HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-4-1, Page 44 -.meant. Sew AdetrrM.owm Tat. mesa, *ghats t -jamDenhim 4iag Mirisovy -Miss $wane. imam O aim -)fuss t>.mmw werv.at Wasted w. Wm. Ler. >tup O..M ef J.misa-& M.lososem D►rwlofe. Sale -lbw s dad*/ .at Robert flprtmr 1L w. anthem lk Com.. 1Y.atterd. • Daphsmr -lapsed Mineral Wat- se tt•lesmm w ated My areal ire Noreen. TOWN TOPICS. wAAdoliastatap 11 s' ria proneat. Mfrs, The sae q n Meth Prost Carpet Pelt ct bade% nem- !leer Yee amid Wad Tepee lie lh assty t muerte u 1', yea want • beadoeme end chap enhrrd lisitt Mere. =Penh .W men gems Stewart. tls. b • '1'hereve sew kids fswery Mishima. but tb. kasha b phot sea be sees at tate piece seems of tile. U.,tnenume TmrArraTee will dertne UM week not ARB►TIARQAI%S is new eve cedes )stet arrived at -M. Mogi.ray's. Toa Inter Reese lisa'hass ..as.aad timing rrealto be here. lis. sprung wily P. t A. Prtdbemts.tbs fashionable taints. The teas whe•ms tea phw.er•Ms at Pel- ham seed sat be eebemed t. Deed them to say • Thy are we to .he mark in Mrs avid T.• Women t oui fta'r Tsor*axtAMCt Velem will meet re Marty for the uwas•ctim -of beldame awry y ata tease at Fes elilaat V le reyt. Yoe►. Evert wears Me la - la la e wart la cordially a ially invited 'soles h W oeVtda t Trynhe beet int tri - ea+plK.e end y..ewprepared yes a eretdras - sueiti to lasts, y W. C. Comm Ta Nsomme aaw.�esae ccs Least AND Nagar - MO* QsemArre.-Depositen is this compsay have the hest pm1We security for tbetr mow - p. ail IaysM.d is mertrmse on eine have• ar • ea Ilea M all Bata d *tweet paid. tress d gar_ erre •eeeedkar to amsast a•Adtptrzaa/•ssiwt Palmer* harem ger Mies msa.ashm.Y eau sad see the Niemeyer. Mia Aura has returned to Ridge- wood. Miss Nellie Detach, km returned to Detroit. Cassis PPetri* is putting an *Milieu y Bee Milts Brothers &amrtieseate,* for "8alo.m.s'Wanted.., The regular meeting of the onts.a will be held on Monday wain. R•s•lwr emoting of Will he held this (Friday).eririEllik Serpent Kelly, who Walls a1W leg a few medL ago, 1. steadily i p ...og. Osiris Murdoch McDonald fapetting ap a sisemo,denoe on Lighthouse serest. The deputation from O.4urich to Ottawa arrived home Friday emoting I. Miss ldith Mscdsrerr:tt h.. rationed to town alter • three mouths' ',sett to a.lativeL J T Gerrow, Q C., conducted ti. Crown basins s at the Ems& string assizes this week. Mies ar•bam, milliner, makes her ■priog announcement tbia was. Her stock is attractive. The tegalar fnrtwigbtly cyan -meet- ings of He High School Literary Society takes place tonight. Dr Sabah, of Seafnrth, gave as s tall while in town last week. He 'oohs the piet.re Of physical rigor. Rev. Mr Filing, the Bishop's com- miainnt.r. has been appointed rector of St Gmree's church, Goderieh. Hugh Dunlop, the West street tailor, is now up to the handle of the shears into spring tailoring See advt. Envelops printed, and unprinted, at • price to surprise business men. Get your envelops at Tag diOltat office. Capt. James Stratton, of Bromels•woo in town on Wednesday. Ye looks hearty .ad Ti oi'u . for his sixty years. Thos. Pastore, of Blyth, gave m a cal owe day last week. He has no in- tention just mow of reviving the Asko - ask. Albert L. Hincks has accepted a lion in • gent's furnishings store in Toronto, and las eotsred upon his dories. The Stratford Besse% is keeping up to the mark as . neat local daily. We find it to be one of our nowt awful ex• changes Mia Cameros, mill iret, Hamilton street, has an advertisement in this week, atnounctrn an attractive show of spring mil:in.ry. Dr McDonagh will to in (lodetieb for isns,.it.ttan on Saturday the 2nd of Aptil, and afterwards uu the brat t..tur- day of every mor t h. Min Berry, of Lighthouse street, bee been witting fiends is I.tckaow, and the , .•r:h pert of Huron comity during the past few weeks There was not • Isnot attendsn:e of outsiders at the gathering to fl►- sogunte a Tory election petition tie - fence fund Tuesday last. The ecloioner Blit.