HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-3-11, Page 8i
f t T p$.,'sips, eft. (becomes u.eidwtt to the Lori has waw called •w•y front the i (' -Nrrl N Or T •j s" I
l1 E J L I RECTOR 11. 1 such a j•rtrr+ey to bode clays, the xrwter set.ne .•1 hie labors to tots life. Let n. /l I V - 1IrJ
appeal'• the en••rd ,•f suutude posterity reJoua that u is for los mon. 1 think
--- shuull,Mwtr vitt to him • ho deed all we us ouly repave alien a gnat fells -
LOaL>l News From Many ourOes
Sketbh of the Life of VIA. Arab- the perils of the 11eµ. ,r sprwdu►g the asleep in the Lord. lit. 'Paul rye fon _-A
dem_ on Elwood.Igthi.•f Ute Coe-. The world sway call hiu„aelf, "Teo Os sit gala The tears. tb
µb dabwu
wl. ure ; .4/1 hie Stitt, will t ,1.•11.111, the anus:item, the sorrows, dike Mews. (toot all Mesa %f arra a.1 w
Aro. 1 "eisas.ae.
chronicle the.. Oil the yr:.ted sus•trasw. I ..4-u forever past. (ital. deputed (tumid
%t- - ia.'id tlae-rs,hsthlor+sal I s1.tuttt_(ftllkt' 5ta•y i ,ps an ChriM, nut "ISI.•aed are tar
rise Fitment are, ler in M. r:efrae'S t'1a4-rb t of the air aid ou..,td t.. thou • I8II8 deed 8144, die 10 the Lord." !Wowed,
ao Iwpr.laa a'eswarsur) t Lara ass..
•em,,iaee Ki.reJ► Wldwla LaMaMww I ase of the worm w. it U• mg .•f ilio giro- 1,1,4:4411/11e Wilk Chlitt . besam carr
, elatwua 1•0 e"'.,0Ys.•w this tow •ss they acv u► that rt,uspherrt whrrr .iu
Aloe tx.ra.rtl.
warn ,tlr gawo..I 0,01.111 041 tet till the' never enters, and whew do akwda war•
I dutiw,.f Rta:ttor .,t l:..derich stip cots • more disturb toe ."tirhine .d the ryes
"1 he ,un ubo .4 -math, awl the auu gnat, !sumutale trot and *misty 1.. the day cal 1 cave of the Lord. Asad stow, as we read
and haatett. to hs plate %mo,o car cis deat*. iiia aft r, pr•.t.wl wish that . the s oh:tote herein %latch the Church of
❑,we.' k Glib jell
. 1 ... 1. he 4-.:j bt die lis oar"ass. has tresis real KI :stud las appointed t.. be re...I .m this
Th..uhlrct cal our sketch was :burn iu mod. a0J it series 11(11.1,5 that our show 1 s..t ,tica•t.•o. %e are flea sub.twuual
the city .t C ark, Ire:rnJ, to tar year life had hada r •easier .1 iah('r . rrdurw 1 anuf.•t1, con tuars..e liht, tb.. .acral
111101 He was the am ..f Captroi id- t indeed, skeetu'rsW,u to the test a aut. I toe great gl.,ry whwh rorrljtu.0 throws
card etherd, of the , a d inherited
4-4 .11 1• 11.6,4811 reaari.hrsuur cat else 11,..16 that 1 uP'u rhe dart, troublad, euhle.ct ..f
and Nether Lindsey, .cad whrnt.ti Oil I his III, s joy, by ilea j-•ys fort Brut death. It shows us thee it is gain 10 .tie,
chow qualities that .l:etu.ewah the In.lt hon L.itl. tulabor sea the .'.s•iow of the and that .1hibt this laxly shall Ira@
gentlemen of moans and .vulture. 111. 'Cee mss 1i•• eau side • Cau••n and a away, avid the the outward (roue g.. to
family was a k the ...1410-t ..t the gen i Crap au. u. lb., fi•.bop u, its titer earth, that ...hat is now sown
try cat the CUsuly of Hor_,nnmou, .tic a
1861►, u.•
,ut au .leo s„ las sea snide Kursk to cerrupti.hal! bts raised in iticorrup-
unguuhw ahle (car iw farcrut !'Miert- , Dea0 Those hors be (.ore with that tion -that what is now sown to west -
autism and it• loyal attachment to u,e Iy ..cad 11111,14•411,111,s .a .libel84,.
