The Huron Signal, 1887-3-18, Page 5.i °•',. " THE HURON SIGNAL. FR,IDAT, LARCH' � IMS. 3 _ __ _ _ - -_ ... -- --- _ - ----- --- t {, ) wstrreal cu itswte tof .,or rystetnt a numb o they were ,:t able to 009" *pia, u,d a seed tlNlre. vil stent r smelted f 1887- real WORLDS. «d lilnrw reoleve-•teu by the fissure i beve *sur t„s.•la.d art*uad the earth. i Harry IGoerda, u1TSiruate, agent /urI la • rva.nl letter received (roar Mee HarpsrsI Bazar __ . •ilk `4 vol-hraSa aurraad At -41 tet this I AWI of the G-la-rlr. instead as( bulug ' Iran. Art Pubbestlona, *We* &list he was tollbooth A Mills, of Wheatley. coat , she i taken u• • n the nrrroat hwits of I IU&a&'& .,I thick ,;.,• ro.dly gruul,. I w leuuWod with dw6aw fuer eglbt years says, '•I was a sufferer fI,r sea ytan ssih � 1 LL(•IITRATED. O A Glance at the Wanders a! the: 1 apraw, at.[ r,tht,. the r,•acn at wh art ten that he avuld scarcely attend to bumomme. dyspepea and Iver couapltaiut. My fundft Wetrora. ,o far ap*rl that they Ju n"1 , Solar bytltotri. riot of libel nay+irds.•f r.lckr stal.urre, aaela iobalrted lLe light of tike stars, we under- until he ince hrlww ilii. He eeairw to dad tautdegwt, aSae� Karr weaker every {luper.Itaxaar.oaablr*s tar aleck;.n. Int wain tba• ton lawwu, for the taw -At .d day. 1 :last appetite soil had little hope etsturr and the nuret art 111"Oua : -n• w•sa I ..f which t. surr..u«dr+l lay like talent ad •laud 0 -at Ike attraCtwus a( the l.lruets makes al- cure . d r.tc.,aery'. I teed many reiaedsa, but the beset fashion* and lbw meat ur•tul Is", emlaly tpaor, Weil eGret libels separately, w that wale a-1 to vain, till 1 tockk Burdock Bat ,beto&= Its rah osis.- p• ante ose.li we y wd the ►wet wallets, awe I�Mnorn,►. afar 1t 'oro was* Myo" 4'ompo4•loon ssuu.w• of 1'be ouu.bers ,•( lhwr_1uns are, ick fact, I waft I..If Imblud the ,abet& Thus the I w e 1lasebNeas.•aa. , tAttera 1'be Yet bottle hate ndt.es, are u"W,P,*erd. Ica m on su.•ta1 et► NLe and 9u1w.• of Mer. c+area y" the sober encu t fwd may M drawn ail tato • *frac takitaV wy«a, i. t:lra, 1 ,•n thankful geese. we wt, i►sr•-rrrpae� troll' wM reserra i atrl.anJ c•-wi,utrnoo• hk 7 y no us, (ulluwiieg is a list n( the riuci I _ he bra � a wkr:, trd.ww.- warts -4 the Sul*+ 0A+f' $000-elsrs have flue of wet*"., and in tune inti a euw P M that 1 now easily all l.r.Ith." " dkle to c oir . fiuela • baa takuu d' • crag l • • i.#. aU.0 d Aur --- titan f. ulna ala oAo.1 watlun • spina of acne t� ft tH'"""s's wrtbywkw that have take" pLtrs a1or..o fM•eWesaadlutlses+-brSa* .uee..u.wars r,. satY the twelfth arutur •, with tike cawwltlrs' eVpebdlesterreerae t uwa.a degree. i:vrt ta•lrsa. w cf is Vbee allraoet under ver eyes. The a,met y seripalla s b ba tato reoowwn jn+ Saw ke� When we h.,k up u•h. the Jerk ru11t iwr-.ssd p,ror f-aarlralta .spear tore kSw,wa Btola's was sou In 1134ti to tae counted :- •rev, lfrltal It.' tY-ea s Ilse i. •d iurdoto h+ r -dams- 1.bML of the widutght sky, %site its htulurude dna•;,'•. Brij beittlls,,.,.I Liable eatstenee split into two tends Whale it cams Year l'L„, 1'►sllnl. What ! Nalvor tried IlAuatoto'a T••wit Mould *buck Lbe awrst f•uidwt.ht tenet. ..( gLttarvu-g alas, aoJ tLo• broad, In4tbl nes •.alriredw ..( ahe*r n,'rr rl.htren; ahem, in 1842, thee• parts had coosnbr- 11 7 t+rotlY If,,11W Hitters ! Than do v, al •,net. it a %•,sou. . Wuull eslhl,g through fillets, Ll« the true whit, netluta, invos►Mo t., Ilse Sulfate, eye, wG1 wparated. It has not been seen IIN rfyru $0.000 lively ilio bot general ►ooie -u the l l .� ['.YER'S iCei>EtIi)>vIe.sLs. yitwu of !Le float ons, I ter natural its• ere found under rile t-jese--tow a• aur,sa,i et fie, but in 1ti71 • grwt fall u( route.,n 1%17!1 liduto .. 6'9,"00 market. ran run 1l.'S PEWS ItAZAK preseh•u is that thrw •ISan ant, ua lash of great groni-a ..f suck•, utateytd ta.11utLe, I war oLwn'nd, rhich serwwi u• M war+- 14fM1 Plaplr* 40,00p Ire titian heard .•t it but the•ught that tt.tKl'tkt! YAe(AZINk,,....... � N so er away than tie. ua " oo, *,.d - 1 mark by their dhani"i.lw rrtn.•fenJbs. lust sir rte orb t. Tuts thick cao•et ap- it eras b, fa-. plaeehi ton the list to( the t1AKPKK'tl WY-ILS►.Y t lb:;l Luhun y11,000 mass aewallor size. llckt to the e,.t,••tn u,rr the pian t„ Levu braWou up int.