HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-4-1, Page 31
Holl 1 BSB 1 111110
It is a great thins to be a hero ; the
proverb of me lama huldiw that melon•
bis position it dm err ..f his valet may
ue man amt . be teres ; i ears'' any, e• 1
never had one, the .merest at•pr.rch to
asytking of the kind being oar old blocs
nurse, Dinah ; and as far as she was cots
corral, 1 can't Satter sequsel that my
buynh Grapes were c,aaadere.t as eves.
sppramdiee tis Owens. Bet &Mail.
the disadvantages whi•tb irrepressibly
mask chilihotd labors under in attain-
ing the clieracter 4 an idol of roman*,
by a fortuitous cirousstaraee 1 teenaged
to surmount theta all, sol for the few
years which 1 .Vowed (are I alarmed from
the grab state mf jacket., into the chry-
salis in, ut "anti-), 1 cleansed my right
to be thowght such unassailable.
My orattdtather was a alma uld man ;
*use at thea dateeps t.f time I trews to
..ear, with uadetivable awe, his deep -
totted 'mutinous for it. cane, .eta those
occasions when he fancied present physi-
cal suffering the hest means id securing
my future moral bapptimee. And though
the heed that dealt thew kindly eros.
I lows has lona since paled in the grove,
it needs M. art ng effort of fancy to re-
call the 1)sno,cle•n failings with whish
1 gamed ser flat uplifted rod. 1 had joist
nous us horse for nay week's holiday at
Itrhead and nee of the plague) ebs.td M
imbed to further uur rise* in the matter
of t4 elate Comforted somewhat by
hewing a fixed course rw.drsd epos, bier
*till steartiu f under the Timone* Mew
iota of the mutants. I took my way east
le 16e buea.
Tse Nees, 1.r sash wee cite gasbag
M.te our residence wes known by, w
situated on the rise of a hill, noted whisk
the mail track cleat. To reaeb it, thew
food, et was oeoewry to tutu true the
high• ay tows private lane. The place
was very roared ; the tonta reason of its
purchase by my grat+dfatler,woru net by
wow half a century ..f city life. Iute
this lase than, 1 had tared, and was
whistling gayly as 1 walked, hall any an-
noyance of the morning beim( forgotten
by exercise in the keen an. and toy an-
ticipations of our cowing fun, when I
was confronted by two nes. The sud-
denness of their appssra.oe startled me
saor did • closer in.pestion of the gentle-
men prepossess tee more favorably. The
firm twos a great, hulking, beetle-browed
tallow, dm wheal reseeding forehead
"ening" was legibly itnpr,ited. His
companion, though of smaller alarm•
ani less formidable sa.ect, was infiuit.•y
more repo:sire, and the los c.n.nntg of
his blotched and dirty lane tauwd me t
she ider it.voluntatily. They each car•
nod hep, nor was my surprise st to their
being hawkers apparently ire -rrect, for
with a inane, at his fellow -peddler, it e
C6nsttnaa fn'n: a bo.•rrltng-ecbnuL Th. short one came torrard Sud said in
tedious, leaden-G...tetl days which pre a whining voice
ceded that period had been spent by lush pretty pictures. sty little dear,
(need sole irwilae (ion of s neighburiag this 'molting 7—very cheap and very
friend of erandfather'• and myself it. n n—o sly look, my nice little boy."
pret,snng • (read dra:nsuc performance, S. saying, he thrust into my hand one
to tat. place .•S IL"' time twllueed or two of the gaudy pasture,, soconiu/..n•
.caters of our *adios' ly hawked shout the *,matey.
Iu coujunctron with some other ynonz
Though bnt n child, i itostirctive y
aspirant. tot Dramatic fame residing in frit my Nebel of rspul.ion deepen, eta
the vicinity, se had pitched em s mei.- the cringing accents of the sari fell upon
drama of the ronrant 1 bloi.dt ssr.ty ter ear.
type as the moat eligible way of deq.loy. With a harried negative I passed on,
lag stir histneoic talent. Lotyl and
sexism tottsultatvtns had taken placate
the dead of night in unr dormitory re.
