HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-4-1, Page 8F •-•••• , ao.o, 1, 8 •••••••••,-**.414. : • Till HURON SIGNAL. .fRIDAY, APRIL I, 1887. FROM WASHINGTON.' Dawn. _ mi.. Anse !Meiling, of Porter's HUI, What ilea Transpired at the is vilmteufg fri"iiis United S nate* Capital. G. Wein, 'impotence to our architect. wave his hood a hod bruise by Wilting it with a hammer one day last weak. tsetse reesiseatiat apiestaimeass Tee The preeeediags tu asnawation "nth steridate reessimeree penstostess ins W rtit Iluroim pretest are being watch- . *apse tor *genie aed then' rhetesserbs. oil wit it interest two. Ilikeppereten. vroe, our epec....1Corresileedent. Vinisuoverox, D. C., March nIst, 1887. 'the Senators and Itoprommtetteee nail upon the l'essident to couneel and Advise mid Iroillif• Mud ranoliolleUtl con. tensing the high &pi...aliments pending, seem to know just as little what vill happen after they leave him as they did helot. nary saw hint The Pres" - dent listens to e11 their recommendations and reituistia to consider them, but speaker Carlisle seems to be the only "act who has been elven even le his preform...11. Or SeleeI101111. Tim President was animus to have ; al Mr Carnale setemt the seeretarysbip • tho treasury, hut his excuse for de - lining was that he consulted his own liest viterost by remaining hiss present nais.1 •.1 arrlioll. Mr Carlisle is • nian Alec, arid undereesod euinig his it -tends that he thought a Cabinet pop. lion would venni extal obligati...is which oould ba 1110.4 expensive teen he count e lord. Nut that ho mem ,,,,, that be gave this as • reason for dectinitig, but tt is understood ti.tit it contributed n, his clecianni, - It was etpectoel that the biter Stets (nesitneree Commissiun would have been ieteplutad ere this, but it may lie sev- eral days yet before the name* of the coininuetunier• are known. It is a ogre., very desirable haie men whose ldgMent Call be relied on at all times. ft is eery difficult to tied such men, and 'abets found they are not such as are likely to wan to undertake the service. not mon oho are not tempted by the salaries aro:ie, the posito.its are not at desirable aS may •t tind thought appear. There ie a heavy reeponaibility attached to them, aud aitu.sst a certainty that no non min so set as to avoid criticism front ✓ oue Jar tr. There is like:y to be complaint to if 'his • ppointutenta are not disitnibsted tint regerd to the aoctional divrennos uf the coo:ere. The West will gleam the rinin t.immil rsprs.sntatIun. South and E4.it are c.1ua1h interested. rt tai said, hroo•ver, that the slate ill illoW ..early made uo, that only one of the five nieces on the nommission reinams to be a•td that the President intends to zits his entire attentom to the matter ontil it is soto led. Kirca tima ago it occurred to the choef •n the Consolsr Bureau .1 the State De - pertinent. In% nt. Clair, that an album rantaining photogrape .A all the gentle- men in the United States foreign service ranuld be an interesting thing and • ,eurce of gratification at headquarters. He begau to call for ohotographs, but at first the demand was not reepended with au, degree of alacrity. Eich par- ticular coneui seentei to thin': there was 7 • store for hM pi:tuned he %out it, Um. Enal destruction ..r obecuri ty. Liner, the idea got abr t!lat the Pres. ,Int would see the photngraphs :on admire the mon he had selected to .epresent this country abroad, and that iney wuuld be viewed by some of the :wit people of the country Since then I hey have boon pouring in by the score (runs all pens cf the moth, and the out- notit.n is &tont complete. Tne American :Minister to Petunia, non!. Atelerson, has iudignantly dented tne rumors which bete bten circulated in regard to his hanks son mode of liv- itn in Copenhagen. sa a )vaae slander. In pool that he is not living there in tualnr he wrote that he oceupien the -.hole of a fleet ten and part (4 the nacond floor, in all ten room* and he did ot see how he was charged with a two .