HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-3-4, Page 2THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1887. INDIA LETTER. i summation devoutly tY tee wide meter mimic• col the HitadMs w will net iIM• wi• vllas tT 'ern L Tee MlaM• el all 1 e drive .d a couple of miles ter • Valk IOW Tutu anything pertaining to itsmaw. I oat timed N h.• herr. tried i'.riseru's Tett :11:1•, the , ,vin r n I d fiwreached.uw re minutes oiler a buritiw, eh, lA• le the •flrrueou r delightful Memel /• 1 y • ..-it ger, •r ereatory was reached. "ltuu,'nf; s u``. from the sea which we ISM,I-wing In I..10.f ••try A Visit to the City of Madras, a.eveared lt had been recently ening WW. u..be of the les Messing* ruj"y.a tyIiivente Occurring at toe U. S. NearrL.ta, t,•thsckr. clowns. roil to f h of boo t h n f t 1 t It hal, 1887- harps - s' Elazmr 11.L salt\TE!'. r the renews leu Ica were s sloe this otherwise Lab .•r uua r et Capitol the: at ..h, sed ll:••Ls.l reees.. • el •' itarpre• Nawarewu,b,n s toe vhnkver .•d up with uur atckr Innen • pile of uruhrr harbor, rarer, fide uur fertile Iwu*ahvci •4 4f by u.a'lr' i:• ..:n „+lieu• and the dar•1 con ,Lu•trut g.a w.tit i th. 1M.'N .»rhM.re ao•1 Ilio W►1 IMrYI 1•W11! • ,1[t1. 1■ a Omer( Sew* J 4neat sae aniouldrr'ug ashes. Hcre as • pari of a plait, but every day at tw•-he o'clock beal•Ia/1wa A*atr.t re'}grwr wplwle•• 1:1 . 1s. r*ti.••,, i, . +-: nl las t+..• , \, , r ,h a rrrl.,etc 1'• Urw•., p.•<i*.•. wort r•"s}erre by its• skull, brru • part 01 • the h bone. I • the g y t pallllu clUcetl* may with clock -like Ire wed tiniest the tlw.•Ira1N w. ea 1W at IIb• arty tn.,•t 1 ...•. • (r.I1..••*e else n. -►l wf.ters. Mot at' ire tee •sta•eg the aria are ua•Yryt+mi Lite prp.r» w. w.tal eio of this cis. A *nal to.,ttlr nay lea par- arattr. da'enrst►ve en. h.r.er• k«rptag In alt mule.. i here we see souse of the teeth s regularity expect the "doctor" as this I eget awe s. -arra. i and numerous other neudescript ! refre.hin;; bion is called. Tired of I - ' pieces of human framework. • There was !driving through the narrow, filthy t-,. but nue artteedant waecheiag the heap. streets, seaming with Lazy nakedness, }'r. -w our Owe ('.,rxspoodeat. N'asuly.:T" , D. t'., *: d .•t ,amu, n x 10 ••1 ••t cent la Iib of I r np,Wn by droop erose ewe dn•wwea►ver. It• busily assisted .n fishing out these we direct our war to the teach. Here 1 }redo lure r. NI•,,Ilyd le tea volumes that INDIA. ' charred it -mains, which if left for an !are all otn boatmen waiting for us, but i6'ob "1tt. 188 Nrndl:•e at .irur>;Irt s'•d e,ruutr, Icuu:dib .k Ow town Iastfdrousetaete, tow sort -hal i'urrt sp. a.l. u oilseed L r 10 ce.t., s srry Soleil awl..411•1 its Nair hr.. r UhaI). lt.. took.' .l i rru t. Iervgrheel euerhe.euta an ear.• • en.. i y but 11 .0 1--., espen.htd a „elite is how1etd. I•. *wruur.b taut u 1 tyteula•.s sod Mt u° can nuke, 11 ,1 101$/fr.' trail NiV I a :r ha ms to es veiny ans.:te.• rust get sue liter an uneventful sail of three days, ! hour Longer eel old have beet. in ashes. !Thr weeps work in (gages** cam by Proles Til t;e snot Loam 1'4 the ' khedttu ' dropped anchor eff Mad Thus was the first time we saw the eel-• !readily epltomiee•d. The Jruate awe lea and we gut our 1 p p may first view o1 Iudi.. elms an tut .rus.Ive sight of cremation, they make sure of their fare. We bete it. c•nlreut t.. Ca t. F+u.' Sim o Itai pioneer British c.dus.y. Over 280 years be' afterwards saw .eveaal budhw in the hest' some tr..uhiu to gotten.; .4ult '-f au whew.. cross the **them* of l'artauaa, ago the first fort sod afterwards the hot j holy city of Ikis*rer, to the banks of i guide anti horse driver, as the cabman is wrangled as it rlwaya 41.,41 over the Indian Presidency was established here I the (:atlgw, pieced on their last resting , •sl It'd- They want a "backshrsh" be i ahl,r,•priatlous ter it,‘,„ es..., hereon, by the British. The Bast louder Com- , place the weed pile --feed whose burn 1 solea their regular ares and en lu.yuiry soil vutel away williou• Ly pawns • pally here invested their first £30.000. 