HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-2-25, Page 64 TNS i!UkUY SIGNA[., FIIEDAY, FEB. 25, 18,37. TOWN Y1 lr t J. 1es. !iwtwed at breach l3rf thesele, teW. t T. D. has berm eabl'sewoaperr.rrt+�'rleta. Cli•cLaLrMrCabledLas-rt-at 1)us't ia'Juita hell point r:. • fail to attend the lecture to be given In North Street Methodist church on the *veneer u( Wednesday, March, 2ud by Chaplain Ida:abet. The subject N •'Tbe Bright Side of Life in Libby Pnson,' F••r particulars are bills. A tend heurtit and pancake secret will be given to the Palace holler Acad. emy Meeltdep evening nett, Feb. SBth. Pancakes will be pre,vidled by the Fheischmann Co. h.kuns ached staff. who hate been is Luwn ter the past few days showing the dualities ,of their yeast. The Stele ste Marie .1• •ra says : "Ion P. J. Sullivan was burned last Sunday m..rmire from the Catholic church. ildr funeral was largely attend- ' ed. 'fw.. societies, the C. M. 13. A. and A. 0. of H., ut which Mr teull.van is a snow her of eft►, swine ed the ietnaYM te the grate."' 11'• see by the Ts.ru,ito `sines that Wm. F. Clark, u( Goderich, read • very interesting and excellently prepared es ay un a new infectious disease called Actinons ikcoma, at the last meeting of the Omares \-eteruury efer!ical Society held at the 1 eterivary College, Toneito, which gave nes to • very lively (Locus - /ten. Hoi.,r Ni-rs.-Mr U Tiplady sold • mere to Mr W Hamden the other day, lox eve: $200. During the week Mr Bowden bought horses .4 the following • parties J Henry. Hallett; mare (runs E J••hnstun, Stanley : horse from G Hill, Ilutlutt ; and a far,.) colt front Mr Stepheison, Stanley, Briers. Jotatt and Cos. buyers. are here picking up sereie able animals. -Clinton New Ere. THt NnaiINaiiu1u.-The (loderich cor- respondent of the C!inten .r Ems, who is said to be a Conservative speaking of the nomination bare says :-"A large crowd from Goderich township had tethered, and nothing wool." satisfy them but to hart a meeting, sc they pro- cured a hall, and gat "Brown" to ad- . dross them, and he did mire harm than gssoi to the C•rnservative party. In his stilted style Breen spoke }assi:.uatsly, land struck sight need Itet without sense ur meaning." The interesting .lt.esti.ii whether a , newspaper an all a wan a •'crank' I without Meeting him, hee Wee decided by -,a Chicago judge in favor of the iews- paper. In his decision the judge hell that to tall a person a "crank' is not objectionable, as it is not a 'Pod w hich by it. meaning in the English language im- plies that a per•s•.w has bean guilty of a crime or exposes him to hatred, cen- tempt. ridicule or epee.;uy, ..r which would terve t'• injure him in hie trade or profession. The judge .;noted Carlyle as deEuint "crank' thus -"remit. :strange •ctian caused by twisted •adv- +aent. caprice, er.tthet .e vagary , s i„ Jed to r',Art pranks. At the ueen meeting of the Heel School Literary Society last Ti.nrsJay evening. the following 1'r.,Lramine was Presented Beadir•e, Mips Bertha Rusk ; tee.; Mrs Lucy Campbell : reci- tation, Mr J. Mitchell ; duet, Misses Strachan and Ellard ; editrees' selection, Mise Ella Dickson ; debase on mental Capacity of the sexes. Mr IAedn!e chafe peening the ladies, and Mr .1. A. Taylor the gentlemen. Afire • lengthty dis- cussion in which several other speaker" mage their view., the chairman, Mr H. .1. Stral,g, 13. A , said he wool] give, • 1 d.ruion when the seen had reseal 1 educatiensl opporturio tee. Soto Miss Nellie Straiton ; national authet:t by • audience. In the March HArrrrt'I. Charles Dud- ley Warner pt:Wishrs Ilia latest innocent's u( Snuthers industrial and educational progrews aa ganged from hu recent trip with "The Harper Parts' through the South. This article pleasantly sapple- .,euts and :onhrms his paper of two years aen, noting the wonderful adran- cee which ars to trap e.rI t "The New Smith'i f • l:lsdwood taken le escbaatr• 1or farceurs. 11. V. Ronewrom. (lrabb's Iltu. I. tieder.oh. Osede'e sew cough syrupis tee best thin[ brews for earache and odd,. Try 11. Pre- p AptMas and i seeps prepared to • sir r eiaw unser, at moderate rates, by W. C. Uouua 1►raggb(. Albleu Bieck. Tns Wo.tN'e Conten u + T.