The Huron Signal, 1887-4-1, Page 7r t E HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL I. 1847. Fun anb F3ncv. Treat elle friends ss yeas treed your gym,. When troublwwle, .cwt oat Ludt. Willi., when he lint as his belly opera, gamed ins the tray thing lee • moment is awed ail.tt.., •..d then whispered, '•Hamms, is h. • her ! - If a lady hoe a ted arae, eery •+.e iI gains about bar had add. 11 a man be • red nose, .very one areas they can sash whiskey Iffy lards oti Anastasia (about to b. married) : ~)i.d, n.e if this made ell night l..r the .aVltatius : 'Your presence is requested ' Devoted brother : "ittop ills•, sir' It isg't grammatical. You mien : "Your presents are miser - "N.), George,- she said, "I Cannot marry yon. I shall alw•ye esteem yam al • Mead, bet I carnia be your wife," (loony. hesitated. ••Clan," be seed brokenly, •' will y.)u grant ate one fame before 1 go away forever 7" "Yes, Ue•H1a." she replied, kindly. "What is it r Please pet your refusal down • paper. I'll feel serer. ' "Mother,' said a young lady, recent 1 how ante you to marry such a very plain, unpretentious Guo as father '" "If 1 bad known his dt.ghter would Mem have asked mach • rfltostion, I pro- ems I should have hesitated." "Thou you am net entirely sstiabed." •.\ot esttrely. I'd most wish that our daeRbten had been all sons." T1L3 L IXI-=ILBN CLUB. S r.dder tavlatlMe dahlias Uspell e hensellanni en Va twne•Trllta. I..Ibe a...1111 K /he tar.et..are. "Ar' Budder invisible Jackson in de • hall tonight r blandly .loeried the prmi ++I Mat as the meeting opened. Inviable was visible. He was Lack by the atop., and had his shoes off to l tickle W ebilkJaias. After a little de- lay M made his way to the upper end of 1 the hall and the president continued "Brudder Jack.as,de report has come i to .e dot yes .i t llia' foetuses in your neyharhuod for de ran SINS of two bits a pus.ot. ' "Yet, ash, tee betisi�' O&M." "As Yoe bey bio a tallrbsr of dim club for de las' two y'n• you mai he aware 4 de tack dat fortune -tepee', millet' dream -books aa all dat sort of nnD..... MR shin our rales. A potters who sots oat to hey hie toter predicted as stilt So d. head ; de Fuson who takes lame, to pendia it am a karr.. I shall sue - pond Tow from membership fur three soothe, aa' if we b'ar dat you am still !s ds .sidle.' biases you wdl be ex - pentad for Read Yes kin pet on your kat as' go." Invisible was badly broken up. and there ware tears is kis eyes es be pawed out. Wiles he had Supe the provident oestinasd : "I want to so to dim large, cultivated aald relined audience dat de fate of ID- 'Isibl Jackson will be de fate of arty Adder member wbu am foetid so far off his balsam as to b.rzanta'irter fortune - !ellen, no matter how ehaair deer prto.a. My experience in lis world hae taught me 1. If day' was anything in bad ones 1'd bw his an angel keg alto. 2. It dor' was seething in had ones I'd hen bio de odder place store I was I..mey rare old. S. It am worry plesusot to be told dat von as 'silos to fall hair to grant rich- es, bat dat doss' buy 'caters Dor pay rent. • Oaly Mei in as hato work, ani • sty glob weals as wast s, execs* to s leave babelieve is fortan.