HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-4-1, Page 6G
THE RUhui( Ran, n, FRIDAY. APRIL 1, 188/.
the Poet's tomer.
The l•.ttors Daedea.
tmg the ;trued piano sad can eoreecb
a hood sapra,.o. 'Lau her lacer, weisak the
hmt.•rd sad her s mar cite rettlast qiW e
tl4.caa trip tbt light fantastic ao . amatory
too* *arta wallah* round uatll her
warmer .It her dim or gins he as ;
e • ens Maw bow oMe.gsb ad s icor *'bate
e'er pies..,. cot. • derma, and at teras
mart or skating for L. vim ebe'a oft ad-
P rf when •']I:' asks her assistance ia the
hotrework much resistance then le mask
by 111a poor damsel olio at mix m "weak
and tired r
- Was -ihs. am -
The "Last a -se rim hard it mkt- .
Will and big setuati m til bI Lai.
Myth all the ether people dead ;
;tut 1 slwaW thlak it would bedeilghtfi,l.
'here's notbiig I'd enjoy
briny the fast Roy.
That candy *ore just up:beetreet
1 wouldn't Liar a startle initiate
le ottomans w tat I'd like t* eat.
Arid .pending revers] hours its it.
Witit nobody to any
1 ntt:srn't way.
1 'torus! visit all the shops.
Anil 011 my pockets 1111 then; mainly
t1'itii little guns. a:.d kilee, and lops.
Aral ctl+er thiion rt o teeied for vainly.
.tubudy woe1Q care.
If tubo.ly was there.
I'd n••vur 1-o t •• b,.1 -(or t son
?acre be no horrid norm to take me:
I'd rwv..r go to aohoul agialu ;
rt,,•re tr000d'.rt hr s soul to make or.
There's nothing I'd enloy
1. !:c being the Iwai !toy.
_td:ate and Pencil People.
•.edericl nig%i:besl literary aweless.
The following item was crowded out
'.tat week :-
At the retslaa f •tt.i,htlr meeting of
he I1 is h S,;ho l Li: eery S .eiety last
Friday evening, toe prueeet:111ZD CJet-
.t••neeJ with lite elae•ion of . flicets,
games. Haifa, Siulltn. F, ..rrned Burke
:wing the scrutineers. the following
wore •.t ted: -President, Mr Allen;
Iat. Vice do. Wr H. Reber -torn; 2nd.
.1... Aliso 1lsrrwau; Editters, Miss
Asketihrad; Secretary. Mum Struthers;
Trete, Miss Dickey; Councillors, Misers
Addison; Jejhnt►.ot, and t►'6.,ery, •Secret- 11
C..at.ottt..e -
tartan, Mr Burke. Thanks rete toted
to the scrutineers, the re' urning ofaon
and the members for their wiedure in
telicting such able nth:ere. The meet -
bars then taro an exoarllent musical s.-
ledit•.n. Mr Joseph Wiilianis laving
leen called to the chair, a debate took
;lire ..0 t',. y lest i•m: -Resolved, •'That
the F.nl.•r..0 :n of the British &spire is
not r.;.,iiry f .r its advancement."
Messrs .ellen and Fouler having spoken
in favor of tilt: resolution and Messrs.
Taylor and H 11 . orrtsoo Against. Thr
chairman dee: led that the >•tppor•+ers of
the r...,lut: .0 h4.1 tin be,t of the
i gurne: it.
A e•►rre.o.0 i,t;• :N'•, 1,1.- �itntrea!
'luster if 2•t•i 'pounds of hrwaJ can be
reede from a barbel ••f dour. The
eicode tri tits tall 193 o runes of flour
will not proti' ve :,.ore then 270 pounds
Mr Creiiht tri ht •i.• -n notice to the
Ontaritt LlitiaLitnr.• that he will ask "the
House to .tezl..ro that it is un Wt to
other etaiisns ..f the c immunity w i• are
taxed on their internee dist the salaries
edictal' holding otlice under the Gov-
ernment of Canada should be exempt
from municipal tdxetiuu; that the consti-
tutional right to t..s such salaries for
municipal purposes is a subject of such
importance that an authoritative decision
thereon should lie had from the Judicial
Conomittee ..f Her Majesty's Privy C.,n•
neil, and the .natter being .ane of gener-
al interest throu-thout the Province, and
in which no municipality is exclusively
tntereeted, steps ought to be taken by
the Government of Ontario, for obtain -
'ng such a derision." The objection to
taxing the otticisls will come principally
irons the officials, we fancy.