1 Lau traveller returns. \t• were just a : we find it is cos:outcry In *!w*a•* u,ve 1 number .•f bill. 1. r the iuctcase of the' and today the original Fort Si George' day :ate t o sue the bttorioua Ju.tirnuut melte tsekshrshe utcu though you cruN..y, The hose r house, 1 Itrpreutatl.es has widened and increased to• vast Em- ; proeerien, but tniuing that the belt 1 pacing hum well for any service render- I has devoted most .1 the tame to discus - Jere with a population of ever two huge I best tiling was to 1.w,k upon the t•moos I rd . they expect it the sante as the chem-, ing of the tummy bills which run this tired and forty w,1!,ors and a to many ger. There are several her maid is the best English hotels, who Government, which invariably pr.•rule dor'ets, • The Sed Y Neuse Naw la time If weld. The "IA it'(" f•:-untrsn p%&I 1. 1hJ t.e•t thing )el invented 46 the war of a ',elf - toadied nein. It has* g.•i.1 dhh, •Ii.*' • just as a .hppu t pro u sea, And. ,•ryas tail.. It is a *ninon *outlet. A roll. plc can be west at this . flies" . l:.e(y lumyer. doctor, cle►1,71uan, .' is : creels rr and bemires luau Trout., 1. 14• .o.. Th... McGillicuddy i.. the lova. No lit.'. ways the brightest gem in Vtcturia s Jcwaa .A(T CAE, atsu41• rt the Iw.[tom ..t the stairs and I debate sod which must be deposed of __ crown. reminds you with "don't forget the before the 4th. of March, otherwise an There is neither breakwater w r tsar *° Madras residency. It appears they ! chamber maid, sir.- Iswta•te*n.. aro principally confined herr, mune of extra swain would but uecemary. ' uiwirous man :. ....r».e. bor herr, and for a ds.Iance4,t four ger ' "%tic MORE I. Trak st'tr, h..th the senate aid Hobe again I I d ft' a car g See mil 1 th 1 t „ of 1• I residencies, as r who hue perdu- line th Anti. Polygamy hill, thist tui• nappies* ; white serf A bre• can s taco a om r" ave.*. t. eating .uch a popular bostat I the *ase,• monotonous sou* is alerted up raise's e , iI I- " yg*1117 time I ..Isatb•$% htla ..r of orf bre•kueK aeon* the h shore' coil. The erect car brunt, us to a stand- Ly the boatmen acid in a few minutes I as it came amended ft' ennference std loos h1 r "r any water •rad w harbor has attempted several Lin*..., end wtn•,t) im1 over a million ptnu*d. sterling has *wen expended lit the hitherto towel«ss eIf'rta I 10 gularly fortunate .'rawlack 1: but the y this tformidable 1breakers, sometimes fourter* fe-_t high, roll in and I sweep away In a day, what has ta{.rt* the to build. !n the duta*:te we can see a score or more of *4.e••t °RJ ter., Leehtnc up and down with tt.. hi! ;01.1, now on the crest, now out of richt. amd a+ we watch they are drawing nest our st ip In fifteen minutes the vessel s still well a shudder as we r,4 sew t!ie missionary stn it t\'d4 may *t t e cal 4'r••ati•.n' by the Hind.,. for It :+ a lordly looking p eiy. It was standing in one .•f the temples where a number of hideoesly 1asl ed and taunted eight were being made ready fo r worship. The ca. is a huge four wheeled structure over thirty feet high. The wheels are seven meet is dunleter, made of thick pieces of timber held together by hea.y Iron hands. &toys and bolts. They make a track about tan inches wide. The car hn orad for the rose,, the blood, does not feel co" lively, at h.u* at it and we are a'ollyside the khedive ►'obr measure a nu buw up ( y ries told alr.ut amu .1 *' drat to wake it a Ism i. eh file toast'..* tln4tl he is cured. by the dos., end mak u.* ttxbn.• effort to y X led •'1.,rd of *;rasp the companion way. 