•. rreenf'y pur- chased by the (mean lees.. of Sarnia, is being tine.' up '.y her near owt.ers four the opening of navies:eau Mrs and the Wises" 11eM,cking bare returned front Toronto. Miss Georgina bas innpr7,ved c ."atdersh'y in ':esus, but is yes far frown strong A wzrit rt,•,;li r f ietterbe•,la, note heads, hullo -ads, •tMemo mte, ri,enio.ran- i$, and envelope" ::n bend and so;d at close 'rives -The Heats Sweat A musical sod literary entertainment seder the •uapioee of the G.wlrneb High Brh.w,l Literary Society wall be ! held in about three works. T RURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL 1,1887. Jobs eh..hlia W several of his :.-on -.tpaltled last week. The spsration res seemailNd through lis having bad beth his feet frusta sem hew weeks cissa Godfrey Hassles left for Dsaroit o. Welseady where he will lake a situation is a d &,rods home. He is a dscsst yWK has. aa•� tboswsshly re- li•We. We have received the ...wa1 cat- alogue el George Leslie& 0.., Nensry- men, .f Tomato. It M wase valsable hist* ou Gower and fern .shore. Semi for ore. The @chooser Ariel was amewhat injured Wt week by the bre.kilR away d ice that bd frossa to bet *idea. 0.. al bee planks at the water line was cm adorably speineered. Dr. M. Nicholson, the Went street d otist, makes the preearv.ti.st of the Natural tooth • specialty. Goa adminis- tered from 9 a. tut to 4 p. es. for the painless s.trt•ti•a of tenth. Shorthand books seeing at 30 per mot at r's(alar prices M 'Tot Stomal otos in otdor to ales vi stock. Tb. "Mansel" .sly 30 owns. "Tend.,' 13c. Give the boy • chance to learn The Tories are about se start . ro Btosal& A Cosasrwtiv gaper as sill Eve in that village, aad a better paps: than the Pouf is mot to be had in any village in Oalra',ig the size of Brt.seh. An exchange fesli.gly says -"Show its a man who always hoops Isis sebnxtp- tics well paid up, a.l we .ill show you a man who will rick limio from harpin the eternal somater lend 0 sots." -Ex. W. Maritew has been com by the Government to maks • raw boat for the serveyiag ozp.dittoo i the (b.urg*n Bay. H. will turn it on at once His boats give the authorities Misch s•tietactio.. The members cf the Gode ich gum club are preparing for the club contest which will tate place on Good Friday. The match will be • handicap, M black• bards, and the pry. • gold medal. E.R. Watson is the favorite. Caaaaowur: Secure. -A r...tiot of p.rsans ateraeted in the formation of • Caledonian Society in Goderich will be bold in the office of the Har w and Bruce Ir...t sunt S.rci ty on Tuesday, April firs, M $ p. m. a Winnipeg architect, bass committed for trial on the charge of attempting to bribe Ald. Cabway, formerly of Gnderteb, to coons -tics with the recast Dominion election mg. test. Bail w accepted. ti paper a samstsnad statatsch 0 iMjah Mims r.tur ud on Friday from a omit of fuer uls.the to rela- tives in Detroit and other poiata He was aatooiuh.4 to sae so mash mow M eat lead ma resper.Ai• tor 'a is Oedtieb a *M Meth. tots,' d ev l'eatfths, l'Om fere N this seem eww/ae t►•m COMMUNICATIONS. ' H.rw a • beeret swell .ease f>rvta too amhootew -- "A ftt� who is in t e habit se drwntiag efts n/ taboo' fur • day or two, 15 artier to eves s few cants at Isnme smell j•.b, will doubtless End him• self to rki.g st gatr.li jabs ail 1.. life. Tb.big jobs f.11 a urian to the I,oy who 1 lima attended scoot.' regularly " Meow. R. Rad IM, P. Reit, $, Mot-. eumw and J ret a�Irisi es twteret.w rte IaiesbiR the Ne * of H regarding slyest. . sail len brill. Willi•oa, tilt dd.- to the Editor W The nlgta.L lila,- would yen kindly ',tont toe! - the ag�sist*ass/ d • rentor for B{. spree t. yogi paper, 13 refer to a certain Aimed Looks k m Y►sead•y. Miele is year rases of Mares 16th, the Dentistry. 11. had •keg ttaaaaltetios anther of whish mouses m• of wpm' as 1 - _ . ..- -- -- with tie wimp. at the ttosoiesioo of issi is the *sr wf aur. weeks sRo mu- `{. N ICHOLSON, L D.8. which 'rtes Lerd.bi s.bruttt.d some 1 sight a•wa,os• d w�igk, he said. would be appuiwted to the 'mammy within a week. We have 1••t received a .o�y of "The Revised Statuses of Canada, whicb is the filet revrwrn and c,osubl•tiun .seoe C)ahuderatt„►t. It is • work which was very much aoudad on amiteut of the regime assendeeats and chasms wbieb thalami of the Domino's; hate usrder- wea. since 1867. There matinee were promulgated by royal orociam'i and came into !force on Mares 1st. They amain e( two volumes containing ever 21i00 peas, dtaided auto 185 chapters.. Coavp7toist;.