• a wetw.olc many trauLy powparruon's that A,+od sur A•\KI'CR'li FiIA ti PIN H . ess At to Lha n•al diat.reaw u( tib. bard . 16117 Naples IU' wasrket, but *mcr you arc"wwrrud eL ra IIAIt}'r:K'tl FIfA�TKWV stQ(;ANft LI1L skirw loll • J1florr11t sto.� Ila teal -.Ida Saint,, our •landard aaiea.uro - f a mile i• acuate lsta7 L:cLswalt btghl I It tae it a Leta,. Lo su it's 11.ge1LN1'ftlt } jNI)V rYKI► , Vee Year. Sri the slxrr s pecks ath-Lnr The iai,Les ,.f G;t',t, then, which %:train 16!1 : y K t ! i ,way int., w us.•Iru u a n:rru• of >zitun¢ u• oily de .lawwica l.UaSU In uurtt r atmotphore,aud o atekl die t•««I I,N any clamplarut art which w tome -Number* .......... ........ _t:- w tagrmntxWrdrplh• rf atacr. He tiler- (;uric conoepu-•n. Tti, nuu,hrn .h..tr pW' a 1' y, 1millCt swily . 11O,1I110 toot brnetit, atnle«•r be taken h wan, y'*'��Kt/r Sul aaluw•tlerein,At Va Said aura ili.•N, and G --ds thst each of then ;;;assn war ahs great tI. In rr*dtly handled, .out, n -teal to us accreta of the enusttto- I Ott; Atlutle. Italy 3.41UO y titutr• ea t'rrtuda. . • u larger than 1161114, us .d mu,ns, aid ,unf our roersnaat, t n,.l acres to ht in, tion of the u siverse, which so clauld lar 1703 hedd-•, Japan .Ylrl•("I w -lues, ..r child. .,(f,:.sad til 1►et tattle _- at l:.«,afe•s Dray sloth, Alwin block, The s•ol«inemof Ibe Ilssar yew with file rime touch Iwraier that even our great I mettat•ly tenethr„rd 111 .•near to bring hu other manut•r attain. The srerhiug.y 1714; 'Che forma !:0,1,00 6 cause. We oar gain *,•i,i,• fckint nisa . 1 asset vonl ,of the hvaaous a uoa h-uud t, 1711: AI less LU U(N► llooletiab,sadr &,{et!:. �e 1st 1t :tie in rgg for Jan of 1' t tib -re lar, : I Illry MV fisc►. 1vDer y.• uun,i.dra wi-Lw renacoltrblr aw ti:nr f, rrrn•iurew. swh.arf tloas %,A hw I I%- I.al. .•( iase tautly ns-"--' "patter• Peturtuu 60)(11 - ___ - e,s %Iib the nWlber carrtut at tlsae of ret its uestrr rtgnseu, lout new end aur- Ieellen.1••na The spa•,• I -•( a rwllr,.ad17Y1i erica* hat in aerkm to tcsa a its vast -a f F -r U:, Sar utntror. •,x nr it much %creator !i%I Yrkita 1(q,IM10 rut ..r order. Y , thin. nor . f a c.nnou hill. to here u A ItDWARS-(N one chasten "Tta�RR ta.,und \-olumrsof Na s Planar. forum, Ian" o •-1.641 inutility- If se c. -III -1 unaigine & uunlbore than loos• p'e �ravrAlly hoar &uy i 1740 ..areas and Curr, Sal OW tr" to any "aseudt the best /orfs lip- F�wOhark, funeat-loth binding. will basest 11. I,it-le is known 10 &VWA A t*wshlare o1 r•:'n•*-! I►.in Sao *ret as to trsrr) (reals Idea of tattoo. !\e%e•IIuIN• Lck, r-ltunalvd I:ratt CtiTW 40.01.00 maul. penalties Paid. or b7 repress. tree d 17ti4 d abyss ion ''ye.aagRRr, the rartssgerkable etssst,sa IWO%Iden file ferigbt duos, net cleansed %fie graced Ji,noeN.aw oil,► which tbe'thr ,..0 tea \rpir«e, rem« 'l,Ct1f0 00U 000 tient. uleiu Ji.,; mraatorb nibo s•utll a* „arty j7:w Ihaalalu, Persia 40,000 Utile ¢Sam for the Teelli an,i Psts.. Ask N Os P --r vulutae, raw i se r rulamr, aa*Lrwk.ow Sar babNual dsrb. sad a h .iA h. b,t a iainlo with the IOtse-wit, f •vT your d eat or skidrsN aldi ,'r,re for ru'b ►'-•tun,. •u.table for ly f ,d mtlrs, 1st ►+ionic fawn Mor., i• s... d li:,.a 1r.L i,ll IAX/ y v4gg ,,u" i rW br w•at b wail. at,. 'wtilious -f illegal uaeet a:le i ! Pw,prid, on n•- Surveyo( thaw dl0srnalnSae assay ahs I*lhsae t•• pluw't, .o.rsed &t thin .pet••1 1.59 a3yla :'0.000 eaf_pt 111 OU ..t h. without alt,e,erl. We pr.lause, the". � thratcte rpsne f or to air `Sal years. aro it darih a Attau•flhe-e every f%rglfy� I it 111784 I.,zollgh,an, Aua, Ahad O,(" _7 - �. - a araliasa - R taae••s.houid h-• nydr by loser (wee fors, t , Jev"Io thea arlltlr to atoms al for s r at hour. obsti nal) fear this •ttel i - li!N-T l:t•nn(n' net warn aaa - - ---- - - Mel►r4r Order ur bratt, to as cid cbsa. a of loos. C •Uthl Sar tcb ret salt aa.l••n rt rho nor '' �`+ a A', e'awhr/,e•rr oars, ad to r,rpv IA. ,rd•e,r4r Pro, rt fitted star, ,our twar nrial,is-f, AINh,. "'•slab«a sat San ,t,00.vb-tre woe wo tie Ire Ire ani I'.,o oma 40.0110 ' .Ws,«t •trpritt rA, ,xpr, ,., ,,rd,r o ILt1a•sw i tit�nrds •.