HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-4-1, Page 2SAN JONES.
eery ..a .adm.t..e ho. he e.. he
imide! ; bet I caulusdentaatl why yen
pear lune tools should be .idose fur ,.,firriall• Other Things- I VOW SIM r Did
11111bla *bait Chancier &ad Vo- ou sop., "ales osa I lisIbmo anr
an "gore
Na bs�bne i T.Ik mMg shout lies fresh the Grito 1� De nfifi�s deseie-
bi..., tbtiee'o Ins se Cheyi• ss is ad 1 John A. am/ Probst 1eiiw have
t . opSeir.ss d atalaee, W hvoesinowed iNp who've get oethil♦t b • Mae eanniN tin 'sentry ! Mflm.117 for stir
Hrgat>1a.w and ftegws• - ates*.s..e bib mutton the toes. d Jahn deputies spoiled esodgh
deewrl Meet, amt tls.h.
their s, iastwd of bp'e►Ithrodertag
. rim"' billets in the Grit divisive et fie nt-
�w the aasslia bar. otebets whisker owell to the devil fromItssiiiiiiii,_
hat to
Josses legs M ter.* Jobe White M apparent
Bats Jos s small ems, dark, mar- his ►sola (Mr W. W. Ilimasoytr Item Most Twigs
Then Wu ll alemilel the
woes lookies w -net at all dosed is -"Anel to bio j Twim with the �dkime at NNt-
His w bask sad ,.• ��•� oui flee vwfciiotas >tamesl �artioif
appsarsaes• eye ty Bet Samuel, who is learned i• the law,
deeply narks, ; he has the sepiere de city isn't religion. I've often
termisod Iewer jaw d • pagtltet ; his hoes oilman in hie ; but l west to a "•' sowiti.se ng o tea .htle ti* rtMors-
tmehese is std ewpact. His sirnog s one o.se*rtoa ►n panoral iatuoae*
Mew doctor and he always laid w 1 ind so as untimely e•'The fight u
mei ypwrsse sad apeeoh neo those of liver dames. Keay ponying think they East Hadton ,1,-;.,7- been g.tna, ua for
• tired, overworked man ; bot occsaior- have rot relIRieu, end they only hate salty ,ears for ,eshjss," ..id bo, to abs
alloy he warms op iso s burst ul s.ergstic liver doges••.
•tad "ties whisk is all the sine The best ides that come people have.( G,lding to.e , Meows. when
"w'o•o been
vu basal of the awtr•at, Mr • church is that it's nothing more'• • not going
woo, sed she* you win count
Shoe' oratorical style » the erasaoe of match factory to famish crutches for not 11OTIs o sit down white auunt ..
dilMwgoidism He simply talks to b» them to .Isms with. out. The Government will have rose
aadieocs as he would to flu ur ewe in- A moan �'t it to preach the gospel eking worse thea the Northwest rebel•
dietitian it priest* ; then » oe attempt who, would milker du anything else tbao you
this plea toes oil. And . me
et "him" oratory. Mr Jus.. does not preach the limpet
yon follows m IM ting, you count ase
4il/� - alas= : hs make ens of .1 freely ; The grwtect ft God ever beotowsd out, youroIe ill the jell tau full of you
h' Iiaot, his remarks an seldom ire from upon a *immunity is • church with a that feet will stick use of the woo-
dt, Ne public speaker ever treated Ito. good came preseh.a who. afraid neither "vena - -
Mai m with more fo.iliarit/ ; he talks of eau or demo. Amid the greatest
M them with the ut-hand freedom sad curse on • community u oto of those
=ssfta'id of an add friend ; lis eves puny. poor, little, pusillanimous The Went Heron Reformers have made
them somatists. -and they like pristine' who's afraid of hurtiojpeopb's op their ended. that Mr Porter shall mot
4. He uptake very deliberately, •.d tooling.
Eons, �MMtag pause* is order togas. ►» I'm one of those who believe in every
time to digest an unw.usm
lly word of the Bible. 1 take it all io,fromm001g mesrtios ur audacious lid to 1141. I've s.► patience with those
slots•, (o* wont of hos mom is his preachers who cosy half-b.iieve, who se-
audseity : lis looks his sadism* an the iect some things to behove ane puss over
tem cad calls them hard names with the other.- who gas shand to prose! s
*any emad.so* of • spirituel oetifemor brimstone belt h'"...a they can t believe
who is imtiustely scgoainted with the it all and preach it a11, they sight to
sive sad weaknesses of each man woman step out of the pulpit, end take to some
before his. Aoo•h.r ave of his power thine alao
is hie *video% sincerity. Nobody who True mange is •Iveys directed by
ban him can doubt that he believes principle. Principle must be founded en
what he .ys, wren when be indulges in *mooching. Hell is bottoesl..s.and them -
what seams to be hyperbole and wi1f.1 fore then u nothing tboro10 tumid prin.
