The Huron Signal, 1887-2-25, Page 4t f 1 2. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, FEB. 25, 1887. T18ffiI6TON LITTER. Events Occur•rina• at the :'. 8. Capitol. Washington, Feb. 14:11, 0•87. k teem our Special Correspondent. The priscipal'epic of oumnten: at the Capital during the iters/ Row days was the who died suddenly nn 'Saturday after- lorei.nnro' sasatasu. Gootait K, Fen. 14th, 118$7. Thr bassi ext directors suet this ewa- ing, S. Malcom/iota .0 the deur. Mem- bees pa'sseot-Moedrs. West herald, Mur- eery, Shaneaa, Blake, Strang, !lumber, Race, Consume and Murton. Manatee of last sseetiag read and moo- lineed. The cleanses, in a few well cheese re- marks, referred feelingly to the death of Nom kite librarian, Mr Robert Walker, l'rwidente veto of the big Yensiuu h1:1. noun, the 12th inst., while atteudwg its litany were prepared for the veto, how - his duties its the realm( :.ram. ever. It was the 'omelet eeguence of Mr • aw tppfitn for the position of hhn- ClevrlanJ'a action .iib regard to private run and caretaker were thou rend Inmu Mees. Joseph O. Ward, Juhu H+,ulin, Lewis Elliott, lluvh Hamilton and Sarah E. l'ar.uua A ballot being taken, Hugh fiam11ton having a majority of ballots, Ives declared elected. Me ed by Mr Celb,rne, seconded ry Mr Humber, that .n order ice drawn on the treasurer iu favor of Sir Crabh for $tiO fur ono year --Carried. Moved by Mr Strain!, seconded by Mr Huiuber, that "The Mechanics' Magazine" be procured for the library about it. S.,uthern mernhers are CMted v unqualified in their approval of the veto. Muvrd by Mr lucre, secuuded,by Mr and declare that it will secure to Mr Dluruey, that the president mid Mr et:eyeball the vote of southern delegates of couJuteuce with the family of the to the Democrat conyeutiuo au1 insurelate librarian, rectgnizing his valuable his nomination. cervices, and their high estimation of Others sub.. do not agree with the his merits, and the secretary he Instruct- Preaident, acknowledge that the veto to present the oma Carried. message is a very able State paper, and Moved by Mr Strang, eea.nded by that it +ill be alinest impw*eible now to Mr Humber, that Messrs. Colborne and pass the bill Direr tb. rttu. Representa- Morton be a committee to act with the tive Warner, of Ohio, was opposed to tr,aaurrr and secretary to settle up the adman betweeu the late librarian slid the lust nine. Moved by Mr Morton, seconded by Mr Shaman, that we now adjourn to meet un Friday evening, ''efsth inst., to disco's the subject of taking stock and a pousiun bills, and he awld not have been couaiateut had he adopted any other {worts. 1t 1s tau soon yet to say that Corgr'ese will du about it. Its future action de pends much upon the ,manner in which the veto is received by the country. The humili.rvg confession had as well be made that our National Legislators bil- low public opinion, instead of leading it. Souse members of the House who not. el for this rewarkahle pension bill- say now that they suppose the 1're.iident si. Strang be instructed to draw up a letter the principle of the Disability Pension bill as a whole, but he maintains that the Mexican Pension bill contained much of the *erne prieiple, and that the Presi- dent would be more consistent and his ppsitio, stronger had he vetoed both. Great interest centered in the I.. rain- public rntertatnment-Carried. ref of the cuunsal engaged in the great teleph"n•contest which has been arguedlater as the W'oman•s Christian Temper- This had been John Brown's request hero fur two weeks in the Su reme WNL wfiO3�• p I auce t'Mon l, has Slim Willard been con when entrapped in lou engine house, sad /.unit ; he apellants were represented The West Wrw•nosh Mutual Fire In- netted with the society; • society which FRANCES E.IYILL,IRD DV NEW t u. N. NTal•Qtu. "Tell everybuJy to be good," were the words which fell frees the hp* of the only and beloved stater of Fracoca Wil- lard, as she was abest to paw through the "valley and shadow of death" to the Celestial Howe. To • marvelous extent has the subject of thea *ketch performed the holy