11. shall be tlad to glory. %% lien we
crown. Edward Lindsey Elwood w.+' ht,l) u.. o.- ..t up •„ •„ the great weakm think that dear pilgrim on life • rough
pr•vatu .Oohs."I i u( his lile. rhe .ddnu.ual dooms de
sent at in. early age to the
of tier. T. t'. HuJdart, where sorry of 1 Yttivrd upotu hue were ds.en,.r.e d with
the distinguished use., of the time se- ; all the err. of hs. dey.tw1 ,,•584-8, mud
...riled thele early training, +. vie of :
tt.. w,J,t,,,,a p'•rr... 4 Por 1ao••rs oouab
"q•'..14'"t of . h•.4- mos* tut . 410 414,.., 461111 .hr I)uoir.
s.wcb, Mien titans. lifts Sudrsthe
•eratvouryuuugbuthardyeasladi.ing,, bi• tune he war .a sS•
taativuality%%rusaoe.. snob reqgWreet.dmud s..d.wwt. H• 11141
the ydraeut l'*trf •lush•» il.Bdterty, „r I ▪ tam' 11"hr eerier o[ fa,thfW wet-
1'Nrince. I' ars .:.,do,,:l..eoaly a.I.1.v.ahlW4r.l 1.. u.u•y thea uoh,.ra .8d
this at:.1.w1 Inst lir Blw(a.xl lard the! it. 18:8 he ail mow. A,elad -.cam of Hu
f•uutlati.r.. .l•%,4) 4i.: I reit, of thatran. Hie activity ns church work nr-
' lienal .0 :card t1..t marked tits after c•+rn y diminished as age vele ul+..0
days.. He eatertu T •' wlhgte, 1)ub I hon, nut hu tntereat 14, the aN.u56 of n
ata. and graduated 11..4., u. !1(31. pro I i"`nsb c..t,unut.a kern and unabated t00
cocalo,g to hi; 31 A. d.«.ea serest year• (lar end fir "I'd to tree the c,H.rrelt.
later. 115« were marked, ,ion among wboot he had so long labored
as the cue with mtrt taco of far
umbe.*e'd .4 w church or a tlourubur,
▪ t:lewseltea and tit the letter side of coo,Jitwn, as:d au urgenizetr,u w wow
i.umauUy, it). a d851411 0 to his nteatrs 1 `'i ntet for oke fulfilment u1 «.1 las du
t:rthat an ever wudtu,,5 rptitt oft -71114. nd eart.rsturss u
of purpose that raWrd
tautlt freta called u ,a to discharge.
(.5114 to take* hmth .:uk tip an this n•Ils Ica mil thus. mtsi
oveauts, "u`.11."4""f Lis untcetsity 1 issuing his studiosiu
moral, that wark the huo:mu,tarian
its theology, deluding Lts hie to the
tseisice cat the 1...1,utch. hi sta. ordained
Deacon Octubsr 6, 14-.5::, by Rt Rey.
Dr. Kist, Mahon of Kidalue and K 1.
hoots. It.5 b*1.Y tat-.etty ass ebaral
terized by a rani ma fervor and an us.
spent of the .ice. De two eh,...) id.nil
fled. For ,ua,) yarn he was a Truster
of the ti•ueirrIch Huth orb ,1, ..cad t.• h1.'
untiring solicitude la due to rest
sure the flourahto; sate of .rr,n:dary
tiling Iwhcit bolted -We th.tt jointing* emu education in the town of (deticia. lis
t.. the s..eiwl circ': 4888 C4, ,vel c, 045.87
itis alar:;r RItla1U.e of sympathy and ono urbant:y . t der ,,r Om' :t ••mit.
wpport 50 11" Pirtle""" sak••t 1 ,4lahsor. stamped hire as a gentleman and a Chris
'Uu .l+cewian bay, 1836, hr Luys uedafu• tutu, and in all the relatluns of hie hie
e3 1"ria" by the :isLuy, uI Lowe•. -enorse et b (hro.tstoutteT
,rd L • of mind cud cateful const brat,.,, t'•r the
Hleucct.tth hu iita wast •ier..ted to feetangstf „there that ',Amish the tru,•.•
1.410 line end cat preachn,g the (.cape. etideace of e4lsghteeed tute.rauou ■•,d
and leading sinners to tn. Cera H•
was tint auto ed to she Parish cat
-.toren, iu the Diocese of Tuam, from
whence he removed to the Parish of
13etlyui ore, in the Diocese of Areuerh.
