The Huron Signal, 1887-3-25, Page 3ir
Fresh, eery .wereread•
e Anger The reaa:ttuu of ethers faults
ThisPreshylrsry 11•W a regular roma,K
ing Its (lunars uaurcla, ItiplrY,"n the Ibth ourselves.tri lis fyro.ptrttd at Lha ' :low !i :n Battweld Bltsks Hoorn- March, atih a gond atteudaueo of the
Maid Waters Ca•>ital. � u1 tu Linton Coastltuetl:.'Ites. to
, all the .lslrrs being prtra.el,
rose a brew Nash user•
........! I and wrauy elders.
The Nava A U. Hartley, moderator,
tsa� ly
111Vttr•aah t ear.'►.• A 1 atter• Preis 1 roper N Miele npp.wd ' uccutithl the chair. 'rho minutes of last
Hliaai es $mater. 1 ata t arise ' r.....4.0“.
• .4.•tu A„• -•1..•.r stela re•, maetu.g er
ad M he re read •Ina *grained
se idleY1 r
111er• 1 The following were appointed, hy r..
- tsti'we, as cum in Weloilere to the general
Vareetho Kert gal ass (lad ten • sasembie shish u W mewl 111 W P•11.
Frogs our (•rn.p nArut
Teii hate t ere no:blotted iu the Ton..M•uIIubs, to June neat, via : Rata. D.
Wv.titaur.•r, 1). C., a4 isle ..t Way which .h.. rory� Davidson, Meir, l;alpantyue, Roes, Atte
It is now the belief ..i sea••}' !rubble • set h what • .,f ma's the Non. Rae and McI)ou■I,i. wl the represents
i•teal of the i own:retie party, reaw'n Int s'dw.• d link.They prove that he tivo side's of the following c.aagreinr
whs.w ere ""4""""•111 ealleed 1.. the ea kytr Li,.ell, I..o'v.t and honorable, tons : Wruxet•r, islitehl, Hews, Wrl-
Willie House 1.4 counsel anti advr.e. clot Lu pulite .•.1 I.nucip'es aro pure and tun, Lrugside, and Knox elturttt, Kin -
that the I'teat.luut sill ask the hftr.l4 that kr Inm•.eses the mural coureye to aniline.
1'4111:•ress to conk too. in extra .ateeim, ( l' a I
early .ii tktuhrr if tar dos. thew are
&wase) reaw• it that rill Iorotept the too
p• pular ►t' I.
It a. a w...l kw.* 11 fact that Costrea.
'eVeely e•t•t c.•rasn}Ih.n{ like rest week
until after the holiday rrceas. Il dais*
without raying that the two great parties
.n C•uiurtea silt be surcharged with putt
ttcs 11•tt year. aid that their those silt
1•e largely devoted to Pr• orient making,
Sri, untesa wort% of the important legit
- I'd km to e.•.ue bi•f.,re It. cait bo matured
at an earlier day than the c•'uree of tete
rrqu:rr .esus* w•.nld wale p••s..ble,
there would he Lot little hope for its
'Phi experience. of the peat 1...
tut. re 111 '' ,ura•ue has ah .an very
c:rarl}' that the int.!ee'$ ..f the 4.•unhy iwg HI the to sac -»a 6'1 th 1 .:y
have neeone alte,rether too test and emit I'arliasu.•utary rtewNa You tell sur.
rousyltc.ted to bit iikeroutthl} l•.4..d dot 1 e. J••v the 'resets» of your ahich is t•. he held et Chatham in April.
after mid kept up, s thin the time d• feie,•d., sod that the chaise»a of our 1 Mr !ticPl.erein gave Int a astielactory Jealousy --Ti.:howute paid by tit -
brats.' be the rrwular eosin re. llnelt•• are 4 ...4.1 if 1 amprelsred t.. rep.rt of the disposal of the properly of feriority to ulcrit.
i theint t. r the Ionic sesames w It a d„ a. aril as :•u John Jlaed' call in float" Andres'• ehuirek, Kincardine. bra- Justice -Truth in schen.
Law --A trap batted with promise of
pe lit or revenge.
Anise --A body of men kept one thou•
sand days p. 1*. used in °lido
liachelut--A vdd goose that tarn.'
geese envy.
Bauevol.nee A reek* M.: the to
•ester should rosetWher and toe brat..*.
qr forget.
Child -The future in the prem,ot.
Coquette - A mirror that receives all
images, but preserves sus
Coneisteney t church wit bout a toort•
gyre 011 at.
Conversation --The tale se'... beetbeebeet-
ling.eamu the 11140'4 recnrattun.
