HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-3-4, Page 1�1 fr ffORTIRTY VRAR. tt WHOLggKC141tY.ft let f °EV0T`'°. couN • GODERICH. ON'T., FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 180. 0 GENER INTELL' CEi�G i Itict7tf ti.t C r I t o,.M a il�a�e a� :oi°lk�'i!i`"" THE HURON SIGNALi Is sabliehei ever) Friday Morelia. W Mi'- 01t1.1cCeil.r Baum. at their &Mice. North vt. OODZRICH. ONTARIO, FRIDAY, M.Agro Ient.3SN• nun rawer than toe n..+.uo... atdes, snd a number of members in lM has uaJe &lyse•& two w..rthies the Iauah- a .erwitat as Deets .t Itrmpttll.rr wish - I Knowledge under these eircumstauyss AMR rex CON IEST. I FOR REVENUE 1.1"1:1'0$%;$ ()XL Y. WHAT'S UP? hitherto shantlirig alar 6ff, bare loubed i ELECTION ECHOES. 1- Now that the smoke of battle has be -1 The vain Alerts of Meagre. F.tlmund upon Sir John as a state,mau ..f intetn- gun c ear, pas aro in a j)oat s u ge t o e ,, u .. e: c i, 1, s1, a u( the result u( the late nlectiuua Kelly, of It!yth. t.. aetl the C for 'c vote 'wings That Are Happening •the fl•«ir e,f parliament will duped the' vro aro many empty esddlrs on beth I of tl'vst Hurno and deliver the geode, Around Us !illusion, and exhibit the i.olitial char i toI 'ti t t Cat I t r t (' ,d i 1 and Petrick ty as well aa of ability ; a nearer view un What they are Saying After 1a Bat tlo. i,et'a ase! Dl't llliti a majority after the eleclinwef 18742' Test- natty little rooster "b..hbed up serenely," all the same. And you'll see him again before • trent while. Pit e•stutrc., having for their ehjert the unwating of Mr Porter in West Ho. r en. hay, teen Matituteal 1.y !Iron Carrow L Pnweifeet. lest House have failed to wore majori. ing stool- of the :ldu.g. The day has ►'arrow • railhead irkr..pec: N W ties on the present ucccmiun. l'uriaps gone by when nue er two impudetrt history Repeat Itself - the greatest Joss t.. the Ltbera! party hike pbce-t:unters, 1. ..kin I. boodle, could berm sustained in ..ur own constituency pale, t:iensaelves off upon their fsl!ow. - I'm toll there's a scrutiny un deck in the defeat of Mr M. C. Cemeron }oy enOltryusen as a 1111 ,1*, aml preraie, epee in tfrat Huron, and behind that there's the totlo t majority of 27. N• :••• were theta t., vote at ?he will of the peliticel a protest and an unseatiug and disi1uali- grreter surl.rtsed at Mr Cent -rep's de- helha ether. We hat•, leiter, es a eircu- fiatjou au:r» the "eutsi le member" feat than hes oppi•ueute, f •r up t.. elec- tar menet 1•y the former et these, a„r Nest Huron e,omes down from hie tiuu day, in betting circler odds were al- aJdreesed to th • i:omau Ceth•.lics of I perch. But. n,ef.oL " ,h, I 1I let you know ways asked and riven it. 1,4 fever. But West Hurn, Lt.d It is sufficient to say j tnore abet:: this by and eye. elude we regret the defeat ..f 5Ir Cine that it .eflelcts cord:: neither to his heat The most disgusted man to East iron, we feel around thy retersu to Lib- nor his heed, t.• the creed which he pre- Hurn on election day, nut excepting Mn .1. H S,•trre. of Kincardine, wen , eralum in the .'tiding is only temporary, fomes to he so devoted an adherent of. the es member, was my old and esteem - contested West itrn^e with Hon. Ed• and that ere hong the old memlwr will nor t ; the instincts that prompted him ed friend, Patrick Kelly, My Milesian ward Blake, raved his dei' Sit by 7 j rrtarn the j-osiuo n cud amain occupy the t.. hone .o ;ireruinently before the pub- (scud, had, I understand, been helping votes, Male's mejorit- 1,011114 1044. : o!d seat. he time name "1 the rev. 