-001O, fourth suiry habitation. As to he lets spaper stateroent hat he kept an ..!el peasant woman to conk his food and iaand his clothes he emu, "I dine out, and the lady who keeps house for um is the widow of a professor who was tbe Pearlier a King George. ot (Treece. not, he added, that it would be dithcalt .n inform the sixty millions of people in A merlin of thaae facts, and he supposed bo woold Imre to be patient. The npintrot game ground anionz the !members of Coneross still in the city that an extra semen* will he called in tetober. They do nut think there is Any need for Congress to meet before 'hat time, but that there are many rya- enns why it should meet then. The House should (imams's and be prepared nu worn soon enough io dispose of car - sin important business name political •liseussious begin to take its time. Tn. Political work which the next Congress will discuss will be a ferinid&ble barrier • o legielatires. Wahine.% are cuttiug timber and draw- ing et to the sites for a larks stable for • fi McManus, and for a ismattuoth barn for H noraloser. Then/I/was • wood be* at the house of W 41 Bogie oat day last week followed by • datum at night. West Watranosh. Marvh Inds 1887. C oinc.1 met to day at the call of the neeve. All the members were present. Andrew Sproat, Hebert Hisoocks, and Its Infield@ were appointed pathinastere 'r D ingannen. The follewing cheerios were made in appointment& elready nade . Wm Brophy in place of Osage 4tein , S.tul Alton in place of George Irvin. A cenuounication was read from naive of h. otiose, m reference to the re novel in John Itab..nson to the Louden An onlee of $101 was (petered to Its. &awn. payanle to Mr (Irani, O. assist ij ty inz 1..r the removal (if he nod .11,0 nelonsen. The auditor's report was preeented • on motion of C (ancillors Lockhart and received and adopted. The .nerit WAS ioSIrnel04 1., have Ito wipes is • Anditers report printed for diatribe- a • The followiog ecorointe were ordered 'to be paid : lenreird Redmond, lumber • ccitert, C in. 4 and 5, $1,06 ; Peter :•*.ellier. board mid attennanea no P • ifl,nn.11, $34.00 ; A. T liarideen, none fey P. OD -omen $7 tin ;ltr Pnliett, inertiasi attendence on P , reD $1 ; Greet grain /or Join P..bint .n $10; .1 M Roberts anclitor 7f .114A VroVvIliar. 11114irrarlfl; It 11. Ander met- aviary arni ; Wen Dornin. salary • eel pestoze $84 ; Oilmen syn. -turn -el • • :nen tiatirri.• April :10th. P. K. Miller, Township Clerk. • Xenatiller. - has put up a cinealor • saw f..r the purpose of cutting Ins wood. Our hunters are events/ alive to the fact that better winter accommodation a. sieselmi tor their stock. Yvon corrosion's. Jot insteps • that Mr Vaamone, Mr K er- algae. and ethers on genie' to raise there barns on stone foundation dune* t he pr.aent year, anti Inure will be h•e ly If masons and trainer.. It. Li &fairish the teacher of Ilea- eehoul does not iutend holdiug his p &bite enausination until the latter part of the jeer. .o4than Mi -r dieras writ butend to g is op hetet k. ciing yet, if we •r., r.l Judge by the way Le is sumo( up Ito bar atm the Remote/talents he is inakine soco:nodata his frtenJs aud the trsv.11iuK piiblic. Deagemettea. W. mewed am tante iron I. the y the West Wallow:oh Mutual r.Pieurstersoce ointipany with ail as vale able coutenta oust eistiiig .4 the &Mask* popen aud securnme Wilmot/4 to the trouipaity wee delivered into the cam et J. M. Reborn, who has been apjeouted sevretrity treerserer of the nouspeuy. The head ultimo of the company will then, - kw* be at Dungannots fee the future. Mos B Wallowa, 44 GOdeflOh, IS the guest of bier .:other, Hamilton Yeaaan, of Saratoga. Thomas McCarttory has hired witbr Ront Fiumgan, of for assi mouths. Tour will toe greatly mused in tbs. part .4 the country. Exertian- A certain