HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-2-18, Page 7re Saw et Ms unroll Illesete. f Tow 4fnt of &Imre are very partieu 1 lar a. to the weer uJ the.t ho,..s Winter N the solar for pewee., hal it a• u..t aimed h. a1 '1'b., roach brans :o..4 for tube, LUt hate t .,k) gtou•. 4. 1'1.. chestnut 1. the byo,t acute, It • re te114 you that I. 1•.s sere a how H:' air, mak id Mh.1 rot. r. u ea. ; if he plNa "ehesinut," believe hi.ri. 1.. combat •gnnuat a chestnut you wait h.te a chestnut. The bay is the hardiest and whoa «.torr It 1•111' lw,ls y.•U 449(9 h.•i.0 ha. waited to the bottom .,t a pntcy,l.e without hurting hnuaelf. .4. of wh. t co . .,e w.., .i. 1 if hw rep lie believe ban. Ban I)yab, a ret 0-10. d civet • , If.. ,i. ,. I t , two ti,., to be puss,, d by Smad el "%wull)','turu wi to hi. Kra, ....1 a.i.ed "Wild( Litt •e• ate a, Ilia• fr.'ta of Ihn euaury I' / '•N hue h n.es,' rep!,,- : "lt ,. well , !et uA make f..r the abeny ids and they Mill welt &stay hay but- ter." ut- ter." Some Owe afterward Oen Dyah again turned turned to hi. e.,i, and ovi.1 "What burses are lit tl.,, (runt of the enemy T ' "Black horses," et ied his sun. "It a well ; let us wake for stony ground and v e •hill Inane n.uthina to fear ; they are 11t.. Leero a of the Sou ChM, who caun..t work wrh Late !ret 1 Upton the He changed his c otrit, and the black hone.. dt: were speey dt.tanced. AOmithi rn time Bess Dyah asked : "And now what horses are in front of din enemy ! ' "Durk ch. -mutes and dark bsri" EXECITED WITH "Ia that cane,' said Deo Dyab,"strike out, ray children. strike but, and etre your horses the heel, fit these might perchance overtake u. hail we not giver. barley t'. titan all the •onlaarr thr.o,th." NEATNESS *sirs MAWS. JOB PRINIING VRY DESCIILPTION roe 1..41'e • t HAitynrd'a Pectoral Bal- sam cy,red me of a rare threat mad iris lit Tome. t )ne trial relieved we when ail other medicine faded." lays MIS J. McLeod, Belfouutaru, Ont A . Neuer t4 %Mier. A weii known revenue went, late of Macao.. *here mullions • 1 cigarettes are wlanufacrurrd, was et.•.keu w un the subject of en:arettas. ' •1 used to he a confirmed cigarette ennoket, but new"yee could cot induce me to touch on. 14 them," he said. "Why, hoe's that f" "Well. It's beesure I went irrtu a large marwfa••turic,t ninon In Chicano, and what 1 saw there sickened mw of the ilei• tatter, smokers. flow are they made. and of what 1 Of all that is tile. and in• lurinuw, and mean Cigar butt,, picked up from the streets, harks of certain kinds. tonic^o at -ms and refu.e, are heaped together n1 one filthy pile, and then astsr.ted with opinnt, which wires . the cigarette that soetbing effort chair able to all smoker.. 