{srtaaxra I x sow will wrest regularly fur the traasacuon of business ever T,te•day •lu,raoun al ter u'oteck. to North -et. church. Leery woman is I-re.tad to LLe work Is mediate) rained to •tune. *I•weders f Son Will motion* to FRAM 1'ItTt'KEN Fult t OTHINU for all those -:hu buy their mouldiest from them. Look n of next week for their N all Paper advertent •saint. Breese bargains* sur wAllords, hotel Isomers stat tenant•, Tb* cbeetroot house wader the sun. Tess HUMAN *We Bat'.•t Ivan ago rarT re's? Corraxv.- Depositors in Lima company Lave the heat persible security for their anon . y, all be`.n[ invested to tuurlgage on faros 1 revery. Depositors have s Iron lien in all the row.imn,'s awes. (tate of interest paid. from ( to per ••eat. soo.ediner w amount „n•i duration of depot;,. ?.users having sur- pt.a means stw•::d .sl: and see the manner. elm A. J Manger a t isittng friends in bud about Brussels. tem. Clarke, whe has hese laid up fur oma time, is :imploring. o Clothes line thieves are at their work in town again 1'.eware of thew. Another superb lot of wan papyri oast armed this week at James bane's_ Mrs Imre, accompanied by her chfid- reu, is visiting telativn in Termite. Geurie Drew, recently painfully in- jured at the 13ig Mill, Is are;ind again. The ice crop ham been a splendid ane tete soaeon. A ler_e !tartest has been gathered. Dr Sinclair and Joseph Vanatene, of Kincardine, were in town Tuesday and Wed neaday . The Vuung !-+terms will meet for Ir,tereating boniness ••u 'latelay meet. "toll out lads. Mr and Mrs Jelin t:att, •,f Monet •n, N. B. have been the guests .,f :.fr•Salta father, M. C. Cello -rt.:), s.. Mr and Mrs Magna, Swanee.n combo'. teal t ieir tin wedding last week. A nun: - ter of timely preeeet• were made. The wife of H. 'W. C.w.k, .1 Clinton, presented that gentlernan •..w Settuday morning with 101b twin baby girls. i1', Skimrninya pollen hes tote in town all t► h. on Tuesday. owing to dull times he has to seek work elsewhere. lfossie. ;Bursar of fee Blind Asylune.l:rantford,wts in town last week and gave us a call. Ile looked hearty. Mira Chilton hair returned from her rust to Toronto. Mrs Chilton and Mies t3usie elution left for Detroit yesterday suurnieg. to', Jordan retnrniel iaat week fr. to a trip eastward, 11. went as far as Mont- ero', and enjoyed the sights of the Mcuntain city. Killian Swana'n has returned home from Newton, Eaneoe. We regret to bear that he has been us pori teaith fur severe' monies. Mtge Nellie Morris_ has returned home from Tor sito, after s pleasant visit of nearly tiro month's du.atiun to friends:n the Quern city. Mr Bennett. nnett. -f f 3, an;fere, }rotated in the heel in ('rabbi block on Wade* day aid Thurs•lay 4 last weep us Scriptural subjects. The Stare and Stripes were !f.ratine from the t',ay-stall t.f the U. S. Comm - late on "f'uuesday tete r2 sweet ul.inct' tee birthdrie. pert Pratt, wllr+was-fere o. cf) re with Geos Aoahs•eon, spent a hew week here with friends. ile as now a touch sit at Fargo Itaketa Mir• belle Arderr•,u, of :'nror.tc, wh e has Owen `,the "meet of h.'r sister, Mrs Imre dente( trio prose 3.•ur rn.,nthe, re• turued to her honor , , Terme., ••ts Mou- dey. New Boar ern Sheik S•t•o - -$weet nee. ,, U a con.plete stock of Mots awl •hr robe .1 -or vinyl!: of Butler's hook store 'morrow (Saturday) Feb. 26th. I►r. M. Niehelseri, the N est (street dcitu.t. makes the j.rr•.rrsatle.n of the natur..I test.; a special(,. ,,(j•a adminU- ter.'.l fir !( a m. F.. 4 p .s. for the panders extraction .•( teeth. H Guest who has been 1\ highly Mister Prows p I the t' utcr, wh-• waft Friers Mr K:earlier tb sort :. est.'s', ed restde,st of this town for nary ,sported to aid tine Tory came ey his On,Mendey evening amneeti,ag._:n the years, sift with hi. family ties w e' ler vitu;.rr.U..n and slang, while under the interest ,•f the Liberal cause was held in t:udrr,eb, when they p.urpese r mpg milli. -:ice of t'p'r on Wcdcerd,.y mire-' the town hall, Kinear•irne. M. Meteor permanently. -Wi„Lau" Tunes. int. insulted Mrs Shea, Lf td.is tern, sett, chairman of Mr Blake's central A Ceram) paper omelette. that th white she wan ecgaged in honest labor ; committee, occupied the chair. Short itob is railer prevalent mn that tows.. ne•rubbtt.g out 'nil o3 the hotel read• a.IJrrwee were made by Dr. Sinclair and g 0..rns. 