mission. Let us briedy review the lite of the one wh.. ins, safely be called the great- est among the women of this ceuttary. She was born in Churcbville, N. Y., her parents removing W tlbsrltn, (t-, when she was threw years old, ten oning bve years mud then spending( the next thir- teen years nn • fano on Wisconsin. Mise Willard attended C'athariu. Beecher's school and the University at Evanston, Ill.; after which she engaged in teaching several years; l6ei8-'70 she she opera in study at Paris, Berlin and Rorie. After her returnable was elected President of thio Woman's Celletie a: Evanston, cud there her rare genius de- veloped many plans which hare blessed that and many kindred institutions Store than 2,000 pupil' had been under her rare and instruction previuss to the year 1874, when there came to her to call from the Great Heart of God to go out into brooder fields, a teacher still, an in•tructer in the great under- lying principles of goodness and true greatness. Thus, from the beginning of the Crusatle movement, known a little ,claw Mae Willard bast dtaplsys that y,e.l.sa which has 'emu ser apeakiagful to etuaiwides u( eratuful hoists - whether as the presiding uLioer or the largest ouneentiou cf rumen ever gath- ered fur any purpose, exercising 'eerie lag ability olid impartiality, never failing to recognize and protect the rights of the minority -although al/ may lex opinion diger with them, thinking of evetytbing and ev•rybudy but herself; or when by the side of some "unfurtussate,' wens poor victain of "circumstances," circum- stances "'inch should not exist in "the lanrYzd taw free, ' she whispers words of life and bane. In whichever of the sit ddiertut de- ..f blood upon i. ; two p:stub with rt- partmeute 411 the N. W. C. T. t'. we find v..lring cylinders thick as lois risen her et work --and ,ilii works for thew •o:le and loaded in every chamber • s all -it is eviJeot that the Intiuite Spirit seven "totted carbine , a candle spwdted of Christ reigns in tier heart which, pocket compass; his diary full ref pr.rtest- oombiued with her high intellectual at. and despair, and holding Light ability, place her among, if not the Po'ison's name ; his pipe and scarf ton foremost of those who are and the likenesses of ladies ; and • little sae ('acholic credal. Ile sighed : "T..ngue :" The detective opened his ',tenth avid said : "Booth, no blood is ..n yorr tengne. He started at hie 'Name, which a.emed a century since it had been mentioned, and gaped • Hands The oftieer raised his band and moist- ened at with a piece td ice, and lifted it all limp to Booth's face. It fell uncoil- ' imitable like his broken foot. • He feebly mored his eyeballs throng% • an arc which swept all nature mod, ex - barn slid Ili haled the closing words H. did not Mar tl a anseer, but he • Croup. whoopee Omagh fad Dns - wad. it himself : gems i.aei.tttatefy relieved biy "Tell---wutbart-I thought -1 did- Cu"' lr' r •,..: try J. %%sMs , Dntlliist. best -rigtte-a •entry --till--I died. -- _ !Gill tee ! Kill taw r' Herold, tied to the tree in the little Lot lawn, saw them tern Routh to male 'Ruts anuf..rtsble and heard him pep and gran, and Herold shed the r'^.ly tern. Booth could not swallow and bis words were clamoured like dew in the honey- euckle's cup that drooped ab ore his eyes and opened to the tire. He saw rheum its his ;paralysis mise up the arsenal of thinks he had carried r.. long -a great, firms knife, with rust "simmer( the are .1 seta su:e,st problem old.' DEATH OF BOOTH. At the suggestion of John l:n,wu his wandering powers to k c'bernuce cud example, and he remembered the man- nerism in which old Brown had met his fate, and Routh tried 'o be hie pupil. "Captain,'. raid ltuoth, hollow, tbreatncal vuics, living chance ; withdraw hundred paces from the come out and ti;ht you :" assuming "give tae your men by an immense eery of counsel from ail serene. Cp. held their adjourned annual meeting in the court rat in, Dungannon, en Tuesday, the 8th dry of February, but owing to the state 1.1 the needs there was a very small attendance. The cam - parts of the country. They were all able lawyers and eu,urnsbdrd close atten- tion from the crowded audiences which hard them. The Brest importance of this caw will oe better underetuod by en have rode a large imeremse to their the fact that the Interest• based nn the many K 11411 patents le uuw wurth crer $100, -business during the past year, laving OXI000 mooed irruperey to the amount ..f The moat 1 :Anus incilea: .,f the $8e7•0'f0, being an increase over expired whole case was a grand eyeing attempt t and cancelled of er,4:,It7 l and amen. of Nr Beli's comneal to excite the tearful The it the number of pow in f e.