1 tell you. sir. if all cigarette smokers could sots as I bare seen, bow one of tl;e greatest firms in Chicago ow would a citfa ll ofa,t trade entirely. ' in the serve would anon fail off or cease ENVELOFE$ SI t,1, DISPATCH tT THE 1 NIL WS 'h!.1, .,Must It. "It `as subject to a,(Ite pains for tw., or three eeesees. which roiling noted eradicate until i tried Burdock Blood Bitten, sines which time, four Tears, 1 bate no rooms of the disease," W J Jordan, Strau;fel, (Into •i A fate Iteeelllery. W hiss -ie and Ita1Ru. --WT3I'ZlE There ie a distil/re in Metteac!: nets. BU$lne$s Envelopes which rs its larg..et rum distillery in ti.e world. Thu amount utdolrfact urea aver ages ninety. barrels a day; wn.e for house u•naac.ption, but the greeter part We a:: prepared to supply Ente;nia for *sport to the coast of Africa. EA" euaaltty, al the lull•o.uit barrel contains flirty. three rt*Il•.na This is a tut.. inc',.npan)ly novae than that in elates, and vet, w,kTy because it pays alike the rresiufecturera, traders, and covernmeet, it is openly tolerated' A Good Not $ WLs. Novelette ar and encouraged. There to a day of reckoning aiming which the parties coo-./� earned liths think of. Miami. nn torr 80c. per M, or 2c. it p'k ge , • LOW PRICES : Christiang. n ,rernstswt that winks at such •.11alw>r!-- 79c Reformer. &Sete van'. 1.1114 • PMet. 1Ssh,net in, Nor. ---The stinted report of the ..lite/ of the bureau of cob' ...ruction and repairs has liven laid he 'ore the secretary, of the navy. Prnm he rnp. rt :t appears ,h tt the number of tiers-icenbis Teasels in the nary hal been ir.toeed t., owe int rte. ten Penne rate, snowy third rate and nevem L.uNh ,ate reseele, the latter elle, including two torpedo nape T ittnn to v,,,sele the nava at a ewpriewt !$ ' and twelve wooden mediae vessels Dead fur r*csiviw>•'*j, training' ship.. Pians and specifications lla.e been completed for two compnaite built fine muddled vessels to be listed as ruining slips. A flood Na i White Fnrelupe at S1 .10 per M, or 3c. a pk. A Mood \p. : White Envelope at 31.25 per M, or 4c. a pk. A Coed Noe 7 White Euve:opc at Mward Welke. Montreal tF0we*A: Mr Blake speaks to the people u if they acre resonant human beings. as if they were British and lowed fair play, as if they were Christians and demanded ai..nl eleva- tion in their polo:ca. Thera were nn immoderate appeals to the passions and prejudices of his audience; there was an *mniote absence of epithet, whether *bootee or uthere n., Feels were laid before the audience in An intere.tinti way and in a striking Dight, but newer :n a false Htht; the arr.ment was newer • pecinus or tricky, het in -lid and straight- forward. We have acrd so meets of Mr (hake's style and man^er, for it is the essence .1 the man, nd the people o1 Canada should rasp.., and honor and learn to reverse. arni sepp,rt ay well, atat•y sen why, aro as nohle as Mr Blake They are the salt that taros. 111. Hese neem& ' 1 hast dyspepsia for a loots time. Was entirety cured by two bottles iter dock Mond Bitters. 'rhe hest medicine I r rwlulatine end invienntair the w estern I had pier taken.' F 1'. Tanner, Meshing P. 0., Ont. 2 15 FOlh DYSPEPSIA and Lever ('omplaint, yoel have a rnnted **area - tee en ever hnttle .4 thikrtt's Vitstiser. it newer fads to cora for wale by J. %Vitoria. druggist. *daps Ne Apree•ieall1 *witted to Oohs. !I s br hoe r .411I 11, at A (ie;d 14o 7 White Keystone se $1.75 per M, or 5c. a pk. Hal! or Quanta Thoeasnda at same rote as for Thousand loots. Ladies' Envelopes, the r• -y brat quality In the market for the money. Good tpiel:ty ladies* square eievelwlx, 5 Cents a P'k'ge, 25 in.Pk. rine Qaal!ty Trdlof /boutre /envelope 7c. o bk. or 4 bks fir 25c. Call and See Thom "THE SIGNAL" CIHIE AP PRINTING OFFICE. riih HURON SIGNAl/, FRIDAY, FEB. tee ti87. 