HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-2-18, Page 4{ THE HURON SIGt1AL, FRIDAY. FEB. 18 .1887. General Elections Henry I: toot and fatntlJJ or Nn (dud - Tut F.ns will reeve -The oleo- haws taken up their re•idreae is (ludo- rico returns a II M received and read iu rich, and will open out in Achososee the Yuuutt Liberal rooms on Tuesday (.lock the end of next week, a stuck art poseur- The total result as tar as books and *bum. See adv. ! heard from will be blaekbtarded hoot WEST HURON, A social will lie held at the blues, o1Rime t.. time, and every endeavor wilt m Do Nre etpbrsianion en the avowed be made to provide early and accurate art Thur.day F b 24tH and r the sus returns. There are no bogus telewratua tome of tow Young poefoe'asociety; vie. read out at Liberal gathorusgs, Came- , THAT RASCAL BROWN(?) A Brier Sketch of • Blackmer('. Tory Spouter torte street church. Admission, 155. roes (reeds will have plenty .,t good A ty seswee etO w aerwd (tsar Reber rear PUBLIC idEl;'TINGS tee arprads ism. Mr Laertteo to wee Cuttaar•nc►N, • N V. understand that Dews to cheer over on Treeday evening. roma Fre and Inst eased) ea me t+raaa,.t or fes members of Knox Church must IbIllimid James Thomas was not one of the load •-Breese' Art of blwmesl.. Vint of Conservatives who went out to Ben- feel ashamed art the feet that the seat. M Oete_t Ealyd b metre crest rl miller. as was en -enamel, reverted in unknown and shared M. oa ruffian who TYt SDyxAL • fortnight ago. We are abused and &binderld M. l.'. •l• aileron su glad to be able to make this correction, l'nbb'e hall on Tuesday afternoon a About them weeks aqo :!tete arrived surd Mr ..tole 1..mas's many friends will re coached, testructed and encouraged is ` in liudench, N,LL put up at one et the tet to Tho that he was not in such � hi. vindication of citizens of this tows )ERIOH, Friday, Feb. 18, (,rated ' by the editor of the Stun, who is elder lesdiug height, • young wan, of out a (.)pen House d c'1O y• i of the church of which Mr Cameron u • particularly prel...sersng use ail own - Knox -s Hall. toadies Saturday Feb. le, at A (;odench t••wus�.Ip termer gut into anentber. We repeat, that Mr Mitchell's teuarsce, soh•, hailed trona Toronto. Ner aa arguwent with a siatmm year old eti.•uunKemes t ..f blackguards t f the Dotty knew hint, but it nein turned 1'ueng Liberal un Monday evening, "fir,wu • stamp u a disgrace to religion out that he war a certain "Brow•„f)D when the youngster floored the fossil in eh., had toren engaged in ling to politica. debate. The rid raaetml Anel to get even Him hog Jove.- - A. M. Polley, the ysritionahle tacetu in Centre Bruce with the yuuth by throwing hitt out of during the rector La'�ulauwe el*t"un , the sleigh. The lad then bombarded the veteran horseman, of t;edench, and He, like the eceo al privateers .4 inns old Tory with snow balls, and came off owner of the celebrated trotting mare, carried letters of marque to .our prowl - Ms all around. Elie GruA', was in tont ore Tuesday en treat lineal letters ofTories, and was at once owl - hi. way to the Hamilton tee race.. He to their bosom as • valuableac acquisition. akers The new 1 clone( .,f lhe'lueni.'1 Own, was accompanied by • Gederich hotel- 4 Toronto, D. H Allot, is an old North Ski the eveaiuq upon which he strewed ratan named Miller, a ear:: .4 enormous he was plated under the f•tbarly ewe 1%asthupe "bray." The "banner town- size, who turns the *vales at _7 pounds. ship" has produced a considerable Dum• Polley showed him about the city. and .4rr Captain blurry McGreeur, t• Gov- ber .1 boys whu hare tnade their mark eminent empluyea drawing a salary of ietrduced him as lei■ younttest son $1.2p) for trot service during• few in the world. -- Stratford Beacon. John. v. is not true that Polley a mouths of the suteric , and driven to The ('clonal is a brother of A. Meld. Allan, of li.derich, and his mother, • cul .'