The Huron Signal, 1887-3-18, Page 7AC
‘‘4)! i.;; IN ITE THE ATTENTION OF THE 1'1'131.11 14 t
Dress Goods,
Cashmere Gloves,
Lisle Gloves,
Silk Gloves,
Kid Gloves.
Cretonnes, Toweling.,
Cottons, Curtains, Scrim,
Tablings, Tickings, Carpets, Curtaining, Oil Cloth.
First- Class Tailoring Made a Specialty!
Their Entire Stock will be offered at Very Low Prices.
ACHESON &COX, West Side Court House square.
Went Huron Liberals Will Pro-
test Porter's Return.
a Ng Cesiniems.s .5 Iliosstesa £ew.sws
The Weelide a she 4.ea..t t. fibs COONS
e'as the --Tse Mosta L.fibe.mly. t
The lemma a thts.g in the may of •
**Weal convention yet .is. is this
seating was that of the Liberals
..f West Huron, held is the Young
Liberal rases on Friday last. The at.
•.ndanoe was so large that it was impos-
sible to oosi(ortable accommodate all
who ware pretest. Over 200 parsons put
to an apoparasoe. We were .sable to
get a bald all the delegates fres out-
side points. Besides about fifty of the
ladle, eitdseas of Ooderich, whose
nasal it is oat eeesseary to give, we o to
served the following well -knows Lib".
rale :—
A•tanrsti —Jen OHM., Mao'sn Dal-
ton, Jac Stemmas, Win Jno
Hutchison, Pasiek O^Ott.ner, Thee
Ford, Michael Dens, J A Horded, Jno
MsLssssn, M. leek Mathes.., Damn
McKenzi., K.a.itb McLsusns, Jot,
Matheson, Charism fltswaet, Jno Jamie-
los. Robt Remises, Wm Les., Richard
Ilse. Jasims Lase Oke. M.K.saie, Doo
Meteor, Birth threat, Dos Matwss,
Teo MsJossid, Kenneth Meteor, Jac
Meltyre, W. Mattison, W McBride,
H W Rad
Coosa;(irons, —Jokr. Morris, Peter
Ones, T 0 M.rri.b, Jobs Patterson,
Thom Campbell, Thee Bellow., Harvey
tiros., James Stewart, Donald McKin-
non, John Linklater, Capt A Bogie,
Richard Fulfu\ori, D C.misa.g, Thee
Menials, sir. John Tiros, Jane. Ta*b,
Jamb Seritasr, J C LeTons.l, Jett.
Ressler, Busy Menial, Jas 0 Stewart,
Joh. Remiche., 0 Md(s.bie, Jame.
Gloms. W Yam, Joseph Morris, Jams.
Lisklater, W Bogle, Geo Van toss. Jas
MsMsrehis, J O Clat.s, Wm Tindal),
Wsi Jewell, Jobs Stewart. Hassid Mor-
rie, John Raid, Thee OWhill, Chas Me -
/lardy, Jos Morris, E Mobring.
Lor Wawas.. --Rob! Gerrie, Thee
Tyler, Relit McGowan, Adam Booyer,
(Award Hain e, ('bas Campbell, Ales
Rising!, Rob Heaps, Thee Brows, Jos
Brown, John Corsa, Oen Henry.
Warr Wawa.omr. --B J Crawford,
Louis Taylov, Cbs.c.y Brows, Chas
(linin, or.. Pelee McCann, Jamas Rosa,
Rob. Lobbhsrt, Thos Tedd,DDvid Todd,
D Rutherford, W Kooken, Jas Snm.r-
wiils, Thea Anderson.
Go►tsaws Towle..are -J Wiggington.
E C Potter, E (1 Cnortios. °on Dyke. J
Torras.. A M.Dnogall, R, Phipps. D.
Psrvir, C McGregor, .1 Switzer. Iles
Too, J MeGleakey. Orr Cot, jr. J, Peter Cob, R. Walter, R T
Waken, Gen Rao, Oeo Cox. sr. James
Rama, James Jew., W McMath, Jae
Porter. jr. Jos nosed, R McCullosgk.