et*gtontiau. For iaotuoe, it is impus- eiple an,
allots to doubt h» siaserity even when It is not the liquor -sellers slope who *bey rear Elm.
he denounces cler6ymen for not preach• aro guilty. Great guilt lista on the -
jag "s binastoos hell," and manta that men who give the lienee& God will The Foss Puss generally devotes an
three who grant liquor 'amass, as well pot the whole shebang of them in hal article daily to the oboes of M. C. Callo-
w those who sell liquor, .re guilty, and together, eros. In this respect it hat follows the
'7God will put them all into bell togwth- If all the church members in this city exempla et other Government organ&
ore." would vote sue way, you could do away If Mr (..•res had not wounded • M.
alashlect of the loiters was "Char- with the liquor traffic in ilsmilton. boodle*, they would notdaily sear! sad
aim- emd Chsteeors," It was apt fe Remember, s majority of one would do i'wb AIM teeth •t Is They mil him
roach a lecture as • sermon, but it w. ,t- Amines Comoros. The slam* it is
washy eatetaioing as well aspruiteble 1 f I was a liquor aelkr Td like ooth- a Mr CammlmA is sot 101•11(l1* Omni frith ae the foundation of in better than :o *ease to such a nim hie two posmhe n sits*
Ahmasisr ; then, building ou fsitk, there city. Hamilton andgec a license from Waling the t AMoAMtdai same. 1. then
* sold be placed courage, then *now. the Pr.•byterian elde., and Baptist any man who sten not done what 1[r
lodge. then t*mperaoce, then patience, desmons, and Methodist local preachers Cameron charted against hire( Not es..
then brotherly kindness, and lastly, . who might be aldermen. Asd .her I The Free Pross knows it. It is bosom
the key -atom of the arch, charity. 'dere dtd I would get fay wife to pot the thane charges are true and unanswerable
me some .1 his pithy and original things limo.as in my oo>liu so that I meld use that Mr Cameron is reviled. He seed
he said . 'em . evidence at the Lel day ; sad I not tan for abuse from such a quarter.
I am in 'sympathy with humanity. I would show them and soy, "Ben, I Rot He has dna" his duty. Me has given to
lore all men. I also Love all women jest permission to eel weiskey from respect- the 000ntry voidable service. H. has
as mooch as my wife'1I let tree. I love able man- Christian* - church mem- let light into the dark recesses d the
everybody. I feel like the buy felt when bon ; tbay tan o DLw, out me'" Administration, sad for this he meld
his sweetheart said she'd have him --as t;usetimoa I gee nice ladies in Wsatd. not expect prone from those who were
if 1 had torching agen anybody in the 'once corning uptheir at me in loading themselves with public pleader.
whole world. scorn. When posse soe that I fed Ilko my. The country seeds has services or the
I fen as if I'd like target all you men Ing, '•The devil's got a mortgage on that floor of Parliament, and then we hope
on this platform and hug you. And you num of yours, ,hater --and pretty moo be will agile Dern he to tarry terra ia-
weoeo-if 1 could get yea up her•..I'd- he'll gel the whole gal." to the hearts of his enemies.-Lomdua
got my wife to hug you. I know fellows who can .pa sic seven ! en
I doa't believe in waiting till we die languages, sod et can't 'peek bye min- Mr M. C. Cameron, Use arch mosey
M tet to heaven. I m willing to have sten without telling Wt • dosen lima of the buodlen in 'the last Parliament,
ammo of my heaven down here, and In I'd rather hatcher the Queen's English was defeated by Mr Robert Porter in
Clod reserve the h•lance for the Ennio as I do, and speak the truth, than speak the recent conte: in Wet dares. At
These people who like to sing shoot mean languages and tell lies. a Reform convention, held in Goderieh,
happiness "away over yonder," seldom The doomed foal is the most disgust- it was decided to protest the electi•,n on
have Enoch heave. to their hearts. ing sight I ever taw in fay lite. Cukor' the grounds of corruption and intimi.