Crying - A *oma'. s wwkuesa and a
.carry them lute readiest. the floe ore of A t•.•uewuttee construe{ i •"v a child's atrrngth
the -sorrel en-etion-, stets Mr flake was Leask' J. R.... and J. I. Murray were skis tr Thr dialer that sweeps in the
.wtua'y v.o-t Attain/Ss ..1 srcurIll„ .n
all t app..ted to revise the atsis4aas4 orders,
Nev support 'ia slide for his part}', hr : 1. 4 rrpat at 1 111 More Ii i. bene chips.
ass 13le1 to ,..r ss aa•urauc, to the' 1'!.r rend: of .yaarotfdu
y .i co...poi-at Debt -The etsintde eat by • g'•t•ern-
elecl..r...f 1''.r.tia0 1» t,••..•bt•c. and 4.1 with other churches 111 Moulton halide Melt 4.' its t' '•!•le.
chester, Colo». aud am u n
and l'ict.-ti esc. .ider.-sl,and [Ise f.• . u,uu }',,ii,t!y %Lstrt'n .!t'; d.•iit cern .re
;f;,•salli'4mt, 1114tt tis 0.•111.1, if aurerssfu; sd.'i•t.•d : That the matter be lett with
Fashion - mo
A des that enhances
an the electelectioneomIn'st ''...t. 1»•wing, I'rr-Lytory and IhKrtut mrruuls to
*lir Ind ti, cort•.in 114114 .30. 111 ranch
hone .'*.furs ore u.•r.est cd. 11rre are
ter midi.'. that Mr !:..ase ,nada W thou»
t. 1411.4..
"l4gtk t`la. -I bate a 1..torr il.f.nm-
iuig 6440t 1.11 lit.' J •':u M :c !..mild proms.
Med Mr Berke.. the tete etembar for
m that he *;stud ambit Ike Pout
tau I!awtis I:a.lwar C oup:toy 10 the
amount .•1 81(0.000 tew..(da the beide-
wake such arrangement es clay tae deem-
ed beat.
lets. 11. !dell arrie and J. H.
. i elite a were sypuiuted 111 concert
with the /ink 140114011411011 of
i1f vacant;;es
to arrange tor the supply of duck chats gee.
A committee to wp.rIntr14d the staid -
nits, cornettist( ••f Rets. •1. L Murrey,
J !>l.Nebh, rail It. Leat: a is ipWiot
art, iters. J. A. Anderson sad Mr J.
I: *Aim •sett etino i.teld a committee on
heli sod oTrr, nue$ at l;yh.d meeting
heuu'v, but w s+,.•s 11..mhuess t!lu a:.•ro
einisl.,euuss. -
Heart -The ale as of rrast•0.
Heiress - A caprt.a1 w.:.,.
11•goe -The bridge het erten .our 1 ung•
loots and froL•
ttiou. width flow
the waters .1'Jisal•p nutwei.t.
inc.ouistru.•y -- A wIlltnsu's preroga-
tive ; for which we sever b:ause her tin-
lees we are its T1'J144wi.
Ink The black sr.t upon whichth'•uuht
rides at aneh.•r.
usually called. s devoted to the f••nnu.' the busk of the eketon u.. I. Lra•k, L. U. Cameron, ser I
err dots and Mr Harriett' were ap
ah ,,t session. atad the thea Craig .l u•y spay r. f►tvrsbie. 1 oars I pointed to consider the sdrtashllrty of
4.eferred Loin nue year to soother. -1 i wake no presumes en the .ubject. If a preparing an A'lasof the Presbytery arid
113117 .:tarry hu*ineaa'.1 the mart ,.mast greet erre te be given 11 should here I rwp•'rt at ural *rebuff.
inoportatice a hurled into the whirl of been proposed and discussed ip Parise- / Rt ..'rte of i. bash echoed• state of
meet, whets its justification wed by! Religion and T••mpr•.ucr• wet.. reed by
:Lr !cut toe days or leo attar .4 Gan 1 �
grass, t•, to put hdl J•atr or badly done Shown. To ties,*!. a Mow Wont Kiel Stereo...4i, D..i t•laou and Mur-
out doers •t all. electors se jest a «104,wle bribe, and I ray. rrspoctttely.
cr :" Id.. »1 the *timer in which will or tit, party tug competition of ilia Tree rsi..:et. ver., to,:.ndeJ and
,l." }',rrt,\N►sth C •uilr.'1s *weed up r.. kiwi. In flu" cess, as to all .darn. I / s.i. plod •11,1 •,tdet4J :o he tr.uunitte.l
wort: may b.. limed 114 the declaration nu trail, at the pr -per time and on the j t•, the rat...1'8 cover„ra nu these tiopioe.
n• ser„n t.. dial int their i Mr. L•--4oh, steTe.are t f the W. IP. 11.
