease made by Mayor Sealer in feria. f the town is • stron4 one, *111 41.54-4 of V curry weight with the 1: .verteeet Owittc to pre -agrees, iwor COLi fang Weave publish it this week, bun it in mil. nett. • cevit-e--hy eury Kehler partly'. nursed the immure heap at his barn- I aural, nee mad s trearter south ef • we. hunt open will is chisel. The ! papera are all on 44.441 eel/0411one. ept ; r „1 buddimp lea tweak, the 1aile.1 reanza- ,1C111%! Y.4.1104:y 14:40Ted tido the b. The ,oineen is all !noosing. There were also. nice %Venn...stet cartratiees f.-:ind buried A Oh the DatteCtITCO are "march- _ f. oty. •atches 3.1.tl notelet. veateets. !est week t .0.1awin Since that t.aie several railways:lames 14. receire t from the neve 'bele" T.( ,4,12,11011 at one tuue and „4 th, ether. some ef which wire the subject of mccussitei for greater er leas pen odon but t by. t Meister InntTA:a ACCIDENT one nnthnr r. aii id is hiat tutted n elaingnass. ruattera 111i hill it- There 11A• the I'LL. C. V. project bjr I nem rblitta.....e.. of ntioa. wined ., the thin -rent Woodstock, St. Stern's mei E-nntern tar. *Mlle !militias. furthar the iinerestavef eniell A tiepnta. rocei adtn.ulneal waters oof tneatIns dirk river, v in Blyth on Finlay there they lied hair ante, and nob!). do; tient front G.a....eh,•11...sLe Veers ago, wind aftert"::..: -.1.• the they fulfil them othee as dissipate .4 the to Stater and inet e tetiras froda etivct that Mr 111111:trliPipsiblid"aiinet with Great Expatiator. BLAK l': TOTH': f Frimi the 1.1 :rst on Whig. The Mail thinks it is Mr Intake bounden (Wry t.o desote hi* splendid awl , %.. aeettlent an the C. P it. at Gel la . a urg, At the close of the Senday teeming le to wil peseta anoug'tne pronusei route. i .. , ., . 1 . ., ,r . Weihioaton e-uaiy. 41,6 op.% (4.orge. service. Rev. Mr .1..hieseas referred to i .. . 1 ' n t tustneues,ely telegraphed f. -r lunacies/ton the cienuntatanoes of los Jrparteee as amass ;eudersemeatt I n et niern was the .....1, -old iti ret...y receite.: a iniessaze front Ur fellows : Elora route 1,, Brussels : thee the Tot • ; J '1' tlitchell, a furnace resident of "I think at this time it would n t he onto, tire,' & B..ICe It g.,...puh Cognate ! ItYatthlt It:t41.4 *141.1' :re f reeS:!. rhininE.th. LueL;w14 P16" tb nt:7:iti* frritre"" to my in,: tn.ti at Wr..1'.....t.: ,&L(' more re,:ently the -, hi% ease sail unexpected (tech. rilt aye. mei in dense se I shad bealnihnei2ei. 111) ' Wir.nhare Jittailtl.,n, Walt Ighti.ft it war , pear% the dec.-ased WAS driving eIrt. 141 remarks non wilt les Inc the tir.t and hoped t.. • on the breach t.. le..detach. I Heishurn and as • tritie appreacinnn the last tulle on the subject. l'arsou .1 re criestno cannot be perceord any great terenees to me and my work have. I For 3 ears a volunteer citivens' railirap ' ., 'Meets to hia profession it h i feels that utatasice lie got too close to the train, understand, been eirentbited en the for temnattee has existed in Goderich, and he cannot continue to snake sacrifices and seeing his danger he reined in his streets, and.it h.as eonie to my hearing the party. and. like btr John bfacdonald, in put timself aureole the practice 4,f the: JI.. The .MJ:,: goes further, mad pays! wage Mr Blnite a gluen.g triotoe in these, ends: • i town "If tt e !a .n. cer.tlein an all..11'..: re* ny ; to the embers t..1 the C. l' R. : here. behind the rigleshuulder and the I proves that the tiers .0s st ho gar.. tnime retort: the cnuntre, we think, may en j I syndicate. Correspur-lence was ahk,; decease,' oe.