;tettering the interesting d••ta is d user
momentous enterprisebtoemy brad
Ceres were the denotes when oy:sioc.
was divided as to the greater desirabili-
ty of 10 eents' expenditure in green bre
fur the thri;line clime:, or as to the .d
vantage . f that ante being invested in
none hair, for the "criwe-stained tit -
sin's beard-" Indeed. ren one occasion,
a resent to blows seemed irr.minent when
qt. and I were each firmly persuaded of
:he other's intimately to play the duy-
%lric-minded false hair, who atter having
bass killed in the terrible combat (real
swords', of the third act, appears as •
(se sesame et say gaen llether's antipathy
to all dumb thw1(.) ao animal could be
its ease.
Dreemilty praled, beet not sentiently
awatteated to dive the matter mesh
tought, I was tolerated w the land of
dreams, whim a ereaaiag as of m17
gremdfethee s betimes window being
wilily mess . at ones recalled m7 senses
to we. It eras oleic something was
weal* An old nam of such reeler babies
and patented dread of rboomVism as
my graSdsire could never be guilt? of
*pests* his window, ea deaitvliltbti!!!.
an it.tensely meld winter's night. Be
now, II:mm.0[61y alive to the fact of all
not being rigs', I sat up in bed and
listened. with an uneasily of deems to
beer that which only those who have
felt an undebnable sows* of danger an
For • *natant or so all was ata., until
the windows of the slightly built frame
hoose trembled, as though ruse heavy
body had lust deptsited itself on tho
Sarr beneath.
In au intensity of ezcntement, with
the presptration rolling off my brow, I
breath:euly waited to hear what would
follow The *ileum was unbroken for a
m orient ; num l cool.! distinguish a rut
S-ol cry of pain, in what seemed to n,e
the voice of sy gravddfather. lustantly
following this,! beard the hissing accents
of the pedler of my mornicg's roc outre,
as he said:
"Finish him, ike, if he tries that on
In • moment ail was clear to me.
TLoee men whom I had met were some
de.pe•sdoes, who, hearing of my grand
(ether's peculiar habits, and pethaps
aware of his receiving tout* large sum of
money that day, hid determined upot
r .bbir.g the honer, fc,ling 'stein the ab
settee r f any near help.
They had been reo.nnoitering thie
noosing, snot doubtless their pretended
bat* cf picturee were filled with tool..
bot trot without henries the deep Iu an stony- of helplessness I sat try tog
u ndertone of tte !attar toss pour forth' to ecbeme scse swum et help to, pre -
e weepherey, ace.eorpesied by the vent .bat might be murder. An s; e
weeds.— of thnetht seemed consumed, ;.id yet
"1 eras that's the cut of the old 'un." sur Willi") aid had struck we. To got
At the time I did not pay mach Wen -
seemed out of the gneatos,
titan to the apo resin ae I had au undefio- it wing • full half mile to any hoose
able looting to plums• greater distance (car the Nest.
between es, ager on arrivtag at the Louse What eould he done t Tortured and
it use steadily forgotten for the time, *gitated with thoughts like these, an
through the discovery of mygranif.ther eternity of pain appeared to drag its
in a tremend'rs rare. way awing those few *coeds .1 per -
I mr:iri.ere tner.to, n that among the plezlty.•
oddities of e.7 relation was his igen "Ha ' athought' My mind saw hut
dislike to ant thong in money matters one slender chance of saving the old
that resembled credit. In all kis deal- assn, but at all risks that should be
ini;s he expected sad pard ready cash tried. Sldi,.q cautiously from the bed
To (cr,Ler his vie..* on this anbject, to the floor, I groped on the massing
Woad for the phosphorus.