'rhe danlhtar of Ersn Walter M. D{ck, M. P1'. Th'rs Watt The bre •k out of the itch contemporary s , seal to the oeca•inn, and "kn.,clt with a 'I .ry majority .•f fie in an old fellnwe d. and a for half an Deur for "71lf:t! Iiifonte town tx etre'rwtt•e. t.01 o ' the beackgcud intherSltl eutuMl.• ehleeeiolelw -Try eseidhieem hook wt and.rssasl their business, are neat mid rapid in their work, 1ud (lass given valuahl• biota r• oar heal bowie keeper ItM•lu.velairy of advertising, but it wall likely prove vires tt, is. The flout IOW is from ()gtiver & Hutch..Me rued, and makes excellent bread. Rn Jot's Fssau'.ow,- The Denver, Colorado, correspondent(Abeam. of the Cbior. harrow,- heaths follownig ►a rebut/nee to Rea Jobn Fergneun, for many years the behead enter of the Melville Presby- terian chsrch, Krltw!s : "Rmv. John Forename who preached several remake f..r the Presbyterian church of Central City. Colored.). has aeeepted a call to Banta Fe, New Monies. Hie departure was much regretted ; but Mr Ferguson, whose Ile has been spent on the low plains of t'anada, could not endure the altitude of Central, which re rot only bigh up in the wountaine, but is built on the deep sides of a gulch. Streets have been carted ab.nt the us.•untain side where the houses are perched one alums another, the (erne yard •un a level with the roof of the house on the street below, and the back aaeesible only from the second tl•.or. Though nothing l.dh to leave behind hint the high streets and the 8tghts of stain c nisecung them, lir Ferttueen would gladly have taken with hiss the people who are as cheery and aeciahle as the swallows whose architecture they have .occupied." Mr Ferguson'• nutty trends in Metairie will be pleased to hear of his continued use- fulness in the far country where his lot re now cast. Ile roar* 'r Le MEEK Etrr.Re.--The judgment et the fui! cr•urt has been res- .lersd to the bre lawsuit, Mctnt.ah VA. Harrison, which was tried at Walkertou last fall. It will be remembered that an interdict was applied fur by McIntosh to restrain his neighbor Harrison from keeping bees on an adjacent lot. The question whether bees ate a uuiaan.e was tried bef•,re • jury and • verdict rendered that Manch testa as the one in court, they are. The judge reserved ti.. decision as to granting an interdict for the (rill bench ••f judges, who have new granted it. This case will eeteloless constitute a prrce.teut, and pare the way for similar interdicts in all incerpor- •ted vtliegee, towns and cities. The re- sult will be to relegate apiaries to the country, and exclude them from corpor- ation limit*. Heretofore, it wee -gener- ally suppose.i that, in the abseil a of special le4lslati.•n, municipalities could out pssa bylaws for the exclusion of bets outside their hounds. If this do- : vision is net challenged and reverted by appeal it would seem that ne further leg- islation is needed t.. 'empower curpor- ations t.. pass bylaws en •the subject. The defendant in this .as has lodged ne appeal, by far a, appears from the puelished remet of tae matter. Beller Kink Ma.faerade. --- Aiming those who bird( past it' the fancy ares carnival at the roller tick on Mue.day, were the f.11owiu,; : e.1 alai. Spasi.h girl, Miss Crane ; Yuen, Vont, Hattie Don -ugh ; Saia.r girl, Lottie Vaaderlip ; Light, Sara Marlin ; White wia,s, Hattie Wilkma,n ; Minnehaha att Indian maiden, Bre Wil.msop ; The Snow Show Club, (:race C,unrru;s. May Malc' raison, Carrie Pamela, Lizzie Bail- ey, Mary Nichoaen, M.o. Cameron, Hattie Smith. \1y tae& la rise revel. Inn a recent issue of th•* Duluth N'o.• , day Mer,.we Sure • permit s.