>L ' The somber of Ix.hcies now in fore. is sympathy of the stern Justices for hos 1732, insuring $'2,193,159. The assets client- Mr Bell, who hes rade an I .t the company sre $82,232...N. with no enormous acetous out of his cnonnp„ liabilities Mesut Achrw.n, Anderreu, ly, who has crushed put all c,mpetttors, i and Gcrduh, the' touring direetcn sore and who bas refused t:, accept the use of; reeletted- valtable improvement becaua bra profits would to diminished thereby, was ex- , hioited as a poor, persecuted wretch, ar.d compared to Pallets. Watt, and .ether Lien tyro. Tne S•:pretne Ccurt is naw t.;;.r, ;to spring vncatF.,n, and several nneaths may elapse belay's it will render it. decision. The people of ,:aahiogton are waiting anziuuslSfor Co::t:r ss to sanction with a generous` eppro ri..tie a their scthrme for spinning with a bridle to Gauer that this neonate tain shall be the world Toryism w Use LAuewel $ool Board. LPh,r'cL, Feb. 14. -At • Moat enthu• • siastic meeting of the pupil. of the Utah ■:t.u.ds and their friends, ti.e head mas- ter, Mr A. B. McCallum, M.A., and John Connelly, aasiatart master, were presented with an adire's and a hand- soIne silver service on the occaeiona of their leaving the school. The salaries of the teachers were reduced by the Tory board, using to political aniutus. The address expressed full confidence in the teacher, eulogised thew as faithful ser- vants, and strongly condemned the ac- tion .,f the board fur breaking up the schnol. Liberal and Tory, are loud in their denunciatt„n of au act which is without a p+nllel in Ontario. Many cf the pupils left for other schools, thus reining the future prospects of the school. Mr McCallum is a leading Re - termer, and taught here to the great satisfaction of all clam•.• tor seven years but hie pre.iding at the Blake denims stratum and his ,ppiisition to the N Dupery cry sere taw much for a bused of hoot Tori& Hence the a;.tiva. Greet excitement presses throughout the whole district, which sill damage Mr ?lesson's charted. • -re he oto:nic to Arlington etit, rnilr•l,tic, memorial ' (leant. It is unposed t tothe great chief- i 1f..l bridge of the It is to Get its mondtnent.:' character I [nen tea grand towers tower the miin i piers in the middle of - - Ayer. Each of they* towers is t•, lie 2 feet high, `' and constructed of steam's, w h suitable ' inectiptiones and allegorical repraeenta- tiuns. It is intended that the tuwe a "hall furnish implacemeut for me?norisl stones .ir other objects dedicated flat the ta-Ivat Kutce, c-,.irtr.es auJ sec • tits As in :he time of tie T:-.reen Empire the brulae is cram ht'in: re/rafted to for memorial.xpresaiou. It can caa;!y be made an imps' awl lends itsSifeatt: y to decoretvea. Si.tce this is a utiiltsrian age, the ment rtais it builds should not only moan somethu'„ but he sorth something --not only be significant, but useful. Statute anal monoliths helong to the pant, and great moment ma will mon and more hereafter take the form et meho.,ls, tnuseu:n', bridg s7Tibraries, homes and boa, itals, 1 thus coon no service with brsuty. 7 he President's pastor cnmplaius that be is groovously afflicted with offiuseek- ere •'Why,' said he, "no one has any idea of t:oe trouble to which I am da;l, subjected. I dare say my mail is as large as cabinet olEcer s, and the re- quests (aver everything that can be' thought ,-f." He says it J -,es not avail hitit'niinth to declare chit helms no Tit; Becameat the White House. That plea is ten etre ,d as a rose t.