HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-3-25, Page 1( tr,'1ft IS 1f1:VBIti fist. f EVOT`To COON megowerumee GODERICI ONT., FRIDAY, MARCH xbr 1867. THE HURON SIGNAL Npp.aMlshed eery Friday Mearrsat1tal(�,, be� ftrouuur Ham.. at their uface.ifeedist aODZIUCU.ONTARIO, FRIDAY. MARCHam MT. Tag !fur defends John White, the • •Illind Share" Doodler. Like Tures tae. Tile regret of rhe nlltny nieetine at Wiesdeteek sill lie found ,n palm Y. 1t Looks as if the ratlwxy teem was condos this direction. Woo it Out written -was 1t not stated -that the T.'u.i.Iird would agnin a -epees as tl.* /teat Conservative orltau at the end of testify days from eleeti•.o day' • Ta& Tureen, Mail is fast dr:Inlet w.ck to its first love - the Tury patty. Its n:akebelief attack.. on the Government have entirely ceased, and the ''No-1'op cry" cry is uou whist:td under its brt.ath. The organ may now at any eine tbruit off the c•oak .I.''independence: and afros the bout of T. -ilium, as of )oro. Tnr Woodstock Te,ihael 1:.re-r thus cendet:sen its upinion of the railway 'meeting beld in that lawn on Thursday ..1 last week : --"Atter,yesterday's meet- ing it may be confidently predicted that the eitenuan through Ewt,ro said St Mary's to Lake Huron at Ged.rich or some oustiguoes harbor) will speedily f-sHew. LIT NO GUILTY M. 4Y JE:C4PS. Now that the pretest co.niuttee have time to luck about them wis would like to see them Sart themselves to 140 fullest possible oatest. There is work for them to do. and they should 1101 falter in the doing The retort,. .i. •uW },m iu from the various polling subdivisions inside of the stat weeks, and lo, Mato nevoid be lust in patting the ma- chinery of the law in full force. Already numerous oases of hi leery of the mint corrupt nature are u; the haunt. of the Reform A•nociatioo .•f West Hu- ms, say one of which would, beyond all question, void the election, sal the Commities should see t., it that three oases come to cuurt. There u another peon t•. which w. would oell the attent,un of the cus•r;t tee, end that is, the receas:'v that has arisen for the prosecution of the gang of bribers, abductors, intim; Won and per jurors wbu dubauohed W. 11 iron to the Tury iaterest dor.ng tee recent cam- paign. Wo have beim e us &partial hat of the rssosia who t,erjurud themaeltes by swearing is bogus cotes in the in- terest of Mr Porter, and we call up ei the committee to let the Law take its course so far as they are concerned. The lawbreakers ehoeld sot be outside jail walla, and the souuer they ars pia ted where they solieht to be d. letter it will be for the impectable portion of the .etasun1ty. Inst no guilty man 'soaps. _ _ 11.41:1(1 \t; UP THE WI:t)NG TREE_ CuL Oss"t, M. P. ter Lead, will be the neat Speaker ,d the H .use ..f Gee. mons. na- mons. CoL Ouimet was oils of the first t'lsu Bolters whu denounced the Gov- ernment for haogug Louis Red ; he subsequently swallowed himself on that iaa,tton ; end now he is about to enter tate bis reweei. The Deputy Speaker will be the iutam. us P,ykert, of timber i4ait fraud frame. Jame• Mitcb.H, oft'.* Mer, (who is an rider iu the church, has not yet apole- ritnd for he wanton abuse of the Law. rale, whom he has likened to "the scrap gs . f muck hoops.` The fellow will 4.1 the m•.at I Ithy things against any- . • .:r - wren acuuat his o..n brethren in the church- fur party, and a few metal in the way of boodle printing' and inter- twine. M. C. Carcr.os appears to have leen a source of terror to the Tory (Lis -ern - :tient. TLgd)ttawa caorresp.o•dent , f the Toronto 11 ore', which ins n. w regarded as a Conservative paper. says • - "T..e Government will manifest its grate • rde to Mr Porter for defeating Mr M. ( - aseron in West Huron by rwlsertlsg him to arose the address 1n reply to the Speech time the Throne. lir Toner will be in Ottawa temerew. There is talk of disponi,' his tier - ,lea. bus prated or ao protest be is solid for M tennis( Insoles. Mr I'or.er is what sight to styled a smart talker." Tee ker.