re.r lit years htut reindeer* was hoed at
!'au•.ru2ee, in this parab,rnd his labors
aero itultful nut only its the inculrsti..,
f Chnataan truth, but in creating eco
fomenting those ties of personal titre, fere.' of einy aeut warning which once
;aid sacred friendship which are the w,oyrd tc.:e heart• cat los hearer, wall
yintul ei worth and the bund of 1`,e I n -,w be iaeard no inure ; but in the.aleut
vraoua tlrmeuts is the stork o. tale' watches of the Ch,creb'a hrrearemr1.t,
.hurch. Il s services in the• !parish •erre'tower wilt ati11 remain tl. msu,'.ry Lu.1-
, raee[ully rve..aiuizrJ by 1..3 J.:votrd , ania 4.5 large-heartedChri.att.uity, hie
• ariabiueters. l pini lits r. i. • -went. they i P'
w,)aarx, Lon :1'i .let• '• nu1 :;:urn- genial catholicity, his unaffected Rohm'
addrras and at. *t.'.•o. ,..tTin; rude : and through the w.i ,mss of those
. •ores- ,
catholicity of aptrtt. He has at lost
acre down to his grave in the fub.ess 0f
years, to a well-earned peace after life's
hard bottles, to the enjoyment of that
reward which a4- justly moons the 1:fe
Of the soldier 4-.f tate Crass. Those word,
uf- Christian cheer, those notes of bis
matt sympathy. thu.e (errant appeals 4•
Christian chanty, and those trumpet
ne more• w3 .u,;
cot cat talualdu rater pla•r. t'i !(14-' that ivatrvvllow 6uive. j •y ✓147 (+,d bring 'aeons ..f us
Etwou.l'1 tet-, i !Wyly in recaslllaits8, o.f ant" that Wowed truth. a know not
thelo Ix.tion, ,t 111. xoryble to s•aeal. "IYrawne oral holy is he that hath (tart in the 1 i Pat r.rarn,etion• on each cue ennead d eta the time r hour 'u t
way w• %bink Of him du we trot as he
,Arra Itnld.h.r•urrly •t.e.•rd o11 Ih•
stra«Orr t)nl«r, , .• id 1' h' (',•duet, 4,18
it,•.ard „f 11,.•1. -••carr 1'Jailed 14.: owlet.
have obremie4a :owe ..f t!,e ltcich.,u.brr
House, )anus ritenL54z . ter • 54uu,Lt•r
.4 years, talt`tg t•'s+rsat..0 last Wednes-
day. The
mad a
log 'lone
West lir
Use 8111 uui,•r_•• talrw►„n
unprwr,ruta before br-
.rul.tll, secretary of the
ileum' For lororaeoe
Kincardl;. is all..Li.d to hate taken
French lose • few d.its age Hew his
8ce.• 1h1 .1114 the e•.rulrny stands cauuot
Le wad 41 titter the beok.have been ea-
aretned ilia sureties Lad not been ac-
tluyt'auY --Actin we are ceded upon
to refrd this death of another old pio-
walked is thew streets, car sat at }r aerr"I the 1.o8nsbip o1 Morrie. The
own fireside J But whr54 was next tea 1 s.lilct of tota notice wast the late .las
Gents' Furnishings.
... . 4)x rest .. d,,. ., n . , ,atplets arwnrlraeel a
UV I.1:t•u.trterti$ mall the Nr„ S1,adr+ and Styles.
.1a Ludic* .6164) of ►:I.ICIuh. Ins*
stmt *out. timbal:*
An lmresea•.,o,-k 01 \n% a,..! 144)1:.h
Canadian 't aa•.lw.
1 t:.-:u.-tutw•r. all 1;..,d• bought b) the )add 4-u: frit7
$. MacCorraslc.
;,«1rri,.h. ".pt :Yah. 1a0.1 SOWS
KelmTT Ase -Mr ('..o•l. l.'.telkeeper.
1'uua, was sip before 1"•.lice Nit/valeta!
Wanless, and Mr t:••renluck. J 1' , last '
I wawk, charged oath a edemas ,.l t he
Iiilet Am. 11r.1 Scott. 4 11..•11, 8.1.4)+•41
.•I (tor the (r•.•veurlu•,. ,ind it1r Powell
'..r the diet...icr. '1'h» s.',aryv 1.111A
(woven, the ..cal.rt.•ry h.., .•t 4-.d) .814.1
,..4-16 win, Mita Neil
hum, it shall be to a tetter beady :du it, I"Alien Luh„ was 4..4-54 an the year 17:19'
the resurrection glory, changed Y4 a +r at the odea of lea d.uth sirs to los
,..tent, to that glad hour when Je- y tlr3 y
grist shall c.nnt' to Iw hduurr,5 i t
oar des 4 aha,
yew*. lie ors m steady. high: lis-
ted resident and a ,5ootat ne,tho •r
is smuts. %%lien the uead to C) r ' /w (leftward Bae a toroth. •f the('rob:
wool row 1 ',tenon peMuanjon, anti a Iarir cortege
again -rime with the 'elte.' dead, J r.lativesa• d tatted.' foll..orel the r. --
t•, meet hu L d --and w shell he imams W B1)411 ut..uu cru.etern
be with the Lord. in hu rase tree a ue•d y•
nod y. It speaks to every 0110 ; too m It is said that 5hµ young men of Lco k-
ilts church who aro sighing ter t (wow let toting lathes g„ to an . titer
ehoru toe Lord has Taken away.
sneaks 10 them, and it tells them t
is slot all of death t0 die. It tells
that all who bate fallen asleep iu
are only there for a little while,
ind the perrwla) rdreut of Christ :
inti the 11114 m-. g •hen the
shall Ise past., and the day bre.'