What I my tonight as agoing to b.per- io • fool is like whitewash on a rascal ; dation. Mr Cameron has made himself
beret to this •diene. I may not stick it won't *tisk, but males off in .pots. tbontwgbly hated by ha oppuoente in
to my subject ; but 1.11 stick to the Clod soya "Wee to the man .bo pot- Parliament. bet it as not certain that the
crowd, kith the bottle to lin neighbor's lips"- bated of flee Ryk.rta, the Woodworth/
There's nothing better than good char- and when God says "Woe" (whwj you'd sod the Bnalbe.. u saythiag but nom
meter, and Dothan, wore than bad char- better stop. pli.oat•ry. Mr Cameros was a mend
aster. (done character is to have the member. -Montreal Witness
libels mac in harmony with God and Shakespeare's sayings.
1111114. No man can bank on lois ohmic -"How are we
going to gel uero.rh
left antic every one of the tea summand- rho power of Sbakepeare urge the, nor spring and eomo»r's work 1 We
meets i• eel to music in his soul. public is shown by the extent t which ere all von down, tired out, before it
The ailaotions are at the hese of char- h» Iso begins." Be say many a farmer's family
Aim; if you toll me .hat you leve and phrases. end eves live • s, have be We answer, try Ayer's Sartaparill.
what you hate, I'll tel you what your acme inosrporatd into our language. This is jet the medicine you need, and
ammeter is. ♦ming then are "beg and bageag.,•' will pay compound interest on the
I believe in liberty Bat when ••load as • dour nail,' "bit or miss," money it code To -
• Moa steps over the line that "love is blind,' "sella for • song,"dI
, vides liberty from license be becomes "leido world," "fad ands'"memo g,ywr, •emeea
$ siva "Liberty to preach the gen- soured tattles," "westward hs,..
Pei i" "Bean* to sell whiskey." Don't "familiarity breeds contempt," "p.teb-
you sea the difference ! ing op excuse.," "mimeo makes sow
1 hest.,* in Ubmty of thought ; hot I bedfellows," to boot," tin a trade
don't hallo.. in freetbong t. Free- ,chert and Min of it,•• "mob your Lir
thought may develop into free lova If with • three-leged stool," "doming st-
yes •dew year wife to be "frosty" made tesdasms," "pltsag awes," (rsvarte)
1Ne le by smother mw, the first thin, "birds of s teethes," "that's fat,"
poo knew she's res away with hies. "(peek to me," (usintelligesee) "pack -
A masa mid to me nom : "Jones, I ter $ jury," "mother wit," "killed with
dad mat dil le.hy in loving say net,h kindsees," "roes" (for einem.) "ill wind
bur as I love myself." I said : "1 find that blows so god," "wild gown chase"
no difficulty o0 that mors." "How is ".pope-cpow," "1oggago,•• .•row of pins,"
that 1" he .abed. I mid : "About f•nr- (ass mark of vats.), "viva rose," "give
• teen years aro I got a good Moan hob sed balm," "sold•' (is the .ay of • joke),
at myself, sod Mom that time i haven't "yoar oak. is dough." The girl who
mom • roan I didn't think more of than playfully eels some youth a "milksop,"
no 04f . .sa
Belt -Imre is the .et thing a eon 0000seeioes quoting 8hskeapssre,
and even "halKarlwd" is of the same
Twos is freedom, end freedom is love. orjpin. "Extempore" is Ent foetid a
11 you want to be a free man, fall in love Shakespeare, sea •e are oalusa•e."
with everything in the onivene, sod out lh.kespear. is the forst author that
of lore with yourself. speaks of "the mea in the moon," or
I never hear one of these independent emotions the potato. or seas the term
lal.ws boast ah.out his freedom that I "eyesore' for a**oya
dual think I bear the devil's eheos n►- _
1111! on him ; for he's one of the devil's • pstna.res Iavestry.