Reasons why you should purchase
Fluid Lightning in p reference to all
other remedies are - pupil result -
cures instantly. It is easily applied -no
trouble- no Lost time. it does not m-
inim constant use one application is
effectual. One bottle will remove more
pain than any other remedy n, existen:e.
Try it lir Neuralgia, Toothache, Head-
ache, Rheumatism. Sold at tic. 0 bottle
by 0, Rhynas, Druggist. (3)
�1ien Illicit dbtltttng was common in
Aberdeenshire there was at one time an
old man who went about the country re-
pairing whisky pots. The gauger meet-
ing him one day, and guessing that he
had been Bring sntue repairs at no great
distaste, asked what he wnnld take to
inform him (the gauger) where he re-
paired the last whisky -putt. "Och,"
said Donald, "she'll shoat tab" half -a
croon." "[loo.," said the ganger "hare
Is your money; hut be careful to tell the
correctly. "Ocb, ah.11 nu tell the
gentleman a lee. i shoat mended the
last whisky -port where the bole wan"
Malay UR.
Moe a truly heautiful wot'd we live
i• 1 Nature triose na grandeur of
mountains, glens and oceans. sed
thousands of means of enjoyment. We
syn desire no better when in perfeet
health ; but how erten do the majority
nt eseple feel like giving it op disheart-
ened, discouraged and worn nut with
disease, when there is no rtaresion for
this (ruling. as every sufferer oma easily
obtain matisfactcry proof, (irate'.
.ingest rower, will make them free
from dimes,. as when born. Dyspepeis
and Liver Complaint are the direct
gcanse of seventy tire per cent, of seek
maladies se Bitinusnes•, indigestion,
;deb headache. cettiveness, nertexn
irrestratiein, diesin.ee of the head,
palprtatioos of the heart. and ether
dietressine symptoms- Three doses of
ewes, Firmer will mere its wnaderfel
,♦Peet. :temple bottles, le costa Try
it. meow
't'r.ttrs will he a r.pement.tint del
radio and *tad lisws of ems in the
witeme-Ass white the election trial fee
Wren Hero* meg • et
See. A. Meaeeee ate lfe Gess Sae Mew
same et ll.r t u$1S he,.
Oar* Free Pram.
It makes me sired when I Mt sad re-
flect un the courtship that undo me
ohmage my nesse to Mrs Bowser. 1 was
hill of trust, and love and roamer", and
I looked upoa Mr Beeper ea • red. Hue
of bla favorite pastimes was to platy me
when the lamp light fell spun my hair,
ted to address me as Au spel• es haired
o riel Pow silly gal that 1 was, 1
thsight that tt would always last' One
emoting after w* had oven married five
or sit :eek* I took my stand under the
gas and asked hies it hia deyet was as
deer to Aim w• ....fr.
"Humph.- he gros.:*d, as he kokeo
we over.
'•Hut wu1i-t you praise flay gulden
"Gales conal,, Mr. busier' If I
had such • mop of c$rretty hair ue my
head We you possess, 1'd go hide it away
in a barrel!'
"Thee you hat. •v is..i to Lave met"
"Ceased twthtng: 1 hate amply gut
tired of all this bushy ratuneense, and I
propose to settle dose to the realities of
Darin. our c.:urshtl, Mr B, wirer de-
lighted to read t., me from a look sit
poems, and he instated on huldiug one of
my hands while he read. The second
e tening we were In our own house I
brought cut a book of Longfellow, and
sat down beside him and took his kind
"What are you p.ttrinj sir ••rd site
fur?" he asked es be looked up
'1 want ,Lay dairy to read to me -"11'eil, your decry haa'got i..amethir.g
else to do' I'w reading up Lau !tread
and Lotter mimed of poetry Please
keep y,►ur paw at home. '
Ay ane who eau .t«re irony the pork la the Lowry e1 medicines w preps.
tad "saws. yu. c.it s gtnrd for wveaij ratios has ,wound am& universal term
!re y0ars yet. IM•"des"'", for the ANsvtatwra affords
and peraaae-t etoa it effects is kid
■w'ear's twee re meawad.