• . a uu•iMl•erwf belay expel ',lice that the V ! '
iev..rdrevealed the f.actthatw,e-.'s.rter merits wit!' ell •I•paicatt.oly for puhl.ciSicsety, read an ext••lestreport cf the
1 1114, srrr.••w•tn.-.'1".' it,r litical a tat••n•I work •.f the society duti"it the year. The
.a the lent+l.auvrte Int Nis we•t,m had b i"' p
Lias .united nit o Istat six legislative- of the electors the diesel, but I hare, Presbytery by resolution expressed their
S.T.. .An wln.i4i clerk of teeirs not Won. m, at tit:. •oon,rnt tie neater- • itrttr6cati..n at the e%idrnce of .'Micros
years Int e. tares said ever is that lergth holo icer a lodgment, nor du I think the I watch has attended theweriety,end warm -
of Lama had hr **tossed the haste e* crests of an enation the 6t time fat die- 1e cee.mended the work in wbieb are
a� .. f .I ..I:l i.• alar. drntta.w7. ?Ars •••wit of Aasrrnbly aught
labeled in the last two
-ih• Cont,reas that h;rt
Dunn{ the review of the
f,irthe 'rust •, which any
third .1 freer niennrlly, is a pttresri*
organized body and goes in Iorerer, grouter,/ that 1 Aa uua93r to giro yr.0 Dr. Burrs, of Halifax, sew namjnstoil
.orae of the tlonn•ors will go t.•, the rawer which yoe tell me to at, for the nl.aderatorahip of next -general
».,minae., 'aril with thanks kr your Assembly of batmen for the sr_on.1 •'y your ser y; •a4 will .,Ippon Mr •, y
mar 044.:5 . r-'•... - - - - -.
r�,� lratela•ve flees 1.4.b•atsr.01 14b0 -Mester.- ulafillite with.* dens -a wifes sister was
hopper tutus,. ei Pouttao world be met acenrding so approved of -which is to the egret (hat
pews one their co,rietiowe in hirthentice of the church discipline shall not he remised
li goiters' intrrnM r1 the country. P...,- when such mairiat:r•i are o. ntrseted.
Mr legal., of Kansa, th•. n..iy,
• Prend.nt sof :he Senate. says he ie
hut' epi of those who eau iad ilge
w ad a lsxury, however. Wn u riled
if be pnip•i•ed to speed the s0maer
abreed, he replied uut uulesa Mime good T
fairy, pityingly pre mosey iso r}y the.
ruses. /Ft added the Europese plea and
watteesat� called for mrs o(I1thy Lux* than he enure
cutdd *resoled. incase
Whom 0440* ast•.riish'nent esu espnss- .41 he
tied that she President of that *teat *emigre a
, .iiiionare-s dab {the United !nates tern- as n.1.1,r;.:31110
keel wroth.., I eta toots truly, I A commission of Presbytery wits apo
Ler west s. litaxc ' pouted t.. visit Walton ea $ cast of rd-
. 11. i1• .a: talk -i hate your tetter of i erer.Ot and ►spout.
e &h. 1 •u ttar.'f'e .tee 11.*t Str Chas.' Applications for sed from the severer
and 'dr M,4is4sn are prwmimni 1 billion fund from the following concrete,
... 01 .d c ,1►utatee. s' Is(•erland 1 tiring were favorably entertained. sit !- keres(e--The only debt which •t t. .
:tau that if they notate the Gov Ming -union, Lantside,Chaimer'sch»rrh, 41 0rrata to per, i
Kinc•rdi.e. Ite1?ntr. end Pine River. giver -A morin read,. at once the
anew pe Ley. Dui M yea u,m• f='
t•...r p 1s•wl ort by 1'ar1iaroent, A special tr.ertini mf Presbytery will he I memo, sad the a,mieyseso
h•• ri :.t Chan:sm. du.-ia; the setting. r•f
ti u to the rcinstrls ay yed i ¢vn.•d ltpace-Trig .'tutee et divinity.
tint '1b constructed t',
Lswyera -Tit.' heirs of intestates..
Li%e .t ft. :rot deep :',More 74 +1 ren
tu-e see if it will bear.
Lovers --:lir mase guided.
Luxury -flee l.b..r of the wealthy.
Mankind -Pieces in a Sema of chess,
played by destiny.
Marriage -The nutty lottery net put
Mirn'r-A shrug, before which flag
functions 1.1 worshipper, priest and dmn-
aity are all enacted hy the same party.
Miser -Ors who masa kick.' that his
heirs may bead honer.
M=inq-To the wise a eonvet:iet:ce.
to the fain) a urn -tatty.
01411111/11=1P motor witrin. ,J
the oppoetaaity of a was happy. 0, del -
For Toilet Use.
Ayer's !lair V'gut keep the hear soft
runt plant, imparts to it the lustre wad
fr«.huras 01 youth, gasses it to, grow
luaunartt1y, er:*skate. 11*u iron, „urea
alawelpdut:ano..,hail .a'ia.... . : a• 1y
of all lour pr. aratk as.
AYER'S 144.- Vigor hat (,Yen
Parte. t : at.:•far':o5. i was
newly bald for six. yews, Coruna which
trate i urJ'tuany bait In lar •t: •*14, bet
without .uo era. Indeed. what laths
hair I had. ow growing thine:, ousel
1 trod A ver . 11o1r V1301%.,1 used tis•
b.4U..s of the Vigor, and say head is new
well cos ,•r.-.1 with a new *�gra�w:It Of hair.
