HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-2-18, Page 6• •
Al a Priem. Rrsr.I dotterikeli„ Boa.
tired by BM Ireopte. The toy ersioirai t sal tetra by Its Owls
eh. catholic
Friday evening, Jan 211t, at 4 o'clock
a numtwr of the bleu& 44 the Iter.
(ha. Mmie c-Macelled et the ;wrecked C. aleitsaftosier Lyme ernee from Fort
residence .4 Si. A tpleadius pariah and Wale+ eis 23id Sept- :-
7irseentes1 loin with • purse Of 1177 Gaol 1 hit„, t.. iol,,t w you that en my
• he foliowing address •
lei urn bent Q.i Appelle 1 found some
Rtv ANIS Data 1A's k. 001./ ludians here They are all in a
%/Trot+ y..0 ..n this the eYr of yeur
lepairture from our nutlet to show you at..tacrit.Thgnitoftid wretched cueolitien for caul
Slight degi eV the ertrern and te okra . In the present
log conditimi of the Indiana 1 fr,
hat is eittert•Ii.e.1 1.4 you ..'o P4 In.
if 1.4. fiael la give,. thou,. that they may
rnembers thii e"rigr'llgiu'n' hereaiver commit depredations which will
•hori peeled w Inch yeu Snout a. the h_
r. tierce collision with the force.
PA•libtlitl 1 the tery Rev Dean Visgeeer
..zsso us ample time to !roil' to regar41
is one ..f those upon .h -iii t he
follie• of the world, which drag so man)
away fr (leer V4.04tion, uuIti
1ettec'e which it *740 tied', II pl) sift
e..it should aitat.t in attendant foe thi
two yea's, you have erasenti us 1.
t,a.k Nein iett as the true 1,3titeni.14
t. ty And a isliable Ji .t., 4 priestly
nrivpi 'Wiriest
The little children id the rtire,b, Rae
Either. sheuld feel
your departure freer „V.seet Ti..
teilic Real with which you 14'
instruct theni in the Christian lortrine.
• and 3our einheit.ea to impr.es open
'heir yonthfel melds the tievemity
esed Chrietiott Ittitteiteen, 611.110 brat
SS 11 more..
weII rewarded by an etet-vesreasii...
lointh,r in your timed... ih.,t ..lase.
Th. 1 ruitful remelt- your aposesoi.
the cred popu'ari..n our
-town will long be i roiltren of the un
pleaapig reeeilecti.eis .4 that race. At
'he first sound .4 or solicstmia 'town,
tI,cv hearkened to your 4•all and .d.ektet
to your title to r. eeive Instr.:diens Ito
faithful 141.14 *haiitieetf.al, the
worthy ,•arei 1;:apt. Lean abo
that -by teeing yen his is losing tits
rightaltme.- can at _rep distant day, les
M.O. how vastly reeve
I Have rigs Tuoihaohe 1 Use Fleid Light- I ABRAHAM SMITH,
• sing.
Everybody iu the 114.uale hes •n evil
H•ve yeu Illitutualtassi 1 Utio Fluid
lure we are utt to expect tee much. I Li ht 'err AI LOR & C LOT HIER
oe yliusalittliiiJiant 1 Use Cued lught•
as ourigil we, told, there -
To learn the different temper ef tech IM
indit 'dual.
When any good Itaorena to any one
to rejoice at it. I H
1Vhen inclined to give an angry 1 A
lave you Neuralgis 1 1 -se Fluid Iambi- '
eve you Lumbago ! 1 se Fluid Light• 1\1"e -w- Good.o,
Meg. ,
fr, you troubled stilt Headache f Use I
starer t.. cteint ten. Field Light song.
If froin sickness, 'mu or infirmity we
feel irritable to keep a very strict watch
over ..erselvee.
obserte when others are 644 suffer-
ing aid drop a mord of kintiairee mud
sympathy •uited to 4114411 611111111.