Uooe Reed, it neederi but a a mua:er t
to cover my face with it. Then paging
my bead over the breast of the old night-
gown, the representative of the windirg-
sheet in our intended theatricals, to feel
if the piece of red ribbon (repeesentini
Use ill-used false heir's fatal wound) was
safe, I epsnded my chamber door,
With a silent prayer for the success of
my scheme, I trembliRgly tiptoed down
tee flight of stairs which separated my
gr•odfather's bedroom from my own.
At the outsets cf his door I gave a great
gulp to swallow the irrepressible feelings abiding, to take an actin• part in resist
I labored under, and wftly turned the tog its exactions,—M+ntreal Srsr.
handle. My suspicions were but too s woe der t.a.mseevy srawanono.
true. .intended on the lied lay the Procure from your druggist • bottle
gaunt figure of the old man. of Hatrysrd a Yellow thl and use ac -
Bending over him, with the bony . 1r W1eeetlanket A twlie, v.114.
+itretat a w,tas
knuckles of his hard t.uried deep in nay tared by •hie reemedy after s11 other
grandfathers throat, stood the bigzer treatment had fader]. It may be taken
ruffian of my morrtnq's encounter, internally for coughs, colds, sore throat,
Nimbly flitting around the roans and err • rte.
eneficeni apparition in the final scene, he was in the hal. it .•1 drawing very
'rad Woes evetybody t.t eke plaiettve large am mots from the ban: 10 a bulk,
:reins et an scut dion' r..be.rssh ie- thereby slant imam; ready money in
%untenable were constantly taking plate : the house.
and such s hei.Lt did the dramatic fa-
, re reset., that from cur ettraordicary
roomer of g•erfnrmut, the most common
On this 11sa'.cal r- -arming Le hal just
received a large son:, and it was deafly
the :out.ting of this net I had disturbed
* cis of e eryda p !dr' our toaster grew hint be the meotiva of my unlucky play
seriously .::anted and '.:'1i" :. ae t -•:r I' appears 'Lar dutin3 r.:y abused
tannty. he I.ad d:scovereel same farcied error
At length dune the ^it "—lied 'or made by the beak r f5o:ials, aril was in
day, briantot a abort respite fro acing..- a perfect ferry about it. H•.serer, after
.stir botrors. Ta se who, ',rood it two tSe whole days spent in taming( sad
commentates's of baring a real drama ire (ratting, and t`.reats . f withdrss lag
1.erapetto e. were inclined to treat sty- his •count, t.e fou: d :t t- be an c.rer-
tidag trot strictly thestnc*i east. con- sight of hos owr a,. Inc toe more pact -
temp;) the speeches, wngs, .tr.d general hod,
milk -sad -watery nstere of the usual en- Our h.esehuld was a aural: tne, Cos-
tsrtsiomeoa at such t:32ee Ns mel stale, sating of my eforemetto red v:d black
flat, sod unprofitable. nurse. who, with a y.'cttg girl, etmaned
It was with $ hese hearing lig': in the fentt..i portion o f its 'amazes, xrsnd-
hope need pods that, the montes after father and m; self.
my arrival hose. I walled toward my The inexorable taws -„1 t':e establish-
grardfatF,er's sanctum. to reveal our meat doomed an early retirement to led.
darting cherished pr.•iect and to obtain so &boat 8 o'slock I found ivy way to my
Isis sanction and countersros for the room, Met not to sleep. My first are
ftirthcomrng arrsngsmer.ta tinheet.s was to cloths myself in toe dress I had
be had been inclined to tree' my favorite managed for the ill-used false hen, and
pastimes as bseeg vulgar a:.d now I felt to rehearse that part w'rh the utroo•st de -
tamest dgptihed at the thought b( the light it' myself
Amon 'grease he wtuld manifest on Having commeteed :le dress ret-eoar-
leaning the eeoneitat turn my mind eel, irclinstion and duty rendered t io -
bsd taken in * few momenta my pians rumher:t or me to t(o through with it.