- The convictions of magiatt•tee of the county fur the quarter ending the RtL ins., show only • total of 40 mass. Of those 13 occurred in Goderirh, '2 at Seatortb, 7 M Clinton, 1 at Wing'►•*, and the rest by soudry magistrates eleswhere. Fare of the eon- viottuas were for violation of the Bees Act. The total amount of ens imposed, wide from.those in the Scutt At cams, eau ibl. A couple of pan ago the pamper of oases in • single smarter would run op to about 160. The Candia Pranyterisn mousse's that Rev. Juba McGillivray, B. A., hos reoeivd a unanimous all to the pastorate of Melville church, Montreal, and that be .ill acoopt it. Mr Mc- (tillirray. who is tie sou Re.. A. Mc- Gillivray, of this own, 1. os. of the last youog mem in the Presbyterian 'Santry to -day. He u demeans" lif the. tallest confidence of his onagregstioot An intimate personal acquaintance o0 six years warrants us in saying that k will wear wsIL Rev. L M. Baudry, of Montreal, presbed is the North Street Methodist Maim Sunday moraine and is Vie- soslr VMS cborteb in the evening, to 1sspi regatiuna He lectured to an it -•gree audience un Moa&y evening _ forth Street church, and detailed his cu.rersio.. Mr Baudry u • de- cided improvement upon moo of the Widdsws pod Baron De Cumin stamp, all is souse of his refwr+poes of Su- dsy al may have doom mews harm titan Seed to the moral of children of buts asies-who heard him. Everybody is invited to the socia and s.tertainm•at to bs bold in the basement of North -at Methodist chuff to -nicht, Friday, April 1st. Admission only 'bete, two for 26c. Refreshmeota at 7 o'clock, entertainment at fi The street 'asps -tor should see that the broken maitre over Frazer & P.ortsr's °eller window is repaired u once. The hundreds of persons daily passing that corner to go to school or church run a cuntinoal risk of serious injury. Buns Sorzurr•T.-The adjourned meet- ing of the Bible Society will be held on Friday Apel let at 8 p. m. in the school hoose, Si George's °harsh. A fall at- tendance of members of the a ommittce is earnestly rogcated.- M. McGill' vray , Sec. B. S. Thom, who have strayed cattle •boot their promises should now have them advertised as the law requires. Thai is a tatter which • groat many neglect. and often render themselves liable for Lw oats. Tar SWINAL is the bat paper to advertise then' in. Porters Hill claims to have the oldest voter is the county being Jas Stirling, now in his 96t1 year, and on the 22nd of Feb., be gave his vote for M. C. Cameron. He is bale and hearty yet and bids fair to see the end of ha bondretb year. • ch Mrs R. R Watson, was last week penetrated by an attack of paralysis in the face, and fears wen entertained at brat of serious consequences. We are sled to learn, however, that she has re - towered from the effects of the stroke, and is nearly s well as ever. It is predicted that the "Star of Beth- lehem" will appear this year for the sixth 1,ma sines the birth of Cbrist. Thu. star is said to appear dii.ctay north of the north star, and to be visible in its dare' in Lght at noon day. It is a solar ors many times the magnitude of the son and .hew orhat is yet unealculated by any alaronomoe. Dr J. F. Rinks, who has been laid np at his old home in Goderich town- ship with an street of inlarsm•t„ty rheumatism, has recovered :o such an extent that he has gone to Manistee, Michigan, to resume his practice. The d . ear has a some p►aetice built up in Meua.tee when he left in the fall. A strange swindling s;heme has just been brought to light. Some fellow ams into teen ammo time ago and raised $325 ..n a torts.