Cutrron. — W W Ferree D t Mae
W C earl., Dr *e this...+.,
stave ikK.wai., Wm Caw, Thee
O.Na.. Thea Brows, Jaws flit►, Jobs
amt, It Baywned, Jos Rowse, Jos As -
sr, Jamb 'lgbr, 1 di f3esib.i A
Maniac, W J Paisley, Js. Guydt, Wm
Charles Girvu, reeve of West Wawa -
Dish. presided
After the mists of the pnvto.s eon -
amities had been read sad adopted, a
committee, Dr. Wotttfr►gtos, chairsnn,
was &Tristed te prepare retoolut tuna, etc.
M. r,. Cameron. Q C., who was receiv-
ed with Iood sad prolonged obesrtnp,
was called epos for • epeeck.
Mr Osmwos ea eosins' forward was
grated with and applause. He recd he
was ging to as se easy , s
frees the eeretimeacy ni * Sena
The preaesq of w large a windier d
delegatea frets the •,.tatde mosisi sii-
ti.a showed that Marta wag by Co
means dead io West Boron. (Applause.)
He bad run se the Reform caodtdato
for the .orstitsescy tied bed been de
fasted, bot his defeat had not been
accomplished by koeorable mesas. Ml
the powers of an .sasr.p:ilous and cor-
rupt (7bret•omest had ban utilised to
torn the vote of the semtitoesey
anises him, and bribery, istisidation,
abd..ctiun, persositios, sad siisreprs-
sentation bast hem mord swami him by
the .missend' of the llabiaat Ministers
whom he bei exposed at Ottawa. Men
from abetbas them, had gone up
and Iowa alms. of um towns sed
along the moms anis- hews of the tans
ships saekisg bin week -kneed Dose whom
they 'odd tempt, and the sequel show-
ed that lb* nefarious week bed s000.ed-
ed temporarily. But though defeated
we were .et dismayed, thaith beaten at
%be polls by the gibbose misted we were
sot wiib i.t hop .0 redeemiwg the eos-
stiteeney- Be was beki.g into the
fame of sorest men, and be k..w
dist skald air opportunity aril for a
sew elation, earliest work, and seems -
fel weak meld be expected in the
Reform interest Be tocl, sat-
isfaction out of the fact that though de -
felted be had foevht an honorable fight,
sad though cesspitsd against be had re-
sorted to nu illrgel set. Holed told bis
friesde dist if one duller would perches
• vete, and that vete would elect hies
member for West Bora that dollar
should at be paid, a.d be had run the
satire ci-ntest on that line. (load
applause.) In IMO we Pad to ieht the
(3.rryr ,reter is West Heron, and is the
recent tele-tten the• (lerrys.m!r bad
still to he fought, backed op by the is
fames Prasehia. Ad. ((tear. bear.)
in West Huron alai the revision of the
list under the working of that Aet had
east the Reformers Homes *SOO, and dist
is ▪ on.endo had hese prim he ly list 1 Mbn bergs is endeavoring to elasr the 1 of
Tory votes. Hever dertrg the ISM of
bis political life had the Tab ra%) sppppa,r-•
ed snore alive to their work thaw dune
the eampaiga just ginned, and until the
Rate,day or hied. before Amities day,
peaapum fine the Lib.rsl party . the
ridise .ever soused brighter. Aho
that Ossetia Boodle, was abroad is die
Tory interest, amid the eesditseney was
bought ..on Isy the .'ate of a
governwat. During the past shirty
years khi had prsetised his prmlusiies in
the .astiae, and of .seg.niy had been
moespeiled to dike satins app eves
mese of the Reform friends. hot M was.