( saln.ait•wy, yard gaol to r•• ` � (RrwTlitns. Ad.tn•.. � -:vats a faint c•.ua, ,tw.w.a.f %bas immoust• { a,Crthsnlly b..mhftrded fr"ack ti;e he*vems, I lith, Na Its I:,. m The Appetite N 1 JJJ(Tru•sa ... P HAI.PKR k DKOT 6R! ty -at allosee. ,tut we hare wt hack's a much soperi•-r atth nuss►Iw $vnttf maty h:nr1 faster ltlC1 Atlepps ge►,000 r' ittiln-rJ traart, at tib.• rate ,.f a miste t than the swiltc•at t.Dtnon %,Sall. The air, i IWeI Meretr G 000 War M inrreae•d, tl:r fl."in ye osr<tws ---- --- - _-,_'v lora. wt•ar-ur:aq r-ol with %Foch lack raialmtt ,thus, is of *.meotliar use than the *up I81) t'.anb-n G.,0U strenxtLrraod, anti tit, B... cis recalls", w minute a now war ownbors* Ila oils (walk the.-• ¢rand dlet ckaiesa. This 1s the eye -el by taking A%tr's rule. These Plan are 1"rt such • s;awe .e«u«a Irytktlu! t.- -,l A r.y -.( h•cbt Liitht trayss at tib-• f"y'uZ u* arch hrrauaiutc m.terial, ar.sr, lam;} (.pt flryttan 4,OW R 1�8r%. thtuit 11, sold 1t a tettm,dr a,t desirable + without int, this earth auulu beadeca+iestl ISa-, (Wallom !0.000 Purely vagetabor in their compo•it}rm. a tato a! Ill t•IIpU ween lora ►ea -tied, warp- y flupor ,t�%^�nAo��:►rt it sb..ule iia- witach inxeawd Slut sir aha.a-xrthlroroIke.uninalir.ie tov sty uucuuaf"rtaLlc rtaadcuast. lil:aet Quits ;a,tlQ(f TM•y arontaim aoitllrrcs►lurarl two on olbc•r uu\uJJ I U � jf+uu n Sar do WIL ::•u*lly rraltre that *bate g T#ivw uaete ars see tat -i »;tall Saw• , 1!370 aleadcoea, south Am. 7,000 dan- •nos cru;:, anal tuaw be tall -as with �j Irl Sar eillit manutrck, &nd rvrschin•t Neptune R 7 dart vafrta b1,.'I-._its of all es. traveling over ths,errth at lho exea•a•ivr elr ..ntermoat pl.aro•1, in abarl f -aur c«;ulzrd as reeu,lat-Sas "I rtraits• of shic11 lalf It Towns :n Peru and Eco P" . ) a5 .peed, we are aL•wtint through spa-ry u, j 164 11. Yrt tile* sit m dartiuy i-ra u Sar atwre .halt ouw hundred have tl46W bora ` saaJur 252,00 i }can a great tick;:. t • r from Dtspepaia I "N 1LLG STRATF l) H'ELKLY. _ ,hree different directeuns at a rote w•hicla w s ecktl.rtattrt. Yet thi earth, in its .-sir- I:r than J••ke de CUCUta &'d l ntt.tlpatanu. 1 I:wl t» appetite• uiSwn o fear• t.. row -'k the sir, -riot (ixAd 1 Usrlxr's Yooaz ►'tu1•10 hr• been ran" ieduccx it to a torta.iat lake 111 ,tvmt•nt. Q t are si.rond tier anti, U,aehaa bat & olr• C•alnnabia, 14,000 b, came I%�� eater d-•bilivato ,f, and war cent rru-t••! of %tot * r t 'ter, sold abrant 10 ya,,re to roach tie, T stantiv affiected with llratlsebe ani Dlszf- p. io. ii. 1 ter .oa In euw diroelasw se ate jo,urtryluz at : t new line vaf • , elf as right tbousand IR[il brio 4,1"90 gb:l.,. I. utwttt its Le." &fail &lot. uultee it than ,. ; •crit •lick:ant : sL.!o (-ea Noanir, - f the utorr Psi t>eg neua. 1 c,aa•ut,d our fatolty tiorwr, saw a eval of sick.. a ,anise K Lai a , et . rai:rs ,w tMctnea 1t i. fair tw pvrs•oute I" Whatlge,t..wu !N; as Wena adxtieq. is umpl► .,+taored tier ►al id as Lha w,•I;.Nf i*, ilia San i+lts.vt",. recall iota.• i! My rcq .aro tea fila -tins .n preveri•ttd Sur Inc. :d variuur tcwr., with- a a,, "art agingoit. it 4se atIstaa.d at he,,, sad ! e perhwps miI'iens of yore in; light tri -h a tier err!«•on, clime, geml the article Ilia- To a I'tvitra, Itwly ace out &0)"ar; leisure Jun itatp••rvy r !4s f. r. ,.l }tntala. Tf :r •slants ha, o a like as roll, ad with the otlaera: Fla. , firI ti-et.►-rit are ,� tall tiara, ier-•ut ,.art• Floahow ' 3,000 1 8uslty romaalrnrtd txllc, .\y*t'• !'ll+. -b-•e ty nosh -els that sunt eom•raetd ( imxnr, the w iltlety in er,.al I y - - _ it, a ea•c.nd dirrctlan wo dolt err anvil l0 3 aL-.tt t.:nr }U )' Jla;,••23.,7 a[aJ apll.rUw i thrnl sou lu La Lag Js.lin I b At .•t ine tn•V. by 0 ►w Ituck.irrc} mt:.a r tair.ute. lar file, Thorp now ori,. s tE:n 11-1-t-.1. sr. dr "( thio lucre an I that anenrnrly rine \risen t%e bhood is bade+; with im- 1!{ �+ t•• 1A ►sear art -bu.ar ,. nn to , by I"" t In tlawe fart Interstellar Polices rraH lo...c r y *p aro ut.y 1.e /•-V+ilaaal slab-uattrr 1 iii P R O Y E D %I I- I-le+t at.,i w, it rucltua-,l t•tma to, pus r third dir.•.:to,w -IT sped ere'ntt is44o11 Sao not rs•rr t for ►rater t+,war we f -•suet: Purities. unci calices sluggishly In tier a, .- u,« G, -Sat psi.! encu at,racstae r-atd,na fent I cu w Qs r to. rs•i•-n T -•t C y any 1• Neel+ }acre n rut:,i,rl, and. M ilia i Ia,ung ►w«llaaa at also 'Mie. The IIlLrtratiom ceivaL: roo ,id It is defi.ult to i•a•loear y agws vefna, •a aileratire is needed. This r. P: y I ,,say obey kid K.h,.l b, r•,h.