HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-2-25, Page 2,, 8 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, FEB. 18, 1887. THE RESULT. The Probest Watts Favor Pal Victory. MANUFACTURERS. MATH OF ROBT. ..... cestNbesb k !Fames awaJ a tIg s a Lite- Flocking to the Bide of Hon. wb*k a' Ras w•••a' a 'see'''r atm' Zdward Blake. ems. Wilvert Walker, one of the inert se• A / k tat - 4! •b a • • mewel'Lv ttatararurre, eat. Tae., .f twed w eed tae litodor:ch,dirdsuddre.lyus ew vamp • ' r+ arm a e s NaJ.rtty Is •h. flee., to Yew rimes' Meraei•bbe. tseweervre. ■asshole war. daterday attetou..t. wbileattrudiiq le Ain eta sad Mbar Pees... dutita as librarian of lbs Mecbauies ie. i ...al It 1• tarty. atrtute. J. H. Co*buree, shortly alter All ever the oouut the inauutae- I four o'clock, entering the room, glassed .111 ova: the ,onetry 'elves- have' sT. toward the place when Mr Walker gem - born proper• d ' cm the elections.Of1 turves are expressing confidence in the *wady sat, and as • strange paleness c mese Our estimates vary with the potion policy of the eloquent Libeled loader. Mrhis ixl tooter t at tdrawees ln. 1 branausnear was a~ Ituocman Bros, inns founders and j p- ial proJiloatiuttr of the makers. \ll the manufacturers°, eugineeand mill furnish- hir«C. lbururtl• ..A t. and ca• ale heavily. eevbut Tories, however, silent a great sedate• tion to the uiajorutp, ruunn.e in their geese" frow thirty to eieiiterii. The Liberal slates rue frueu twenty to ferry of.a majority in fav .r of Blear, anti as some of the slates have tree trade by reit, manufacturers °f leather, aro also in careiui calculators, iv 4) tce wimp,es. favor .•f the Blake orality. Guderieh will Le true to Mr policy. and M. C. The first predict:on we •u.4e is that of Cameron. chi our second page sill be iugs, ..f l:uderich, have publicly express- ed theuts.lves in favor of Mr Blake and hie policy. Mr Morton, carriage maker, of G..derich. has .:s° spoken in favor °f Mr Blake. Smith Una., (:oder the Ottawa f Per Pita.. the paper owned found the names of prominent erianu- by C. W. Mitchell, in ndher of the editor factures of !l•ovkville, Brantford, of the Uoderich Slur : Mitchell and Sarnia, and below we add ltsbgwa-Free rrr«.' the names ut leading Hamilton Msr.u- lecturers.. Ontario is going to the aide "The ('.ti.,e. says that leer Per,.. pre of Brake with a rush. diction' !n election matters do net plaintTON llA t YtrTt stets. ` .L amount t/, lrucb. It all depruds I.,w I- To the Ho uorable Edasrd Blake :-- toe prediot..ur are vtuweid, •,lir,-We take •d.antage of dm; hpre•eut The Frac Powforut..:d Liberal vic- jeppurtumty to express our emir" con- his trate, after •huh lar wrist into terries in New tarsoBri.da ick, Mora Scotia, fideuce in you as • tour sod a statesmen silt making. He was a Liberal in peii- Qut-'ee and t►martit the general pw- I,trenuow eructs are being read« .. ti. +, cur. as wt 11 ieforaned ••n the lead- •tu.ael °lawt:ous ' TLe predtettws use. ' °loud all other strait issues of the pr.*. is 1a lees of the div. Hr .w at ala Without &tail. !Medical assistance see sant for, but Mr Walker guiltily passed.. away without r.Ouvereig onaciuw r•ea, The decwsed was 72 years .