* on some fa►m property owned by • Ms McAllis- ter, of Wiest Wawam,ab Mr McAllis- ter :are ti -thing • f the affair instil he was called neon to pay the interest. The Yount Liberal, tarries gluing a mssicl and literary .ntettainwent to their rooms on the evening of Tuesday the 12th mf April. The petit/ranting promises to be a gond (me. The mrwt- t.en of the ...loth gine a eor list inritatl,M to all their outside Inecois, who can multi it a• t%eniet.t 10 1•e present. lwdia will he welcome. Capt Ballantyne, of the balrati .n ' Anwy, is reeuperarine with friends in i r ander/eh She sae foorrnet;_r a•aia••ned' I hens so associate et (:apt. Lone. ! H. Ksoord left on M••nday for his ' r . Suns in Ma.nt.obs. He took with bum • err load of g•wada, machinery and animals 10 be placed tn n t e farm astihed Mr sail Mn E. Cara c from treat flew York :rap la•.t Friday. , Mr Campion' mesas to hese de:ice,l tar, , s\der•t.ie bsselt from his Eastern visit. Th• Milan Maris aid Urtnda Blocks, lar hay• geese to Turman to omit thsi, 1s sitter. Mia Amos haste., n hog. " milli:t.ry and Is.atle basinoss. Th. . lathy ha brew Is bn.0esa fon her la self for some time to the (;te;z Ci'; . !_ Hotcts& Orme_ -As old trident of this town paned away an Sunday, 211b olt, m the person •.f James Ila)*. He married a sorter of Mr Jacob WJso., of Colborne, acid of not the first married in Godonch was among tie tint, the cere- mony being performed by Mr Prior, the agent of the Canada Company, who was duty licenced to du so, there being no Moralism in the locality at the time. Mr was nota continuous resident of God.rich, bot has lately been residing with his eon Hezekieh here. Deceased was aged 83 years. 'CaeanA, AND Oraaa Putts+. •-W. have received from the author. T. F. Yowng, of Port Albert, a oopy of • book of poems from his pen bearing the shore title. It is well printed and neat- ly bound, and many of the poems have • local coloring. The reeves breathe • charitable spirit, which 'peaks well for the batt a,I the writer. This modest collection of poems is one which does credit to the author, who is an honor to the county. W. believe Mr Young is cap.ble of bettor writing than he has yet given the world. His first book of poems deserves a large circulation is Huron. A Pi snIwa Bolivians nut. -A wise business man or linea will advertise largely, and tate the heat mediums. Ex- perience has shown Bretbour & Co., the successful Brantford mendraota. that advertising in Tet Sion At. pays, and again their spring announcement, occupying • lam space, is to be seen in this paper. Bretbour & Co. are re- liable end punctual, and are reaping a large and profitable trade by judicious had advertising and square dealing Goderich merchants who don't adver- tise in Tnt Sweat ha.. only them- selves to Marne if they find trade dull. A Ras&UASLz BEN -Fifteen Witt fountain pens have beet. in use in (ioderich during the last seven months, and all of them have garen satisfaction to the owners. In writing shortha.d o longhand ; in the registry office, the sheriffs office and in the law allies ; lit the raat"r'■ study, at the hook -keeper' dusk and at the druggist's prescription counter ;-in the lady's ht•.doir, and by the travelling t Kraal ; the Win foun- tain pen has been used in Judertch in all these ways and has been found re - Lab e. All pens guaranteed to di perfect work, and n• .. too go hick no tx venter. Sole agent Tilos. M. Gnu t buy. Although last year was one .,1 the beechen for passenger travel that the seen steamehtp lines have experienced for same time, they are making prepare. Irma for • greater footmen this taming jnhdw season. The Cunard Lino. with is fest and migniffeer,t steemont Utrtr ma, Umbria, Aurani• at d Berrie will probably carry the largest shim The well known favorite steamship Pansies, of the Allan line !rases Portland April 7 and Halifax April !t for Lo. ',peel. There are • tow goo 4 whin bertha •acres (or ihv r.•y1ge. el«, soon very *open. nterse bate and et.erage at.e. nna,da- t••ri The Alio.) line. in addi'i.,n to hoar mail steamers to Liverpool sod to their °lawn. d,reci line, will stn a f•einiehtly lino ..1 strainers between London sod Quebec. The first steamer +ill leave the ,.ria Docks f.,r Quebeaabout April 21. Putin warning brine cwt their friends will find this very eamnMiie.l and co.nfnrtable teen. F.'r tickets, Gres, hats of venin•'. and all formation appy to H Armstrong, who agent for hob ,.1 the above renowned ettainehi1. flea, sl«. Ct's Ticket Agent, for (innd Trunk R'y. Single and ra- tan• tickets issue -d to a1' •tatan.s •.n G. T R. Tbrosgb ticket* to all p •rnts in the Coifed &tats and Gods at low- est. Cell or write for rdi.N. informs - Pam. Remember the address. Tele. 1 a;h Com, *tar .