the j.•yons m•wiwit come when
shill he with us., .sin. This is th
of the church --.he (aminal sero
vont of our Lord Not death, is
solution, not i.is sloth we now
what Christ has pnanisrd, whets a
the a,:e:uu w.1r,'a 1181:1 t.0 I,.a•d.
bold I rouse quickly." end the
responds in (teat joyous motion)
"gym so, some, Lord Jesus: 2t
11\1ll . 1 U i h• 1 . Far,,,rn em) Itar+t•rutn Orr isle wooer bf
The Iuaper;nl Mineral K.M. • l .outdate. of
()mart.. ea.! .p.'. 81 . seed w, w t hear %Aiwaa
the folloau..; L,M,rlb -
Ir tatun.ont alone ■u,; pay their own way,
✓ and then slid, up t.. them after it 4 out ,
n end there is to. further expense to 5'. RIPE
rt• meet, with a bow and • "111., I sccam-
iii Laity y ", 1 •one The 1.-st,..r.' mildly
ail expresses the belief that this is "unfair. •
mai tWr should ear w,, taut if the Lucknow
alp kit a ate ,leek en,.u.la to .tasrd it they
!ara f p_.h.n!r deserve no better treatment.
It..1, L'ta.►ua• et.L Iii -int, t.- -The Wine -
him 7'inte. sar.:-- %%hila .Sohn 5.416.
arid .1. hn J Anderson. of tins town, sial
• 51 Common, of Seaf..rth, wrre curling
t ! to:ether on the rick here last Thur..L'ty•
it wast discotertd that the 5, ranee haul
-h 1ken litmus al'y a...tuended with the
s) t first-rrraudfrther of each rd the to her
he Kent 1. neon, and had curled wish Item '
(Net ow rjlines foe oar hope, liral'lie ,neeious to fairing cite oto co fort.
-`stat wt-+sitiour.tiaf--and-•-aMditttr cm4 - qtr I1>Zti4is'is_'Ulna rf aped tut irtitt to
two. 11 tr,u'hrs us 122..45 the re. •p' is one of the t active mod teathusias•
tin of Jamb Christ is nus man. for tic curlers in our town.'
the soul and tee spiritual ,art of ,an,
hut that it crisp. us in its mete ent-
hrate ; rt tidos us that totsbody is -red.
b'.uzi.t by the red.impti. n '•f l r, and
a hen lir conies twain in /tow. use
the words .4 anot!s-tj : "11- : knock
t et r • `88 .411
s e ••4-w a nod i.4-
y - 4-r tl f o
saints t • the gloatand bras i,t ,•f 1,1+
amino." L -•t u.. n J ate.. «. 1.• l: •4-.r,
and .•ft'r our l--r.nY bJ t, ;.lh '•, thr
Semi y who err i.,'redv...i( t would
My, then, that the, 141-• 114 141 81r-
n►11r those who have t•• h. • The"'
are to r-j..ice that whilst 1 y n4-" 1.•
reard.4, thele beiutrd .e i k«oaar:g
51.1 tears, n4/1111,41;411, ; end (l, the metol
inoetent w0 ca!l death is tl be:tu.nimg
of that bright Sud blessed tut .trick
epilog int., the fulness .4 It booed
I)stT. -We are this wtek called n;•• t
t.. announce the death of ono .•f 5-
earltrst settler* of East N'aeanosh, u1
the person of Aha R. h.-rtarn, shoaw
death occurred on lhlond.ty l.ut_ Mr
it, nerta. aettl.d in Etat %Cas stro-h
thirty rt) y a4-• ago, where he Its. since tr-
a:urd. 1/et-rated east a9 years ,.t a•_.•,
was highly r..p'etwi, mad leaves a :arr...
fatutly and a great ',airy friends to 4-.n ern
his toss The fatten' took place , 6'
4.'.(n.•.clty to the Wingham ...merely
and was !•nett et•etded.--Wit141-a0*
Post 41.11•=1.
T R. Hawkins, from Iowa circ. 1st.
home on a visit to lie many frien.le 'in ( tt':ots tide U• a•
sweat NATVi.
-uT flea
►:a t i[n "
ah Mt ••
aa5%s.4-* 51.11. Ie.
41 1N ' ,.81 TI 141 I/ r. t.
PriAlt'stsN. t %TENT I'll' a. I:
We colon. and . •s' press r. t'a: • r'- Imprrlak
is the awls *staler trswal ntarersetwrrd .w
(awaria. anal tea liruut.u54.•,1 t4-.• irwtesl :..•..,
and r.aweMMe1. Io it (•'4881! .l t1c bt>r ,.a
porrr.I. ,rood..
Prep yr.. t 41411 4:113: t', t,'M: 1 '
J. S. PEAT .SOi>7
31.&batt.u; 1..rr. tor.
