HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-3-11, Page 1• . • • PuiRTIXT11 1. wol AIU Winn GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY. MARCH 11, 18&I. bleGI1LLICVDDY Moe Pt to wear*. SU. • VICAR IN ADVANt h. rilE HURON SIGNAL WHAT'S UP? 4. LotiatiMet Y. r) ! rid*, Mori. b! M. tios1.10s/Istt at their Wier. Seethe. •• I • tiODERIC11. ONTAK10, !Things That Are Happening . Around Ue. 1,11111)Ag• MARCH Alm £IS. I AT the Reform detisontranne I* at • J•sflettlwe 7 rig; fee newer el the 4 resell ..st week flow 1). Mills paid tw: s;.aa'r am lbe UIII taus" ea tee fittluetue tnhute to M. C. Camenni, 44. C. : -I understand a committee of four 'Rd leyle11441 the defeat et Ureteric- has been selected hy the towu couucil to nui. Timm ess au geseileunn who *eel a,,ci.i„„ty 'Lae*, „y the to...06,weratlyra , to, linear and iisterview the Guyere- aa M Ca.s.er..11 was- ii,t because he had mint and then take in bletitreal and dune his uppoine is any wrong. nut be- hutmob witliSit George Stephens aitd Sir cett.e he had ripened their co.rruption. Donald Smith and Mr Vim livrtie and Cemeren am:erred the solving Lee 1 t e ot ler ent larms, an :bei, may .4 .11 eller ebbed to !dn !deer (neer ; halide ie. floe tteasury. i come leek to Godetich, and flare their !bills of transit paid for by the ratepayers Tea T. ry trustees ef Lahore' High I of this t. wu. 1 may Le wrong, but that's 1i1:114..1144110 1.1111•41 ruined that instate 1 whet I ve bert. teld, and if the thine is tee, through political real 11 1 inntart• las I have been Informed Ed like to know Itt • "ruii"ituri"'41.. ••)• Proc• i what the courted was about shoo they ticoulY 1••••chh-1 N10•1610 Hic4:411"41 and selected only four of their number t.. Comeelly. the Tel trustees were rej ter ' Nee, 1„ lee round trip / hy didn't nig that they Lad w..i int of the 1.,;: 'sta. tL.eyapieetit t!te whole gang to “cle" but to thter astoe,uiliterat they teener enema „,„e el„/0"..40 at 11,e ',elegy ex. that many pupils had gene petise It the tear selected can do .ay their teacher.. Getter:eh islearthly good for this town, how mooch ft...W.4 'lie leeieetite as it hat; three4UMAU olaidheSceetuplistiecl if the who!. pile who .eleerese could he at Lister'si box and dice tuck in the procession. Why, the higreet brained and hest lok- There sn't ease sewapeeer n casasda today parr of Om muncil has been left teat 'mitre with the severance; ant is tiet I heine, and Sir John and Sir Hector, and ii pap ted. Genera h sheen. ttetey even Van Herne 11.-ti't fAal to let the . . That to not true ; but this it : There • , that Lice. But Inv- ent one iiesepeper eviiiade today that 1n " aide* frith tee opt...4,8110u thet is not ing that side .4 the picture next te wilting to be pap led. --H./meow r,pec• I the sailha , wt good does the 1044 tator. council eXiect te accomplish by in- Pethapee aur couteinperaly would like 1 currint: the expense a a trip east end a °Lae itt P.P 4" 4;"alWalaPilt n for thortertet 7 I'm s•ive I itnn't The ''Ivevrarur received 117,999 kiaow, and mom of the bee:Libel's have in one year for Go. enouent printing at been able L.. toform me. 1 intend to "ouefidential rata,' and duriug the past catitioe of this point, tor I holler* If a deleeetem was really roluireihthe Mayer auJ the two reeves steeild have first choice, and that the app•intees should t t.. hosen fleet men with 22414 to Man alive t but the way news :•roort. spreads in thalinionweakipele_sateply year Mr Freed the editor was hired to write la lynx pamphlet :spin the Nerth. west in defvoce of the Government, and aptly thuosauJii a the brorkere •ere 4eulatal thriugheut the country. The rterator and its edger are good samples of fredem at the penis mit. awful. las Len autumnal fr 'fa seine --- W. IL Pe. ateinsesen of /isindma :.ea, sey i.uisicie weaken,. that the Big Throes. Mill is c!,•se Up at an early Our Gederich cerreepowleht te:teraohe , 'het the Ter), ti.. i.3,it.West Huron, 44,, and that "ethic & Hutchison 11.