. -- an --Brantford reirati to ruse [Sar- Kingsbridge, to •Jdrees a vmtiug which num'e. -- Bnnt(u d Ext.'sitot• had been called at that place in the In- terest of M. t'. l'araerin. This Walt the tint sweeting at which the stranger ap- peared, - pearetd, and perhaps a description him may not be ..0:.1 place. Imagines young man between twenty-five and tbirty years ..f age, about medium height, of ordinary weight, .4 very .or- dinary looks, with receding forehead and chin, prominent proboscis, restless eyes, stubby reddish -white moustache, sensual lips, wide mouth, and a gash on one of her upperjaws, and Brown (1) of Glammis, steeds before you. lits ape peerance beep,ke duplicity, dishonesty, audacity and mendacity, and like • had weed he was true ti. his appointed!- N„body seemed to know where he came from or whether or not he was true to Dance. A. M. Polley wan the tint to locate him, and gars hint the title by .1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1-7 which he was best known around "•de - .0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1--7 rich while he haunted this seZtiou .1111101111-9 ''Jack Gentles' Ringer." it appears to 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1-7 that during the L•,aal election in Centre ranie•on will hive iO maj .city '; (lei -tonal t W. Ellerd . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 Bruce, Robert Walker and Jerk Gond Cameron wili have 100. All the betting . It. W. 11IcKeuzie. 1 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 1 0-3 two live workers et the Tory interest, • v . Wtll be held at the following times end places : GOI The above meetings will be hell at - 7 .10 each evening. The .eaaervat►te Candidate Is bvstrd N Attend. (:OD BA\'F: THE QUEEN. EEN. TOWN TOPICS. A chid's awowp pc. folios' atefes. An' JaUA hell great of." 1George Stewart isn't anxiousto "put .a fae'r" upon anybody. but be can tales a photo that will compare favorably with any in the trade. Cord wood taken in exchange for furniture.. No chaarrlgree for picture training. G, 4'. Robert • son. Crabb. Block. A large assortment of valealtnes. Politica a burning quest ion Hut for cbotreet sed ckropear new gr..c.rlra the cash grocer. McOULrra., is bound t.. lead. I•niform cour- tesy t0 one and all. xi. McGillivray. Geode's new tough syrup b the beet thing known for vougns and ands. Try it. 1're- ecrtptons and recipes prepared in a first -clans warmer. at moderate rates. by W. C. (loons, Druggist. Albion Block. Li ael malts are spoken et owing to the pres- ent hot election campaign, but whether these be had or not, P. d• A. l'rldhan, ire soaking arrangements to furnish their patrons with tailor suits at prices to suit af1. It. Hallows the photographer has no bets up en the election. but !rum he. prat experience to business. 1•a la in a pu+U.oa to say that he believes that be can heed the poll in his line some, the fallow • rulhaniant. And on Ewes sow unit! FeSY:ad, and ever. atter that I were slut don a iii :treat order. as the date. such pillate as "Bruns'' le the Tory . ionewing result ill ins, each shooting at Tac Woueia ( IIKIaTIAN T,w►•taANt•a party in '.Vest Huron teethe. Thi lie will meet regularly tar the transaction ten birdr rackets edifies will tumble with a craalt of Wein every ue.aday afternoon at SJal James Nisbet .... 1 1 0 1 1 01 0 1 1-7 o'clock. in Norah-st.. hurrah. Every woman in- tan Tuesday. E. 1t. Watson . Joe Tewsley and F. MeD. nigh of W. Lash,„,. . Smith's Hill, have the renewing bets up. W. T. :Welsh. the former emetic the odds : $10 that meat excellent lady, ales resides here. D. Campbell, of Lucknnw, and Thos.Isaac en ARAN CuN, err Co. A i7•ncey, 1r. ..f l:cslench have each large audience greeted them vocalists •iu promptly and firmlymade "Brown" the Acheson's hall, where they appeared on P P y " Wedeesday monies/ under the auspices Tory advocate, take hack insulting re „f the itemizers ..f Knox church. Mies Ryckman, who has $ good voice and • modest manner, left an excellent imprea- thu ruffian, brown, was imported by non. She is a pleasing and prowising Messrs a'am trill, Johnet..n and vocalist. Sims Richards did not seem