• relieve himself et resp. ',sibility, and letters. prayers and .,treaties are then redoubled to In - dune hit, to lend a helping band t , the now ha 111,000 auxiliaries, and a mem- bership of over O00,UVU. Fur eight yuan she has been its presideut, bring- ing to its service unparalleled brilliancy as a speaker, gentleness as s woman, tenderness as a reformer. She has trade several trips to the South and more than any other has she betoken down the barriers which separ- ated the North and the South -leading a prominent Southern woman to say: "At last we areconqucred-Miss Willard has won our hearts and because 1 f this to -day their hearts are very like our hearts in this great warfare against the liquor traffic. During orae year she visited every State and territ.iry in the l nited States, organizing as she went in all unortf}nized districts. It is hard to estimate hcw much of self-sacrifice this involved, whew we think of the sunny home in Evanston that classical town so attractive to minds like hers- , where, at "Rest C••►fage,'' was the aged another, rejoicing in her daughter's work, yet waiting for her to come back to her. When she came it was bearing lever the same unselfish, gentle spirit ( which character:zee her own life, and i beautifies and uplifts thousands of other lives. Mins Willard is an outspoken ad- vocate uf woman's ballot. She is also a Member of the Executive Committee of - the Prohibition party. In 18811 she went as a W. C. T. 1'. representative Booth aspired to die like Brown. H• repeated the request, and thought it qui.e unmerciful that he was not ac• corded a little stage apace te the effec- tively in, ••We'l1 waste no more tine," the civil officer without spoke, in a tone ex1 disgust. '•t'..less -'lees •" His face now expressed the unseen agony for which there was no ward. and the cherished pride if strength pushed Death away that mercifully drew near again and again, but ever was repelled by the lushicg ruse and pct:se of life, till that the countenance of the actor and athlete vermeil • battleground of wounds and spasms, growing hollower with each e.,nteutiun and ready at the cock'• crow, The katydid or cricket never ceased like the wandering ghost, to fade into W call its resounding (wadi, and "pry, the morn. pray, pray, ,. Booth searched the havens and the world for some intereessur.' and fetched from weakness his mother a name. 11, that saint he asked for fifty yards and for • little more time. Everything was refused. "Now, then, my taste boys, be cine, but it Wes too late. -(Sen. A feed declaiir.ed, in the tones ..f the stage Townsend in 'Katy of Catoctin. again, "prepare • stretcher for me "' late.-_ _ A osrbineer hadkilledhim in the barn, and lung afterward was found in the ashes there the field glace delivered to him at Serrates -its leather case found nniujured in a distant farm house. The cocks began to crow. The ntoen awaked with sullen eyes. A doctor had "Stretchers' were the canvas hien to carry out of tattle w.eni.led men. !Leith -assuming to the end w •alit appear to he e veterse entitled the honor, of H. rained :tis carbine, .'ee•.iy res.•Iv• ing to kill some one or to erre it (fi at least, and as he stepped, on foot and crutch, toward the centre of the barn. to be farthest trona men'aaiminw a friction_ match was scratched behind him, as if fin broken bones had rasped each other, said sent a cold chill up his spine. He turned and saw the barn on tire' A lighted wnisp .f straw. twisted by .•me .ne without, had fallen into the befare tate National 1'ulitical Cowen• loose fay, and some brush piked against tidos. In the course of her pies she the uutide of the barn was also afire. said: r - The warm flame for a single instant car - "5 woe political party will respond to rigid the ,odor and crackle ni 'tis father's The d stewing paleness so often oh serte3 to young girls acrd women. is dee to a Creat measure to a lace .d the red corpuscles in the biota. To remedy this requires a medicine which produce* these necessary little uluoJ constitu.ats, and the fest yet discorered is Johnson's Tonic hitters. Pnce 50 cents, and 11 per b ttl• at Goole s drug attire, All.ion !,luck, (,oJ,rich. Sole agent. (b I tuts romrom the Ilea.t. of women usk• i log cabin to his ban, au f lie shouted as • Wakes note of Tib. Pain La,•ielted as of by manic. Poi- son's Nerviline is a positive and ,!most instantaneous remedy for external, in- ternal, or local pains. The must active medy hitherto snow falls far short if Boren.