- . ,, on a reemie. teem reduced to 25. A. tend to retzeve the machinery dveu to Ira earl.'y helloeset that Porter Medea. and ica‘e the en -neat -1k stand - c' 114 be 4."•t4 " this Is'''s".• •ceed• Mg at Vie foot id. harbor hill as a menu - 1.1...• had already beeti ta'een up.et the ineht sacred to the memory of the defeatLIlg, election en ettergei vi l,ribery and per- sonating, uf whicit• our ioUrniant say. there is already ahundsece of c. Au election trial cam.. t Lo4 p'ace bv- (..p. the clove, cf. the first anneu of the ef M. Cainveen tor the et'.:id cf Feb- ruary. I n.ust ctiefesattLe news Lind of made me gasp Ur hreath, and 1 told my new rmitateetit. " the joadmet will be iulormant I haili, : heard about it. [tut busy un escort f..:: a god teeny weeks co he telt! Inc it wee a nue bill, inasnoach ante ; eel so it *di be in the intetests he a netehbor n! his had seen a printed of the coustry that 110 abet • man as Mr decni.....t in tee eili.e ,,f souther neigh. Censenon sheuld act be left witheut a . bo. . • *I rt* uncle, arid that the dieument seat till the protein in %Teat Hnrrn ia disposed of, the prop eel to tender him in iueat:on was sighed by the owners of tee Domination fur West Brum to. very ; the mt.'. Well,fer astraightoutstatement prser tins. That ridicg returr.ed Hen.. of :2c: vi.ia mow worried my c,,,,,too. Blake by • majority cf over 1,000: hut as the Liberal leader will elect to . beree-te I heiew lhat Ogilvie A Hutch - ea fee west Derham teem wilt be an1 10041 bad r..* ' tr pity let eral hundred eaniediate vacant" in the other constit- 1 dollars a year taxes to the town un the uency. The Turin have hen rejoseir.g ,I ptig Mill pri perty, 'Lod 1 knew that because of Mr Cameruh's temporary I whether they withdrawal frem gh. tiusgs. They dec. 1 tcok the machinery away how avert a criti: he is tn all mellow; i or not, the taxes wi old run on and have ing, and how snercileisly he exposes job- 1 to be pied on the building, and 1 knew bevy in bieh Omen atoms the jny °' that John Ogilvie, at ary rate, was not the preen( insomes of their tactics in the gerrymandered relitig. It really i so ardeet a noliticier that he would pay would be • capital idea to distil -limo ltaxes 1. ft." titter... of hundreds of dol theta. flare a year on ti reeturnent to commerno- rate the political decease of M. C Caine- -".÷- "A "pa" F. P.."' liVire• it tut Cott Ir. West liurcn,ur.less the machinery /bit apart 1101'• the "z 144*414 icucher• incrie was turning cut several hundred who were *Sated by acclamation it. Quebec peeeteee, the Liee,„1„beed etabaire.