person is anx- ious to know if that your% man that asked t•o youne ladies in toe day to itu for a drive got left 1 They say Le now would as moon drive ao o'.41 loly as • youug one. Lead gossips love been terowa into a state gniat evateitiest ..ter the fact that • young man driving • 'toy horse w ith • whito face, aud who ia seen in the outupany .4 the opposite no. waa ston driving • young ledy through Mosidayn Mona This piece is fast raining into not sow It takes ia ••eetiin of %Vest Wawariosh ors the fourth coucesaion shout two notes f-om Saratoga, and is noted chiefly for tbe goed hushandry .4 its inhabitants and the staunch Gritisai which prevent.. Wood bee. are tbe order .4 the day. There were live last I. and they were Th. special services at Bentniller e,r• d • hen church have toren sell attended and are likely to continua for some time. diones. although only two had honey. The last was the brit. Perhaps that was becaten John Fluker acted as walking Fait Wainanaiii. boos. Great eteitemeat prevailed in the evoning as to who had die beet SSW. __ --now-- Connell an accouut was received from Jame. Ferguson. plathotaster, &inane nail eoutied to pay $5 for shoveiling snow on ..stern boundary - ordered to be paid. Robt Haines and Thos Jemies.n, trus tires of U. S. 8. No. 7. Kw and West Wawauosh, were present aud proteeten against the N. W. part 14 13. con. d Coeneio -At the last neating of the ' toeing taken Iron U. S. 8 No. 7. aod lidded to S S. No. 8. (asked fee by the , miner. Chas. Campbell) as their section ; N.). 7 wait already small. The council ; dasided to take no action in the mean - tins. A petitiots was received from several of the ratepayers .J U. 8. 8n. Noe. 12 and 14, 116et and West Wawa. nosh, and U. 8 8 No. 10 Kudos, and 1E44 Wewanosh, asking tar certain i cnanges in said eections. The clerk was instructed te notify ths School latirector, !trustees and all parties interested, so that action may be talon in settling this matter es wen as tensible. The treas- urer's bond was received and accepted. John Auderson, collector of togas, re l.turned his roll to the Council, which shio•eil that his work Gar tho year 1886 had been satisfactorily done It was re - oared that he be appointed t.r the stir - rent yeor at a talent if $65. Deteutures were signed in favor of J din An terrain, servioss so collector of toles for 1886, postage. stationery, et. , $70. Won Carr, as treasurer for 1886, postage, stationery, commissiuns, etc., $65.25. McLean & Son, Winghant, reopening culvert on the eastern boundary. $2 50; Poon. Steel, charity. $30; Jae. Ferguson. pathuniater, shovelling snow on road. en The Council adjourned to meet again ahem called by the reeve. Lee ettra.. A meeting ems held, by those who are in faror •.f a new School Section, in thia neighborhood, on Monday night, la Leo burn Hall, and it was decided to appeal to the County Council. Mr CO01111100 ia thorou4hly in earnest an this matter If he su,:ceeds we hay* no doubt the scholars of the future will feta him • hearty ccste of thanks, supposine their parents Jo have to pay a little rotor° taxes. Leeburn Lodge intend to adjourn L. Goderich in • body to nieht (Friday to as. her champicrui J. G. Clutton and J. Linklater croas swords with their God. er,ch opponents, of the High School, CO the realism 01, .•Eloase Rule for Ire- land . It is the tug of War this time, we hare no doubt both sides will do their beet. John Horton is the possessor of the first colt in Leeharn for 1887. I guess Lannon must be ahead this time or we would here heard that Dunlop "rooster'. crowing before now. We heir that Peter Atewart is M. /'. for Leriburn in the Muck Parliament at the Young Inherel lemma of Goderich. Wei hope Mr Stewart may yet be in re- ality what he is now only in torne, viz If. P. The entertainment, given in Loeburn Temperance hall, on Friday night last, was largely attended and very good order