.stisfsetitm for him to Intim that d.r-
meg I. sae. senp$iga, the Rslrtat
.'actor. who had personal feeling
against bims, with a few exceptions that
be aould 000ut on the fingers of one
had, had sank perennal feeling in the
interest of party. He gave all honor to
these tad., and he would Dever forget
their disinterested action in behalf
of the Liberal cause. (AppLres& )
He had sever sought the Domination for
Wert Hone, and oo more than one
occasion daring his political career he
had reload Domination. Then was
n othing fur him to gain per,cnally by
rosisinin4 is public life ; alit►, were his
ewe feelings co.alted and moo.tary
...sideration an nbjeet with him, sotb-
iageouM induce him to again offer as •
.yiidate for political position. But he
hawed the hear•. of West Huron wee
emend to the core for Liberalism, de-
spite the present temporary defection ;
and when he remembered the sight in
the Orad Opera House on the might of
election when the, announcement was
mads that Toryis., had carried the aid-
ing, and when be charred the sorrow-
ing look opon the faces and moisture in
the eyes el strong seen, which could not
have been extracted by physical psis,
ire felt served to utak all personal feel -
hoe, sad publicly stand by the Reform-
ers of the riding. (Applause ; Of the
nature of the causes that had ooutribut
.d te his defeat enoatth was already
known to void . doyen elections, and if
this 000vatioei decided to bring the
matter before till courts nothing was
. area than that the preset.t member
wouhl be unseated. (Hear, bear.) In
that event another election would r .
.alt, beyond al1 que.tio., n ta. eessti-
tsency bight returned to the .ids of
Redone byslen, majority. (Appleton.)
And she. d it .o happen that when the
elation of the present member was
voided. se rnidd it would be, thea if ne
other candidate were seleet.d by the
Reformers of West Heron. they mold
depend that the ration wool,; be taken
by M. C. Cameros. (Load and pro -
limited cheese.)
The orntmntln, then adjourned lentil
1:30, at which ti. ne the proceedings were
reops..d. The resolutions offered were
all 'main; cooly and entb..ia tieally
Moved by A. If. !tanning. recmided
by Robert McGo•w... that the IL -forte
em of West ;Huron. in eon•.noon as-
✓ sebied dater to impress .s the .est
e mphatic :ammo ter biih appraiatis.
of the eminent acrd patriotic serviette
r.. -domed, not ev!y t,. the Reform ]arty,
bet ales to the pimple of this Dominion
by 0..o. Edward Blake, our honored
le.d.r at el Mr M C C.mrroe, our late
able representative. We desire to eos-
grey t•. them as espreades oy nor moire
confidence in them a• nor leaders.
.sol approval of the course .bieh they
neve pursued
to .peaking to the motion Mr Mae
mini orifi be hoped to sake gab an es
ple.atios as would euat..e the er.,M-
tiuo to hare a Setter orpiaiog' of the
tows of Clinton than it appeared to have
Irmo the remarks let fall by delega ss.
Perhaps they did deserve mese blame,
bat in the election before they elected
Mr (asernn..rd no thumbs to the rest
of the ridinc. This noolutitm Galled
upon the matinit in lbw Gist plea to
1 rex::. a cnt04.teee in Mt Blaine and
Mr !Cameron. (Cheers.) They have
hoard from Mr Cameron's own lip that
though defeated he is still willing to
stand again for West Huron, if needed.
(Great cheering.) As the delegates
were leaving Clinton in the morning .
Cesservetive celled out, "What about
the funeral r They would dimmest alt
that in the not tar More, and find that
l the candidate of the Liberal patty was
the liveliest corpse they ever saw. The
Conservative majority would moan be
removed from Clinton. (A voice—
Toe oolyslipped a cog.) And it would
semis tae its place as the banner Re-
foem tow* elf West Huron. (A
plume.) lbw had not been beatao in
Clinton by a fair contest. The Con-
servatives, if the reports received by
the Rdsein committee are cornea,
had won by means which would not
bear the light 1.1 day, and could pot
stand the test of the law courts. Clin-
ton care Col. Ron 17 in the recent lees(
election, and the prospects were that they
would d•• something like chatter MrCam-
eroo. All the bust Liberal works. in
Clinton. thooiht with himself, that the
town .meld at (east give 15 of a Liberal
majority. 1'p to the Saturday evening
previous to that fatal Tuesday he be -
Bowed his party had . right to expect a
majority. Maumee had been effected
from the Saturday to Tuesday, by means
which the Liberals did not believe were
legitimate and right The Liberals had
eoudeetd the 000test honest) and hon-
orably. (Applause.) He did sot know
of ea solitary Dent improperly spent by
• Olintos Reformers. (Cheers) Mooch
eight or nine out of the dosea large em-
ployers of labor in Clinton were Reform-
ers, pot one of them had used coercion
with their employees. Some of them
had easefully refused even to speak with
their men upon political matte., for fear
it should be eoostrawd into scything lite
coercion our intimidation. it sbrnld &Mn
M remembered that beyond doubt man-
sfect.ring 1towaa were apt to beams
Ooneervative, and Chaos 000ld sot
escape (rosi the seismal rola The
Liberals had bees defeated i. Clinton,
but they would do their best to redeem
their petition .cd to maintain the Re --
farm rased wbieh they hod kept for so
easy years. (Ohara.)