P to "catch ,:n to the audience, although Mitchell. Ise is a good vocalist. Mr Kelly was rn A Conservative clergyman who at- splendid voice and spirits, and aught tended the Tory Lathering on Tuesday the audience every time. The concert afternoon left in disgust • short time 1 waa a geed uua after "Brown" began his vulgar and et-' The Gust C1ab met in a sir'.ot'lle 110A• decent "rade .d ab .e. Ile et- The test Wednesday laat, and the blackbirds marks. And they did quite right, Politica have never been en dietiraced in Huron before as they hare been slew t•reeted .0 the work .s cordially invited to attend. TUE HI's,,!, ANY UN 1'4 4 LOAN AND INvrnT- W ENT ('uisrat.l.- IRposeurs in this company have the best-posnbte' security fortheirmnn ey. all beim`` lnveseed in mortgage on Iarm yruperty. Depositors have a first lien in all The company'. asoma. fate of interest paid. Torr. ask uddsan Camertni. Cameron's l Where is ti:e club in Outareu that qD ams upon Brown 1' and iueluc.•d hen term 4 to 5 per ern(, according to amount return in conceded, but everyLiberal ..rad duration of dcoue t. katmcrs hating syr- beat this f Speak : to visit that riding as a Lib -Con. mil, plus means should tall and ser the manager. vote should be polled, so as to bury op- ; ,;,.,1, has made ape:ial arrangements- sionary. Gentles and Walker know the Mrs Wm. Rwaffirld, of Clutter., is the position when as a cabinet binmister he, trhrnphic and artist c -by wbtch a teat, pedigree of the Ringer, and w do others quest of her patents, Mr and Mrs Wm. • conies hack for re-election. hitherto unattempted in illustrated of this county, but more of that anon. He ge. Detre or Ate 1 Met, oar. --- 4 tele- 1 journalism, will be accomplished on For the benefit of our readers we will Miss Berry, daughter . f G. W. Derry, gram was received ou Wednesday fr:.m 1 (Wednesday, 21t-.1 inst. the day after define the word Ringer, which has been Lighthouse street, eh?. has been :11 for Cleveland, stating that Alex. McLeod, the el:crioes. a in that day f;Ftp will applied to Brown Ie. during hie sejuarn the pest week or two, is convalescent. formerly • 1 Godsrich, was dead. Mc- I appear aa a :'4•pa;:e paper, with a large in this saetiun. A "ringer" is a hors. "Barry" -Your comunecatiww is too feed will be remembered as being badly • double cartoon in three colors. giving 1 which is entered in a race under a bogus long fur this week, and (text week it burnt with gunpowder about ten years(pictorially) the result a the elections name, and which, if discovered, is sun - will be too late. Vour line of thought taco when a lad. The cause of his death 1 The front rad hack pages will aloe be in !tended and ruled aid the track ass fraud le Maud. is tort iiltowu: itthereW injuries auntaiteelcolo». Thiq issue wiltgptldt regular oaf the Ant law The difference Lw Cameron a meetitt• taunt ht an the i ail by a fall from a mast some months' subscribers free, but will sill to others tweeu an ordinary "ringer" and H -own Royal Opera House.heuid les largely at- i ago u,ay haceastened his decease. st 10 'cents. Address (ir;f, 'Toronto, lies tD the fact that the record of the , tent it coon(( better than that of the .air the r pepper , New METHOD nr TEACHING t -.a• -- • - � � class in which R is entered, while the Owing to the death of the librarian, the tiAt.vArto\ Ariwy. Thr .Mond anti- I'e ?,aro( to Sind on t meeting to explain the new method of veresrp of the t•stahlishmeu' ,f the ret>'.rd "f the hitter is infinitely Worse n •. A fit stertor fur ; note roadm, in mwnc was adjourned un- Salvation Army here wan �r!ahnted but they both agree in t.nuthrr respect, - Wednesday g y 1 they are b..th frauds. mug .0 tint :nay be til Monday next. All interested in i during the past Werk. The largely s t. We have taken the tr•uble to make a youngo should attend f Saturday and Sunday were lonely at- • 1)r. McDonagh will be in Goderi. h f .r • uieoting, which will be held in the M. I. i tended, the principal speaker teeing Pin ori se this instance, sed we have