- J 11.1 ,o It e l,ri t 1. I'osbody, }dais.
HAIRels. lite become week, gray.
and faded, seat' hair new lid.
*u•I rotor teetered to it by the use .e
At eros Halt Vllgor. e"My hair was thin,
fade.!. awl dry, awl fell out lit targe
qua:attar.' Ayer's Hair Vigo: wiped
the falling. and restored my bat t,. its
unglue! color. As a dressing titi the
hair, this peepsratba has tau quo' -
Mary N 11.iruuh nd, S:'.last•:, llinw
VIGORy.uth, •n.i besot In the
Y7 , a oyrat:tacn o! they, easy
t.• 411 .••nn.l )or *n indelaitn 1.. riot by
this one of Ayer's Heir Vigor ".1 dia-
ea.a of the scalp caused wy herr to he-
ron* leash and dry, and to tall int
freely. Nothing 1 Intel mowed to do
any )ruc•'I until I commenced Marys
Ayers !lair Vigor. Three bottle+ Of
this .reparstk-n restored 0.y Lair to a
heathy aivadl&W*, sell it fa now Mit
ant pliant My *-alp at cured, stud It
le alert free from dandruff. - Mr:.. 1. It.
Yule, frilwa'tkoe, Wis.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
r , u by Droa mod Perfumers.
PTkr04•r amara. prompt action, and
wnrderhil et native properties. Nosily
pine Ayer's Pete at the head of the list
of popular remedies for Sick and Nrrt-
ous Headache*. Corotipat ion, and .44!
tricots origir:•Wry in a dinorder,d Liv urn
I have been a groat sufferer from
lleaditete, and Ayyit's Catherte.: Yille
are tl.:• ot:'y iue.t, :rte that Ian* bY.•r
Alerts wt•• .'••lis•! (Nt-. d.•an of Ott... Hes
seal u.., v r.a•,t•• !' y b••u•eas, atni free
nay heath fi )7 p,a,11. - W:tuasa L. Pam*,
Richwo:.'i V..
Ayer's Pills,
Prenatal by rer .r (' Ayer a Co., Lemon, 11aae,
art o1 au Wallow Is tonnes.
Harpers' Bazar
1 1.1.1 'T1:.t 1LI'
11.44;... • C.u.r cum Wnr. the .3'.'. t I.
4(5!,.r...s4 tut Ji.. 54 not i4Y.t: al bdN w,t',
Ihr latr.t festoon." and err mon woeful rased{
reading. lovelbeim. _purm.. sad ear .•mare
the beet•wr,tcn. •a 'te heetesala* iiia.
are usrurp4ased. 1t. paper* a .'tuftal eta
nee•te. decorative art. bene• krema{
!atrial**. a'marry. cit.. make it Inti.
sable le every hoseelo li Its t.•auttlul lash
ion Mates rad eatteru•.h.rt sepia• aeste es.
emir; !hes to fare mran7rasa:.LL.r.oat oferr►
by fade vg tit 'reteraker1
\o r it,r is • ee eta to • r •gasp.' LLst
.'s 1d .Luuk t:ae tees handl* aedi<a1e.
llAltl talc!! BAZAK ......
NAKP3tk•N iLAI Zll�1:. ...,.
NA3tPkl:'e► NK}.IttYss,,.. . .•
ILAltl'kki Yl A `LINT t* gI}JARi
Ip(�AItV. 0.w Year fa/ Numbing) .
I1ARinete i IIANDY 8LKt1ILN. Ur Year
Numberru 11
Post oil, ri-retodal st.}arr*1.rwdoladflu et
.gtutys.w2 Le,..Jo,
The rs.iul.t•s of the Hexer ► . with the
first Vuwtrr for JAnrary •mast' year. Whale
eo flue is stutlot.ea, snt••criptteas will he
gee with the member . arreul at time of re
cadet of color.
b..atru Vu.umei )f Ilarper's Naar. for thew -
aslean bark, in see: clot!' binding, will be saw»
null, postage Mid. or by express, tate er
.&pias• ierovi410 the frees4rt does not rxa•d1
411 s0 per vote:two foe 37 Myer velstun.
4'luth 4 we. ter rail., Vo,'uee. su,uble for
bisadI..g. r(U b• seat ►r. w*.l. pu•aprtd. on rr
sipp& ot 31 ItsAttb.
Kemittescss.',ould be sale by Post *)air.
tton07 Nader ur liraft. to a. old chant r of low
.\r'r•aryuxwea •rr uoe to ...e0,. Mt. a.trevrlw
.'l'4401 lar cepr.....,.,L t- .4 1Lu-*•tart t
Hlc0Taalte. 145414•.4
IIAIII'T.It S !.!:(,T'Iit1S,
Nee -lurk.
ai\ ILL1:'TaA i EL) WEEKLY.