.woes divulged ; and I was hastily piano- In aeeordsnu with this eery proper feel -
tag tats • chaotic eases datati., shout the tog, ! hsd dotted the tubi:etseats which
•alteratios et the period to suit such a the toad:y &rated youth _was euppoeed
dragni&enc nn occasion, when the gruff to hare worn in rte flesh for the more
voiceot iey renattee sceedily ]act t: light anwght;y toilet popclarly ascribed to
my roue colored visions ghosts in tenant reed the tote* in par-
-' What ' play actin, sad ail that into timer
bish —turniag the house upside nowt — To heighten the horrific aril ?repress
taking the carpet up in the osrinr--only my audience with a doe respect to- the
elven •mf you. Wel:, spun ray soul '
G. me my cane t"
It is needles to say I dtd net hasten
ins tate. 11.1 alas ' to- • few momenta
elapsed before my seI in* shoulders end
aver ion to a recumbent mature wanted
me against dreams of met.tdtstaa in my
boyhood's h.,me
Moodily, aith redeye., end a general
it of ttieetseaa I treat over to. et.
fee et ,
qusuat Mead Ote to the abrupt ost.a-
g�istut nor hopes had ressived. By hint
i was net with every demonetrattat of
pity. on reewenting way martyrdom. •..
11e Thsepiss Mose. Bitterly did se
reed* with echoeiosy vehemence :he
untanial ohtuse':isss with which tread -
father refused t.. •Tee the satigh•er.ocg
?..i . ..f the domestib dram t. At
leentb. however, we e,nded.d air: T
that vituperate,. was of no help to .mer
plias ; a .7th nee! enga oaten •m es -
soared to oeru s into a eo*SMWI d less : bud i h11 ►ssTEy a• thm gr.ne
teen to discus aura and Vied- aseatieg imgsieet g though 111rbM1 i la f'an'ned sty eyes 1 w+s in
away. it wee decided that a aired et - b.II reseed. 1 1il1 *wetly eerprieed et toed fens* (eta* ems was is err I
N* ea ua:Ttal *nut lift* *erre that 'De my* ort asp rrandfatbrr, 'Am was
tenderly aurae( rite. while the gray
dawn of • .luted's monde( ase ratan
breaking. I will out speak of the es-
amvepllssoes of the old seg is his grati-
tata, but I will meatier what amend to
nee the greatest pawl of his thaakful-
■sss and that was his unqualified 000 -
wt le the pruductwa of uur draws
some few lights after.
It is phaseout to ehruaiele its entire
emcees, whim, I may modestly add, wee
indebted in a great ureses[e to toe ear
batty the spectral effect had attanted.
Bp to the time of lay greodfat'er'.
iest� he always 'Masted upon the ob-
servaece of the aouivereary of the
g'ent's appearance.
I have tittle to add save to record the
fete of the two valises. They were
captured rose months afterward sed
tried for the warder of an old lady sa-
fer peculiarly cruel circumstances. The
shorter of the two expiated his tonus) on
the scaffold, while Lu brother criminal
was condemned to lite -long ispnsrtn•
this, reader, is how I became a
a. s. a. • mese el tpety. a a• ae
I should not think at right dad 1 not
Kite en testimony of .bat b. B B. has
.one for one. 1 .sa troubled with
baltiouanees. I took sue tattle it gave
is -mediate toilet. I can reoomwet.d it
as a cure for Uncommon, Minnie
South Urtllia, clot.
Fatter halter's Cabe.
Tea manner in which Father KeUer
was received in Lublin shows more
clearly tbau anything else that has yet
happened the vett- peculiar condition in
which Ireland is •i this present moment.
FatherKellar, it aepe•rs, acted as
trustee under the plan of campaign, de
clared by the (:, ernmeot to be an ilk
lel corsptracy. To him were entrusted
the soros which the tenante on the Pon
anuby estate considered a fair rent.