Mr McGowan briefly seconded the mo-
Mooed by D. Me(lilliceddy, rusosded
hp Joseph (1nXo, that Mr M. 0. Cosi".
nes, our atle candidate at the late
Federal election, having been defeated
by improper means, and we having beim
1.ftwasil by the Reactive ensisiittes
tliW,there is abundant evidence upon
shish to found • protest, end believing
that we s Liberals ousel he derelict to
ear duty to the coiniry it we allowed
the flatter to rest without taking **non.
the Reform Association of Ween Huron
is etw.vsstitwi instructs its pwrideat Mo
take immediate peoreedinln to have the
sleeting' d Mr Porter protested and set
Mr 1) Xe(lillicnddy said he had
ressay in moving the resolution. His
aw whereof M spoke when he es
dorsi the s.bmitiing o/ • resletmm of
the kited to the ennventen e. He knew
the uwetitesney had teen
nut' The Liberals webeaten sot "bought
n y
peeper mesas, not by proper .od iar,
argument ; we were not beaten because
of our leaden—Mr Cameron and Mr
Blake. 'Cheers.) We were beaten be-
cause our candidate had made himself
so obnoxious to the corrupt Gov-
ernment at Ottawa, who could not
stand his criticisms of their corrupt sod
injurious policy. (Cheer..) Bet although
Mr Cameron had been defeated, he had
not lest prestige in his party or the coun-
try. He was desirous that every Re-
form should sit in the Howse by
• o unporchased vote. No money had
beew improperly .pout in Ooderich or
any other part .4 the ndinr in the inter-
est of Mr Cameron. •Cheera.1 But
during the election certain men were
found on the other side who were travel-
ling through the townships and along
the bock streets of the towns
with plenty of money, who have
been ordinarily in the habit of dodging
the payment of their debts on judgment
. ummonres. The speaker deed by
quoting the words a the wounded bor-
der chief as applicable to the state of at -
faits in W est Huron :—
•Tight on. light on, sty merry men all,
Fight on ri ht bravely :
Fight on, A t on. my mrr
ey roes all.
Aad this ye not or mw.
For though t have bees wounded
Yet 1 am ..t date ;
But lay ane down to rest a while
And t'U ries a.d ttgbt teat a.'
Joseph liriffn, reeve of Ashtieid, se-
conded the resolution in a fittioy man-
Mr Farren, of Clinton, also thoegbt
it was the duty of the Liberal party to
contest the election in the *aorta Mr
Cameron should be returned to Parlia-
ment as goon as possible ; but the bur-
den of protesting West Hens should be
borne by the entire party in the riding,
end with that view they should look to
the ways and meats. (Applause.) It
was proper that they should spend their
money in this !natter ; it was in the
cause of right, and was quite legitimate
There has already been a lot of expense
in this election, and Mr Cameron should
n ot he allowed to pay all the expense of
a mooted in the courts. (Apples.)
livery municipality should do its duty.
(Applause Applae
Brief add,wsis were also given at this
point -y D. 0..&.g and Thos. MoGil-
Moved by Charles Seeger, seenrrded
by John Wiewi.ttnn, that each polling
✓ ob dtruiom io Week Florio be as.ess.'.
at brut the sem .d sum of 190 towards
defrsyin, the expense. of protesting the
election in diet Riding, and that the
collection of .rich cents he left in the
hand. of the chairman and aroretarik of
lhr •anon• pnhing reA dtvisiom.