'Ilia whole I1e111,. e, r•h*pl.en, party are on bard awn and exchanging There was an interesting debate aver nee ••! u.achur I congratulations with those fellow -coy- ! this question. Scuat,•r Vest said that, a street near ! agers who were not di.poaed to face s watery grave a- recklessly ; the whistle shrieks out its lioyrse,uumuludious,warn- ing 1.. coolies, rt:gaged in coaling frotu lighten, to make themselves scarce ; gradually the ship'* tizure-head swings sew ward and Madras ,r seen slowly re- ! ceding and the two or three hundred Coolies wh., have been working "like tuggers" all day, like a rookery of crow* as a matter ..1 course, the bill would be- come • law, but he'-•.uld not vote for at. Ile was well aware what the public sent- iment of the country was, but no amount of criticism would affect the performance of his duties as • legislator. In his judgement it violated a principle of the Cosatrtutaon, as to the rights of prop- erty. He conadrred Its provision as to the Perpetual 'Emigrating Friel Com - is surrounded by • crowd ef' surf busts • is three times the ecu of Itarnum'• car- ' are perched on every square foot of parry, simple, naked, bold confiscation, all tilted with chattering "niggers" - cu. chariot, and would no doubt put !available •1,•ce "n the two or three slid nothing else. it took money sub- *lcthed only in sunshine rad their own; many thousand d.41.trs in the greet show- lighters oro. iuz s:ereward. scribed by individuals and applied It to lovelute.s, vaned now and again by • red man's pocket if he could buy out the • D. E M. t.', an object public'eh....Is• not contempla- eutto•i cloth tied about their loins. The Hindu° tietotei interest. The super - mrd by the corporation. Tha same [hang surf knocked their bots a?aiust elle structure seems to be in three eepar•ate might be done iw reg•nd to any other another an l against the vessel so that divisions or stones, alt roomed with hid- MISSIONARY DEPARTMENT. rel a rpwrstiun m the country. It eve.y minnte we expected to sea sous 4I sinus carvings of horrible serpents and was nu answer to cry that it appliedPur The Signal • one to the Mormon church. the occupant• strugelmg in the water, ! unknown animal*, sand bristling with y but amidst an inceant quarrelling and 1 spiky balls and sharp points. The whole *toem•xr or .•AXAIIAY wi..'.r/%•c t0 me The senator said he recollected a tante a. •I;►TRRM. when, in this ceuutry, • st-'rm of p•p- •Jebel they sept theulselves "nth* aide i w« surmounted by '11) with re 14"‘"1rift i ca.on forty or y were A. )tots NIURTMARRt"A, t:norustl 0011, Fnsfwlerionn !Mission. The Eastrep en beard laying hold of the pseseneeri than we had hitherto seen. His mouth section began this work in 19(444 in the luggage and each one setting forth the was o n, apparently road t.. make how Hehrlde., in the mouth I'acitic Juperi .r advantage to he deri ed by flu' ! Val mince meat oipdieare universe. In fent 1_tesean. :. rat*le miasiouane* and about t ed Iltwttnted t the lice y /eats h 't and a half lucre m diameter, and about topes+ are dying, out, but not before the n* with biro The oMeen a the Geese of the .air, ailed ftp, wastlie ro psi ,0 native tewchen still w.•rk there. The In a mar, ws i dumanaee rate to e s the itis • two hundred ret Ions• treed yesterday (%o«pel gave them hope .•1 a blessed .1.,- 'l'hev seemed to take niracular de:At i . Wily. \stone, which funs*Iry was hr - *n the car festival for drawing this state- 17 leg. ••f Croatian" on has yearly out- dewed wash the blo.si of human sic lg. It is commonly believed and re. time, whose heads were dashed against .rted that every year many deaths oe. 1 it before the • :.,u.ibal feast. is now In e r m loth* through the frantic devotees one of the churches, and is used as a witting suicide by throwing them- bapt(awl tout. Coamunicanta, 800. poor ..Id naked nigger rat his *nsl.01 ! setv.e under the ponderous wheels of I _ The samesection of the chur?h began ionise tude to secure a p•+.asenmer f..r his • the J.