The Huron Signal, 1887-3-18, Page 3W Lh N lttsit- STU TINA*.; •
G -01)1 01-1C11-. ONT.. FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1887.
i • M flims C DDY OHM
to pubitslwt .vert to eJay Morainic by las d
elLUCtlrn&T Naw-. u Meir °Mee. steal et, - -- - -
OODERICH. ONTARIO, The Subsidized Press Dos. Not 'Here Dr W. J. K. [ioLnetl Carved Things That Are Happeotig; t; ttcle' L niacke Rs-: vat's From 1
Close of the Forty Ninth Ooa-
-" :Lillie the Truth. Huron and Middlesex Ar3uud L'at. Hie Illaaea
Y, MARCH ung,1M'f. i gross.
1 1
7111 GOi'P.k!1'!f1lN7"RMAJORITY
. e' ee eine r,.aa- are toe sewn- lee (ler e. 1e she teres. -rawer was res re
Tar Te toward nes, etTer, tlrtwr T ry Ne Jwbalales tees was or es •r IM threat a Lel of Nard vv.,* refr.ard
IN "ale reser" nth raJ•lyd 3'tse) rrlll. t
A grid deal of surmise has been Me • "Ohne* amens. Ise awe an lb, Tra ss
dinged in as to the fau.ernmeut s saaj.,r-
ity in the new Hume. We think it era 1 A couple of weeks ago the full"wt.t.,
be fairly put at 27 es the n .'mal v otC ;i &pteeted in Tut Stu'iL
with • oscillation during the first session 1 ' There isn't one newspaper in Caned.
running; s. 11101 ad 40 mud as low as IL f teat aides with tl.• (i.,,rt,.m.,ol
We L..k fur • Mer election in the aunt- • that is nut pap led Hcn.0 the loyalty
star of 18$$. Here is Mur estimate: - Of the organ,. to tine wiled. Even Mawr
Mill g..udy-gu..dy :tar w held tool, go-
l'atario l q • In to the wall had it not been 1.-r the toety, •
I,faela,e i tug care .4 the Guvern,urut."
New Brui,swtck 10 1: The publication of the item I:'
Nova So.tia 14 7 ; tion aroused the ire cf some of the auk..
Prince Edward -Island - 6 , Giddied paper., and among them the
Manitoba 4 1 Ilawdton mater, tLe L •11dou Pray
British Columbia 6 -
Northwest 'I'rrnt°riee 4 Nr<••, and the Gudertch Otter.
- -_-- i Tee Sloe, t•16 r tut. ex:.p'ien 1.. Tel:
121 111 ' .t':r(aL's paragraph, and let e. s k r«
=�. shooed that Al tine year t'"• "1.1W tab
11U1:C .�1.VE.IA J(Ry'RS.4LMM. Tory car*n received titer $j7 (e6 .. rth
hen tared by yr Porter w;th sh*' i.
mis er'neentaaoe of teat meerinr, lttee "1 learns. for standing by the (7wvno
'•rleRu. 11''anamr.4 Torr meeting, at G.vlrriebt stent through Thick ani thin.
me erne.,, Ce :nr of 'nig.: t.l,.x. I. hs.1 nut a
word to u) to Lisdefrn.•.-,•' The PR,/ !'r..,, . f Lends se also b.: -
The parenthetic omelets is ours, but rowed the opinion of the lip.. alit► and
the item ohne* is from the Tis.,, of last put in. the fotl.w+ue breves dentsl•c--
week, and we have only to saw that the , "The speeteror, resoling 14 the Flares Ss
ar.N catttuas e^nce rn.n�t UgvrrGa,tnt
editor of the ' t°r attain speaks
falsely. oewspspen, mons t► i. -'Timer. i.&t or,e•
There was no necessityfur the editor of naw'p•par in ('quadwaa) treat .ids, w tts
tSe teppwitiv that ;.1.1 out wit.Ag to br psy
'Ctrs 61o*.tL defending the report ret led."
the liudeneh Tory meeting, and of the I The Fre. Pr ear iu unit year
shameful dodge resorted to by Mr 'or $G.000 uf pap fro='be' Dostiuiun
Porter "f foisting a leges Hansard upon I ('"veritnrnt, and vertainly is n"t in a
extracts fr. ri
upcu.,s to s.Y that the Twa
the meeting, and qu••ltnr �toxa ,e
an unoftit al document as being from the .tateenent re4ar•llng, the page -feeders is a
i:lfxialt l:epc-t f the li,.. of 4 •' +mo,►r fabnctt,••':. if the C. -cm -bent "cnt
loebatea At Ilunneller, at Gndench and "ff sup;-i4rs t!.e F'r.e 1'r -r wtw:d sn u
et other pothta Mr Porter admitted that turn a pretty share. Curse, as it lies
he had committed the (deuce charred
.+ ,. r . .r lgtrrr..laa tete tor the rrrpeteatlea attar (rasa..