• a day,and 1 said to his nihs,•• Try a majority of 2,133 of the popular eon 1 and get me that printed statement,signed in the elections which were conteeted, by the proprieturs of the Big Kill, for if 41se agerevate majecititie obtained by your story is true 1 must ge down sod Tcry candidetes being 10,377. and for Liberal candidates 4.2.410- Adding the I &Hos_ d the memorial set ,c.. to Came - estimated Liberal insonittes in the coun• ' r4/11. wet view the rnenumeut when they ties which were not contested, the NM Oare net herniae coal dad, and the Innthir majority far the Liberals in 1 smoke isn't too Leavy to MA the a. Quebec will emoted Gee thousands egg witreps,"• go bl west si* sell es Kr Martin. who initsieti Outlive musty with hit A. P. Citron, mys that nether day he returned with the actual bat as of the Heron Indult. of Loretto document of which he spoke, hot the woad, and the Minister got all but five. monument business was not in the teat. The Liberal modulate saserts tl at the There was • statemeet, however, that Y ol itt. LodIans tee wet under certain ctrrurnetantes the mill agal.set hive were fitted to de so by Government pressure mid irtimidatter. would shut it- e:....nee working, and Nevertheless, he wouldkic aid, hare the flysheet was signed hy Wm. Camp divided the rote but for the fact that the bell and ..ames Mitchell, and not by ramming officer at the teat reeineet. Ogilvie hutchumn. Of course I mod without his knowledge, teemed a saw et was an election dodge thmt had stoma poll for the [rotate ever mid bees got up by the above brace of above the number specified in ht., pre- worthies. and I laughed at the idea that clairestion --this nine done to .*abs iiir enyone ewes tr. the batik townships A. P. Cartel's hinds to more closely would Oahe 11•1 reliance •Pou • Ukiah --flitch and once the lodvers, who went adiecribed to by the signers of were pretty fractious. Asked if he in- that flysheet. However it just 'how. roared to statist the Militia Minieter's how • story will change in travelling Morn, Mr Karon • reply wee "Kole aloog • corcesseen and up s sideline. seatiredly. sad 1 too -e already enolighlThere is one thing 1 would &dries, meg plea in my hands to void it a hundnn: that ie, that next time tailvte times over. Hatrhunal want 1.. take active pert is • A visa's sem offers a mute invitet political 041•1•••• they IIPtt •p the to three only who teas his Owe of hoes. dodgers themeelves, and won tee tirat's nem; his circular mu only reach three to "rlt! to it.est..d "1 having their b..� - tom peewee, wttwatie, cm.. NA I nee* injured by the asiastatontente ertere ha asineeneenseet in Toe 8reetz. ease irresponsible fellows of the calibre of tete tel -highwale wee healers- ord. I theme whn Mined the It. shoat the Big iwg earners wel cceltell•ttgtheta tot M41 411 1.1.01•14•401•01°P 0140P•40- sigasider hie 'opener:4e, 1 AJAX INDIAN ABUSES. 1 A STRANGE STORY. !TILE LORD'S MONEY. COMMUNICATIONS. Facts that Corroborate M. C. A Tale or Crime. and Lake Dia- Bishop Baldwin liesueo an In- opisao.4 or u.fr torrpu.tei.ii. ontribia ty . pa me t fs-iii Cameron's Statements. enter. hit:it:tory Decree set •e• tu publif question-. cad le brio • We .1•)1.01 told o•racIte•restoolont.h. fur _ , The elerrtptunre erten tees 4 eat re; era; . Iletalelbralastal dl hallem• le the Teeth. I The Itreserlieble tarsier el Moller Well- a..seei. wed the Iterasiet preheated " lathe e Tbe wird be•reausieri 61114.1•11. Guilty er I heww• 4* Geduld" A velwtft 1111111 Closet la Ite sibeeld be lensed bp I ..,.... --1 i have ho desire to continue14.t etwieneite le ilaiMailer. I wen Nei ended le me Ogee. 4.... •I timbre se Theaselrele. ;Co .troverey eu regard to the "Seripttoe on; ,r -__ i Readers, ' but as I bud 1 have u te. - The following, from a former resident 1 The liainilton correspondent of the The following decree hes been issued I ei„,,aily 110114, 31r Salton an isijustice 4.. brY114:1118P liald•bt lb 614 thtctia" ‘i Hts- ftv metier, 1 'suet 4..teiplain. Vi hen I ut wfkde it., previeus letter I was net aware 'Inasmuch as .t -Mud injury has fee that more than oueediteoi of the volute, slime time past been inflicted on the had been :Maned SdA •hpeats to les came of Chrhe 111 this our ein orse, by the can, however ; f.