HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-4-1, Page 5TILE HURON SIGN ‘i,. FRIDAY. APRIL 1, 1887. 5 WALI PAPER. THY. AuP er.1Hpn Il.4 RCOCl1MMED:.141 rttf:t'fti\O TItr FINEST LTNn or WALL PAP.: EVER SHOWN IN GODERICH YOR tli & t)N O1' Tv. ( [ENE T9IIARIRa Giants' Parnishin1s. 1.... Mw pwe_.Sd to show a s.mpiete .,.so : meat o FALL GOODS O\'tCl;l't1ATIM F In all the flow abide. acid : t les. .tu coastal Torsi op dd E.ttlli.b. truth Aa itumeam Stook New lad M71i4 sad trtaadiea Tweeds. CHEAP ! CHEAP i 1 CHEAP t ! ! LP Ken_emtaer an Wads Woven b7 the yard rat fres charm.. B. MacCor ac. (ioderich. rept. IOW UMW._ • Pies ilI be Ckeerfiully Skoii to Anyouo. IvrIss cAASIERorr They are the Pick from Ten Differ- ent Makers. JAS:111111RIE iSPRING OPENING I N ILL HOLD TH£ 'ANNUAL •) IN CONNECTION WITH BY -LFT 10. 3 OF 1889' James Rase has gone 10 Latest Head t►f he fbrporafion of the Tows of Code to diepw of moshiuery and tmplmmest.• rids, i„ the el.nwt, of threw, its the -ON- Mr maid Mea David McBrise.d °oder. Prowwa of Ontario, to .wahoriee file• tat tuwM►ip are visiting at Meas Me rww.twd+a►, teithits the moist Toern, of s aturd y ,Apr112nd Brine's. Wein Wink+ WA G. proei.le the lune. y home of the Tories seem to Fe eery r'egt'ired tlkrrfor by borrowing BI G. g. 01111711IILLINEBY B8�IBLISITYBBT Me aunts l ndispiant over that letter from Reins. , don't seem to wen if mach thio WHERRAS t w its wits a b.strM and They ,a eaaMW N ear work. wK1ua cb. mrd tea■ de happen, if the p.bltc is not acia•rnt- for the puypNi of supplying des bbabltanta thereof with water, wad for til• pot ponies of Ire proteatos. Lad whereas the setimates d tits proposed tms�0�mmawIai ews for the purposes aforesaid aro . sass bet o:.lmeb pipe at ill.111 laid. $7.a: W. tL.k the rmfereaws mad. to Mr Nelle ,-./ice , _:: �M�iM-. Marimgeo.r,to say the Im.t,wes very un- 44 Hreraaa, at *4 etc b.. .dodo. . tide M W. doss t mind a • belt Gama. g begs. aa17:aa at... flee W hemming. yoke, Leh1jT�.p-t-tmiR two {. attlmWw rrella. that was goo.( too far. C�L.I1I wtYaammald d o d o 4 M mums Ilta bT bsAsre ......... .. ..... ed with them. The Ater torrespendent from moo Kbeassar has ed quite a cni .0otiuo as that oelpbborbood by the iteoss which appeared is its s•lsm..s lad wink. &MeV. we dodo......... I:MOM Seem sad dodo.. lese0e flvooftar Daum or Mas. ALELA' L is thnowlyi, w i::a .. ....... . ... iw aa Yaws., 8a.-0. $ttd•y evening shoat � atettdww mad uatiagemtks 10 teatime, aper the usual leanly mad- am ad prayer, fast u she 'Mired u• Total dodo .. • . .-OLIO sib rad Mrs Ale:. Tartar, se., eomphhied of It yea.1 tt3.e mar astuii • terribis chilliest*, Her tee Alesuder r teru.ary for Umtata trrMesttea to bsrrow aad ethers et ones welt to bee rebel. the .atm of Ma.M. rap.psbk wtthiw thirty bathed her fest in warm water, and en- YerA winnow the total atmeent required to dowered to promote warmth and circa- be raised saaudly speetal rate roe paytag lades, sad a mediad man was name- tam :hew" oireraed dobe and istersat thrones rtbe.as.altilkit1'. diately sent tor. 111 about 18 minute. And whore.t lila a:.:Neat of the whole rate after abs had bit oomplaistad of the •1 p.p�er1 01 0.