The low price of produce and the puts
harvest made it untenable for them to
pay the reut agreed upon with their
Iaudlord, and they paid what they could,
and w t was considered fair nutter the
eireuerteee, satin the beads, of trus-
tees, Father Keller refuted w •ckoow
ledge the authority of the court that
summoned him to answer questions re
Tooting the eustody of this money.
For this he WAS arrested for contempt to
court. Front the monaeut of hill arrest
rattler Keller was rettarded by the poop.
ulace ss • patriot and • martyr. Hon
ore, such as tt,e bum*tie parish pritat
&.ever expected to be thu recipaeut of,
were showered upon hug. And this,
too, by .0_n of all classes and c,ndilitns.
Hi. eoclrs&aattcal ampere .re, Art:libt.hop
Cruke and Archbishop Wst.h, s.utained
him in the action he took mai: testa
ouuttenmuee and symapatt.y, a:,.l tit,
Lord Msyur , f Dublin presented hon i
with au address and accompanied bun in
his own tarmac. to the court. Th.
priest's passage from the court to the
gaol was a triumphal procession. The 1
people in i very nay they could thio' of
expressed their adteurett..n f..r the priest
who was 'offering In thecae** they loved,
and their hatred of the Gotern w.t that
was prosecuting him. The ettempt by
physical force to e4 arm' a pet plu who are
so united, so enthusiastic and et determ-
ined in their opposition t.. the landlord
system of their country and the leas
which uphold it --unless indeed • Crom-
well can be fount' to undertake the work
—must be hopeless. There must be
something, t..n, rsditslly unjust and it.
human io the working of that system to
cause even the mi..istere ,'f reli.(iutt,
generally so cousin native and so law -
. Min tummar e..
The way people ma mix .p thssel n es
sad their relatives in the rattle it mar-
ring. was perhaps sever better illustrat-
ed them in the ens of • bnskword.,
Masse family, of whish • c.rrespeadea
writes :
A father, as sad glaui.ua married
three sisters.
That Looks simple e••o•ug6 drran't
It bassi eras -.d on you yet f
Well, see here
1. Meow, U.0 litho, worried Abyt il,
S. Ilse jostle, urn ,rf Arms *tarried
0riC's', son of B r, Porrid
Whet then i
Amur is brother to his sun.
Amus is a brother to his giendsoon.
Amus is grandfather to his daughter.
Antos is grandfather to his sister.
Au.os is father to his wife.
Amur ia father to his grandson.
A.ane as hes own grandfather, hie owe
sou and brotber-on-ire himself. -
Iietjamia is brother to hos father.
/Utopian's is brother to bis eon.
ftentamte is brother to his mother.
lienlswin is brother to his daughter.
Bantam is the son of bis sister.
beujsrin es the hesavud of his ester.
Clarkes is brother to his fatter.
Charles sa be otber to bin grandfather.
Charles is brother to his mother.
Charles is brother to lou grandmother.
Charles is gr•ennnephew to kis rather.
Charles w granduephew to his wife.
Charles is the grandchild of kis aunt.
Chutes is married to another omit.
Charles is its son of his aunt.
Charles is the hu.hand o.1 his sister.
Maine u rwpo.nsihie f,.r stood utany
things. but the foregoing will .h... that
eke is stili eugsged iu the good work.
opening noiselessly the bursae, chest,' Tatra. Werth kneel Wig. I
sod old-fashioned desk of my relative. ' --- i
To learn to think and act for yourself.
the ferret -.ger *mandrel. I
It presented ♦ strange picture to tae, ; T.. waste nothing, neitnerntoney, lidne'
standing in deep shadow. The brirht j nor !
If you have a place of husinese, t.. tet
found there when wanted.