!farmer's Vowel Peoprr has beer railed
"tlto nieuel of *hat a periodical for rouse
roo!let ought to be,'" neethe restive .t th!s
runiu.n•::.thin is yatdy_ aatala-4 by the.
tame rututaiw► it has tailwiind at 111)1(( awl
le tined& Urinate. 'Ibis ..'+rasa he, brew
ren, _cd ti ntrtlto•Ia that must ton:wend
ihitaw%t* to the J.14 .-or••n: ot parents, 54
tars Cin lett.» fades of ch.lnren sasarly, le-,-
an ramose awl wall sw,ainrd effort to me-
tali 'hr his. anti wort "'Tsar: . s• reading fur
,o•eng peep 4 at otos pias•. 'f•,e Itlustralioar
are • .',acus, diol of a crea., o .•t,1j hi{d • ert-
der..'.4 excr'•lrave.
An epitome of everything 'kat Is attttsetl00
amt d....:a1le 1 , jureaile t:crsrure.- BBsslel/rs.a
C• w--:rr. -
-. 1 A wr.•zfy rasa: O: ataa.1 *4.1.", to the hops
> anti trite in *eery heady wheal► :1 visits. -
. L es... : atm:.,
1r 4:.'' ; 1t ut_trrc:a�-'nf.In in:wea th nLpi, urges -Js -
,i.. ?o-..W....H4..u•1 utecest.-(*1 ramie I/sSMIr.
1►. Y. --� •
'TERM!. i'ottag•' Pr paid. ERM Per Y.
Pawnbroker - The mea who holds ,t; - -•-
your coat while you light
Poet -One who may below ismer •- ••- L
tality upon ethers, yet Sats it difficult E .. .. :.e
himself seen to lista
Poetry --Thought in blosseal.
Prison -Aa ores tat.► which sot:etc
pet steely made crime tu haraeu.
Int , net c rNruc e i , -A hat: i without St;;eu1.
� , s •�• 1 Tee .,, -t :cgu:ar rttett�nz seal, :>r• he'd � `d" pouts,
s i
. , .n c.' t chute's. Kincardine,. I thy 'had • bran-Jcwe.rd heats to the rosaries
ate:) ainld not *fiord a trip ernes tae
Yeti add ('ar 1,,,,.,,.„w:...r urn• 1
Atlaatie in these care of doer prices and wiii.ter to inlet llItesre. 't'upi•.•r ar.i'.1 Jul;. set ►•arca..
rapid transit. the Seuatrr wail!' it was McL•lus, wish f re rue a•. aes.nnce - -- lis cera - A teetering that can hfet;
the plain. uetareiehu.l truth. and that that I *ill d.. as mus for ll►a..4 w these ! Ir roe ars euBering from a seta of all baseness
there were enit4a. member et *embers gestt4meu .oder, end .0 tell me that f •rtrrwte wetlineus, try 'we bottle of Tates -Periodica! `, t c,..ugas ltrestlll'tk-1
et the mi.i.•*fusel e►un is that pre such an aseuwore sial .sterislly help, Ayer's Tsrsapanlls. It will rot pm ed by gurernment.
dlc.m•tat Ea tbie:a a treat deet 44 our torr,*rugose it. the three ernnties. i but one •1.•:tar, and du ineelculsble
tierce 1eseary n „..'aura 'is written a Int "It is plan that .f the c .s ., now pot ; g.w.d. It wi:l d., sway with that tired
tieca;oriel 0341:.., .0.1(54 .sac Brat".' t foresail wh«re to be a.1, pied it should i indoor, and give you new hie sod
wash:7, and asserts that in rea:ite a fare been Laid iv fo-e Perlia st, and enrrty.
large trait -riff of his t..t.ftares have 'd'ecuvrl and-drii.iri en its grit•, i-----r---
rothin g but their salaries to lire ult. - 5lejti•sd if t' he, i• h*e beer, keit "That's a nice dinner," wit! the wo.
Senat'ir Sp.nnte re net eat p^rets, tit! (: a elections, and 11 a:o0 put forward ; man tri the tramp. "but why don't ye
a -rickets to plait • reams: tri,; to in thee locality as a' bribe. a who! `set down while ye est it t' "Set down i'
:Trope, huw.•ver, sad las iter Palmer. bribe., tie three counties. I genie tak repeated dui tramp. "lhlat'am. I was a
who la are of the undisputed possess." pact io ars auction of tie rotes of Cop• rset- ar drivel unit! I got totired t..
of mil :ung, is going to 1.ria4 b,s wife ehester. ' Camber:and. and Plctou. I , atf it wouldn't know how to eat if 1
1.4 -me. The latter has been called the never Rive a protoiss tulle•* 1 ate son I ha,air 03" n G. my mrajs...