• • Ole, (3•,detleh. der the heading 1.1 ''Colborne. ' o an- swer 1 have to ay, amu tai editor of the Star a•o bear m• out in this state- ment, that 1 sever wrote a artier to the above meatiowed per. ands that hadtag, to ay life. I •m an oecasi.wal curreeposdent to the :(tar, under the b.sdiu` "Colborne Eeat," my lest c,r- r.sprutdenc• beta pubitabd, u near as 1 can rttsomber, uta Feb. 11th. 1 may aleu Mato that I neither saw, nor kuew anything about at, until it appeared in prat. The writer of said article also ac - caws ase of being • slanderer of wy tteighbuts, and • hypocrite. 1 du nut Irish to return evil fur evil, or railing far railing, a I think there i. • more Chris- tian way of aitilia* it, nod I eataaot but Weave it was dun• arose' gums eieua- derManliag. A true gentleman is always willing to make steamiest w far as lava in his power to enyuoe whom he may have injured, and I think my rgaat is nut awr.aa.aabl•, viz, that au year haat trios, the writer i• gs.stius amen/ire to wss,and place rte in • proper light before the public. Thanking you tar the space 1 swain, yuure respectfully, J. H. Mlwsr, t'o1L•Roe. THE LATH MRS. MEYER. A Trib•ie to Mee reasery W llspaas Pre•.. free tbe rano 1 he W iaoahata Times. Oce of the tidiest events that hes W1.n to oar tat to obrosiek, and .one which has oast a deep butes over the entire oemmnaity, is the death of Mn.. H. W. C. Meyer, wife of our respected Mayor, M the early age u( 33 yeah, which sad meat ose rod at about 11 u'i•eoek on T.osdq alghi. The deceased was enjoying batt nersf Rood health m- ut l+aturday mm hist, when she was stricken with p•s.bgja. The best medi- cal aid was at ossa amnestied, sod al- thosgb muii/ irE flits leas passible was duos to sage though recovered c- ssisoi _ fres the time .he was takes M salt' liar daub. Tly demised woo oda kind std charitable t shakes sad in her the poor of our Wes bus LS . tem sad sinner. friot►d, rt i lett over ready to help the seedy rill 'lilt there woo • ani for aid she sloayr responded. 8hs was a kind •.d.fMslios- .to ode and motber,ssd • warm awd trim 'risotto thus who enjoyed the privilege of her him.dabip, and was ptassssed many of those bus rigidities that go make a sob)* woaao. Dopas.d the eldest daughter of Hon. A. Russ, Provincial Trwworer, - nod up the time of her Niemap spout moat her life is(iolericb, since .hies time has been • resident of Wingbaw teens a husband and three little girt mount her sed and sodden demise, • who hare the heartfelt sympathy of t ent.re oommunaty in their beresvemen The funeral will take place at 8 ....elm Neu monists and proceed to the G. T. depot when a special train will be readinew to ounrey the remains to cries, whom they will be interred at o'clock this afternoon. Al a specie mating of the council held un Widnes day evening, at wait decided M. anon the funeral in • body, and a ootnmatt comps sad "f Coons, Holmes, NseL•a►d and Yo.hill were appointed to draft suitable resolution expressive of the dee,. regret of the council at the dens DENTAL ROOMS. Elgt l i door below the Peel (lake. Wsas.t, Uuoamty. 1IM1617 1LT L WOOLTZRTON. L D. B 7 • Nina '`veto ranted. (" H ' "�'� ranted. Oss er ►err satr.atiaw of teeth, Domestics Mantel). U WIRRAL SERVANT WANTED - 1 ---e be • god washer sad trues. Ap- t to NRtl. Wel. LI M Us People's tohtwnrt, CALESM11;n W4VT)LD. - 1Z - We are is want er• Mw more sued --etre cantata to the sats of Maim v of tory Meek To mea .w ors take • smear of tto harbors game pay geed salaried er ewmaissMs, stud gine permaasst emNey- mat, mD lave many sew sad amiss epi Mania both* the holt and Mrsmmm.W Ilse wt1Lt ethers dm art handle. Andra m at ones. with rsl MAY BROTH Rif Nsresryasea 14edt Rochester. N. T. t(USiC-MISS Ale DRE WB, Ormond lel sof=anf North sires Itetbdi a '.loch. le Ypd Charms- N to sive for mem of ra: n esswls Rood. Qe4eieh, hi K use?. alFLlhm CROWN PEAS FOR MEID. A limited pquestlty el w .bare for els. l la foil agendas* flan t1Ty1harey r� WO p.. eea the anerkea. beth for yield .ad 4 odaig In barred. beg 71e pretest crop w hmrresgd with ea ordinary reaper. berm reheard Mrte7 fork. Mos av iag • hest aa.etat of labor. Peke. $I per bathd. C.O.D.. (hews tasl.1s1I dadter- edd at enema maths. fie 'seer hem aha sa- JOHN ROLA W43Ni Chen -Male Porn. (swami' ,iL'i(IC.