7 CAMPBELL T0NIC ELIXIR T4s n?n•...1,1e yet potent prsp▪ mia- t ,t i» r !..•,,,i!y adapted! for Il *.diet! :sed cw.' ..f Piet. c(aae of di/looters .t lru.laut upon a low or scene* slate ..l lilt At AWN! %LAI 11»ua11V a.•a•,Nlllrw*Ied Lr I'r.lor, Wrakees tu,4 1'a:pitation' ••I the Heart. Prompt v. -milts will I.dlow iia user III c;t.ts of 4uddra Y.a L ilo„n••Il ari..iug from et Mood, ,' elite or ('lirvain itawaeea, and III the . t1t :knots that invariably aca.wlenite tie! recovery from *riling }'cit-r•a• No r, ria dy trill give runt, speedy relief Ili 1rat"I tor Indi eatic:1,iiaaction on t S.• st..maeh being that of a gentle and 1..nhl.•.a nude, exciting the weans of 4i,1O:u.ou to action, slid thee affording uouo+tiara 1(1e1 permapent relief 'Phe tart.00:dim i,roperticb of the different 4.4-- w, t.ie s the Elixir coutaina tiu.ir. it tow fat In }'laiteem Dyspepsia. ft 1» a v:de.lbto remedy fur Atonic ly-,peynin, which i+ apt to occur in Lien:tram til a goofy character. For lmpoverijht4 Itto,Mt. Loos of Appetite, Iies1...udt 4.47, mad in all rant% where all effevtive au.l certain stanin-,.. lath is required, talc 1:!iiir n'itl be found Invaluable. in revere of a Nf:.tarial Type, and the various roil rtaulte tollowiug expo- sure to the cold or ort weather, it will prove a valuable restorative, res the eunibitiatent (.1(•ion lions (:dlMat a and `erpeutana are unit'rnutlly n•.,.gnired Nnpecities for the abut•. uawad Jetor• dere. field 6q 'at bakes /et Parody. ..Valiciace. llriee. 1!1 per Bettie, o, .Cit ,:..t:cs;ur 64*. Donis & Lawrence Co. (Limitoc) BULL' A .E\TS, Mo*rneAIti P.tt. r 1t44" PERRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER 1S ItEcoq,IEND9D ET Meer -inn*, J1.*wee*, Miaaiolvtrits, .Voenostra of ,u't..nta. H•..r/ a,vipA I'ifiwTtri...a. Nurses its -,w ah.,rt, erery+rally a ery...kers .situ Pita *ser game it u tri.a/. (LI.T III;E. wITn A MINE ti LANA •,1" NUT M11.K AND 1114:411, IT w1Lt. it /AWNS A abeam rale*4* et'te to* 8L'1)1)EN COLDS, C HILT c, C0;;.• ,GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF CIIICL'LAT('IY CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE SToM.1rl1, SUM- MER AND BOWEL CI►MPL.tINTI(, SORE THROAT APPLIED LITtt44ALL), tlrtetsfctt PROVEN ti THE Neff r-rrteriva AID REST LINIMENT tis I Aurin ter *[114)1114* THU Pala larstlo TICS S!'11.t1N.;:, BRUISES, RIIE MA- TISM NEURAI/UA, auEt-LEl) F.kCI:, TOOTHACHE. !WRNS, F3:()*T 15!TES, d. -, t.-, pe- 1. "'r. 11e8' ITewar3 of Irnttation.:. "Alt3 PRImminiiirMigrzarg CAMPBELL'S CATHARTIC COMPOUN i» .4 etre in small flows. ate without er:I.ine, .4.,e' not cu: feset.,n 1l'*4't'tr ar-d will not cr-ate :r-:- tatfnnaa,lr .-ez••s,;,.n as do 11,11,v -of' t!:n meal eK*'1 es .4. nlirtii.trr, t1 jn the form of Tilts. Ate. Ladies •vel Chil- dren haring the sleet potent' a - tttaehtr take thi+ulesticute without tr Lie cr a•mpiallt Ctrrn,1.L'a (*sensate C.