- Tut vitiate of Saltfurel, on the other side of the Maitland river, is send for Beer and the Bible. The section has .lust cast out the Scripture fSelecttons out of the school. Saltford is not re- garded as the most Bible loving locality in Huron. There is a Fines remnant yet left in Saltford ; but rheas are per- sons who ars canteoted to have Selec• tions **Adorned by the clergy read iu the **bowl, sed who reed and *splaia the Scriptures se a whole to their own fam- tlis. Tea new railway to G.derich, to be balk by Govrument aid, is not without `its opponents. The Toronto iV'oridd, under the heading, "Another Subsidy Wanted," has tie following interesting cerement : "A railway Y jgriketed from iake Hares to the Ntarar& River by • route rot wtattea- ,•d, ssd of metes a Ooveraaseat subsidy Is asked. there are slrsdy neves roses cou- nsels/ laky Hewes meeertem directly with Use Niagara hirer. Cas any ere give •gee1 recess for toeetses e the Desolates' stringypr to ea1N another i 111 se, 1M tae public have There is of course no doubt that certain Grits are quilt., a ready as they always, bate hien to get up a rebellion Hut the bet bus who tried that favorite Grit dodi. was hawed, sod we ,tie a ,y,intrut that that homing will hart- a tendency to dtaceurate ''another revolt, under Tory rule." The Grit re vnitrn of to day dont want tee die for their party. -=1I.sR.iltun eectaior. The last revolter, Loam Red, who was hanged, was nut :•i int at any period of lits extetenc.. Ile was a Tory wlteu he murdered Thoc:as Scott ; be was a Tory when Sir John Macdor.ald gave low 51,000 to leave the country. and another 53,000 t . tray away . be was a Tory ellen 1.e was _,•mtnee for Parliamentary honor a I'raysitcher in 187° ; be was a Tey ether, at the suegestii n .f Sir .1.1.r. Msodunae!, be resigned as n-.mittee L. darer cf Sir George Cartier, -after that geat:rn.an had been defeated in Moetreal West . he was a Tory when :e c•nngaatulated Sir John Macdonald 'upon the stcceaa- ful return of Ssr Georje. for Pre - wencher ; he was a Tory ehen he was elected member of Pattumeint, he was a Tory when he was invited to St Louis de T •ry and had ;rut he asked the Gov - m $K4,000 to desist treasures . and Le he died epee the Langecin ; he was a Tory instincts when eminent 10 pay hi hem tevolutu.usry was • Tory w hen scaffold. Aid Ambroe. Lapine. who was me- ta e - o bs surged for the mortise of Acott, bat was reprieved, is also Tory. and worked in the Tory iatsrst la the recent North-west elections. And Jusph Royal, an et-co:j*saie of Rids. nod an et rebel was Stec a de- voted Tory. And Daudet, and DOOMS, tad ioe:tvis. Schmidt, and Isbister. who brow;ht Riel from Montana to St 1n..:e ds Lan- g,vin, were all Tories There wasn't a Grit rebel or in molter on the Rid River is 1870, or on the Saskatchewan in IAA:,. The rebels were all Tories- just as good and true as the paragrapher ore the ..pent ire.. Tun einetieth anniversary of Kaiser Wilhelm was celebrated on March 71st. throughout the German empire. It is • ea is6stion Mi know that tM Groan emperor has readied • green old age,and 1 that oro own Impress of India and Qaeen of artist Britain and Ireland will this year eel•hrate her fiftieth annivr eery .1 coronation, and that both are as firmly as ever beloved in the hearts 4.1 their people. While they are thus en- joying the goodwill of their en worker in the imperial liminess, tb. Omar ni Rus- sia, a kept ea the seer les escape the (xoeaha of the Nihilists. if the Omar were to mad his government after the pattern of his neighbors he might pnss- ibly have • happier lime and be able to get a batter rate frost relish life semi - a anew temporises. GENERAL INTELLI&ENCE Mcelifil ifi A YLt ft fN A liP of i IL as.. WHA N UP's GNTTING A CHARTER.1 YOUNG LIBERALS. I R. 1►. DELEGATION. Tis That Aro