pre% ailed throughout. Mr W ilson teacher, tialtford, occupied the chair. A ftst the opening exercises. music both instrumental and vocal was iiidelged in. to keep the audience in good humor fur I thedebate. on the subject, ''Anners- tion to the l'uited States is Inenrable,- !Inch was to form the principal intrac• ! hal of the evening. Th. Goderich "hey ,' cordial welcome wee ex▪ tended to • them. I by Mr inhn Cloitto,,. who an.) opened the &note on the •Mrsiative side awl node a very telling speech. Me was ellowed by Mr 3. Tsylor, rof Goderich, oapt.sin for the negative. who g•ye (ont! an oratonoal treat to the timbales. as well so foreshle arguinanta. Messes I P Stewart and I. LiiikIster for tha • affiretative.and Mr Allen and Mr Fowler I or the negative, then took up the: train. and insd• (cry beiltiant.and potot- nlapeerhes, not nnonisad with hotline. The captains then el-tsed the debate, Me Tayl.r, for th• neostive, gormg th• lir *1 speech. Mr Wilenn in giving th• dad - ion, 545..1, he 1. und ot n., okay matter to deei.le. the dehate, but after a earefsil w eighing .1. •lie points loonght foratienin a btsef sutrinuity of which he maven he • i.Avir Ito i onititton in giving the linemen. is terror 44 th. affirmative. The meeting wet closed by singles. 'God asi• the goirawi,- after which the people dispersed to their homes, evirteet• • well eetiatint with then' eyeliner • ell• •ye.rast. THE WORLD 01713R. -- J,Iin none*, an (.1.1 Ann respected citi- zen of Et. ter, diets last week. Exeter spring show will he held (.11 April I2th. Thoma. Nixon sold his 100 acre farm on the 3rd hoe, Morita, the (Alain day, to Wet Gauley for $4.610. The investention fateentlennehantes against Louis Niteroi., Chief of the Men- treal Police Pstrul, of being an seems plies .4 gamblersletting prisorers es- cape, not soauenting foe money given fur the petrunetc., has been coauneuced. At a league meeting in You:hall it was resolver, Mot no rent whould be paid while Father Keller was in prison. Father Hayes, an American view, of freed .£.5 for the spade with which tko girl Qoirk knocker/ down • bailiff during the ellenbeigh etrienons, Undor * new act pesseJ at a recent sension of the Lonelature, all parties eff.ritig maple sugar for ssle will be compelled to label it ss ; and time* who in future sell suzar at 15 cents a pound as netple 'utter, which has 'seen purchased at 16 pneoins far a &Inn in a grucery store, will to liable to tine and seizure. -Mies V. :-"You seem to be beat man at all the wsddiuup, Mr. B. When are you eying to I. � a learline part yourself?" Kr B. : -"Oh, there are as trend lish in (be see as ever came out of it." Mime V. :-"Yes, but don't you think the belt is getting • little stale!" A Durtmon Sow. -Vson shortly after the deans of kaoline. wife, &Scotch laird made arrangements for a secoud mar- riage; and on asking his son, a well- known author. to be present on the occastio, the latter replied that "He ro. trotted be was unable to atter.d 10 cos- sequerne of the recant death of Lie mut heir ! At the Eleanor+ Asares when Hamilton ficett, who had bei -en conrieted of forgery, was brought up for seutence, Judge Rose end had the pejo- uner committed the crime when in his seber senses he weuld have given him a life sentesee. As, however, he had done en when intoxicated. and hed Leen en coursged to drink, he would. on Scott's signing the pledge, liberate him on hes own recionuances to appear for eantence when called epon. rb. prinmer, who gladly wee; ted this condition, was lite- rate& Tne at Now E• says r - 'nation was Mid by 'toper -tor Paisley ageinst Messrs O. Pike and P. Reynolds, for infraction of the Scott Act, and t.n Wednesday ditty plead guilty end were 6ned tbe statutory fine of $50. At Crediton, on Wednesday, Walter Clark and Win Machell, hotolkeepers, wtre up before Police Magistrate %Vanities and Mr Contr.! on, J. P. sad /need guilty to a vielation