•f age. He was born in Triton, parish of Duud•.nald, Ayrshire, and fe out the business of ,car - pester and joiner. lir calor to Cataria in the year 1842, and lauded at Bats des C'sleura, where he ft'lluwed kis trade at Port Daniel for •.everal years. He then removed to 'Nutters-. Cauads, and spina a year or two in the county of Latubtwn, went to Montreal for a winter, and then remri removed to Godecb, where since 11363 rte has resided. Hes brother John se e .mpaui.'d him, u d the broths," have arum lived close twat... 4 tie &dither. rue several years Mr Walker worked at ro true. eat ca the t'r:e /,,,,. campaign by ae•ecttav your volts that the are antaguutstu to inanuiactdnug in maturity of Mr \oequay ►n .lauitotat tereata, and that the tariff is ire danger. would be'snarly utiaccd, but tt 611,1t t we derrexiate arty such stteript lit predict thu'nertbr•,w tate overthrow of diteat criticism of the (iorer,.went'a his government ! The prediction tame 1 record "tune but at the "ne time w• wok true. The b."' I'rr® t ttwl Liberal vi° toassure you that in C.mnion with other inteutauturers throughout the country gents' 1n CbamWy tied Ha dinraud ' The I. ee roved your declared views °n tare r:edlctem came tour. I taritl question as those which are best The Fro /', • .t tar 1h tell that alis . calculated to develops and secure the i.ikerrals would carry lhockviRe Schein Petruancy .' ourtime In fh industries. while + us nes, _ . Stormont. Ili°d:i , }'nae,tt tugm rornunerative epluymeut to eel, (ttawa, North Lsnark, South Ren- the lair •s dlass ist classes With you we M trew and 1,r:1. Ro,ft.w ; and the pre- : lore that in the present condition of diction" c:i:nc true us every ease,11\611! public matters the tar.t1 is not t goes mf these cases the ('iti.eo predictedTy nod ;Tactical politics, and w feel victories, aril sit predlet,ou tad not come assured that under you as head n1 the true. +Government, ealstin_r interests will or TheF,•• 1r how predicts that the 'oarefulfyguarded. :Signed] Liberals a:ll carry ten ur eleven uut u: i Laid sw Mlou:acturiug Company, iron •eventeee •.,,u here in Euless) On- ',builders_ tart, '.t %l ot•!i today they tit huW ut e i J M %Vii:i:uns .t, Co., iron founder. suet : - 1) Medea ii. Co., iron founders. Ti at thu Liin•ra. Is o' fain a good (',pp tiros., iron founders. uu majority in the province of Out' ; F' (i iluckett Engine Company. That the Linerals will obtain a gvud it Campbell, Hamilton R.ttery. ', ,aunty to the protince ofI ' sec : Hurd S Roberts, marble and marisl- nat the Liberal. will certainly carry isrd slate. four nut of tee tire eider provinces, and (.e.. (' Murrisoo, Engioe Werke.possibly obtain a bare I:o.j•.tsty in 11 e J J Lille. cigar manufacturer. fifth ; NJ Massie, boat builder That the Lil,erala will carry the Do- Robert Cruickshank, Alanine -milia. Nes- garb>s@t r 1 minion by a deviate° majority, mod M Wilson .t Co., agricultural imple Menta. Focally, that the Liberals will carry both seats in the city of Ottawa by de• J I) Milos fi Co., paper boxes. ...site majorities. 1 Johu Bennie cocoa, manufacturer Now, stick a pn through that for fu fluweli Lithugrtsphic Company- Hamilton Brush Company. Lure reference. Nustreal '•Rerald." l: greening t Co., wire moil.. • z 4 Ten I1- t., •t has been n, ;Ling a fury- , Walter Woods & Cu., i'reures, bruibes vat of the result. of the peu,teug general l and weedenware. &action, welcomes :., the tit.:..wing con- : Hytop, Curnrll .f: Cc.. '• "tri: a and e:'uaion : 'shirts. Opp,si• Govern- Ther Sturdy, tinworks. non. talent. , B Cauley, cigars. _ya Scot... 14 And'w Leitch. elevators. Now Brunswick:. ti t3 H G Cuueer & Cu., carriage.. Ponca Llward IreLete . 