riaarpeniug G.)derioa Gcing into the RaL'- The )!lock- Park:amen': e s S'aceas-I A Triumphant Ptoot►t>laioa a!: Around Tis way Business& f,_1 AF -m". Along the Linn. alaa,.7, •'Tre,Llwlly Jnwira'• •a •Id- Ti. Mayer rails • Societal Meeting lb. rinse Meebed/.t erratier !abide lea- Charter Read are •oprered MMI proteterne• sod btswar• was samd sad areae. Ts.e hew llNstre ei..a ilielbattaa Talent The MppWet.s • e.pasess Mee -•a treeing -Wide Lased roe: twiny. -1 sen "Trutnlo 1...M4' (t) .4 Ne A few eagka ago the members of the At the mail of the salol &p•eial meet• s„g of the tows a/until was el Saturday tad to comelier the ads isattlity of tak Leg deletes eatson in the Osidetieh acid Caged. Pacific J UP:Won t► It. scheme. There were preavnt, the mayor, reeve lIts•tev.!. nsoi t.. j ,.. the 1,. •- ret the •.oast d Yount Liberal Club formed • Muck Parliameo t. w: th H 1. tat rang as suist "t. irons..' 'o•li•att 'hetc: Speaker. The ministry is composed of ter uon "1.Jt»o At•u.es M:• cions•prayed the ful!ow:u heads of departments:-- • couple of weds .644.. He bean .e• ,n Interior tatia�preinierl M. 0. Cameron ; the perpetuate.', • t the ,,o.vo',r..,.d Public Wort, Hos W. F Foot : Cus- ha.fs neat fouls .til, t:, r ev.ousure. J"no•t..n deputy -reeve Cameron, and fume and luland Revenue, Hon. R. G. cou,...!I••r. Geo Aoheww, B.ughsm, But- Iteyuolds ; Finance, Hoa. G. Savin ; H,t tread at.d bust 'r .1. 1 -:,d• oji t ;' ,iborce, Jordan, Lee Siad Hem. Su:rotary of Mate, live.. J. Wilson , 'Ma bac►Lig up ti,., l;, ren,.ori.t, sial Le's' err rine and Fisheries Hon D. C. t',erschen ; bound to have tLr a meals • day, weeds- The Mater explained the object of JI:attce, Hos. George Carrot , ltataays er his c•o•sc•etsce s'li• re •.r u..t. He this o i o. H. u,.dcrswd . :he special and Cassels, Hen. A Saunders. committee Inter:tied to leave for Ottawa The speech eungretuiatad the members seri help h:iu,ei 1, out iia. to back up and yloutrral early ra th. week, end he on tb• return of trwperlty, processed any raeallte .be • •moles" want him t. &Osie reform, piwer w make our own treaties, to alter the constitution, rrlei- proeity with the (hated S:a:,,s end in- dependence of parliament The Premier at.d his supporters took seats to the r:si.t of the speaker. W. Pruudf. ot, the leader of Her Majes- ty's loyal uppsitu•u along with his sup- purten tool their sesta t., the left of the speaker. The tndel.eodente sere ac- commodated nn is e craw benches be u.,u,it,t it .roll toot & sleeting of the de. Fortunate'y steel este to tee i, fell u..uuctl .I,•.ul. he held w that a kuo.es dui bte upt urea on all p•Iitial tnorou,ch mondertat.d:tag would be come setters is hired thy the G.s.rause,.t aunt • as to be,more of procedure. Since the feat :ueet.aY ..f the council a delete• peed ter iia "pay " tven tee Turves de- tion fru.a (luderich bad been to Woud• onset on railway affairs, but nothing tangible had been arrived at. CounutN„r Butler -I would like to knew woes arrangement• have been made f or the omen. away of the simnel anamtttee, and hes aoytl.lag been hears low tl►e gangway. true He VasHotr.e concerotng the time On the cj.entug night, neat speeches and place for an tn'erv:uw between Lim write made by the prettier snal the lead- Mad the eumWltt.te. Tn. M.yur-Kr J,-hn►toa teas le ar- rauge the details, and i understand he has heard from Mr Venlf.orne who hsd slain bite, and II 11 were not tL.t he ... vs lisp . b.ttanle, they would tong anon: hare cast taxa of. Ha may be • good encash choral r;•ier, but certainly be .en neither cotauust a newspaper tet glen advice v to bcw a journal Meted be condoeted. i Leons d I Merited te biro en edits fd like to amt one who had a 'trouper spial oulmmn, whe was more truthful and holiest. tem of • Pharisee, and not a I iman:,t and a byword amongst the brethren. - My old friend Rev Dr Williams was in town 8uudey, and 1 war. t to hear Lits preseh. I theteght he