HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-2-18, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, FEB. 18, 1117. TA8HIIUTOI LITTER. Events Coourriug at titer U. 3. Capitol. • BM" . ABOUT QUOITS. 141w (-7. Kpsnee, ,,t e••w. G. (isdet.oh the t-wmplowieatw twice of fwtl.c- ts.wnshlp, vatted frauds here lam week. , - 1 Mies McPherson, st 0,eterich, was t the guest ..t Mrs 1). Lsu*i,e.. last week. The w.•rn of the 'Li..l inst. nehered the lire lambent for Midi. Mr T..ben to /as, anal*m nae wr..tare torabrrw I the lucky owusr, and again we ale *bead wad meretery ttlusars. I of tier canny cousins In Leeburo. 1) Cumming w.a at the township reamed teat Friday urgiuw the school Feb. 7th. 1887. ,•onion, There is sine opposiuun of The Forty Ninth t' .agneas hes ualy these it. pr•prrwl .earn'', •n( the clerk street three weeks more in which to MI ends to send a billet to all eatery/dad complete its record. Frons the prutress legislation is waling this face amen* to be realized no loth the Sena.., and fluter terry tittle time las beet' rub ed Ibis winter by either. Indeed, the Dreamt session has beat' an eicepti••u- ally aodustrious vas. in k'. kine uver the work of the past week it will b10 found that seine appro. priati• os bills were disposed of - -the reflood attorneys ball g ,t thn.ugh the Senate -sheet a buedrrd pensions tells were passed, ,,s osee «1 which are of the kind that the President toga roto, and there were debates on such sul.jects ae Congressional funerals at public expense, clerks for C•nnitreasnten •t public ea peso., et. .1 •ervsce n-f,(ue uo.ltr tate present A,lueinistrstiun, ships, runs, wast defense.. Goal on other questesue. A r.w, t tied , f curiosity *s a seifested to knees ell e; the f iestdrnt wail do snit the cane ..( the colorer .ran frnlsr Albeey ah..e, he her tw.tw' appointed t•. he 1{.. , ender tot Dee•da, end wheat the Senate Las tared r(Jrcted. The oth4Ial w,t.li• Cativo of Mr Metheisa relectnm has not yet berm sent to the White Howie and, of course, the t'tcsident •til take iw ad,..0 it. the wafter uuul lie IS •e In- formed. The e•ot'.m*s•i issued to Mr Mathews ey the Pre•idrut after the ad. journtaent of the teat sasei'u of Con- gress is operaulr uutrl the earl .t the present seseeet unless the President should noe.Ia.te woute .ane elan to •UC teed bio. Theref.•r.• Mr 3/lathes* may cots:,nue els duty until the f..eutit lei March. I1 the P:rsident s.• tit -sores he can then appoint I ea aye*,:, *tut issue a ci.mif.is swo bungler t.• that Mader which he is rw ' ,tees *filch sill Le valid until the end .11 the nett s -•u a of Congress, prvvtd• ed he a neither conhrtsedor superseded. Torre Is t, • loe.g t.. plreveut the Presi- dent from iseerpung Mr Mathews tit .tBoc thus way a..tli thy sham sit his Ad- nimistr•tivn if he so desires, but whether it wou d he p•.bcy for his to defy the Senate a opp.sit sit such ex cent, is quite souther question. Secretary Manning will be subject,.' to some very Severe criticism in the in the House of Reprra..t.tauves bt'can.e •,f his reply too the re+selnttoo of 'equity seat him by the silver men, bat he et,, o ut Le impeached. as threatened, for his patty in the House wuutl net allow the . tatter to eo that far. The authors of the rese.luti n were much nettled at floe Seceder) ** attempt to show them that they did not know what s erse.bick wag; that they cid not know the differ- ence between s Treasury note, which is now almost a rh:ng of the got, and a ,reieoh.ce, which is known to the tae .4 a I:oiled .i.eYtneut.. Thtaallezarien •4 the •hast .wells• sof their kn •ale.lgi. displeased thew, and they shoo colluded