Lapel :.1l ,lion•, .iI H'.d. r 1 , n•,o..1 I
t'na./..,. Hasa,: (ort.
-told hr all it a sad Chesil**.
seep µos ` ' Dews/eel :Ia.•1111on.
Mo iday, March 1'
= =
I p., kTI:., 11.
Lunt:** a, MsDott::tt .
TALd:1if:l) Ctiiii'DI
1 :..ler the 5! .t..4- :. rr,1 nt %11:.11Ful:u...
H. I.>.N o, \. a:.::..• (.:rnr ltartitah
t: .1}1 Mo rt.
2.. gg$uVI.. a I1. Cara 1).- „si far tan
'Nest SO Owl. .s • 1 etc M.ue.,::•• Maki room
1 for toy Serine tet ., k. 1 :,are d.-t.rwtiad is
+alt.w4-1ta, e awl N'rll .%..acrd :.leek or
! !+.net.- isnot 144,14.' ilara.,", Unto,, [&arae►
Trunk... V41,#'. tV1ips. 8 Urea' t'arfeap. t
wit; sell nit .bw Whole Aback al • big hedge-
, 1,..wfor('ub. ltpmeet rr,hrlinat to liars
1'11.'1 orae: 11.11 wad l:••t l•rtt et brfor•• ..rr-
! rhana11 '•I.aewbr•r. aeww.eer sebe.a.'s
cheap 116, ►.. •a.,. nawua.r depot,
%\'M '1.; 11 t'.
All se:stanol!ne hook o. - 14.114 , - • -
bi rip:}• e4- 4.1.16 wi.b.,. It..' nestL'1.l., •
uo.L•n-h. Prb t,.l ttif:. ridv; Y,.,
• - Ras-ak s c word •e Mewern
awed the ,wtrat of • nut
4• •t,• • r... • a noel!. ('814 Ear) aa't
4-r,.seep. ore -la. •
this town.
Tia Callahan Pa c ic Railway
A beet MIaliaffy has returned .t,. h•5 T1'• t . ,n, ,. .
t 4-5 1 r e r, u when a silt nteµsage
WO highly. Ilse t n.4- of that reply 1 harp no power. but they shall be pries, et may soma u
su t.tl,lct•: wPit icrt• J oaf Cl tion and of ('••rut, and shall e.t.d.: with Min* )• u1 into tb• •rdsenu:e of or three worths,
hoe. He bad beets in est. Thomas ie. j .,THE PRIVATE SECRET: f.'
a ,d r, the.,
`4.Lil t • a a, f thousand years. Key. aa: G. !:sod. Let us be Fretlwl'. and to be
y. sts.I sr pp4ased emotion, as t„ When the news . t the death of his' prepared we roust h.- womb is the blood
at truce 111+testa that depth of ferlinj
who had for so man ears bees a ,art of Christ ind sauc•Ia 4 t- the N
rod sincerity of mouse. which all know
..f tier !;fe and being of the community 4pirii b. -1st has tea to abolish 1 Ice, 'lotion. . ( the Hill, gave Irmo. a
'-.5 have aou.Wpatted hien to theta wnras' , death h '
_rust IMO-. tte111441 tt deepest sorrow waa the water. suortell'1 t•, light, at,a tc .at lif(I t Fie white getting wood.
Vu leaving Tanlera,pee hr held c asrgf sal etorerian, Rich one, no hatter
lovingly invites you W .!rte. out of Ostrs•nemt .41 be dispensed in Smith's
r a what leis ealilog or his creed, felt that he darkness into light, air of death into ,11411 Prerhyters,u (Lurch, on Sunday,
r r, nsi time of the Pictish of Drums• had host a f: tend But the great day of I°,, as He has said : "A this is the will Mareb.l'(hh.
1 y Cmp tyu,I. which Beeth the Son 1 het:eseth cab home at reeetit.
"o the laity and to the esporiur clergy. Him may hare eyed" kg life %tot I p
But possessed of no ur.huar shat: of ' : 13E t 1":::E:AL 2 E tVK'i:. i Tttr racy friends ••f Mr `;rlluwr will
1 7 w[1. rales him a4) at the car dart' Os g!ad a hr* +A,« }-" ;, :, r.:r
the aiasioaary zeal, and !•duping 1.r a Tile +tet a at the funeral• .on Friary Th h ,h h __
r muche, a emigrated Rotten. The reren•ua.es Lelated the „ccs• was kaling the h the , +gar,:at note, u &gait, ash:e to be around. We
Oenada in 18411, to en,tag„ cat that eon.