-telliu.'. L. If it ams predi.l.d dat a man am twine to her a goat piece of lack he'll wt down in some saloon tu wait far it. 6 If it am ptredisted dM b. am Rein. w M. a treat Wobble, he'll p home an Osseo his Info as' Ask bis children. "I wars ye to let tea hell bizne+a aloe.. A dollar a day •s' a steady lob will pas oat mo' soapy is six months man all 4. lortona.tsllan in ds world kis bring ye in fifty jars Dar' am jig as essay Rood dr..tmmt as had, an' nae. of 'pa en wort de powder ao blow up aa air boss eine nicht her meant eua• :kia' a thousand jars ago, bit day am • Played out slim. It you Lear d. 'death. lade is a wall it's Jost ss muck a sign dM you am gwias to Gad a dimmed pis •e the road se it ar' dat some d the family am rine to din afore the y ar is nae. Lt ea mow pick up de abmorsaal bisese et de mortem.."- Detroit Fine Paas. Mame rsa PANT. -It the feet are render or painful attar log walking .x . tending, great relief Gan b• had by lathing them in salt water A handful of salt to a gallon of water is the right proportion. Have the water as hot as eaa e..sf..rt.bly be borne. Immerse the foot awl Moron the water .ver the Igo a. fag .s the hoses with the hand. Abs the weber b.eos.s inn cold, rub briskly with a gosh towel This method V mod night and morning, will care N ostalgia .f the feet -I eallal a few days ago, said a sain- tlier, ain-slier, es . isms whose Aero was ,..ry ill -hardly .:pasted to move,. The stain were marrow. ere.it.tl awl dark Ile threw anew the dogs d tin room in slosh hie elf* My is soder to give no light as 1 wpaaiw, mod sad. WW1 to . be board by his seek Is. � � gide t� BAKING at Ming wee be hr I dst't know CAIPBELL: S ONIC ELIXIR --mow Thla agreeable yet potent �pl1�I�N,..� Dina ie especially adapted fur trskllMf aid cure of that clam of dieosdet* .l tendan. upon a low or reduced state u(the 'Iynteut, and usually amour,ied 4 PALE.. Weakness and Palan of the Heart. l'r..mpt resuwill follow its Ase 111 ares of tiuddett F:*• loow,i•m initiate front !versa of Blood, Acute ur throats 1►la.aere, and 111 the weakness that invariably accompanies the recovery frail Wawa.; Friers. No remedy wall give ,..or'pertly ri lief ha I)) miepou• or ludigt'stiws, its action tau the stomach being that of a gentle and harmless wide, exciting the organs of digestion to action, and thus affording leaned tato and ,wrntai.eut relief The raruleadve properties of the d:Berent aotuati,t which the Elixir teetotal realer it awful in Flaw/mit Dyspepsia It is a valkaldo rruiedy fur Atones Dyspepsia, *bleb li apt to corer M Drama of a gouty) e1.:tfacter. For Impoverished Mood, Loss of A l •petite, i)eepnndescy, sad In all case where an effective and certain suite. laud is to uirt.1 Lht Elixir will be found invaluable. lu Fevers of n )Islarial Type, and the various evil resulte following expo- sure xposun to the cold or wet weather, it will prove a valuable restorative, aa the continuation t.1 Cachous. Canny and b•rpenteris are universally recognized as specifics for