Have yew a bad Lough, a Cbonie
t?uare.;aass, $ feeble of Nkomo it the
Chest, Week Lean, ar a y elan'', esas-
paaint f If so, bay at uses a bottle of
I.Uus se's Lees Otnap•r.d "It sin
cure pm." It container entirely new
.pecilita, of which our doss is mereeQeo-
tual than a who:e bottle of the old urns
r. .dies. it is put up to 3tlo and $1
bottles. bold by U. Rhynes, dru,mlM.
1ry it, and you will easter have reason
t., complain. (4)
A eremite leee•tt'y occupied the wit•
n ese stand Lai Belfast, Me., who was a
match tor the Lwyers. f?he was • eli-
tism 111 a peeper case and had beet. a
pauper. On errs.-exeriInaiiva the at•
hunts", asked her if the -.as a !stupor iris
the to* n. "1 was a lel tlity," eosd 1M
.omen "You were a pauper,' -id the
*flora. . "1 ;rant you to understand,-
std tl . wotwan, bring up, "that pool
Vop' aro not paupers ; they are
band" ,ease
who ►' w.ss•er.
C on-ult a doa.ar to A cases out
rf to , till he I ‘..tons your disease
Liver ,umpLirt, •ad • hayta. you !I
f ar • s.aall ,,utt.e Cimeak, and fur al
1 s wit give you Dr Chase's Liver COP,.
aarat•ewl to cure, , ltd a valuat.le
receip. b...k .free. Sold by all druggist..
•31 sl, Haiti CuaklUt."--The late
: Ir Jaunts Brir.t, Orn► Lanae day Into the
rewire -nom at Gamble lomi, (,•and a
(wag friend playing the emitter iu the
c .iupa••y of • Homier of ladies. After
..iluil) surveying the musician, he .;„'lie
o.a fuCows : "Sandy. toy man,, the
'send ,�' y tut instruwot•t u unop like a -
humhi.e d.rin' under a duckaa leaf !' tiraueiling tbuide.
nem camases as Ur. Vim Sams • fliaaey
Cure. lis aotma in these dietreseing
ewupfaaws r wrj4 .t eatiliertaL amid
Iry J. Wilms. . as
In Ores; Britain WegMatte. of Hume
Rule . commando% attlk.tio.. To the
amen with a maid it She head ase cheat the
0ate•' way to, eesare rotes Rue vier a
ould u to have eu bard a bottle of Ur.
Harry's Red Pine Hem. Yue Gale at
J. Wtlwn'a Prescription drug store. tf
Fpr rounha Cords, noertbroat
Ifiratt Laaas. Or. Jugs awJt-
r she bora. as u dot ,011-
medhtme, ample sad oa•y
m aids I'rkhed boat kaewe remedy
ter iioadaeba, and
nM aUpalaso it . I;lire
stat- ,i*-aa..I
bur roe at a. Jw4•$'s
160•1 hale _I-...
Rae as risk in heyieg 'medicine, bat
try the WW1* YYnsp attd liver noels -
toe, walls 1', De Chase, *olbr d Chase's •
r.wipea. fry Chime's Liver ('site far
all dtea:a. • I the Lts.-r, Kidneys,
btotioaeb sed Weide bull by Jamse
N'1l0u.1, dromtw.