Mr Msni.i:egg reusurable for port i..wodi- oat act• Ounaequent:y, st the Capitol. there has been soave c:,uaultia: of hu. ka re - Ie ingt4. itrp,eee.hwer.t, shat it meant, O. whom is a; • J ye, the -proper orcasir'ns ter impr•ehmsut, and hoe to d o it. The Western men resent whet they tall the &tregane•s of the New Yorkers to aaumisg that outside of the Empire State t...b•dy knows anything ab ,et finance. Still one of them : These Treas:.ry of iciels look upon the mem- trers . f the 11•sure as a ht of boobies He said he would take occasion to re- mind them that the fin&steal system owlet which ma went ell ptoren_ t working was originated and framed by Wicrette Cease•.f (►iia, and that it was under snottier Ohio man --Secretary Sherman - that specie payment was resumed. These are the hardest weeks of the year for the President The mesarres the: ate beteg mint to him Ly C. gross demand much careful attention, and the drafts upon his tions, politically and eocia'.ly, are very pressing. The most prominent social event of the week at the White Roues was the diplernatio dinner, at .bie:t the representatives of twenty -than of the thirty friendly nations usually reprrsee.ted here were Preset,.. Anne* wows. • it is certainly glad tidings to the pooe invalid/0 bo hammed of a round, that will itis* prompt and sure relief in came cif p.i.ful suffering. Such a remedy .. Hagyard•s Yellow Oil, adapted for inter.*! and external um in all acbe., pains, lameness and soreness. It curs rbwaatusm, neuralgia sore thole. croup end all intLntawry pains. At Kingston the other day Sir John. ie talk. of Ri*I's execution said: ''if yon mu you shall die." That wasn't what he said to Riel in 1870. Then it was "if you murder, here is $.1.000 to I FI ape punishment. An melee Inc the toilet, Ayer a Hair gor stands urrivall.d. It cleanses scalp .rd preeerrea it from scurvy dandruff. row,. itching end humors,tore. the Lair. when faded •r gray. toorinal dark coor, and promotes its wth. in the matter t.. attend • meeting .1 the towushe. fathers to hear their stews for tea air*sat It. ?ort £lbs t. T.<, tato I r last week: Tie your d,.;; up in the caller ; the as- aeaeror Is oh his rounds. 44.0.1 Young. of hey City, Michigan, is nt w vast to lou relatives here. Our (lettermen are getting dishearten- ed. The water has been c. tendril/ since the hitt January thew that ant a fish has fixer caught, and n••a an•.iher thaw is upon us, which threatens to. take :he ice worry altogether. thick. tapered from teas- up to j it., at Edward Carrell re• eptly ktet with a e Fih k,p, and lixed Musty st.:f let el were serine, tom by the d...ath .1 his Hitt, the .•eutre of the foie end., which aral)ure "Yawner Hcete,io na " Vi .. ore i, f,.ruewl fleet Mr Correll refuse *!,'shit) for hum last fall in Werons.n, in which state he stood durikg the w*s•n. The _hues .4 death ■el tufamwati.ou of the belittle We regret to r.:.•rd tate aeon** cf Mrs E!ize McMillan, relict .1 the lath John McMillen which sad .vest occurred in. Sunday our it last, after • !nogg and fhe f'dhrwi.g rules .7 (11441,111 (.sinus, e•-champies sit Euggtaud, are puhl..b.d in the Kugiish sporting Wpefs and are tu be the (utdu.1 role to all gaeues tar the ahawpwwubip : Article* of &gruesaaout, entered iutu this day between 1. To play a game of quoits, 18 ur 24 yards distaste., 61 pomata up fur £ ---•- side and the championship, and he who scores GL puutts first to he declired the nurwr. 2. Each man can play with a lair of quoit. 