'tentlemen whom Ed. Campion to revoke Irish Catbulic 1 Over the Ih minion • not discouraging be takes fruit the sevlufi. n ••f his private sentiment in Ai field and Wawano•h ductus We rsk nothing rn ening chef Tb. grits did not get •nits ranM datrt- td AW) Wneer thrnnchout the country with the el^eplion of Uniob..(--..heir 1.aurier, the rebel. was eln-.rd Lr a hand.omu r njuri:p. %t'anghala Ad%snnt. Please add Halifax an] St. John to teeebec, and tell the truth text time. Tu& Tory Nora. of 6ingst•en, after the election, admitted that in that city "the bottle was henget and won." In the matter ti West Huron, "tire kettle was bought and won in (Tinton." THUBK isn't one newspaper in Canada today that Sidra with the Governmentthat is not pap fed. Hence the loyalty of the organs to the cause. Even tier own goody -go idy Mar would hsve gone to the wail had it not beer for the foe - tering are of the Goverment The atatenwemt is made that whereas t'ortaerratire• nrminated Irish Catholics where they eoeld be elected. and were elected, the (writs nominated them where :hey could -toot be elected. 4►e suppose that is the rssaon wby n Cathodic Reformers were elected recently to the Ontario Legislature, and 4145 only nor Tory Catholic. satin leads to con% action, and CunvICtaon to a profession of the new and bettor political faith. That Wes what toot place in 1873. W111 history repeat itself in 1887 i AJAX..THE' "STAR' LV THE PILU)R1. The Star, in its last issue, has the fol- lowing reference t.. Til r. St,: tt SCA attitude toward Mr I'.,rter durum( the r•cer.4 political campaign : "His treatment by Mr C.ene.ron's or- ' gan, THC S1q-.%L, ass, of cnnrie, n • ex opt' to that scrorltd by that journal to *11 who dare to iiia■erne, seen ca met - ten al other than p.litic, withits citn- t ' view meets the eye 2'04 inensbers have dwelling Inco and laterniits to dram iutu of rathertat re than was ti air This a kebeno S I y }• . •.&bout avail, anti *,lowed his corner tLnn an injury-. This is taken is thus far !tern rieeted, and of these the the trout of a pelirital contest. But it the vineyard over in Eest Huron to go a matter .1 e...urse nowadays by th..ae of I Gtehoz and L'Et•:ndrre, the entail of the has been esti- dote. The cause of Ire- Ly default. ke a result he behoves hu the public who know that sheet." Nationalists, claire that he Government i lame has always bw•n c irsed Ly the pre- absence (ruin tee riding lost the con For` the ii L.: itration of tiie we might has•.bta.0«1 112 the (to onion lel, fence of er:f-oe'rkers .1 the C.tm ion- state that so not our CASA• during the ill.' P st.tueney to }s friend and I was g inn Al.1 th.t 1 Indc4•endent he. been elect Kelly strip-', who, oro Irishmen for ''rev- t.. soy, partner -"[homes Farrow. Fur led. The Tory prem claim G„cerumen- 'nue purpeees tidy, and wh,• endeavor the benefit o1 Mr Kelly, I beg leave to I ea! majorities rouging teem 33 to 12, to show slut it is a geed trade to Le s tell him to wipe ■way hts tears of regret, sed, as when d..otors differ, all may be . wrong, we prefer, under he circumstauces, to take the 5;jures of the Cbdie aur. Two shadow ed the "hired man's" plead,hand was play disoeraibls to the col- umns of tour contemporary, the star, last week. When "real work" has to be estimateput in the estate edio r has to take a Mor ,t in the far a •ay corn,and allow the brainy ''hired man" to do the work. We wan an "Clericus;" we mean the oth- er Cass. it is understood Hon. Geo. i'.irlpat- ttick, late speaker , f the House of Commons, will succeed Sir Charles Tup- per, in the position cf High Cumtniastn-- or, and it is f trthee understood that his holding of the position will only he until such time as Sir Jell° Macdonald laid