Day and Night
Dining an erste attack of Bremrbitit. s
ceaseless fietllrtg in the throat, sad an
exeunt*. dry. hocking r•op.b, of...•t
Use holster. 44,ep i, hani-la.l, end tot .:
prostraties fo:asst. Tbi- di,.'ue !s al•.r
attendee! with llost.r:sru, and •nmctltnr•
Lees et Ver-. 11 i• Pablo to brotaa
Amite, involve tee curt=•, anti terminate
lately. Arrr's Cherry Peetsrel Who le
speedy renal sad cure In teres of Brom
thftis. IE - sisettott- the 'dlitenenten to
eougb lin bm ss refreshing *Romp'.
I beer ber'a i rraeticiag phyole•i7n f:•r
twenty -'nut yoar•- end. tut the keel
emelt e, tavaorelfrrs! trow ona til attack'
of Brenebstt& After extracting cling zt time
genal deme iso
Without Relief. •
i tried Antes Cherry Pectoral. It helped
toe lmmaiLuety. and e& -rte•. a !portly
cure.— U.Stotroll. M.D..Carrollton. tn,.
Ayer'. Cherry Pectoral to deeded!), t:\•
beet remedy, wtthtu my Li:ono-dna, for
chronic Beinehitis, and a!1 long diseases.
— M. A. feed, M. D., So,tti ford., Ile.
I utas attacked. last a' at.en w ith n t. ocre
Cold. which. from exposure, rr^w mer«•
and finally .ettWl on my Lungs. Be
nb 1,t sweats 1 was rwd.t•eal aluw.st to a
striae,. Mr- Couch was Irmeavant, and 1
fregrtently.p.it blood. My phyeirian told
rte to give up buaine,cs, or 1 wot:W tort
cite :& ::ant h. After taking rarlou• :true.
diti without Wild, 1 w .t finally
Cured By Using
two bottles of Ares Cherry Preto' -ii. 1
am now 1. perfect be*Itb, an4 *bid to
reserve bushman, attar bating beers pro-
nometer inees.bie win Coasu.tptsou •
8. l'. Iiesdcrson, Ssubburgb feta.
For year. i wan in a decline. I bad
creek 1uxgs and buffered front Breadline
and Carat. Ayer's Gerry Pectoral m-
otored me to Mettle aid 1 bare been fur s
long time comparatively vigorous In
rams of a sudden recd I sista rraort to
t be Pectoral, said Snd
19dtLtnd relief -
ward E. Curtis, En V t.
Two years ago I suffered from agree e
flrthchitis. Theynse ieiatecod g me
became fearful thatbthe disease would ter-
minate In Posumos ls. After v*tri-
nue riwdklair, wttbout benefit,
prescribed Ayer'* Cherry Pectoral, whir
relieved one attain. 1 oMatimmed to take
thin medlelan a short Uwe, mid mss enrcd.
— Ernest Colton, Legan.pdrt, BAA.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
S y u . hems: gnitebt.
, .l ta
,v ,
a VII br rs
moonlight streaming over the bed gave i
a lurid light to the gleam of the odd
man's eyes as he essayed vainly to shriek
for help.
The giant form of the burglar stand-
ing over him looked like some evil spirit
of legendary bre, while the fantastic
motions of his companion might well
have iasssd for those of an attendant
The time for active bad arrived. Mow-
ing stealthily forward into the centre of
the room, where the pale moonbeams
ghastly expect of the apparition, had gave full play to the ghastly scintillation
decided upon nine a phosphoric prepare- of the phosphorus, sad pearling my hand
tion to my apparently gory breast I said, in
T:.0 'otos t: wn.ld M hettsr 1' sneer- • hollow rokte :
tato tte rt:ect .4 'Lis ctyeslf. before "T am hero
reiyire ..n tt sa $ certain eaocees, I wax 1 cannot describe the scene that en -
homily mated rubbing some cn my sued. $Sorprield .t the strange Totes
face. when I heard my grandfathers
step on the tonna betsath. I was fully
Wren o1 what to expect if caught in
flagrant deiittn, so in • rnomont, pa!
act goes the candle, sad in goes his terror by an extremity of borate
ghtetship to bed The was bot for • moment. With s
Now whether the dream had gods Wri.g like that of • wild at on his trey.
the wont! he minter who woe holding
my grandfather reached the window.