Iand •e)trt I. U. Lip...,
a•e.wt,. u r, art ur..r'• 1 ter.
-Aa 4 ,, ..(n .. eeetsad held Lon
U.•creu , , .., Y. .,e 1j44*,'1 ,.L.rt•_h i..
•4.le Ito t,.•• W. a y.•..t '10012 • .
t..e •1011(1 e:, cat : ba gerr)wenucr *ea a,-
tn.J ",.,1 t., that :; rtiwnau, wh.. et
4 ..vured 1•• .e r.+q p. ie•t ,.• Mr M,,teat
expense 111 rep y, Mr 1). Mo(J,h
uu•1J) *i,.. app, fair tne•othei sd
•tried tl,er,' 1.44 nm C ,u.y..1 i,'.
:wtweot. the n-daetr,butson ..f sista b
. 11e )1••wat ad.ui,iIst ratt"n awl t1.
shameful dwryta•'o.ler of 110 provide
ny :air Jambe if .c.'• uair i I'102, stern
to the fact ttea It the airs: „..Mrd u,
.t :eves his judisoel I4 t"..s; b •L„u
4rra had beau tarr,0f4.41 .u:
e, .hr.•u.h, and then, when the f..ry neigh -
is tiers drew my atteuttu:i to it, I read it
-'1eb1,,, the edit,.' of TA, S1•asaL
isn't aware of the fact, but the put/lice
t.on ..1 Mr J-'L:n ii.wart's letter from
Ite.oee :. lest wrr:-'4 armee I d the talar
baa caused quite a cotuuiutaun, *illi wore
than one of the Tory neighbors heel
waled virtuously uidit:wal over its ape
pearslace. Nuw, I read the letter
4 w.rrsalive twhiney. a5.4 bila Lake tp Larerslatere ar slyer% and Marlow.
far Three teeth.. The r,.ep/eat'. Neel Lae.
. had wondered what ha.'
' our genial old friend, Untacku H
Wright. of West %Veen'. rh, whose
home:). lrtteta, a!th.•u. h Iterate' against
the Liberal party, we were ..:.rye pleas-
ed to receive mud print. We had ex-
pected a personal cal freest tl.e old e.u-
the day after t::e ci•ae•ion, as he
had sent a note saying he w.•4.1.1 ;shoe tr,
after all uu the ever::ng ••f the election
day and get the returns at the C..r.wrvie
( Fr.,no aur apec'al C'orreapuad'-*I.
, i Wa•otta.•tt.9, 1). C ,
March 7th. Itllt".
Ile lerty-(4u..k Cmrr;reas haft joined
y rate, legit alt)uust. I must coulees there
e was a strung preseutatiun of facts, ye
e ►"mwl"t; the autgor of the letter to be
g an honorable end upright mall during
III.. 1.-414)41,.,* ]11 113ia stlatt44n--mach snore
w use.. mo.t of nu Captwua cnt&C.-1
cs•ur t•, the c.ncluseuu that things in
au.s or.,a.,d the Notthwo.t section meet
Ile in a terry plight when aueh a letter
meed be sero,,,, by so retable a (sAU.
1 rrcollect 0111.°11b1. C Cameron de-
stremeed the tmmorenty of the Uotere.
Moroi tlhat Art• Juhu MaciLuaid
had a jeem .hl.•t et.t.luhtd deisytn./ Mr
(,*4!4344..'4 .tet.e,3.eis s ; I reud.ect when
Sir Juh11 M 2CJo11..ld at Dutataum,n cun-
teudtd, (an t•`:e p.ese. C. 4.1 ladies, too:,
th.t the perch-,.ne of 'mune squaws was
a fettu rs:ate tr.ilio, the report of ha
a1seezti. supervised by his sect•etatr. Mt
1'••pe, ars 1 on tithing in the lending
(;oo..errenve organ, red In. Tory :het I
corer 11e4r11 of we, esteemed that his wife
er deulihter heard hie J.,1n'e ihsnwte,s
.• me two, of 1• t::.d taut with the Tory
•,rgau ter pub,I.hieg what was bryeed
quartette a deftece cat the. .:does !veleta
ut 0stert.meut empliytes to: the North -
week, by the Premier uf the DuiLir.t.,n.