divests himself of the trammel& of warty leader, and hetakem himself is the as°luaios whish the [fib Commu.innee- p graa5a it London N-., Prins is shouting 1 hoarse Inver the fact that Tories • captured spew of the preserves that John made Tory by act of wha- t in 1882, such as, Seat Bruce, North , Feist Lastige'', West Middlesex, whole canipat.n was Mr 1' -rter immensi- ty attacked. We defy the Starto cite • Rebury instance, aitd the failure of that profesnaosalIrishmen. •1•.. a. etuatelyi,w,ss for fin absence from East Humin was sheet to back up its c.,utentiva wi_i .be - two we rthtes I:.ite 1-)- this ::me discover- not the cause -,f Mr Farrows deteat. the best proof that the ''t•ioue editor ' e1 that few .1 the ittah-Cat's•,: c voters The real reason for 1"arrow's defeat lira }tarn, as &*{Coit I:e1l, L'Etet•dur'l. And for he reason that in in N est liar.•n Limey tats than they do in the fact that the people of East Fru- ------ - . the recap& Quebec elerinns we to &iced themselves, and if they have not an run have hail their eyes opened to the IT wi!1 once bG boss fur Mr. 1'6rter to that figures bulletined by these journals learned we will give them a few figures(act that he was a p ohti.ian "for revenue move ice the matter of briuin.i an the C. held goo d w::eu the Lo-gistature met, is, digest. the Irish Catholics in !test purp.ses o,sly," and legislated not so P. R. to G,derich. We are wiling 1.• o•,twathatsrt.:ieg that exception was Huron are principally to be found to ;much 'n the interest of the cuuntty At "alt until the i. life bef ,re we as. him LANs to their, f.: ted . mouths by the .Askfteld, the Wawanoshee, as1 in ll de- for the benefit ..f Theruas Farrow and to attend to tie dred;Hsg to the trole:h We also remember rich town ; in Godench town/hip, Col- of the harbor. bet he must Lustie in the enure Tory praes,faintly. Under these circumstances the chin shelf the t.'.1.-• published the result borne and Clinton they de not et.ter toredoubtable Terre of Blyth c onion t hair matter of the railroad, w that the wotl .1 the Mauit.,ba elections, and v aimed I any extent mtn the voting pupelattun saved hitt from defeat. saltpetre 1'e ineuearate3 before he reno.res fro:n that the Norgoay arimiuiatratiun was . Kelly and Campion, is is supposed, d;d couldn't have saved him. sustained by tea: tics .f a majority, ere I missionary w..rk in the mu.iciptlttiee i ---end now. a word or two on the Tory press yrs: dnfo:ted the classifica- tion, and the:: were compel:ed to ac- cept it. For thew raaa•.da we hold to the he- urr• ..f the 07.:b', sue' :eehir:g short of where the Irtah Catb.!: clement obtain pc.hucal outls•olc :Isroaghtut the Duuaiu ed, and e .at was the results In 188.2 o• a. They say that every now, and then Ashfield gave Cen;urou G5 ; on the 29nd history repeats titan. I believe we're nu Feb., Ashfield increased that m.j srity t••', the eve of a repetition of ttist sry, and 97 -as: increase 'A 32. In 1882 the 1'11 tell you wily. If you will allow your au adverse decision in a division in the Wawanoahes gave Cenier•n ft7 ; at the • mood In go back to the sire ,ons cof 1472. Hocse wtli cavae us tee chvi a rur taco recent election they rolled up 118- $ you will remember that Sir John was esetatned by a n.ajerity . f iter 40 members, When the House met the lief. increase of 31. G•,der:eh in 1*1t Raw There are yet 11 elections to be held, Casuer,n • majority of 1 ; on the 2111.1 and present nalitealtheas p0tat to an en• it gars hien a majority ct hese•{ workabls majority OR the part of the of 2::. If the labors of Campion aid Adminiatr•tieo. A the kvo±uege of the Kelly were worth anything, how do they: :and Sir Ilugh Allah were made by the is it not Iussible that our relations with M.