1 Iti.osephica1 a iiiusrare, natal is feral of bed that it u tight. end that I can rt-'
;,a:+we wealth.- Iii* Washiaise,n re• deem me word. .It is p'•ssit•le that the tsire For cissa.
e&fence u are of the hendsonest bniwr, roues prt-proed t.. be taken ss t,• tl:ts }'r• n.)t relief to pterent suff• ca'i.•i:
arose frame 11: the City. but he gaps the tai.**y 1* iwitifiikikarid d Off that be , from the accumulation of tough
hsppi..t man is the one wt.) has the •h.•wn. f arta snpp r*\it i n whichever . - 4!.e ft.nratiou of false membrane -
Illusions. Speaking of Eu oeeasior.a! aide of the House I eft, .•r whichever and the construction of the air peewee.
tttp abroad he ledd hs wanted to tier 0.11 1 way the twee a c f 1.814 Mfr, c•.untie• may a Mei-Amoryancane 4.f r .widen attack of
i• took you'll es well se motley to euthenist tie euthet inlotgtaatien as to the rum nett rt anise, afterwards Ht•0
aeyatd s I • ,
lar, could before he get • bot .'odder, fur vote. But lave r.. t before tae at this , croup. 1112}ard's Yellow (hi .h«old tae
Europe or any mart else thorn tithe tend. the coat of completion t tonal Italians.
The prominent men this at/ 1 i o,t j e'io and the othgerm ! pints involved, ,
Temptati. n --Tho tea' of s, ul. l
Tenderness -Position in repose.
Theater - Nature to Cie "ht -us -e l f co: -
Time -T.. the asci A an obeli : to the
young a world.
Tot:;ue --The h. ncle•s that can break
I'2tiness-The privilege ti man, the
•lnperdonab!e to *aurum..'
Hive yi.0 a cough 1 Steeple... nights
n erd no longer trouble you. The 1411
et Ayers Cherry Pectoral, before re-
fit -lir, will soothe the cough. allay the
indium ation, and allow needed repose.
it will moreover, heal the p0't0..nary
or,, and give you health.
Why lerptey Doctors.
.•v erlteuw("ables to pare 1 art's. here 1. table nus to f -arm a jed er.! or the sea manias cents. Consult • dretor and in 9 cases out
after the National Dn.: whi..h m t • tska 'ices:mil, Mad thereto» cannot now McGregor & Parke'. Cstbnlie Cerate
is MAI,. have beets discussing details 1n ta.r•entati1wly raske the p►sdee which t hu been tried and found to be tho only
regard t. the scheme At the reeett
!Karat Gras in Nee 0 .tuts, the
[nit!tt .,r M' tots and tae Koiirht
f tjzrors':s erre the •rfaaitattcaa
which maaie the onset teleplay. esti
both ere proposing to dispose of their
..utfi's. 'thick nrigicslty cost $30,000.
can sed c,etames. at 44,000 anti $.3,O00
biro netted
los tell ere is en irapnrtant in the s:.tar poseurs eure for Salt Rheum, Pimples,
sue .d the Liberal canoe , Hlrtche. ah the face or hand, Cuts,
t::a help poor Cared►. Burns. I:russet, or any Sore that n•.thing
"Yocir• truly, LD.•A...D 1t;.tar. else .111 heel. Try McGregor st Parke's
' is :tap -sidle r.' 1 to admin the nun 1 earlobe (:erste. ?Zit per box at Gen
w::r+ thus, without an apparent .frost, ,. , Rhynaa' drug more ':411
nobly resisted wt,at t.• rur.y men would/----•�•-- -
`:ays,beee • terrible temptation. It will . 1.usYppg Senn •
Washington d" nosed to be ed 1< S h f•'"
13 tai the ate!a r ,r arta s •nor It in the d of every person who has
1 bar t:.e,e trop:age. 1e espy.' that at a time 04.1:t he was making • .t
could be eared ir. that way, end ,t tr every ....Tie. t•• secure a 1•srty triumph I u'se`d f""ca'w's Cerwww . Yrkp to let its
1 their
'rf •0o OAU w:•et} will wonderfulqua qualities be known to
I e.d t1 a, . • *am sad when suttees neatest elm: st within
tsar to be Plied Ly pr gats wbfrrip• h he refuted to att t t bribe' friends in curing Consumption, severe
tion, 00511 be necw*er, to 10101 t coxa tat cap,
with the people
s money. !Coughs. Cmup, Asthw a, Pneumonia,
creditable display It was urged that if There ars, no attest some Liberals who I •nfld in fact all throat and lung diseases.s•
IPA would not be possible is have tt fur foci: deliberately threw stray c'aart(es ef eh. I relief' Three doses will relieve any case,
the earnieel w Oo hind this year i, will be disgusted to hnd thatsfie•r leau der I Peawe can Moe It witlwut immediate
year The Preetdentiel catnpatrt. *nut ra,;;ing.utoport which, as it appear% to and we consider it the duty of all Drax
:tient to recommend it to the poor,
the mai;t:»tion wou'd ties all the .n them, c. Mid he 04 toady and so cheap -
disp'ays needed for two years. and the !y secured But the time is coming'
Knights Templar ot►oilare wou:d 6:1 c,. *her ever ur1°eetio,t C---.1.--- of all t bottle, a• 86,000 down bottles were sold
last year, and no one caw where it failed
.reined by wholesale bribery at the et- i esu te•pwttttd. Such a mad/eine "the
cannot be too widely
• the reverse of cheap. When the time I known. Ask your druggist shout it
i M flee t t old at 10 cents
dying consumptive, at least to try one
the thin'semis.