4_ D Atchison & Co., planing u:il:s. Quebec 40 y:, Hamilton Glass Company. Ontario• la majority. Burlington Glass Company. "To tine east of Lake t uperi.or the Op- W F Me( cerin. p:eitu,n will have a wajerrty of 3U; and if !11Anitola, the Noetisaest Te:rtturiea sad Columbus were t•, g.. gou.rally fur the Government, there would reattain to the Opposition a rua)vrtty of about 25 seats. We du nos coucede to the Gov - eminent over halo Oat WWI in three (lis - tent Provinces ; anti if Mr Blake leads sashes and Wanda. ( ••o• d, -r rg its F.ni.n cud, sed • mute uty..l asap never were uutf..ree. He sea. fr. tit bis youth • member of the Presbyterian e.eurch, and his life was .rust of a man who lived out his profes- sion R. was r.-.p.:tett by all who knew hum He leaves a sen and daughter - the former .•f whom learnt the trioting business in Tee $10N*L office. OTTA ►t' A LETTER The "Home Rule' Question atoll a Live One. Wt [carts, and J.•4*. Iers'ar•br (raise die $$(Seret. Tar torr teat •e t•Mlisaiw: s.tia.IIr tasdidatn In the IRarlbt•ee Provinces. Nettie, fifes P. J.. mere. Pram elm Sault Ste. Marie Democrat. Mrs P. .1. S,nli v+n, d,.td oo Friday wishing Fib. 4th, last of Inuit trouble. Mrs Sullivan had been 1II for quite a length of time, but ute t•' 'be very last her friends e'iret.auee.l hopes of bee recovery. A laces circle of tti.utis swml ttl:'a« with tee s.•rruw tap t:usbaad and child:cu. The funeral, which was lsrgety attended. took place on Sarday- moret'tg, at 8 '.'clock, fru,° St Mary's R. C. Church Itv_i°Lt 710 . OF CONDOLENCE SACL7 ATE MA11e, M1(•tt , Feerrury 5th, 1837. Whereas, death Ilse removed from our (midst the wife of brother I'. J. Satliran, e herefore Resolved. That the memhers .'f Branch 32 C. M B. A Extend to him their sincere 'yippee.). in his great Ines R,-so'ved, That the iltai.ch attend the funeral in a body as a mark of respect to our bereaved brother. Resolved, That the resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the lit -inch .and inserted u► the local papers. J.tiiwt ta'RaIR, Janet, R. C,mt.. C.,wuni• tie. Mrs Sellit an was f,,r matey years a resident of Ashfield and G„derich, and her !tailwind acid little children will have much sympathy from Huron in the great LAM they nave sustained iu her death. Zsiit Wava:ooea. East Wawanosh Gering show e. Hamilton industrial Worla. A T Weed, director Hamilton Bridges and Tool Company anti Ontario Cuttoe Company. • Thor McCallum, of McCallum & Hail, furniture. M l:renen ,l on., i laining mills, up Lake Str,eri.,r, the representatives M I:semen. lumber manufacturer, r.uTiosca and lluaknlw ng sun h tateu to wnrshep the rising hire. i f if -vin C •. neer. and machinists. Quebec A despatch from Quebec says. Alf J Cox, cork work". 'Hon. Mr Blake has written to a pohti- John McArther, ilamiP•on. straw cel friend is this city stating that if his work. eioebec supporters can evenly divide the Aftx Main & Sun, rcpe rr.an.ufactu- Pr,vincs ie tine Federal elections tbey ret,. un count uln,u a majority for their party H (3 Wright, ••f 4. N Wright .t Co , in the Howe of I,n.niuuia of .1. votes. bird cages and japanned ware Liberals here dams that the Province Isaiah Boer, brick manufacturer. will give Mr Blake a majority et at Geo Kid, bri-.k manufactures. Iseult 10;" .1 C Chilman & Co.. confectionery The if.ril asys : - •'.\ll the 3ianitube Furies' A Sons, marble and stone members will go to Ottawa ready, if works. 1 ureas qt Mt. as luyy*llyy as Sir John druggists auodriee. Victor Engine 'Works Co. Addison & Sona, platens and sash .villa . f - ISt Works on ui tow ,rt Mr Bhl-e G C Rrig.s Z S'•ns. manufact Atb7ira. Professor Clarke's Cuu;ert Company wall give an entertainment in the tem- perance hall, Manchester, no Tuesday next. Dunt fail to heat :Lem, negro slaloms, eta, a treat never retell be =latah. The Liberal meeting here en Wednes- day night was a Tory rout. 