-MISS CUUKE, AFTER 14 11 years study d .04s is prepared to revive poetsher the Mese. alt 'rimose quarterly. '--M p3• %wear. fir CIHORTHAND.-iSAAaA�Ca PITMAN'S ii • to heats s`/s=141re1le ars Mwtseem ba Erb Ebay mid MIR Rai 140tiete. TOTIOR. ippesaMee wil Pte asatie ss tt. Partimel M et iii DasMdea. at ns nest essidem. see rust to atatherles the noelp* Jeweti.a Company to indeed it, gine from N a palet el or star Dederick. or to • pedal epee "(I the line d an railway aytsg it. tsmtwasat u, Od.rich, sail to welt ee leas set:► estsosioa w M. U. W ATN M. Marsb /the. MX. Agent MSWIiO. J. R'r Co to of ahato ad G t. R. In' Cad 3 Port Albert Is tae County ei Huron• at too sear ef twelve, twos. s Legal Sales. IM THE 'sill■ 00UMIrai liiMM0 1 man er•r astlassw *511..7 ea aaL•A5. mom. � be liam dale � 5 nada t• this toot, A. D., NM, those wit be awn skis apps► Wien of bttwtaL•no llawosmos, p gale. ase of the Masters of the tau rapw,te.-me�e�- Olen d Jadio•t.re for Ontario at d **irk u DeLmi's M.W. is too Vghged ei 1taf.rday ism Alt dry of .4pr.:; 181f7. w ! the [slowing land and premien. being Lot aloes to ins Fine C scsatoa of the TowWtlp a 1 d Ambit: fa the sJd Cuunty of Moire: Wemer. DI.i«sa co.10laing by admsa.urt- meat a acres d Wad• more or Sea Tbc let insatiate k imm - uta auuut a miles from Gado - of Mrs. Meyer. The town hand, of which Mr Meyer is president, will also attend in • hotly. Mr Meyer intended starting for Geretany en Monday lest, but owing to the death "f bis wife lie will defer his vent far some time. [Mn. Meyer's funeral in Dodericb was largely attended A special service was hold in St. (Isere, s church, whittle Rev. Mr McCosb, of Wingham Thrd a touching tnhtate to her mernory e cuss waa corerat by aorta emblem trim trends A special aeon hr,oa;h maty people Irma Se•(urtb, Clinton 1311:h and Winafha,n j Presbyterians sad Temprraaee. The following reemuti•,n shows the at itude of the Presbytery mf Minim on he present aspect ..f the temperam e M ' taeaty moat w pall to cash to .he V, 4 1 iulientors at too timed sale, and the halasMe . hi to be I aid into t'oort to tar cr.dlt of this t 1 matter w;this one month teere•fter wittiest intert,t. , ' len ate other respects the terms aad *sal- ' time of ale will he the Msntiag conditions of twCh•...airy Dirriles of the titin Court of Js1iee. lrertlaer particulars ran be had front Meer* (Jarrow* Pruadfeot. and the Vender'l u,..... itors. Dated .t (:odenrh this Mk day et Mame. A. D_ lr.. it YA1.CORgt)N, Mao,e• atl;:,dtticb. CAMkRON HOLT k CAMERON. Pen•far'e $eliatara kW -It SALE OF VALUABLE FARM. PCTLR CORRIOAN, Aentleseer...11 sell br PobIl.• Auction M Whttely's Heel 1 eek - and le readily seoesmbie those' buy pd reads. TLe lot le well watered an/ boo erected thereat farm Mandates. d • frame bow • storey wed • ail t 3I. sod • frswi dislat room sad kite at- tached. There as 'woollier frame hoses es the lot use storey kWh. contemns 4 reomo. 'there slam. a tout scalds o• the Wt. 30 s >A recently MOT. There is . oreard of two acres of et- callent fruit treason tae lot. Thr property w,11 t.. oQMred foral.oettien NI• reoened heir which hiss been riled by Ile said Hamer. Tea per rent. of toe ervbaee ✓ gtteatton in the county, es brought root at its March tneetinl, 11, receirnrg tk• ttnrrtisl report .401 Treat.ai.wos, thio too• • port being based nn answers to the (Ten eral Assembly questions frogs the OM- .io.,s ..1 the different aw,gregatrons with. in its b000ds : "That tons Pro.'tvtery ei ntiwues its adhen,n.e to rhe Canada Temperance Act, believing it. as a Tete- ) peruree n.easure, U. he in advance ni Li- a cense law, and that r... d has been ac- complished by it n•.tw.thatandn.g its partial failure from anforosra.nt. The Presbytery very much regret this inadequate enforcement as a thn,a that night rear t.t be, and world urea upon the (iwernment .if the e•ouo7try to ver- fect the act and provide adequate for enforcing it, as the in•t.6ere,7t en- f'reement which the act has received in the a,nnq is prejudieiel to the moral in- terest..1 the community, es well s da hrtnring to ,oar laws, which it i'+ the duty of the Government to nphnld at all b...