M,./..r Seeger pard a high tribnt to
Mr WAR* a• •n orates and s Mat( ..1111.
tool card he wsa gni .g to ern hofs,
(014.. -..) Snob a lean as he rook' sot
p.t down by alt mown• From the
.•tdrnee 1111. L.ibrrsle had been ebbs to
.•►••5•r., It ie (10,11 slier that all sort• of
niv* t•a a.ntrArr e., the law had Aron
time. ray .hs lho..-, e,,.re,•. t., airy the
eieetinns in Weer Herne Meta hal
been down. ( ' ,• o..rtaiet upset
theei.ete.. los .a. not t tum.
to .pewit] th....• . miters ..ih.r than to
e nv .bot bri1er1 insp.'snrrtime and in
thaidatlns had bees practised ; see
bad bean mode druskec sed dragged is
order be babe thaw trots the Ub.rala.
The deotion would be contester, and it
should be done at the expense of the
party generally. (Applause )
Mr Wiggington said the beat thing to
dolma to pot their hands into their puck -
eta, and pay for the cost of the protest,
and sol lee it fall upon any roe person.
Joeeph McClusky said that the ma-
chinery for the protest was now in or-
der, and all that was wanted was a little
"oil" to rake ,: run smoothly. (Laugh-
ter and applause) The Liberals had a
lot of sap...e already, but the protest
fund should be raised by the party. The
last expense was for the revision of the
voter' list, and the county, mon awed -
ally the Liberal party, was pot to that
by act of Parliament. (Applause.)
A .obecrt,,i•.n let was it once open-
ei es the convention was amino, and
& beet !1300 were immediately subscribed
is game ranging from 15 t) $SE. The
Clinton delegation alone put up $100
in as many ..cords. TIM was all doe,
spostaneo►sly and vol.ntanly, apart
frets any amassment, or anything of
the sort, and the balance will quickly
be raised by *diatom is the polling
sub-divisiooa There will he no difficulty
in raising the necessary deposit money,
and a sang sum for counsel beside
This most enthusiastic oonventior
brake up in time for the afternoon train,
with cheers for Blake, Cameron and the
Qus.n. Old Liberate who attended
doseus of eonventiose say they never
saw anything like the determination,
' pint sad good Palin. which prevailed
at S. Moan* w
apo:-anted treasurer of
the protest fund, a.d a xsi-&ittee coo -
misting of Borate Berton, C. (linin, J.
Ori/&, T. 'Baylor. W. Young W. W.
Parra., O. 2uugur, W. Proodf••ot and
A. 13 Massing was appointed to man
sgm the esus.
Dttl 1S,.
Two, Sou—A one belonging to Jas
Tobi. gave birth to twin calve, on the
14th into. Where'. now 1
Mr. Dittos, of Waitaki, formerly of
the Exchange hotel, Dunlop, visited
two this wee►.
Rev Yr Black. of Knox church, visit-
ed a..sig the pari.bon.m this weak.
\terry Robin Redbreasts. harbingers
of spring. with numerous feathered
f. rna• raised melody in this vitintty
i vastly.
Aolhonj Allan, has disposed of hie
imported horse "Warwickshire Soto,"
t.. Mr Dent, of Zurich, for $l (100.
On Wednesday of last weeks neer
her of valuable carpenter's tools were
mol .n from the premise, of D Coen-
.nt,.M., a..d the same night a similar los
was sustained by Wm -rri•. It was
thought the miming tools had Leen lak
ea to lioderich,and soar -h warrents were
obtained .'sine. the premiss of certain
residents of the county town. bit thus
far no elite to Weir whereabouts hat
Men .obtained
The poldid -cit..). tesehen is the
neighborhood of Listowel, out of
for Yavrra YeCahlern and Due ,
of the High Behold, made them h pip.
astatine no Saturday, in tb. &
&hoof bald*. Booth taches rt
Isere the prof .ice thio west.