T. ts. hf.dia.s reams--. mac aU whom
u may **Owes.
l'b• sphatine, or Nerve food, a i'h.,s-
prhade !Clement based upset Suicutitde
k'aats, Formula.. u by Professor Ausittt,
M. U. sit lkst.,u, Abele., cotes returne-
r/ay Cuusuesptoot, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vrrii,t.. and Ne sr.lit e
and all trauma .ti.,,saea ut the, bau►eu
system. Phu.p:atatie .a not a i`lodea:!tw. 1
Lau. a N•tnauut, lm't.s.x .t ;tants-it to. I
ti eppetable or Mummal mama, Opiates
N artott*, ted ter Stimulants, but ►snip; I
1y the Phosphate. *Bid Gonne E'en:eine
tunnel ;sour daily food. A single teuttpe
u suthcivat to ° ouvune. All Druggists ,
sell 11. $1.00 per bottle. lam WIN it
Cu., sole agent* for the Uonontoe,
ib Frost `'trret East Toronto.
The c eapeat thing in life is common
sense, but a tea people term to bele
$carter 01 it. and are hutdiug for a rim
Have you Tuuth.ch,. ! Cm Fluid Light•
You tweet to redid such lura:y p•tetry Lang.
to me." Have su..:eaxatisse Cse Fluid
Ladies troubled with Pimples.)). •ichae,
Rough Hada or law, to mem Lal as
dc_ctitahio•.a, should ase *etreg.•r •
Parkes Carbolic Cerat& 11. will lean
abot sit .a au prr(ect health, au.e4h, clean
and was) color. Be sere sod ret the
ermine*. made by Me6regt,r a Parke.
Price 25c. bold at Gee. RLyreas' Drug
To the Citizens of WWI
inarsan awrsltass.:1 tl.rd wlr •nil boa
webs ad ora, • N d
we ore ase eniented sit ie all asses ei
embraced 1a oar hiss.
Ws wish to laGwsek. mod11:"S.
aple Ot WSw
.•aliunalf tk.t on MO nal a ..ono►
aproposes/ hi etet !coast
)" proposes/ago fair show of year psa5eaea•s
we we yours tte os.mfttswds
N.A.- W e mere a gold, eft ltiher.ha s
Mg ant Kaleesabhg.
I/131/g0 RE
ay Meals the Mao
.tyle. pot It :Rewe
two or
ri* b0tes,mot
.srO eminey ase
i • fa.i.rder
tarter. we ire t• •
,aims to d► Resssv
work tasaa Una*
1ady's & Cb hlroa'.
bon mina spar w
mosey ea •p doet$ Sat
Kasosad &dao s
. woad.
West Street. to. doers root of I'.0.. tioderlcb•
OF WORTIULIIEB nerrrnwiee,
Ate there are maim lors►ler
gash. corded with junk
temp. itc..wisse.t arm eu14
mel aolydeine w swum mwa
wo en OM
boor w t tM1 .�grr
swab iwrpneWea lay iMa:
tit;A\1 flit'iw
r.sly.d�as. Allard. lolled.
dedmrom lay. ' 7 )) a.. I tr.1 p.m ' 310 p:e
st'ak'ed Ar. as-ne I 3:1411, at i 7 Jai pat.
waxy .
tli>ud. *Aiwa. Ep'''os.
:Drat to. -ti lay. O. ■ an t :• i• 9 add mai
eiederk b I Ar. I Nadir es t 1..... m I .met
"That was beeline,I wVMSa fool:" .nchtae A'itp. PROF. GIISTIN,
I went over to the other side :f the
Have you a Still -Joint 1 Um Fetid Lightmeg
room and crir 1, and he lit me weep Hate 1,„j Nrurslpgi0 I U.. Fluid
Have you Lambe*o? Lee Fluid
Are you troubled with Headache
Plaid Lightoi.g.
Have you nay Print _-
ting. •
Is wul cure you the instant it u applied.
Try it. c pet bottle at 0. Rhyne*
den; store. (1)
away for • atraizht hour by the cluck be-
fore he observed:
"Now, Mrs. Bowser. if you have get
eairefing me% g.- d.asw stairs
and measure that coal -bin and f.;ure op
the cubic feet.
During our courtship we nasi to take
Ioug walks in the gloaming, and though
I was often so tiled that I could hardly
drag one foot after the other, Mr Dos-
ser would insist on dragging mo arrued.