•1. while. ;46 r. the use of unacrettural and utterly •111..te, Hoy statelunet Ili regard it. 11.4 faltwoua methods of r.iciele,,:. 'wow,' fur separate lie•dattg for PHiliti 1:l4, en page uI bluderich olio au* live* la Ilbt Toronte Glob, writes the tellowiug : -- ty of 1te4ioa, wth probe of tomcat to I Th., proposal to remove the itsrton many 4 our readers, a• It la Wu taw:obeli- „ street. offence over Ate Northeintero bed *fiallesst"'" t the .144""mtrailway track lies receded the story of M. C. Cameron on the deer of 1'.r I the death ,i IVjtli.,su MeGri ger and its liniment. 'those of our tenni PeoPlito etrewwe melee William McGregor was who knew Mr Sweatt during his reel- &SACO 111 our midst will led teal to gnu I _ him credit for being a tretliful and dis railway- lia 1831, and heed at Niegara church purpsece, and deviate, 11,..re..COV, 161, to atnetie 'moat, 1 laid that Kr Falk. lie bed Mien rue ded A IlitereCed 41;11e41/1 in the case Tb that the principles *tech should reeve. *mem** etatrmetit *a needle, correct. et peo Ill II letter is dated Fen. 2$11i, Idt47, late our genets, advoemtcd toy us tii our regard to that ett/teue examined by hUr. I * gust of that year Er some neglect of du stldress,4 fe, Mr %Valuer Smith, aufadtbitas ty and canoe to Iliffuiltou to see the primary charge in 1844. hate in some 1 notice alie. some other slight diderences town. , After teischiug upon ualle-r f .14Luparostectieut. Arimrr half past Loike instances betel neeiee•ed, tereetten or bateau the two eopias, • • sise nett mortals,: en eii,ons 01, stir ;viewed, we deem it best f r .ur Ai to Goriest of *toil I said, I hare Redeemer's kineduni abd the further Dotlitou to retnict• Mc Salton gamete mice of His truth 111110111f .1% clearly and that "hum she et every page . f the ooreset red', to state *hat •re the bigek there are •ords 4.1' IllellIe114ell er Ileforiners aatavortly 6 ii.. tar. Loth parties: t 1 pracliCes to shIch we refer, and to take %trees or chepters niumed, wearies.; which It ) • ' Northeoatern room over his body almost •We cermet get anything like a (Nor under the bridge, which is a couple of rect aoevuut vf the electlous, at the I miles from the Great Western statiois. Conservatives elann over 30, and the 1 I . i 1114411 had Well aril the track under the such licit oi as the me fare id our sacred '• the titith. the %hole truth, min it...thine here 1.141111 1 tioron. 1 sin &eery but the truth, OW stet et eleeieed," a , , lIzeUellee of {boor and had been *eel. relief°, deuiende . •LN'ut 14• 4: CAulef"tt., ckrettI• I -.mu l 1 d,utia). kilted. N, in epee wee hew While &Downie t o coontreenni all aed that lie Itaa re.y....i i.. 1..eller4 there and •thitik Gins ere Grit after all. if it the ere:it soot! ._._..ioUt of the 1•••14.1111h10 bbooll in the esseduet t.f we "tweltre-wortre cuts throtiett elect I *ea his expeseres of the way the Inanalial wools c.fhet these intiusly O ateen thee ean affairs. •• yet 4c" 11"11 certain •the lite blood v.t the law and tee eespet in t - west ;Ale boom trente-a 11111 recto,' with it. flue day *bout a year caused lien te Ltd i*ft out 4111 entlanue,rithcoe; afteeedios r,tet.:eti,..,j.wwph Gate. grew