-•a...wet. im c''t..cialiy adapted for tier cure ..! LITE* Cn*PLAt4Tm AID 1t4L1o1'a DIM,. AS. ria. For .tr7Dhrow ten Asn T..xe• Or TETtit. Tot SICK IfT:an4CTrr4'-4 ND T,T•r•'reT a.. Fog (,oN!TI,•At1.,s UR t iretler:Yr•.., Fon ALL COSISlA baht Aist.tsr: ra•.0 A, D1a0RDsm►1, STAT,: .r: 711E aro. mare. Ttua medicine being in 1;laid fern, the dow• can be main, • }i• . ed s. meet the r v r to 4) di. are t, 1,42---- rialMag---TL:-;41.t,i.y w adapted to the Izse ef the Ltue amides to the Adele ('tit op in three mince lnttlrs, ;Ind a,id by a:l dealers US fancily medicine,. Price' l.'eni/, 2' ren/s. CAMPPEI IJs 444 )•r yet peel, p ua aeapted far this e irf and f / cues e( ,het cls_ ofd.awd.r, aalesio - epee aloe er redeerel twee( tAS.yatom, rid .MOAN, ar- hy Pallor. W esknoa. and Pal- a the Hart. Prompt meek. ail its ire in testa( Sadden E sltneaisw Mbit flew I.... of Mood. Acme or Uralic dianeal and in the teeelinme that invariably Iharv.o•trp from waging Fevre twWy wie omit were Teel relief in et lAclartatlee. to. 1 Mood, Loose( Arrelite ea. lib )t teesety. ad ie all care. where''ff '. an asrerTITI end , ra+A.. a4411111'1 AMT 9. repotted. d4 1%. tl.1X1R watt. le f.wal ewe Ata - Se Ar.r fik 4 et .Bald 17 a// P. -.hr, ire .41,1,. ism. DAVIS & 1ARREN0E 00.11 I1dIedl Snts Attest.., s MOHTRRAL, P. Q. I MRS. C. H. GIRVIN OFFERS F(IR SALE 1iE1: C. 'L. XcI�N'TOS�S, Kut eaves to 'threes' !trap ,lure, keep e„u)tautly adeu.,[e to hes aell- aeleetevi Fresh Groc ries, M11111111! •TEAnSotherAaN-wkDxu IhStlxvUwG"lAiRShss.l rKw(r4qaIln,ry.a.tM�t•cww A 1PE I�LrI. ty, t AT A ARG -AZA, At she is desirous of ret.it'ing from LU*•;nt'S$. 1n n"tarning thank. to sty ('*steal,.,. for their t,rrtruuyte, 1 wou:d abu iasIle any eth- er. wLu *ill, to .-al. nil u.•I,ect 11,y mock. C. L. McINTQBa. .'.' ou,h u. r sale of tug!, bare; Oodurich, t'eb, et t. 1 •;G. CFODZ RTOii PLA.YING A111_ f ICS7A1t1.1ol)}:I► IES" IT I3 THB OLD18T MILLINERY BUSINESS IN TUB TOS BaChaIaIl'IAawgun4RobinsoIl Addre,,e by letter or in person, MRS. C. H. GIRVIN, Goderich, Ont. New DRESS GOODS OPENED TO -DAY J.C.DETTIbR&Co's Oellericb, Awt. Fenn lilt llattcracrt:sttta ar Sash, Doors &• DeaLEY. t71 ALL R11rN D1 Lum her, Lath, Shinjles an.! buildtr'ti a.eterial of et cr) d• ,. virtu)... SCNt1AL FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. ITA Jrder prou.ptlyrattenLedit*. (3o.l.•rich Aur. 2.It713, Illy The People's Livery spr..! `CRY STA Int. ! a. 'a • t JOHN KNOX, Proprietor, T..c nbxriber it prepared to urniib the pal lie wit* The Finest Rigs AT REASONABLE Pft1CIsit C ALI. ANI' $F.11; L'&-ODpo- the Cotber _ T ��t_��►.is Hate (iodrneh. - .LV.is�te�t.� - - -' Oalerich. F.%», lith Ili 1f7 a TheHURON'ATNENTBUf�/� Latest Ruch alld AIlerlcall St les LOAN AND JNYtS HATS, BONNETS Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings r:' ! The Chicago House. Agent for Domestic Patterns. GoJeric Apr:: flit lilt.} w EST STREET. OOl91l1CIt 1142 DANIEL GORDON, CAI3INETi AND I.iAUIVO UNDERTAKE Anyone ...• !. • • se. but 1 ca . -I ,,:ht. Ftcrk. 1 bike. wrier steep o t.3..f. :i.. . ,, t an 'NU .e.:n town Lastest fret. - FURNITURE:' 1 have r.