consultation on 'taturday, the :Rh of, class ream at 4 p. rat. en Monday. A i lltajor t:ovrr AuJ Crlt. "Nappy Bill" succeeded in ferreting out sortie io6.r• class will be formed at the close.. The !Cooper end nit. 1 ►n Monday a boon" urtlay of ev sherries-tie motrt�ye t u the t .new me::t d is sad to be easy sad , full syptmtityr of ung assbna was arm wean. en rt notionhas rtteen made by (g that every the party ! the • R. McDonald, 1.1- Detroit, gave a thole -ft -lig nq a. her of pevkp a sat down The c.wpt u( fiat part to ou.ver up Lu tracks. The call on Thursday, Mrs McDonald, be . Ce E. T. S. --The open meeting on ; waiters was large and a iiciea. t stir- fir'( infortnauun to hand, tl4aned tn,in Sus been P-.juurnieg to Locals fast av few Tuesltay evening, esu due of rue heat of rims meeting was held in ('tables Hwll, reliable sources, Informs to t at ho sew 1 the season. The band coutributad much the light of day in the hnsb,ric of months, will return'witb him. when addresses were delivered by sol- elteltrich should be well represented at t•. its ntuciss. The r,elodie.ns were neat i Jeers from abroad anti at }ame, inter- Arwalh. He emigrated D. this country the Sunday School cenceutear at Illyth, l,e�ng a� humorous asate. Mr lu ttalDsl The lady j stiersed by satiate and stn_rny; of a hearty between cr the terrible Ph niears x x I'a • wetm rdrry on March Int an. :'rad. sere ral feud- character. The proceedings wound u soloists, Mrs Pndham, and Slim' tut whether that trazedy hastened his urich men hate bee:, selc.3ed to fu Marg.ch and Mia Nettie Crabb. were with an "all Dight" ptayerm.etinq, to carer from his native laud, .•r whether he troduce lupin. well-received, manifesting careful train which many j•tined. The anniversary is left Inland as en Invincible j eeing•from R. Crockett has re-epenee his printing inq and marked improvement. (Want of train - said t., have been a most satidaetory one ay outraged law, arse an Informer, of else• st ids rooms in Aeheatrn'n block, to these interested. Among the octl- apace , forbids any more extended no- the Carey stripe, endeavoring to ecalr Biers teen( outside-sints.werethe follow- Dext to Grand Open Houm. Hour. --9 tire, 1 the vrngeznee of an ennx,wi tai uI.ce, kw to 12_,_ and from 2 to b p.m. Est- -1. 'nit *Miners; Major Glover, Adj't Cooperafford, we are net in a .esrtb.n to tv 1 tunes on West street Seer- LkANNc.Anm. --When MrCam- 'sod wife, Capt. Cornets Stratford,f i•ortinitcy. erne • Cart. Eaton and Cadet, Sieaforth, Cat Since his advent t.. CwnsdA and the ST t,tne,.r'• 11*Pn or Here. -Re- audience at St. Helena the en.•rwous . Rawlings and Cadet, Blvth, Catt:et United States, his life has 'men . f the up member the orator meeting in the school- extracagence .f the Government in con- I Iyaeeleish, ('lintnn, Captain Zimmerman and down stupe. He sa •bird of ;,swage room nn Mondry evening at 7.30. Guod ueselion with the superannuttiun d cer t( and hu fellow ,ar}fi.wa, desire to retnrn here today, there tomur•,w - yester- grttitraumno by the children. Come and seri'oe empluveee,must of whom are only i thanks to the public far the • 1 nded `fay Lrenuau, tudry Brown, by-an.i•t.ye R. Fritzle • tended I* at ' L ad 1 N M T M air ask your bookseller. generally brigade. 'The T •,ries will ` y, .ft. �It:itOLSON, L. D. S. lYerinreL morning. the Liter*I's all a: looked for. musts, end ld, I a e d tM e f ew inquiries minis into the Anteerdet.ta o[ the U Y N T A L ROOM a GREAT BARGAINS 1 J.A.REIO&BROU WIl.l. OF►'►.It tool: THE NEXT THIRTY- D,4YS TUX pULLUWiste 11001)s AT tiltkAl l.W IIfCDt t'KY I'ttlt K3 Dress Ci -cods, Shawls, Blankets, • Comforters, - Ulster Cloths, Mantle Cloths, • Silk Flushes, Velveteens, 1•:r.0 end Hrrw•adcd. Feather %maims. Braids. Maptla aid Dress Oroap.Pts. H08IERY, t3LOVE13, 1ETC. TWEEDS AT LESS THAN PRESENT !ILL PRICES ! ate *IT. fI wL4tiRLD, FELE •I int•t:to JAS. A. REID & BRO. Jerdaa's Ricca. Gorden). 