4.f any weight he likes, but they oust not exceed 8-' in. 1n diameter, and nothing lees than 4 in. &crow the inner circus. :l A ring is to be 1eneed off on a level piece ot ground 2.. yards in length arid 8 yards in breadth ; If 'L1 yards, 38 yards in l.,, th. 4. The two ends for playiui the quoits on are to be gads 4 eta[ sticking clay. :t feet ..fume, and 8 inches deep, mud put in level with the top pert of the etoewl in the centre oI each end of the nnig. 5. il.,n pins 3 feet le ng by I j, in. are always. to 1,e kept so mad the Kate *finisher!. 1:. Indy the players and their ,direct - oars, quoits cleansers, ac.mere, mei the re- feree to be per:ugtted 'erode the ring : who must retnein orderly, uu1 not move *►nut while a player is ger the act of throwing his pion. 7. A player cels bake his footing on either ode of the pus at . radius of eft. poinful iltres,,, wh,oe she bora with inside of the ring, w toned as he keeps at truly Christian potence. The deeeaaed the di•tanae he has agreed to Flay at. lea+eel • family sf four eons aria three 8. Each player shalt tons as to who daughters to ostium tier loss. She was bads the first good, and shall commence tit years .d age. Her re.ratt,s were in- throwing the said quoitcs alternately totrri to the (:'.dutch cs..csry uta from end to end, *Ito winner at cacti Tuesday succrasire sal t•, play the hest --quoit at tier 1..c*l T..rira hr!d a meetin.e the the s-xt end. met Le u 4 longer than other nicht f..r the purpose of ',Naritate" women w fu!luwiuy each other. ins. Fr•tn a young stet enterpriatrm n 9. The directors stall keep sway from the cud atter the Liberal who nuke* it s point t.. be pees h;ht Is sh..wd, end tie ant at such gstherrisi i, we are interned t.'4 ailluwed 1" est or, r the sod whily the that the crowd collected in a black•I.itb's player es in the act ,d throwing hie quart, shop snont 10.30 p. m. it was nut t so as to prevent him from Intertsiritug wsay quoits t*t are yug about its what might be termed eery successful, !ith ih li., We do not, of coon*, vouch for the as. Pan runic' 44 the at.tement, Mgt noir inferno- ...mit nform- { 10. All inerts Iviur in any pvrjtinn to .mit.A.:lla w tlat.tb' joy ..f the father en t be measured from the c.:otre en the pin ' the return of the pn.dlgal sat not near -'p' 4t-4 541154aa.:acrst pan_ -t f - t:o• quoit ly se great iia the i •y of Close Tories with the referee'. dive/eta, / :d the .ear I present ngw•n finding that they had two i n"'V") or Panda to Count ur.e or two among their n nnher she c.41 d both i poses tai the player. i read and write. S•. de.noc.trative did ; It All clay is to be cleared away be i they becon.e that the kicked over the ween gnoit and pin at measuret,r•t.t ', dry g'••..1. h..z on which their tamp and Any quoit or quoits that con fie moved Lepers erre err, *hoe u,a••rtuuate away without leterfering with the olunra I event compelled grata to **pars the it that are about to be measured, can ala.. ' not -ease until Friday evening sett, when f by mak en away. ' 1 it will he held in au old ate d.: erted1' . 81141111d two gunge be oo tap 0! I:mc .du near the Istee, the other, and the t'ntt.m ane is ewsr- ingg the cement of the pus, eu that the 4 bead hawse.dscidet cannot be applied to measure for Kaastariwree et repo. Emma. f of snythi,r: i. _ toe shots the referee SW) As amide ibe ,t. ;...pulerity where it hes hearse longest : cud. known. ?broughcut ties Dinneen of 1 13. Shaul1 a gr",it besticking ups, and Cassia there is be more eftactusl mrdi- i ** likely to fall during mea.urement,th*t cum for coughs, c••'d.. h'.srseeess, Imre 'sleek thsll to secured frees tallies/ lay tt:r• at, hrot,chjtts anal a,thms.than flag the relents, sed if either party move a t *clef . Pectoral li..'sa•n, f..r .ale Ly 4111011 while measuring tt • polio .tali las .lin;- 4iven In against hum. + - - _ 4 / i 14. Only five minutes be allowed the 1r tl,•n ea salter. rent :t*Iu_ to ,reit.