To watch for little upportnisilieta 441
lege-mot Norman antes fr. in n.it itrn!l"dput 111(144
flat .1 you an)Is.t.i 1 Use Fuad Light -
It will cure you the Moult it is applied.
drug *tor.
11, Gents' Furnishings, at and Caps, &C.,
Try it. 25c per ledteat . K
e lailynas
1NTew St-57•1Q.s
We .nust choke bribery. or be choked
Pacific seeedate or the imedeut purchase
all a 10fort1tee with the Intent to purehase
W.4.1111 ..is Mel October. 18112 : To take a cheerful t iew of everything. the country, Iue*I rerlweys to purchase
Th..- is at present three het:dr...1 10 all little 'pleasure+ which "nay ..,'cur ceunties in detail, blind shares ..1. the
1 olgr• a ,if Cr • lediene compel here. to pet twit kite purchase ..f members of Parliament
Thee« lodses average eb...i0itight WoUla,well drfruil
To ti y 1 .. r Cie soft sr.swer that ha' "" '''`'" f"d
'6I"' As
e. an utter ronte .4 diminution, and are
Vt.t.ith We hero toren pained by any Sodom. Het. tie,. 51. Grant.
tooktot a (*4141 of abets: 2,400` They are ,,
tureirth away %wrath -
merely itaiesee es a semi *tate stares -
0111.1111 word et deed to ask one...Ives :
'•klate 1 not erten done the same thing
.C.aairieller • White tetegraplel. and been forgiven 1 -
date .1 ttetelter 19th, ISE :-. •`- In cenveraatien IPA 1.. eXel1.01lit111111.
0....e a.... th.-„.....i 1,,,1smv, h..r.s. aim .1 lost to tiritil.: other* forward.
oilloai ....d .•.. she v4-4 .... ..4 •tsav 4.04 1'.. het ors y gristle viith the rune elms
Xl4.11.-r t4.1.1 feel to •• 4141 lilt •[1.•111,16, 111114i 11141 /14.•in with reeoJet, remember
Have bet ti .w..ne ewes 1.. 4*4. '147• lug that we Were "nett Yeum.:.
AT suotisfit 4 me * 4-1 .. e • h n ' 011 t-
..„....vrr e. kedge ie.• 1.1.0thir, bet te
...rt.', A-is...me 11.• .•.• ' 11/ a try:este a r.....t 111 .1 Ite Whet' we mite
Jr /ler...tenor. 4.. ft, 4. .1' e -t •4 111.43, .s compete our ioanifo'd hlossinea
the trilling aucoyentss of the day
.11 Ljeat. deist I-1 istektletallidi 111111116611
them late's, emoted by the want .4 fresh
meet." The ).,dia.... lor treaty 4. 10 AltE YOU MADE miserable by
',scoria in 18144 5, f,ifs.:190 92 worth of imligeernal, Cut Inn, Dimities.,
p irk, anti 11141914:t lout th of beef, al- 1‘...'•• *4 %Petite. Yellow Skint Shilvit's
i 1 t
though it is known that hoe( is life t.. J. ':‘ iI.uutai•re7..tolitve "sre•
our hole religion i!t- eel. evilest n:tni ludian of the plains, white salt perk
is dittesse and death to hint For the
sel1 pork the t Scuds paid 9QIti2ii eon's
per potted, and thee eutsI41 hive 1, -
trod, F., pnr ' !•! !. e. ILI:, 1141-41. e, tee ..a• el cif'. the fresh les -Cf retriarod I .r
Lion .411131 I,5:44 t'.,11.1.1,111 Mei ‘`l 15 mien. per !wend.