-:, "Thai life of the (3orrrunient account tar these jncree.es in the muni- then member -for Shefferd, Lucius Seth the Old Land might get into a tangle in bangs epee a thread. • cipalittes in w) ice it was be5eted their1" usIluntsi goon, The dssex.very of the 1 the absence of an ab e -bodied Canadian influence would be felt. Cs+ttipion and aero ct between the two knights caused representative. It looks to us as if Sir felbwing winter, the dtstlosnres of the Rb•rtrr selling deal between: Sir John Simcoe to C!ietvn. After th tt date he may not feel Inc:it:wi 1.1 throe his earn - .at ref •eta In`far.•r rG.Klen.-h e1 atainst the self elected "Hub of the 1'utset se." Ir a '•1i'oh Couirnuic ter'% b: England is one • t these pcsiti..na that CauMia espied do wttt.out woad like to Leon- tithe is ding the work meso drawing the salary for the 1.1:ret pow. We hate iso knowledge of the at:• mint• inept of a auocerrr to occupy the 141,- 000 mansion ir. London, England, lately vacated by our Canadian Pooh -Wt, mod Kelly lead n's influence tnC:tnt•ae, where a seosANon throughout the country. and ere on fend to have • jubilee rejoicing a ehange of 90 in favor d epees wag ef- , n the on floors &f rltth et t memb5n trcted, nor in Goderieh township, where l.eg,an to sh+ice in their allevunee. Sir of an increase of 27 was Oven for Porter ; John saw that doom wsa iapemdinr, and throughout British f..esseseions on the oW occssior. cf the fiftieth anniversary tete A., ...t::,., wf- peen Vic -tuna. which -v nortnade boner wirer. r decreasb'of 26 under pretext of giving mope ! en - takes place 50 'a^e, but we cant for the was wade ir. Cameron's previous major - life of to, understand west Canada has, quirt', adjourned tie session to the fall dens to Her Ma,r•ty t: at •three: Codnor' sty. We have given these figures and of 1873. The real reason for ad - aeries the Alio tic that we are to be in- suede these remark, to show that the of joursirnent was to give him a chance to !forts of place -hunters like Campion and cover upbis tracks. In the fall, when doted with another plagns of Canedia.'lot at knights. Yet we are iufurmed th.et their full value by and their t the inteare tgent estimated iah ' tea House met, so far from streeethen- twenty-five r.ew • Sia' are to Le pitch- Catholics of West Huron. The pee.plo ling his position the Preier hued that forked into the Canadian sucial circle, so • all know that Campion, Kelly, and the it mhad been materially weakened. Death that the Demimien will Lave semething1 "pilot" are after the bag of beans. had in the interwar claimed Sir John's to remember the jubilee year of good - trusty lieutenant and milieus'., Sir e%lipoid Tes Tory papers are having a g°nd ' Gorge Cartier, than whom there 4124 1 Queen Victe.rei 1)y. There are many time endeavoring to constitute a Miura- -rays of Punishing • crown colony, but none could ;ive counsel me:: nage in • ; ,, teri■1 m.jurjty. The Montreal Geoff., I dire crisis ; sits& looking around him he the infliction of tweety-five new heights,Hoo. Thoma. 1Yhite'sorgan, still claims upon a mientry like Canada is to our saw w &site to aid him to stem the tide r that Farrow has beet re-elected in East of ,•,,portion that had so rapidly arisen,' Charles Tupper by his last move bas de mon,treted the absurdity of farther maiutaing the "High Commissiot.er" to England. Cordae• •plate*. &:raves,, and {wall, 11s- pre..ee nesse .f the 4 relabels .5 Oar 4 a*erwporarle.. W11%1' tr L•: &Kt: '.t• R1IRCl.. People are saywst test they 'rood not be aurl•rlaed if Mir hake would decide to oust politics cud devote huuself to the prssetive ..r Lis prcteaas•.u. It would br • matter of tercet• eve thousand dullsra a year if he did. Thew 1:.4ornsers who find fault with hit• Iliake because he did e .1 um, evert e k the fact that be it 111.knr! a greeter eacntice for his piety than any one else 111 it Ile has said time anti aeon that if he were to fellow hie p. -notal incltu+tour he wool! gine up pekoes ; •,ut of tins his party will out hear.