• capsizeil nut of the sleigh, ; tanners cairreucy did net ireenal 1 f,pr d. ', hid head codling 111 contact ;with the boa. I Etish..p. should hear of them. h hen 1 deph.re his resolution T.. have good ' oper.ed up with Mr Van Horny, arid al- I It frttcrriftlettt. WO Entail hive II 1(044 roppom. of a car wheel. Mr Inhtllips wise leave laini a sketgh of n.y work dorm, my though at Lust time no dclinita l'ledfile :teisi-nterly lifted and canisi tr. Ttyler 9 stay at Ciedetich, he e ter nie ;...etistasior non. and to have a good opposition there must he st the bead *f the mitiorit• a , was gilt ei: that Goderic.!. Mould b. the ' Illetel, and medical ahi sect:rail b .t the I to use the! letter as i cpreol:re of his es maii of m-te than c,rdinary ability, and ' "I'le,,tRe p -ort. neverthenew 4., wan ",. nature of his anjuries was anch that he , te.tri 511ii coniti.oil‘soinc.ex.ionnt7 ess..r,1.....„i..,...- ..4 g.enst psrlianientare experience. twisted that whim tne company t......k ut• l'ever regaineti, C"le ene41' .H., flint Whatnaer militants Kr Blake may make ' the ,:.mottnu of the extensien of lines,the : with the &cement at 1.1 35 p. sr.. A pro 1st, ! To tio. ir..-,1 ....,..Tria.ey f4,, -A. Burford ecori-s no err..rs in his fighting tactics • :II the matter .1 policy he certainly . claims ef Goderich would he folly c - m- follussing ienroing. The necefteet was and passed quietly away A'.. 9 20 the 10.1.!teintii.......ticosirt.iikulartortiv. .11sit‘h.ere..ahri y anadppopiraint .., toe. •b000t to be %seated at Itader Th.. It., alien within the arena. The libenns 'Bider's!. The eeed then weed by t he , brought to his home here en Setertlay 1 Wool:am .lonnatooe. new of tiode'riet, a. would have to 14, '14 far and aids f,sr his ' catir,vli. co.conittee ia n, * about to fru,: . afternoon, lie leaves a wite and five . Joonnone to one of :he moat nornem aan equal as a parliamentary tactician. and ; thy, for .. ur latest information is th ' children to mourn Ma untimely end. i Cdr,;,Y,17',",",:14 44t.,:ttci;:..:."1. ",',',', ,',"1"." we fear it would be • tong day bet...4 I dt Mr l'nillips wan a gentleman of educe. ! deemer's (more in your m..t!:..msir' Joh ".. '' win. tiod stitlitur. be able to a/811We cara' • O.' the Canadian pet•ple saw his like as • , doting the month. of February it was tion, the posse/mot of a beetle pen iand j ne,„ Vowel truly, trimly decided by the management of ' last but not least an honest, upright. I " 41 40001-3: .1. itiine. pubtic elan of greet :alerts and witheut man. lie was nerto in ! ni believe the Bishop ha* given ene a statn.'' I (r;;I'dlyhforrtioZti County Cavan, Ireland. I work juffit rafter my ean heart. and 1 I the C. P. R. to build a branch of their 1 speech, stet the regret winch it ezpremes ; The in, n is evidettly henest in its! road Ervin Guelph te Ceder:eh during the conuing sciumer. From Guelph te and a n" . tile : eh 1- yer deara ans hd It months olil. In : expect to he happy in niy nee apia,int. three years ag a statement a the , horse when the animal reared end thet I have charged With itreittl social standine, Omelet and export ' placed attest faront tart wohnic.helea .:frakthee Icahruitty.:nd feat:411i „burtelih,t..‘in.:451hieyl.ttreit shipping busiati414*40.4 ne, & c't the" nem Data :tacinaguP°A. be: following I le okay f.fit b*. k:...tt urn thing f t hese es puhlig:141 mai submitted , unniediately after the flat car struck the chart; .s, satyr what I told film A, It - ire years is ecristiloati.i. *se ettomg, still unfontur.stely, there ta in Canada • dal atain line of the C P. It, running he was tit thought and deed hut a mad- snsrcity 1 beeves. Toronto and Gan, and wht that dle aged man. The funeral lof the de- - May fed cies you A pastor after H. own heart. alt.. shalt fulfil Hes "nil *nee to heal petit' nit sonnet I.y agree mead in the repeal. Seal every other me that read just as they bunt an the go, would it not be as well to have the awe rest ..1 their roc! -ti. mat themselves. of Mr Nelson investigated. The Star and t» bring grist te their They statistician might take • fresh hold of the subject. and endeavor to show that ttbers is no royal road to learning, that Aire ts a royalty way in connection with the "Nelson deist" T.. IlUchinned Qn*: , Record, in con treating t he exponeive Dominion Iran- e.hiss bet with mar provincial one gays with truth --"In Ontario there have? been