HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-2-25, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, FEB. 23, 1887. 3
Arid the Eel hares.
a try r VI, he
Seating towards
quickly towered.
loot child ►u ►u
The sun Las sand his g.'ldea 116411 over lett aka..
the sea and sly . Ibe. gwtherw{, all hi. Slowly and sadly site dusts u away. un
splendor lute nuc treat boll tf lir', emus -
aeon, eskt►uwn, and slow, for slyest tLe
'pa to splash int.. the waves, snJ left ,he lather only laughed kindly when the
moon t.i twain upon the Wavers t.. Llees eh06: told how it L.,l been .oral by s
them with her silver purity. mermaid.
"Oh, you lovely wave. ' y. i **wilful
wild two waves : hue dra,ly I love you ''
eaelei.ed a little wvrtns.d, es .he
sallied out (of her Goody home lwneath
saw the hide Agan
them. A boat was
the csptant t•,ok lite
areae, solid Pwrl was
The ma was aria as calm as a blue
Like, but Pearl knew by the c'uude that
the' could out last lung, and she felt
that a storm was coming. So she atter-
the oorwn and 4.uod henself free free mused to keep near the good stip and
tc &port ab•wt aid play, fir to d" "tat' watch it well, and et night, whets the
,overawe nativist to her. Yet .1te wee
a little sorry. It hatbhern heard t.. say
good bye to the weed Queen for s.. bong
a tune. &lid to pert burn her lovely
Gitlin ; hard even to learn the dear,
ungaiely crabs, the tiny .14.11&, and the
briykt hell who swam so merrily ',here
her head, mod were the birds 4,1 the
*won shone, she swam by iia aide and
wondered low it went with the little
one, and whether it .ter thought again
,f the poor little Mermaid.
A..d auun the st,.ra approached scar-
es and nearer. The sky because %troy
b ask, the +Ilia how►od. Very soots the
rain poured down in torrents, and the
ecnau. All 'bis was hard. but it had lightning flashed. The good ship heated
i.eu the 11 i,s,u'i rub, G,r Mule 1't ori ,nil teased aurid the wave. uuNI avert'
1551101 old etso.u:h to to-,,.' the mainly •.oil ei board quaked with fear, acrd
h•..eand to goo 0t it.:o the se. t' o'" the c.ptain a1..ne *emailed bravo and
what she could. fir n, whispering words of viaduct and
11'Lt .err you err v.1(1.ur; alJ Nod hop,,,' w Cue fainting hearts un board.
h.nrly, tr} t.. c4rt1 i:. alr..ue'er 1"u M.aewhile the little on lay in her
6n,! any ol.e .h:. Is Lori, try to Ilea! tiny berth. 811e lunged tc be with her
thew', whether they 44. town or bow.' 641 father, bit he had told her to remain
birth• tl., br.ruhy, my Intl* P-arl, below. She mel nut to be afraid, for
and face the dangers to which you have she knew that (ted would heti, them,
been bitlriho a mummer, atm c back
tc ear en tiger its mind, nut sith all
your child...3 i ur::y still fresh Its your
heat t. "
These 11 ad h , cn the Queen's Isat
Tr M Pocket -Bao.
Gr T. a. women..
1 stopped fur • limed, on the way to
my work, one day last week. His wife
.ailed lel. heck. .ad 1 heard her x1&11
•'Will. I meat have some mosey- We
are out of-" "Nearly sverythsip, of
OulIrse," he interrupted. "I gar. you
$10, Rodeo."
"But I h.4e buy the children.'• shoes
mid pay fur -"
"Well, here's $10 more acid for
he.veo's seise wake to last ill the end of
the week.
1 had watch.' the life and brightness
fade out of Ler face since her marriage,
and wondered at the ttred,dopressed took
that lied succeeded it, st the fretful ism
patience with her children which bad
clouded over the old .is. -et wed sunny
temper that tattier failed her young
meat, then it was wt a primal, bat as
appropriation fur her or nay Wasik. 1
(,aid make gdts out of my $3, bat there
watt nu possible way by which she, ea an
individual, could pereuually make a
preseut to any est. 814. had no privy
puree as 1 had. Kterytbu.g of diet
kind was joint the brows, so ter as else
sae c,meerued. Here 1 Inonfered, fur
tbe only time, and instated that $2
should be net apart for het private limas
absolutely as icy Iia- Dat little preseute
are made from tbeee private perces, and
are not worth weotiunilag."