• .aid m•r. revt t . Se- oordl ce tae :sat revved sir seri and shiny furling. Mea 1o.sR 901etly Pus- aarled...e..nteat roll is the sum of PIA it; ed away, before mtediaal aas.etaect could Wif.d w►enu :lie mount of the prement arrive. The deceased was a daughter of exi.Hag deleatrw ata of t►. said maniclp.l- :he late Murdoch McKenzie, and wast tai is tinea of hta,7(e.at. of which so port porn in litrathemumr, Ro•sbire, Scot- d tea« pnucipal or iatereN i. f• .neer Mod, in 18:9. The family mem to Ca nada in 1842. Pb.iwas married is 1860. sod leaves a husband. threedaagh- ten acid Ave eves. Owe of bar daugh- ters, Mrs. Jardine, rebidea at Fargo, Dakota, and smother firs. A. Johnston, at Kincardine Amon. the ..mm are Rev. John Yeasts, of Drumuoowdvi.le, mute for thesrp.•km ds sr< •ehnfriag the >de and Ate: Young, tow.ebip eo.ncill•.r. required ter t�e psrpwo et the said Water Worka.amd of ea.eta[.md prncuriag the said Wear Worts to he oesarro :ted and complet- ed. 2. That far the loupe.* of paying for the add Wear Kala It shall be lawful for the said oswaotl on behalf of the mid ('erpontlon 1s borsew from oar parties wUlion to lead the smog. the paid .nm of Ltis.SW which said .um Thomism be s es.oted .sad It is Meeby m- ooted W the medetpri mimed of the said cor- porationoto teOsWS: 1. That a smug. of Water Works shall be mosso eeted wakes Oa and awn for the per - paws aforesaid. des oast thereof dot to exceed the said sum of WOW ad for mob purpose Oust it AAR be lawful tor the said emma.fl t. mks s11 mammary sitsand peom.ediems .mm ester tate an 1.W( alba said eorp•mtton .11 anoassary eentrwoa, deeds sir other isietr0- An meeount of Wallowa, the third ria and ties Jardhse sot being able to get from Dakota until 1 bunday night, the fueeeal was postponed from Therwdey, a. Area atasossesed, new Friday kte-dm-y j at 2 p as. The remains ware a.trrr.d b. rrp.nAle im t iriy fain from tum day Col The deceased in born. Cemetery. alson which Olio. b)'so tamp ireet, with Iter had oompl.iasd at a heart affection far ttereo•tffae radarwit..peayo t ✓ atio years poet, bet was of uncommon Unum. al vigor and energy op to the day of her L That fo- the purpose of seeming the rr- death. She was at the moramental Pay mem d the said mum to the lenders tbere- aha14l for said oamcfl to N evose in the mofurUI°,l. wad those who 000.it0 to bbr lawfuiasne.I detwututhnm 'Nos saMI'Mia POI her ea she was ripe f .r :ha I poretiow in amr.out• d act leas heavenly hfn/dom. • each. aid In the whole sit �exe idlog the Isom of *MAW payable a thirty tsars as aforesaid. which mad drtwwm shall be r sealed with the Co poraes:al of the paid �ar- ( ZI TEESid�. potation. and shat w- Wiped by iM t poxstan.t..nd shell 100 toupee *ttaeb- Mr sad Mrs Alex Taylor who lave e1 for the mem of tN tater/et thereon at peen ill for the Iasi two weeks we are . lite rote ttd..estaid. halt -yearly mad the brio- ,iple Mid Merest thereby seethed and agreed glad to know $ ratwwsriag. to to pale dell be payable sad shall therein W Johnston who formerly bud the toe exptwwd te k payable".