no complaints. No one has yet I seaters: to assert that Mr Wiest ole I tensed any pert of hie large majority by; a partisan manipulation oof the eleetoral lasts, so lamely in the hands of the! people thenitehres that there can seldom ! be of . Titian te dans auteetist the Teri's. John Maetionald's return for King. alleso is being protested. The petiticn ennerijm eorrupt practices personally ,.n4 W etente ; illegal vetine by depute ea,_ termini (Afters, gerennetton, bribery, etc, and claims that the isieetion be set aside, Mr Gunn declared elected and Rir John dniqualibed. "Wren 4 a amber of the Imperial Parliesseen" said Rir John Meedenald at &ratlord, "1 shosnl be foend sitting sad voting/ opposite te Mr Justin Me - Oar* " short, Joh hi fot the present Tory cecrcion On OM Awe Prima are not chasing after nineicipel helium*, awl are nut so liable 4-, be hauled -hither and thither at tits meta:ace o: every ratans corporation that offers thorn bond. to place on the market. Ct., no • they're dafrenent (rent the tin -kettle tine, of the olden time that would chase a bonus around three enles ..1 a ur.dred acre let, and then ge up a blind line bunting for the nett 9. limekiln,. tree. surer. Under the eld diepeneatior. Pro- vincial nforernmeni subsidies het to na patched ep with municipal iarrausee, si that they would he able t.. lay i.%er hags wood ties with secondhand sten rails r the old-hishemed "bulginen read bet ander the new style the Doe ...Ilan onuses down with its minuets, and stein rails, the best of lecometives acd the finest and beet eresstrected ceaschee are • the ',riot of the day. Uin in fer en re my, 'veal time, but if the Ineeneass Noes Scotia aro runt 1.. set thirteen of dollars f..r massy nermessa. and a: Johnny Crapeae, drown in ntaehoe. , is goner te beild his raohneado at the public expense, Inn ring tr. hood up nue end nn the Mee of Lake Huron Cm flatfooted in favor .1 this railroad ettensom from .;aelph to Cowlevich. see I dun t mare shin knows it on Inds. reek !first man. every inn, P. R. -I dont west oar of r. e en vines fanners In my thin I'm pe. its% the w07 icor an appnentesent se sect lon-0,10 between here and flenteeler. tor I is. Ae4s,‘ OC7R TOWN FATS ERd. - followed by a very large number of oonteo,tion hot eln• 101 ',eve Goa beat by the rear line will he frost five to tee teamed took place from his late residence, tconnectior. is nude tne roete to Toronto . sorrowing friends, to the Union crime- IT. thlit itsoOthering previous souls into The reguMr meeting of the testi coon R. ' the funeral services The endow and and atiengthinime in the time 1..4 COMO April Ist. 188'. trii:ita sh,,,rtee than by ti..., egiattoe I:. T. ' tery, the Rev. A. McLean e,nducting the Church of 6..d. and their uphitilding cil was :Lehi Friday- evening, April 1st. Present -The Mayor. deruty reeve, and enuncillers 14s,iit14. Untbaorne Rein. Lee Aches N. Bingham, Humber. G. Acheson, Dunn.p. Butler. and Jordso. The Mayer aJdrossed the council -• C. P. ft , and said ha had sio '14-41414 the railway w uld ceme to Goderich Moved by Colborne, seconded by Cameron. that thanks be tendered to the C. sr d G. T. R for erantain passes •ne delegate'', --Carried Moved by tatueron. wentided 14, e Eluinir.:hat tne thank* of thus cameo, be tentiered to the deputatior. fur what • they had does- Carried. eye. by anieent. *seen ed by .lordarh • 2*, -!..No, and ..'c. -rd time Idneed by Colborne. *amended hy Reid that the cocncil le into cerninittete of the whale. Moved ey .:e..rdats. secontied by Bott- ler. that the clauses ..1 th• by-iarr be *domed -Carnet' ' lloved by Camerae. sec. ruled hy But- , ler, that ny-law Nen no, of 1447, he reed .140,).! t •Mill -Cort Ttie various einem were read and 14"Pted Moved I y ranseren. aec-nded It; Smith. that the heeds of the officials be I selosuittan tv the Graeae etnenittee repast ef the cemetery .01400showed 11 ieterinente -7 stens and I ;aslant 'rhe treeserigr's c.o.