+'gement car ; hut this. it appears, to 1666 • mita ,r; to the Hu:d. newel» of boat, 1..r an instant forget to keep a ' ia not !i to case. f)Aicial p.lico re returns ' Triaidad,where theare now from Gu - vigilant eve on the movements "f the from Iu show that ad. d male missionaries. They have :19 ship's office-tr. He -suddenly had a , twlu Y A uttru excess+ !schools in operation, in which there u ropes' end .itorous'y laid abut hips for ; en average attendsoce of 1,3441 scholars. au apparent rea,.on. Ile kept continual- at there car ',satiate, and when there 270 communmants.. ly rubbing his parr, hrusde rd Ivge as be are-ath* they sredue to .ccidente, and ; The western section rat the church be - limped *twat on the ship's devli udici4• tut t ..elt•itwm.4attrn 711 tie a*ore-' gen its first indepwldent mission among ing passengers.. VT« soil never forret' yard of •the temple, close by, are some' the North American Indians. \t pees• our boatride iti Cie surf at Madras. twenty ..r thirty c•wsftps p Hat -in* chosen a twat sod retard the the pay tfry are to price of }.aaseee,we.e'tuutwrrd down 1040 , the hideots monkey g the seat prepared fur us at the stets. tefnple t•• its present qu These - theism, to satisfy .•ger curl tai Write MOATS dirty white cloth ventage his are more like smelt barges than boats o -'(e may an" haus in *l► hi. each neo um to twru$y mea to Thr Hondu.ra bump of reverenc -.r. t...,hine :end h.-atiog thew tusfu•tns uaked boatmen, who floe Ttla 1LLt'vaGt $RIt(•T, and a. tile.s;th they were apeeaaliy ordain-' ed to long suffering fortearawce. (hie! . uarrellint over lent there are eleven mals enostonares ire for carrying and four female ntiaionaries among the front another' Indians in 9 reserves in Manitoba and rrs. (8e 1 I the N, rthwest Territories. L't;0 com- pulls off a I mnnsed.ta. ahip,th•t 1 The next f••rei''r. missions were he;,oun irhneea, by sending Mackey to Formas,, Chita, is ger. ;i(' 1471. There are aR ism; ion+ and wan it ; it nun hold thirty or forty pas * (airily Del larite y developed, fu tenger,. E..eh rower 8,e fur i•ac one • sunned deii_hted in exciting our wander I alined (ed arc Rev. John Jamieson; formerly Peng letetw.o stick to the end of which : and admiration at the intitnscy shaven is mrd a tnrntuar aha n•d Mede. : The • towards his god by tingeriu* his t5J, I The last forei:•n miction was that to Mist is held together by ccc.ro nut fibre cliasbitig up and tatting his -head, and Central India in 187:*. At present, 5 cordage,' The rek,d Iowa to ate porch• feilin; the bird like claws, and by butt- nolo missionaries and :3 f,mble. and two ed ap un bamboo oars Plectra ("Ur or five me his hands iu Ilse mammoth mouth. lady doctors, Mora Beattie and (►herr, feet honn the bottom of the beet. The He. how( ver, *hewed the little pecular-1 stator of Miss tJhver, formerly .f the ob+er.e.i u* .( „•.,d 'lletho- High school, rl•d.ricb. here are' 39 cart was not calculated to inspire the dist dove'. - he came r. and with the ' Y•4M•red traveller with pleeas11t ptt.s• ..hat. We La.1 to do soa4eth*pg re!i4aou* in / iTatal of t(836 ►osteo byterian e ice soil to ifh ltil peeta for the furore welfare Of his lofts. i ars turn. 1 visit t-, r be 3,320 have been baptised. He is as - un *rap}.orT. and hmili. The rowel• accompanied Tuta"Tt....At, asp .xoom b AL.:aRtE?+ 1/uµ„,list Jr:r: i•, .•- Work beton first their stro e b * ver m( tonnes scoot t1 7 1 " 11 *4* 1s•ar t., console* >Smirks. The in Japa» in 1872. now 1-• 111J+ - a fullerng ...*eel is, f r beigh ,!were toupet" y i' .ten*ries and 12 native amistebts. 44ra a fon :arils. s arm a"t in tl•rir beet sp*praTsucr, , funeral. This, Ger M•autl .,t tune per• , pectins of bamony, ael„dy, end raw; , •f for r, a al -proclaim/ the It'd sessnn, and ee nvert*..b rnlssionaries'moo:oat the In • bncaful Im „tow ,ns run oily les cwt, the gratis aid every tree slid ,hruh is be dims of Growth Colombo and 12 pared to Mo. se's Gonadial,i»•at song. as ►lnn.hg :. Nn•w coos of the extreme • amongst the Indiana of Y. t\. and Man- . 6. & .•m li (hi song by the ifrench -o.vererr on the st heat. A b'nb•er ..f tame deer are I .s, also a mise ,1 amone ,u now turning anrPoeuse we were Towed and teen.