the above-naiutd dis.r- dera eSsid by an llsalees is Family Melidtsn. Prim, Al per Bailie, ea RIE Routes for Davis & Lawrence Co. (Lamas. i SOW: AORSTTI, Hoariest, P.Q. WEINIMP PIRBY DA.ve• -es PAIN -KILLER PRINTING EERY DESCR!PTION EXECUTED WITH Ur YOU WANT 1r,YCt; WANT RGAI CALI. AT THC-- -- Er TOV WAN s • C. McINTOSB $46,.'tbyns. IMwa rtto:.. harp. .eMaatt) ad.l.w{ to his well - selected hock, choice Toronto Cash Store' Groceries, I whick will M found to con, pate favursbI), both as regards quality and prier. wlt)/ any ether •totk in itt. Idnit�. THE FILL STOCK IS NOW oO]iPI.IIDTE. MIA II are turned to vogue aid easmtse tl. qus!Ity and price.11 TEAS AND SUGARS A SPECIAL r\. In returuh.g thanks to my ruaonlers fe their patronage. I mould al.0 Incite any Nk- R.m.mber the Mand : THE TORONTO CASH STORE are who will, to cols and lnsper t my stock. 0==.6.., .A., Ma,riacer_ f o. L. IdcINTOSH. Routh West *As of Ile Square 1011-3ta oederteb• Feb. Isth. Ilett. S I -al lb $qs 1 ]Atli. •ra`atmlwrwre.la�. - MRS. -C. H. G1RVIN PLANING M71°ILL 581 A BUSH ED 11 ii OFFERS FOR SALE HER MTV and BMW m =coitus:map eT I'Ay.t,iaas, Ministers, Xissi000rire, lfontrecre 4J Fertivia. Work -Maps. Pl ttitt('sa, Nitrate to !laoapitals, -tis sate, e.erytiode everywhere who Ams carr y.ets U a tnmL IaTr.s .l LT •17x1 WIT* A Woo: GLAND or SOOT MILK Alta $10A$, IT WILL SS POIIED • Navas VAHIJae crag TOt SUDDEN COLI& CiIILLS, COX- 1.E'tTION OR STOPPAGE 01 CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAiNS IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT.ic. APPL1$w SITgamA LLT, ixritlENCIL sae raOvas IT TIS toe./ LPrIterira Aa. seer La5IO*iT vs. L•atg I:r iSiOTIai PAIS PAIS salami riOY SPRAINS. BRUISES, RHEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWEL7.EH FAC,, T*EYTtIACHE. BUR\S, F11n8T BITES, ix., it !toss. pe- Bettie: INT Dewar, of Imitations. "St CAMPBELL'S CATHARTIC COMPOUND Is effective IN small doses, acts wtthoat griping, does sot oo • twee. and will not create irri- tation and congestion as do many of the usual cathartics ad- ministered !n the fora) of PlDa. Ac. ]Adis and Chil- dren h vtcg the :awes sensitive stn maths take this medicine without trou- ble or complaint Ceara:Lab Cemysitete• Cowpofwe f• especially adapted for the euro of LITE, COMPLAINTS Anti Btt.Iocs Ms- oaosas. Fos ACID RTOMAcs ADD Lous or At• PITIT*. Fos RICK HIADAcia A,. Dverars.A. Foe Cowsnearsoa oa COaTIviumaa FOS ALL COMMA rlrTS Antal SO Floe A DaomDiiio /TAT* or TMS STO- W/ICS. This inedielne being 1. fl',nid toren, tbe dose ass be madly regulated to meet the requirements .,f different per- sona, Mos making It equally well to the tee of the little oblld se to adult. Put up in three ounce bottlra, and sold by all dealers in family medicines. Pre ;.' n.!. 2.3 Calk. CA,MPplax .T six 41.4rPSZ.1." 4,� asmi.t,r'r• .10atam erm 0 sass u, !ws'b ausad i 1 Ir m Heraf�•.pe Node oarNekesimisa ..tt sg .ee e ,,,.• ealst.f V• Aware et Cheek r...... sad is abs eenlwres thin taw.La, ace mpsi t thrwe.vsry len Wiesbe Irma Ne weedy Ailice mid is 1tik .