1 St I. Jan . n - through West Huta• ire has not heti- toted to villily and holey every man who hoe appeared on a platform against him. M C. Cameros' has been called a "!w and a garbler," A. M. Russ has been referred to as • "low rulban." Captain Fraser has been characterized ea "fat and flabby. and portly and pruzve- slid D. McGillicuddy hos been stigmatised as an "abject creature" and "an unmttitrat- ed liar." Nobody has escaped the vile tongue of tete imper:ed Tory slanderer, and the Tory wire -pullers, and the Tory candidata, and the T-•ry rank and tier have gloried in the rascal -s shame. His free elbibitiun in Victoria hall on nomi- nation day was • lasting disgrace to Toryism in West Huron. when, inflamed with whisky, and frothing as 4 suffering from hydrophobia, mid goaded on by a gang .4 local toughs and Godericti township Tunes on the verge of nils, up trrmr.ta, he berated sen the houses of whom he wnold not dare to enter unless through the cellar windows, when the inmates slept, and the • apuots were locked up.' such is Brown of Glimmer.. if c like the sample, .•-:r fur Porter if you' 1 frown down the fraud, mark your ballot for M. C'. Camerou. (los thing is err tain : No one will eodorse the t-at:el.- date advocated by Brown who is one shade better .,1 the Fatima Tramp htct• ' self. Dentistry. • ring a 'aver collection. in the prime of life, when pensioned cote; reop,ense to threquest for aidinthe f'rewsena, or anything else to au•t the Dr. r. b . Nich..lwm, the 14eat s'reet at big salaries- a voice, with a deep way o1 provisions, essh, Ne.. creed that supplier, him with bread and dentist, make time preservation of the accent of the Enteral Isle, exclaimed i chyme, and Houdin He cl•ime4 that Natural teeth specialty. (lac adenine,- "Shore sir, it wuuld he cheaper G' start tered frees '( a. m. to 4 p. ret. ler the a soup kitchen than that; Lucknuw painless ea traction of teeth. Sentinel. he was a graduate of Trinity Collette, A Lie hailed. j-•Dubliu, but we understand local author Rites pronounce that assertion of ht., I.ke While "Brown ' oat .4 a ,foul) and (Gderich, Feb. lt;rh, IAA7. his many other a•temrnts, fran•lulent. Chaplain McCabe will deliver his ce1NMit Frust:, -Will you be en kind a At Kingsbridge. he catered that he .ai heated lecture, "Bri_kt Sede u1 Life in I Iasphemots threat wasunuq abuse t,• give the fullowin piece of worst Libby Pilate'," in North•strest Me'the- upon the '-haent},head D. Mc(:illi• g t» e ' ••a the editorial stet of the flail, and fndd• on Tueada tact, West latter was namely. that 1 .tiered to bribe Father ' *teed that he ecrere,l hes c ttenecnon dist church '.n the evening of \Wednes- •ddren,inq the ele�to»., be l Bruce in i R • alist with $100 or $:.(M), and the said '' with that warns! because 4 iti rel•,'tous day, 2nd March. Don t fell to hear him. i Father Kuuhat refused. the mje•rest .4 Hon. Ed and Blake, the crusad«, and that his a.necie•n:roe w .ulei Joie deitts;sbat.l o o$ses3.nF, i1`'Pesit "f;ihr►4t-f..ndW, - -A1 IWtd Attie il' ever thought of r Iletin anymono at : c -,l1 ,ons witis ew h he was eci:tu ae- writing Mr Mc(;illicnddy has n.4 return- S 1 c ,lump• with which he was not in ae• bnhe to Father El.,uhat nr any ed from Itrace, but he will he immense other i cord. The elitetr of TEE Stamm. mm Matt. and I defy contradiction. The 1 municated with Mr Edward Farrar, the ly amused ..ver Wolfe.' "q►ecial" serve- ah•rp w.e started h some old woman, of cis. The •tn-ngest thing about (Brown is y i aucl received f •er reply Meg, tots this punt. Leis bad breath. rather the shadow of a man. It is a 1 a„d trceived in reply the followinit Tory election lir. P, U'DRA. i -Such a person was for a abort time •,n local Some sneak under the name of ''Fair _�_ Iola writes a letter to the Star cute- ;stoles fees m ago." Play � s 'Melee from the wtnetl. i Now, the host stem getters on a gft'at n ' " newspaper have no mere to do with i frausing the tens o1 the journal than has the man who sweeps out the , fliee and lights the fires, .,r Ott, matt woo tends the elevator, and Brown's late, fieti.,n StoNAi, as • for and ireprrfial •,t.. ; SPINAL- How is thtt ' that he coulee t write editorial matter "Fair fray" donhtlees is • Tory who Voter. - Why, the month .d Ma -,h sad against his commence. was merely a get• seldom reads his Bible, and is not suet the triumphant March •.f the ('a:ier.