( a )Luau' Mau sell known 1 , needy of our lealtrss appeared .ca,wpauteJ by It.0 follewua;t sketch : - s L. Y eat an tt. A. L. McGregor, whew portrait ap• pears iu this weerning'e .'u.., t• one 4 the most active real estate dealers Ut Duluth, and u the benne' member of the tiro of McGregor A, tkIlea:, wh lee tram* are sl often serer in Canlnell11.,t1 WWI the large realty trsiactione of this cite. Ile is • young man, leu,, beim horn March 31, 18162, in knitted, tent. He entered school In h.. uetive toot', remaining until his few length year, when he threw aside his b.e.ks t:, negate in the mercantile busters. with his broth- er at hlntail, with adorn he reunited until 1578, when he took charge ..1 his father's farm, uprrating It suceesrt,lllr for ter year In 1881► he was employed ley the Great Writers Telegraph com- pany as • lightning msnipul.t r at Mo- berly, (Pat., resigning at the end of a year's hard work. Hd became • Dunn - the m in January, 1882, o•unrcting him- self with the insurance aid real estate agency of A. N Strip. Sex mouths 1.t, r he wt' employed by McGreg*r et Mc- Kinley as cle.k in their gents' furnish• ing store, remaining with them until the wetter of 1886, when he accompanied bis brother south, the latter having be- come a consumptive. He returned to she spring and formed • co partnership with Mr S. Selleck in the real estate business. The knowledge of the busi- ness already gained, combined with geoid business tact and energy, resulted in the sirs. gaining a front rank as business men, and they are considered 431)e of the mist responsible brine handling property in this city. They are bold operators. and in their large transaction, have stet with phenomenal success, Mr McGregor was the correspondent for ens HI'sor Sweat. durum the Mar- di Gras carnival at New °deans, ••Brew." at Barbell. From the Mitchell Recorder. Mr D. E. Cameron, of Lucknow, is a gentleman who commands respect , he is a meat fluent and forcible •pecker, and he presents an array of facts that cannot be successfully trot. He mad. a 'plea- ' did rmpreaston on the audience, and all their responsible clap -trap that fol- lowed did net affect that impres- sion. Mr Cameron was (e•Il.,wed by a Mr Brown, who comes trent nowhere, is nobody, and belongs to no- where. He could say what he pleased and not be held responsible, for no one would know - he t•, hold accountable for his utterances. Nobody seemed to realize the fact Better than he did him- self, and bo t,e.k the greatest advantage ..f the fact. lie had a hard looking face that marked him as an unscrupulous character, a political tramp with ne ac- countahllity. He wits worse than Freest, f •r we have learned something of his history and abiding plate, but Brown is newt to nobody when the party wire -pullers here found that Mr (.me- ron was renting they knew that Mr !Taylor would he no match for him and Iand rele,raphed f•'r the irresponsible. ur..c•rupulnws Brown- and Brown served their purposes Inert e.uith : (:reek, Harry Rise:. • Mrs Alen citified friends in the Forest .Nagger, .L.., Ryan ;- kiprutaaaau. Wan,citified tete.. rolL2.101). ; City thus sure Vivian . Capt. ,links, tetsrned frogs ter - vice, Harry Videan. Other maskers were -t err , pester didn't know enner•h imitated their eagles to the manager. The primes inners were-Lsci:es--at, Miss Crane ; `Ind, Mass Kilo.:. in, Boys -Bert Smith. Girls-- i,inie Bailey. C.rm• " ie. Negro JRyan. • .Iud_,es : H. E. Kurt, F. Sleek, Mr. "Syndicate. a • -vete en ten hest a et er n meet to Fifteen merry maiden'a busy finger*, he Attractive illustrated articles en this si'eti, •n Ire s sal features of HAbrit'. Weteee and *emotes Mae:a_test the tear. The Apr numher the latter periodical wilt n woe a splendid' illustrated •rticl regular attectiient of the sesame. rwslted as f.•liows :-Miss Crave, .7 : Mi•, H. Wilkinson. 31; Miss 11. D••narh, 32 : Miss B. Wilkinson, 44 ; Miss h. Bail, 24 ; Miss M. Nicholson. 11 ; Nue CAM- - eruct Jx ; Intra r is er and similar subjects will lore a ala. _ in each sutaoeding uumbee. Ri.be fee Wes{ Bruer. , r. • me decorating hes frontispiece with the principaldy with the National Policy. D. At. ertertn'ntnett will he myon in the sarubhing brush in a rw,•at scientific and I Ifdiil icuddy, of Goderith, followed in 11atrm t f hi x her h TI y ith needles bri.fht and thread, put to- Fether a new quit at the residet'ce of H. Horton last Friday afternoon. Eater in the •renins a number .3 inspect.