-f:.1 sear thiole are cheeeei. Tier.
St attar. puulr1es a tat:, -r *Lech deals
•tette the fact* that are a.ereed by 14 r
J•dtn red the Tury er sees, and, 1 se..,
NANO ' oar %inttl•.0:(1) i,-.ry i:tr44e:41 are :
toucned to their sit,.:.. O:s .:f the auto-
er-virtncrs emhtlenten caste over es my
place ane I gar: Lim special aud;ehce.
t tire quarter& I. Ir anxiety ever the
neQ'ap1•esrencr ..f . ur c.:,frthet•,r. ar
as y e. wa.utneatiott (rum htoovesdi.pel-
' led yesterday br the reeett.t of the fol
i low!,, hetet note, writtt,, to a rather
1 ,n' rushee). hand than is usonj with the
1 1i seaanuah statesman and philosopher: -
1 .tLLnvtl:'.. ha•,.,�.,•• .,Q;,
Went Witwattush, March forefeee-
i L*:.a nee tL -I was ,•r' ,1!j pot en
� tilt (-didn't see jie.'i lav after els-heliun,
fas pr•.atist,1r Mrd a glowit Letter in
*11. $ash of vietery, to ape I: you descent
j put it ire. I ha'•e fest gut tet . f a • bid I
f IA1,,n. I t .,, 83414 :hese
lick -ra 44.141 i..;-.1):11::;-:, drench taverte is
home-made, or wuss. When the full re
turns t'nrne in, and sheeted us fellers i
abed,' niaine me if I didn't feel en 62x41
that 1 gut et fel: as therrtttct:s. I dn,'t 1
' know hue I trot horse. I hare doubts s
f1 about my own return. ?fly wife has s• t •
{ l4er me day and twits ter a fortnite. ,
bathos' my 11(41 wits, v.• i,ecat and ether
likwide. My had felt 1 lie a Eu.:: 1•sru
1 thunder -strip:::. 1'1) rate aged w:ten I
Del *.nee better. Onr fellers tete ain't j
114 sow.ld, h. Ames siuuIwr of c•.unries
dead been d'aneasocre. 1 try tat. for) oee-
erieeet.l. kb tatsrf u*.. t:Hyut) of
Huron, in wines the goats 01 siuti3etaeh
had Well t31 three aet,agst• a str.ct
ndtu;s inside uf ten 3ttye•t he further
stated that the .'rat dlt.f '•f the
mender as as 1t *1,,, l 4 tie c..,.t.ty had
inters i,roudnt .beet by a -picas
weY3un (u the cupola' by Lir W. J k
Holmes, into .f Brussels, but a ,. of
G.strrieh. Take sta•ru.aut made by M:
111c(hillt3:,ad.►y w.4 tl lr.tiened by several
at-al,nas C Lserva.11.4, h•.t he k o.,.
shat be was ta.l'.:,.g ■l,. cat. At, els
ueettne bele the f ..b.wu.g week in the
Greed t:yera lluuae, cal e f to the iu
eteet te' the }'ru:;:l,3 ,) Teme33(er, Dr
dune • .. leer. ;i:.., , he ...a+:on'o- t
a;tain.ylire by To. SIo*AL. and cuss- tore•
teasel to hating read from the unotlicial }' tour :. c4: c•e-tereperary, the et' r,
volume, uut+ad .4 from 11l. Mr! also lifts Its tuneful voice, sed reiterates
1+• llc(io::.cuddy spoke against Mr' tbest:tea:en:of the .�pre, :.,- asid,u with
Porter at lleuml:ler and St. Au, uatine. i the Manlike. and Lind. ., ..else, a oleo-
ieareseatest the •1'•.ry can.dt-
date, .tad :.. the course of his a.1.:rose
he *J.ut:tisd that he was the tether of
live gene :ural r ... ! ant Mi lJ:e-
era. Mee aid hu 04(3 w,•rds, [.484315
old was present at the last Gtderteb ir:ttreeted witness is r:•.t i ri uilht iht(t d
ineetmg where Mr furter addressed the ; e"urt- \V1 s'. :tau tat, if .: wasn't for
electors; but ahht.ush "n each of these
oeaat. ns the subject of the bee, 1L...•
-•• f came up for d.:r.tss,ua, the fury
an.l.drte macer •larval t., quostinn the
reliebihty of Te Si :N41. 4 report. 'rim
.sly c'>r,rereatten ever had by' Mr
Porter with Mr D. MdiitlicudJy on the
subject was at Ileuuuller, after befit bed
spoken a, the hag. As Mr
McGillicuddy resumed his seat, and after
Mr Porter had admitted th•tt be had
-uoted from the b. gus volume, Mr
1'urte5 sate! petulantly t.. Mr Mditohcod-
•ly "Why did you pui•luh that report of
t1.e Godenah meettug in Tac `t. vie'"
:'he answer w••, ''Iieoause it was tree,
and the book you read from was bogus,"
And upon the etreugth ..f that question
sod the editor of the .'t•,r builds
the itbm that heads this article. F. W.