t.. West Heron mid to every ; confidential towards a Mile reperter and considers himself totter thou a male Mcflitgor .aa inurdered and his prestitute. mill leave it to jou ur to ""I' body placed ou the Neck to e be run ver. enrage 4110 1.114ebil anything tot iny We know %bete hie watch went te aol truth101istats to say • lo -;het y•oi belie% 4. euulduwe•14 he nu,,,t .rho kffied There ishe on (Ilia 4.4 4.44 outer:subm, doted minuet the Itelmitsutbet-- !him." Detentire t't you, Nia I gem Fah., had taken an interest in the me starved under the Macdonald admin. eatration. %Viten they Isere Intortig I else o.11140f1111 uf los aoitisiii.ance withiatriItun. McGregor. Gates worend with him 1 some !ethane in bee cars tu their re- I !serve, inie train had ocomion 1;; lay Detective Joseph 1 eiers was au aene tete Lort••• dock, we now formally lutithit of such lainomoe aeeiat such changes over at Regina, aud the whites beteg I mated with hvo, aud about three Teary 41 churches aed eoneregarseis within A 10141re whtch as not au editien of the curious to see them went to the &notion. after ileGregei d death Wlitli and tisto.s out diocese wing the ftenewing method% Hiele but te.17 a book of selections from fn. peer, naserawe tryitm welkel inv, a rental ineetiee at Blew et raiseer ititeley fur aclesiastIcal et. H) "grom and absurd eleggerattee,” I 1,h ot•e 1.1t nod arrested a etiler pr -c131 Pufn fmea must conclude either that he looks on tool abet hoe they could epoch other and eat them. If they were al- named Timothy 'tepee. Dep* was •First- Itatitino. theraing of dice, the E*.t.f34 of the Ditile as intpirA or towed they would hunt the back yards treught to Hemet...it aol ii.dicted for vaMes of charm) or %ambito; et any th tt he an I I diEer hopelessly tit regard ktt. to the rieaironic ..i, .4 el 'Sendly ahuses canine:Ham with the raisifig ter church perpolies hare crept in among us,..if so secular and unholy • character that to Isom them sachecked would be not inily to injure the spiritual ay of the chsrch at lance, but also be implicaoun, tv moue us riiKeke outer men* eine. -- In acimedance with the above. and the virtue of the authority committed unto us the chief pastor :Jeer this porteet of streams. He refits to sixteen -'inutila done" in proef of hi. assertion. Of these mitten lour are as (adhere : The sub- stitution of nes fur and in "And Abei wee a keeper of *beep, ' Gen. iv:2, and the ointleion !of to in 'But um.) Cain sod to liti iffering he hid net respect," Ger.. st,t4eieee H tease tome,' Gen. lieu: lb, and -The Lent ulade t prosper, Glen exeie:23. Coo:omits. is winecessery Sni If Mr Salton does not esider the - Ali theatrical, dramatic er use y , ; tu town Slot eat the fothiest garbage McGregor. ll'ho.ii an iitterestii e story 1 they could nud. At for seduction, the I was told in the witness box. It wes ' halt has eever beim told. It has been shi,s,ii tkit Depvw an& armiher itii.00t 1 t.ild by Ceuservati‘es ani with trcth, Gamed Charhea Woods luta Imen tratt ef 1 that the G...,vernusent agents would give, the crew ,,f tile achno,,e; rieittna at the I the must soil boa previsions to the ittme a the eui,:w.eed eeeitietit. T1.ey 1 were in Illatirev.-;'s ceiritteny inst melte squaws who sioued best satisfy lust. Al the puttee tiers:mks at Rethe"Irera . etbittitleutn, wheeeer Y tilts se: , ptitiltc or pre% ate. Bernd them teen Ihjoucta ni it le a -t our in'esitiot, fo prteePl• preferring to leave o,ther mst•ers coonected with ti•is inihject to your Certet an ju:ereent la JoaDUA sqUa el Cause tu one ' the roomil IL ot return •to their %pest.. bet end reuse of 'that is right as trofeecira .