►d.. They el«, .ds,.o the people to etre.gtl•en the hands of the officials an - der the act, in the par(nnMattes .,1 their duty and not to toads from the Oanarta Temperance Act, meept in the direction of getreraf pr•.hib,tMM " The CAnadis Pacific Hai'wsy lake eteaswsr, will ce:nrtesce running on A,r til I31h. Hay fever is a typo ud catarrh having peculiar ay.ptt.ins. Itis attended by . inbm«1 eond,tion of too lining mem- brases of the aatrils, tear ducts and thrust, affactiog the t'sw s. An mind meet's raasaweed.1). dnchargeiaaeeem- panied with a burning sensation. ?bore Mr* e•ren. spawn of 11114.42.1111Z. fregwa.e attacks of best•the, estery and i.t1l... •yea. hay's l' www Balm n a reme- dy that an Le dep dad ipso/. 6Ocla at dr.gpista ::,y mod, reentered. $fl ta. E 7 Reuther* . Druggists, Owego, Mer Y �•Il;. Meer .:.otitis Srwtr.i �trriw - The I eletreath annual Spun:( ft how of the t hen k,thn Agncullo,al S.oclnt', for Afire stock send mod grain, .i11 1,e held n O,dsicb. on Thursday, April 14th. The prize Ent vs re liberal than ("flit. e►IT, end this shoe offers a splendid I.+ver.• t., exhil,itra ..f either animals r vain. li... large pesters. td I, IJ Tr. Nina? -- A d.h.te will a ..gree .df I.. -.ought in the Hirh School nn e •i lesion "R,•e'Ived that Dolma 7 in hoots nod her gtren House Eales'' The w yrr..atire will be tale. try J. A Taylor -d Th n:r n Allen, ..f & .rich ljigh -/o-v.!: end the nimstits by John 1,,nk• ter and J. G. Clinton. of Lookers. TM y ,cine men fent the country" ere alto r,Hora en the •nnitah.,n de - to batsman the same pa-; ea at I.eo- • ly now. at Twelve /'clock. soon, op Satsrday, the lith day of April, 1887, the tultow.ng land, nwmety.: The Y. 1 of the I i of hot C. in the lith (Maecenas u d of N. i Lot 7 in the rib (.esecssios Kamera Division of the Tee *hip of AstteeM :n Lae I collate of Henna. - 0. tale feria there is • frond, new frame snout Valuable nuttaldi.gs. The fens is i nrsisod sod fenced. rettia.ns let ac r. aleft se a:r.•u ars nnti.r r.iOv&s U. Ix acre. at n..w la f.11 who.... The property is shout 3 miles tum, R.lrs•t. Ttr veadaraare not Sound to accept the hI.tw,t errant bM. Ise. arm:ea. is aa;..meed se to lbs ...to on r„feres,•e In the'tat.ndrneet or too liquor C t it ER• IN. HOLT t t: A k F.itUfr, sanction for Vemdnrs et 0ederieb. MUNI r It March tar. TiP)4. R P1Nll.41'. RtHitRT it TIN. Adien;mrwtote ret tide of in•. 1.,e ^-..17/ -Ali llItRlN atilt MORTGAGE SALE.: j�1 Or VAt.UAHI.E HEAL. F.rr'1'ATR le the Towstntp.o rnnt.wne in rhe Comn:y of Under l'nw•.r of a•.ip runtaln.A iw r1 certain nwlmereel Nlottpaire tsar r by Tlw-mes rM- Rett to the Vendor, ell be .mail by PAW: riUnn by John Lao. r. Aee- tleee•., at the (blbo.n, lintel is the Town of 0044 -rice In tk. (•n„et '.l Re - res ea Tuesday, the twenty tints est n/ March Il ei at tot. e the f .IM i Fwroatoolt Tor Batt or to Let. To ma.T..-TNi Ulf THLr 1 ..ewer .t s•. W..t mr•. . r..ost►f „ustplad by is• !IIIILU W y KAY. rI'w0 FINdr•cLAb8 FARMS rt'tt sales flus i.Au the tensible of Apr..c. ..es lata :lei aid me berm. fhrliaa` weirs mai/ to Damrr+•. lint k I mak et eI,1ARM T(► LET- FOR Ayea* Let Maul. in IN• ST IM i1rU mak* of u Tuwibip of OoiarttbkW ai► by letter to J B. I ItA r 9tt•1 1ttW toy I'a814, TOWN AND VILLAGE JV PROPERTY FOR SAL& ENaaqurs sal Trualete at the Lae.