•n up to curry favor with the audience at ciently interested in children and serip Men. the Kincshndge meeting. tore to teach in • Sunday school. Why 1 The latter comes first. Donne the Ranger's noir in West oettee S. 1R. Wasbingt..n, 1..rneter o1 Hamil- ton, a eon of John Washington, of Wa• newish, has beer; putt,ng in geed work for the Ltberel candidata in South 1lentworth, Huron boys are stenting w advantage on the stump. Kate McKay, of Goderich who stole • quantity of tummy from a riding man meeting upon the rep rt of the sermon f i named Thompam, Bund geed' from T. A. Rev. 0. F. Salton, on the Bible Select• Feer• r Say, Minter Steel( ' Mill s at"re at Wimeham, has been sen- inns, given in Tsa lsmxat. We have j Sweat. steel. what's the matter • t.'.:e.l nine m tithe nmprisonraent in the eomsent"of Mr Balton to say that he! Vole'. -We are swerve t:, have tee the Mercer Ftei- ti: a•trry. Her r•tm considers the smeary given in Tint i Marches this srrtnc. pari -t J s, yet t•• he dealt with Mrs An'rew it., s tfe of the engineer .1 the 1 need Eu,ptre.:A r,-ev Mier after a tsaief•il illness of in cera( months' duration. alae hes had tee slid" t giro hes name Ilk" • map, art 117 )tors. Huron ke Las always been in ciuree eer.ew 'rtrt.ratioas ; .•t„Fee wpm bit stead of playing the sneak. - .,t a caretaker. Suffice to say he has for the removal of a neater, which were Rei'iti w rr, Witn CANADA. (Wash- au (army to trelmad. Always Dern in centse.ial co npanc, �nd sect-ssful, and • steely improvement in iltff(+on, Feh. 14. A Bill was inlrrwlnced ',r C. -fupper is in'wie respect a ;.r. • with men who saw to it that he was health is anticipated. in the dome to day by Mr Betterwi.rth. tor suctesur to sir John Macdonald. never kept too Lang between dri.hs At the reviler board meeting of the "f (Ilio, t pmtide far reeipr„ctty be. Hr hates the Irish. has ''no c••ntidence Early in the campaign he showed the V ictona Se church held lett Monday twetn the United States and the Dom- in the hre«l,"in tact. and °ppners Nome • scar on his face a, an evidence that he sfterrwwon. a r'•olut•,n was passed At•noton P( Canada. It prevelea that at.Rub*. Whi'e holding the petition o1 had anrman•ly. • h u.' rose , h Ire,. (i T. stem as the Government of Canada will High 1 ..mmiasi'mer he had the Impu- • Ale, the :elwh at Ras, to., . Balton f•,r 'tai entirety rntrry and Permit .1! articles of Crede and t:nmmefce I dent' t ' sl.eak, es she reerresentarive .d And tonght at Vita ('reek. too, by goats,- etT.rts •-n hehslf , f the chur •ti interests, to enter vote of Canada free of fluty. ► aned*. at A p,thhc Iainquet nn London but when the list of the wounded during and praying tum t.. return la this field the" ,11 to dltets of (anon!* of e% At/. de strains, Home Rile fe.r ireknsl. Mn -•• the rebellion was examiner(, and it was et lahe.r test at :' ••r year, scrietien swell he p'rmitteed to enter tress Post teen that the name of John Brown, with The special Mrrtrci in North ser«•l ports "( the Dusted Staten few 4duty, - • cracked sit ull,was nut.wenwgst the newt - bleth..dut church seem to hr jus, well 'rat lining the intention to provide for 10- Driven t.• desperation at the prospect ber, he este up the little Settee, emend started although tete have hien going mime teeupr,city al trade between ilia of defeat, the Tories have laid elteesive Pring as a veteran of the "wah," sad ort fur •boat All weeks. Thr metr,,,l I two oounlnes as to ell articles of what schemes for manipulating the ballots quit (yin`` •brut liateche. we hats •nae is on the increase, ori auuom •r.•k .ever name ,sr nature prodneed therein. and falsifying the returns. Every ape- totter sly- in ear possession wtth re ars after their Bolivia safest 1..n wee rester � R.t-iprecity with ''me United states cies of electioneering rascality has been : kard to this sweet•eeentsd im tide ire forward et 1••ger •• to •area toeitly. 