''How does your wife get her bracelets
and .eaWtin sacquea, awl .11 that! Bald
win would be its a pickle if hos wife hail
your wife's chaisce,
"You are wistalem,l think. Ile might
at tint, because lou wife has miser been
trusted hut n.'t after she grew wccue-
tweed to real et i btlity. Wooten ora
naturally much inure economical tad
prudent than we are. I have to incest
upon my wife buying such things out of
brothers and eater. Was this the ea- the surplus. fur she wants to bank the
pLustioa 1 He tarrle.l tits (amity money instead ,.f ,pending it. Wuneu
pocket -book, while she was the family de not like t.. spout their own money en
,luart►uastar cud purchaser, held - 1" ,rnamenle, though they will squander
strict auc)unt dirt everythlug should be
in the proper place .t the plroper time,
and in the proper way, bttt without
power to purchase, or to fulfil dputracts, hot the family revenue, is which she
0r to pruclde for household wanes. Will had with him knot, equal and unawrrd-
i• at the head of • inechan*eal
Pert' molds. All rzt,* money 1 earn,
went, awl has bete receiving $4 or made of salary, is spout for luxuries for
other folks money on thein. Mrs Bald-
win never felt that the salary her has -
band brings home is nut hie nor hers,
ars that even if they most all penah its L"m."4f .r the lout ten ]ears
the turn. Ne would be with them
stiff and g"reit."' gowd•naturod (r("kw'wbu woo
'ti.le thou safer] to s better
listen t.. auytl.iug for three minutes.
la,.d. ,
By chance, that afteroo•,n, I was
Little d'ea'l knew nothing of the ;resit
fl'ered • ilea: and bx.k-case fur shout it
-• my wife and children. In the diepssi-
tion of this extra money I hare eland
voice with her. and often veto her pro-
al concerning it. If we can't agree,
into the bark f•.r my boy's school
The extra ai,l•roprutist bills are
ones I Parr tee lir know any -
w: rob, and as the little .nrnuaid l".ted 1•,.e..1 the Heavenly Father, but u she au tight o[ its value, sod lnuwiug that {un
the crystal worts, and mew the sone ea- biased about on the stormy wares, she, the head lit another department. passe ,w era and sky stre:.•htn. ,out e•. too, thought with deep love of bre g'N.d 114c14, the ee
every .die,'he said, with a Itttle.*gn : -- Quern, end felt somehow, though she receiving SIO salary, had said that he thing a
° oer.l.al "nu iad:y for work at bis house, "tut I
"Waeuerrr 1 am iso dif6•u iy ..r h t 1 I til u x oW
deafer, I wilt routemi:ie. the dear
Queens advice. and I so tri to be
worthy o1 her love. -
And, oh : how lovely it ram to he borne
genfy onward by the ruling tide -vim
and on, ever onward, with that woodmen
m,.uw and those sparkling statm ebiuieg
on her, seeming too ,peak of Iwace and
1' 1 hoped that every one was u
happy as she. In her bright days of
childhood the then had told her
stones of the bey world, with its men
and women and children. She had toad
of the joys and sorrows, their hopes and
fears ; and though Pearl could lint quite
understand, she wished in her heart
There was no sorrow and no pain,
and that all people and little ehiklren
mould be as happy as the evening stars.
* ••But sorrow and fain bring out live
? and sympathy mere purely," the (Omen
had said, "and draw the people and
children ever gt�wwrds. ever nearer to
that high..$ telt' from • loch their be-
ing epilogs." -
Of all thew th:nta loge Pearl dream -
get and wuudarNI as she S. -stied through
the sty Perhaps .he might 1,e allowed to to wife that she should be
).rip tome tote its diorites ;acid lsaeilly 111= towel the chid he awari along, aro- p`'led T grant and charter from grits crown to �C�1 P9
load he felt this Iun.i.- • when she wee ooaai-nal_ following 1'war tit at Lint the Jacretary of the Treasury. Sha which we owe allegiance -and it's nut
this not • gift from you ''
knew mit why, that the little (Ate ,
he ado, Just then a great flash .,f l,,h:- ahnold tare adcruti. s off the chance.