Johnston of Goder•ich, admitted at the
Smith's 1111) meeting that the volume
read by Mr Porter, and alleged to be
Hansard, was bound •t theaforth, and
the editor of the 4tnr can at any,
time put hu hand upon the rascal wet
palmed the book upon 111 Porter, • s
the ( hitt/ fRerorr'L of the Hnu..e o'
eons lhbutes. The action of the Altar i•
his matter u soother evidence of sneak
Tan Went Heron protest is no Myth.
the (i.,vornuUent prmuor res:.ell by. tea
.t.,: dur,,ng the fast ye.r, the twinkler
would live: .peep; ,3T. L' the litersr'y
firmament alt.•gether. i t.. vetoes' lista
under the franchise ]:t. mrd tit! Governs.
meet advrn:si' , .,•.a ti4t:Ji*11y aided
our centerep..rary sod ether Tory "lame
docks' derio, :he ;.-et jest, wt.i:e the
it -form press ler h*.: t• die end t:. ail
Cases epee la,iti.uete business. a
1 one would s191ca1 think that .arias
own to Tea S:.:ra", reporter's i.:tle
mute b..... at the time. 1841' ke t 1 :
turd teferete! .
I will. two tmire re the question
of the ,4(4rrymas.dtr. Saw, coded
@r tiol. we lave had four redia
trlbrtions,-.t.,, by the Dentin:en Par-
Isem.wt awl to'. by the Provincial
The Do=iefen 7nneismtnt is brand tt-
redistribase the relive atter each
census, l )Lisa':- to get six new
eats, and a. s caw distribution wee
cried ,.' l to the Dmmriien. Mr
Russell Lowell had makablited tha''.TJry
press of (' anal& in;his mind's eye, whet
he resale the "pleas editor t. say -
alsi.•.t :hi arena that forges r Art
At iu fat e0138raca.gointta
And,uric.% be the soar that pears
lieu the inseams
j i erste krow's. jet 1 telt jou t: was a
eitey triumph. 1 will spare your teases,
although,y.w did tout in that konseetad
r.•,ser. You oce'lo't print M* manes
you want to fit up.
1 oars-kloryia' in r ieterv,
If, R. the: art
Ha mil some o, the felt as he ,
! 41,d, amt. had deto:mound to ser the edit •Tawtper•see to sae lc..ssl.
. or, but at he kurw f waa*j;(x-d si.t.tre•, win 3c rn deputation,
tion,a� Vie•* b t 3 ,
tied o d-fe'f.,w, with. a testal. ' tow*r3 x, rc..te.,
rawaicty, and as he knew I had access 1 np.n the Attorney -Genera! and (•. W. i
W the c°leoaa of fee Sie v a'„ he Jetst- , k'w, They were ohire, '.tee:hers r f j s
relined to let the editor slide, a:td get ate; the Liberal Ternperauce I1'ni•.r., wLice
to talk straight r.,. 'altte in se retinae , dose nut believe in prohibition or the ;
neat week. I. told h:oa I d br; Sett Act. The eftlakers made a gener- o
moat happy to d. ,•. ail:: 1 a.k.•d hint t. !al objection to the stand the (merest- 1
stat his case, wh;.-1 in e_et that n'
!the orueesi uu of the plat. It adjourn
led ,r ,i, .li• on the fourth of March. It has
, became the faehwa to speak uf the dila
1 terur-m and stupidity of Con:grime, such
steer ,a cheap. It uiti;ht be explained
' that it a difficult for a l.eten,geneces
1 maw ..f c'ashtug iudsvt•lualtties and ie
terr.ts to sat asu.•t•th17 5(441 simeltaes
ous'v t)ther poop es have 'solved the,
I difficulties by (esteems, (relater f..ruh
• totms, and staiidiuy armies and eel
, Inoue military bud.rta. 1V'e prefer 1..
I settle wrah4lrs in Mur own h.,C.c, aria
.:rr ere wise even In the c' heeit .•t uur
' :oto gn neighbors.