• , rear .ad cvRT$sl • f tall Ay all /ae krt ea YalanAsr. pivis WWE)=11OS.a+slrti) SALA AMNIA MOMVtsate T.Q. • uuNN'S AND , ' DISPATCH 'AT A BA RSC -AIS, As she is desirous of rcIiring fr•,rn buyine..s. IT IS THE OLDEST MILLINERY BUSINESS IN THE TOWN Address by letter or in person, MRS. C. H. GIRVIN, Goderich, Ont. Bachanan, Lawson : RObil868 iIAN I. r ACrOatt. o1 Sash, Doors & Blinds Dt•Lwns 11. •LI. KIND* 01 Lumber, Lath, Shin1les and bullder'a ia:.lrrlal of every deecriptios. SCIMOL FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. Of order prenptlyfatteietedro. Ooderic k Aug. 2. 1643. 1-17 The People's Livery tor MISS WILIMEZINTGOT.. SIGNAL Tho Lato1 Freic and American Styles HATS, BONNETS IIVELOPES •Weak mai llama. t �Mpsm.as..b: _ilapl .� 1 FODDER ..shp 0,....< ampsirt '•..a Ilre. THECOOK'S1EST mem land", the eve, r.et.__y_ . e • r � HP/ iFE " "',,...♦ Business Envelopes We are prepared t.Ihvelopsa fa sty rifted/7, at tt LOW PRICES: A Geed No. i White $nvelepe at 80c. per M, or 2c. a fr'k'ge A Good N.. a White Eaveiops at 81.10 per M, or 3c. a pk. A Heed N.. 7 White Envelope at 81.25 per M. or 4c. a pk. A ileal 11o. 7 White 'lavetope at $ 1.40 per M, or 4c. a ¢k. A Geed Iia 7 White fnv.lope ea 81.75 per M, or 5c. a pk. Half lir Quarter 7'feoesede at ram. rain Y INN hr Throated loots. - Ladies' Envelopes, tin wars hist smut, is the market ise the =O.ed gummy iwdlos• Sewn« Kovelepr. 5 Cetyls a'P'k ge, 25 in.Pk. ria. Qawl:ty Ladies' Nooar, Ravelop• 1 7c. a bk. or 4 bks for 25c. sacl Them "THE SIGNAL" PRINTING OFFICE. Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Etc.. Etc Etc I s The -Chicago House Agent for Domestic Patterns. WENT STREET. OODERiCP_ &Wderie April 11th . Mil 1.12 DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKER AND LEADING UNDERTAKER. Asps ea• advertise, last I can tb eki Neck ea bawd tie say twobeawia t��h FUR ITU`RE. i bar. now on head MIdillarent styles of Bedroom Puttee. 0 lit ares' .tyle. n! t.debosrda. 3 Porter Salta.. and alo.oet anythlmg fA the Furniture !hue. ell et which will be sold A8 rfE*P AS THF CHEAPL T, AND DORT YOU FORGET i1'. la the UNDFRTAKINO 1 give persoeai attention. sal the herein now of orally 10 years expeirience. i think 1 have the heat Hearses is the Coanty of Harm - -1 will leave the blit to Jedt(c. I have everythi.g usully kept 1a • irrtcL+s establishment. each a. f as Rhroel•. debits. Gloves, Crapes. 2c lmkalslag deo. when required. Sari Guarantee to give.atlataetlon V every ova.. ni,D STAND BETWEEN P. 0. AND BANK OF MONTREAL O.d.rich. err. «h, lin. Ittl•tm JOH KNOI, Proprietor, The ub.rr(bor is prepared to urni.h the pab Ile with The Finest Rigs AT REASONANLL PRICED CALL AND Dalt l S-Oppe the Colb.r Rete Gedencb. aederteh. Feb. nib IS ltee HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY This Cowpony .a Loaning !