-, set. Kr Mark ;shines * Wanes of flt,131.41n. Nit sotics114 11L441 Or. March 7th an advertisement sr- peered an Tax $;4'.. setting forth that I, an a:inlicattesi *101114 14. u.ade at the next session of the Dominion I'arlia- sent Ir • chaser for the propneed rued, i sod we are in a position to. state detinite- ly, on Cat responsibility et Manager Van 1 Herne. of the 4. P. It., and 41: Ben, presiJeet of the Guelph Junction R. R.. that the &plating:en Is Maenad op to the 0...fullest ettet.: hp o C. F. It. maliaffe• merit. In addition t» the charter fur the • Guelph Junctem road, • charter will be ' applied for M the ensuing session of ' Parliament for the coostruction of • line under C P. fl euspicee between Wing - ham and Goderich. In that event at is Invite pessible that In the near future • second brunet: of the C. P ft , tanning O throng!. one of ti.. most fertile sections of Ontario, also Mid its terminus at fioderich, st.4 a "crow's font," one of the tenet important railroad conven- t misses for paseempor and 414444411 traffic, VIII 14. 114. result But whether the (hodemeh and Wile/- ham scheme materialism 0* Int, the Jimetien arid Gods each 11. R is now a In eneelneion Tvid•hod invitatioss, estate ete, in ism win* *fee, Nona. Aims family nave the heartfelt sympathy of Brethren. charms that you feed the whole community in their bereave- your souls. Th.. hast easeortal eat° haws ment --Et. apiritual life, arid the second et to grow • reviler moil seueter le Maras.. From the Ch.ragr. News. The Canadian evangelists. T tl Cries ley and T. E. Hunter, began a soma of re% ival meetings at Grecs Methodist Euiscopal church, Lesallo avenue and Locust street, lent night, the service last- ing two and half hours. Mr CroseleY, whose voice is very like that of tirasines, * tither and composer f "Ia. They Ili.. Me at Interloper*" hos pr....chug t roth ...nit. while Mr Hunter, • man ot nervous !emporainent, is apt to drop in- to prayer at any point on hos diecrintee. Indeed, while he sea aiding Crustal*, in • duet We evening he ancielmaly dropped on his knee. and b.gais praying id I, w hole Crosiley eentineed te sine in hie • weetest t Mena After lir Hunter hes his 'Ludlam.. in end humor Mr Crosehy Woos% with a sheet elieceurae His singing, &Merl Ay the church quartet, is sweetly pnehmie. He la not over 3Z1. and is Hr Ho• -t'. mentor Ay iterhaus tea years If s ham a tenJency te solemnity Ravioli stirred the sudienee by • pathetic smog he re Istes P neeth hoot seet.• in a ta...t sate • lee manner. He had the Isrlies warp- ing last night .ver the death .f a Mrs Atrial hers, whose last 141...04Wit • were spout in singing faintly to Jams, and ...hose statists h• tuatt•tsol nest teueh• in (1440. 1 pray tkd that your whole body mid soul And spird lie rifeitefillo4 Hanle:eel, end that I Le ler, Cud nf Peace mectify you all. The fl.elerich c..rreep..n.1.-na ..1 tits Nen' Jird *aye "We art. rttrInnely *etre to hear of the likely revisor*, ,• the Mee W. Johnston frosts ..SVP.1. 11.. is • aplendid preacher, an ..atneet tom peetneee *droll/de, 111.41 a tirsa rhea Si So worker And s.. say we all ef 'es. A more faithful snit eariteat wan there it not *mem* 414.. cler4s of the diocese to day. Mr Johlistoi, teat d• • 4+, hes wee charge on the parish of Itar ford. $covr Ary SOT,l inaple nf I ha pse three teethe ,.'.pt $4J) has.. hey,. pat.! 1. Scott Act tines in the "It), the lidos' oisitributore to the fund being Merin. Mit% 1.1 tiverer. ntes Cr 1111.1 %MOT. C11111011 Ale Paialey Ilse hid sit oun• vice since enterie,! on the olutoes 15 Inatieeteir. three toredilha alto, in hr. ..4 which the pertteat plemolett entity He is dieeharitinit tom dots.'. in • way that m encour•gio•e„ at least to the sui.p“rters of 1145 11.4. Net, Ka There hails been seren more commie - liens tents the shoes ems enrist..n. *pea of the defendants plararled realty. In the lasigeoge of Ilea Kerr, i4 the at. Reessele 114.4, "Batten is warm Wens dies* pleettfult ---emsessat4itiklalle;