•rar tza•.a I•s•1 aa,y o nu•eu;iau uf, rbcs 1 Su.h•d tan buxu•af tib►••• t'i,.• e+) -penia• and of • aar*Pi euw! 1't" psndi,ion ,If like Iital @uid cannot iaet b•ald,ucy t" laealty bra L:•i -li„a{-prated, ,-ar,: of cs.e:k•r..*. r fandd Mar- that caeca onuut,• ,�i alar Iit.•a we sh�•-.' � Perrot In the light we [acrirr, Saud roars finch meta-nrc ,tug. aro, to fact, u•.t �- tler•ee hundred Mtle•s through slatace, old •-, ntined t.• C.e sun A i onto ai (Gate.-ra, hang without srnoua reau'ts. There n I st.•1 1 Isecaine t'rottT and avull - D'ur{us f•.rs forever bidden frets our sense* { uatt.ine better than Ayor'@ Saesa{,+cCg M. I. e;ao, Wilnalrg["n, 1x•1. An ep:rnme of ererysh slut b attttwotive that we trnvvl cs_htaen Visit -s betwte.. That They tore thus t fed to clicks rt- ofnt,rrl:ao IpA series u ►readth, and•}.*usbla.a jvery&Lmglhatlg&ttvtctive every two tit ke of a clack. Tet this to �` P to pereflithe Glu -«I, and impart •u"T,,y I was troubl►-I, !-.r ricer a ppit-, with caw ie►• an ens trteMtwtable foot. lban.gh tAeie asideft icier w* are era *rare --for f,rgneset,y aretaw aressnd the placket .hetotRi. ssee to Can atom. T.ww o t w•l 0-•wr•vl Lrrwkv. eeklyfaa•:.,f t Is boys q 111 ywme b=r sphere «( most -ra «iwo ri . 'orirttt tt.r w-.+tdsrfui. rift[ tylltaitl_r+i_4I1st -_ a--_- _ _ Ayers 1'Nfa wd:1•o-- A w er-rr w vw, _ (I.juyltme s wce mad, w tiilaott - e.. _ 'x t t� _1 t ha ,acitad a, nsu••h woe. 1 arwektyst l-w:na. y K tk»ww- uui.a..tn elAtr,�„ ff Jell _1 _ _ _--_elle.. isi>< a_jNLL -al±,N art t, .uta;iris. _ nand atw,-.t\I glut we actor laootolne war•-Twv"w'7lsltes'Yw sow Turt-er-ea^.- . ,:i• u�tL x -pro coat,.; -I' tow -anti. oil two, `^''��-pilml� }n- 1 pi ingw fn•m -• iter .p •c* it.!,, our rd,r ,ttilatn, IoW which a naw srru,r4 . pay art lruar o::d rwaa,oD,an-: antKn,+t.-l:Aristiaa IAeocalr wtb.e of them &vateot, brtroniea usilrle f or a whorl ;aura lievad to bare thin CnaapMiuton, -- C. V. Ciarl, Uauhw 1, l'vun. j • T. 1 Never plot anything into the ear TERMS float Pr It gray seem impnsaiIsls t++ move three Val rR the li ht u( the son, all : er. Jt& Vat se insist cease s"usiderinx Iles Averts rifts *To the beat mcatirino Safe eDaid• X200 i`cr ;ear. R tic the relief tot t000tbache. Vol. Volt ammetsees `syember :, lAed ways at sing,, and at such tapaJtty ll,og al,prers iyun turearr uoi. si'tc.►, s-tbj-.el almost at its Care 9'hr knoicn to ni,• sir ee�ttlatirtR the huwaJr. ►.nriet antalially itnaxtue there would re L J leasru meow Cotton is Ll1e elan i( aa1 farad dir.•a-.•.Saw-wl by a.li••rrdrt,al flxnLr. t sr:rta Thews -arts. that h,�iies -w ach we evil iaets.rf watnaaaay an w nutuecuus art +: -alt aAme deelocestr.n of tl.e iodivtdt►s'i• c.,waelat. !-,1,.v:tr ,•f tbrtn rrvo:vr •lToua e! extraordinary that wt, have been able tv 11:::; aur dtsc"ugin;t•Puts I Rtotnach and Liver. 1 tmA<trd f+tr ora, +k Five ad,s & eh. Tarr,: a• .racer .h .wed mrd mad, 1 ,.a .1f0,re r , "Tee vrar. Wl:il II*tndtsbe, Itdiftr+rt:un Ilraeyt►rdrrerl,rwh.tn,rofd.�as.eo Ira• ty. But mince rrsdNy r tile* ilia d:1it the ear. its a rix*A orfs;t -. bot chewy are gave wttrutt"'I u!,.T :a w+md of tory m-te 3. Never nae eapR Nr apply s prwlacM east a'uaa*tlpation. 1 hart no ap%«•tite, Nagai N-st-,apapr • un tiro Sr copy town iaJe-niws • hilt) by anubmi,iK the tares uu,ti-aria. ,cka} a (.•w of tl'eir immense nmalbe ap. •al:t•nt IM.uata- •orae few G` the iu,••id b• Ilse .• aade a-( the soca; of LIN ear. at as uta: anal ucrvous awnt of tlau "nsi•. m -w: «a;a,-.: f 1. erpr,sx order tl/ NAs^a:t at every instant, low note i-.teriawdtat* y Mita in the life -d a tr,oeld-and a c•►,,- 4 ufrvet al". anytUres, into for ear ! BaortnnaR. iCwpler neva of tlm,, they, are. like ILa fi.h DY V S j N O Addataa rn,•enownt, makutz lot the who -le a siea,jir t eo"d coastline rf the ttp oi r.t-+h -•t uvi • - .A the sora in les time«. Throe •andel- p a - S ttnla-t• it us barn ptro•tuus:s warmtol. HARPFP owE&()T$i<R„ New York. o_,nsplitxteii *p;rxl loos 1hr--ugh apace 1 & 1 `- tare+ M -cid of Ayr'+ T '.. Rad, ret t;i* to onlays r�.&aa fotovrr tl:aur:�h years, yentas pea• 1 a, ..er,r nvp anpt?tang hu: a Noyrtn:e eamrr! liens drrtsN mytetf. 