• • ; C..14/4 1141V11114,111e, shim nog her & plate tall irar• ,i men wi re awn atter inido'gh• the • We noir, hitirever. st?te tt001hAv left their einem itoothed for. Tee three of the Leith t er Lora hem -Orris.. and beggett fer heed. She was t. Id inviting food-, it she would yield to'eart.ize.rostnfitarhfrr:•:,:iu tthweahrowjeaes nit1,:et.rnedllacn• oanitichinristthi! we thoho we hare Fair •I•torid temptatent. She refused, and several • he ur later. 1)epew sad 1 seith al The only true ar.d Seriet:tral ;teethed food, but Ler pleadings were in %anext •,_, uutil finally at the close of the day a y &ad i eede left the pert), cauee of Ubn.t is the exercise of the di- ; temple pauge of bunter tweed her to ,IHiveerlee• 1Deepecilirierive2,114-1Lir on to C.anhe'.i. i Line prieeiple of self-renundatem. The surieui..er herself to the t Ile ereatUrea. : chain, 1Vhat would •he Terms of Co sa and teld one if the wemen that ;gratification, or agerandiantett Our a lover witch awl tepirit too often invoked is th.at of eelf- i of a )sung fedurr ale. plied a squaw • • II h whom he mei !tttf •rtngs, to be acceptable to feed, meet it be ongel to a man with Leger until crszed •ith drink, and • Wouile had a fight. Wools h el struck ' repreeent -not the ericeewhich seine have then gave her Lek to hold the halide uf i the man and knocked him d tire on the , wail for amusement. and ethers for gain, a young squaw, aged 12, uetil he effect- , rads and an et eitie came alone Intl rue 1 but the self denied of nut beasts fo: the hover' him. While the body was Monti luee we bear to Christ. ' ted h• re thing. I examined he met kV.) tds led behind a I M• Lt: •1 EH?, particijmnt and other*. Is 'here 11 Col.- ! The man to whom the watch bed been f times ‘11111UZ the day agaui sought ler ; couple a „wee, eettt t,. eiLterieele by which we cat. raise menet,. f••r the heard this fact stated ls Idly by the deter, of bushes beside the tiack. Sea Marin Sleet ale. err/ranee to be (found ether can hunt np 1 id at Canfield was found and the chitin ing are :lei "es. leures i • case «here the Gop overnmeut has un- : shed any of these characters I do me I 1.1 reeevered, but the WittAl had been stolen The follow any "tame. Nearly alt the fneit hint in turn, and wee never get this Reline • - 4$(.1111. However, he had had it repaired people of Hewes and arinied tere'Ternee ; hut 11 will only tit the hypocrites aud h th at Dunnville and the watchmaker's books Patine rue ie the Arlonit and the tbarcbme Mr. Lorron. Sia --1 noticed in one the Gederich papers that Mr Salton is still pleading for the Bible, the shoe sad nothicz teat the Bihle in cur eublic Whet deesilir 8a-tou sot ? Tlut inahoird rout to uur pupils every word In tint Bloie ' If that is what he «sate, he will ret er get it. Kr Salton does act read all of :he 13ible from his puleit Doe, he want us to teach' the B.11e as we teach 11.e other subjects of the ache propene If he dem, what se going to be left for the mtclatiy dot Mr Salton has seven thy. in which to impart a hoe f a subject that is neither !lord rter uninterestang-atitl he is sided. or should be, by the hIme, and yet 1.