might Kaes got stiff and epptsa sines Lis brethren r!erat- ed him to the pusitiob of }dishop --1 tee pardnu, General S.:p•rintendeat--but he hasn't. Le's the same plain, eararni.h- e i , out ar.d-out, Loom*, fearless, 'roam- er of the Opf.u.tll in (el. I'coi.df.a,t t.aud the address 111 reply to tis speech from the tbrene was 'nosed by Jas. Gamely and .ec•lsd•d by Itubt. Reynolds. These augmented that the com,a:uee work ,.n speeches vete loudly appl.t.drd. the line u1 the charter 1,... c,tutetnplateti The Goretnmera promised that the Tut clerk here suggested that he 11. r.. the Fiume:* Mobster would bring w .o4141 go suit and Mr Johustou, and down bis Ludget at the nett meeting. scqu .int nowt tu.t the cuuneol r ee to i Thu leader of the Opposition ,tare tto- s,•.wu 1 tier that he would ask `or leave t: brier 1 The Mayor then prneee;ed t.- read the 1 in a bill on manhood sodrage, rnpo.erf chsrter, rood at the .awe War The Hume then ad;uurned to meet en the c:erk anti Mr Jehuat..t. presei.tes ) g• stn aupr•stance. raving expressed a wish that they would The ch. -ter was of the usual length ( tike to attend the ! lay st the Grand red t.reeilth are. depth, and after bs (.►per•• worship had given his ominies as idea t Tee neat sitting of the House was Tuesda• scenes. s..u.e o`. the meet toed, solid lean as ewer, and a geed of its eq,otenu, the d'.ctltwon of the ! •lull, and nothing much in the way of salary snel s re%thg camtaision hasn't ways mad nesse tor the special committee roe»me.1 WWI done. t!tbola;,th one or two i shad:ani him a bit. int:i I as the way was ed." taicmr. era } br:Uimit speeches were made by In m M l: t' sett i tO knr w w t ar bets from .the back townships. • Ou Tuesday the Budget st.ee:h was mads. Hon• Mr Steteu sae e:•.;uent, *moldering hia dry subject, as d throw .round hu figure ah atlsoepuere of hu- nter as well as a line of hard a:gumect He travels leaded fur bear The Opposition was unprepared for s, • masterly a preemRtation of facts, and ad journed the dentate ou supply until they can Lok ep the bine books mete closely. They are net without hope, however, of dafestiog the Gov.rament un tLe tariff question. An address to Her Majesty asking that the British North America Aot be b�•, [ d-, believe, b• is btveeiening a:.d °O infort•atigs ecoid b* hid chauged se as to allow Canada to make Kr Johnston -Well, we hare too oto n• her own commercial treaties was thew wnI.cin6 and beoosing tt anything more Ottawa at wry rate. and if we could see agreed te, by the House t7.1ersr•: arid kindly as the years i t it- Mr 'far Horne we dight brink the claims Mr A. Morton acted a Speaker at the [ Y .er w ...t Ire talks. Hes not '1,•iy mouthed, xcd nagernsut nate been trade tr.wsrd ubtuu- Ile doesn't mane. motets, be: natio, ,ret an nitervtew with Mr Vaal400e. 'right out 13 meetly.'. ' as the old Meth- Mr Jollies -i think-- odists wan to do when 1 was a boy. The Kr Bailer -We don't want any think- decttr u cmct,der•ble of a Keths.lie, ,ng about it. If tsiscc•nmittee S•ea to GH , but h• doesn't allow the four walls M eiti,el ora want to. elw t+. sae Mr Vanllutrs w• t.. know itis not o0 of a ...lurch to c ,ntatn his re:i„ioce a- a wed goose chase We watt to are pirstions. er any branch of th.oh, y t„ air Van Horne. and fed out if we are right to tncurrtag the tapense ne.:eaaary sanaele hes thoughts. as "Is was s ,,i pr: curet :e c! titer, and bread, trlerar.t neig' borly moa. Mary 1 Nr Johnston -Mr Vanll••r' • would a tima have he end I t'.•scuseed tee not tel you anything about it. RFisc.pei, Arminian lied Ceiver tabs Mr dialler -Then what 14 the use of deetr"es amicab'y and pes•efal like trending time and money t•. see hem, if •n Fiii Haase-. to tea h, u 1ik. t•.