'rhe ecb..ol- muter was badly flattened out. Mr Blake has been a total abstainer for y. emir opposed to the mutilation of the melt Act, believes it should be rigidly «,,_reed by the Executive wherever it is adopted, and favors prohibition just as goon as tips people ars ready le ace it carried oat. the the other hand she =t Government ars opposed t° the Act, sed have -done their utmost to prevent it bring properly enforced. Ta 0 not easy to see v Itch of the t wt. parties ars entitled to the support of the temperance a.waunity. A splendid meeting in the interest (1 Mr Wsldie, Liberal candidate fax Mat- teson. held at °sometowe nn Tuesday night, end was addressed by the candi- Mr Jno. R Barber, paper mann- rer, and Mr Joseph Tait, of Torun• s., 1.. the Liberal intertest, anti by Mr til Toronto, in If of Mr Matifflibm Mr Berber aplained hie fq supportas Mr Waidie, and j4ej the stadigeee that he bed been Old et the lawefadarelS who reset some UMW yams gen std adapted reeole►ioas hhy .&..h -"ultimately hi theadepti.s $Missal Pehey.!Thum we ,R•r. athan Sad im !' the* wore Reform himlay thee thews Mr IID OMB- Tv.4444. mp enT s! raw or • N McKsowu, saddlery and harness. (' .1 Williams, 041 refiner. Wm Osborne, (►ahorne•killey Engine Warks. L I) Sawyer ( ('m., agricultural im- plements and engines. D Moore, President. W W Rubinson Vice -President. Barn -Robinson Manu- facturing Co , stamping works. H Martin A Co., brick and tile ma chinery Robert Th.omsnn, sawmills. E S Kraft, manufacturer of hardness and saddlery. and contractor. is X Warn, scale works. Wm Wooley, stave works. 11 .1 Morgan. of Morgan Item , whip.. W E Duncan, Haini't..n ('ogee sod Spica Mille. Archdale, %A levet d- Co, druggists' supplies A M Robertson. ahipbui'dtr. a Oban r.,Vesi ea. We received 11:e following despatch yesterday - Avs, Ont., Feb. 11. See paragraph in K.edn.edsy a Sfee,uMr,I which sty. that I was cheirwsan at White's tweeting an Milton. nit is of d,librrntr fnlacAond Mem deny it forcibly. i always voted Reform, and hope to get in Auer rats for H1,Lr and honest govern:meet on the 22nd. i have every cncfidenee in Ilfr Blake stud his Hwy. ' Jowtt W:eo,,,, "President Watson Mfg. Co." it is not to be wondered at that Mr Walser. is inditrant at what seems to him sed to as to have been a deliberate tal"ehwod. Gleba Mast will he returned to pewee ea Vire 22nd. Mr OAMIMI)N -rill thew • >• that (lerlrriett gets jwttirm. ream the Montreal Nast. Home Itule, u it has enters,' Canadian potation, has beet full)el,ec '.,I ed u► all its bearings in thew lettere during the past year. 1t is the 'lumina 1 in which Irishmen. are u.,..1 deeply interested aa regards :hest *coon in the present political contest. 1 bold 11 se an unsesdable position that no Irish man can support a candidate u, the Tory party without Mang a trotter to the asered cause of Irish treed..m. 1 may be permitted here to quota • omit.. of retracts frees speeches .Dade by two .4 the foremost looters of the Home Rule movrmeut un theta tt.cent visit to this country. Mt 111.11ACI OA* ITT, You will uudencand that 1 stand 1. out non p,litical grounds, rseognisiu, neither parties (hear. heat), bet 1 can aware you that the r..pi. of Ireland have appreciated fully the greet serricra rerw/et'rd by the 11.',. isdemard fi2uh h• Ms rause, el 1A,..e fief,. (i remendous applause ) I hope that his peseta:al opponents will folk., hos good exau.l•le out this subject, and realize that we . my want the same just nights accorded the Irish as are greeted to the English auJ Cawdisu people. MR JUNTO: ti'caaTiIT a!