1 mess a lig bow for (Irtderich. ' art -anted, and will he put in practice -of Tory "raw material% which donrehoel yof , wherever peptide. This is • gest dao- in our midst ander the benign ine.enno "Turn tr the 1. •rd, ani reek ,citation. -1 (-/1(J11he(r(Y4 er1 moll/' Der which Liberals everywhere must he • of • Howell* (: tssrnment anal the N. P., / C%J(I)1{Ta' f ' ',Jeans /he fort( -lion (V a' •r d le aowet atera, expose sad pre- ' tut we have given •ullieieet to show to vent Mwetreal rest .Catholic nor readers • specimen of the black - business '1 means all :,/,,-easeraj /!e I'm/ ( (' r '' I t OS ie and NS- Mrs Miry A. Smith, of Fist Sand- roar's by the oeafslowoo rat eh.em busis,,ess iN our //arbor tIonis' House al (Fader. • ; wich, while drawing water from a well . R"b•rt Pieeer hopso to tarry Went ' Iree days age, fell into the hole sad waa Hun.n. ,( SuJIOr�, iblCl )r (. (t 1,11'rv)1. i / (w/e I )r (ami r0//. 1 � the 1 drowned, 1 Lt1:iLilsrista s .1 Ween (1) Els\fl► dour below the Poet Office. Wow -st.. Goursuc•u. AZ-ly For Sale or to Let. L t)It SALE AIR REST -THE EAST1 y of lot 19, sixth con.. Wee A'awaowk IM acres, brick house. trams tiaras. stables, kr :go.at orcbani of apek. tear. cherries sad small fruits. About tett( acres cleared, tattier hardwood and aids await The fans is well WNW.* %pp., to Juur HAtts.ts, Oderkb. P.O. Terns may. 5111 -lm y•�.•� RENT --THE STORE ON THE -3 corner ..1 the Square sad N% eat street. recently occupied by the uadereigned. W'M. KAY. Mgt-lf TWO FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOP: sale. (tae in (tae towtsbtp of As/AM, ostalniog 110 acrre : sad out in )fast Wawa - nosh. asetataia$ 100 a re.. For parW ifees a ply to ['orceins. Holt it toluene& Reds - FARM -Ta -LET ----1011 A TERM 01: years. Ler M eve, is lbw Maltlee& ems - cession. 01 the Township of �ypt4 by letter to J IL 1-ILAR& e , 1MFt! FARM. TOWN AND VILLAGE. PROPERTY FOR RALL The Executers and Trustees of a. =state of the :.tc JUi'KPli HILR1t. otter for sale the following valuaLle Property. asstely • Aui.ltniy 4.1.6 numbers 4S.I and 421, in the Town of l:odeneb. i M as acre each. Fairly fern -rd. and very desirable for building par tht acre Lot fronting Milt Row!. Towns p tt Gtdrr:.•h, bean; part ..' Lot 1 in the Mar- land Cent. recon of w..i Township. Nice i'rarne Cottage and Frame 8tab:e. 1 Lot aaaaber 3, teeth side of Millar street. Hauniiller, i of an acre, small frame dwelling. Hw,dtng lute numbers egad and tee. in the Town or Chalon. t air a• tare rac•h. Beaus. t ,.ly Mt wood oar South side of Huron terve:. Fairly feared. The I1..t I of lot .•S, ('on. 14. West Naw noel. lee acres. ■oo l land. 30 acres c , and fenced. remanet.r timbered. About 4 miles from !.a -know and 0 milts troy earn. Hood rued.. i Fur : ,, titer particular,, .play le E. CAMPIUN, Barrister, tioderich. is \,.v. 4. 1116/,. 207_ tf T L W4N*LVERT4N, L. D. N. t 1 . AMID! Odd Frlluw, Hail. North Pi., � ;„egad. - • Goderieb. Charges moderate. Ail work war. ranted. Gas or V taliaed Air tr.ecu fin► ppliica• 1 - -- - _ -e:_ --_�- ler extractioa of teeth. MIf _ I t H A 1 et, Sl)LU j ra)It, Re- ; 1 ▪ (M! e, corner of �+••u&re and Went i She People's ttolulnn. vva tot ed'at l3 pe►Dar tom. 11143 1 U Utile MISS ANDREWS, Organist ! of North 'street Methodist Chareh. is prepared tog : e Inetrett ioeu i* tens; iptano Isat 1 t:hartlrte fora teles of 95 . seas, 11(133 ANI► 'E S, LYttaaoia Raced, G dericb, Feb. 10. 1t•7. tsi6Dai TENDERS WANTE!). Tenders will be received up to :: u'. torA Or February Nth, for the erection of u prreinugv art lieniniller. Plans aid imprint..►tene t -an be seen at the nonsense" any levee retort that. • 1a'e. a..d trnttere roar be I.•h ;sone. or ad- dresar4 to the undersign• d at ':uder.ch P.',. 11", k.wewt or at.y tender not to...