* for potent power in the relief of nerve pane. Gond fur extents' or in- ternal use. Buy a 10 cent ample bootie. Large bottles '25 .:cuts. at all druggists. e Day and Night lassies aelate attack of limas -W" e overate. neaten' le the throat, end as ribanstiag, dry. backlog cough. edict the sa/errr. Sleep is bombard, awl great prustratioa follows. This dimmer et also stteetkel with Il.e rosuesass , aural Metlesee Loss of %titre. 1t Is liable to Weems croak, involve Rhleo lungs, awl termets fetidly. Ayer's Cherry 1'ertuntl Alen. speedy rel;.•f an.1 cure lex rnees of Bruin - (little. 1t controls the diem,.ition W tough, acid iudle:es r, -t e.hwg sleep. 1 have been a pewit -no ehpkian for twenty-four years, ap i. ter time past t -eche. have ruler -14i trout amoral attacks of Bronchitis. After 'alienating all the usual it:medics , Without Relief, l,trkd Ayers Cherry Pectous!. It helped isewe11451 wooly ", rued eereted a cur..- G. PW vraU, Mn .1►., Gee*.., Mtaa. Ayer's (cherry Pectoral 1e dreVMdfy the m'• bast re,•, within toy know , for cbroslc Brenehili.. and all lung astesatea. - M. A. Bust, M. it. south Parisi, Me. 1 was attacked, but a inter, a Ith sees ere Cold, wbkh, from exposure, grew wane and lipnlly settled un Ivy Lungs. by sight .nide 1 we* nalrced almost to a w. skeleton. My a 'ouch was ineeut, and I frequrutly epic hood. My physician told me to give up business, or 1 would mot live • month. After taking various reins - Lies without relief, I was grapy Cured By Using two bottles of Ayer's ('!arty Penton! 1 am now in perfect health, and able o ams. rebeanie... atter having been pro- nuunrrd incurable with ('on.umio pta. - 1:. 1'. Henderson, raulsboryh, Penn. Tor years 1 woo In a decline. I had weak lungs, ate] suffered from bronchitis and 1'atai rb. Ayer's .'berry Pectoral re- stored me to health, and 1 have been for a lung time contparattvcly vigorous. In case of a Midden cold 1 alwresort sort to the Pectoral. and dad speedy relief.- Bdward K. Curtis, Rutland. Vt. Two )ear* acro I .ueered front a severe Bronchitis. The plvitiae sttend♦eg me lee. ams fearful that the disease would ter - Mauer in Pneumonia. After to tag vari- ous nardleiaes. without treue i. Le WN prescribed Avers Cherry Vey -fond, which relieved me al once. 1 continual to take tate medicate a *bort time. andwascured. - ErsteColton, L ganapo Iles Morse. injured a few d•y-w. by the falling ice from a ran( oatSt. Cath- arine street, Murano!, dt•d yesterday. Ladles Orly. The c••mpl.ti.0 is often rendered un- sightly by Ptmpler, Liver Spas and Yellowness. These it q roil kuowu are caused fr•m an inactive Liver and had Wood. Dr Chase's Lacer Cure purifies cue Wood and whole system. See Ko rip, Book for toilet recipes, biota madsuggestions on haw t:, preserve the euro• plesiva. Sold by .1. Wilson, druggist. flog for rotection from a stimulant hie crutch fell tato under his err::. amu y="r. (Niru J. Kcio�6 li,tinerly of p 11. which nerves with dangerous strength 1 left him kelp:ere : the manly arm that Gut meant to be "Citation, du a quick ' \ ,w atom! woman's shelter and protection, so that me through the heart !" - , mare's cruelty becomes greatest toward The cricket c those he loves the best. Some i.arty everything beside tame forth in the will declare that when our beat beloved bright light, till what had been the qts forth into life's battle they shall not throne of a gloom stewed revealed in the ; aced to sing, though h k h 1• thehal d temente d Id f busban- Mr Blake's treat speech in Montreal in Monday night, the Herold says, eras tbe`athject of wry c•nveratiou in the city neat day, friends and foes alike being agreed Oat it was an honor for Canada