ohms -gang, and wren ha chains from -
lkosday morning till Saturday nivht. Let ooi saggat to the Ontario 00,-
A mac once told me that mitoses had ernmset an idea concerning forestry. Csad.tsetitsJ.ba
d s evored than d
meant a hell. 1 asked ere is no question that tree dentine
him, "When was the expedition ..at . badly weeded end !hough some pro A TrTL. doe not always accompany
thew* to lind cot 1" gram is being .made surely it would be sound jodsoioot rhe Duke of W.st-
Infldeltty is nothinr more than a In adviashie t.. ...spotlit.. ...novo The re mister, who owed to be • Littoral, rw-
eomotiv. "introit s drop of water in then 1 ports n.d r forn.••.on Mr Phippsohtaiu. cantle sold in a fit 4 apses, a .*Is.hle
viler or $ /fain of and in the tender ' sod cir•1■eon un el....in d., • areal deal historic picture of Mr Glad. -ma Neter
"W►•t an you goist to do 1" "N.... 1 of reef, hot a.. i •...t weseth.,, .My the work of .rt as. readily per•
bag." "Where see yrs. s'.ingt' "No Ianril.i., 1...d.6.t 1 What if the Gom a►a.d by an edmira' of the British
where." it's root for seething hot to I segment were to love the 1 -renew branch statesman, and now his grass is .sgry
just stand on the track sod keepofb.r ' .n sppr..tr.etto.. soli •.e..t so obtain • Ween.s all the wnpid u Iaughins at him
tormott,es from ps.si.g. Thank God, pious of vn.nnd iso a..ue .wieaM. locality, Mr Gladstone toned the tabes Overtly
we have side troths to torn in ..n,... , secure the n.-tt.•es.ry .-ed, nose many wpm the Duk. of Weetmisister, by 1* -
Go all round infidelity, and what do miftl..0 .4 yowler uteri. and send thorn gradating the r.pnet that it was dorm
you End behind it 1 N..thine 11 . ' when .1 po.p..r rho, t.. all f.r,w.n thr ne, spleen. send proforma to hoboes
resod Christianity, sea what do you .i'li.•1 to pl•.. th..w Thu a the way that the Doke lass s little heed op for
bawd f Ifn.�itak, asylsts., amduuse, to touch the •,frit,, tonal heart. Ofive m end th �•ttht this portrait eras
e" -hoot.,' boles - gond sad he- your (.homer •.•,ue. htnw .n Land, send if owe e1 the serest .4 his
r.vdet.t isetitutiewe of all hie& he doe, ie.' tel" .t • hp are nut would er.rroauaI assn, p•s.aailions whish
Christianity is engaged io mak ime he. rtgnarot••d .ilk 1u.,, W. showed w --- ...t*wsaabs'1 Idea.
mashy better, as.f.rti'tg the snrr,wf.l, the e.td . P.M .• Oke maga and O. e. s. -Aa W. rtae a,Aer. Few moa bees scwtmpliesed the aame
media, the skit. eheSring floc nisi, re tow .rerar,.em. - ..los ...o I.be the noes." "My hoeksad was er.sbl.d with amu.st of .oak send good Iwo this w( •!.i
InviteehdOlei the is ressed.islidel same for the Tur..ntr. Tele.• d • for rime thea how years. as the ehav ted Dr Chess. Over
hrplw What's iaidelh, deisg 1 Fight 1 -
len, eitr stiatiity. That shah r .-i . too- k so little d mond. m W. diesnares fid eta an Cawed.00,000 d him works hate boles all/ is
infidelity a unthaws m.r. them w al ' may some the f •• -remote: .4 • w.m iNi Bitter sheds we tr..hh slwithess. . wart miry pe Dye
elir.ea .sea d Worm taIt. Mani Woad sf 13evdtt*b )Rood itittilso; he sok trsuItl*d with Liter Cotaplaiut, Dye
/he with � that may 1... feat A •...1 .h» matt by nary two bottles and now ie as well as Headset's, Kidney se Uriny
gross log maths and woe Use toile hike taking Ayer'. Clear, Presort, toe heel ever, said drains heavy vow* en the 'boobies, to haw • bottle l:f Dr Chase
tadpoles. AN mssoh 1 I remedy few ea..ta, ••w.f•e, ave.rite, time." Mrs Rieh•ri
Nair tsrw.l) has wh ww it will ism pm. Illedielee
a meathy. He I beshitia. ineapw...r r.-w..onptinr., asst (bot R R R tom veer the w+ es salrSteely' Hoek `1 Sold by an
flea age • sighs hr hos imam I ms • all Maes three and loom Immo lame ed Arson diapepr 1 irellrm•
www Ttaeudtla
Never avenge as Icy.
-- - _� .