1 was rucks- ---�-------------------- The _ first .•f these wnpvrnorsty a that t, oOcse:oeaawt . u+: r g nit tt M,CIr ' N . h is 1 - -- T toil wane water i r Jesiiic, the ears Pletely ro evid. 11th ditznri..• oryarn are ansa.; by the rutstiuw u( the earth ..n t, • I now is wet etd:i, null I amu is Kert ups.• of its iu-,ut:twr•" , auus, sMMdr� s'eaatoworw. Total 1' 1*; (n fir t•• axis, ahnrh pr'Aucre A nut -t„ -n at Ilia CtAdtb.-I'LILI)LuvinuW,Topc,LA.K:tns. � Ti:e,r nine* t•- I. t. -t a�rtem+ are bar: J. D. C. C1Lerd, of 3t. Ldw:dx•r, ''' • :. ustnr cot' 1000 mil -s per h aur. The i 0. sucar stake ant fan= i Chia tea I 1lt..hn atfarr naoideeas@ in the hind -R its .. Clafadt. P, ll a►ys, "I am ararll adwEr.l Acer', Piit, (race hnl•lltad me woo-lr-- r,ft~.nil is the w -,ciao of thak wlna'r ud;r ! I this I:..a bean c:, ,u:: uarni;wn• alae'is loator. For wau:ta, I sub:r.-.i fru% Irdl- - ryrtrm tflr..0 h Lha e.,:;tett. To tray it n: the wesre*S with th7 nor of lt,erd,ark Rhand Rittorr; tt st+ace. The tk.rd tatbaaa flied star t-, tib@ *at thee s c m+ to circ. arae. and came iucur&We leaiueaa. je,.tion amt ll -u farbe, a"�s r.,tlr•,a at 1 it bass cunrl Ice art dp•;wpsa that I b,A night. and land a bail t.•,:.• in rev tuontlt name I+r able, earth In eta annual rev«;u 7. lever wet cin• bait. if p+.0 h.:. s i6 1 asr►nt eight; ma lmr:t .of swan, t*r that it is fair three •cars. I user/ Gore Isolation, and eygrr Lao 1111. After taktnR nne box of 14 t. --a arouwd the bon, in which tilreetrean ion tendtna Io uratnrss : wo ar an soiled * - evident that It' Cwum.t m eke fro-l::onf ��; tali saarA yerrvw I ices that nor . j syri'+I tl1M• all ,rheas trotu,itr .ti•at • 1 x t"•n it mitt rat inorrlhan en�iate-•n waFro I ; •' Mlil sap whew hat'.11.t(, aaa; iafr.gn f:o :n cry to A4 ,:cat tura Gant nes o r+:ls "o LAe Notes -day a .•ecu .tits t:t More,-berataelltatt will& aiw.!far aieitw*ra, woe Vt'ticeai. -,+ti gr• , r ," ►.J with every rre.,ol ark art the cluck. dice sire was mtreak ,tear C. L,"- - 4 i. },.r _ ,,,*nY t•, rt, -t as en chastise olnroW rant ars a!triII to ;;!astir.-: ev,•rc s. P toy y 6 Ilea in Aback j .1 easy -4 neo no w .0hl by a.rr-.a•,a,rt•, is eaew.s o• fairest thet butt;e �+j.' I A. Ntrt•r ±•'art:L the Cara aitli at Y. inenary, IIock- u , Yaa. , `2, 3 ,I risk ..( dlettwz aa•r ,d tibow fatal ala. the great rw,etona+ of sltac7 wt•ast be 11<iehly ! tMng brit the R.,ggr if they etch.. iib, lost I Wes canal of tie Piles br the a<•• „t10 strwetimage which nn!*r rtpi.I ruttoad• — Sar'* loth.. They east on;y r,•L`eve.i urn I Iruyd.a .til I,y Lhwe rwa•Lriwt ba,iie., iter the be..1 of s Pin- hair jriws, Palea►il ; Q = in# such s, steno Is af(t:r. E.eb •aI the i-ifuvoih letetet waaiVoi . ,e tit:r laftte$• wed A e sod �'et of it. r of tl+at painful diwrder, but Rice tow 7o- 10 _ +►R { (tips or anytbia„ of than wtutr. I errr«d .iter, and rt•.tmrxi m health. - r Tag orfs tett it: , sen track, toa o If '-- ! y ( ( t).la•ab-a j•wt7yi�. f - 8. Never let the feet Mco-re t•.: I and Jamba lataros, bt. Juba. N. P. a� r w. aattnW•in•n Ca..r� lent Latetv.ai• I Moat _u a- ,q"1, i:�rl this _� ietbae list tb,t mirk. youth �at W - - --- �.iaDlp, or art with the lasak t„wards tb« r i Iitiey an ••: •l•,# Ta#vf ;- t , ,:aact,u i mausat r is l crestaping o d we I Bona ofoour rfnwil.r nate as rsititin• hwr?nt*s of hrarin¢. ! I t t gsobti"n W .V R"gwe f A y e r s Pitts 7, prob.bly a mat dteapr^•u-o ars-•- .•Sar 4 toy 7 avi►aduw, as ti:e@e lfe:-req: ter:tl tas>:'�ru- x was,a Vaal tcsinge, ta. ilia is an inc• toilt ton;,} Ili t.m..lrti .1e,_"I admit we are rettltrX telling in !!!1 7 t It -sop• Sal by Dr .T C. Avrr 4Co.. Leard-Kass."Al ,.T I w state of exec a Live teaaity : but Duw we I . 1 ss.Y i y -9 lbws tow• *at D<a:v,. to wiistwr a wa•rld, not .,f •ansa ' aro al:i- t I alive a tti,tre Nr:io,ite jewmer ; . of clar:nt; one (a�uilir+, and 1taK j 10. \rvrr put sack;, Ga! tar any nilp t! O Q M = o If no a it bi Ask +1, :,`~y aro• these ,,rtis (air it Lu, b,•rr, d,a_.