to hays among its public seen a statesman so pre-eminently gifted as lir ltlake. The majority were agreed that the declarati•,ns made by the leader were satisfactory, and that they had re- moved doubt train the minds of many. The explanations as to the party-'• hos appl_set. policy were deemed ret e: reassurine, and it is safe t , say that since Mr Make' visit the party pi -epees have boomed hundred per cent. Hie patriotic declare tions hare inspired new courage in the Liberals sof the city, who are receiving new acoessioos dai'y (lid Reformers wh a voted attains' their party in 187E end 1bF� are ftlltng back into line for !:lake. "Mas. Trouble War we sapeesed" I/ ou d•, not heed the warni•os of na• tare and at once p( attention to the waits 'nano' ..f your �'th, H. w leen parson taut off from dsy t o say ere see the purl:. , 1 a medicine which if wo- rked at t r Omog rt . f a dise•a.e would ba:* tent 'el t• almost imrnediately New if Jehtis • n•s-Toile Liter tills had ham token sli,•n the tint unresanea made its appea . ace the dines" would have begs "hipp l,' the bed. ' John' sn's Tunic Bitters .1 '.crer Pias are decidedly the heat m Katie .•n the mar• ket f..r general tonic And iurignreting properties, Pill* 2.5e. p. Lathe. H414res 50 cents shit 111 err bivttie, odd t,T Goode the dreggist, Albi .,t block, rile agent- (hl Feutu ants MernA!tn-. with the view .d discussing mechameal knnwledee in Canada the I*i,is.i.on Mea*a,t.col Gni rilfi,.q .W. rs is swirl • cash prise c f 110.tc,7 month fear the beet essay on • mechanical subject selected by the ' editor. The subjects. which r.'.te to all branches of mechanical knowledge. are annneneed on the ,tiers • moseth tsheed. femme n1 our closer, thinking 1 ttamshanie• is the. locality .hneld moo rate for these prove Full p.rt:,-i..an Oil be oletaineel by wddre sine Puht•sh.r Deere..on Methawsoa. cul Malloy Nona, it int threat West, Toronto. (Warr' Cored, health and sweet Welared. by Klaileles Catarrh Its New Ml rents. Nadal iwj.eter thele by ff, W(lest, Dreggiet s s It :it a good tale to accept only such medicines as. after long trial, have proved worthy ht centidenn'. This u a acre wh. tower other people's experience may be of servioe, and et hem boron the experieno•e of than*end• that Avers Ctwerry 1'-•ctnrul is the beat cough made caw ever use!. i Pts is the tints year to per up. Everyone who ha the means shnutd settle Ms small doles if you pay your butcher .hat you neva hire, veer htiteher can pry the baker, and the hakes ohs tailor, and the taller his Intl finery hill Thus nap good dyed would ndl along and rather r.wwlnow am et pro- ceeded, inclndeng general liquidation it is a had lserinnina nI aha new year le anter upon et with the draw-haek of a ewer= Bell little debts. which, like m.s enter**. take a:l the a•mfort out n1 Miter. 15 FttR DYHPNPR1A lied Liver Complaint. you have a ,anted inseam tee as every bottle ,d :help►'. V'taliaer. it erne fails to ear*. For tale by J. . /►ilrvo, dr'* Rat. • .r• woawas- - vas temp siss.an.eraeooso i est s. aye to to a c. antes so 'the. in esus amp emen s sex its:• ' fight for s clear brain, nor run the airy, and there were wasps flying around gauntlet of saloons legalized and set their nests in the reef, acenting dune, i alon; our streets. home party will lay and in the litter ext the Ewer ran rats in ' to heart this object lesson of the "Nat single lair, all slyly, as from a scut ing i n.. Annual Drink Bill," shown in the ship, and •ane squealed as it emceed h;a chart I have had placed before your eyes shadow like an old witch in an in- t•o-day, with its nine hundred millions situation scene. for intoxicating !noon to live millions The plow and the harrow teeth toes and a ha'f f•.r the spread of Christ's a ruddy rleuu : -some swallows in the gospel. timber Lew round and roundblinded Ca•Latities sed lately of Buffalo, has been take:. to the Utica Masse Asylum. 1 That Haekirg Corners can he So quick- ly cured by Shilub'• Cure. We trimaran se it, For ale by J. \Willa,, Drurguit. 