1 ei. a a neon am. 1111.111.11 • Radom wt*. : '''s . v" , 0
Mrs Areas Meek, ul Ovine, 0m1.4 The completion is often readiest es-
says, ''''Por ate years i ►are Items • by Peoupley Liege Mptlps soul
Whoa you tory tulbnusity, don't nee a seams trots ypep• a acid tedsew. Those it is well keno are
.i..* op over its AWY vera I mde el llardoek al hues on heMive Liver acid bad
We should he adirrsud to AMA what IMMIllw. was auAihet hotter : 1 shoo bled Dr. Cbsee'e Liver Corit purities
we w sahateed to do. borealis them woe •end it owed .m.. ' 'S the bin.d std whole pets•. tee Ko
1 Dever weeder to ams seta looked. M"sercif, Book low toilet recipes. hist. imei
Convalescentleu o;. "Noe that list W
bot I oho* woody Wve ethem out athe read ovesy, deMor, 1
fl m w o ►regm's twwtt/ the
ashamed. Yoh you wry .. w•U tout is yogis tot ••l•Isblub• Neftel by 1 Wilrw, druta
Complain is the jewel tribute V iidon : Not yet, aft I treat to
Heaves sod the ....asst part •. say risk M W relapse. An umaid summate that she. mos
of nor+-- break their Assorts it is the sane ea'whea
W. Winton emosgb religion to melee T. reaped a' ray hairs, r.I.eoaily your r lobster brc•k• tee .4 w ulnen•-•seN-
toot among% to make tan
_.----sr aia.t.Wsomaaudla(yjy mot tib no--
love one title low.
Weal ■awn.
represent tae oonstituoncy, and Mr
Comecon shall. Flory know that Mr
Canner* was defeated by most foul
mess., sod they are resolved that the
law shall be 'indicated and judice dose
in the promise&
We oommeed the spirit exhibited by
electors of West Huron. If Mr Porter nom
os won bfair s it would have
boon most improper to him in the polo
minion of his east ; but those who prac-
tice oorrept methods should kayo ones
for ell that they cannot be slk.wed to
enjoy the fruits of ill-gotten victory. -
Londun Advertiser.
In view of the peewit lively interest
in Russia, the readers d the April nom-
btr of Bsrpor's M.pnsiss .i11 enjoy the
attradiye article by Ralph Meeker, en -
tit ad ' Throsgb the Oaeaeaus.e Mr
M.., 'r •ketches a visit to the most un-
familiar melees is that asomaloos
realm dung the esitil.oat el the Iota
war between Resaia e:.-1 Turkey. He
whoa that "no eoeMry having rsilwap
sod telegraphs is so liatis kaows .. Roe
ata Every typo et dnlimit1.o mad evoey
grade of barbarism are found within its
boosdarias" The illostratinss are by tis
author's follow -traveller, F. D. Millet,
and are espttally dose. The onsdosios
of the article will appear io the May
nu mbelir.
whom eve sneer U...
The chief danger from taking cold is
its liability to locate opo miss in-
terns' onta., oil the long., the pleas,
the brosebisl passages, ata Hagyrd's
Pastoral Balsam loosens and breaks op
the mold, allays irritation and often pre-
vents car eons p.Imon•ry aompl sista. 2
While isatik the great reconciler, Sas
acme, it is never nor tenderness that are
repeat of. but our severity.
Ambition often pots men upon doiau
the meaoeet oboes ; so climb/ug is per-
formed in the same posture as ar..p.sg.
The latter part of • wise man's life a
take* so in °wring the follies, prej.dto.e
sok false oponies. be had contracted an
the former.
The must ab'www.d thing in maters is
the taco that swine abroad, and imus
feuy whoa it raters. to the lap of a tss-
der, sup ems family,
Whoa we meet with little enastivas
incidents of life, by which our quiet ie
too often disturbed,it will prevent many
painful se estios. if we only consider
• w inaigsiiosnt this will appear a
tweirs- month bona.
Be brief ; for it is with worth as with
sunbeam., the morn they are oondsased,
the deeper they bora
Fight hard against a hasty te.pr.
Anter will moms, but resist it strongly.
A 6t of poems tsps give you canes to
mourn .11 the drys d your We.
A man violates the 1aw of ho•or when
he take advantage et another's ua.kil-
fulness or iaezperienos, or the techni-
calities of the Lw to impose on him.
If one only wishes to be happy, this
could be readily aasoaplished ; bat we
wish to be happier than other people
and this is almost always difficult, for
we believe ethers to bo hippies thou
they are
Never be cast down 11 frits Make
up your stud to de • thing. sod yon
will do it. Fear eel Y e Irissble mamba
ipoo you ; keep wage spirits
the day be a dark 11 the seep
going down, leek Op at the star,
"Then is We greet mmentaine h the
world," ways some writer,'' a
of missry and a mosist•ii .r 41tiwa
Every use of ss are bendy etegt>,d • in
carrying loads fres one of then Mem-
tains to the other."
Werth Ilessatusberlap.