uir.g 'truck through the ship. All on oand bread an
let you kid w in the meriong," Bide thew tail
be sa13, "after I hart: talked it over with me. If Senator
my wife. I want it, but 1125 is too siuu for some sol
Large an &would t'. take out of toy
or the pes.ple of tit
money, and 1 Isn't interfere with my
whom he is only on
wife's." My salary is a family
"D) you and your wife early *pirate
usufruct for in menthe
pocket -books 7'' I asked, as we sat down spear:. ,,chola; Thom
I sent for 4i.0 mid proposed that he "Do 1 its -e her shoes and stockings,
meat ! The 'family' pr •
s alike La: her and for
ones votm for a pen-
or's widow, does he
United States -of
-give it to her 1
venue, 'held to
as Herbert
the living
board was its confusion, until the cap-
tats's voice was heard above the txm.
`•Lower the boats '" he cried.
Pearl trembled as she sew all et'ter
the boats and row away *seethe e$ tela.
But where, oh, when was the Iittie one !
It was in vain that they had tried to
pet *uade her to leave the ahp.
"No, no ;I will stay with father to the
end," she cried ; and she dun;; tier &rate
about hos neck, at d the stria* man felt
that it would ire weruethan cruel to recd
her away
With a cry of pa+n, Peat! distr:d to-
wards the ship. 1,'., that they would
LA.:: at her ' ()Ft, that site might save
them still ' The ship gave ens last gasp,
then she pronged beneath the waves,and
the father and child seemed to sink down
with her. T:enihitng with fear, Pearl
watched them toll at last they rose and
floated art the - ewes. Thea Pearl
breetked again.
''014, father, fellow her -follow her,'
cried the inti, car. "It is 1113 kind
Lie hardly nndereteod, Ivo with ore
to leach. In explanation of my curios -
would have the land held fu.
ity I repeated the conversation I had and w to all additi els too it. ,The wily
Of course s do. My wife Dick
eredlk • j pec words. whichry to Before marriage 01y w e and i =
ed me fur a penny in her life -except i I Lad iudicidusl rights to property By
for change, as you would wk nit." j our marriage each surrendered all 'so
sti'uuld you mini ext laiaiagho.v ' est ; vi.tiaual rights to property end these n4
amides your finances . ' ' fused tueetherina join! *'state with joint
"Certainly not. Just before we '.ere r'shts. The marriage eert.ce means 3
married, I heard BtlJwin's wife way 1.on.ething. Eery body (noes this to ti
that she n.ten.ied too tease her husband true when laud is cmncernrd. No
until he bought h,r a bnee:et, ant that j o.ne will purchase real pr-q,erty from a ,..t 1
she bought a sea/akin s$cgoo with ribs`f' married man or martial w••:urn cti.•�
money aha had tater out of his pucker'.hut,e. Both parties" tient ut.it.' i.n the
without hu k,wwu:,T it, That set MIL"' pie to give a clear title. 1' he sauce prin-
thinking. If toy nittried life wa. 1" j ciple obtains sith salary at with land.
tsars and t! ,ng 11►e that in it, I should f'f It belongs egoa!ly to beth. My $.i and ewr-
cert.ottIy resin. The tir+t dot' we were • i my wife's 12 aro our individual and per- 4"----
matt& on the veranda, I pro venal property hold in fee by special �C 1
A tweed Nasae.
The beat ruoemu»t.del of ar.ylhleg ie
i1t perskarity whets it has tiersb lousiest
kawa Throughout the Douuiust.0 of
Caa.4. there as tic inure effectual midi
eine for o,u.lu, curds, heartening, etre
throat, t.ru,,chitie and asth.a,thee Hag-
y.rd's Pectoral Baleasl, (lir wale by
deugxists. 2
The First Sign
Of faith* health, whetber r the tore et
Hight ew.au sad Nervosssees, or is a
err of lieuenl Weariness awl Lor of
Appsalte,.howkl suggest tbr we et Ayer's
gaggaparttla Tk . preparation ha most
s�etfve for gNfag toss sod strew*
to re enfeebled system, pruawtiog the
dDestkts and assimilation of food, rester.
Sit the Ierross forces to their normal
ee�tton, and for purifying, enriching,
&r vitaltaing the b:oud.
Failing Health.
its it a ilia �i sem.
1 elm with • Weakness, HI� Wrrtkitese,
various remedied prescribed
by different ph .iciesa, but became so
week that 1 could out yo up stales w
Mit stopping to rest. My Meads meows-
aurnde4 the to try Ayer's 1areapt�lla,
w hick 1 did, and I am uuw as lu•altiv sad
strong u ever.- stn. E. L. Wilma
Alexandria, Meta.