He was always quoting souiethiog shout
"glorious Luna" and "silver ,tars" ar.d
•'heaven's arab;" and one night its we
eat u;..,o the dwratep he put• him arm
ar'•und me and said he cuuld sit there
it reser and aye. It was hardly a month
aftek . ar iia.riag. that I put on ay
hat piss a -ening and asked him if Le
dips t want to wander out for a while,
and watch the silent night shut down.
"I'd tike to see myself Moiling around
with this rascally :.,rri on cGy toe'" la
replied. -
"Mr Bowser, theta was a thane when
you'd have walked al! rda'tt with a c rre
ern t -.-; of ares
"That shows whir: an idi : 7s wan can
make of h.:wself."
• You once Bald that we'd always walk
hand-in-hand tlsr,ruzh Wes lemmas."
"I don't believe it' 1 r eeeooft,
but I don -t believe I was es • -ny as
hat.""But you t:artaiI.iy
"Well, In take it all bless : Law.
We've got something else to do row Re-
sides squeezioz paws, and sighing sir sit
the gloaming. Hang the gloaming, Mrs
Bowser! The whole caboodle el it
wouldn't buy a peck of potatoes' It
would be more sensible for y -•u to
wander out into the kitchen+ and see how
many tramps the cook is feeding a: my
Two months before our marriage I got
a hard cold and had chills and fever It
oat impx.ssible to keep Mr Bowser away
from the house, and on severs! Gera.. rot
be bung over me and murmured
"I pray heaven to spare yr.n: erect. us
life! If you should die life would be a
dreary Noel to me. 11, darlit.t. try $ltd
get well."
I tried; and with the help of a doctor
and plenty of two -grain quinine capsules
I recovered.
Two months after marriate 1 tut
caught out in a rain Motif, and in a day
two I had chills and a sire throat.
When Mr Bowser eons* bna'e at night
1 was abed. He took the matter ver,
ealmly. Standing in his bedro •m de•tr,
he said
"Well, 1 suppose thed.,cter lest teen
here, and made $ tell again, me. and
that you have had a dozen prierrip:t,ona
filled and obargedT
"i'm not very ill.
"0, no: Jest ill ennugh to upset the
whole he,use and 'wake me $20.tvene*
and all because of your own foolishness
"Mr 14owesr, pray heaven t., spare lay
piecioos life:"
"I'll be hanged if i dr.' if you will
go gadding around in the elvish and
slosh you moat setter for it."
“Wouldn't hf• be a dreary blank to
yon if t should diet''
' . Well. 1 deans. 1i weird upset the
hoer* and make tete $ISO espouse. and
1 wppo•. Id hes to wear a mow hood
iv/ a 1...r. r.... ata dun fes. s.....q
The Great lagnetic Healer.
Citta -
lest Stn8t i ;'; t brit
Alithows & Johustou'.
Care Attrntloa ad 1rosep Pedro
t0etaurp•d.wrMaar *idiot o 1for erne yard. A CAiht ISOUC1TKD
Wage vlich wag ate ge*air Iter 24th IPY.
Me .s Tose hoard.
Don't all•.s a cold un the head to s:ow-
ty anti surely run into Catarrh, when
ynu can be cured for 2:,c. h, winz Dr
Clime • Catarrh Cure. A few appiica.
tons curs incipient catarrh ; I to 2 bass
curie ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 i••-xea is
guarentct-u to cure chronic tattarrb. Try
it. Only 21: bad sure cure. Sold by
all druggists ly
New a sande tragal1.W.
A slim young tnaa in the height of
faaht•,,, Rag violently nterz.ng in a street
car, when a c'nnpaot.ea remarked, ••Aw,
Chawles, eieah b.'y, tow d'ye cet:h that
de -radial cold." "Aw, depth fellab, left
my cant in the Leser hell tether day,
and in aut::ag the is cry handle. s:,
dweadful odd, it chilled cue a!otost to
death." If Charles had used Dr. Har-
vey's Red Pine Gum his torrid would ant
terabit him very ranch. For eel. at J
Yii1$Gn', prescriptnon tirttg store. tf
ho the truest Iler.fala, nallemea
from a e`.:1:O.• • i 1.telh or Crair�lh
te ,
mils t
a sores," Scaly or ergh
Skin. to abort, all •Ibw.rw dosedaetrd by bad !