The 'duly way to judge tae Forty•
unit!' 42.ugreee will be :,y conif.arir, 1t
with presume Cuu;trewcs, and tt s:wst
he sed iu it* fever that mere lolls have
beau ititrudltoed and passed ley it, more
hare- L+aiw.--faws, end- more have re-
moved vetoes, than in any of the Cur.
greases that Lad g"uv befule. Mtauy
N•postarit and us fill n eesurea were
pa*.e•d, themchatiotsi; the fres,
debuts: au:cresu u to the Cabinet, re
gwlatit:g the Electoral Count so as to
*vied disputes; providing for one arld
two choler paper currency; building a
sew Cuneressienal Library; recortn.g
ie f:.rf.•ited reitr"rod land grants nearly
50,400,000 of soles and restoring it to
,'it ;•••3141C duotai4; extenstrg the ma;
delivery statrm to the teens with 10,•
000 p•,pulation; the Iuter `tate Cele-
werc. law; grautine laud in severalty tc.
Indiana; the Canadian Retaluattuu bill.
the repeat of the Tenure of t)t.ce act
the localisms of the Navy; and prohibit
ing the importation of foreign cootrac
labor. •
The to 1 measures attempted w
nuuleroue, but fertu(4ately few "1 thea
became taws. Amol.g them w,.re th
1.)leomatgorine tax; the Backbone leo
grant -.uid.e; the 3l,atcan pension bit•
and the Depea,duut petition bill, which
waa retced by the l're•idcnt, The River
and Harbor bill met deserved failure.
The President, believing the money teas
tut needed, refused to sign it. The Rt -
ver a..d Herber bill which he signed
August 6, 1tltl6, made an appr.pnatton
1114.474,000, *t.1) there was then a
part of the preceding appropriation us
veindeI On the 111 of Nuvembei
last the E'i{inrer in -Chief report,, i to
•ergress that there *43 mi hand for the
} impr'rctpent of it:vets and Harb i rs glG,
• *36.:''12. But Tittle cat this muuey has
heel: aloe!t and there was :r, necewiry
for the appropriation of 110,000,000
It waa President (lerelanu's origtral
:intention to remain at the White House
' during the closing hours ..f Congress,
but at the last momeut having received
, te!elra:ea from Speaker Carlisle and
I both Senators and Representatives that
the District Aperoprution bill would
fail unless he ouu12 reach the Capitol iu
time to sign it, he entered his carrirg•
iand reached the Pre•id.nt's room at the
Senate end •'1 the Capitol ..nly fifteen
minutes before the time that Cuu,rese
must expire by C+motitufi.. There he
' and his Cabinet gleamed at the bills that
i were Lr-.ught to bits by swift meerea-
ger,, and notches were epprored received
tete *Mettler. The Intelligence that the
rehident was in the building spread
rapidly, there were no! lees than fire
thonsusid people in the Capitol, and he
had net hero in his r. urn three minutes
bef•-re the 1silice had to term a cordon
around the diver to prevent the intrusia,
of the :linnets of people who pressed for
I ward to catch a sieht of the President
The malice had a hand time of it tints)
Mr Cleveland left the Capitol a few mic
Utes after adjournment. He had oaf,
ithree hours rest since Wednesday night,
1 het he showed no signs of fatigue, and
• after rester to the White Flamm he
held the usual daily recepti. • _! . it.tnrs
in the East Boone
meet has taken on temperance matters. :es
publee • .Menai should medals details 44f They protested agaa;,st the temperson 1
entail tc its eel cede. as : it £t :v.(: hail ; prirctplee inculcated in the mirds of the I C
youth of Canada by means of the test
husk on temperance, authcritt'd Ly the
aitnuter of ltducatton, hecauae it was
too much en the silo r.f tem'erauc,.
lluldwtrt Smith contended that the en-
forcement of a pruhibitir.r. law teat coer-
cion .•f the temple to (beer%e a Ma that
the majority were n"t in fever of. 10h-
iet cion
was also taken to the of pnia,t-
ment of special tribal:&!. try
Act canes in the shape of Police ,'lsgu-
trates• and %Lases (bees raseed the pies_
tion that if the contention of the tem-
perance pe..ple was correct Christ him-
self was a sinner, as he was n. t a total
• bests... r.
Mr Rias said tht Government did r.ot
contain any med:csl mer, t,rref( re
they had to take 1ho hest evidence on
the subject, and the weight .,f •s:motthc
opinion was that alcohol was r.nt ne-
meses.; to • healthy condemn of the
human system. All know the evil
e I•tcta 4f nquor when its use a stewed.