teat with the ddlicu:ties of early colonial oras drrpel an a r annt r rt once dwplr • in Saul hope' that he will soon be fully recover-
sottletnent, which demanded his uut:nnllg suggestive and a, irlrr al d Lh' se,rn w ( %t t} e c nclustn O. t►0t'vice in the 4-'l
eat and unflagging iw f. r their con• torhntty borne to Reformers. had Ton smelt together in
I Wm remotalFw atxthe present day the puE. eau she w1; t r t..e ,sr a car- h ,titin, and the t!:. mlan.ci;•al elections in Colborne yne
long procession of .•a mord (.awards would hat. huyl a Lrt,r majority than
The c .r• choir is the a5rgln4 for recovery.
life of greater mot .17, though •thing sftert,n,.n was . tar. not 1W...11 to L• Gar e.f t1..+ funeral h m4- - . 1 is the c.:`n C. Young, Luh,, h.. been ill f• 4- ao*
Prices 25,30&75c
l:w••r.td Srnrt.4 }'
5n ii!och he dwelt,wase read abroad, a •nus a as •nutg. D e an it"- a asvre cut with an aae the other .ia
age and to ibis f-ibynvut of tui l.1r s p 1
t.atiasther, in the Diocese of ' Armagh,
the (.a.t.....• .1 e..'Jehve'rsLec was at ' f Hun that sent i!A► that every one T. ten, of
slier,• his tabun were + lisp temptable
-cacrttic h r d to ( y
Sion and the *tau. ht. t;e,•rte'. church 1 -Dead
t playa': e.4- '.)cad
• church the hod, w
.1r, hearse lay the
/suras • f pe. ole who thr. ..ga t. wits
every sea: was occupied, and eco• a of , ;
peop'e packed the mires_ `tie len. t
street a4- w. „g
butes, w numerous, *Betted the lent.
dual regard .4 those who had knows: him ,rho folio wed the
great and mournful set was being pm- At the leave
formed in the culr.manity. The Rieke p d by Ven
-marry yeµ, a f
tike decewd.
41r. Sunday
Ct.antter, of
preach et
watt towline ret• solemnity to the
Ions the chute .l sustained, and t.• kis
nat. cornier -oti'•n with theder'e•µsed
•e w,'rk • lntogstl8ls • tihrrst.
can form a just cot:cep.wn of the lalnwnt gee The chuck was Jsnaeiy crowded. J y
iawperable difficulties that beset tmi the cemetery. G, d down North ty,• at tl.e (.b•m:ntou rlectioo.
MK of the missionary is throe arty ( 1. n `irlcrre by an %%oridol sitar we .ill here the next
dais, T•, the,5rneratwu ..f uuananaries nrtrerae .nca u foot. Ail creeds war dime. cm the hill Lots of firewater
Mot disappearing from thu stage, is dne sad 'lust• vers --ved ant, no those tiers
"he credit of spreading the li.rpel in the beat •«3 need i m r »• All felt
(rata • sine' t.• the tomb
i.umble settlements et those times, and ernes- was cogduct-
.:f pouring the sun.hutr of Grad's word
tiptop the humble and otherwise cheer- of Huron. atx.ompanied e:y Ver. Arch -
Ines hearth .-f the burly pioneer, deacon J1arsh. Ras, Edmonds, of
Amongst those harbingers of the Cruse yea(urth, and J F. Parks of Blyth.
file subject of our sketch will ever hull loitered the church, surpliced. and r'e-
a foremost pace, not :done in the minds peating the Der,teccse pr'escnbed, aid
•4-f stow amulet *hewn he Se Desloge', sere followed by tie' ct.+fst end'tt111tti1
labored, but also in the annals ,at the the late Archdeacon's retains, burne by
Caurch, that tell of the t ieturus won and the following Fal: bearer's, all clergy•
the grosses planted in tt.re arty 74-056, men :- C H. 1 Charmer. If A.,
when the seed of the church was sown by hlraford ; R. Hicks, B. D . tit Paul's,
iron who oozed the unmatchable riches L,ndon ; W. J. Johnston (ledecch. -
of Christ abore all earthly ad.autages Rural Dean Craig. B. D . ('irrtna , J.