•., loukt..; •ors lazy •rad sleepy. toned a itbtn fifty yazd...1 the shore' - L•ke the natives, the beat has atm.st T tal ..t lllerhr••ti-t ohne h•' Clo sda, sup - the boatmen t}.«a • deprived them of the vivacity with sloth s 4. mirwtanes, and R14,237 in sup - their species wain created. A miserably * pont. reunite tyro Tait erne poor elephant chained to a stump, aims' •li.ip't.it M:aawar \hook ): gen in in up to the waist, and the passengers *Pr. caws . f Indian idol+ and n .•nk•.ye, a' - die amongst the Telugu+ in 1S;3 At obliged to host their precious- eleven hw_e rhanocrr,, three al itlr}t••rr in el present they have '16 Missionaries aunty, 1tFT-ffret_ht t.. OA. Oltwttirh Of' ftl'fi1:,`ail`t „ iv,, ,triiittltt of r(i'in,``*'74*t,,,'Hr4r1.4, lie0rr•ww)r4 ehw two thin, wiry, hat Ives W. 4rc'rrll.led, i,,hk to"ktou leans, ruin., etgrr, hy.'sua. I with kite; b+'pti+r.d concerts. Total lest • t,y1,e step .h,.ald send us head' etc.., completed the Z.... At each of "p'rabutio.n. 11:41-t:00 fist no •• the bru,.•y, het all were as the cum •as en attendant who aspect. j' ('on7rr►:ilo 11.1 Mono.- F'n•vions to demi), 1eeached high and dry as could ' td to Is. "b.cksbeah4d ' for the trouble last year ibis iw.dy far.! their moor) to be leve, I. This is the only meass id' of rising from the ground f astir up his • the American IS .aril for this peeper, lauding Madras and the traveller is pets, in o.ge lenience oar impuleive no • i but now they have as indepin.lrnt nos - not likely to forget It. The cal u a , one tot the better of our purse strings at 111 in Centra! (Inc...*tilt obi Inas - large straggling place with a p.•pulatiun ., An Indian -hid opened a 'cage in whiJh *17 of half a mention. The strand, facing the 1 era a number of Xpisrnrprl .11i.'u.t. n. Like the emcee• sea a the widest street. Moray this are' tati.onwhsew, all their aow4y used to to Iseerrente. After tet. m.uutea of leo r • "1"up•d 'ler. and .there uo,l 'r the .h..1 ; of Rtru,ah C-401118, i, at' -I :; w*s.i .varied its Bennett. alar madness threatened to deet: a the Reiman Catholic Church, with all i:s rights of property, and when it was preached from the pulpit and hustings that church was opposed to a republican form of government. that it taught treason, that it should be abolished and its property confiscated to the treasury of tb. 1 feted State+ Another feature ..f the hill which he could not supp•rt was tile teat ..ath ice posted upon voters and persons elected to -uthce. He knew something about test oaths. He had *;one through an era of prescription * n account of them. Senator Edmuuds denied that any principle cd tete Constitution in re- spect to the rl_hts ..f Ir-.pertr were violated in this bill, arid sa fo test oaths, he said .they bad been carefully incorporated int•. the Consti- tution of the United States. Every Senator had been obliged t1, take one. The President of the United ~tatea and • every officer of the United Stairs or 111 a State was compelled, and always had been, to take an i.ath which, in effect, was tike that required in this bill. Senator hoer here inquired whether the bill, in prescribing an each or queli- ti' mons h r office, anywhere attacked a mere.opiniou- separate from a criminal act. Mr Fdn,uuds replied that it did ' nut iu the slightest degree. The most astute and ingenious sophist could find in it no hint of ouch • thing., It had been carefully,racluded. Senator Inyall's asserted that he lout its much respect for this sincere opinion .. a turrnon aa that a Its Cat o i- ' *.. - ' gstioualisr, Mlethrdict or Baptist. All rehuieus belief that was honest/1 enter, tanned was respectable a*th.•u4h it mightRa.-,z he erroneous, and condenmed 11 one a r Ft;r•em. 14't.•.' „tc4. H it! - I:nd•••i h t i a.ei Itlip.n* `...pr* el` ' lodgment, 'Kut' said he, "it is wit strutter,: , r. ! t Ma.m I .:)bp.m , ::N as. \L W the Menden rrlit;iotu that is attacked in W4..1. • r p this bill, it is the portico! of Polygamy, s MtnrA. %blvd. R'•ot•.a' l which a one of the Veneta if a certain (o, et' rd ^ l.v. ' Rel a.tn ' I:1S µ.u, I sac, t,.m 0 : a Om Gair.nc:. ! Ar. ; lo.z*,a.m i 2:1'. 