of the Act,paying their Emits( 850 and cneta 4, Soott, Ciinton, ap- peared for the prowetion." One Oke, of Ezetee, wee slob (footnoted and tined. Hs Loor Htw To Tnatz to Go:le-It has often been s sportsman's fate ti ones and marvel. a; what seemed ensomunn ably shots, the reply given by his stalker t ! • zentlesaan who. after &aeries of inexcusable unease, remarked "Well. Dovusbd, stios. tiolt was i i is admirable. ,.td well portrays a sports - mann own feelings es such coceeion. Inueth 'Well, he waeret more than a berolre4 yards, and it's nnt rev fault roc iniatain him - sad it woman the fault of di. stag, for Is noon still et.- 'ashand it's wit the fault of the rifle, for 1 ker. well ine a rt good ore, as 111 jam torte :t to rut t.. thiek ore: anti hriti out witose fault n was. ?ire: A Rua:'ti, Msict "It is a canoes feet that simest &l the ?aileron that hate Posta annontced oaring *he past week er two. are those of men who 'lumen th• ennto n ostrirsien !yowled lateiest ut Cie einirerroes inriditiots tit the country, ad iLe disastriws 4NiospO 1111, H. W. BRETHOUR & CO. 1E31:?,.A.1\TT'FORI), ommENcE TIJE SEASON ON Tuesday and Wednesday, 15th and Oth April, A G ILANi D 1)ISPLAY 011? Pattern Hats, Bonnets & Mantles IMPORMICE) DIRICOT FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STYLES *4 NOBBY SHORT WALKING JACKETS & DOLMANS onn 0 T-738, Dress Goods Department 8,1CC)171aD 13E FlaN1 THE STOCK IS VERY. COMPLETE, AND THE PRICEs ARE RIGHT THE RANGE OF NEW :4HADES IS LARGE, THE COMBINATIONS ARE ELEGANT. FRENCH WOOL DRESS MOW WITH HANDSOME COMBINATIONS BLACK AND COLORED MERV'S, IN PLAIN. STRIPE AND BROCHK NEW PRINTS AND CHAEBREYS, WITH EMBROIDERIES TO MATCH WE SENO SAMPLES MS PET wens CRAMS ON ALL PARCELS OF S5.00. H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford. !nannies. March MR. 1/1117. The Seat remetalm Pew sibs World. OHM The "Win" &oaten& pea the beet 11.0i "" 1r it. .1 nes. thing yet invented in the way of a self- feeding oen. It has a gold Nth, shades in Colborne Towed:Sp. en Marels just es • clippie,/ pen does, aud sieves., "rfrhiCotryinealmns. leounet woe of Aims. V maw. fails. It is a wnting wooder. A tom tile Inn be Seen at this office. Kerry - - lawyer, doctor, clen,yinan, sehaol teach ATEFT I. COMYORTING. This. McGillicuddy Is the local agent. er sod business man should hare oac. F? Seeliertai Markets •Reporied by Telephone from ilarznr tllooirsucia. Merck 31. Wbeet. Fan, • bosh • • •••• he 7r, Wheat. tred winter, gem& • - • • MI WPM, Itional II Moab e 76 Whoa. V Moak 61 flour. ft li cwt. ... • ...... 1 Pt Flour. (railed) 11 eirt • -... 1 ite noun twee. bakers. • owl.... " ie Floor. ImitewO Mon inn i Oats. • bash .. - 112 Peek,. beat o.n.o....-. 0 le Potatoes. • . 0 30 &ter la lb . 0 NI Wees.itialt •. 0 12 ... . • le Shorts, II toe-- 13 10 /Iran 11 tea 11*5 Ct 4prd alosin 1 IN licreealogs. flew; 00* [Wood lo_oDERTCH WICCH t NICS' rNSTI- non TUT?: URI:ARV AND R• 11 a D1 16 0 P.011:14. 0,7. a &Iwo_ iocreot sad ii....nre MP %pairs. Opsn from 1 to 6 pre.. anti t -am : t0 tr• p.n.. AbOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY L.-JJ,ft/ haav, fr.eiay 07,4 Piot•r2f..4 P rye. r4, ...V4Afirt;r4to, cit., on stk.mer.rInte TICKET. ONLY $1 P. growing tree ust of 1.'briiry man l'Icadscg Rnom. Applicat•lon for reemiLersh!, recidred by Libra:Las. in moues. :.4. )1 A LCOMtION. GKo. nivienti, Fret, tree en( 7a tary. Goderich. March Ilth. 1132.. PS'S COCO 1.14.•':..1.1 I Iti.naiwabtichh""geligilY'llsktirdwutilerso'10151:14. 411.1wsinsiltralkAl er 110 ;ty s and starkness, tied by a preen! apeineattew of ig 0 .figil thc :toe properties of welleelected roma. Mr. r e f7 Ledept Icisiali:inted one breakfast tables witb gy a- a Bp prod barmage et Pr./unsay laInt{ 4. 