His friend, it is needless to my, was not
long behind bis*. Witi net • th..njht of
the roma turned simsleseeeeely. Lan-
greR+ cannot paint the look of to two
faces. For • mosre.t Obey seemed spell.
booed, as ehoegb held is the silence of
mm drowsy Nem* poems that beaky in
a remarkable degree) of whether ay oatn
int had heigtttiarnd my naturally sleepy
astute, 1 cannot vouch for, bet what -
weer toe tense. 1 moat almost inattsntan- their .ecks *her le,pt affrighted to the
..e&y bare fallen idem. I ,1144 greed. Up to this morass imdeoite-
peered thvnegh $ sexy century of half bi..111 W aessaised mem ; het no osseet
eras..sd ammo when 1 w•ss seek- did haemal• eeevisseed rel their gennra
Gild by s to ri.esabliag • cat's clews retreating k..t.Mes than with a fatal
Tho spare when you are young that you ,
speed when you are old.
To (tear little triali patiently that you j
may learn haw tot bear great otea,
To be salt -reliant and toot take tool
wrath advice, but rather depend upon
To keep alive in your breast that little
spark a celestial bre called couecisaea
To learn to say m. ; it will be of more
service to rot that, to be shirt to read
To do all the good you an to the
world sari make u little Daae about it as
The distressing; paleness s., often oh -
served to young girls and women. is doe
in a great (treasure to a lace o1 the rod
earp..eles in the blood. To remedy
this requires a medicine which produce.
these necessary hill. blood onnetituewa,
nod the best yet discovered is Johnson's
Tnnie Bitters. Priest 50 ernes, snot $1
per 'tette at Chitties dreg stere, Alhi..n
block, Godes ieh. Rote agent. i h i
A anon acts dishosoratily when he
dere not make sactiliae, to pay his delta.
promptly . when he attempts to rare
the market prig on another borer
when be oath holo. tit• market pries to
get away bio customers; when he is on• ,
easeful; of furors ; when he dose not
allow bis clerks and dependents t.. share
in ba prosperity ; and in all mess when
he d.ws nets ahich if thnrnsghIy
endersto d, would toad t o lower him is
.we estimation of hes customers Ur
EV y. Tod man.
"Raeder," is infeelefielt era elft rlfti.
wottderital remedy for Osgbs.
Asthma, Broachitu, CuasomptionC,Ist
all sffectioru of the throat sad lurreti N
feel that we are doing you a gest kiwi -
sue, as if you !tare any of the t►h.,s
ouwplaiuts, it you sill..nly try ti we will
gasraotse satisfaction in every use or
stony refunded. Ask for McGregiors
Cwipwtud. Price else ager $1 per
at Rhyme' Dreg titor (3)
Harpers' Bazar
r,er'.awaiting'awaiting' the ctwtrest rat
«fence sad lams st dlustratte•s w,1
the latest sad the moat useful tastily
reeding. lie •toeia,yuerss. and essays are *I,
the beet writers, sad. ire humorous annulusare ttsauzpwed. Its mopes* ea encu. et*
greets, decorative ars. eaten midi
its brsaebee, osutier , etc., melte it la
Nyle is every ►eus.0014. 11.It pAGtul tub
um-Wanestd pettrraa..cet wtpppllwrente a
ratty opts ladies to save t ime• cat of own
sertptu.s by being their owe dsenmsshw..
Not s liar s .dt..inrd to its auras lain
could dawn the most Aatkt.euapiste.