t'the 1"11 l"t Ille 1.4"i".4.' "f Rep. t•- of starvatien aniot.4 the in
the Holy 17.0 helt.: 'Si' ii4i.111, aid revels tog
a t7e,.4 ehrou btu rttur.it too at the hands . 'lieu* irr-." Irme to the ill testi o.ebt II
of (1.ithotte teachers. I Agent M •11. mild Com Itoltuti 1.14141 oh
It would take 4.4. loud, dear Foilter,to February 20; 1&1.4, also by W. P..ckling-
, to ••••.r.:14 upon ail tt,e a..44. which tend tot
ton front the Stygasy 1nd4*14s, and by
enerein in our-iiiii,4 a fohd and }MIMI - • -
----rernenttranevinLr1"--1".1 1461.63.-44 10+-
t1at your career ia ti.Ss paroill Latil t.nr
Sale .1.n.. /said at St. Paula Church.
Cuseiotsses, that wheu the Lewd gives P
man a Wife and )ielf a &igen children, Ise
has doe« a log t tete for is but he ,as
not dime a btg th g-whartie vire* hue
a wtfe mint s reel{ 410g.
2 Shiloh's Cough at consumptien Cure
s se!.1 by u* ...it a gti titre. it en 4*44
Cotoottir fiat. _For ..T1 hy J. W444011,
'tun ha riiik in buytud
ieine, but
Seeing is helievnit. Road tho test
monists in the pamphlet nn Lr. Van
lloreies Kidney Cute, then buy a botsle
and rebeve yoltrowlf uf all thoar distress-
ing pion& Your Drug...rid can tell 3.40
all snout it. head ItyJ WilsenOunerich
Ille we hoar hoard.
a maid 144 'be head to *40*
ly and surely run mt.. Catarrh, Chen
OU can be cured ter Sic. by using Dr
Chase • Catarrh Cure. A few lipplice•
nem* t•ure incipieut catarrh ; 1 to 2 beat,.
cures erditiary contra ; to 50 bi atm ei
guaranteed to cure anode catarrh. Try
it. truly 25e wed sure curs. Sold by
JurJiIs W14ot, druggist. ly
Floor Ber Sathott. Au reply t.. an
knotty respecting the character of lis
' cu -..p. a highland (armee ititsintly
said: - "it • tem Rota but ferry seldom.'
Get your sale tells. Oct.. Mow et
TeaBeexeL oaks'. They ate always three
promptly and at leer rate*. Notice ts
drawn tip sales through Tee Sweat, fro
of charee, which is read by thousands
A Revrewe - Of one d..'u •!Tliell tie
Initu any tote seethes; the best four Its
1 thyuto oil • litattlfialtV,•• the retaarsable
tittle gem for the Teeth anti Bei. iie1
.our dreeeest or arldresel
IL the -5 istort• 4.f niedfietnterlSivreeralia-
, ratioti has received such universal( cam.
mendetiou, for the abet -tame it atfelds
and the permanent cure It effects it; kid
ney diseases */ Dr. Vat, Rumba Kimsey
Cure. Its action in these distressing
complainta is simply wonderful. Sold
be J. liV them.
141* i* evninsitorline attention. Tv the
In Great Britain the queetion of liege,
Mew Buie. 2nt
ilweadful odd.- -Aar. drab fellah, left sn with a cold in the heitefot chest the
Inv Catig.111 the lower hall tether day. sa • *my te ensure H. we Ewe over 0
• is to have eti hand a bottle, of pit-
y s-ii,n1 Pine t:iiiit. Fey sale at
death." If Charles had used Dr. Har- J. Vit' 6 P:everlitZttot drug Moir. ti a
vey s Red Pine GUM los cold %Ionia inn
.... .... .
Superinteudeut Waled, io h:* report
fruitful tri every 111.0+1 6114 1h41 .ttivs _
11.1el‘ter .4Uffer1111C rrewailed. In
*Mir I-414ees persona bromine Mt ratlileati.