• wend lay en us the chief border. .1 imparting a knowledge t f the Enhle Are Kr .eiltun and his brother minieters deino all lit their power to ;input Bible knewledge to their peep!e ' b preach • ini sermeos nn subjects that are cot in either the Ittele er "Szriptore P eluting*" lately to lead the people to stsdy their *Iles When kr Salter. thinks ef the " Bike se almost out cf ur public 8 .,,, schoOlis, does the thought newer strike • 2 him how very neer it is to the deers of 4 our churches on the way out I am sure he must have noticed when he gave oat 1 his text for the fist sermon on the Ream 2 Bible -as it la new calied by many --the 3.i rustle as liin people repidly turngri over 3 the leaves of the Roble to find. his tett. Or ain-I mmtaker., ar it was the rustle of 7 leeme inaudible purely reins of the Sabbath tech ml teachers in Mr Salten's church would think of testier" or allow- ing their piled', to answer from Ilapiaots Helms.' hut if 61.: has never seen it done. I can assure him it is. Possibly 10 Kr, Suter is not aware that it bents- . 21:° f h I mg ae tenable to. nreock tseraltel4 11 subjects that win attract a largo crowd, 12 mid that 1:. this way mach time tint Me 13 ferry might he no re prohtehly seploy- 14 eel in Bible study is lea. I have noticed in newel churches thall 16 the pastor has a Bible flans of lila gregatioe each tiabhath, std won g Morrie 76 34 L 1 molt. I here .1110 in mind mew. theft 48 77 1 - • of Rev Mr Parsons. t.: Kant eland!. 4 73 70 4 Toronto, where • class .4 sewers/ hen 4• 91 84 drat met eacf Sundae for Rib,. study, bard cases that wall rote fee the Govern- •were the sante as thuald Of a watch that Division t meet candidate. Yee 'night show this MeGregor had had repaired at St. X the tomes tine:tames who voted 144"hec !Catharines a year bele.. This i•lenti- i Cameron . it /nay give them. a te 'nee . tied the watch as that taken trent the Bly..th 75-' I1351. 1 of couscience, if nothing Mee. 1 dead man. The chain was produced in heath NUM armies. 41.,ejority in Blyth Court std identified by MeGreger. s OWL Dopes; had borne a good character, and 4 Brussels 81 76 I links of the evidence bad none. Further 5 c.royMajority7inii B6ru9ssels are the official figures of the women who supplied some of the than to show this the defence could pro g •• 59 73 3 el""Pbe" 11"111816 dues little evideuce. W lien the Ouse 7 •• 59 119 13 50 the jutly aloud eleven fur conviction to ' 9 .. 2934 14,11, 53 28 ens tried before Judge thr er in 1834 f g ei 24 7587 104„0 t. 15 9 Majaity in Grey 6 20 Homek 117 52 18 171i01 7380 :' " 109 66 17 21 7507 4162 f.. t41 15 4 4 6 Majority in Howom 1'4 11 ss 411 41- 34 39 40 21 28 4A 97 The f-Iliowitig the elective . perilag leo se. 1 Hayfield 2 Hay 3 •• 4 " h .1 6 44 8 Mullett 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 11 68 19 10 21 72 211 24 26 26 77 2*4 29 •. .4 •• oesforth Stanley •• 30 Tuekeramith 32 • ' 33 orie for acipsittal, and the one man re - VP wanted obi -tante- The jury we. die - 31 goateed, and the case traversed to tel 57 ,ezt Ae.to.s Then it was further ad - 40 pureed till January, 1885, when Depew 74 was convicted of the rebbery, and Judge 97 Armour sentenced him to fourteen years 41 in the Penitentiary, virtaelly declaring 67 him guilty of • greater critne than rub - 27 bury. Woods was net er teem'. bemuse 48 his hones are lying at the bottom -.4 60 , Lieee Huron. He had sailed on the 46 'cheater Explorer frau theierich, and 16 yawl and crew came back no more. Many years ago the some schooner sailed 1 for the Manitoulin with a carom of whim- ' key and mill machinery. Only the nap - tam, who was also owner„ returned from that trip. and he reported that the ves- sel had foundered 4:1 a