For some months Mr. Elwood watt sta. W. Htdgios, Hayfield : James Carrie,
taoned at Yurk Mills. Here, all at all Dungannon. Tie cnfbn waa literally
periods in his arduous career, his untir metered with Num: •ail:'an.s. At this
rag solicitude for the welfare of the peat- some, Hie Lnrdahip the tuhup of
toe under his charge, b.,re the fruits of (turd, evils feelingly ac..I earnsetly
trseudshtp and unqualified esteem. I« upon the demise of the late rector, sad
revering his connection with the aangrs- dunng his addtw asst,, of the convene.' Wm. Dol 1 has Fold hie on ierty
oatlon at York Mals. he received soother tion were in team. The Bishop woos hers to Joh( Murdock, IIlir Dolma in-
. x,ii of that atlee:musts esteem which as follows : tends morde• •, Climes
was ever S, unfailing result of his urban- st,ua. IALpwtts'a aNIP t•41 11n ash* iast the caretaker of the
ay and sincerity to all He was pre- Permit me to say 1 taw wotdse.,eeern- Pr'esbyterie church here noticed the
wiled with a be«uuful silver service and ing the memory of him the last tithes s stable door Orr, sod on roue to close
an address that reflected the toelln,s o1 „F .horn we ere ostosest here this after- it diem..., •158 carrasa of • de•& lying
s devoted and a.,rro8iug cutzrrga:no:t. no., to panne I sr: sure that 1, as a inside ! • w Demon or lmerssons had
I!4-. Elwood's reply shows at the t5- a comparativestrsn¢rr, a not aS[s G taltso the- .pined i.• the butblint,
1-,0 strength of 1u attachnarnt to ho.' enter into ail your fee'attgo ss y..0 thank killed at' donne! std and left the
stork, and that deep •pintual lunging of hits whom God has just called to hie emotes t •'0, to ern., the reigh e,r-
w!tich ,8 w es.ental • counterpart to hog ,..t. 1 mean that i:, thus cony"- • hoed. 4. one who est. do things of
oustoonary sial. In 11149 he was sent by ga there mast be many whose pn • that Sit • skev:d t.,o. lite 'mono
! he tete Bishop Strachan as miesion- vide std social life have been. ea it were. Christie' -*pie.
ary priest to (:uxlertch sod pieta isterwe-en with his. history He bas The - .'otveeptamde'.' .imply lied
rtjaceut. Here, till the hour of qts bapttvrd your children : he has perform *Mm 1 .aid the t.nie of thus place
youth he r.-naifted, hie circle of d the utsrrtwte service 1'4- your sotto hulldltt e • .ii of csx,dt,a to Jntnbtte on
labor conataotly 1)8rrget14, as .4415- and d•teghters . Fe has 'tend for long dm eve l of the eteeteei us th. ,ywtt
er etiais1881 of the Cross *.tiered years when I rob stand to comfort the of Me .eser•wt hemi erected Those
:he held, but its character gaming on Kt- umaurn.t*, to rower f:.. .ort••etng. sod *4)n sr- ,.pt scquatnte.l with •Oir writer
ten.ut• a f•nein, eond4lon@ 11.,1,1110 to point the w.taderers to that bweeed of the • lb Leet. that I:e cse mak, seep
his atteutn,n to los immediate charyr• onto where therf, is a p11•duelos wet-
I)urtag this early ped his latetra ex- owns and • rest awattmeg the *mew end
tended over the kr at part of Duren. the wears-. 1 .A1 thiq't of him ask.0 in
time, ..,el Perth, and when we re/telt germ yr,•,.. by ..;sited L,.lt bsesIe b
. hs.•I(4.rt,ettgfief
ef. bel piafelt
Leo. drys sad the didleel17 of fatal- your M tone 5154*5 k11017 utbeH
Ong, we are led to admits -the spirit .-1 were ,xc:uJi.i, he twee tN .4. he-
:.,ifos►d►nAse mod the force of e.tutiction , r -,no„ hs ca*. 2" s wk eI Nie 15e:ter
oat - drew him to this L's,r id Loath,,,." ,•f the eternal kin As I ltlek
1 •• ... F4 -r.: +e grey, b.rw.,n
AND .11.1. I'lII\T" I:.t*T ANL, N-1.-
Foo Mope, T1nv Tsblr. )'.-,..'n karts. ,f••.
:.i•4-„ r„
88,:.15: lirrah, t•.• 151.1 .Int, %%arterµ. fn,m
t card ••/lean. of is tirtdnq her grandparent), near Carlow, x, Mr asidPAPER
1Mro J. lfiac3lanne, sr.
44,..,ra i'.e.. Mr + C oincill..v Taylor visited friends M I
• o*d's best 'curate. 'curate, { A wood bee wars recently held et M.
▪ ,rd, 11.0 leo* Ven. Middletun a Corners Inst week.
aargs'et end referred "An 1trrteffe, al 'chicle a large' imp y
Mw A. T. A,nalss, ovh•, Ass twee
disenernusly r some hen,. Ia w, .sly
Peesv.rt1R • 1•olw ••.i. ser hfe
.rowt.d mai
wuu.ist the • !_` 'mod wild• When • " er Itis e'wtgt11_"sill ies I µes lt, .61sir h• ilea t.. attend 111. w,11 rr.;peehise sift, abet i I.
Ili,fceess M for mho •i.I se an4 •., meet f04 -e 15uµttsetlery
of summer wood was cut. sad • pleasant , IJ JI U 1
social tuns was spent by all whotcok i
part in it.