•ssar.!y 1 a:eep'ed. . ISAAC FILIIKR, 'Mtn 4ke'y board of Tru atees. le*OR S tLE-A (1000 SIZED WAL- r tit: r took Door, paco. but with beadfug up Able duore, =13. . Alia a swan rotted walnut table centro-staad, i'er parilevidre apply to this ofDee. .0'l CROWN PEAS FOR SEED. A limited q,:ArCry of the ■(wove int orae'^. g naranteel pure. They are offered is fit. onMenee teat they WV the hest pea on the market. both for yield and (a ility in barcest- ing. The pr.eeDt crop wan t:atvrstrd with an ort nary rt.prr, Meese rake and barley keit. this eavfett . Sartre an aunt of es- J r e t ty/ psv gleslrrrt.TT. yt . Iliiflga iertnBterlasflMrtrrr edit ezpreset" s'atioo, or tease front the ar- dentgrmt. 1 _ --- ----_ c!EAGIR t LEWIS, jBARRISTERS, •JJ Osd rich. C. t)aaea*, Ja. .1. A Monroe IL 11. Lawn li r- et • hoARROW e it Atit m F(+ol eT � tee A R todr-leis J. T. Garrsw, W. Pruudtot. 175 CAMEIt()N, HJLT £ CAMERON, Hasriaie sates ill Mammy. (d 3rrich. M. l'atwrrots. Q.C.: P. Bets 31. 0.'aantere'.. 4'. ('. Raw (731- . Loans ani Insurance. (,'IVE AND A HALF PER CENT. i' PIraigbt loans. .Any aan,get. Private toads at (:e Mw rate of tit per eat. per ea, DIME HI.AGEIt t L..wd 'IN, Ueriebs MNl E HAVE PRIVATE TRUST P1'1914 to 1.ad ea Mer.gye at else Mw Of r e of Irma AND A RALE !'f6R CENT. 1'.r annum. Write sr can ter ppaartscularw. SKAGIR • LEWltt. tiaderieh. ikez. 1a TO LOAN. APPLY .7'0 CAMICRON 11ULTtCAMERON (Rica r .ch. 1})M (INET TO LEND. --A LARGE .tt ow ea to ;AR1i0 i0Ntclrr riga a iii= r JOHN no► 1r•.1., I YI/$20,000 PRiVATE FUNDS TO LEND - n t:herrydale tars• Co1Mn.a Tp. cif `h on Faand Town Property at lowest 1n - t reef Mart • punk d se C issioa N. !L -- ttot'nwnn caw ablate areae monody itiihe,t e.*,h pr re pard for all kinds nf fore. if title is saliatae•tory . ISole t JONA- aM aLaapskrns, sk ingot ground nag, dom It FrItS eem KTON llarrlsfe». he.. . OdeHc►. 111 5*?£'iTEI) e. •og"s air notes charged. (:....ve-).ncIng Fee. renewable. 7 d•7 ..at and deg included. Also Wised and R dressed to order. u'ILMI Jt FMITH, ulftm a !:coir\'• Tesco.ry. GENERAL INS U RAN(•!d, • RADCLI FFE, YR(lliti'sf3P1ORCLARKE WELL GIVE . l a erne t. the Term• tar WS. mro MUSIC. --MISS C(N)KE, AFTER 14 1ITt pars study of mimic, b prepared 'o receive pupils for the Piano, )l teammate, quarterly. Terme • $ pat quarter. efte- • A IiI;MBER, o MILLWRIGHT, MAr'i!t\F';T VALUATOR, At49vT. ;Pr. p'stomata. Marto and (7o-ttaeta Taken for House (tette& by the Mot W'airr System. Hot Water sad Mean Anima:••. I,Ittle Giant and other W•err Wi ' . Agrk•altrral em- pl• cosy 95,11 Iaarbiaery. PLANS �AJND KPEC1PjCATiON$ e ST l 1!154?. 1- M•1311. 1111MSAm If. L t8T ttTR 3 eaical. L REEVE, M U , C.M., MEM- * . wt of t\e Catena of Physicians .d Rnrweoa., h,. Physician, tturge•n. sort A ceoltrhet . ere.. Tort .Utter•. 10'4 IIR Mi -LEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- ILY GkUN, Cirewer tto. OB•e and re+idewre Renee Street simead deer west of Vatter* Street . 1ip. DRB. SHANNON • HAM ILTON +▪ � to C sestina low lsM, . C 1 gm es REAL ESTATE axe MONEY Lf1ANiNG AGENT. O•ly firs! rieao (''mpatlb, Repreae.tad if Mosey to towel en stragbt leans, at the lowest rate of hatetvel colnc, tee any wee 10 Boit ti. oerrewer. (wines -- &woad done from wgeare, Waalfttruet.Gederith. /t[?t( $50,004)1, T''LONT. AN AT 0 PER THX TaittONTO GFNFRAL TRiT$TB CO'T ar. peeper...1 to Iran wwney rat, per tent.. pay able MY Featly. to TERMS TO $FIT 1tt•RROWERS, nn Aret-class farm rcarlty. c'AMRkON. 1101.T S CAMRims. k.rr,strra God•rk•b. Agents for the Tnrente tions -al Truss (hey. Meaeri. l'ANwwnw, Hour R (:At♦atn7 Irv* b alma largo amount of private toads v OA Oft -r.• fa -.n ah'I.rl) Guderteh. Ort. 1, 1M3. 1.114/ I'RiVATS(, FUNDS • To lend est Ianam' town property, at tow cwt tntetcsr. Mortgage. purchased. Ne ooe- snasiow charged sweets for the Trust and Loan Compaq: te Canada, the Canada Ia.4.dwtp f rri•1t t nny 11 r (Andes iawn COspeay Of t •anal•. Intens!. a sl and 7 per rest. N. 11 Borrowers rats oblate money In op lay. if thle sattsfartewv. U PI 34A V I14ON JONNlero7I du* Arco . GSri v wMeMMwrwniawppryeilr t� 1i� stair }sew. aM It 1aNea Ma r.aa. 1 A.en a.,s ew Ot-r (ttld /et tlrlem, eb t 4