1 have used Aver's ltarsspsrt h, In my
family, for Scrofula, sad know. 11 tt 1*
taken faithfully. that It will thoroughly
eradicate this terrible disease. 1 hate also
prescribed it as a tunic, as well ea an alter-
ative, anal must icy that i honestly believe
11 to be the beat blood mnlle ne caro•'
tom us.led. - W. i'. li'owler, D. D. e.,
M. 1 drams illi, Teas.
Dyspepsia Cured.
it wool, bei tble for me to de.
scribe what 1 suffered from Indult•tion
and Headache up to the time 1 began
takieg Ayers Sarsaparilla. 1 was under
the ran of various physician sad tried
a great many kiwis of mediciaa+, bat
*.ever obtained more than temporary re-
lief. After tektite, Ayet's Sarsaparilla for
a short thee. my headache dirippenrwl,
and my stomach performed l e (babel. hit's
perfectly. To -day my health is com-
pletely i..tered.--Mary Marley, Spring -
arid, D1a.s.
I hate been greatly benefited by the
prompt WC lir Averts S.naparll:n. It
tones and invigorates theeystem, regulates
the action of the digestive and mehailatlre
orrg�u.am,i rad a ital,z.w 11e blood. it le,
without doubt, the most reliable blood
purifier yet dbeoepre.l. - IL U. Joliaeon,
kv.lAttanUe toe.. Bruoklvn, N. T.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Prepare: ►y Pr .1 C. Ayer k (yo.. Lower. ams..
Peter St: els tietillor. 113.
1 1887 -
Harpers' Hasar
Srauetiing Surae. - -
1:x 'res. Milt 1. Mivet:
aeeorich I.,. :IF ata.f1^-15r.no' *Sim
etra.tt:r,l,.triI div•.m, fol'coni1 711)x.
Sfixed. Mlzed. leeriest
turd 1.v. &Ag atm l:t.+ pow ' 1196 p.m
trial I Ar.. its 1)3.1; 31.' p.o. s43 pow.
Harper • !ansa&' swbtass the e:ok:cst 1.t-
etatmire mod the natal .rt d*wtra•inns *41
the 1a4.,.t fashions sad tLr mama mortis' 1.**ly
readied. Its stones. poems. .rad a M)• are 61
the best writers. sad Its ksmsreee .artcbee
are uaserpisesd. lee piper. uu .:tial cu -
Rsw i$.. doronit.ve art. buusc-bretsoug�t 1r. ail
breaches. ee�rier]j eic.. make .4 In.t.stw,
Whits la evert beerhet . Iso beam end rasa
lea platen awl patteneets. su ew.t ate its.
aple Indira M e.v.,ralty tuna. cwt 44 rwL-
eeriptlos toy �.g their owe drvsantaarra.
Net a line 1. admitted to 115 aolan.:u that
could shook the most tasted uestmet•-.
Pett s rax
HAKPLR'$11As1ALIAt:. 4 M
NA 'Wring WI1EK'.l' • 4 a
AARPER'd 10(1X1) PIOI'LE. Y Os
11A1t'F;H'd )''IIANKUN tigt:AIIK 1.IN-
HAlt\'. Om Veer tilt \,**bent. . se M
HAIt1' It!!'IANIIV ekKIWI.lase Year 4)
■mbe iA •
.Pesew r 11Wr toot: slut reetbo c M the Lis td
MMatra awl towed&
The • flirter. of the Nene ►b1e�&t�a with lbs
drat '. .sobs tar Jawusrl of esolF�aar. Whirs
nu tom.• a ntex.i0nea .ut..,:rtpliesa am be
010 Willi the number Tarrant at time of hn
ctipt of ontrr.
M.1,.nd \Mutts ..1 Ila'ry is Baser. for there
years back. to neat cloth binding. w111 be twat
by ,na.1, portage paid. ur by express. nee of
eapeuu opruvidru the hellcat dues art e.reeeal
(ll est pert olu*et fur $T M volute.