1'-w• t'.k. p.w ' y..f propr.rti.ut of that church." v n ZI ji way Rurtsck laoo,l flitter* w*h .1e is. the west truchlrwner of bh»Lad hutu.•le,:'• For Toilet Use. At ..r.. lt...r \',;o r ki cps the hair soft and pliant, imparts to :t the lustre sod frrslin•ea1 of youth, cameos ,t to grow luxuriantly, eradicates lhsu4rutr, • ire, all s• alp die:te es. aid is tLt into: o 'c•1e.i. '-1 sit L:..r 1.rgnratiuus. AYER'S Ilair \'deer thaw git,•n me perte.t .smite'•::nn. 1 was t,rar.v 1.a:,1 for ex 71141•, duneg weigh 1'.mo i ',r•r.t :many hair preparation*, but tsi•hout *ut•eq. (ad.'.d, what little hair I had. was Rvow*.• th,wwer. n•til I tried A} r'. Hair Viger. I used two bottles arf tb.• V u•gor, and my head is now Well covered with a Dew growth e.f 6161% -Josou It. Chapel, Peabody, Maas NANi '.at bias become. weak. gray, Vita laded. away hat. new Ids and * olor restored to It by the rue of Ayer. i"ttatr t1j;or. ieftrtatrwrtlrthiu:- . faded, and dry, sad tell out is large quantities. Aver's Hair Vigor stopped 1 time Galling, and restored toy 4atr w tie original foist. As a drowsing for the lair. this prrparatfoe haw eo equal - Mary N. llawswm.w,1, is Ater, Mins - VIGOR, .,p - VeathM';u. an''anrd te.athe r ty,l■ the rf acv f r prrser. c.1 ter Am Oedema.. permed by the use of .\yet''+ lair Vigor. srA dis- r,.ae of Hee ie alp o mused wy hair to be - 1 comm harah and Lary, Wd to tall int Ire•:y. Nothing 1 tried seemed to do any go.wl until 1 .umraer*.Md A et', Nair Vigor. Three bottles...1* u[ this preparation restored my hair to a h.ahliv •ouditiun, and :t is now soft cad puaat. My .rahpp 1s cured. and K le *leo tree !row dandr::A. - Mrs. 4 K. rues. Milwaukee. Ayer's Hair Vigor, } I'retas:M• 41*4 r.-rt..n.. re 1'v*rr.-r $ATRTY. p1rm4•t *411011, and wonderful rurally-. prop. rttws. pule place At.r'. Pitts at •he Arad "' the list -4•1 Iw.puler crinette* fur lurk and Nerv- osa,' Headaches. tene.paro.n, and all ail- meci+ brig:uating_it* r d1.,l.rdesrd •9.iver. 11 ARPER'$ PERII)Dll'ALS, Mit ILA*.: IAitl•Alr tit a.1111.rie. 44 l tti'Kk'rt \ 1. -.I4 .Y tA1:!'1-.1ry \*.t'\t3 1''t►fl.tt. - Its::i'ki.K 1k 'h! % IHjt'Akit ., HY.tin.•','tar*hJ\nedier',. to off:Ift1, owe over go •. miter . • _tr) M Owyr(reefe siltreatierussraaslistJ• ed {•area. (sw*Rd (limole. The ...lune, • •.4 rhe Nasar b. 4* with IN. 1 )itlieM•r * „ Jaoe try admits •wets )war. 1 hem *camels mien*,•*&"l wb..nrttonr w.tl Is - its with 14.' shoo„•. . screw' ..t time of rt' cd$ et order. Witted VcIilwnv el Harper'+ Ra1ar. for ars. ears t.u.k, i..rest teal. u,.o.lta{t *.11 be_syai:r p...talterger by espn-►.. Ter. 44 pa-•..ee to os,dea t►e 4reight d.wr nut exceed 1 I .p;*r r.,lrmel Ito r Wiper vo1•mw. cloth t'asee ter ew• h V.. e,•..0:table per b:9.1.mr. will 4* sem: hl :raii, pu*ep fd. ,1* ft erste et til yrs tae b. Iteu..ran.•es a►uw:.l be mato. by Post Orte *miry tinier or (Iratt. t•• a. o.14 • ham.. of lore. . cweiq»iper.urs ..-t :it, ,.'g,.:lis ,,ie,r7ir *seat .rffSoat f/iv •tp^,.. 0t'.:. r w 1:mu•tia A Men it rem Asldrvv IIARPlK k 1+1:l T11Ettft. N. -w York. I .. 188''. llfer'sYoll1Poo10 A\ iL:.C'TItATED WEEKLY. Harper'. Yout.r Pr-sq- .ir lute here caned ^ted 44* $ , (. 4 what • l.ersdiral for }now r aden oultbl to he." ono tl.r Jtlstirr of this e sn,uendative Is ammo teetalaed by the terve emulation it Lai at:atacd at home aa,1 :r Urrrt Itrt•ain. Tt.is encrewr has M•. -t. 4.11)ed ty n✓tt*ods that mwt eum•nrn.t thrmrrlee. to the J1dawmrat of parent... 10 ' ►.w..has to the tame* .d obi Wren non.rly, M ru .-arr•0tt and w. it ,wtau.rd • !fort 'o pro ! ride the hest ar:d most attrartisr reading for ' 31.11441 prut.M At • low prin.