parties will be convinced that support
'Tet' wr
not i.ref-Jcampeen at the pis plc of this Domiti►n is lier'^^"
ber. I i'
Liter but an trarpty dream
And yet it is One sit the eta -nor is I acmes that not erdy individuals but rte- tramp e t o ry,
taken oat of ft (y ••°1!"dread doges*' internee require to be paid. and that I Regular Mae. 76 centsSold by all
Rite euneeraptinn, that nes:ected, omens Ino sept ef the public treasury, far yet. j druggists and dealers, Int the hutted
certain death , c.:Art•9.h and 1 r r'lEtitisiaR lot wast they belisve to be the filth( !States and Ovoid+,
Moth dungeon,. and often .e•.li
cor.aa0ptl•r. , or lire liter c•,tnpla:nta
•cenfu:a, which to. • ftea n.akis th•ei
aimed feel that life is empty !tut
t+ossa can all h4 cared. TI» use of De
"'•erce's "(+• ,deft Medical Lhseooery."
the tree' hied, Iuri 110 114er remedy,
d••,s away with "moue -eel eyehole."
1 n,:ts back lost health. and 6'Ie life
f.:.: ••1 .:re+mt :1 hspetr.ese ,arid
t r verity Brumes setl st.
deaeortaes new, Mae
Goott ye,ww. - MM elempbli has brie
teoublec fax a number of year* with la•
gaation and C.'nstspatio'.. aid was ie.
decal to try Mc/leerier a rmeedy Cuff
Ind found it all that was needed, and
would rea•mesend in rot G. soy penes
similarly trouble! T ie .• valuable re-
medy is sold in every ra-t of Carotis 1
50a and $1 per bottle trill at (:c••rige
. trrug •'ors, (4)
side, awl wl .0 they vete nn what they,
erred as 1•:e wn.nq side. when that
skis Rive. thew% the most money, than.
the w• -rd. of Mr Male, "Good help,
"flow hesutifully that women sings'
said one lady to another, who was in
gorgeous attire and blueing with du
monde "is she a mean soprano 1 -
Iwo 1 •'Nn, 1 gores int 1 think elle is a
Swede," replied the other.
surrenal te.ab.t..
.1 P.. II Girard, of Fit. Ed.ld1te,
Clifton, P. (•. says. "I am well satisfied
with the rue .4 itardtck Blond Bitten:I
it has cured me of dyneesia that 1 had
fee three years. I used five Mettles, 511
.hall ! every »nee I know that may
he attacked with etwitl•r sickness, mewl
eboold not he staid h• guarantee every
bottle air 2
in snneuncing a'rit of her Majesty
fit Scotland, a Scottish paper said :
?repents' to am new being made (.rt
her reception. onersl tradesmen havint
received orders to be tmmedi.tely
'netted at l entoraL
of 10 and: he pronounces your donee
Liver Complaint, and charges you 11
for a small bottle. Consul*, and for =l
he seal give you Dr Chase's Liver Cure,
¢oaranteed to cure, and a valuable
k free. Koid b all tiro i
1»0100 treed se. -
What I Never tned Johnston's Tonic
Bitten ' Than du 00 11 onrY►, Its post.
tine; the hest general tonic on the
I've often heard of it het thought Chet
it was fo Ise places ow lh. hat of lM
marry trashy pr.perstinei • that Lied our
market. but since you reerimn,end st en
highly 111 give st • trial. 1►.. en. it's
good for any complaint in eheeh a Ionic
HI of benefit, and tin be taken by roan,
woman, or child. i'Oct and (I per bottle
at (ioode's Drug wow', Pura.,, hI••s:k
Ci.dstieb,sole •.'gent. 10
Vol.. V i l l c'ossoiN as Nenisabsr i lam,
:::.a !: • w vita;t rive Coats each. .houul he mdse by Peet•�se
Ma ney titter oe 1o:-.tftte arced carease1lap
-Verwptaorea ere not to ow no
tee et&otiose: Lis•;,r,.r-aaInt ej• *Y'lat
; .1..1.4. .... ...tees i..t1•:'hdll Jr. L.W 3litf*J7.:gels Tett.
d'.-. ,r- . ..-.-...• iiia--�.4 /{)j1 -.