I eenty-three States of the :.1nion here
already ad, pled the !Lesko o:, 1' -•server•
area Therefore, (Ottani, was not aline
the matter. 71•e Gnvernmer t, he
thought, did a wive thing in latrine be-
fore the youth '.f the country the elect
its um would have un•e% then, and say -
,ng, "Take warning. •'
Hr Mowat dealt with the question of
the enforcement of the Suitt Act. which,
being in operation, 511 would agree
should be effectively admn.i.tered.
The Government *Iways spieeeted •
Leval gentlemen as police t.,sgimtede
where %itch a person w"u:d accept office.
1t had been found abe.tii ely neremeey
t'- apfkett.t special tnhurals, l'ecasrae
et -denary officiate were unwilh,,X t' take
station In c .na"inenee rel local terrorism.
He gladly received any euvgestiuns that
had not yet been ennndered haat the act
must he enforced and the law respected
w herever adopted. Ile wan not pre
pared t» goes an "pinion opo. tha .hies
tion that Moses Oates raised, het re-
minded him that tense were changed
@ Ince Christ was ion earth
At the teatimes of Mr John Maclay.
late Registrar .d Brace, a tent for libel,
of which doe notice had hope given, was
earned 0n Monday out of the ('umenon
Pleas Threshes mf the High Court of .Jus-
tsee, wh,eh, with statement of claim, was
forwarded to the Sheriff of Brune fur
earyice nn the Warden of that wo•nty.
The plaintiff el.ims 140,000 damages
The venue a laid fear the Ilsmde.%
Asaisea nest month i. anew of the en
owat aisle wok the grl-a0d about that td,•n. last Fr,der After li.tattieg to
lisltrelesehe trhtealrf t oeft"tlsote h r sit hint, -1 -deli re:tel the t .1..a -Ing brief et
to rlbecs, OAP. Aa tae yew's weave or ! hortatton '
Coitari.4 was entitled to -64 h,444 I
listened t
heir w liner--I:en the Hone, and , metl..t of the. tbar e neighbors . r. his
tltr Juht. A Macdenafft had a, rodeo l-;ne" l''':., bat althoegh you all Lind fault '
tribute the en t.stttwuieeagafr Io this with tote newylat:ar fur puhliahii; the
ted:sts'ibati•!e scheme be ad. •,ted th- 'alt• feta daring imat..raltttee in the;
rrtciple that tt was not necessary to I'fertt west, net unit of yet: have paused '
- - - ine...tatr. the c etr.ty M undariee ; these 1 y 'car deecartattnss tc gime one breath
7 //E GBPOrY L1.1 TIN 1:s F. c•.u1d M taken from mil of sensate t.• the wretches Who commit
$• erL'ee,or tee Government that keeps
each we. tshes it t.tles. Every loather'. •
sou .. ` you aqualers voted in favor of
the r'erpeteatten of the Cnmee to the
of the ()ppositi..n in the House a Cetn- is why the counties of Middlesex, sed Aforlawee', and *ought by his vote to
mons. It is state' by some of the or- 'tier. •rr]tr,elea.
The Tory primes w is aflutter btcacse ` erity ant soden to snrther to
equal...* (Le f..f matt. •r. you mai
II rumor t. afloat that Hon. Z.:mud resdtly wow, hew eeeeetts:y the in to
Rieke has resigned has !small, o as !fader aaaietwn an even . reptwrtsttcn. That
Hirer- sed Port!, were int
Bans that Mr Blake has actually seri • . tem e. ] Lusts er townships
boohoo cp. a: ldim I Lave heard of
circular to every Liberal mer bar ac• sone. Col. F w. st the of Dr
geaiuting then] with the fact that .,r the IH•,las.011 ntidttes,si,wr.i where tl.e that
Um", of paviissnnet it wits he =1 is` t. nests tnort.t.•stliw
duty to elect • new leader. F.,r f.s, by the Da'rras2..4 (.n.ernrue
[ dot; t my that gerrvemnder watt fair
our Tore friends would worry :«edlseeL,,s aklogether i App'a.:ae ' ('n'y
too much on this point we take tt.ts op- taspeseibla for such redutriluttur G, Irl)
garde 1
Fwlward Blake believes that lava !Hader, way to the interest cf the salting anew •
her, rh. , :r07','V" ,�: ,s.. ti•meree
of the 4 )ppoeltion should be 'elected of el es .! ,Laugher: at .i applause r I
.r every general election,at therm' eau- t ehslletete dry sear. said the ductoe,
cue meeting held by the members of clic' wartutoat t.. hu week, t, taus a rtap of