(. ns hand lar c:Reren' styles; of Itedruort -'nates, 8 eifferere ety:r. ' r4 debear•is, Par:or -Mice, and aitriwt anything in the tumours- Ihv. art -of *latch Is be -old AS CHEAP AS 7HF; (IIM.AIVIOW, t' lt Y04.1 FuittifilT T. to the t' t1)ER rAKIN(: I wire pertinoal *item.a:n, ant tf.e brutal row of n. tfy to years eeperieuee. 1 think 1 bay. tfhe Seel Hea+see in the ttounry of Nunn -I wi:I ka the public to 1ud1M. 1 hate ♦TPry-t,ius usnally kept in :i 4lr.1.v.44rn rut*Mtttbmeet, such Ca.koia. • ('*f44 ... Khrondr, Habits, (:loves, t•rapre. R' - hnll*ln,it_d.,ne .Lett rtgtiirr('. 11E1 utarantee teeny,aatietat:ion inevery na..,'. OLD ST -IND BETWEEN P. ti. AND BANK IrF MtlNT1:F�: 5 1.. 2$4•• IS az ;at+ Ts CA/ZAT.;, TRADE Itt4RSS ADO C3ftR.G'TS 411.1 .;, h.4.1.:n.•+1.. in the U.S. patent 'l*t*' 944544,4. .140s: ,4/c,!,f:RATE rxxs. • • UNIT is tr.• 1a ,opposer •i.e I'. St, Patent Of- . gee. avid we ear ell ;a' , "•at. n • in inns bias thea I b i rf9Iot a mow N- .4 C l f 1 X N S'()4, $R•MI stN)/)h'6 Eik-...Lj l i4./.1'(1 (tin ad- vise a. oyyeetentability Ur of •-t,,;-rr are year( SOf'//-4R(l!' C'.VI,/t'titi w/•: •,f: - TA/ A P.t rEx-t. W. refer, herr, to the Postmaster.... he Supt - et Mon.y order U v.. tied to ofte:*I of •ie N. I,. latent 0/lo . Fen circnlu. a4rira, O DUNN'S BAK!NC POWDER 11ELMf5IFSTiPoEXu end references toactual aicalico, L:wAnatn,..asiW saitolo 4r. Ai 1115111W Mi. Opposite Patent OAicr. Waeh.ntttor•' I►, l;,• * rbai PRICES REASONABLE AT SIGNAL FERRY'S SEEDS D. M. FIRRv A CO. LASKIT slliwwtf ERRI ,t 0.1. iERN1 i C0'S la.••..r• .. rlr.l •. •4 SEED Mink For IMO' nal bre area.) PRIES le .If •to 'ArItt sae nr..a•a earl.emwew I NOW COMPLETE! This Campo a v is L.s.,: i nq Motley DA Fat. Security lit Lotee.t J:utex of bikers!. MORTGAGES I'URCBASED. SAVINGS BA:C11_BRANCH. S, 4 and 5 per Clint. Iwt.•r..f-Sllutrrd un Ikp,,Paits, nreor,(inp G. un.onwt ew,f time felt. OFFICE:- Car- of Markel Square and North Street, Goderich. HORACE HOI1TON, O19e odetich Ata. 1385. 1 ]tAysAcsnl ITAR l ';; 7:474: , • RNAIR .;' 1 bei: to nr freta en: • .ups t.I,. ,. .• btu: fa'.. lucre:,: growth .:. not sot: t' As a '• •:- sane •c • - aotzr .4 -- t Prc;�: :, • Lords , tin' i r s �' 1�.• • • _" 4,-* • T)'-' GODERiCI BOILER WORKS stagy. & Black, At►uJ;aciun^.. at! k itch of I, 1111111104. UPR:elif AND TUBULAR BOILERS. P14NS, SMOKE STACKS :e• .199 nes It eh.. • tin;.,. M,,rk. ATE: 01 .ASS .tP191 PIPS 11178\tin atr)snr t. 1 es ■.,. 11.'. lister Railer Nemo. aannerhoret - a s •.r. New Railer. teed l •..r Malmo tri .'r:."t�rlt''� A Et;m�lofo 21�Q-btpj T,bres;?ifug Oatit liui'er, E.::n.• •..!orator, s:c...!i in goal werkind oder. Wild be sold cheap. Ma•1 ceder. will receive prompt wttentlon. Work*: tape. L, T. I. 1NIN.. P.O. BOX 361. Oetlr-ich, May Mb, Its. NOW COMPLETE : A t 1101, r. - EDELIC Cittivo 10E11 .c5t cI-roceries_ N/1CIA3. L1T.IIi$ 3N Nin el 1 : Dress Goods, Shirtinb pp�s E U R F r and Tweeds. . F'. ri INTI tar�1 IA, Is Urr:':w 1 8igheet Price Paid for Butter & Eggs. GEORGE ACHESON. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. elelevieb. AMINO. IM DAI1 • /- Ito 1. BUTS '" } Arra. y for Oakland' HAM Knead ter Free t'1 1 Starr A ISL. isms