Cloth lases fur each Volume. su.tat.le fee
Mediate. will be sent by toot:. puatl..!,L w re-
ceipt or SI 00 eaa•k.
it.R0tter.ers should i.- wade by Poet Office
Money Greer or *kali. to ,.tuid chance 01 IoM-
.\e.rspuperserr aid 4, ..eo/aria oJeertua
w,.wt "Wilmot lAr ezp•�,: uenv }f HAI PKRt
lti na.xm Andre.,
tiAltPE:L' a 11814.1 11:1
-- -- --
N. w 1 irk.
Itarlw•r'. Young I'c-'Ie 1 as bees called
"the tuudel of what a periodical for toting
: rwlrrsc.ial.t to Ir.'• and toe justice lit taw
.aotaoer.datlon is amply et*:au,ed by the
.Nrze circulation it Lan attained lit I.1,tur and
t::rat iirua.n. This stiectel hots
•c.•:.sal by evoked* that suet euO,mrn
'lirn.+rlrte to the juJ&wr,"lit of paresis, no
iena. than to the teeters •.f et. Ad' ea namely. by
out earnest and will .wia,twvt .'fort to pro-
vide the best and Lost. tiraaxitr r.vdlug for
)0uus N'oplt at a low prl.t. The Mt.. rutto.s
are "-pit... and of a cuas;ti ulu.4y heed stee-
dsra a. ea.enence.
An epitome of everything that is attractive
WO de:Arnold its J,aveutle literature.-UoM.is
Court -r.
A weekly feast et gond things to the boys
mad ,girls 1t) *try fussily wl.AA it visits.
. Matt' t. niU.a.
1t b wauieefrl In Ito wealth of pictures, is
turu*atloo. and inter( et. -('4r i rt.a t. d Jsoce1r•
NY.' -
TER1tit . Postage Prepaid. et • Per Year.
Cul. \':1L commences November 1. L.
Ancor Normses, Five Cents each.
Ric.:ttanee. Would be made by Piet -0M -.e
Money *,Mer or 1,nti:to avoid chew e of los
n. Alr.• nor net to ropy 1449 eteerlise
wrnl ..wt tae err.. c.. order of Haw.^an X
Ad' x.y
tkPltlt 1111%ttITIMIi". Hew fork.
" s - ' knew myincome ; I toil het of my aro Cm .awes keen h had the til k eg ss 11,1 1)liwes. lie:trier one hots dr_ �:ea-rs
any more r •irstlss>ew el
something teasing on they rear ..e n, r.. io, Ir
her. It was certainly no fah nor . sew He never knew *:tat Peart heel saved penditurrs, wad Pave her Puy aavingtt individual claim to the $•,4
It was .Lyn and there
lull. What could it bel •She luded them ; he never knots, e'en when they She amseuted. than fluter Victoria or Lord Salisbury
up to it, and raw that it was a lot were rescued by a i'actin;ship and taken
child. whose golden curls were dripping wifely home.
with water, and whose thin. foe 1• °ied And Pearl !teteI he.i tot iter home
1517 pate and .&d. t beneath the °eta, and wise .alee•ed with
'.poor little lite :' said Y.a:., ge.a'].
heppin+ar 4.nd 1.-ee be the good (piece.
U-dfoputliggrarsta mond the child *011 ,k„ ssrd .
raised it shove the water ; but it did ant "Let the .emir] of this j .uraoy
answer. "Could it be dead y" thought dee,.;! in year heart forever, my 1111).
Pearl, sadly. "It has o.• tail, and then- Pearl. Lit the tbuaohts of the Iittie
one whom yes have helped inspire the
brightest moments of your coning life."
And often when the sen vanished in
thew, and the moon roes peacefully in
the bl re sky, little. Pearl would float
fore. perhaps, it could not sworn.'
The child was heavy, but Pearl fl st'id
.fang with it in her arms until she
reached a stern ruck, which stood night
out in the middle of the sea, and in $
oounfnrtable nook she put the child, and happily upon the silvery waters, dream -
dried its wet face with her lung golden tug of the little ono who slept, and
hair, sad rubbed its p or little hands loved, and leareed tar sway, and who
until. to her great joy c'.e little tae at never forgot the little mermaid who had
lase deepi:y opened *ts blue eyes and toyed bet life amid the wild sea wave•.
mid • F. L. B.
••Wherearo I!' I -
"Yoe are safe, my darling. ' a0- ; The wets Takes.
gyred Pearl, "nod 1 will stay near ' 1 had dyspepsia for • long time.
ye., though I am in the water, for I \1'se rntinly cured bT two bottle" Ber-
dnck Rlo.od Bitten The best *wed '
dao not cense honker en to the lama.