* emit J•ana$ .Ic Proven. oveBeai Meyitiew oak ate ung toots miaow* w* i and , t• Ile d buster,, l.. ul sa eon roc . Isir:r ,sad \ r ry ,:estnbk• for bttil',Irtug par heti sot Let ?reatdat 11111 two., T5wu p hi (loegie►, team part of leas 3 M the 14.0 Lod Ouse mama of said T. asltlp Mae Ptetee l'st.ge sad eraase las masher 3o Medi Ade o1 IMar street. bea.iller, ► d as use. mean Muir dw•nag, peddler wets su.ib.n - •N MAD thy Tows et latus. e( es sura Wow tally sir sated w, south aide a arm. Fairly teased. The Fist 1 of Log 2. tie. 14. Rist Wee* seek. 1M a.•r.•.� su•A lead. t• sits. cisme+ sad tesetd. rewlader timbered. About t Mies from Lorimer sad a ekes flea Wti.(g Mo. Deed rads. Fut further i..rt:cunt., s le E. CA MOI(. Nor. l 17*. lef7•+tMprt•hr. aedetcb iuetionssring. 4 JOHN KNOX, t1EYEPAL AM- Urich INavies ball:4 LER ad esrtiiderLori nNs amjmeMaes e• tee.aetiemoritattg� trade. he Isla a ambartn with emceed M1j�� t1 sus Menem ow ranted N ki 0edsrll Martina Hotel. or soot by mall to sq floater -1/4h P. 0.. carefully attesdettl& LNOX Comity A.,.11s esr. Legal. C. H AYR. $OLICII'OR, !e. I kr. Ors,. cora* d ayes used West stair% Qoderiek, ever telegraph saes. Phi vas Issas w I..a u a est oral arra QIAO= & LEWIS, BARRIINTIRA, 14.3 C. Pamir.*bJ J. A Dilesron R. Y. Lawn ISP? - el ARROW & PROU DFOOT, E A R T RiSTLR' AtWrwuy , Sellelleen Galeria J. T. aaeww. 7f. Pre. me "AZLT & CAMEROF, ■mrrettla .saemoae la 3ederich. M. C. (ymew. Q.C.: P. M. a. Cameras. C. C. Rom. 11t - Societies. ANCi*INT ORD= OF UNITED WORE MIN. MAPLE LEAF LODGE. No. V, A. 0. U. W. 11..g. is their Ledge Rolm over Two $SIIM AL 0SM, 41.4.14 h. ea w SECO iD AND FOURTH MONDAYS OP EACH MONTH. VISITING SAWMILLS ARL ALWAYS W LLCOMIL W, JOHNSON am PRIQE, >r. ". O. W. THOMPRO -ly lessmder. Millwright lwright. Ualuator, &c. ft A. HUMBER, Y1LI.WRIOHT. VALUATOR, leACHINETy. AdiNT. to. Zetimatea Made sad l'entra a Takla ter Hew Heataag y the Met Wear *elan. Dm Wates sN gleam isamt. LANs t as* ether Water Wheels, AsTlc hers' 3. pleNitsta. Mau Yaebiaery. PLA N8 AND SYNC! TIC ATIONS. '►ALUATiOtrtl MAD& SART R7'kLVT. - - 110111RiCH. /•b. 3. tats. OWN - 3 tebicat. 1 L *Ravi. M.D. ,Mlfal- eSereeees.R of 4., College yc1sa, Phyid". liad thuuna sod Aeewtehet. •a., Pet Albert. DR MoLLN, PHYSICIAN, 8(1R- t Ib threat, mama deme west e1 Vittoria 1711. D1511. SHANNON & HAMILTON nree atyn�Hanation's Aorstte►ve� naar hR ',sol 0odorttio 0. C. gaawmal. . C llAtwi tree 1111. Loans area insurance. tea STILL LOANING PRIV W1 Ams IUNIJS NM per emit Stralobt .tftereit teenWares payable r+aii of yearly. WI or write her moleskin. MAI 11140= • LSW 1*. (loderioh. tt'fr0O,000 T() LOAN. APPLY Tt► rtes CAIrzRUN DOLT R CAI/ANON04. t�I ONEY TO LEND. - A LARGE wwet d Trieste reeds for investment it Worst R.tii vn on%c�lamim,, Nona -ages Apply tegAkR(,y► k PBOUD$'OOT Q.20,000 PR.IOATE FUNDS TO LBND •`coli' on Yarns and Teen Property et lowest la terem. M.rt.ugs putt booed. aro C'oanadado• 'barged Ounvey.neiT Pen N. R --Vormonats eau 'i money le sae if title is sttstariory -- VIImt & JOBB- ITPON Hatrristwts. tea. h. 781 R RADCLiPPE, GENERAL INSURANC.:, REAL 1l8TATE Alit M01f11Y_WARM; AGENT. '7oI7tre _Pfret 'oyes tat R'pvrasntd 4.wem em" t •tears' . °nese, a the mit tt, O of ming. .a any way to rO; 1�tieead doer t�.m R,ta•e. x.4.4 Watt ' A AAlt cznLOAN AT 0 PER Tog ?moor's) G e ld g r Al. YRt;t4T t COT ars to ban wise,' ate p• -r twat.. pV this r yearly, T0 3UiT (BORROWERS, ,�� t'M seat -.lama f wroa..tJ. (.AMYRON. i*01T R CAMPRON, w n bean property.I� t ammMr erye.r.. A.nab t•► the Tor re Voderlce. Lake Road/ aid (�,,,,tr,e'.w,. In ti.. �.a.ren Mews. CAtehaD7t, 1yai,T & Cr�srR�ao., Mme• divides of the Tewnehip of (*.Shotr.e. oto .4 est hweatred am ns. am�e ver fees. roods te w , t'1� property t. Myta m pr.'s wrtto,de- p�•/„ �� fres* 1r�«MeR s home been � �rQ0 P1l1TAIT TrxDs aste loot M tarn mamma Ptr►'7ert. a law d Mate M the Trot ('aesd i Canada�ie� Star am -mem Leas (''esesay isa-. .,.�. wed mita pbq jgmMtme P O. �� 1'tm.1e • ie Nn errmt p.eeve raison lsaeaesde. m ostl is a rear I pmew�aef awn evae•T7o►aeaglrtewat M *bag* mtl d ire li iatiles4 a wsw�gmbe�tt�we(mtmybraa.2 at_ cia..4 rant. or ALla ro KT gMatt.m to bin. I OAPs Me tgeme sen haled ' L't av►rtvee esaMeh** matey the day. tf t tali se•aatevy. Ise► DA'MANI R Jnww+'fhr. Mel r•aw dra, •edartea