4.. be unable to help tbeineelves
"Mc wont of feod fellewe.1 by disease
canted an epilemic„ win.* marled its
are learilig y..0 *lege& of ft -Menial
ot ree re,4, color or
ttat tonality,
h..pe' tied pray that pea
ftiture may beer the *ante fruits awl
that Ma' itt 41.01 was noiy orant you
"his f„..esee 144 fa.thfully dewhance tee•i itioa:ts fir the many graves hoe to 1,5
your state in Itfe visuals the seen Aced Nlouritaiss
fleck ot which yeu are *toilet to take Dr. Meat dis wrote en Febrility 7th,
ettersre. 1894, with reference to [adieus ets lttair
Ue also h -----.1 praythat he sill o.
agnalurrate your physims1 eendition that reserve, net th"'" away :-
when y..0 return te pay us a son, as lae I. Piaves camp primes
tint! yoli 4.441 II til. 1.111/0"/ symptem of ameiti the Autiniboine cauip for 37 In -
the illness which now heir* down -os dians, in all 72 setTering fr.on phihists.
heavily on your young life *ill have en berm:write/a t.f the limes, dysetit3ry.
tirely disappeared. May ,se eends ef etc , and front starratien. 1 tied that
secial wad apirituailumou thot now bled in the last throe months 13 deaths hate
u• together 1..rer rodent' unbroken. taker, pheue in each reserve, in all twee-
Fcelieg 4. .ply Vie% .4 your 4e- trait, a very heavy death rate en 1
nurture from um and cengratulatilet those - from an can gather deeth 'has tier.
Wilton:Pt *howl 7ull are &hour to cast iti,eleratel, if set immediately r.z...* I
your let, se tends r pie this token .1 by the *entity supply of food
onr hod acquittanee of any
Al. this occurred because the G.estrte
portion .11141 4ebt el gratitude we ewe
-yeaswe-44444-setritual Levitt. and director. ment's eoliey was actually to keep. the
tor, teed, Chase, autle7hase
reds -ivy's Try Chase's Liter Cute he
diseases .4 the Liver, idecys,
Stentsch Eel Bowel*. S hy\James•
Wilson, druggist. \
het simply as r•cogniti.p*1 of the zes1.
energy and stmcem pith which yon lill
your tarred
Signed in tedisif of von many frie:ils,
M..1. Mantieig, le .1. McHugh,
A. H. Jeseph, - T. A. BourkP,
W. J. 1'. Hanrahan,
Indiaes ot "starvation alktwance." Here
th. r.r.but. Iespector Norman wrote
en Fitt. 1, DM :-
1 h-ive 14f:opted Surgeon Miller it is
roe it. try p 'wet to inert*** the enantity
of food to the Iedisos. as my inatrue-
J. n. fleaurne. 3. Herman. them ItArasi 4,e:41t31time mer are
January 21s1, 18$7. to ! •/. itaibuir4.4 of,,,Fort Watt': ea
The sh.iek was enridden and the Rev, .0. • ?• er,ovare
eentlensan's grief at !rewire; the perish.
so Treat that ho was utterly unable to
reply. He received nenterens hard-
ie.me praise:to from the ladies of the
eetteent4 his Sunday sc.los.1 cla‘s and
other friends, so that he will h.t..-e hot'
little expense to starting t keep l4.
The parishioners. of ,Witelser feel ...ery
heavily his lom. They loved him much
became. ef his pietyand relit:tens it.eal.
Ion loved hon mere because he loved
with an untlyide love their children
Those .4 Woodslee may feel jure proud
.1 him. They will end in him a de-
veted µleen% an enereetic milker and a
reliable despenter of the law* that V-
ern los callin4
- - -.
sa rarest tr. Umlaut..
in and ermind threw* r l..hrt-
flatted imtleavom en, pose Ile • Isietid.