"Yoe have saved me," said the child,
lit dreamily. "You kind mermaid. I love
yea," and it stroked Pearl's fact with
its tiny hand.
AU tbrosgh the long night Pearl nurs-
ed the child and comforted it when it
cried Mr its father ; but her chief ant
i*ty wee *beet food. The little one re-
peatedly asked for food, and Pearl knew
not .hat to give it, for mermaids live
without eating or drinkise.
The nett morning, as Pearl .a .on-
denaR whet would he the hest thing to
do,•ke saw a stately ship militia through
the waves ; but the el::ld jumped with a
try of joy.
"Oh, dear mermaid site eeelaimed
"that is father's ship. And now i shall
get back to him -to my lean, door talk-
.. 1 wan washed overboard yesterday
by a big wave, end I 'hosed Lase died
aSydnot been for you
Nevi tried to forget her oedema ie
testis' from the child, and she only
'Co..•with me. tittle ens ;" and rut"
smite b.ariat it in his woos, she sailed
tomer& the skip.
The proud captain was pitied the
rink 10 Moat sorrow, for lead la rot
lei big oily little child -Wt 1i1MM atoth-
eriasI da*est 1- whoa flutist', alit
fur regulating and invigoratinF the
system I had ever taken." F. P.
Taaner, Noebiwt P. 0., Ont- 2
agrees that I was to hare 15, welly, has to the $100,000.001 yeatly revenue
for ca: fans, lunches, t..1)ticon, done', creat Britian receives fro:u her roti/ on 1
and the tike. The remaining $,,O were imposts. Our home is a kingdom -on a
be b -f l hick be was
tot a Mrge with and our SO are the-rsveuues for the
flit ererythiet neoa$ed, to the best of Ler a kingdom, out of which
w t e. stat ] revenue, tr • srnaa sale. I reign, my wife L"Terns,
sok d of,and it ptov►ae
•uiiity-Lvery-gaturT y o"y1 cl handed support 1 the
sreceive certain allowances, and the rove -
her $30. When my .alar] was raised, I nos. Iwlonqs to the fancily to be spent for
took 11 *r.3 11 were added to the family the grnenl welfare."
fund. 514. 1luverne and 1 reign. I have But u q t dismiss your Prime
uu reepnusibility 1"r the home manage- 1Kieister '"fo
! thin rovide.
01001. 81:0 p was everyg,
P\,,r can Qaeen Victoria, with,it
ererytbinyi, and attends tc ere" detail, the consent of her
coir owe
t 'threw/sal
or Asir
people. A.14 the two
Large and small. I hare enough of that little subjects of my kingdom if they
kind of worry in managing that depart want another Prime Minister.''
nt of mine without having to make
Mince then d have had Will and ittla in
up yearly .tin -sots for my household
expenses, and to prepare all the differ•
eat household appropriation bills. I am
not qualified to interfere or meddle with
her idainieiellir, I doobt if any man
could do that work arra if he gave his
whole time to it, as she does. Certainly
s. roan coo meddle without marring.
The untrammeled charge of the home
u her natural -boat and iso-alietuble right
as a wife and any interference on my
Natural Rae was struck at Lewisburg,
Ky.. 1 hereday, the low being half •
• Ilion feet per ,day.
• Ws04uI t wv�s
The largest omen, and tree that Dials
a el/strolling part oa the tallith of the
body ie the liver. If torpid or inactive
the whole system becomes disemeed. Dr
Ckaae'e Liver C'tre in read* eepeeially
for Liver and Kidney daimon. and is
guaranteed to cure. Rime 'mask awl
•ectictoe $I. Sold by J. 'Lion.
The P''tladelgltia elothisg-ezohange
lucked nut alt Knights of Labor Moodey
■.menage & P'aeaie•• r•rW.e fee.M-
Hay. you ea eld fors. Cut, Barn,
Drew. Corn Genion, Halt Rh.om.Pim-
p1e Blotches, Rn.gh Hand* or Face!
(t en. there a but one tor:, w•esely, Mc-
Gregor d Parke'. Carbolic Cerate. If
you but try It, k will convince you. It
soab bet 25 eines at (i Rhyne' drag
More (40
Fuer girls .ere horned to death is a
eehuol-boast u Ste. Montrose, Quebec,
dories Waimea., eight.