Ivory inspiration of the lows, every
p»e*-throb of the heart, every weep .d
the arm -eves oar eery th.sgh:e as
they sped throe.* the brain, all create
mw.r that most he minstantly removed
if then is o be that Inantffel harmony
d (emotional effort whish aosstiostes
heath. Nsturi a remedy is the son
and asroeotly wise os*, of expelling,
by prupar purgation, the boson which
muse disease, and Dr Pierce's "Pleasant
Purgative Pellets" are nature's great
ally in the cure of digestive di.turbesoe
and an unfailing remedy for eonstipa-
tiou and its perni.io.. elects.
Time -Tarim .r Mdse•.
Potato.., half an hour, unless small,
when rather kss
Peas and asparagus, twenty to t wenty-
6ve minutes.
Cabbage avid cauliflower, tweoty•6ve
minute to half an hoar.
idtrieg beans, if alit or died slantwise
and thio, twenty-five minute ; if osly
snapped across, forty minute,
Green ours, twenty to twenty-five
man otos.
Lima bean., if vary young, halt an
hour ; old, forty to forty five Entocta
Carrots and turnips, forty-five minutes
when young ; urs boor is winter.
Beets, one boor in summer ; one boor
and a half, ur eves tad' boors, if large,
is winter.
t Oaioos, medium size see hour.
R.1. -All vegetables to go into fad
boiling water, to be gamily brought to
thew boiling Feist again, not left to deep
in the hot water baton hotline, which
toothless them sad destroys color and
This time table mod always be rein -
looted by the boor st which the stent .ill
be done, says feed Hes.isrpity. If the
meet should have to wait i.e montes fur
the vegetables, there will be $ loss of
icooetaaity, bet the diwoer will not be
damaged, but if the megaliths ars done,
end wait for the meat, your dinner .i11
certainty by mach the wars. ; yet, so
g eneral ie the endow d ism -boiling
vegetables or potting thew to seek in a
haphazard way, somewhere shoot the
timvery many he damage.7'b o not re-
minimld very
tly see the sopa- ontyt eangeby.e
test smoked the right time, but would
•ttribste it to genie superiority d the
article itself, that they are fresher and
Seer, not lowering that the finest and
fr.giest, improperly conked, are little
better than the peer ones.
Then have been many remarkable
eery of deafn.ss reported from the cos
4 Tallow OIL The proprietors of this
msdteino have a Lege sandier d seek
1sti.svmials. It is the great household
remedy for pain, islamstioa L.eoess,
and es of (teary desampti
mimeson, and
ens be used interest', and externally. 1
If wa are In trent mea as tf they were
honer than they aro, we meet, trot d
all. mad not the hest thirq in those, sad
brise them ca the heat. Datil we on
teat we are tomo in a amditaow to ledge
them sorr.elly, mesh lame to help of
to boasit them.
To Mick to your npinnen hof'y're imes plow.
one, .Ilowiw, other., of tonne, the IMO
privilege t...tiek t.. then,.
'-is.ee tire••$• Da, be !i/feeed"
11 you (1•. 0.4 heed the earrings .d
tore and at once toy w,t.uiI..rs to the
maanta.wnc. 4 your hock How ..f'.s
we ere w person put off from day t.. day
the potencies of • rnedtciue witch if pro -
cored at the noisiest •.1 a disease would
have resettled it Ammo imrneehately
Now if Jobnston's Too» !Ter Pill. had
boon tads, when the Gist usewuw
.made its appoaranoe the i11ee.e w.wld
bare hoes "nipped i.1 the hod." John-
sons Tonic Bitten and Lover Pills are
decidedly the heat medicine on the mar-
ket for gen"rho) tonic sod invigoratin,
properties. fills ?Arc per battle. Hitters
60 tent. •'.d Sl per bottle, wales hy
Goode the druggist, Albion block, rale
agost (bl
Hslrper's Magazine
Sore Eyes
The ryes are always le sympathy with
the body, and alord ma timeliest Wes
of Its email/on. When the eyes Weems
weak, sed the lids lo4smed sod sere, K le
so evidence that the system has betimes
disordered by 1erefel., for which Ayer',
Sarsaparilla h the beet knows remedy.
Scrofula, wkieh predeesd a paishol 10-
ismoalan in .y eyes, eared me much
ter a member d years. By the
.4,1.• .e $ piydrlso 1 e*.sase.d taklsg
.ddikgm.etla tots
ic1.. s short time I.w eo.phtely
Xy eyes are new Is a splesdt 1 eesdkbs.
and Ion es well mid slim sen WNW.
Mrs. concord, N. S.
1M1r a ember of year I was
with a Wiser. > y eyes, sad was
to ethic my repo( Quail 1
ming Ayerle Sarsaparilla. hes . complete con � I
it o th
be e beet et Weed purgers. -
C- L tiptoe, lliehea,1N. B.