•rerrd oaf is a yawn 1 t'ewchwi the '•shsaty aide -d Itfp,I yet we' snbttaucr inti. the ear (.or the relief of ' h . a., fres (rota this riwnt.r, the &grower at tori oLos b. are c%_w r•r edted with tins ares I hardly be'ieve the foots we afltrm i Plains fart they stAau t,vc.owt r.tuoul &not r - > Since aria • that tl.r Igo• at ansa- at w!reh. • t great , We grow old me ittaprroeptab,ty, pus I Wood w incite ihIALUMAti"n. Simple I _ _ --- - � V the m",ve is uniu,•n.rt.:.t ear c"m ifs -r. ,jell r.c ieatter, wi,seh earls to waew sola; sill WA --t test -r ase het• 1 y r iN • -.rants ant •sad ase nun. wfii!e with mgeDy # from tike stage to aacgbet!saa quietly we I I A' Zravelling �iilld?. � . = with tier volt cat -nick rat -ai+tn ejaMn f ::n•tr: tbv earth crew." info• OarrtAfL hardly know whets se firgw to be,tK ikon anything else. - - _ r r ti,r,urh which thclr r -tasty i7 perfut m• Thtye ea.twrs {acting •-p:ry is ae Sat a i "madile agate people," .,r an dart wheat I -11. Never bra ala-med if a ;;esti? in- t;KSNU T!:CK{: 2as ed. Tile w.lv System-,Lcu�iet► a split re speed of lstrbvpv !- ray miles per accuse. we weeeaeol to M Carted y.rniag Calks " went enters for ager. Pouring warm water Vast. : ui spars of 6 g)0 (i(it1 ( mtlrs diao,etar, �umeai:rte, I u!"' trrul uF •lady wl I into tier ctnai will drawn u, whack at will rvprcaa• !Cz«I. YiaA. H s �j while cite ion must its 'av+cate, of reduevj . tre-ltlet,t:•' enter gni. ewrWis attisne• 9*1micb I I.T. 7 3.,11+12 :I �.wa le)!• (' place, are: suckle bVWf•*rd ::s sutf.we in in s en -ward street, was; rudely j--�tl••.1 , tfentrrl y ecowre to cbr orf ►ce, uta r. n be tltrrtAard , At. I sma_an I 2:11 -a s 736 J to a eing;e spbers, w,•uld ter low than A c,-nstur.t i and trightful c%nn, radio, Ly •:u• crnwd a -Sad siesta -tie, r,utl,ly lint i e•nlr ntm►ted by tier un¢,rSa. A fes I waxer. 0 1.000,OW miles lwneter. Cones ;asst- ,core mhos ren- On heatati thrvoolft. fire o-:: asigir.diy, said t-. Ler. ••e.*ne, nld i vtl:f, of a,haoo" smoke b:awo' tutu the I wr,uford - Lr. ! xft� xi cert I seem. �sfep.we s ^ : P I lye the unoccupied '-act- Sat Chia, Ole uoI- with :i1r s:r as 4• Iaraaaue as,,+rireA t wclna+!, papa ,.i: a litCoo faster." The 1 gar *tit stupefy the insect. i Uulerit A I Ar. 1 isdlta.wt I t : p ! pen 0 _� loalta of our system is w acini, ter ac , and, readt.-A to mpallaaa.le dna%, Ohl No new brie etarlwl her. $he had never j_• Never meddle with the war if a I _tj 0 z - a•wmndaN 310.(100,000.000 at bpheres t;!b sb•wty d,wu thn•uQ' t'�e aatn,oA• tbnu,tht al herself in that li2'tt, bnt forrttln 64y. such as a heal, Salomon (or -- - q r.•ual in sees to the suit and all its planets atchicot & q:is nI her fact in a aha •'* ! yhere, slid •A4@ grstivaiiy t "if t: pace ( aced tnlen it : leave it ah«•iul- sl -Itis. Sts+ F -dl' lb '�' t combined. ter If we leave the central , teriv's t f ear earth. mi.Te,r, well c-,uetraineci to'-arlmit she bat have a physician atteti.l to it. sol.•te I ill A a �t4 1 ML ''-Al cl Noun ont of Ili* ,!oe•tion, and 0-nidi-ivr i had NsWted the Rvide buard cot life, and I damare has been do -nab ick wiicioua .t - T' A only the planet,, the &Iris• number be- Laeye twaesa&. h"were,, often e@tape,, I LrI roman nearly 1000 tinea greater It th:Sa duintsRtletinw, anrf on tag r'. I, -!her featutss bare witness of the Wright tempts at the extraction oaf a h-retcn' 1 ` I9 - g IV y i --f Ler vg•n, which &atbnrizesil ary i t,dy than could ever axone fr-,m its pre- A � r j{ , f may be easily own. thein. that the pla,l- wok -d of+ -r. tt-e twrf oe, l,eeuu:iuq thence ' psaxr by tae t�:! her as old woman. r i t j� �, 1� j` -I�R 9 ; i I 1� 0 eta are in opt great danger of ever it ft,rtL tar road floe scitoer. Gerta:n 1 lance ro the var. -Health and H nne. J } Y 2 inc crowded toe room. carivw results have at:sat from trveeti---""-'------�--- 111'.1. '}Ai ,i; If now we oowidet the j^"rney of the llati.pr: -f tbt!se aerulitcge. f+trar zely I � Ayer'@ [I air \'ifaaT atimnla•es the heir- � ,,,,, sun eoJ ot► attendant pl.neb thtroulh; eneugfi %bap art knew+, t,. he co•rr.1-•sed' T::e arg-ht organ, &Ml nne thvt p'*rs cells to healthy act i, r„ and pr"antra It I r x Z Space, tuwaras those shnung p-,nts d I of oaany of the materials fnua,d it, the i a c,mLralliuR part on the health of the ! rigorous Ilyatwth. it confairaa oil that 1 -� = �= t ► p *A light which we know as the fiate•.1 stars, earth --iron btiug very lagKly rep! • I body u the liver. If torpid or inaetiye �cao be