2 1hileli's Cotrgh and egmeampti'.n Cure
foresee with one of my paper contracts.
She knows quiteu much &boat my bus.Tben must be some nae 'n why be is
ow u I(wald End out be two hen of &lose in theory and protein* among all
daily louaine into hen.' my (rima.. 11'hst u it? Will the wives
"What do you do *tout presents t„ and met then tell net
one another 1"
would be quite *t silly da her inter -
- ,_-.-_-.-
N. �i
':)► G •
By wearing the oa:y
�11At of the arm of Laranm. i tdor"ts ••.•
to lunch, and I have drawn diem m. this ti
topic. Neither had much to sty. 11111
semmed it up in to a sentence : "If 1
don't eery the pocket -hook, i am
sot Aloe a1 the house , sad
if I a. not the head of the hoer, 1
might as well 'go home to my Pa.' "
Baldwin was briefer and more logicsl :
"Women are condemned feels, and Dick
is a crank. Ilton't marry."
If Dick is not • "crank," w! y do
ninety-nine men oat of every hundred
carr] the pocket -book 7
"Wee rarely make them. Onus 1sav-
ed from my allowance enough to buy
her • watch for $ birthday Rift. Tnat
:stoney waee a h,a t time dooming, and I
stock closeiy 10 .y pipe for ftwatha
She was not happy at what I iW dune,
and frankly told nae the I MMMS why
There mho n0 provision Is tilt *hem*
by which she weld do the arose Then
it street in. that while I had the 1„
week)] foe myself--eay 13 Meer of ne-
amitsea, charging the other $2 to the
family fund for eipeneee -she W eh-
wiletely net s penny she would tall her
.own. The 530 was • treat feed, nem -
aged f.•r the common goad ; and .hire
site had an item in bee 'omnibus Ind'
f .e oar joint premeds to our friends.
a void byes ow a R..rsntee. it e'tr a tk vee (weld his so tndivtd.*l presents
Fox este by J. Wilma, •.de ly any owe eseeut myself. 1 can't
glee german • preempt. She could n. t
Plwwws PMNs. prim lomat"
I1tni give herself . peewee If we took say. `�i111's '
hta4 �r
bark, .ide or cheat,
J. lrilsRo Droll" , t►iwg not of the common lead, try age., -
Refloated Spectacles aril Eye Slams
Tl.e•r spectacle. and Lye Glasses have; `teen
seed toe the pent No yearn. sad weer. in rv'r)
twice ealsended sanit.lition. Tlao' sr"
Tae MST 111 TIM IORt.n. The) 140:11. f lea.
tial last unsay years witbeet rbmage.
Yates & Acheson,
Ammo flee etatwaws.
"While my husband was trading in
furs he came acmes est Indium who, was
taken to hie ledge to di.. He had in•
ward trim and pane in hi. Iambs. He
(pave etas. 'Volker (hl internally and ap-
plied it externally, and cared him. 11
also cared my hwhand of rheumatism,'
and I fled it valuable for roughs and
01.1ds, «tn Ihrnat, tote " Mr. A &maw.
Cook's Mills, Nerpest River, UIlI. 21
5AslwAR1t ■ INela3Ta
(21-0 M.FLI C
New Fruits,
tit Marylad Road Harrow Itos-1,
elate Iasarse A Morris. Hartford ('eon i
7e. X o. -a s.'et dews of `• ot hher arta 11'. e
Waal. rib. till
7 Ahilr,1'. Vitalist* M what*s swot
ler esnetipetina, Iowa Apple Moe
wets, .rad apt sypinms of Dyspepsia. I
Price 10 and 75 conte per hurtle. For
sale tri J. Wilson. Dreggiet,
Will Yon Sefle,~D]�prp. it► soul ,
Liver Complaint? Rhiloh'u Vitalizer i.
Rwsrsate.d to cure yon. Foe sale by .1
Wilma Drtapgld.
11 WHT RILL Tot; envies when
Rhiluh's Core will cies immediate relief
Prim 10eta ., 110 eta. and 11. r , sale
til, lew, (invest.
New Nuts,
New Teas,
InerrMoad e:7 ost
,Nd tis
11'. & AN,,' 'Vi .
Finest Collection
pyre N.a.....a a O,a.a'elea.
Coma Hew..
De:, !h. 'Siel