Dosses. -The entertainment ..f the i
(1,Ci,I'., 215, was well attended, in tp,tr
of the keen frr•rt of Friday night. The SEP' OUR l ftl.•t•+.
paoltramtne was pnncipally given by the 1/1"7!".•rete. err a ler, was 6r -
junior members making their debut. A Itr 4-a 7e, 4-`w ver'
for is (lir, few tie.
readily; by A. Gordon, a. -ng by W. Car Tho
ter, and recitations by 1:. H Horton, l tellz
Ann Cumming, and others. ]Mae Eaath 11Utel B
Hurtnn presided at the omen, and wog
olorboo doe street. (app wr•i +lag -apt
Veva. Dunt Forget t1e!'lase.
f(M►rieh. Jan. lith- 114". M. ,a
Molt, sir. of Last street sad dqumr* tow
open from 1 to t p.m., sod from 7 to le pito.
Lvadi'.1j buoy. ii'.aiiy..d IAr.drnt.1
Alpert, 7I4o•,rines, 4-(,, "4-i Fat.
xIJINKttt1111P TKL•KYT. ONLY Ii1.0.
Faet►ng tree use of Library sad Rada=
., f1 Itaw..
1.fbe its. is roonmaion far wreabeslmip rsxatyrQ fig
President. tt•cretae7,
III(Isdrricb, March Irk. )1µU.
Mpers, Landlords ornTenants Reformers' CouYollflofl
several >Mr in a plea ting mannor. .1.
W. tan s, df Der:l.•p, mended is tke A Ftesh Stock of Ameri +
per erectus. with two of kw µ.paw C II A Commend", el the •mpi,ewers .•f iH
songs The dehate was : "Resolved . Papers Now on View. Y. C. CAMK•
It/l\, w West Huron, ..il
that the intellect of overran was feted to I las hold d
that of wan." Fur the ethrmati,e, 1'. The Cheapest Howe
ltteert said that ..f late years women
ome *ore an eyttel standing, no that UNDER THE SUN
they could contend atilt naa in the Ito,
.5 studies, etc Tbs. w'•men, as weer- Weelbet., neat doer to the Post Ogle,.
mons, tad wren laurels, area as mothers Oe4erich. Mares tet tote;,
thea were always aun.ht for advice. Hist - --- - - -
points were ably dissected for the nega-
tive, by F. B. Linbei,l, who rid one of
mother' arms was to teach the girls to
catch mice, etc , and he never knew a
man yet who had the wJ1 to study that
was hasten to lineman. T. O. (;lutton's
eiewe.br•wed that as wth,en the women
were with the beet, and their counsel was
the heat. Jobs Lioklater, for the nese-
little meth 1Lµ blether thar any , emit tie° sir I" 5154' po'ttt wait hymn,. He
rem .4 the neighboah.ed. hereral said the kettle is hfe was *wow the non-
arm& 1 farm hate loot 5155 '44 t" his stent howwlt.dd watch of women, and
8µ,M • ( et. memo around 1588. «thee yet man's genius could s•0 the lid rise
'Buoy, Krises ..:y of Let •.,ties with the swoon, and lead te the great 1
. discoveries in the IgtMtl ,n • 5 IracutatT-
three sold
'• gelato crow**, sad Heater an Jobe Orem, engines acher of No. G. sir choir.
rt.: Witt treat moves se their regi- sea, end Ise* tAis
wn* in Weather The sapesity (15
eee/.wAeldidehes whew ssrnees were held to hint
Mreteeisioaaf tins,*hkis.t•w4-as,f
for the able moaner itt
be* teats to the Blease et wkeh h• f,llS5ed ha duties.
°RATI:F! L UraxFowrinek
EITS I ti coca
' icy • therottigh knowledge e/ ICM n•trirsl
laws wild govern the operations* dltte,misa
me timber ..• (84,14 sppl..sila of
wellespleeted taro& Me.
• hoe der Mtuaktnu tattles with
11 meg try doetors' Is vend bey wild. ow airs
1841.1, rise M di tbtyyh•
ameals•plga u4V bas rrra#Wly Warn op naw
.trove/ sash le r.atw rrery ,•,.Army to
4itt1 . OW=
et 50410 reslarl5,a are
111111111111.1 u. Mad__y to attack whammy.*
o weak point We ma) ~SW, Ilett
Again keeping ourselves well
Now bo4 and • iz I .rear{.•..
(Y,J Ner'efee fM
.51.6(0 with 5..111 •mire or wink.11 In Mt k.fµ by . trlrNlsA
add 411
S G Noreis.pik se Yana fM spatt +viz M . Aaaileasae.
The YOU' Liberal Clot Rat,
Fida', i I Ih larch, insl.,
se 11 1ln., to take into, consideration
land decode upon it course of actioq is the
preeent emergency.
Si.c'y West Heron Reknit Ass r..
TiiNIIIR wa4 Lewd Veyltsaasr.
Illia0.i.Mlat had eeael4,rsbs.
41reareo wflh braille 2.1 aelai fiwst
tweirb eat
rti dews gemmed tosa•Upd.,y