•n went to view their task, expreae:rig creat ant - 1 istactien at the work ern.. Tee violins appeartne, dancing was the it... with W. H. Jewel as master of cerem•rnies. All had scowl time ; but rime ..f the lads owed tall which maiden did the hest gar ln[. Postmaster Shaw is •bent again. after a fortnight's sire. of W ices, - Tete troubles Lf j:a•hutaster here fa;noel `un Jas. •Tohtn f•r 1887. ny cowries are behind su.ether year in F.erly t airier have been arriving since the lat ,eat.. and deism well. Our can. Lwhurn. Sawuel Berke anti wife enjoyed a element riot t.• Ripley last week. Martin Finland, of St. Astgostin,', resale an intere•tine reit hoer. A little hird furesh:dews a esteem ..f .one of our lasses to that ti'.Iaer. - A mentette • f S*Itf.rd Oster., with tour arehltect as cicerone, spotted 14 rabbits ou1e day lest week.. For the er:ring hailing on the keno the lake, sur et -client has hilt a-dsie? • M w c' .'r, o ,o e r , on iurso ay minor manner. Brown's .7) friends then a * h ht h last d f h t ice b t, F etre adnuratiou of a rtee.in, neat. Au ?xrrllent pregrnl le testi'; prrpar. d. Fever coliect'rn. Pr,►oerds so ud of Knee church. The livahop of Aigoma Brae In town during the past ween, and delivered an aiddrrw on Thursday evening. Those who eat. It were doi,:let i with the elo- quence and sound sense , 3 the itushep. M J. It Miller Arid \\'.11. Miller, of Ten.:lbs, fo.rnio ly ,.I Aorta), were peer w c ns a Lr an ot:r aro GREAT BARGAINS J. A. REO `9.•.` SRO. 1111... e.: r1.!: 1 THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS HIE ►Y►LL0%%INU LOAM \T 1r1.1:.‘ "11 1:k111'( EL I'i ICICI: Dress Goods, Shawls, 131ankets, Comforters. - Ulster Cloths. Mantle CJ. itha, Silk Pluehes, Velveteens, I'ts.o sod Brocaded, Feather TrimeniQgs, Braids, Ma1►Le art; Dress Orcalrerat, 'los' 1:211-Y GLUVrs, I TC - TWEEDS AT LESS THAN PRESENT MILL PRICKS ! lir SO F. Ir IOW trru, rel 1. el rNlact% JAS. A. REID & BRO. Jordan's lilt ck. Gewleri.h. l:kh Jan., lb: James Keyes and plenty Raymond have been arrested as Port EI,iu en a w arrant charmer( teem with the ■hero's of 11 nt. Webster, Keyes kept a h,•trl at Burgoyne and Wrb, rr wall placed under his charge by Clecegu fnenee. He wet suppw..ed to be of arta mind, and seem after his retention at fiurg•.yue he es- caped, out was speedily captured. It is supported that during the tee .r three deer he was absent ..n this escapade dr• not with a wound from the refects of winch be subsequently died. While Weimer was away Keyes sent and :n• fornirl his eon in Chicago .f the matter, and the .on hired Reymond t.. asset in eapturueg and Ire.k+wg after h, father. The woui,l festered' and Webster is staters to have been satin alit, by ver - • Tile prix, -stein wow taken to Walkerton to appear. Repentance is work that should be carnet .in cooly atnd .quietly. E. Fisher is bolus harine spent several months w Ear..pe in c.otne'rti.n with the strep horse collar business. We expect to hear .3 his becoming a million - art e. II.. tit. metier arnica entitles loon to reach that cowntrrc.al point. h;i.ard- • wc Reporter. Tie Beat Feramase Pre tea the World. Ti.. "Wire' fountain pen Is. the Fest Heel yet invented in the way .3 a self- feeding ..re. It has a e .i,l mho shades just as a dipping pen l .•e. and utter fails. it is s welting wonder. A sa,n- ple can be seen at this • tlies. Erery lawyer, teeter, clrr.yinai, .c•h..el teach er and bermes, elan should hare one. Th.•.. Met:tl!ucuddy ie the 1••.al agent. Dentistry. AICHt)LSON, L.D.S. " Dli<TA R Peat the T6tt 1�os, West -at.. Gontatc•n. :entity ll' L W(H)LVERT4)N. L. D. K.. 11 • ori. (Md 1'.II••w. Ifa11. \urth Ml-, ,trrtrh. t hare.. m•eterarr. A.l work war- r.nte•f. 0n. or Piraliar•l .. r1.••,n tor pain ▪ a tt rated,; of tett', 1 the People's totumn. For Sats or to Let. Vitt aR SALE OR RENT -THE EAST . of lot M. sixth son.. Wirt t'awaaesb ien %.rew, Wick iwawr. frame harm. sYbles, Ar (lased un luted of apele. tear. rherr ee aad missal) t, ,.,'s. About w sin's aeonsd, balance haHlww..! snot a.h .wail The farm u welt watered. 