(wary on Farr Security et Lowest hetes of interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed w. Deposits, according to alnu,..t and tints left. OFFICE: -Cor. of Market Square and North Stmt, Goderich. HORACE HORTON, Mat*an Gracia Ans.1th lite. 11M HARKNESS Lug BALM ' Restores grey hair to its ns ;tarat color, r moves Dandruff stops the hai frees failing increases in, t i growth, and wit sot soli the akin. As a hair dres sing. it bas a supnior. Guar .steed hermits. Prepared by Har Co. Leaden, Ont. Sad by all Aad DembR `.l GODERICH BOILER VOBNS PA T E N T S TLIOO corns PER mac. Chrystal 84 Black CAVEATS, TRADE NAGS ANO CSr1RI:NT$ Obtained. and all healon /n the U.S. Petaled Moes.1 tended t0 at MOI/KRATR FKE4. Oar oleo✓+ is opposite the U. R. Potent 01 - wed we oar .Male Pales in I. time - thaw shun, (rote WASHINGTON. Seed MO RI. OR ORA* IA(7. We ad- visees to parentaMlityI free of energyand weA0CHARE UNLESS ,, OB- TAIN B- ra�(I ereeve. We rater, here. to the Poeu.aMNer.rhe &amt, we Moe Merl' OfficialsDir.. and 1 eials of the U. 8. �t OAtor. For circular. advice. terns sad Peerrncea to actual client, in your own Brat. at Otese y. write he It A.ONOW w.. Oppa.lte Patriot OSc.. Washington. D. C. $!i 6,000,000 PEOPLE US1r FERRY'S SEEDS 0. 01s $S•a wi00. n*. ant MIMI • T. IIIAor Lb• mead Oa Alt them= "sew IMO Anoh. sr/ #w Ad+em s, al. NM Ail W leakier. Abse. a130I0E- Fruits and►o�i��Ilian�l�1� ► CA_ OA3E1I)0N ', weer as...t. neer Mr real asses. Yueh►rS bee the eb.ioest nesertsa..t of FRUI sad cONYIICTTONEi.T. The Stark N war. Fresh Oysters I The Mat brands of Oiratara Is balk av W rho eRw- Iles the large Melt .f CA N Di Ei- eery tmit. Ilag.t d Ms. CARDONE. eatiw elrealali . Doilyleadr (aad Weekly Fe PreOUT FAMILY I IIMPAPER 1N CANADA KAITAILISHIlike Y[Aae. hemmers. seitem.sent t vain Imlpr.vems.N : 12 ream wsw.i &ISG OT WLEKLIES! -THE- ree r ress LONDON. The Agricultural Department :s a noted feature of the -Free Prow" being always es be the tlmne, and caudated by persona prat Cleary skilled in Farm Work. ALL THE NEWS IN e'1:7Ry Telegraph, Telephoto), Matt and Correa- pesdence up le the beer of pelsiratlns. A^.e.al "arkrr tievwrttarne Aa-lealferal /lw M. . r TaJosag. wlirw, rrufuw Pva, capital .wr ►n.• 1 Moe sod Thine op a ... rr,r .n 1100 Manufacturers of all kinds of STATNMRT, MARINE, UPOIORT AND HAULM BOILERS. GALT PANS, SMOKH STACKS and all kinds of Sheet Iron wort. MUM ASR WATER mfrs rin'rl�icri Ceeeteetl7 ee hisi. , Oa hand, ready for delivery : 1 se 14►. New MMI 1 $ i.r. i.w teller. A Complete 214 -hail Threshing Oittit Roller, Entine Separator. o ..11 . 'two, rk woing ordt order. Will be sold cheap. Mail order* will receive prompt anemia Werke t Opp. C. T. N. I IM4s.. P.O. BOX 581. Goderich, May 1.114 lt)<. PST THE T1,1/44 FOR TNFAMILY HIGQINS' •r s..e.l. eh wiftnld sagerll look• E V R E K .e# .ek. ARG; a 1_ PAPER SmA.N'►ZrT FOR P1'P.iTY. RRTItE$M. A FLAe'aR I8 UNEQUALLED. DAIRYM) t • I.. /•1010. , • rewards. Tan. earl. •12.000 fD Drea'itltq ,1 Aeewe l:""« n • 'w 1 • p.rtIon Ertl lag me ,,, lar 1. are Press M•d a amp) .f ,...r inr LI.t, sad ssa the adaagge es t• Away iR leeneeev. 1051*• • .e appIIstfen. Ate. rflal r!M /�lp�a h . i.n► i.aNmes Oa r��t�s�� � M afiwlm rbdrleahag4 read... tam'L..01 sot wi...a, it will greatly improve rotor BUTTER & CHEF E. dde.y ter Wavers Asada : Oakland's itrs Iia: HAMILTON, ONT. w ver P r. eircekr.a I 56&. tea ltag.. Y•