Home Rule, but whoa he wets se far
wept as Stratford, ke feel* able to throw
the mask and appear in hie true
colors. Addressing the S'ratford Terme
en Thursday evennig, Sir J.,hn ref••rred
to the visit M- Justin McCartll
the city, but said that. "If he were
itt parhament with Jostle McCarthy he
would lie on the ..pnowite '4 the il.inse
seri roost .4 hut votell w..411.11 be opposed
t.. those of Mr McCarthy.- This is •
sneaking bid for 'he rotes of those
whose prejndices aro supposed to have
Keen aroused by the %lett of Messrs.
Smith end 1:3ne. and the antelleuse
Rale vaporing' ..1 the .1f.i,; *old tlolder
Smith. - Ottawa Free Press.
The i.e." 11- e.11,44, ea the Wertariall 1111•••-
Term.' o treat. M.11
tl-by should thee,
hr. an Irish Catholic
vote any more than
an angliean este or
mipetat 1 The
r plans? ion of the
plienonteoon 11 V at
the Irish ('.4)041444
nave allowed 1l. -
.*:I en to lir 4e41regaf-
ed from the rest of
the pop otation toyj oat
stick men as MI.
-tteasoluse. who hate
thus been enabled to
tre terviereal•sone-
Komi* to theineelves
upon the *trength of
thole po..atior of Irish
Catholic bell-wet/n-
em. • • • Hes
.iano in politi..s. like
Ilemeians 451 war. tara
Miffed to 'kr •1,.-V
*Arnie, for ....bleb
they have. ovenanted
but In nothing more.
and rye,' that 435 flora
to I ham w 41 h ...on •
ternia. Leagues abet
conventions without
number have Met in
lbw ,Itt in times peat
to rro awe for tOw
0 4 4/- u•nally, *44
regret to my. Mad,
far int...Aimee p1 -
o /001( 1/101.001111
have amino that cot
rnpt bonito an nitc.eatt
thing whether per.
iptesi ...1 b root wilt •
-1 at.•
appresiod Widarsioe. if there ws• r. &spots between ten
al your reighbore. 1.1 which the if
afr.rded by certain pip ..5 11 th o poss-
eation of one we, maid to he impertant to
reek.. rood the crime of the rehire, and if
he minted tr. erodnee those papers.
would you say that proved hie innonentsea
leseehter Not *t ell: you) would may
Viet wee .1 itself strong „-videnee en the
ether side. The holder wood.] he r44y7
glad to bring them forward 1 they help.
ed his esee and fitaprored his orpiment's,
t. pp: " 1; eryt eine t• prom mind
*.*‚**flat him who 440111)50)5or dea'r's
prepare" 'I het is what the law soya,
and tim prineop es . ,
all, film teltel unarm -
Mist.'41I hie Meaning- -Brown -94110 IS
ewer torttal emelt and water--lesa
• „s a eit „f roof ,toi my hinds that
•to lib. to yet rid of Pee: y oil
y .4, Ire Ile? if that .1oesn't do the homi-
ness, ',ether. Toe e tahe I. tole mad
Illerape se:rpe o/ it off.
"aaronte M... ine
lot . 1181..
T:ot Cathrtik froia•
noenel Ont.:Leto enw
regoontocompitor. that
they wilt not be repre-
sented. Till bit a week
or two ain. they had a
representative in the
Cabinet. and we have
the bast authority for
stating that ttie saran
,.•7 will 4)0( 4(3111141 long
unfilled, acid that ea*
of their peeler will be
.taiumiatittlie cobiam
et Impede rear len
Out great [halite. of
'Toronto Phi: Jana
:414. ilut
1141kiteens that the
lion. John tri:onnor
was .•ompe:14-4 by ill
health to retire trom
tbe Cabinet. He 11 40
aareeeded .sa th*
r•prritentatti reef
re/a./Maisaa by tbs
11t87 !tomes
agitator or
Irish origin trete Oa•
taro, and to give thet
des* or our hallOw riti•
fen. 0 More fat/ i•,..ry
',station in Parlia-
ment. repot:ally to the
I 'riper Howie. t has they
now enjoy. 4. is under -
*food that Hoe. jobs
trfhienhoe wir. he
he "host*.