-. The tllnurwlu.re, are ...piers aad et • carept uuutly ktr,l star et sa gLemr- An epiiow•r of everything that le attrsetftie and desirable :a yurw,hi literatwr. - dfeslea LWa rier. A weekly ferwt of peed th,•p as the bees end girls in every .aant;y wtt.ch K vlsita Rrookire Uwiew,• It is wosderfai in its wealth of pint-le- t intle- formation, std Whereto,t'trt•t.e% /t1•M•tt, K.Y. - rkl:Mat• Manage Prepaid. itel 1'ev Tsar. Vii, v111. comierrsaes Neve:neer 2.1M SI Neta Nt•wrtr. f *ve ('fists male. )frena tat« .uuu:4 8 mad. y t t Ifoae} .Aber or 1►:aft.to avoid skews e/ -.Vetr,p,ip••s art wet a1w/,r afire , Meet .+!hove tar •rprees entire cif aRru• k ,,/11110741,4u.. Adores.. HAKI'KIt k HRtiTHIhrr, New Yesk. .'J 1 *.ave bion a 1 great seft'trr ir(s O He:ularbr. and A*eer's ('athartk• P:11* [ are the.,ray tr)o+eine them- tea ev.'r en t ill con ae rrTirt. r►Iir darty , r tl,*s r`: • . . wiquirk, r wore roy b•wi'c' amus tri 11 , . 1 Inv head Iron& pato. - W*lliatn 1. Pete Ft mol hi .t nJ Va. Ayer's Pills, 4 0 M 1 /kd irersaneee,ylt.J..,11r rAyrernh'r.--1sss.awe,: blase 00 ti r _ t t-4 SY.ANI) TRUNK Other (Senators *peke in (' pneit.c•u to I the btl1, among. them being Senator. (ytll, o1 Florida. and Butler, of ft. Caro - 1 lona. 13..Ih of them di+daimed all toler- ation of polygamy, hat they cowed not • support tee prop"sed means • d getting rid of *t. Thur (Vorshinttoa social Bess -'n is &front leer now, sed the PAY war' 1 t. :t .t t `1.71 trt j) • with .11 )It'sCMwla•ni held her • "a- `...""• T e,.( *.. AR74•,AL T?•.15t built the pest office end '8. principal ► thr.uch %nglish w*,.tiea, but they are government bm.,tu,ss, 1I,.(el aceom ' about sit menthe ntd, and dnz•4in; -els I now going in ter indrpen'Irnce Auo,or.t piss p , c ►rci iiinn soli" l ilur l;l q . f'. i • I noxon, and the crowd was the hirer.: she hasever -had. It began ¢*tier two hour before the doors were .frown open, .Lad ere long it extended fr .•u the White !louse entrance to the kieitue 1 y*.., and down the sidewalk for half a squat'(. four ger lice all-es,t. 'f every fifty t oN.n there was one man; and h. in*ati•bly lookl•J as :h toe! 'e fall nut of place. eindatiuii is very bad W en:mired a'h•ut tithe ear, affectionately embraced *-',Itnbuted, $1-' 719. Salvation Aru.y ghar•rq--1,s t!e na'a.e i,•urrwheeled Mt,it. The roma! wait shout as much; a crmtlnpent of N was recently de. risme is called .cud ....aide and proceed- as le could lift, hilt Permed *! ' !patched. ed to "do" the si,•hts. Emery llirwpeetr • tatre-mot -kitten. Atter Jenne perat,t • At'Vt5A RI of ALI. WO/Mt/et MI`.+'ON4 (*e residence is surrounded by a tante pr I sawn he Iwraibol on us to embrace it - . ►taus. den "r enclosure (*Pad s "contpi•und," j hkewae, but at was riot with the fond i 104 missionaries and p148.000 This is w):i.11 uiv44 the Eur' p"•n.Inarter avert ;delight shown to the prod .z'.I on ht. re 1..... than the Central Pawn and the scattered app.arsne.. Thr streets are tyro. He brought out the threw -'r four1 i:'•(unw*t..sy .1 Torw•to taken together sero dbot moor I brothers and esters, but we took a f+ e.trali e . piterttmity to -Nhdraw wit boot i ,• .•t the pr'vtn••r .d 1 ►n•ari'•. anus 4seTythi'rt, k: •t 'K j„ P t l3u'1 hist'. now i t; r T Y to pr a vehicles, m'..fuee, !111181►, ch*sr, h.., a .h et i.egepfton cot the i *men, RAW and chifdler1,11re 'rwant!e.i _ •►.vier Treed ft." 1 PILI•41 a sees r . ; we are , with a sorlrbre. hr .s ;.•1• t.' l t'-** of lrr•I of What ! Never tool Johnston's Tonic dust. It is lierd•y, hilt the Clay is Hast I itatrr, ! Torn do so at name it's provo- kers o heorrei : ir.m worker«, wearers. VTY600. OR NatttwtM, 't*".ty 11te tent general )oak es She sinamtthw, basket tinkers, tndrn et a') a rete rat pwrh.lei *.11 sirnil.,, in phtac+l I market. lhiads ode u* dtl descoptiens e batman,51. paslyiag their drive rrrreefs b• the 1lnddh ; ts. lilt 4ifr-rarn II I've "'fieri heard .d It but th.•ught that V1a b s foe dd'►1n• o, th.sr twltl.'4r h.Iief.. 1,, lr"I•s fh'• l it a,s t.. 1'e placer' on the lot of the 1 f . he c ss 'or flood ger t t pia 7 mai • t► h rent n s that fl 1 or u y 1 bo t a hail* in iSla, seed w il,nd »0. sew rhe bath :•f 'be ',rid ser.on t Ofel byte -root ebntrh, They earn. into redo t•ntrntry from the i merk.