--1"vette erestrain Ind t tt111 rot:zee ,:t,•.ar. Wr notice Chet the Toy press ex't,btts a savage trtgmph parr the driest ..1 Mr Uaui+nin, of West Hurn, nut that Ili - WI 1 ri- wit undntedlshort Mati y he .1 very shu duration. Mr CAmrr.,i 11411 1..ttg Inc. a terror to those elope creole are evi:. Mr Cameron has long been a terror to theme who have aoatee-taken to make stain at the expense of the country out of their Parlameotar-y po.ltione. No Letter prim trend -Ile given . f thia than the /Of s•_, soil vneu nay ill which reference is nude to tuts .defeat i,y the trans of the Admitestr.tien eidon Advertiser. Y.1EgT BALI/yr PAPAWS ALL OVER One thing stout the ballot papers that tnu.t Lave stru.k a gond tuany who voted the other .ray sae the tissue -like ,iva:sty' if duo paper which was used. it is pr,t.ahly not • muter of profound nnp,rtance to meet voters *IAA the mark of the pencil cold he plainly seen threu;th this hellos, Lot ss a mu.:b has i.e. n said ab•.ut thu se.recy e.f the ballet box in:Ds.rnusson election,, it is net de- sirable two the idea .L,.uld get &tread that a means eyes, by which the vote may be detected. The majority of peop:e who tura du not care whether it hr •p; sired or not •'r. wt.:ch aIle they cost their ballets, lout in the case of lwt,p entdoees sac;{ may not be the fact. Tile ballot papers should he of reasen..ble thickness. - Ter, Telegram. WH: E'ection Ke.tion of 1882. s f 1997. him. Opp. Mtn. Ontario 64 38 62 Quebec .49 la k4 Nova F+notis. ..1-' C• I3 New ktrusswick.1I- 5 P. E. Island. 3 0 Manitoba... L : 4 Behr** Columbia 6 tt 1 141 70 103 101 Governnseft majority lfld2.. ... 71 avvernment majority 188' . .... .. 3 Mr Farrow the Tory catdela'a for Eaat if erre., date ouneed Sir Charles Tupper, and declared his opposition Mi Sir Charles as a leader ei the par'y. Mr Farrow, who sat in Kort Huron for many years,waa in the recer.t one's! defeated. Are ws to understand the defeat e,f Mr Farrow as an endorsatior. by the Terns& of East Huron of Sir Charles Teepee as leader ' Mr F•rrnw declared that pur- ity of life sed character must beeceforth be gnarantsed before any rielitician could receive promotion in G.nada We say unthtogg shout the fairness ser unfurnem of i'.1, Ferree's cuucam, ua: we chink that it is pretty appareet that his party either discredits his stasetm.r.t er nieces toe pnneipplea or rejects hie t-tactpiea -- Lendun Advertiser t$te.t:r 4,6.4 ••.e/•wwe0 Mr M. C Cameron arae defeated in West i!urnn by • rete narrow s sjortty. The o" st.tueney was eery ooseiered in 1832, but Kr Carneruu c•seseed to save his sent in the eleetien 1 that year. haat week Chs seat was booth& from ender him. From isturday till Tues- day ue -day the c•rnetllusuct swarmed with hoe lien. including se nett f n -"n who had never Men seen t.efvre. Those bribers :neat rave been sent in by the urder .d Sir ;teen Eacdoes. i, wh a has good rearm to want to keep Mr Come - rim 0'11 of ten Ruse of Cot .•r. ma The .c•nember f.sr Weed Hurnin the M Int of ceiling a speaka s,.s.lend helms •n ugly tau -owe of proetati his eta•..onsets ,n 11 a p'ese ice ,.: lite foam lie scenes*, Now u` Tones .1n hast 1::-s ' There are men .n Ham.itno who tie...1 A be Re- formers, nteu who pr.fe.es to he t'hrsatiens, Who vost d eest14enc4+ in like Jelin M*donald east ween. i asked why 'hey 4.1 so. 