%%tit PIT S PI M.P....
Mite..11, V ., .34 the "CA Hichlwoises.
on being cetteretulated hy the Vatten for
hos bravery ..t an important erne* of the
Indian Itl 'tie', when It. killed &area
with his ewn hand, the, aldrecied
Royal miseries*. • Please y.stir ladyship
.1 .1*. mnenieg hi sweet had been a
.111410 let silisoper. wonla 'nave -iies 11
"I oni afro.1,B..hly. esti 1.,. miikor.
"tluit 4,11.m 1 tell your pap* what a
temithte 1.1 yeti halo betel t ...ail, he
win puma,. you severele ' Ms, vie
got to tell him oaks B..1111 not, *sly
*VC yes, 1 sl.all 1.'11 1 , 1 lll immediately
Ant thintier The look .4 enneern teem
It face .1.epsned, toed a bright
t1i 1 struck him. "Well ms, he
, "give 1 on a better dinner thee
MIA Yee 4. ,4IIt .'., tioi: n...i1 1 r
Sow a Bode Caught Cold.
A 'Ion yeung mati in the height ef
fasliteou was violently sneezing in a str.-et
car. when a toeupanien remarked. "Aw,
Charities, deah boy, how &ye cat: -h the*
liodarich. Julie .1.4.1.
tr • .41 . • !•,` WiP )1 I at, I,,t, , ,j. , ,!1
-AL LiFt...A.}1..di..htt SAL T'T _
diresilful odd, it chilled me alnioet Arr.
1 r t; fiN
tf MeV la Nell latest
Ay pot la Moo
...nu Barber Chairs,
..ro of thvas thereto
• sled ituehe•t•r
tiling (' b • ire, and
trod a pager) tuna
oe are in •
.111.11. to .0. R,4*5a
It welt than berme-
Iiii16.4111anic made •
..erialt) on all -Lays
',mid Kin 'Inlay.
110010:0 410 licl01101.16
MI* ..01‘90
saawat war 44,
West 114.4.. • a.t PM., Gogerich
*. there are many latriiw
c.eilid with jut.r.
totts.p. on...
et Cora -Lino bit some 51.1
priticipledistorebants tr..-l.
...g 1.1.- rive -• 1, .1
our $irensine Veissausse.
es earn ties hiders Welitt,` •
roob by draw
nut Weir ay. otioa to the
...rosattyot seeing skim Um
1. statoriad on inner Finset all C4aratilartyntaink
Without tibia saw etaseis44
eep Your FeetDryi
Wet SLreet Heat Market.
A11411IS & Joinstoil.
91,1. EMUS 40'
:1 ',tee, rot t'reuip
\ .
... t-,
Yon min do thy* 01 a ten tedlialtallold 10 ba/ fag )oar
1T 'MK STOPIr. t'''
treeble iery much For sale at J
%hits4 prescr.01. ri drug, stele. tf
111•1•1=111111.1 1.40
!Ir. shy BMW el rowly..ien. ass. 11111 0660111
44 wiao 4.018...44.
' . Pht.s.hatill.•, ..r Nerve,: 1' em, •
i pktate 1.ileinent basted upon Scientific
nett., Yorniu toil hv Professor Austin,
1 K. D. of Ihwto , Naas. cures l'ultnou-
ary Censumptio , Sick 'Headache, !ger-
, You* Attacks, S rtigo and Neuralgia
t end 111 wasting, cr of the, beaten
i system. Phesphatinbis not it Medecine.