•od of (inderiot before him. last two sittings. en"- impeavisla as tie season adrsars, Kr. Jordan had seen Mr Vat. Horns. u 1 believed that teotlrnian would tee and gradually messing for the garner of favorable to the scheme contemplated Time and isteratty Leg nay he con in the charter. tepee to •dant the pakten: which he n•i. Mr Cuner,n wanted to know if the 1111 with an.:h emcees' to the eherc!: o! coet•attteet tntetcded ce to proto Mon- . w,lih•vtot pnvenMsled y srr•cged hie Choice. end such **nay te himself. tre•for ar intrview with Kt Vasttorne. -&, the railway special committee Mr Butter -Yes. flint's whet I tract went t. Ottawa T asday euro and during' know the remainder of the *ma wilt, rel Kt dil:noter.-Ito• ietentew haa been steamed for yet, bet 1 have telegraphed doubt, he neat/Ad by the peep', .f t:et , reg.rdtstt a. aapitai. And tf:ey'r* goiat t• apply f.• t Mr Can:•r••s--What are y -u going to • charter te parlisetert, and get deck• t sea hits ter over!suled, and the harbor !ear dredged . i io K matio to h... to might give a some ands rens pod -..Alis, c111/14nt 110051'6e4 M- Butler .sated :e know what were :ahead reven.wl office erected. junta./ we now throwing away 5300 to expenses bet Godirich u gun# 1:0 blootu out towards uotblaft up • •chert• that might life s fu peau , end the spacial onm^tt1 emcees yet f&i: of •eW. should await ten is going to melte It bl« n. (/h, yes, dos re•oit o; the interview before incur - tee rine addttu.nal teepees*. it was no see irdeedy. Atld tt •vetryth:nb dosan't Pau hoe the eomrntttes to ge a Winterise' d out just ss the i'-ctor ordered. thee, ir.no arrangeiseet hod been rands for a any event. the easecoyars vt Goderici I se tntarview sith Mr Va,Hnrnc. will have the preset privilege „t knowit,s Tit• Mayor -Th. gastinn Mtur• the roans of the men wbu mase board .s, was tbia a suetebie charter a that the ec M Kr }lutist -W• went to know .hat to Ottawa with glee to ert.d were !raid iafottnetton as to the trade, ate., of the by the tat :sayers of the WWI) tows is in the hasde of trio oomntittee. TMs iter finds fault with the Reform - -But i hear. the trip of the spec .41 ey sl.ouid sot go down without lav protst in West Huron because the d, p,or.ittee w:" b, etteod••l lo *intros., mew necessary talon:ntor. with thew. posit is mut being turtle-oilbythe tie- • The Ks or- .I have obtained data on est ed R•fors candidate, bat is boons new ntlw•y heist tato Dar town --the sublet ibsd t* by the Relorm,n of the Gad'ric!: aid Ceada !'sc:fia Jnnot,.n tc interview Mr lfaefl r&., end get a Riding. We would like to ask the Mar how was the money for the futile TreyI R R I ihiaa Cu"' iot'itd w ail it [ protest rained in 1882 ! me •.f th.e yernta meetiontd. Kr Butler sated if an/ cetnmuntc•- ti,w had leen iLad with Mr VanHurne. M: Hunter understood that Mr Johnston had received osmmuaic•tioas. Did Mr Purtartaus infoaned that •verythtrg a dor*Mr .'ohnstnn-Th, lattem r i had fro pay it out t his own pocket , And how that ear. toe dome toward eccc edulIy Mr Va iRors• was of • private statute. Mr Sol.nstoa vas to ge on with the wtfl the amine' for "Jiagwlifyiog' IMr eumplettne this rood incept applying for 1 t.. Kaynr-The times of the letter to Cameron be raised when the counter the charter, getting the bonuses from charts. protest is formulated t The Star-. as the a tanicip•ltttes, ,.htaintne else Gov,rn• t usual, is making a "jolly uW as. of mewl subsidy, surv.ytnea; the route. toAll Asnosori. altos wind,:a the: lost par, ; t • data. itself."- - baying the right • 1 w•J. gr•d.ng tks dry�ndedetri ard eaed cthat the ease- litst, Laying the fres ar,i tem., bsild1rg tar a road be •depted, anti that that the Ma Ral.rosra, M P., for Month the b[idgtw pattin,t ort the 644444647 peo'1st. J►1 dirsetots be C. Seeger, J. . Gamow, Heels Acheson. F Jordan, P. Ka/wan, Horace H••rtnn, M C. Camey n. C. Ylrsbb, F. Bir.gharn, W. tense in the vane claw. and 1 s..npoee L,mS and J t4. Colborn.. when the "special communes- cocoas T5• meetii:e then adj. moat back frim that- trio a- Ottawa mid Mon treat thew woe': fail to straighten nut , Panrr0, 