storm tiff the Greenock 'heals. A fear years since the vessel was raised by .11es, of Peet Huron, but the whiskey in her mine. had turned into stones and holes had been bored in her hull. .1ex sold the old craft, and ehe was rebuilt! She traded on Lake Hume for a 111011617 or two, end theta went oat for her last trip, on which the fugitive Weeds sailed. [There ie one ',rev in the *hey/ state- ment. regarding the hood ragtime place tif Woodsremotest. Wised& body was found, and sent to Londoe, where hie parents read. and there interred 1 43 24 27 b4 50 61 54 90 46 'JO 106 63 36 43 12 24 50 68 48 15 104 12 88 31 *49 1016 1784 1926 . Majority for McMillan 758 Majorities for Illeklitla.• Hay, 2&t • Mullett. 308 . McKillop, 13 Stanley. 4.3; Teekeremiits. 113 ; total. 144. Lese Campbell's majorities -- Baylield. 28 ; Seeforth. 71 . total, 96. The total entwine of voters in the Leith Riding is &Ott Henry Ward fleeeker, the eelebrated peeneher and Islet era, ie dead. hfontreel fiereld : "Tb. Torten of ()literal have leen very lead itt daimon° ing Mr Blake Contemplating tel "distressful • act of allying himself with the "Rheh..e" Aud yet they now openly anneimee their min - too, of buying np them '.1lie1it4e fore the sessiew They mina stead a went tee Parliament without then,. sad their aline* hear* guile a different eats iifb.." • 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 • 8; 75 if many .4 oil thalami -A it the Inca. pub- NiAjurity itt Merril 0 &stile service ef the day New. support- Turnberry 66 5'1 4 • - itta•fi• nertaters ef o1 :*f.r.', t church*, 7J 111 1 nut Ail these eheriel• ila&CRIOStry 0 twee, " 96 101 21 Majority in TOM het' y Wineham 47 SE, I :toi " 63 4..1 " 1.4 44 Ilfajoril in Winehoo %menet. 34 OE tombola • peree.n tier Oen frees the Majority in Wee teelow 32 A TaAolltil - - - - sea Pen* it running full tune. bawler far ••• 'hp' .01 the r ',Ayer,* r 4 4004 1144111 AP. rlibo etuleiote, they .111 be .t. esettit ti dispel ing 04i, Bible tgror once. ,P4 IS preese• Jay without further iod from the ruhlv paved than IA elven op Teem* tho school inch prayer and Total 2027 '.0146 7t. 9 132 1193 rhe sr. me IMMO to Cie down Macdonald's remnant, 41i te hart pat., as Westerners say. ohms it It es said that Kr Snail. the 114- limns V... ireetaliste wan still hope that 141111Arit• pootiot; of those VW tAtimmi4.14:141oc P•11?•111 Wbber. hits IMO Mir hn ean retain ieiirviret that it celled to the Dereinien leen•t• N w01.1 he is tome.. disgrace 0.. Catiimils vireiniler that there i0 41 egitatiou f. r a change in the meth, @gnawing of Rogge woc..d 4*. all sheel.1 Ilia:a...A:6.n lees • 0* ti. mud Senatoro or for the tete1 ale.leteet ef night sod pnt.r for So. bh. to May tra buyitm• u•-• this !totters lik• wattle." the institution Montreal r ..f `4 - J ' a loon •re. Nowt of toe tamers! .atter bee what he wee about whet, he mule tam.- been e , • ..er a t'-. loolowen the pasties hamentare wilelltet ordba Ikr.“ ntA Mr hal- ! thee th• real net y. according to the bast tret in the N.41•111•1111.114 7411.r1t0r11.111 A figuesee that SIPtini the 41.1WORM*itill e.o, liorde ef Sievetnetne bullies. headed be ' atait• e e.t, se eseenten If *here 1.4411 Tom WAR*, have gone tiers t• Ile telt beam a , sr, ibareee fir r..swnt a e i 4" 64mt/11141 "64 half 41'"*.411 '''''44' 11'1' meter, me renufatteree's better, howl, 91ieisterial 'enlighten. en 4 !Ilia La (Ali the t)ppaestom woad aimedy haws et • am t free t 1 • Men reternal wet.% oie,..rity. • • - rt, -'%;:eF`; etti