4)'D•mnran Roses imp'imp'that bbloodbloodmeat Ire shed for Ireland'. We limps that !ivasa sill be put in the '-ant si ranks. A ,r rr.p..1tNe. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,el T oy far J C Arena ••ate weals K .i lenurM. 1887- H r�aor's Magazine ILLUSTRATED. - Ya.rsine darning 1'117 will contain • noire, rat fpernw pe1itireal, petal, amid ro- mantic interest. e*titled "%arta- -setoff of R•i.-,an life -by Katbicen ('!loan; • sew novel. .mauled, ' Aprei Heprs,' by W. h. Hoorn,: "Southern stet('ue- by chariot Dudley Warner and it.set-'a Harding Davis. Illostnird br William Hamilton Gibson: "Omar American Indt.strie.•' -. coatinuM "R.etlal 'tui,es." by Dr its T. � • tartan- arti,lcs rex the eta:lway nob'. m by rein toot rrr.1,:.. LrW aeries 4 ulustratle•a F:. A. 's i. -y a..11 A.fn .1 I'arr..s , articles E. 1'. Roe ape .41N•r auveceecee. HARPER'S PSRIUDICALS, YRa TIAL HARV' 7tt'u%AZAR. H10 11,IUAZIYK - 4 M !It.■Ittl K$W'gtKL%.-. 44• ; 1'(lt'\l: PY.W'I-1L...... 2M H.4R1'e:R.te FRANKLIN SIWAIthi Ili One Year U2 Numbers) . 1RA H slRPMtt HANDY PERI Cu, Oss t _ Y1 4embenl _11.IA N 1•natatr. Fre, tea:. IIiR• rad t.taty• or ('ana.fa. the vo'nown of •ate Marl Attila logia wiles the %in�n•+ w , for Jmie*ad lereeterhre •f vote ywsr. W'h.•u e.e t.:.•e is spoiled. 11 win De undersea+lit that the-M.o.-rile:: whiter, to br in with the Carer;l Number. Mm i.dVnlnmrs.•1IIAKebob Mao ernes. few three years limb. ,a Mat clash binding. will be rent by tris!. aetpaid. Mm r..script of 11:10 per volume. Cloth (:ase., for binding. 10 cease earls by mad. twerps;d. !Wei liAswa�r�.'e�1 aaasnvr. Atpialetk.l Analytical. awl 1'1a�ined. tar V.iasts 1 to -9 mecca,,. from Jure,. taw, to June. 1a18. one vol.. ave.. ('loth. On. Itrmn'aace+.ho,rlt be madly be lust-OAce !tone rh ur-Uratt, to avoid chance of %'em-.prlyresart oaf b revue Err nierrft�. letort rit4nul'trr rt}rcats vrvN? of hal.rraat it Nair arae. Address IIA1:PER 1I11OTHFRS. Hs* Teri. There could be no offer more fair than that of the proprieti re of Hafynrd's Yellow Oil, who have long (feted Mo refund every cent expended for that remedy if it fails est pee seii.lLMn ir--war• fair trial for rheumatism. aedralgia.. sore•thr'ft and all painful esmplsirds. 2 , GRI P In 188(1 the Nation s1 W. C. T. U. by the tire, and the pegs for tobacco and , 1873 Conrentit.n formed a department to be the burning tobacco leaves grew to be ferns and scallops uf gold as they hung, is spectacle'. around the desperate maw. He had seen tires -.lion the stage and known as that .,f "social purity," co - (operating with the White ('ruse, and Miss Willard assumed iia leadership. That her darts in thts line have been helped to stamp then ..ut, and he specially blessed, the developments and limped toward the grater flame near a results amply prove. Never these she corner ; bat suddenly a truest tongue of seem divinely 1e1 and inspired than tire licked him and singed him as if Cyr - when standing before immense sadism- berms at hell's di or had fondled on him oft and eloquently pleading for the "es- with a furnace tongue : tthlishment of a single cods of morals. Fear seized hilt sod he ran toward and the maintaining the law of parity *e the door on mieetting bones--- the dour iequally binding upon men and women;'• held open *e by a me invisible angel - in ee.desvnrin; impress upon the t and as he ran the ponder.ns beanie and minds ..f men And wn•nen, youth and maidens the ahsnluto deman 1 of religion I physiology for purity in word, thought and deed. •• She pnasenes in a rare degree faculty or interestiae ..therm and setting them to work. This no doubt is lardy due tiers in the structure seemed to fall upon has skull and smash it like an pre. Booth nett reit water in hes face, and teen men were holding him up and .wrrh- ing his body and putting their fineers in his brain. "its bore," said one, "right where be shot the president, behind the ear and • ''ADA'• ('OMs.' ;n1 R'i'.. 1887_ Harps -•s;' Wrinkly ;I:_; e, 1: tTF.Iu Harper s,wec..ly ne•in•alns i'. position an the le• 4',g illustrated newa;aep••r in Amer t. •a hold apo. amble' -,:.