party, and, to this end, has .rid.r.tlt r. •t. 1 the tarn counties of Been. seed slid•
tied all the Liberals in (he H. twee : n' h.eset at J show where :be tillage
" e have beer, unfairly framed [ tint nit
prepared to elect their chief at es early a ashamed. 2e say that I art cl.e swatter of
date as possible after the mesetiec ,•f the that rea,atrrtlt:tun tr. th..e toe,
lluuse. But the [ac! that NI!. kis .e iter on.ntast " (. ,.ni!es,,, :sughreu and
sott6ed the Liberal memlers that hie, cheers. And. crn;leus.c• i am bdd tr
leadership of the party rtpired whoa slay that !lure was 11.• a t,a, rr& to tt
the new Parliament was elected d..s l (4tud te:�ht 1 •: srrstvai teof
f was better thou tf:w di�iftwpe of
nec.saarily imply that he Intends to Map mur•clealltua the: eta: i' the Penne-
d/own and out should his (r:enda ;n the nal srnir.en,44 ( 1 ;eft ('t:nt•.n in the
louse desire him to continue ie the. WNetidtna : If i !lad put at to the South
leadership. Mr Blake grad not sfra(d to j wovId bar. .ryt Mr Cam.nw $t
lead the Liberals in the last Parliament how. 1'or Clint. t. ears .A of a He-
athen a renal majority of 70 bawled Sit I fmRgs easyortty : (•amen,^. keel -': and 12 Macdoa.ld, and why at •u!d he
gnail new when that majority hal attire eau.. had v...tea
rut tr. (1.Jee•
dwindled to T nr 2A' 4lour T. ry er.o- tattltslhip would ham. rot kir
portunity of inf„tno.g them thet h! on. without It A"toGOdlag ii even
1 Teta election of Rytert in Lincoln t
county proves that the people of that
inn do not approve et honest re-
Now that it is assured that a protest
wader way towards unseating Mr 1
Robert Porter there is a shaking up of
dry homes in the Conservative party.
Bermuda will be • ,,leaaset resort for
more than one cf our loe•I Tory steelry
betwe.wa now mad next felt
Hui Joao laved his Tory f -.Towing
are endeavoring to circulate the idea
that the Government will bo sustained
by • large majority when the H .use
meets : but the efforts anode hly Tory r.- '
rotenone °Boers, at the instance .,f the f
liuvernwent, to count tut •occesful.
Reform ei
efor•ndadater, and the other quer-
tsable devices resorted to by Rovers-' •
Meat to keep its preset following shins
rete. nerd rent worry *Witt the leader- ""r... pawsa,l Lttnaelf up
hip of the Liberal r; In lie foil height. and assuming sr at: • f
P• y it wall bat n,e self righters uremia, Dr 1 .:n,••o
remembered that after the last electur15 tvnshn(a.l ha reteret:ae b t..",e tnattor
,on Quebec, at the meeting of :he Lihersle, by, "After ►.l that !. MI beat
Ind Nationalists, Hon. Honore Mercier mei aM•ut live stwrcvwaeler, we cart
his re•tg,atien ad leader ti.the fe:y accuse alto It:et..r,•r , s:1y of
• of the eseea& H• was immediate- hyp,ert.y,
• r• elected, and pn.crrderi at ere, to
• Howe, where he ousted the T •ry Thane 'he res'elt ' f tLt e•q 2 ,'-. ••a
lllnvernment. Mr Blake, "a the preen, ' Fel•rusrr 22nd hs a Name it to a:ai,s' a
weesamnn, . only adoplon the ordinary t.ity the' Dr. If ':noes dad a. -t terry w;t
nurse pr",ided for each '•eeaaien,a.
When the 1•tahrm tarty wwlets tet spirit et the rsnet ea;,reasod ha hue
Imam.. sad what the Leder wants toy •r•eeeh, and hive I ;lases rsr eeed free!
sever his tonneetion with the party, 'the K set Ridinlf Cseaeerw► emit.' then
neither of the contracting p*ttttn .41 I" Moe had 24 e•1 • =aJnrtty. instead of
net el the way to tti.'eth• T.•ty primas tie p. ?foe 'h.e desats. r n
of pnttwwity to nuke the firm a1,rn ercr lxiaae Iwo C.v.
Inert of the c•'nterwpleted tom.. a' C e.• n "u e' t c',rrsl cut.
that the Premier r rapidly being delves + l
to his corner. if Air John believes la
will be sustained by • good working
.sajusity, why does b• not in•trwet his
ereatorso. the reternitam "weer., to net
h•etestty with the eswdidetes' returned f
r nota present apparatuses. there's a
screw !Nees i.nee somewhere, se far a.