Ka rasa
HARPbI1 MAttt3Uit. I0
UARPILR'ri N'tt Kt.Y M
RARY. One Tear t32 Nambaws.-Wel
HARPp'1r`t It AVM' ' EttIWI.Oa. 'far alb
Nowhere) Yes
Po.tape !roe t. n:! ..,L r: its cs fa tie LP* rd
States and Cowan.
The "olume+, of the Mazar beta with the
first Number for twittery of *son year. Whom
*o time i. m.ntinaeo, en1ceiptturr• 5111 br
gin wish the nutt,ti.r curn•at at toms of n.
coign of osier.
U.t..rrd Valens.. of llsrppeeorr's Imaar, for three
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b' a.ri1, p,.Naw paid. or by t.presa Ices of
capeuee'pr•o%idea. the t4niga duel 0041 =NM
71 01 ler ve:eooei tot d celpot rolt ule-
t'loth t'ast• dor each Volume. s,gaNe ter
among. wet Ise .cut by email, puatpalA, ua ro
ccipt of al OO w. L.
ti.aa.Nl•t.tr..tweldLe made by PostOMee
Maury u...sr of ltr:.tt. to arvid ahas
ate of lo
nn eaapers ever not 1, wpm race
asst a:is .sat else ••ryre.s arts*, a( tlA7u'itta t
tistvrae.as. Adores.
f1.tt:P1 R 1< finOT1flentP,
New \ uric.
fiarper' s YoilligPeople
iram. toilet Pectus Irma bees celled
'ice Model o1 she a periodlcol fur young
hilderes. cbt tt. be.' and the J•M ice of thew
c..asren4,i um is spryly s11,1u1:,,.1 bf ere
larye ci'tutatfor is ere attained at home sad
.ttitres tritalm_ This saw.osaJys hose
reechod fa boob 'de t:ist most comtpeed
ihenno,re• to the fa•Jseer nit or Prams. se
les own to the 1o.. ut chrtdnro-psrsely. ►y
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aril utita.nod a to p B-
ride the best awl moss attractive reading for
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As epitome of everything that Is attraealve
mad dw►ra.le ie Jarman,.ue-
A week:y feast of moot things to the toys
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TERMS Postage Prepaid, 12 JD Per Year.
V.I. VIII. commences Nevemher 2. 130.
1it:ettx.r N^Yislnt roe Coate each.
Remittances .ituuld o_a :na.1, 'y r oat. (Man
Many Order sr Matt.to avoid chMd• of ism
Nersaraaws arc rata twos Uig miscues
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. tut F•1 W
Aro pledgee% b. Salm musk their oWS
tor .t/ '. , e a s.eI. .:mare, rte.. eft V Z O 2.
deoan er et ..ear is GULL.. or tt ttsllla ,
It c'
Its wear, ea be en':
ILan of the iron of tre.sarwa R at t••- •
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mrd fur thorn' 3. 'Vans, cwt gt r.., to a ,ere
.aware, 5014,11541,4 aattahnt.a. 'r .y .t
Tits ser is Tits w..s* They eee.r tire, ,
and lees many yesn enteral *Num,.
ase eau aT
Yates &
A Rswa*s—lM alas dnaen 'Tote 11111
KY" to any ewe ambmq the best four Iis-
r'hywt. ua ' rammer, ' etre reetarkahle
little Om for the Teeth sod Nth tisk 1
or lemettett or *Meese
UMW 111110 wwr:aarst
an *sum
OF TIN *NW,M r 111%
DNP frE14
.t e. to. a
!s Ma.e:u imd Narrow Reg f, �1$URN m ■ �
LAW OM. r.NUt.•ND fi. L & aa, P.0 .6„„,
este te•arw. l hnrrtrti $ 1Ji A • ,an .
eaw.rien with sari ethos arm he I •—��
Jo.. t Ihr. tun .a at e!.a.A,. .s rfflt.t, PRICES REISQNl1lEE IT S'ISL