htiet4 are on:Ign re.I by tblt ppoorwwerfu' puri-
fying and invieorattaryp a.ee"Ise. IArsat 1
Sall: titans rat �•W hal ,:oder its he.
nign in. ce. Iter►. -tali! hat It m•nire.t.d
its par In • tinny Teter. Rose *ask,
Mat 1., rbata,les, lore Et e., fer.f-
WIee. pores and aweliie.ga, Mho ;
rant ',seams, White smelllaRs, 1
*into. or Thiel; Neck. an•t Est larged tan 4114 tr.0 tenni In .trnt.t fur s'
`. tr-all*,. wb
,tb r,re•el plates, ,.i +kir '
I or the run, amount for a treatise.
no t'ir Ttel us Atw•tt..r.
T11� '1 i't0 /I 'i TUXrI.rf
Tbolanlor l� vow d 1ey .,ertR Bret
etelde- Wed Oral Moe ,a•d reed
distortion, a tale skin, beaya.t %plr.
Its, til v lel eareagtb, v:1 be t stattoua.d.
waai it (aerofoils of Obit Lawny is ar-
naRrd and curt* try '.b rrased) . N parrs to -
foto ale.
erfnm.le. IFR ssttsaiggrsww f the dt.eer• are n -t. Md.
Pr.uo Kt msnelunia power over Mkt tenthly
fa'd disuse. wham lieu oterittg that now
.debrete i rm.dy t) the Febrile. Dr. Pi r.wt
though• Kaotsty of canine is WA "Cita.
amaaptler Oarrse•�„ bat abandon..a thin
naso Os too ilmem.d for a oweli'tne• *11.11
from its wonderful comblnetl,n of took. or
dreamRb.ntag, tarr.trre..x bioe.d-et•vmaings
e ntioninne po*eraL cid rutrtt..e• proper-
tied', M entepuarei Ont only .a a
mesomptinn, tot fox .11 Chrgle e.
enema or the
Liver, Blood, and Lungs.
rt r ••r toe. doll. •tr•vway d-hintateet leave
tsatlnw n.serof akin. or laws ttbruwis yqwwtfaass
'►4 hew ••r body. tr••tl'ent Mv.•k
t.e or Nvt-
.se. bat •ate• he rnnuth. Int. ,reel brat rte
amps, attenuating 04. bot lush••,. low *netts
aaal ,('•,.Deny (.erehn,linos, Irnwitlar appetite,
tnt�11nn.l tet.•ryou aro rrrt•rhsw (reel
artnoeaIasp iTn •mpald
care tay
pert of Stows syn l••••m• are scare.
r.+n..t.l. • a r•.•m.Wl - fart oil s" 1 .wort
11r.. Pierre's Gelo�to p•ellrat Noe
"every se ttaw,rree•A
Fee Weak Lush . Ilipletisto el
Mood. ttbertwses of ■,cath. •Few.
ebltl., Ageb•%e ttewer* .* be. wail
kin :red fall..elsailla. M b an prat mo,l•
1414 11 w1' Dot .1.1pwte� at 01 •fly. *r MR
MtTLL$ for At.N.
t~»il Mon reM• to stamp. for Hr. Phear•l
Arad net 4 Lemweept.n.. .Z.Mr.• ie.
World`. lispea•ary Med teat *care
'tattoo, eat Kea awr. t, Mery .tu'. '. Y.
1. ur•.t by ton
e i r.:rage's r eye=
tis! os or atom if y
have a distiarW t}tgm t
aaee1fMe►,, ntentive nr oeht+wter. -
eesgit. taste t hesirems. weak d
:10:117.0:011 r ia"Mwa T•'+ far a Tf.t►
..w err' Ili int
n * Mi/ elhol -rm.k--
d MtY-
)tilt THAI& WKEICM, (•t►XMKN('IY(i
UN Thi` find LheT.