Ser John • a:'eged working ss>jnrity ispm erre 04.
p :titch:!y kill the man wile had detente- I
ed ::.e en the lorry td Par -
Laurent fur kee; irg a its employ the: brutes who have been it. the ,
habit ,•f committing the crimes mention-
ed You-hems-.eed,ew.d-,hdee ;,fttteehr
yoer vote*, Abd n.- w you arehorn•'-
etnc ce!, becaus_e a fearless r ewsp•per •
o dna.s asiJothe veil and %hews t::e w, -rid
meat y -•u wint Felder. I c.n eertec'ly
dfid.rstsnd the ruth.nly (:ovefnsaent
eget.:, asking to have the preen ntuzlsd.
bnt ye. g•ve1' virtuous Wren that you are.
-whn only hen rate accuse,nls after the •
fast ny voting that the crimes be a::owed
te c.:ntieue-shoe:d r.••t he first ir ailing
that the publication of the crimes shall
geese Why, I verily )'e1teve, i' • mur-
der werecunwtittad yea fellows aro w
grate'Ica N.d ger tle list ye u w••uld aid'
du murderer 2.. escape, and want 4..
atrtn;j up tl.e ur.'.,rtunate lournali.2 whn
ehrnnict.'d the crime , tree hurglar, the
slugger, and tf.,- earr''ter weutd •111
hese merry at y.,ur hands; and the
I aew.11star ''i*' dared t•• Teske their
crimes 11 .nw•, •4,0141 he •L'•presaeai -al-
ways tomer:Jetd that ,tie1
garotlsaen men-
tt inset were elm r shade of 1' setx.,and
elle j .urwal1st tel wrt.te up the clones
and 'be netters; .^ t.: at am
o.rled the
warning were • • t Noe' 111 1'e h..'r.'.t
with you l J, r:•: then yoe'r• half as
hig • feed se you try t.t make yourself 1
nut t. be L oft knew that almost every
day you read colueine in the daily press 1
.fec,ded • , the cLr"ntcl.n� n' vire In an cls! sn ! other etrcles. Yeti are n•4 i
afraid to let the ,fads, per er with the sc
awn: .f tt.e teed C ,uo t'•amphell scandal
lead the breach •J premier ewes, and the
iii M •.• tie :•'• . es $)(.auris, go 1014 row
-few.1v 0I44'�. A few year. aro when a
tent! ie .u•rage . as , .n ('In.
, •�•n, •t,• 11.12 45 urine s reediest ed (lead.
r.rh. y.: were not •frud t•, see the eve-
' demos et the case I.uhLabed in full 1a the
('litt'1l► pan..el and the f4,.derieh NL,r,
• Yrs, wow•'f rev, T have opened mouth
1 new .1 the crimes had wet hems hemeht
him/ 1. employees of the
I te'•, t s.,.' 'anted f.w et Ito rler,,..s
!'tstat's the doors' 14(44,5,; ( 1'ke o hoses
sista ynw A tt
The last of the old bri.ige went dews
the In. on Tuesday
Moss Annie Thymes, who 6,r some
time ham been vlsltil1g mend. near Poet
0,soer, emus -eel on Thursday *remelt
Rev. M- Iletleanie, of 1t'Ingham
ndue'ted the service in the Penh?
erten church last Sabbath m'.rnlnyt, 1•
he absence of the pastor.
Bev. A. Y. Hartley, returned free
!Temente, on Monday evening He re
(vert• the doings of the 1►omtnoti .111
! •ntv as St III In favor of Boone ahead, and
neilui.g the flid at rho mast.
(lode a number are nnwell at present,
Mr Omni; is nut *hie 4., Ito &rennet ah,
her Was Grey. 1uewee,ie rnl.)s are
also rennrted, and will be old at rearm
sh'e prow.
Rome Howirkite. undertook to draw
,me poets to Kluevslo stolon now day
et week, and 5„te.eded in reaching a
.int, shout thirty nods from the *tattoo,
hen the supersets on nee Lead care way,
nd precipitated in reckless dar.rdesr, tr,
place which which would have heap •
«nos earner if the wow tied not taw
tiro demi
5Mm"us tedv.weat of the High Court of 1.
Appeal. which declared the fees charged p.
by Mr Maclay 1•. be the 4.448.4 and legal
le.• by statute, and th. Ontario
R.,'.rnm.nt havint failed te hire soy
set esti Ihersen, Mr V,arlay•
this were the ,t'ly aspen to Lits