15%Tat►atrmtt Rhee has made those kists in the sense 1 would hu btrlatwt ap sM. It was gait, Ma the osphbori not to expect tea touch, his fo.rlpr efforts The emesiphs acid =lesion half as well a the legal lee et Om beatitudes Sala , • Blamed' brat►ren attewd t thein. somite, d M tela d yth f seleadrtorm nee each a little over three Bases, is busy in the Ltgialatore eR- putpsant, and *waging the employees deavonne to make amendmeets to the with these taw watts the t;od,aieh and libel laws. Ther) is a necessity foe Caw•Aa i'&C.a. ••• acctu.n nod SI a.m.tet y as fat adored as any of re oumpett imerovwnent in this respect. but we gs•stioe if mach will be attained thea seas Theirs are, however seven joern stn sear+lgst the 5.1.1' 'S. mid 1 they look after the interests of their A debate on cite leivtion of universal suffrage a toes up on Monday, and both aides have sent out urgent 'whips•" a a division will likely ba reached on that •vesica(. PARI�OB OONCI*T• • Lame to esMy at an. ewe M Mewd.y s.e•taa The Feria•& .. he tie R1r sum s. .. rw■�. The parlor concert hold to the spa - Mous taunts of Rev Dr. Uro s home on Monday night wa a success. The au- dience was large, and represented a0 denominations interested is the mission e choed The Iasis outnumbered the gentlemen five to ens. The seller mild lection taken at the d000r ameuated to $1r, 3:t. In the •beeroe of Mr Jas Itoohanan, the mak of introducing the members on the program was •soegned to Nr The nisi McOtlllceddy. The opening piece vim • quartette, "Rocked in the Oradle of the Deep," by Mrs- Clarke, Mime Porter, and Messrs. M. Mc i llirray and W Hyalite. Mr Hyslop subsequently gave "Tie Tem• D ebt,- a bee sole, wtth much aoeept- ance. Mime Wenn snag 'Her Bright Stade Haunts Me /till," and ''Bird of Beauty," very sweetly, and by special reque.t she sten gave ''Amnio Laurie, ' in • charming manner. Mn Touts ries, "Daddy," add "Whew, is Heaven l' were sweetly rendered. and were fang with etprasion and feeling. Kw Nettie Crabb rare "Tyrol's L..eely Doti" in • most pleases; roamer for owe so young The duet "Lice's Fond Dream u 0 se." by Nus Wsrtoe sad Mr Fieleber was nee of the choicest easbere of tate ,vetting. The Misses Donnell, in their interum.a- eat deed, (violin and piano) took the sachem* by stars, and went deservedly eevneei. Thee played again by special request later is the *vNln&- iCeadinregss. were Riven by Messrs Tone Metislh- tseddy mad Straws, in the seder named. The elesisi g quartette, by Muses Wastes sed timber, avid Miners Halle ad (Aeteh.r •14401 g of Trust," was s pretty thing, fattisgly rendered Muss (Ilene, who .eelspaeied the solemn end the major pertirwt of the part press, did her work spl.sdt.11y. The retire •ssesabiats joined in a Ietrwine hymn. after whose Dr. Ues du - mitred the gathering eat% the b.n.dje, tire. ,,. 04. a ,*peel as Ir4a, r the latter will have to learn s r.ett credo 111•110 fK as getteth but 1.'t.e, great sill stilenits. TM *arida* is 56141O,332 in the time to come. 6 W t iiteien ' J1: t z' L This to tis 1131:ren•e17 credetebie she Teta. nay laden tow Maasarr tasHurar oa-e Tibbs emceed la Metaw• Robert r.r- ter, u.r.. pas. Me Moen la Ike aaad-. From the Toronto Wort•$ A deputation from Gw'ea:ch compos•.' of Mr Rub' Porter, M. 1'.,)4ayor !finger Reeve F. 11'. J..htt,u, Couc•il,•rs 1t' 1.e. and John flatlet, owl au interview Tuesday aftrtn�,on •t the tlueeo's Hot- el with Vie,-Presidr,.t 1 -an Horne re- lative to the ratans:.;. ,•f the l'an:Wise Paeitic Railway frun. Vs tug!