Frees childhood. and until withal a tow
as.I t, 1 bays bete ,45cted with Weak
shod Mrs Dyes. I have used fes toms
seespikatat with 1t.seleW maks, Ayer'.
Bareeportli., oad emitter k • greet West
purger. -Ms. C. Maps, Glover, V t.
I mewed for a year with F----'-
510 is .y Mfr eye. Three sleeve termed
ezaZbso11, depriv' me of sight, sod
peat pods. After trying many
ether miedke, ons perms., I w.lastly
bduce.i to use Ayer. Sars.paritla, and,
By Taking
three ',cute. ut tt.o medicine, latve been
esttrely cunt. Ny sight has been re-
stored, sad there le so sign of :.Lome
dap sere, or akar ka . eye. -Kendal
T. Deem, 8.gmm Tree Ridge, Ohio.
les years old
wi �'. }s So ye,.' was Dorian
iyt_1'.._ y�.sn�e__tlr erver.wIt*� eI
os es ealle but with �o of s
=11.i primedwhisk a bons of Ayeee Mr-
heWiMr s . M umd tttsee resteitel, .4
sew Met stisely at . briniest tight wkh-
esut -. - Her esue is eempMb. - W. L
, Evangelist, Shelby City, Xy.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Te*aret by Dr. J. C. Ayer h Co., Lowell, M.
11611 141 all Drawba• J'rt.. el, .0 b•IMM, Gs.
1 l-l.I -STH ATLD.
itarpee's Mapaise dsrtag tart; .411 mannas•
• newel of ..It.Mw petunia. eortat, and re
m.ak intermit rnu$ihd Narita' • story M
Hessian life- bl iiatlk.-n 1Y7me.rs ; • sow
seri. meekd, "A yell tt pea' y W. D.
Hewell*: "Soetioru *ketches,` ► (1•rie.
)N1ry Werner ort Rebr.-, eld *15,1.,
Ilfa.rnste.d by Willies's Usmlltoa 110. ;
-Great Amwrlra• Ind...*Iis.'ostl.s•d :
oeeW etostws," M ler. R T. sly further
artkke .n the Railway Probbst by owtpr
est writers; new .eriws of tIts lrali•a. y
K. A. Abhp) oast Alfred Parses•; articles by
L. I'. itue ; send Nb.,, .Itrsetlisoa
114R1'KR'! Il1ZaR 91
wits ER'„1 )11-4U.IZINK. 40
11.4 RPR'tt YOUNG I el
U4RPICR't Plum XX .EJif
Oen Tsar Of Nsa'Ibius.,irgg .. MAE
el car Castuabone
Pomo rriii a d sebeesibw Iti the t3sM-
'I he Tdasrrs of the 7M.eaasm bet VIM
the . nbee her June •M
myear. Whew iso
s•dense.d that the
beau. with the meow Su
red Vahuses.f H.ttrsn's1if1i. L ter
three pram hack. 1. swot doth Mie�sm wilt
be sent by mall, possaid, os se :3 es
per rduaa, (loth flews, for 000est. /e
Gents each -by wall. s.sIMid.
telex 1. Hwsews'.1laasm.R A
Aualytkal. amid Cl..tMd, ler Vr� 1 t•
Cts, IwrhaAe, Irmo Jam. 1M*. to tea IM6
sae vel-. (roe. Cloth,Ot
Reoltt•nces showld be swaths by Past•dIce
Dewey Order or Draft. to avoid aware or
Newspapers err not t. *ape this •ilverfosr-
mod wi1.t the repress seder ef H.tVta
anornma Xew iIME.
P Weekly
To the Woad Grimm of - the tiorrewndiwy
Ws hb Country
wthat we are prepared to take
per Wo.l to
or roe into nsezeohreef4orewo.gs.rtotrelwok
Grey or hump.
Shirting.__ -Grey or Check.
Cloths -Tweeds or Full Cloths,
Leight or Heavy.
Flannels -White, Grey, Colored,
Onion, Plain or Twill.
Str+okeotiinngggs-�rn or Narrow
Clouded or in Col. may.
Carpet Warps made to order,
Or ewR01.s ter this work PPM M so. -
W. will es4.•wer 1* meet amen te de
t the day It is brseskt in, if rewired.