{roar' Hank of )deelroei .t Torsos. Ii the {+roviace of 114- __ end eeasterslgnat by til. clerk the said WHEN A LARGE At0BORTKILNT OF THE I TEST SS'RSN'G NOVELTIES W ILL Iii ON VIEW. THE LADIES OF GODERICH AND VICINITY ARE COR- DIALLY INVITED. Oodsrlek. Yam Est, Up7. >Nrd u'd Roble 1Lhitly farm. now worked be !aria 1a the tlmralai.s of Oaoada. N r hoard, has rested N' Alexander's t. That dunes ttacarreaow of the said de- benture, Me mai eI IMMO for the payment of farm. the !surest and KM foddera�tptseum of tide-ld Charlie Pianissimi ' shortly t.' for debrwet lean tett wai.d •ted +evof il t! ;VA iRarir where we ; a „ 1 rate .ancient t err sur as brave for the $asst flta year ►. prate uebmse he inteede to take up land. �►e rutesbte property la the said mnnki- Edward Askew hail mored from the ti. 'itis Aylmer shall come into fume std ef• SPRING GOODS 1 I3TTGH D u :LOP, F�'sor ZONABL£' TAILOR, rakes pleasure la sasouseing that he has now as head a full supply of ThEEIIS, JORSTEIIS & OTIIER CLOTUS sraaaa exri� svi�x WEAR., Excellent F1a, Firer -Clue Work. Lease orders early. owing to the spring ray+h of p a renew. SSatisfactlen .stored. EWRemembe the Max -West street. am idem to Beak of Montreal VI Oederish. March 31.t. 1Y7. SII1I MILLINERY IN ALI. THE LATEST NOVELTIES AND FASHIONS IN SHAPES AND TRIMMINGS. .L Very Cheap Line in Trimmed Eatse GOODS MARHTD AT THE LO�PES'r POSSIBLE PRICES_ ATI G .�.I3.AICL 1•T-R7- SPRING W SPRING GOODS ARGE CONSIGNMENTS TC NAND ALREADY 1\U r'FZICES .5 ...me liner LOWER THAN EVER. PRI NTS & GINGHAMS t rPE..CI ALT1 Colborne Bros. QODERIGH- NSW SPRING GOODS ABRAHAM 6MITH, TAILOR & CLOTHIER, Ham Just received. •:.d is now opening o lame assortment of READY-MADE MEN'S AND BOYS' SPRING SUITS. Also on hand a large Nock of Urs LATEST PATTERNS OF TWEEDS AND CLOTHS For the make-up of RPItINO el' ITS. =Dm= worm L SPECIAL'S' I AHR1Lf1AM SMZT'-m'B. East aide !ewe. eaderleb. IMane11 MM. IEE;. 2011 NOW FOR BARGAINS e AT '.Il'Slc EMPORIUM. H4x9solt v Lots The Genuine Bell Organ, The Mason & Risch, Dunham, Fischer, Evans Pianos. Prof. r. only hands the very laser Instruments. Why buy trash when you can buy t,� l: KVt'I.F.thong byrallt on orwrittagtoPKOr. (*LARUE. Flute., rhes. Mou:b /hpaa. Scrap Album.. Sheet Mudie. Hush Hooks. Q •. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN CANADA. r .o. Res. res a edevtra. Near. Wrsr assert. A :.ante and Varied Assortment of Goods suitable feu 30%vat Doer re Admen It Om. Me amtorith 'germ zut � DAYS SALE Xmas and NR Years Prezen1i �' i:ee':ved at tbe Medical hall F Jll11h.\?i, sed will be sold at Prices to suit t' Hard Tit.... tali and aoe 'hem before making your pnrchanee. loth eon.. ••. to the Huron road sic. the trot e> tire v '11;71 1 .1 �.y A discount of Ten per cent will be s. Tint for .errs or :be eiertcrs of Ira mrd Notts° formerly oocuptod by $cit Peek- mnOdNeatay ••lulled t• vee sits a t►Ir ty- Iiin tar 11th dot► 01311! I*L Ivetw(rn the boots oe nine d Rnbt McTavish who has ides•.. •., ,.mud ala k is the ta.n,.n 1 ..,A Ilse o'etock fn til• w sed. law shalt be taken o. Thursday. fur the year with iii McCollaglt afternoon at til. tnttn ring ulama within the • �tM w,itaidpatlty, bei pima,•. 