•t, but slime you rrr'mooed It so, large new h"spa•.l. and :tnn7 pleasant m Ititore part of Aare, and f Wool robotic, b•ithlt 111 ;ave it a foal I)., so, !Co drink a IV Moi:. rww,Jeucw, lint •rr *fwd to pet ••get of the ors Intahatine. the Und Thee w• M in toad for any (*4 phut, n1 w111.•1% tonic allkeptsuet • term •tee.,, pd M •lbw M»i.•immp sant, , to ..f t natit, and can he taken by town. our gsi l smarm ' - 4544 es t" the hwf.. who hid to gill Maris t'. rh..11 t, ,w.'r/nl I semen, se child :4)c and el per bottle Ing ileum, whir* 'i* Iliad•• s 15. cit ,mated. ' tbrringh"ut all India four different (io,1e, t. h. su'. *tent I.• J • willtanafe ' n,lhe:y, the Al 4, 1n.i. is the elevens' r•,t.•um a •1 *04? • t • ton. the Hill Lo e, •h0 \lahon,n,w4*na and easel *peewbte. JOet., *nil ha, hewn (r' ■•- • e • ' rain liar„r•.am. 'fhe cab".tivu,p, •t', fluter• R',n nn ri.k 111 h.lyint mMacan., hat their .1.SJ The Ser •prig, " are . air they can ne*ih.r r.ad nor writ.-- ( tryted meant Kofi ey end Lrrwr rwtnl• a,doptialt thea w.thod of Amp . ••f • and Immorieally at' few compered with nos. made tie 1lr ('he•....ethos of ('h.,..'s rent t• h^t• M Ire• their tonne, .1 l* N inlet- a lite y ./.«w Item trim n trots OP pre•Pnt, what math GP, shoot nine indiums. wMl.the Hiw i•tl Basses' .t the Liaise, Kidney*, •r Of 14scendants cab) ,p,,.• re.t •' 'ow hun,ir«) On iil..w,•rh t"d R•,wtl• Heid James IM•io ,; .-.e -• ...... 11 Distil M deems s lame wholly w toe i Masan, draws*. is to. the r•oo'tery 110.4. En►rrt.sr.a Il.•nJrc.r.n•ly e. tso,l .At fliesle'a lbw! store, Alnlon block, th• I its and in • Ln, '1""111' the H' d. h iv t' t I +roes I r (" 's 1 r for years d ..ieorir t• teem c.T ! by rwpertaat. it is of the 11? n'st importance that some f•.4 h•.usrhold a•em.dy .hnu;'i het bent within handy resell in case of pain and accidental i,Ilury. The roost use (nl renic.!y of this kind It ,andouhtrdl7 H•,ty*ril s lell•.w 1111, 1• r internal *n•i external use to all !nonfat coml.irt.44,. if car would bet 1.1.. to heart this es.fut trmh, ••t: md,trt het fete, ' and separate thea,rr•w. , come to ns fnnn rireumatenees we e+nn••1 *1 •ntrril from the mi.fortwies sr onr.clw•* bit..' created 4'y or Lolly, we aio.old cool. 1,. • lir w,s.r u,.•lrrstandc,4 * f how to lire Md what n t to do. "They hare a hover woe on my dis- Iric,, says a wen kn.dru*fur, •thy. any other poll on the market. a•.s-I ,e - the boil satisfaction le sick h.•a.1 • h••. M! tenons, indigestion, ere , sod when eombn.ed with Johnston'. Tonic Ratters, Joheatoon's Tonic layer Pills will per f.onn what ne other m1't.r,gw ha. d •rat• before for snffersier hnmuntr." nits ^:. r.•uts per h•.ttl.. Deters 7•0 cents e nd 151 1..•. Mottle. S.•.4 by Goode, Druggist. \limon block, hotter '8, ode ' fent. _ 441 16 A !s; (I. I\.IE4'r? ii fro. et' . etch bottle of 9hib.h's Catarrh Remedy Poe* R') rants, }'or sale by J. Neoism, i deet?r:''attcCAA. ("44.'5114x41 .e-1 e.' .ti a ..a a sots, r.ra, g,L4 rfirs.r..a lrecnper K weans a t: _:Id: t it or Ai:t.isa 'PRESERVE YOUR --SIGT _ _ o ri,•ttlM all FRANK LAZARU•S *Lnt of t at' C. in of Lazarus fR m.o. Regow.,,ed Spec, 'des and Eye guises The- ,.e. '...-les and fir e fll•s.,n• es t•e ad {ice i5 trare, and it u.oaan•,• n',n.noe44.-A get iofse' 4„n. They tee toes. IN 7111: wnwl.n. Ther wwre-r the, and last man} rear• without .'Mang.•. l un *Ali /.. • • THE BEST Ir THE CHEAPEST. New Fruits, New Nuts, New Teas, ANEW GODS OF .ALL KJNDd. EVKRYDODY !NVITID TO COMA it RIM TM. Yates & Acheson, Finest Collection 1141161eAlli wtetwt*Te (it'' GODERZCH_ FRANK LAZARUS, ■ANUFACTURER c ' Na . • Naryland Read !farrow Rosie. i.Olx, , eteneaN v .1.*'- Laverne 1 *woes. NantwM Vona qN0 o•osseetl•w with env ether Ann U the Derma::] t::ram.+ 1 Jae. !h. ill Mgr ..• 09..044 eat as (4•.1.rtelt.e 0. A. NAIRN, Nor. mils..• weerw. desist•* 1►M IIId