'hey ii'i s y they' wanted 10 pros r s •he Notional Policy rat rwstse'.e.n it wos,-( be u,t..rmee.g Ito knew just how muco teems t' minas' The following are the nfheal bguree for West Hurui. Pull int ley ision. th Nnrforlk, South O*tarin, South I mind like the taking ef a near. •dvan- tworth, and Weet' t#.. - cage indeed. We aro weak, and c ur fres* has mighty little toat ever- 1 populstinc ier.'t r.umer•us, ter national 8 two acts of parliament at Clet idebt is Ierge.and our annual eapenditure oder sad the Franchise act) and • I la yearly i•tcejestng. the pries of wheat ed voters' fiat to make each of the It, low, std .ggs an not a gos.d avenge. ve constitnsnajee go Tory. And the I hs potato bug and weevil have act yet of the tbitg u. thq won't "ay T"'17. I ledt for parts unknown. but the Domin- ion is young and sturdy, and might pos- y/at the Tory Me- was osostnsred able gather itself and wiggle through, reprove the action of the Tory party were it not for this out pettleuce of its "jubilee" over the defeat of Mr ( titled ns oodise which spre•is the dark Apron. For our part we can con- shadow of its wing over the destiny of ate the rhibition of blackguard our common country. Canada doesn't by the Tories on the evening of Feb want ary mon knichta Th. grist w• ▪ equanimity, fur it .h„w. that have already received hare been no s?preciat• having been successful credit to the Dominion. This is • in thirty years. But what dose "great victory" amount to, lifter In 1882 Sir Jobe Htacdunald ed" the Gots is South Heroin, and e. aa he ttrughtrallatt end West n Tory by the Gerrymander Aet, by 118 of a oajorrty, and the alarms that a huge (int correption fund by 117 on the figures of the pre wee in etietence during the resent elite - election. K C Cameron robe- tion and that it was obtained from the ed his claim upon Reath Florae, i'altee States' Oh. my ' Anti in proof of the fact it states that many of the deposits of Refers) members were sctualy raid in "United States gold.- straight old." straight out democratic country, and Hpn.n, that Lr. Orton has been reand was now tit Iia flood: 4n the 40 ed in Centre Wellington, that Muh.c , majority, no remnant was left, for men C ulL;,rfe of North Yorl, is • Tory, and other seldom stand by a tottering cantle. Dur- ! .• equally absurd contentions ;the Ottawa lag the first week of N..vemher, as the ('it..n gore further, and says that Jas. accusers became aggreseite, and his Trow, of South Perth, the Liberal whip, supporters weakened, the Charter -seller is a Tory ; the Hamilton Spectator alsol hntun became sick •t heart, and when on the , makes peculiar claims, and sower* eight of the 5th of that month, Mr! -them that Landry, of M. tm•gny, is 1 e rose in hie oleos. and decreed the ; amongst the elect ; and s. -e London ,o,,, of the derelict Government, the Few Pews --well, we... gut find of ley last spark of hope died in Sir John's (;edarioh t'p lag to keep ep with the claims of the heart. A hurried consultation was hold � Tree Prean, for it wants the entire Hesse with !i5 aollesgses, snd the Paci6° of Parliament and the fulness thereof. Scandal Admtnistreti.m gave up the Stifles to ray, that notwithstanding all whom, 1 have given you history ail these a,ntentions the Liberals are within 1415 point, for i want to show you the ro- e"' reach of tM capture of the Cabinet semhlanes's between then and now Tbn mats, a•d are in • better position to plata "blr " a geed enough for any of storm the citadel today than they were our prop l• when • purohaeed majority of 711 barred the way before dem,leti.ws. "Tan the ma P..terboro' Rrvvr, edited br Car- Rascal out "' must now be the Reform t•l ns is, the deblyisg coy. defeated Model Face eritie, _The Heave Sen.