1. which leases s .rtly for his hose it, the e.uuly fYr tam mnotetai ,'ee'iews for roanetlNe. f Bruce. were held. earner Pinkie .etsdtrir:a.i Kumbrr are at lil�nrr fLfae's phos .Mor: Root Th11 Ps',n has told his match heavy dsa,er A,edt«•, 1'awlt L• i4pvty Brturnber j 0. DET' - TR Q- c A M 1' 'kf d bought a heavy tyrrer [urn 1•uUiaft `u>`1 vswon Number `^„1`J/. Cep* bear ftl't safe y friends w,ii be 71ewa 11a6i - Tr,'•.'aa 11. Vee Y:ati I be Ad to boyar of boa oafs return hods a1- r 14et‘17'.147 rb •pacer citta to derl hit t Dakota.J Mr llaokt i. ma tem'+ heildint • leets hank barn ; Mr Jewell V,,.nArr f :� � ..e 1`nci.1 fie. oc'a sun, , Ttrn- d MrWaltersalso inured raising el uiordsli la'1 he Torr .'r l:ettrrr.ng l•�iorr �y to make dahlia!". aw eriien i. John lino+pihr7 +.1.•1.. uC as,. henry SMornm had a vete valuable, p tyepary i:etnri.!Wty1fORlee: there Paling v co N'.m)iM Prrea at Bt Adrsw1 day. it was atrnnrle' v' ,l' attached Drawl f;etatrbkg errthere. low wit► m to a ,letter wi.'eh Mr Bea -1 t. flat the Cleat of the sold fT•�•ry r•/• t�t 1 aural at t t awl ail tw ? 0d mut was driving home ire. 'r„wn on Yriday of )lay. Um. at A Tow, std, tow of W'r+ Trwnvan>F .i.. en &cloth in the forenoon. to pram np the while alto. s a woad bee in the Lush nanber of voce• torn, for and Aponte t►U .dig AT1ww, ad tin flay+► wax aetend at til• told of lar Reiter, wee struck on the head rt vr. Hall as •twee o'. lark is Oke t by a fa3Hi Iamb (rota a tree and mei- t* apooet to wuiteeday taoft wpresspsd a" OP he mealy injured ( re' i,. • rptt�( gam - David Wakefi.ia. ref ' L.d.eieh t•wa• tong '•r at Me said some N m r••ui:f ,•f prrhea* i•Nt•reet d i. ad pt m,ttln5 or • prolog log Ola Mwgr of t i.,a sNowrespoct• :rely. Buttons from a Sc. Sine up to a Trade Dollar. :Or allowed on all purchases over one dollar. team O w ter• draft Dolt trots 0. a:.en. I Two .. Levi Pr:cr i sad stern : Rees Mee .hell he ilri.,•'T a:est:rai�g (Meer there. • .her snbdir!ri•a Siege ills There at the node• r:,. res. rib. an •i n tt n gab dor Moen \::a �e, ,.u- tt o171 tions for wtl M •asap : i,ut• n Sale* .f ail *.. iMp:ay Ke - ]I T� tarulntt(nic,rtarn. eb:liltg>e�b+t.rtsfn. an a to r- them. 1t, :nog; l'..-.10 .:• ; l',ln•eher !Nv at tild el 11 h it 'ton *ban pore bred collie clog killed the ether vim, atim»I he++•e: tt. t5tivsa..u.u,l be ship. an old rattler, and fail et f the emegger. died soddenly Met week. a<. ripe old aga. Hs was a resident of Mit meat? for over thirty i tars. He leaves freer bsght•rs h•biod him. Mrs Me >'avdea. of hlaaitobe, alis tcowerby. f'f tt,oderlwh biwwibip, .wd two nnnisrtied _ Lf»nrot. ' the Rev. Mr Male gave x platietwg *ddrvwa 1n the madam wed Bible elan O. EW SPRIhG Ei000S1�� 1 greet the pantie with the asineam Sreilt t sI 1 hose opened outs Choice Anortmeot of NRW A.:1) STYLISH' SOWS &WPofi Bititable for PVHINti AND $IIMM1R Warr. Tree -anis ut Textile ladles are we varied rata .r..on 'tat ass ■ 0. rcpt faet$bap con be B TT rr zoD. PLAIN AND BROCADED SATINS, Mink and Cohered. :lain sad !Helped Meshes awl Vr!vets. 'tYTpAI E AyN:Itdti�w thc lerrgt�i• ,..art t'� fix 1115 oto base. _ee _-CCii Ib•.-t..1*he et tom Ike sad whish as bylaw ION b" Mieratien by thestn a1 a wt•rtiMr d to TownHatl is the ew rMda•. the nth M► i