.LAZARf ,-
7144. 44,;-7tbki
1,y rr:•.►.'rag flag •••,'
1.3• �' -flrwt of i•ursre'&herdr
Rensa^si ST.+s.1`aciit3 2�4 Eye f 1J 34•Is
Thee 4•ie•-lar'>. and R,.' (4*..•-.-' h.Ynher,
.sad for theT. ear+. as I Riven .w every
Ina 171.'.` unbounded MIWi .. , In Too, ma.
• 7
THE wK.T 14 TN1 «04.41,. T;, 4. ,,, •' •r bre.
and /set many years without Orange
.a .,Ls tit -
Yates &f Act .e�nn,
■ ►law .sat
�t \i,t:) .,J itis ad liar -on Head.
1L a 1.ataras R Monts. Hertford ':.ria ,
tttXuconnettiis wn'k ser Mb,, cam n the
D".3.o•.oe e' ('anala.
receipe bis. y KA J. lab. ttlli its• I.
$cI4. rar.Isl5e
Some men think they are performing
a posst.vely nlentortorifa act when they
pay their debts, instead of rec./nixing
that they hare only dcue .hat they
ought to do. And the sa0e men tend
other., seem to think that they have ac-
qnired a still greater degree of merit,
when they have simply been honest
enough to pay the Lord his due in work
and worship. This t. ndenee is illustrat-
ed in the case if a little fellow whom,
mother, one evening after hearing his
prayers. added the ct•murendation,
"That's a eery /sod boy." On later
evenings the same praise ea* not forth-
coming. but the boy himself was not
willing to let it slip ; and nee he adds,
on hie owntce'•nat, a regular appendix
to his prayer : "Amen. Th,t's a good
boy --• rery good b.'y. Yes'm." it
would be well if such self gratuiatioa
were confined to children ; hnt it is to be
feared that, if the f -elms. of a good
many adults could he analysed after an
unusually successful prayer -meeting, or
an unusually large contribution to the
mireonary canoe, then would he found
to be net very different from the child's
self• praise ; -That's a e"na hoy a wolf
400d bay. Yes'tn," Sundry Scheel
dYire+ .s.: ..
fit t ATT.Ft'f. ('0'11"+1''/ 1' •':
PPS'S carne.
"Rya titan:sup knnwleAg4 of th- n•• Ira:
laws whirl. sover, the wows, leas es .Itwn.1/on
and nutrition, an.t by n art••ssi arplubit.uaet
the flee tworerties of wen,r4wted (1,..o.. Kr.
Pepe* hasprorArd oar h►a.ahfawt tab( with
• de*k 4etr darer-4hr• -rage which mar +uvr
114 man, heavy tip -ten trige fl is by the
Judlebns use of sorb IF•enles orf d4,-, that a
oerMW*rlea Tay lir g-sdsmity melt matt
.iron* 10 Metal every to Hundrela of Rssbtle mslsdr. sae
Sooting annual a newt) to arts, ::
there i1 * W41 , est We may cures* awl
• fatal shaft br keeping nwrwrlvea wall, tern*
ed with mane Mood and • orenerlr naarla*rel
frame." •'(•.a•: !t.^rs,a (Meet'
Made .imply worn MH% sea's? n- ,w.11.
fl.ld ord. in swans by /l•ur•!.� bl
,bis :
I!i[E. Z Pi Y•swisetperni• fn,r,m-st
7M .Iwry . 0 U..afurds,
in a receipt letter receive 1 frons Mrs
Sarah A Mulls, of WLeat'ey, (Int, she
says, ' i esu • sufferer for six yeses with
dyspepsia and lever complaint. My food
diad (.•,1 digest, and I grew weaker every
day. 1 het appetite •n4 had little hope
of recovery. i tried .isny remedies but
1 ad to rain, till 1 took Beranek Blond
Ilttters. i'he ern tittle gate relief;
after tskiaw seven bottles, 1 am thankful
• that 1 sow eery geed health." 2
5u _-
!: W
Fit 11111
S 0
Z 2
C =
H * PP-
y d Pim
ti Z.
Ne'N Fruits,
New Nuts,
New Teas,
_ -- - -� � fwnA•sw NEW
The Ganadi;ii P ci c iiu / C7.; ASL Kr.NZA.
Th.- Pr, • . 1,••nr,1•• H.,'•• •M use*
Q!JEaEO �J ( t1
OTT A W A. - , NGiiTON
AND A1.1. 4t):`TY V1tr1 Art:► 1leiaT
Tor scams. TITh• 1'.•.t•.. Pare.. T,^k.... ♦i.
...Toy to
(wife: w•at +treet, Opposer To-4mo'•
now (oast rem,'' tit. Place
Oalefieb. Jar. l.• b. zit: spat
TJ (111.: AN:, •1..,. Tilt/
Finest Collection
e •.r opal ea' is Wotan, •
Court flee** ea; ire .
Deo ab, lam,