&L'$ false prophet& tot themselves down as easy as powhle fared the contest in the werrymen- Neots where, notwithstanding the against him. hesoeeeeded to carry - the Riding 22 of a mainrity in the (hood-ess, erectors ' And the sapient t election the Tories have {,.**peed C•....- although. ed.ted by an es N PP., ty debsuchielg the town of waoch aware that the deposit had to be teen to the sates% of 8) TOWS, in mode ir. Dominion notes. and that ing the gerrymandered riding by 'i'nited mats, geld' would net be takes of a rnajnrity. And for this they are in lieu thereof. The leaden Vs' P.ras, cog hands with themselves snot rale- to NO Ant an editorial artinle, also j•hilatior. Verily a little pl-asstb endorsee the Peterbnrn Rsn.ir-'s Sctioe ropb meek. I ergot ".'mitred States OM." there were 40 of a majority that dwindled to a minority ; now the Tories elaisned 40 of a majority which has .1 - ready dwindled Li eery near sero -if not quite. Then • member of the Govern- ment -kion. Lennard Tilley leis the (' Pinot to seek a harbor of refuge in the in their Lat issue by crying "protest," beet.-(lnverrovship of New Brunswick; "retoos','• "woolly," etc. limner eelp the errw like esen' Condos Tree Press. now .neither Minister- Sir Alesaader The scretiny takes place to -day beton Carneloll - forsakes his oolleagens sn )edge Toms. The Pres Press way have &Wee.. to find • saf. retreat in the to eft MOW before it is over. Lieut Governorship of Ontario. Thew !the better judgment of the newly elected Dr Steen, the veteran Myth Reform- Conservative rne.ehers revolted against er, dropped in te. see Tea Stneai Wed- iwt•ining a Government which 'mor needs last. 11e was .f opinapt that proved to be '.tegnd to the lips in ear - Pat Kelly had iefeeted (`•wslw•n in i option" and fesleriwg with poliliasl'l West Horan until w& prn.•a4 so •lt. sn petridity ; and s• it woo thee, .' rt wi11 far as Mr Kelly area e.wsreened Kelly he now. In the eiseeessfad e•sdidafes o.f has • led of pelt' tool sins to •newer few, but he's ia•terest .d ��'+ chsrire .•f ie• Cie recent election there am 'owl men :aaeins the vete in R'ist BJr .w. sa-1 erne os the Oeweerestirs viae who, , •• .. • Wss'eh V . •• .4 2 V Y • L 0. 1 64 t0_1 2 56 for) :; 50 *10 4 110 66 14 3 104 36 lilt K 1.2; '30 V 173 7 84 49 3_i n 27 68 9 tt3 113 IJ 50 fan I1 PI 12 70 13 62 14 48 LR 91 69 r 15 4:3 911 16 39 IN) 17 32 77 14 40 9.2 11' C0 79 20 b,-• 21 43 22 tau 93 as 24 G-1 43 !i6 • 34 4:t fits 51 3A 43 1►. 4i. 47 (iii 9.. 41 74 71 79 71 54, 10 9'1 30 31 31 34 1Vi Tt 69 AA fi 1 40 u 2 24 I'1 111 31 • '1 :i 2 2 2 3:5 33 21) 1 21 7 44 20 71 .v 41 fa 1 12 21 N - 1 }I 48 Se ,1 1 i nnp are prepared 1•• pay tot th.r idol is &boors n• ).. ut sr ss..uI, they draw the Iii 1 lir{ r in sepp..rr pot Serhe .ink. lilavle... 21 216 11 l :119 40 tt 7 Il t old, they n.ake thermal res acrne'piseee on the rese•l.ty that oma lerpetreted in 81 M) , West Hone. 1'eth*pe some of t•t..r 3:' .wn e:eet.-"s r etr,bvti. sS were dr 14 I 'ineeiel .n 'hat eery '00!.'7 They ear 1)t 1 not i end .r.u.,eence , 1 •bat Syr John 10 M•vl0na1d does, *. 1"' g as 11•ey heap to - bony bin. 'n • l•oeutum to d., what they 74 II i world Le eshauee.l' . d o teerna.ltee Is aea.ns 1' ea tSre sey twat with • k• oar kdve of right end .n,*,- any i.•n with atwn.sc,e.•re-sept feel that' he te pay NatMrsl ropey la it 27 1171,-,47::,,':::,..1".1 9•'at!tel1 t.Ses. 4141 466 Majority ler Porter