4i•pie to June 11 saner, Ooderkb. Pee. Terns. rasa. fel-lm flit} 'LENT-- 3Tt►rE ON THE ewlaer of the square and We't street, sty recopied by five uadrn,gaed. WM. KA Xn•tf rile% FIRST-CLASS FARMS FIIR 1 sato. One in the township of Arb4Pd, .•onta+.ter Ire a. re.: and one In Nast Wawa - :mesh. reniaiwtrte Ise acres. For partks(an amply .o rauseron, Huh i cemerww. rieh 1141ARM T() LET-Ft)R A TERM OF 1 years. IoM So Ore, in the Maitland con. I erasion. of the Townshipp of llodertrb, a►pppl1y by letter to J S. 1 MARA. retratterd. 11wtf LAitM. TONS AND VILLAGE ietneel:Th F013 SALE. The Ex.antnrt aro-1 Treater. of the Estate of the ::aur Js1,1'. 1 lit/SR. otbr for sale the felh.w.ng \'al1* I'rop-.r' . r.a5ely Itu,idttyt luta numbers t2a and 1t1, In the Town of ,i.xt.•ro-h. ( of an acre each. Fairly (cured. su,l eery loanable fur buddies pur- pose... I l alt acre lot erne tire Mee Roto', Towssb ip of (:oder.. h, be Jig part of Lot 3 in the Mait- land o •,,n. -55o• of said Township. Nice Frame Cottage and Frarnle Stalk. I.,. n•,mher 3, south ride of Mii:ar street. Y•nmierr, t of an acre, *wall Mme dwelt.. 11 1: lout. aun.l.e,e es. and 505. ts tb.• T,.a a •.1 Cl.mon. , of as ■ere ra•h. Bra3117. tfi- fuJy sit oat.- d on :south aide of Buren *tree, rairly t.n••ed. ham. toast 1-44/411. The Lam t of Lot !. ere. 11. West \t .x nn.A. ,•n u r•rs, meed land. s. art'es c and frn•ed_ remainder timbered. t t per { inion front' l'""' ��Si�iuN, barrister. 9efieris►. Lgtoletl. 1.) t, HAYS. SOL1CIl'uft, be. LI$. tides eeraer -of Pasant and N'1sI street. (indeviell, ever tehe rreph Weer. Pei rate rands (0 lend at g pet• eterwy. 31150. `EAGER! LZWlli, BAP.RISTERI3, eheterteC. Mumma, Ja. J..3 Moarow t__. •_ l N. Villa Ifrf- IASR(►1V * PRf'►1'I)F*N►T, BAR RH(T)tits Amara, rk.ticftors, etc Ooderiih J. T_Gier,w, N. I ruudfool. 1:3 -'Aa1ERON, garrote!. Y'.tiet'on he (1snerrJ ice. :.oderich. at. t', t'nm.ree. i}.... 1•. Hat, ]t. (r. t'►slrrrse, l'. ('. JZ.tp, 1731 - art Will esrhnne, fee a gond, e,uirr, fish ' no lker. Particulars at this i.Oce. ":,1'C-Mi",„.ArDRiiWfi,thy(atIM1 - - - ot North trete MrtMdist ('hnreh, 1. '+ Weimer./ uon.r�n,tructi„r+n in mwni.r ,piaso LOans ,anti 3nslzralrce. sort orsn*al (:barges 17K for w term of Zt t.s- -- sows. MNOMANIpRF::(p errands Load. Utwlericb, Feb. W ISe:. 1w63m L'f)R SALE -A O(KPD SIZED WAL NUT }rook cavo plain, hut est h beadier apthedoors. $U rash. Also a .,roan tuned animal table .entre stand. For pa, :.• Mareapply **this u0i. r , CROW N PLA. FOP. eEle1). A nim:tori r,u,.ntitr of Ore *hoer for M1r gtierenrr••i ewe. They are• offereet is mail •1.'tddear. hoar they are the h. et pea on the market. h.ah for ',rid and hcillty in harvest- intr. The e t ••rr,p suss narrrtmetwer.1111Ft'{h w 11 thew savior a lar:te an fount oaf loffllabor. I'r1. e, e1 per kn.!. .. t' t► 10 . tion.'. enrfiid,.tl. d.•tive r` sit at etpn•va station, ur taken from glee sn.- WE HAVE4* metwe le took lac: end eat him to bed until the three . uerters, and he held the atrdirid- visitors at the ah. p, JOHN R(►t��tNlt. I 2re4 3m Cleerryda:e tern,. (•u nmo or! Tr affects -1 the debauch and the drubbing , ed attention .3 the audience throughout. Ifs, seri Mrs. I;. 11 Wiri) meld, of -- -- had worked off Respectable Coneerra- ' In a mastetly wtanner he contended with Detroit, left on Satur.ley f••r a visit to h A W h i1RS W 1\TF:11 tires ought to feel heartily aahame.l of Mr 1Vatt's stat, urine,, Tee speaker ale, frieud�. in Watrrh.-o county and t:nmsh L this character!. ea fell..w. y' e wed the true attitude •.f the Lltw•ral Brea to leaner, a number .4 friends it,cheatnA rash mere paid for alt kinds of fere. During the T •ry dereenstra'i..n en party en the Biel •;nr,t. 