supplied t" make the natural hair ` n Z":,,-1 PD-.7zo L -A -&-t. yr C+ 1 our ideas of the dimensions to( specs bid- I heated --though it is far from bei ;q the the whole system beeomee dispa wd. hea ittful and &huredant: kerpe the scalp clams, still mora txpanded. Thea jour- •only ctonadttugent ui these tnrtes rites, $4, Dr. Clnse'w Laver Cure is made alpeeiatly (her fdslR dandruff, and make* the hair Areplcr.eelal !ot.ba, C„av: etlrrrts" silly tikes place wt a apre.l of :.00 miles 4Wes ¢el+endly befit' sttpT•we4i T'hew-ftrfpvrrtrtd al idn,•y dfara.ea. and (t Aextblg sa.d Notal"any. rw:tu-d. II a IktM, V! .r:-i"7r:#� %N- s Icer minute, wad we might imagine that have t ern f..und in their.::. ftact. A:xust " tarantwed to cure. 1lecepe te-lnl- and I--"-"w'�'- deuYu,7wr et warms I& a•.J1- aor .kolalr it soul) nut sire i cent stun time (.sr' twenty ,•hewical a ase Saes ur, sti present t tr marl �wr j1. ti old by all oratgists �ea tifR. i T H E BEST req y ' g Whit! a trot beautiful waxed we liar t -- __ _ _ our wl&r railroad train to reach its first ,ILa swat'.,. t +f those eiemenis, rigEt ars I � _ __ _ 1 1 . station in space Yet asir•,netilert tell metals hrinz IT, n, o rper, tin, nickel. 1 I in ' Katur_ gives us grande-a of w that it will take 1:-0,000 years a this cobalt, chromiuts,mamtsnsm and motyh- • iso letisrwry el fgveeaatMs. a F _C L_A %j' _ mountains, t;•eus and ncrwn*, and - i � t� at this to :ravel ss far the scare" &mom. localities three, their occur six I thousands ha( mearea of enjoyment. \\ r speed (Pao @maw$akr is nnlhiuN : it melts >w, .. oaf the fixed sten, and 400,00t) este W t.f the •lkal earths, ami also the eiw- awn s n the outstretched bawd in &Sano• 'ren desire no Artier when in p*rfatet a f• 7 i » I y W. 4 ,' � THE CHEAPEST. cover the dist*ttce �f the second. Tbe.a tarots .d rb•aa, wiptur, ptc»p!f.xw anent ; but $aka b Nass :M snow acro- hr►ltb :but hcw alien do the maprvuy r _ stars, however, are thomse!-aaa to mo- I a: d hydv-.;en. i mutates till it is the itself thing risible in creof ed. dig feel gge giving it up d t wit • !' "� ! tion, corse of theta at least four times as But these materials d•- not occur in the 1 tLe lsr•dscape, and ev.on the Mrughe of tee'} Ji.r.,ungral and worn ,out with �--- .. I N e wr Fruits, I Vii; disease, when there is no ,-sewsion I f,or fast as our ion, so that wihen over system same c-snsb!nAtiows gar in , e earth. the ,tusk crack hrnavth its wen,ht. 'It red • shall have reached their present locality I They are &Lis found to contain hydrogen i such i• ale taimltlwtivr conyrrsation ref t tins f. -_liar, as every sue-r*r cion *•wily `' j they may have plunged as fu off as ever in for ureater Quantities ti.sn similar, I lifetime. No man can 'peal fur a life• I obtain witisf•etr ry pmnf. I aeon • , N Gus ; `1 its. l s, Ili wme direction throe Lli the endless ; tala'erral@ ton the ltsrth can be hand to, time words til sense, kindliness, and Isatr- , August Flower, will make them free PRESERVE 0 J 1� void. ' atas,-rb it. A catural inference is that ity. without consciously tor unc•snectooaly' from diseases as short holes. Dyspel.su New Teas, Thr space occupied by our v"car ass• ' they hyve crime from snme min sphere, i doing touch crual ; tate can a talker, aha and Liver Complaint are the direct r __ ten, itself creme al -moat ine,•nroit able, i %any ref which. we Dow knew tit r,etrws is iirpore ,or prr•!ane, go, thnnath the I calls* Oaf seventy five per cent, of such 1 I G H T with its 6,faW,000.(!(M) miles tof disanoter. ,)sass stm,apheteet of hyalnitten The I world with-,ut doing uns"lamble mi• ,ealadirs aw Rilionmtss, in-ligrstion, IS1 NEW 9060S .", -D if we ¢la antvrard towards the fixed fact, also. rt the tr,•n briar uncoxcdized. Ichief. sick h*adach*. erativrneex. urr+,m. stars, gore hrnr-m*s illimitable, Of all I and the atinergele recentlihn2 is charac- pn-•tration. dizziness of the head, By wear.•r ," - o^I; Wt Tbey few ..f these stars it a rit,p„asi- tern the basic r-teka of the earth, it.dic- , , palpitations ,of the hearts and ether ble to wrwenre the distance. Keien,•e , ates that tier.