Coosa. sptastag mad Real. 1st car
ton Q,R mane car M, Prod g, car seft t.let,
Wears ea pennon to N afire* K etas
less weak. s.artb demi v s .t teems
thin, :ad we will `eanasrn to tor yet telly
� k a-• Ifat hatter thY w u es
Asa .spnettagy 11.:t.e.
loos Sad Weeks Wil
Cede rias ISk, w
Dewew. =Owe sadt, 'd,ti"
ked gradually vel i wusbireim ..
b en r nasi -{,.a Ira see mioft the ne
Mum d lias*Lst Ly &the
Nmm•e1k, eerfiA'lrwsseme„
0 :wren amt! w vasty
Harpers weekly ..al•talas its pasitlas as
the Iua•dtag tfaatr•sed .s.. mer rqmer
tae :and Hs Mid sopa Pelee esteem mad em•
Meteor .as never orgasm than at the grew
est now. Dallas the tierces. Maven's
Weekly always esst•tas jortakoests d ear.
secaaMad•waly .f two, of the ban amen of
the day. fsely lllaw..t.d. wish short swim.
poems. Sweetie/Laud papers es lmporiaat ear -
men tepee by Itb.. popahor goiters. The
ease thatMa her. swoaa.as/alb .sanded in
the past le tisk. Vatter*, Weekly • sets as
Mt se • w.L.am. vliter es every !member
wUl est be Masted la the fume.
Pee Veer t
4/1It). owe Year or s.har.ja...
HARPiarc RANDY RLs..JF-ht, Oat Twee
IN Nwellerai.. ... ..... ..... akar
Fustae, Are to all s*Asrrilnro to the tun -
se atatsa or Co este.
The Thieves N the Wezetr beets with t1;.
first Number ter Nissan of each year. Whom
ail lima is Hound. It win be nsdes1o.d
that the ssbsrribrr wish.. to oat.a*es with
the wsmbsr correct u tee time et the receipt
et order.
80111141 Totuatee of /Isarrsl5 WMR*LT, (w
three years book, is neat cloth tdsdlns, win
le mot h tial . peerage ped, m y
tree of expewer . provided the Aeight pas moa
espied one dollar per reeltmet. fir gf » per
(lath (low for noels veletas .akshle mor
Mediae. lel be sent by mail, pntelet os
reerim of IN ei esek.
Reua5l.a ... niece 15e made by Het-0llse
Mosey Order or Dalt. to avid chaste of
Keseapapers env not Pe ..par this •d,n(rav
swot aidtkinst the uproot order 0J Hearth It
dARi'l:P. ! BP.OTHIRS ICew York
1873 GRIP! 18$7
'� .n113C JOCMN*L.
esow of well laown as tat rewire
wa, ...r .t r.ther dascriptios ar pfal•e-
It Is
The Daly fannies Pape. Is t a ado.
and it ts hrolahed at .boat ONL-HALM TNR
POwDaCL of aimd
llar jouraals la the Uslt
Is sedition is heirs strictly Iip•rttal whys
they rsf.r to gym, are always es the aide
o f palrletUm and morality.
The sans is an. universal, ad
mired. /enlarged to ni mawstd N M epee heavy cess./ .sd wen-
aahsda.d paper. Tbla glees beth the es-
✓ esetap .tad the letterpress a boa tit.1
appesrases. Aad, se.teriumaad5g ibis is
Iaeser,.er t mad tmprosemwt, the pile. of
( eery M a year .morose ftwa.•. serve.
itbe pries It mosimwded whoa bat • lbw,pace•beets
Hamer we0le.t Ps/eerit, : Parrfdf(,r with-
out Portiere/Am Toth 'reknit Tw.tp,r
all i'. set be w.th,eat shit" favorite Coated
las Ohrt.oa Paper. Its price p1.rm It wtW.e
me resole e1 et.
Address th• Pelotas. oars re•-• ..
tag eft. le tree It th..wt doom., W too
re. New treoarefler.. arsollrot a 0511 r•
the paper the Plasm ret 1 acini o.. . ..
carob.►. 1R7.
An wb.e$ben to ORIP. sew oi , •.•
sUtled to s °My W the mrwn./s r• ' ••
imp! •'f'.a, 'w.7r.M 1,..0 a.,'or o no
passes Oat* ler sou L Is.pm...' -10' .
ke 1.1511..4, ow pt.waa d s o►... r.. +e'
Lot No. 668, on Viotoiia-at.
in the Town of Oode ich
Oossptad by 711011Ae ■*11711.1
TLM 1st M aMwMq it * god port of the
Town. it M. ene►.A theme" • 14 shay
hems wnb usenet tai sMM, whieb ton been
peeled homy. seal le le r pad mom el pen
a�tomoesroe07 t1 La t•- end bN
:• ch, P- -'stmlo swam ) ens old •1111001111,0011.