t bus a Nutriment. becsiese it cwiteinaou
1 Vegetalge er hlitierel l"oa'.ns, Opiates
' Narcotics and no Stimulants, tint sine,
I ly the Phosphatic snit tiattrie Elements
found in our daily food. A Aida2it Little
Iie,sertmont to c.mytnce. All Drageues
sell it. $1.00 per teeth.. Levities &
Co.. sole agents for tile Domittlen,
715 Femit etrect 1_-..i..:. Torontt.
(nen a tv:Intimn Blotch, r 1.ruptifolg,
to tho worst Aerofoil:a. eats .. rheum*
66 revar.morca,4.4 scaly or womesk
molly m Short, all-thea-inot. .ause.1 Py bad
tmod are conquered t•y pervol-ful. Pun-
fyierur,, and ini worsting tow.itonte. Grow
r.stirs Vteers rapt lfy und-'r lts-
Man milumsr. 1"..4.-emity boa tt
ni4 t.m.y to 1,1` Tottor. Bose at gab.,
Molise tearcosii• :re, sore le scrota
isioau 110114.111 ;ling.. Hip.
Joint D1Yra.e. iyoreittriga,
alailitree or 11 hock Neck. ..: Er largyni
Gland*. Send n 4.1114 in otattuya., fix
bum. triottse. -:tt,
lhoettevet. or 14, 0.11.•• 1 ?WI a triviim
oti rerofitiotre Alf. *5..
•• TIMIS 1101.01110 1161 Tarr.
Thoroughly 4.141.14. •• 1,t .1. !sr. Pierre,.
Goldois .1.01,80,ad
on, a fa., ola 1 o. buoy ant •p I r.
aryl Vital .try
w....h 4.1.1/11111:21 01 the I.nngs la se.
re.teg amf ..or I.: iotii.+4, it taken be.
tore the hoe th.. 31tawiro sm. r• mat
Prom RA mere 0..k4 ewe tom fer.11.14.
fatal dlettee when Ona offer ns Cala toes
reneat, pu..;i.. Or. P14 e. 1
th.r.ght reetoosig ,af calIkur 16:4 ••4 On.
eu no idiom Cnte re.," but .ttemi 4ort.iit !Ia•
nein, as bee lond...1 tit' a mi+ileine 1. 1.--h.
(ran trat w.m.leerul orinittiniatom ri• 0430,,
istronatMinitta. Aibi-ttar.% '11 10'001- wooelng,
antia,eitoia. peehite!. 44164 roiti:tt, pi -mi-
tten. linet11011101. not po ' - Mr
ronnumatton, 4wtt. far -au -4:36-1-4114164-1.
vt alit, Lun's.
4! ro. .101. ,0-.4:Itotroit. Tore
C...Cw 14 -.is
1 have ova cm nand the tem atork er •7.0..teTnia. and ...trepalawa 'racy arm es
mit? Meet is • Strat-elact ohne store. 'rm. the Our.: througl. all •Itr intermediate grades
Milne lit a nest cowhide. I sit% sell at
Prices that 'Will cuit Everyone.
Ladies' Bet, Butten Laced. cum :1,00 to 15.00,
Misses and Childrefs Stanu School Boots, from 75c, up.
Boys do.. ilia), up, all other Loma Flopottionately Cheap.
1 .311 w.:: •nit yn :Kg 11 :4 Old
Cralis Cers.er East street anti Square.
G071D3RICI-1 N.18. -To 4.114, Leathe- ttn.1 Iliading• 4.. •ny..1...antit r at 4.1)44445* 111.6.0.
• 4./ Ifilvt.etuditto
wolf. to any that we areprepared to take
rout- Wool in kl hang.. for lloodo, or work it
lar you into any of the following artii tea. vii
• Blankets -White Grey or Horse.
Shirtings Grey or Check.
Cloths Tweeds or Full Cloths,
Light or Heavy.
Flannels White, Grey, Colored,
Union, Plain or Twill.
Shootings Broad or Narrow.
ada.tg tacking Yarn - Whits, Grey,
. Clouditcl or in Colors
-1-Earpot Warps made to order.