•am to Goa erich. Ilse depute, ton r „ar.l Mr Vet.. dorm's reply e* fasoralete. The depot .tion went to ()ttasa last night to ask several favors from the Dv..iuion (10 ernuwl.t, the chief of which are the building .1 s Cuetrvt House in their teen as d the drtdgusg of the l;oderiil. harbor." Ottawa, March 21 The Coterich de- eutation mentioned in t••day , Worb reticled here thio merlin:t ala stroll;. viz, R Porter, )I P (IT West Herron, Mayor C Mager, Reeve F 11' Juhnato . Counnller V, Lee. Councillor John Butter and Mr M Hutchison. As the swan who caused M C Cameron to be left at home. Mr Porter saws the lion of the day in the ('apitel, and made unsay acgwaintanees. The deputation sane - he -e to see the Minister of Politic 1� ork s retable to hatb,•c and building improve- ments IS Getdeii h. A bar hsa rumor; across the entrance t.. the piers and ar appropriation u wanted to here it removed. Tie ptUUic buildings it the town are ••1 the shabbiest kind. and the people consider that the im- purtancs ,of G. derich as a shipping an. industrial rentor s. old warrant the Gov ernment in Making a grant for the erection of hui'dings which would ac- commodate the Postofhce, Customs, In land 1:evenJe and other departments Thee facts were strongly presented by the deputation tv Sir Hector, wh. promised that the Cabinet would non oder the matter. The deputati n Mil. r•tarn to -morrow night. The R sic .f sae t.aelpi Ja•cttan tatl- w ay. To the 1; -::'or et the Ilan-ury. Sts, -1 belie%e the route of tile. Guelph branch railway would be buil: such cheaper 1 it was built to Camp bellville. The coot of' the right of wav would be very trifling compared with. the route surveyed. Say start from Preaant s mill and theom along the rivet to Eden Mils. Tate treater part of the land passed thrucgh by such a line a a1 - most worthless, the public roads would not lee obetracted and property damaged If extended to (i.derich it could be taken along the neer eats and away fro* the thoroughfares of the city. Besides material for building, such as stone end tis, would be got touch cheaper and would sake a esrirgt o1 twenty thoueesd dollars. lours, dc., K*TLrlvLg. Guelph, Minch H, 1857. SHUTTING OUT CANADIANS. •anted man. ceel,wesers rerusdd.• •. tmpby •ay Mat C. a. t'Ittse•a. During the lot session of Congress Reprsentet,ve Tanney, of Michigan, introduced the follesit.g "Be It enacted,etc., that an all &dear- timtnesta for the ereetiun err onsstrnctiea of public work., or for materials to be used in their erection, onnsaruction of completion , sail for all supplies of every description to lie furu,shed to or for the use of any c f the Departments, and itt all eontr.cta made under .r in persa- aace of such advertisements, there shall be inserted • condition *hat no cornet or prison labor whatever, or the product thereof. shall he •myl.yea or used upas any public building or other public work. or in the preparation of or manufacture of any of the articles, materials or sup- plies contracted to be furnished therefor and there shall also be inserted in said a,ntract the further enndiuon that no person who is not a Anna ii•fr roeiden, within the limits of the Failed Rtat... and who has not declared his sntenti,.o too berme • cotton thereof on the mat tier provided Icy taw, shall be employed in the erection, construction or comp', toxo .1 any public building .r otht-i public works "dro. 2. That any wilful !wench .•f any of said e'.nditions d, any cwetr&ctot shall asses forfeiture .,1 the e.maescl, and shall constitute • templets defense in bar against any claim or actton resin: Om United States fur the recovery .1 any sem or some under said centraet and it shall 11e the duty .1 tb. officio lenity/ say suck aintr•ct •p••n heist advised that any contractor has know nutty tiolateol the terms .f eueh contract to declare the seen. forfeited. The hill poised the Brow last July and ih. Senate to day. It is aimed at the emersders along the Northern_ teen tier. whoempb•y a number of Caned lass spm .h• river and harbor works 1t is thoog'st that the President .ill sign it, a,s t that hereafter all Canadisen whew desire employment uron peak marks ..f the Pasted Antes will law t• declare a':.giance to the Stars sad Strip a5. Tu. entice risk use I•orsly apswe tial by yr•nrig Peet uI. app Settudf{/ *fi I(+ieow•