•n contributed hu need of praise to Mr Blake. Speaking at rorooto on Noy, 24th tact, Mr McCarthy said :-- I thank my friend, Mr Blake. for the ,manner in which he has spoken oat for Howe Rule. and we know that the u nut the first Lase he has give, 1.0 In- fluence to champion that cause, and that at a time when it had far fewer sup- porters thou it is lucky euou,{h t, have at pru•rut. E.ery vete east for the Literal CA, di { dares in this election is as truly a ' o e fur Hoene Rule as if it were gtvrm ,n Ireland. $eery vote rest hr a Tiny caudtdate tet lust as t(uiy a vete in favor °Orange ascendancy. 714E ri:aT 41014 3Rt%PLY 0:v. The Torres here admitted that they are going W lose !.eerily in easteun ()a- larm •t►d some seats in the went, but they say they have thrown so much "power' into certain c.•nstitueucie• that that they will carry ten seats now held by- the Opposition. I am informed by one she is posted ib the Tory pian of FINE TAILORING ant -- founts' Furnishing .. I em sew ptrprkl tit siva s t..u.ptrte a.nwrtoeat • FALL GOODS OVkla'Oarless lit x11 the New Shades and t 1ylat .1. t,.dl•r .*restl' of fGeyllirb. Iota► serol &luute•h +awtugs. .%s Imams. .art of taw Riad titled. t •arudian T.. rets. CHEAP ! CHEAP ! ! CHEAP ! I I Ite:armM r. al: tonal., bought by the yard rut f . .. B. MacCormac.1 l;wI.'rick. R.•nt rah ieu 5111 _ 30 DAYS SALE A discount of Ten per cent will be allowed on all purchases over one dollar. J. G. DETLOR & Co. Gott.. r: • F',•h.ITtt.ISP". HOW TO MAKE t:CiiDTI' F-armrr* :,rad He'raemee car save :u•,•.,.. f bus leg H.urorie at WM. ACHESON'S \I A 1:,! 11T I I HARNESS DEPOT. 1 writ 1tt.e• a Hie Caah I)•rnnat fo- atm. Next ID bars. A+ 1 its bound to make room fur to Tprtng tttnck. throe 'I'-tem...•d to I xh olT fay l.anie ao.! W.'It. tseemed 7,te.tk of I _male and Ih,v r Hareem. ItoM•s !Minket* rusks. Valine IA hip.. an Great I. ariMy. will sell oe the Thole Stook al a Uig tt.'d,lr• • floe for l soh. Remember tt!r l:,rat fel hale I cash Male. tall and U••t frit•.•. be/e•r+. par - campaign that they dont °O wresting obese Rare. sere. mwsaue•w mere*,MB r rtreyoo• the fullowing seats to sake up f. -r leases s.erderka, elsewhere :Louth .rf,.Ik lint 1Et ► . 11'll C.Se s \ hosing Wee. here. Ream. pi. a '. 1 J. WILSON'S Prosc iptiou Drug Store, COURT HOUSE SQUARE. • gin, West Middlesex, Bothwell, %set Huron, South Bt•..., one of the tirrye. the two Went wort hs, \\'est Durham, Kingston and South Brant. This is a VERY 4- t-EIOC: t 1.T. It includes among these marked ohs fur slaughter by Sir John Mecdui a:d, the 'chewing leadius men of the Lthcr• ral party : - John Cearlton.M. C. (Lae eoty, David Mills, Edward Blake anal William i Patterson. 1 have no doubt in the world bat that all the o.'.ney and other indue•,-ss available, every engine from a brickbat to • tau of dynamite will be used in these coustttneecie• to. secure the defeat of the beet, ablest. most fearlees champions in the people now in public lite in Canada. 1 there- fore warn the Liberals to prepare for a Al: ou•siartd:^? hook *e'.emals to b.- go- by ***FM or not.• ws•hin the next eJ da).. (i.rtericb. Feb. 10. 1.487. Jlaid-tm Free! Imartnt SAUNDERS • 8z SON FARMEIIS20,0&y-FEET FACTSATA TAAtI. [w t• sew - -ser { •'t Picture Moulding • :or as tit t 4.' 11,-.....aape* cawed 'o Mower,. , Rina natter, IM Ica!:tell y 411.• .:int of n omit ora• t:.: hg terdl-e• e.rryonr s cum". -u l,at a tenet, ' to struggle 1n the constituencies I have t: LAND ROLLER h•.Id is Belgravia on Thu:stray. Ai•nl I ith. elteyyaraton- Commodore A. Bogie and his b:•utber, Capt. James Boogie, ere putting in excel- lent work for M. C. Cameron. They will help to redeem the lake shier, C'el'u'ri e. Oederial Trina ti;. 