Paralytic; and unser lueol14.. br osd the
reaeb of minims, abut. are all bemeih1.4 anti
suss., v1 the flat r,:vu.ar t t:n .. h► 1,61U -est
meat. No uata.cuu meg. Help fur asps TL.�
taut r•epteal euaraare.L Nit *AS*
/'rte. Wad ata be monde toga.: tw dad i. hoer
and tl•e lame to *alb. Lawson vary mader-
ata. Hemetabe: w►:j ;:.toe a.+ttta
Phut'. l: 'MIiX.
Tor the benefit of people stinilarly stew. ed.
t wish to state U... rot. Al wt is he restored
the use of my Lauda which hate b.xn p.ar-
tia!ly paralysed ai..I a:mos: poarrs.. :or nee
yeah, det)tug all utb,r treataeat. JA.ts
7fa4treh. ata, queen s Named Br..rela.
Joon I'.ayuanl. e.1 eun.rs.wu 4 tarry.
state.: From a Lesitna, arrusag auto. I Late
bore rcducea to • PLC.) or i .o.p.e•ta y tar any
worn. with amok fair... ar0t'r.6 acuiltt$ hot
dlabrt® With three L i *15 eats :rum l'Int
Jonah I o s• e• erg et rtes.
Tun ktntintlms.-kcpueha:a Mcltnanll. sit
Otey township, has spent hiaodr.e• et dollars
on brr i.t0rtratue automat our tante;. braider
ac:.tic psis, a,.1 t ca;i 4i t:r"last. baa herb
blind tee tour 'eon. N'rtb two *reanimate
hum P101. (i ustaa she Lar ban rtAared w
both stela and health, and wilt t.e turf•, to • • l
ppive eat ivatuW:tiuo. �e$32 t \list 1 1 suit Everyone. onA
Tum! .na W.:x. -Ila 11. Ilcndauett of VW tr TTTii9 iiiiii suit iiwsa���1•Y/ iA�•
Ethel has otyerr0 up Ler tears at the sl.rias-
eep Your Feet
Toa Loa de tins at a very waterer rest by b•pltlttywi
iT 131t I,TOWE OP
I Are t.w iso band for laraee• stock ewer show tat Godoelekail4011alprteee rev tine ns
tatty timed i• • $swt-e:acs shoe store. Ire w the 00.51 kat'. threueleellaie satesmediate grades
w too bemired tvwiter. 1 wilt sot: at •
sir atPotor.alGutUas ag,dtusducuare Sets Ladies'
Boots, in Button or Laced, fray 1100 to 15.00.
muse. site wookao at a.a4e psbiee for the
teartlt et utt.rrs Misses and Children's Sting School Boal, from T5ci up
Jaid 11c1'ad,ita. of the 1"•h cox,.. Grey, rev►
tint's that he has 'wilier d. too severyly w,ah
.1 •p• pt►• '••ins tb.1 ter peer,, sir
ku se.d.d deowth. br Bop do+* 1100.up, , all o�' er Linea 1 opertionatelj Cheap
:void sear• era anitb:eg.,ted
the beet mrd al Walla a Toronto witness re
Ips(. Twu t'rota,et.ta true Prot Duette bed
removed s • 1 path, sad Lr •egtrtite la tea •
piwell rewtureer. tic reeoiassealla all titter -
am .imtlartt to 81.4 *1, prof...".
A sea sot Jet ie;lasr. art trer. aged it
yeas, 016u0? deft stn. wee 051701) Lad 'Lay 1itb1-
aatttay� $ aut,•h.r of hair. *5•.108 hens swum.
(r(a/ Meted by Prof tr:..t.a acd lou lett arm
r 1 eaa.a-
b.s:¢:1++ feat:to a serraeas
Gesrp 1.‘" e1,11. o: t re; Tuwaablp. has Deem
tot ► coati sttti.; - . w r u. a .e-. aro UMW; town
plant sad tool i .0 ::-e rcli.1. Prsftaaer luta -
Lia..ured h.ce w.:tt,ut (dt4:ciae.
Itk•I.ard Maria. %hoe :lies Clear t:a'crieb.
ha- ben s.. !usual' wit rt: L) tart. Gudan's
that uteri.