'n, and the herr and hem. ••nrrstrr bureh.lisrbpeid, sh�aeheep•ekina, alt r ln.nf reseed holt 4010,41 1.. Q20,03)0 PRIVATE MIDIS TO LEND ver nn Farm and Town loey at lowest In herein. M.rtg.rgr. pun•hs . we t'eunei wfoa rgr che.t, t'..:..ey.ncle, Fers /refs reaabte. M.14. Porrowres<stw obtain money In 00.4.7 if title Is sat .tar L'WE AND HALF PER CENT. Straight Inn,, Array amount. Private fends at the new rate •t S, per cent. per sti- num. tatdA(:KR t 1,k W 1i., Uoderseb. !w ea llige TRU�STw at the rase. of bl1V1 Ansi'A HALF PER CENT. ye:r errs...,. Write •w .'all for ppsart&rulers. " MKAUtit t LII:WIti, Uoderkh. toot TO LOAN. APPLY TO ne'• c: g uveUN HOLT R CA]t>Jt0N, Gods 11( A. IJMI 1 amount nm frigates !hands for In'r 1t looted rate,. on eretciaw Mortgagee to e1,\ It Ito t PHutIlele0 i7 Tuesday nicht, some of the deme...ore- cri:ninalpositi,•n .uc_upted bW the Govern gathers.} at the re..,delncs. of A. C. Msc• "et $, i dna in.-ludsl. Ala, tao.nr,t sod n:rrar„1 to abler. tors, climbed to t'ie upper teat of ' l,t cent in their recent ai:mtnis(ration ,,f Denali fora arcual ,ismer, and bade WII,MEIt `i51T11. Stmeet office mid lowered the large sign the af.irs of Hie country iu tri. Nerti"- then" ,mood bye. til►1hti at +mien', Tlnnrry. beard ?tum the bedding, and bore it west, which was the teal arse of the re )ROFIMORCLtRKR WILL4;IVE 1 111 town on el, -tion .lareed nd gnvr us a away to the bonfire. New ,hat our beliten. The boodle knead*, ainnng , A repot from ikrette to te, N. S., armeet 101w«>es in fhsaTrerwl. for tkt.tn. ytrf9. call. .1. It. has here .:• c., v••..1 w•tk Tory Mends have had their fun and where were to be found even cabinet that ,1*mte it'ekes lobo; been massed, U81Q.-rlfiA.Cs1t)$E ARTKK 11 on the Nump (luting the last tw a er ; burnt the signboard, and now that coin ministers. were nrercilrstly exposed- The . and • search being Moll te•1, leopici'rw 1 ere. moo. h.. ;'mors settee reegne once mo -e, sue beg t.. position of the t:.,ernmen( :u ;aired up I tr+kir were foetid l.'sdeer across �� year •reedy of mtMr, N prima r.•d to the n•vire pat l f tb Blas.. record those who stole outpr rt on the debt of the counts fee e. sir • It Irw..o,- l'ot's.; Lirrs t c - Let there s e a pM v y e the bene.• .d dyke strai;M into the firer, and Stokes asarterly. Tor.,w M ser quarter sled reneral rally • f i•.0 , in ehr 'hat ••ceasi•n and destroyed it that there the ('ano. Pacific !tideway magnates, ( body wee Nand by ersplener. A core• , Int neons uu Berets) rt.•nu t 11 a against theft. at.] t e in • lea exhibited by feeds Anil Inness ; net )sty was amamone.1, and the Pei work of the catni.aetn , not yet ..in• tend to *nf•.ree that law unless metier- which enol l me he c.ilror,•rt✓d. In dens pr red that Stoke. had been at. plot... lot there he a turnout '.l retry :tem and an ample apd,.gy se made. We closing 1ie mooch w,th a htelliant per. ' tacked on rhe night brier- ht a rang of member o3 the flub •walaw aur t t,., w w ar ilei ht have no desire to dere harshly w nth the ertn.n, he le leered to the Hen. Edw,ud I ruffians and notedly nnekeeawd that he Jam•* Strarhan, while arse;- pf • etltieN I b'y,. and mere especially from the. fact 1t1*ke, ehr can.lil*le in West ran ter h:P Ids, with ehr result of teeng. sweeties the oehar dry• acrd s piss, rd; that onr,.iehteratchnun was a party t.. Bruce, to oriels which ere►ke.l the great- ing into the tier► !'red Itaa•e, Arthur Mass into one 1.3 hes eyes. Fer nnttely the outrage, but businew a easiness, and est 'nth emetic lanes, taorge N'ali;,r end Irvin t ;,n• missile sea, .•srrarlyd wrh.•ut r ,se tnttml t.. take cart .( o'.1r pr•pxrty, air Mc(itlleeuday, a,..• ie the senior nen are Otsego.' with the :.rims. laid up for a day er two. thew merry sir's or know the reason why.editor td the G,.derick F1,01A! , *made t► to the sight, although Mr �trachau was A warrant is out for the arrest .4 fee, Allen, for ar•e rult epos' Joph \•au- sten,• of Kincardine. A•leis has an omen mehle r" p ettatowi herr. and is lee.k• ed open as a toneh molten We hope to afro the law thorwdlity enforced to the preb*nt instance. A "('rtweer hereof.Cern, 4 yoent lady to town recently receives a postal eared froma ',tend, on which 1,4h8 words were pMinty .sod neatly .,Nteet. The wh..es was a en•.at credi 'able speeir..n .4 penmanship The writer, Ales Ander'* s,, when) teacher, •ttOs4sd the Model Selene' hare, sed u 7 he ley nemon ;Note ftM►y and h*nnted Fare ItAKIS,. Mi H.10/ On !