1 011 us many Yr deetore Mils. lt 15 by the 0 i ps judtchtes use of such articles ef diet that a ea p la constitution may br gradually boat up until 1191. el gall. Astrenjekareac.""rhilundreelaW "Ofistetribt":eri inateudeledinell art tg 0 anstmc &rowel as reed to /owl w vet 1 there is a weak point. e slap escape ford • fend shah Sty keeping eanelves well ed with pure blood and • properly noerinsed qp q yy fracue."- --Cies! Service einsate. Made eimply with boiling water or milk. el 0 13 e• • 12 Sold Gaily in pachate by Grocers. labelled Is° ill 21 JthAMf"S trps t Can ileniumema•nie Monists. " 1 se lorti.iy Loselon Kaigiatul. •• • ail - . ................. as - • ic Ts CATAR R H gni RAW cleanses th Read. Allay* -- Inflammation Heals theSorek Refitoree t h t 8a asesof Tast4 Smell Hearing A glick Heiler A positive Cora A pantile is app!'ed mish aostril aad is agreeable. Price M eels?. at Drongssis ;MyI ELY BROS . Dmintsits. Owego. ICY. reorrest, se rears. otreiners trot. Arnuserr.ents. FOUR DIPLOM & UDAL AW111.01.D. IMPERIAL SODA WATER, GINGER ALE. Ask your Grocer or Drove:at. for these Gocx1R, • nr &Xt.? GEO. EL COX, 11••••sah Es ha- ge Hotel. Gederith. flf5 IMPROLAL arcoraMed as ta.• bTANDARD BRAND. Fee ea.. be so trivia.; linnet., e'e. 111111Alit. 1111140111. MIKA C11091111, 11111111111/011. WA • ni Be nate rof tatietrk -- WE MILL ENVELOPES! telnitineer Rend:. lEir VC - - MN& tit The Canadian Pacific Railway So. Peonies Ta•urne Roue between MONTREAL, - TORONTO, QUEBEC. OTTAWA, - KINGSTON, BOSTON, DETROIT, - CHICAGO ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, am ALL POINTS LW An w FAT. roe Thee Time Tilden. }'a'!$. 8u. applr to lif111111 FALLr: --- ogle........am, L,.:,.. SAUOTDERS VARIETY STORE. AKE OUR PRICES : repot, rebre. IP to ler. la•W U. '• Itle le I. 'sew Mir. " te Um, sow rte. Th...., arc Ivo 'co.' style& but for &fencers, Landlords or Tenants Ted Ann JUST TNE T111116 A Fresh Stock of American Papers Now on View. The Cheapest itonse R. RADCLIFFE, UNDER THE SUN. Agent. West-st Hest door to ihe Post Office. OFFICE - tenet Street, irpr.7qatt Telegraph ogee. Peti't Forget the Mims. tinelorna March ta Cinder:eh. les. lltla. NW. welessoes. J. WILSON' S Presuiption Drug Me! COURT NOUSE S UARE. A THE BEST THE CHEAPEST. New Fruits, New Nuts, New Teas, NEW G0011 SFarmers sad limpearee eats etre mimics llse Plying Harlopqa at OF ALL KINDa. WM. AC93E80141'8 , ir A IINIOTA TIN Winer LAMP re easselle Rower No Globe. No Chnisaer. riesseler. Pie Oder. No Reel SI the oil 5,5 I 'asitivelly - • e • Explosive. r.v alt`r LAMP nuarameed. -- Merle hi ail Myles tit t. dealers. LANNY. Me.. Ike. Pries,- $4.5I aad leeward, finer a White Machines Pianos and, Organs, all nom the ems, celebrated maker" cheap. for Cinch GEO. W. THOMSON. Readdeam- Tient HoWw nest id errant Maine Mill. ' • • ,r• :• • i ;At ,kirr -83 ‘, 4111I knew • %noel lok HOW TO MAKE MONET EYER11091 INVIPriD HARNESS DEPOT TO COMB AND 0111 TRR F .ne.)1 tonne, • &set,. a Bum/Legs Envo1opo3 inest nett. tr. it° Theft etillmordial • atould sow mei the...1015. - c "Tia•lustrial Linen* 5 to °art "'". e Ind" bus "TECIO SIGNAL genrinstly boon inflamed be tke fairs of seen ship keeper, end re* it is as selewre net to see these eartsems onzga..p. pietdring the great pnerstrIty ef the eousitrn 'seder Tory rule p tottered feette _PRINTING OFFIOE• ohs windcws of heekruet • shoe: Otteteeiltee Pr01111. • w Collection OF CHIN ever opeend eie nederieb. C. A. NAIRN, Coen Menai Illoare.111011apteb bet. en tfee. „71,I; r- (.1" %IV"' ''''' • lays. s bow metre reser ter mi litywhea Mack,. 1 has • determined to wit .W ray Well Amnon., rept et Blind* sad lInulis. Harome. Mehra, Itlisaketis Truk*, Yalta.* Whip, la Onset nareet, win sell elf IP Whets Mork si a Rig Roder tke. ins task Rementbent the Orrin • DIN, soh Melo OM' sad Oait. Prtoro Mien per Mips nit site where. Semsemsber strersaan". Illatesens imp«. lliedertele W11 A CH RIY)N. Ali min1mum/1aq bow arconets orb be Wiled by mak se Note witting' IP ado.* to tient fledeelek Psb IA ler tree.tio Sale Bills Printed , • no. • tann -- • a