1 certsfs j! at 1' sir ref:rumi:y 6.4u/tinted
with Peat. LC.tii:.. i l.L..w bin, to pones
the tnsae: et Uitg'.•.•ina Liona0•, the petirct
!x.l.te .t • dada...... sal wars of dreerret
parties rh*• .'.ase bre. a ..rel lay ,:.1 a:Loat
tt:+ •.e. e1 w.eelt1lfe.
i,. )( S. t-. P P.
144 a ,u -. tlt.:.
I tan and will .d: yo•:. Loth .a goods and .'now
E_ 1O" TNING-,
Crabb'• Block, Corner )tact street sad Scream.
NA. - .e thwtetsaa . Leather sad dadia* in airy gratuity 0t Los* Prices. '
Lie.v Cayhint, ftquo ladiessiko. Difmassms
(•sodic. Tale lot chs Mari
;retirement, or wry Anode ariong.bonkil
WIT. Da. (:mals Lora Cuss in M wars.
,ad ono* remedy
NATURE'S 05t01
fAsvisesa0ied sacc.r of to CAo..'i Liver Can i.
(..far Compl '0* reser solely with the feet that it 1
b-peaad-d .o51.atan ..611 -known line ngelsssr�
Aa AND DAetanson. c.SIttis.d 14th Far
*her .eslmw roots, bath . *ire brie, baring
,ss6r1N elect .w Use Kidney.. 9es.t.a r
ab•.i /00.000 SOLD,
Neerre.4.1/ •tato../ De. Came: letijr Nett
erre tali ie Cass& aims. V1 weer nervy eras
scare ea/ .51.J war ft boil */ bird Law Can
Moet fe t -r fah • n.f,ew deewrba
IINNterc ■In. be1R,Aw7 tAl••
e-rapp.d a.. -a-.! e. ---.y bon'.d D►. Clue,*. LwwrC.w
a a taisahlo .wa.bai.1 M.issl Oeiae and Recd♦
Snob (54 totes). cortaieing ora, ass arced
N'0n..taad by mak* not and elietfew r
Ile, aryl worth is. lien the a d'R.. sseYiiaa
TIT Carers Sarah's dew A esei sad peed.
assn!. 1', r-, fl vnt.
Tir Csatlrt BION, awe Uwe PRN. w tot M Use
tD if AL. 0(AUER,
1 *rsraetl0r a On.. ;tat. *.este. IiM.d�
1'rrw,t Ili oh; -sit Ion'reed rasa at meow
M rat,. ram bay, tbeeatae prowl psis wpirlN
by lest taut their orders it
Oar aie•t will twin s• .1 - 'the,. 45.17 far
ADO M 0004. a ..1 ..1 . heap weal
sera as alertcamera rt.. A0 the
weed toe los a twi:i ON esseeted.
0.10.e Mster dseires. Powwows georaB JCKLI,
i11tG M'.:Rgs
i T:. • v•ro Detereaeafs the o.alti* true wielded the belt. Neer the poettlonisr the Ma *k
- pn;tpr wit+eyed la the Pmt. be iSieb $ t'tN.iTA'Tbo1 aur 'IMAM/sod I ill'AItl'
pae5er6 tapper•. the Lerala "rasa the frons is animated.
GEORGE MYNAS, - Druggist,
Frbroary 3'h. Illi • -
i ei-
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
CPEO. BI1ty,
Hamilton Streak Godericla
A good aeaortmoot or i ls.kam Bad-reire,Pinta R.ioa sod portae F•rslture, sorb as Ta
bhw. Cbalntbair. oa•t awl trod ea•tcU. Cupboards. heti-..ed.. lottr•ssrs. M •41.-ete.d
Laaasee.4Na.. W hat.l;eta, Le•ilmg Olawess
N.l:-A emodere sesensessO of Coatis 0lrstrds always es head. also 1110rtos fort it
N remiimmble sre0.
Picture Prassiag a st esbary.- A r•11 sear Red.
Overshoes and Rubbers,
('aaadlan seed fl,nerlr.n.
Men's Felt Boots
LAX)/ ICS w 4t aigiv'g'
OK:crwestila. rapt, rash and ('.-pas