►Londa decultd impteaai,.n upon the audience ...711.00 hat rutin aeaken'ngs.me interest list a tree Ireton, Behind .aa .p.ned in , He u n•, a svleld at•rsker, cosrtte usKenneth*to in past fewd*ya Lmat Monday the ur•r,t store in Crahb's line, k. and • he, et.p.n.nta. awl a 1., •ro.nvh gentleman erentng * lose of young •ten from town (1 A. HUMBER, ill',I,wpf,iNT. MA('IIINPvT, VALUATOR,ANKNT, A•r. 1,• I•,atra MaAp sed C o -,:rants Taken for Mo•ise Howse by ehr• Not Warr rryetem. F197 Water and Atrtm Ito ler,. Little Giantand *ghee Water t5M•.1,, A;ricultaral iw- tes,aata. M.11luschanery. PLANK AND SPEe'1FICATiONel \r3leieeIONK MAIM.Regie '-Teeter, linnet: tell 1'ete. t tet. trio -me mire nnmber of ladles, young and -II, n the .:notal p.atf••rwr. Ares out to epwml the night with the have tutted the nstabts.hiaent Z he ; )...m the I:,•rssrdere tte.,ew 'Took. They were •ante era 1••adad _- artier rn tet up to advert me F•e,ck• 1 ' lean M,(iuthoulde, of (:,wrench, fur the •.Ccasaion, but failed to berme 141111111.4 C..mplreastd yeast, and the acheral nest ni•unted the rostrum. He appear- hack the ghost , nor were they rewarded is manaeed ley 11. E. Trent ..n.1 two ted ..n t.lral► .1 ellefri.nd," Mr Blake. i., even heariu'e er aiming any .4 the ansa(., t.. who are thee. •ogle roasters of O.onvtderieg that char writs hate Pearce strange things nod to happen in this I the art it 1 •king 1'1,.1, !••to., de►yrh• ly * 1•,g on 41114 -, t.• hsud an argument, nova. They rotor". I at i early hour nuts, rsneskes, and a (Leen reeve .type the ,dun r of the `;teeei. did ter wee ' Tuesday morning well a broken ne and .O hake 1 sin frie4 P,.:•,? hove heel daily We were .om..S , favorahly i;npree•e4 a mournful look Mr Johwstrea. the , turnrd oat by the.n•xdoye.d and a nue. wits Mr ttrtidhcnddy. and we marvel' owner of the house, was is town ths1 1 her of ladies of the town who hate help. ) that he .h•,uld be eneaced in the spread 'ram. morning 10,4 me fn Is. al 1 ed them, of rather art httn, I.lp„ s in 1 of gfil►sm Ile speaks regardless .•f the the portion who .,,,lest .i huplacethe the eulinery art /be three genrienien troth Hut h. ts is a ,(...,1 e!str ere, ,.f preemie' night, the result Awing that the 1 .:. tari! tis a. oto ....� p L:..eneLL rim& tea )snot eery popover. Inv samaa.d ' evaas. • i as 1w • • row, rep!lsenteg the ipany herr hays the Avenue t'u,.tnro stair, and ne culprits Pre to hoe stilet It 1 ' TL RstF..VE, M1►, CIM, MRH- * . pelt of tb. (•notes of Phreie'are and Mar ase% der,, Plivercean. Purr.,.rt. ami 5coewer+et, MW,. dirt Albert. UR MuL*A!i PHYSICIAN, MDR - K." UEOl1. (:.•tome k,.. (hate.• and rr.ldrwe•e link. Street. 'mooed door west of Victoria Merest RS. SHANNON ft HAMii,TOi IV B.lg•...a, mace at Ire t)b.V s al oedema. •,. C. Nets. . , saw 'se tory.-L V 1rN1A Ix JOHN - PITON Barristers. &e.. fried 7t1 • P RADCLiFFE, ♦ .' 0P.NBR AL iNSFRANCie, REAL EfeT.ATE son MONEY L'►.tNiN(: AGENT. only Peewee/mu r•nraro..aire Rrprrernted Ifs Mosey ro Lend on *insight leans. at the lowest rate of luteree4 going, In any way to 1 suit tt. oorrow.r. Y neteleIt tirr•mtd .door from Flatterer Neva 'Street. (t.drrirh. IOW f 1 :S:;(),(14,111 Tr) 1.(lAN AT C PSA T11ft TURONTI) (-.F,NERALIIIIEKTe caT 4170 prepared t.1 foes siiill�a'li7Nremit.. pay Fa able holt ),ar1r, esus TEItMMM Ti, SUIT P.ORROIIrERS, on Ares -cion farm aerwrtty. _\ WI- to 1'AMKHUN, )101.T 5 CAMP:ROM. Har,;stir, Onderl( hr Are..b. for the Tern.- n ((ewer•; Trusts Coy., a Mr.o. t'sttxwnv, lime t careens have also a :Air. manna, of nritat• funds to kat ` le Olt first -it.... fa''m ..r,iretp. toderteb, Or e. 1, W.I. loll-rf i,00o PRIVATE EV -NDS iTe irnd en Perm and town property,,at low 1 rot Intern.,, Mon.'s-.. pnrrhaw.t. !Jn MO - woes,, eb*rrr•4 atrents for the Trust and Lean Compeer of t arses. ere Canaria Landed ('rests ( nmpany. ter I., n.!... Loan ('nnpa.y ..I I *none h teres,, a. ria and : per -enc. M. R Rrwmwery ren obtain mono la one day, If title s.t:onotory, y tellLA 180U t JOIRIPmx Bsorilers. tr . Oodetieh 111MalLeand. 0.:..mmoa. gat mum er,,,esu �M, PI Stases retie at t M stir's �v'rr Overall the