• w&nde. init mma.r@ . amt rr'u •at• tfrsm asuN Aeeera crew " 1 di*tressing'symptoons. Three daclra of FRANK LAZA R iJ S 1•as Asserted a rague, idea of tiro distances originally hostile the drep•lying regi -ms of I ace ylsat benefits eras% from the oa o of i August Fmwer will pr••va its woederfol u.at of ate Arcs of I .•ares t M.•rr.... I , ' ..I really eight or mine h -f them, and n( etre solar epheve, lsiRg paaihly elected I Dr. Fierce a '•i Pleasant 1'urgatic• Poll- I „Bret r3aiapb bt•tlleSa, 10 cents. Try 1 OF ALL KIIND3. a several of those vary doubtfully. 9hel by intense r.leanie distGAstagsa. car iw eta" --tiny, Aa¢sr-butted tr&aulew- it. yeow Rti?OWW SpocflC113 !A Eye 641.111 nearest of those• a star in the dmatrlls- `ternal axmvulsrome similar to these which a" evelt" obviate the n*,hearty tit sawal chalking __ taN "tagin[ in the S attempt to) swall•,w ot.l a 9wah Ag*Sal v i INVITOtine of thio Centaur, is sumstwenty liars bass olarTc*A „a rhe ions sue• erw•e h ;Le holusis uru.riteng sep*ct ami Atr Il,tr%lr, dro¢ltist, is tint w I,rx-k Ta1e"wRhejoea.'1*sane Brandin-, -alt: •:a- rIfi'`,1 t"llirrwe (W11,000 OWAI0,000, " Milan (ace. Such a ecti.-ns of matter Invest I ISM for I rPa*t S !cart, and R1r.w s.. e. Say I n I(� ��D t 1 ciagrww' a efT%ct. Their iaahartic agent. Lit has the agency in fi.drTgeh lasawos uabaao>dted aaaanstUter, They s -e i !!" t� Atatant. The market da -lint is rather! haw been id exeaosaive vi4vr, howgrer. action to thcorrnagh, yet perfectly ¢e,i1{•, far J.-hnat.ot.'s Tonic Rittrrs, which he Twa minor to Twe Wowar. They raw•,•r t,•d � a l yoett•ed st than mo"eir*d to i,e some in anter ., rare the meter -t Initiated lots• sod Last mostly years withent eb•agr - f-antbuodlwd trillion*-,( militia. cient to nr@nt ill" attrsatlta.whaa itsorlgia• ad wnhke other pill*, th oy "ever rewct can h,siwttly-e+rax+mmrnd tear any tom- rots e•tR Say , ;.- t •t. K Ah:- :+y! Tftl[ From ted t msasutwments, we may &1 nab. an.l a,.•ncl it nn its la.titj jnetney tnwSards constipation. in t.....If sioll- plaint too which a ironic medicine tw ,his _ } Sao-njeeturs that the sphere tot stood yore thn•11gh shorn ,n search ,•f other center I healseh*, and u & pn-m-mar ufdig*a1i.m, Idio•hle, This vwlnablw wrwJieinr has I Yates & tAcheson � F F. r e s L Collection through which we when we tit,- they are uor-arp%s". fly drut¢na!a. lar. -n with haat astonsnhirtcly go%.d re- ) limits; gars ti a of lite and energy. , i suits in ever -a -.( general Aelrilitt, weak ■•tittAtR te>R9f'tRalyw I. 1, ►M starslime on syers¢o dana*ter of ,aur ami twat bora can* its ahsyr in. The hest Tvgulatnn t•.r ill- ,t ,mveh notes. irrerulantive prcuh•r to fr.nal*s. C}OI)ERICK - IK caps erwasedeeably mots than font %Lia Ialirea, cerin¢ s"me Rdrorr stage oe slid rs•wels, the best ear* flat latllr%ran les. extreme Ial*nSa•as, ioapnre►isbment til Ilse -- CHINA k..ndred trillions d rntiN, But it we its Olt "Aenev, whan its "neater» o ! bh*,d, stomach and liver tritublea lit" dealt, to Naito any deem/n Wks of seth an were loehase tenttold tans rrgnrens thea etek bvoaderbae, indigriiinord •w -I i I r. ant FRAM L.AZARUS. MARUFACTURE� extent ail a= w it sinnN ;iota"• they wnw are. Rome a•f tits e. mets I ti-aRa ariwl►R fmrw a euenrdav+d liner, ars ed af'i/etltw, ami lir Haat Nor*til worst TIM witb••at ev icon JOhwron'n Iconic Liver not fSae•line that newrly every one is =a )lar) head It•-ra•1 ►farrow Roiled, o•irable. of eke whlet, revolve around it, %way Awe to it feiPl 1A)?1I►t1W • RRUI,A;. n. I r ,, r *rail eats tw t7•erwfwh. r f oast solar system, with its IMLs" o(' tkatr birth, Otben. u we h•v* carry IviQNo Ramal, in sins, @oiler coated, mild, tr'oM''d with at r -m* part of the ewer. tat eRsetivr. '.'Alels, far h.wllw enj• D•wan t 1.-vivet that name JAmeatt+n's Tonin Il.ate Lwsarr 1 Ian -rue ilarNarA 1 (� N g,WO.Ow.OM of fail". %cam to =: rt4som tc. believe, rove from distant h iavottewseetfg�wfth tar•tatr, 11-1,720.111.1 v• A. +` y tailed is is soon tktlfa tto�� � ttWi11 ►tat Md 1Mit tvtltifit w cJtrttitltr be 11-»xie, fdrls�i•t, Alb-ol- Work. (lode IatLr. 3Ac. wrA tt pr- h a►lw at Galenic @ Fligna %ler ter Vol"taa ' -:cert New*6Qgwarg, leegtlt� lbas tt ungge i Md it Iro�+ll tlwttit 11tH =but of tAt " rlgw!�, t! aj I lisp, 9"Marvit . 1. j t.tw Albio•o Ll. oke licked ;h, mle lea l+eL, 1M OatIT ( proiiia tiN1;A n ----- ___ __ __ _- IL-_ __ elle____... .e.