1)t*R1 31rlttts .:--- A meeting in con- nection with the evtaoeshuient of a creamery o n the 4th cull.. Gtderieh township. will be held in the Orange Hall, o n Tuesday. Mitch lot, at 3,.clock pin The incising will be addressed by Pr 1. Jas. N . Ite•b.rtse•n. of the Guelph Agricultural C. llrve, l/`a:ry Dept , and others. A full attendance .•f the re- sidents of ;he sectio,i is respectfu!'y re- gossted. Colbor .a. J Stevens has moved I:.t house on the Maitland. H. Habel has moved across into Uncle Sam's denten. Thomas Slattery has moved Let: the house recently vacated by Mr Habel. Stephen Butt has retchaw.I the pro- perty meetly owned by Mrs Meyer Michael Ohler received a very severe cat on the head by • sleigh tungee failing on It. Mr Embury stated at the Benmiller meeting that the resent termer, did not get more f• -r their grain was because they did no t gauge the exact amount required for home wst.asepti•.w. What they did not imago is the amo•net of money the Boodle Brigade should have spent. Cameron's !speech was • glorious one, and his remotion was an ovation. • his new *L.! .: liens Sir Eilswilde Tseig,aa I, *4 an Orangeman. • 1 have t for have ever since been I in as Orange tic true to its principle.. , in m We. -Sir --FIR John )taodnnai.l ' Mse iowaM st ('arts at Kies'''. la ifttt ion In IMt, named, the like of which has rte"er hue, i known in any previous election. Is is absolutely necessary that a vigilant bit gado shosld be forme 1. There a n.,! GO DE RICH, 1rz the f' .rats: yo, ,:Ptd. rr,' .r ., •f trick, no rascality. nu infamy caneci.a i lee Shinn. rel In. 1.!e or within huur-n compass that viol! Pictures Framed for l t 1IL. D. K. STRACHAN, For two ,.,•,nrh.tt,elwill awake nn (*anise ! not be resorted t.• for the defeat of the 'Liberal leaders. They must conser,ueI:- ;ly-wade up tette mthds fora baht a es Det• ren•. The Toreetr Moll, which has recent - taken the shilling and juiced the tag mg and bobtail of the Boodle Brigade, ries to remark with So•,tch sententieue- 1 nese. '•In the Maritime (rosInce. the ' Reformers ltsse r:orninated two Catholics and the Co,.aervatites six." This is what • reverend geselen,an w your city would call a black lie. The fact M the Liberals have '.molested tea Catholics in the Maritime Provit.eee, every one of whom tLe Tories are doing their level best de defeat. They are Messrs. Ful- ler,in Halifax ; McGillivray, in Antigen- ish ; Flynn, in Richmond ; Slattery, in Cope Breton ; Perry, in Prince, P..1.: McIntyre, in king's, P. 1.; Meiners'''. in Kent, N. B.: 'Fheeiaaft, in 1 ieterea, and McManus. in O'ouoeNor. And the Liberals will elect their Catholic tsodt- dates too. At the last election for the Ostare.legislature the Liberals elected nine esthetic members and the Tories ouiy one -aid that one by twelve me- jonty There is no bigotry in the Re- form peaty. Amusements. !'t ODERiOIi MICHA NICK INBTI- IYTt'TR i.TRRARY ANn it KA Di XO ROOM, cur. of Meet street and Square tap wain. Open row 1 to s p.m., and from ; Ion p.m. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S iN LIBRARY L,adine buil,,, Weekly aid JUwdreled Papers, Marazie.., e[e., on Pee MEMBKitllHiP TICKET. ONLY N.M. greeting free use of Library sod Reading Room. Apelleatton for membership received by Llbeanao. ,n room.. J. H. COLKORNK, AI.KX. MORTO'IC. P ideate n.errt Mr Daniel Cook McLeod & C.,ok, °n' saw millers. se Teamster, was crushed Oederlct. Marc' I7th. tsig3. to death Saturday afternoon. wettest*. la Oed.rkh township on the I VA Mat.. by the Ret. lir. 1're. Joha t IIsow. •troad son of Mr hose Aotkeid, w Agnes Helen. eldest Msahtrr of the lige Mr George O. Mel. of I ittaburgh. Frontewar 1.0. Oftllm. i■ Oederiele en A•t.r.4.y. reerwery tat. tart. Retest Walker. e.eass et year. In Detroit. J• 15, .t ser careen'reef/weer b IM Tbtrd at Limey nst.rty, Oodara. lard If roamt n•.atho t to OetlerteLt«tea deer« tees, ehdl. seas ti yearsneepty usg even Tar funeral will Pak• parr crew bar Allis% teetdome, gaar.L, ea Sat meter shereeea. •t 2 oeaetiMesas sad ae'eealat•moes se■ piano .peep* this Isdtw sass. wry To the Citizens of Dederieh AND SURROUNDING Col NMI.. semHa.Wr pore twwr000dd se will and lwM- wwe anew w w ed to cls all kinds Elutes. we Ic DECORATING la ear lite. "014 111:41441 to inform tate seedpreplr .f tri• eemnwat wmtty Ural we e Lowe (e itay. .saw• meetly Ire 4). are orever.d to fere* e %mem swims s•Ikisloe a fel, .tar. of your patreaser. ser are yews to eeutamM. ELLIOTT & PRETTY. X. R. -We make • eti•rialty •f Paperlle.g (•g eat Kalea mtmwr. cease A. Fes. W. bar Int Sees ANCHOR LINE U. I SIL STEAMERS TAIL LTga etl1R0At item Nin GLASGOW ANO LONDONDERRY. ILtte* of to or fruw de. Yeti., Crime., lives . ls-Medeny or Beset. CABINS. tpasaad OMs. Ascom ('Lan*, entre Steerage outward or preasid, $Ss. An bot orae Drafts. WPM at Lowest Rales are paid fm of charge la England. Secelas l sod Ireland. For Bonk' of Tore Tickets or .,Iter inf•r- autton. imply to H[NDLetioe BROTHER-'+ New Yerk. or A. DICKSON. fest CISce, Uoderleb. O.derich Nor. IT. i OL 1111114rts O RATEITU L -COM FORTiNO JiFIIs,s c•cli& • BREA[TA!1T. "Dy a *bonnie knowledge of the nature: laws which genera the operat4... of dtgeslsot. ..net t►tefr'lliee, a nfspptkatloa er "dale Le of weesll-s.•lowl ..ted t scan, IMP. `- kw our breakfast tables wltk a flavored beverage which may este r try deems' kills 1t is M the J use d sec% articles of dh •b1 •• iM _ be Ersdeany ►nm ,.p w ill Nang tm*H a restat eyery temlencr ro fro; Maw Time Takeo, Pares, Tickets, d' • 4la"aul•. t ►eda of autos .. ias _ ar not atweoi r reRie to attack wherever ahtulll taftIewM adatipr f= R. RADCLIFFE, ,,same' ~CYecl11•rsirs llosrkt.'a .mt UoadOMo : Wyeae Street,a/It Mage Nwply with h.tili water er milk. Oma : DesnY reet tke Add Daly In Ms ksL H Or000ev tslral..d (ya k Ju. I live 1 . tat. JilrE f i CO . Homsop.iktu Chemists. _ __ _ _ __ ` for snaking up ram.* to those who purrbase Mete me.Wteg from Item.. Tse prieee ad etushifs(le here bees per s www, r DQ'aP T ligii ralit,surPietism_ A Large Steck of needy Ytb P7emas st The Cheapest House UNDER THE SUN. West -at., neat d'a,r to the Post Office Ood.'n'-h. Jan. 70th. Isar. The Canadian Pacific kiln! The People'. Favorite Route between MONTREAL, - TORONTO, OTTAWA, QUEBEC_- iNGSTON, DETROIT, BOSTON ST. LOWS_ KANSAS oth AND ALL POINT [AST AND W l:AT. lies r to ow: a west at 'r • 1 ►.•edea Eagiead. THE WANZER LA 80 Candle Power. NG Globe. Yr thievery' Me Awake N• Oder, Meat around them' welt . PasitirnIy Neallzp;aa,ve. 1 Every I aiip °,twee tee. Made to •11 M ff Ira Table. Lh.eket, to attack le ('heedidiers. Library, ere.. eco PRICE - 4116-00 lad upwards. Tenser C a White Yachilee Pians aid all f: ore the roost oelebated mater. cheap for flesh GEO. W. TBOMSON. 1'1MYte 1MIIL firs Hew ikeet of Mtrsta's Auctioneel'h19. JOHN KNOX GEIZ HL AUO- •-, IOONCIR sed Last v ekltettw FSI Ntmler, Mechem*wte•a•Maatb a g eyeistr• mteahas ,arrested to him.mow l•Rr ea, Minh'• Hetet, er mat by M allOrde y s MIP. O., seretaly us•OSM te.W HN I (Meaty Aaettseesr. 11111-tr A NCHINT O OW US WOR[IMIOf. MAPLi< LSAT LODGE, No. 27, 4. 0. 1:. W„ Moate lata i , Ue ever . ossa a L ()Mie, (7Nwiet eg •io *MOtn An 'OpIJ I(DAV$ 0► VHITT; NO RRETHIIDI RE ALWAYS! W. JOHNSON REE$ MICR, M. a. G. K. THOM°t't tete-ly wsawedre. Y .4 e M