1111111•0111 "'ow sid' aka!, .11' ye, a
ow w..•• tw twiti•;. heitrizt Ma. b..
n no, hot toot,. mouth, .5-41
witb hot firmlon, line mirth,
▪ gtoiny, forotrolingn. a.iliar
3in.I i''444"'. ).ou Arai frotn
Itiy *impala, and Torpid
1.1.er, or ••111111loomsoons." In many
maw•ily part ..1 t4.... aye's:4 0114 Sr''-'
Von., 1 a f 41.• 44,1,
r Golden 11..dleal
r•very '1 ,.rine otrIGIAO.I
For Weak 11..yega, Spitting of
Blood, abortion)** of Breath, Neon.
Alathato, att•ere Conah** end
oak it IN 411 •111.1•1111 romAy.
?tot ai nr tivittuoter...1- $1.00. •r *1*
wiwrvt.v* for its.00.
..sate Atasmr I0, -r,. '6
tr.,* nn only
Iblop• isoary Pledileal Aqaba.
Old SNUB atereit. BITWratolt. P4 V.
ul air -'4"I •er the pr -.pr, .
ot Dr. imm '4 Catarrh 14.•mi.tit
fed • ogee oatarrti woo
their eia..tiot mire If yob
hater • dia. tams- from the
ne "Hi...win% partial toot of
ime• 4 .w Iwowns. w,kk ere'. pine
or prelatere tn head. you MN. catarrh 'Moo
ago bi of 'maw ta.en.Inato In mumumption
I'M `Imre •i- kra men Rrailtnit eurna Mown,*
mom if eattieseen,_•ter *Id lin tato Mloadle.,
rod Catarrhal IlItio.Lae be. in ...mt.
Our facilities for tLiti work ration. 14, tar
gamed, We will e 0/11111" in moat COON• to do
it the day it is brought In. if reaggred.
Utlationi Spinning and Reeler st. or Spinning
on the trap, coarae or tine, hard at atilt twist,
an reuilired.
We are in a position to do all kind. of ens
tom work. usually 40/14. 41. a tall yi
mill. and we will gisarantee to do for you fully
mrsal. if ant a little better than any 11111011
a eapectfutly
Ka41 En.* W001... m
Bay latt.. 11114
Person,. to .4!, no good .0,1 w awl al *51.' 10*
not tarry etwl OA e t he vine p-on.pit 1r on potted
by Marie. Weir ord. ••
• 4„1.r. roc. at. ".1 •44011 4*171 for
or i., Al.. nn Mtn I • M. a cheap weed
ear h 44 altar, .Ia*0, ortsinits . et r . All the
wood ran he hought *4 444. inill Of delt•rred.
.1. the hofor de*.re• 1•^04.4pmeas guataa.
. earl
trieimetik.vdeeep, szletkotteesee Ms oast
J Ir -1. imps 1100
vha OI moresne-tU doable trum without the'Stet Memoir icto of the
swift. odosseed ON` Pad. by 'WM, a PONS! ANT Inn earl ARO and Mt*.
pressure spipports tic. hernia wilco the truly* i* ad taaacti.
GEORGE RHYNAS, - Druggist,
February &h. IMO IMP -
Extensive Premises
Splendid New Stock*.
Hamilton Street, Goderich
A rood itamortn84.20 a Kitchen. Red room. Ihniag Room atid Parlor Furniture. 54144 )4 to rid
int1hair. ease and wood anatedi, 1'4114b44111.. Ned alm*
a Caitlin. sot 'A alaiad
. Sofa.. What Note. looking
X• A mon lete amen meat of roans and Phremels aln *yaw. isaod fwbk
4111111.0areall"NiableFrataina .6 specialty.- A rail Yolieited
Overshoes And Rubbers,
001,114411111114 Anieri,an
Men's Felt Boots
.A.73 I KM' A, 2.713 0.7C INT
0,1,1 trana..4.16 • .h and ( •rpot.
.0101111- basaii•