- and cos- t. a never struarer •1.ab at the preta: , ,.e . Bestire the picture. Name. We. kly always contain* inerts:amts of one. oees.SuRa.nnaty 141.n, of the b•st oovela of the day. finely alestrated, with .bort earls,. poems, stets wand ;open nn tmpsrtaat ear - rest teles by !the most popular wrhera. Th. OM t*t has toner anal f, fity eltereiaed t* the past to make Harpers Weekly a safe as lift! NOS web ea.• ♦Ssitu, to rtrry but:eebold VOW aot Ire related is etc future. HARPERS PERII►I)IC,IL,. ��// rte 'emir 1887 NARPRK' M KKKV t.'..... .4 or Net R!'1Ck'x NAZAR.. i (41, I)ARplars Y(K :ttz l'RV)J'LR.. r sir IIAR1'h'irsj FRANK LIN ilQ1'.4HE I INR.4 Y. One Tv.. s.'1 nvwMrrl 111n0" 114 RPRR"f I) I A'I)) NF -tents. (lost Yews /)t Neslrr.l . . .. ... rs eo Teeny, Free to alt rad; sr-nf urs .. t4. Usti- ei statutes (.'.sale. ANNOt tf.IIMAT FOX TNt AMINE 1:111 ':RIP in now an well known a• to re.tuire very little of either description o: pral.e. it u The 411e17 Cartoon Paper Is Canada. am. d isfs rnMhed at shoot OMR HALF TIM 1'1;114. of daaila, journal* I. the a'p'ed States. GRIP'S CARTOONS. in addition to twine 'tel. tiv impart at wh•a they refer to poliru+• are always on 111 self Of trinitam and moral,',, The Mgr imtrnvrnt•nts are nniver+nliv s1 mined. Toe neental ,• emerged to 14 pars, and I. :s Delisted upon haat• toned sal well- catendered paper. 1105 les both the ew- anv,nrn seal the letter areas a !beautiful epp.'•ran. r. And, aatwirh,tas 5 .Ig title en Iarrtement and improvement. the price of UIIIP is Only M • year ; Wye. Caplet. Irwin, ftbe prier ,t commanded when but a !nor pats sheet GRIP'S PLATFORM : l/wwnr*est .'nut Vulgarity. Patriotism •rati- eef Partizanship Tart *pit land Tlr.aper The Virtual,' of the Weenier lee ,u with tie. feet Number for January of ....oh year When ten time iaeaeutionert. It win he nndersseed ;bat the soh.. liber wishes to commence watts the Number •orreot al the time of the receipt of Marr, Mand Volnim, of /IAnrtre. we. Duty. for three yearn hs. I !n new cloth tending, oda r ..ant by nisi . rostrum pod. (sr by ,epees, are► 1 ,xpwnne .p r.,. idcd the frearht dew net ea,.•.d nee d.d:ar per vole.,,f, tort/ N /•r volume. ('loth Cases for ea n rolnrne, saital rs Ifer e(wdi.R. will be sen' by mail, poetpaW *m re.-r;pt of 11 Nese!.. i enitttenrss do,11 b, mad, by IieLaes Money trier ss teaft, to ayst4 cbawee et Iola, Neie•s,p,ro,►pereore wet to ropeIRR• afwtrltse- wcwl willed the err- . ss ser. r of llama t . tivermew,t Address HARP= ! BROTH LRS New !ink FOR SALE. to her own example. She keeps eta- - 41)• ne net he without this Davin -Its resod Inn ('•noon Pater. Its price ptare. it tamer e 1. rem h of a:•. Adders. •t Prep Modes seat re se C.. as a.4 1't Fr riot Per..,' West. Tann ravel re Temperance," "Hints and Helps," "How all shown by the debt of the herein, I reiuibsi Mr. aa0. lar 1>!a - to Wein" -ie charming book for girl.; . harm, winch was reflected in the home SPECIAL PREMIUM IWWEL eschew in leer life she wrote "Rise.. stead porch he lay upon. l All n wlsltten MOP, new or ache we T. Beaelifnl e s," which is hires r•peb- "Did he -- betray -- tae rited iwtl t. • copy et t metra adman HAW lit Hie Leaden. Booth, pointing to atm of asps, the ea - Lt 1.411 he bar.! le Aisles is .iii as wins bei hr. fibs him be Ye hem. played from ..yen t•, ten w,eretaries; s nn the same ...1e, and here it comes a enntributnr to many of the popular thr rsgh journals of the day. and ha• found time in rsgy�ing torments he discerned he to bring oat several boobs, "Woman os furs hint two men in Confederate dress, r., to. New .etrrrlhasender .111 r hf ri1ter. irlanrn elf I a to x 4. 'Oow.nwverten tea us.1M the saw Liesetatehertly so w teyalcxma. • .as a far paw Lot No. 668, on Victoria-st. in the Town of C oderich. •N cup eel by TlIt111A!s M Rilif)K. TAN b t ,a situatedn • rend pen fel f t 'fawn. It has erected there.. • It *see Dewy, with attnhea attaeh,d, whlet W lash ptwted Ineiy. sad is e • reed state ei /rs• "IiIkesu. tep (h/ rA LR :- Rae rash. and tui& DWI elearaae N e ics era ,er farther partiellialle sett, to the oe:et- (IIARR(lW 1 PROVDwrxyT. ' .n0.e+,got. ellh MIL 41101:4(tU.uri r