*; directors el, measure the queue, and if they caun•ot agree 111 float ten:.. the Nle :t. Md.) .4l:ar,, •.f (:oderiab. w11n, " referee 811111 be caned i,I decide the as u,dny sit mar renters know has tor•p int. I5. A player must not leave the ring ierout•t choke bnbery, or be e"cked. cific scandals ..rthe insolent purchase a Prert..ce with the infest t, par- a. the a'untty, leen! railway. to pur- ase counties in detail, blind shares oY purchaseof committeeet Parlisrent s all been defended. Aa wail defssd d- Rei•. G M. 17rennpt, Pr.wail sm'. errliarl', ile dlafksri.g emptie*os thefare, makseye. the pallid c nmplission. icate that there is something wow: non within. supe' the Harkin fe health by tares Ayer . SarpsnllaTHE REV. (110. H. THATIR, ofse►e*yled.. ra "athre t .wd sewe nor liege to f1YIIsl►E'Fs Cls- MTTION CURT," Toy sale by J. ilgus, druggist. r -- want lbw "same saes s "It hes never Wee denied by the Mail that the !feta had lased yrusswl fur grlcers es. !3y the p*assece of the Maui too& Act of 1870 old Console bad onto ally and trwukly rece.g.ss ecu nes eights of the the tlallbreed• .4 that Poo; ire, I,, slurs an the loduu title, mil tt teooc. las 4 matter of course that if lhry had rights in the seat! ,t Manitoba, tl...... • t the.. Omitting 61 tree names ta•y..nd had angina .n the •,ail there. Thu ad muted .of .o drpul.•. It must hair belle guile well mitierstood by Para.- ! gaunt t.1 1870 ; at all event. the tweeds 'show that the goverlsm.ut sit tit.. day re- ; cognized the tweet, thou./it a settkweut was not then asked for, Ise spite et this new.tnetiuu, huw..et, mud of the caul• fest and uuaatswerable l.. is of the Hatt - bred case, the L1.p.rtnwa for veers and pare seeehly reluard to more 1n the rrtulter. .11 was a tangled question ; it would Involve the eppeiseri4.ot of a.•.u- muatum aatt All. end of trouble ; :it. A: - heft and St. Lanreut were tar dlataut depr,denc.es without poet teat sudueuu.•; 11 was a clam that would he ,wk the worm for i tor-woaidiwq .n tAr pigeon Auk.. 'nos was the way 111 witch 11.e ultictwis treated the ;eat tkwwwds 4 the .Ueda, and we agree .Its Mr Blake, that deer neofejv.cr Hu. •er....a mud tae ewaabfe, o*4 r.wtrd,ef.,J to 1,-4441 demi the insur- rection • • • • * s "flad they had toter, litre white men, orii, lien the Ito:is:is they bad brain nu riea enough to command re -wet and ,reeve. red talar. without doubt the eels of the office would hare revolt' for thew : _mut being wily- Halt nlyHal: s, they were gut 4•tf with an egestal tomes:, maul pretence coos' to be a tt tae. We repeat again the departmentalsystrsn under which s.0k (Wept1 o..4 creel woe; e. of at rights .,t a purtiun of the cowsunt'uy w 4r post e.,:a, waa wrote and .15. sU be cell ear,. I. Owlay tlfr. Khat a trig tw.uutul word wA lien in : Nature elves 114 grandeur of muuntalna, t::rte and oceans, a•ut thuusan.*a n; ls.ro,a sit etnj'yrnent. tee can desire r.•4 i.etter when in perfect health ; but n.• r • ftea .1o, the in spotty. eat teeple feel like giving it up desheart- ented, dlsceen,.<eh ,not worn ,,it with disease, when Cher., s n.. •.caaeon f•, this feeling. as ..cry sufferer can resile obtain sataefsctr ry proof, lirero'• Aught Flower, will stake them tree Tri:iu a-ta .:i►, Tier whew iwern. and Liver C.msplaint are the direct cause of seventv-6ve per cent, of such mnlsdiee As lsliosanva, ledigee , sick heretacbe, cnetivenes$. uerv••v • prestretten, (Ostiasts e'1 the heal, pvlpitstiuns of the heart, atop 4t:mer iistreuin; ay nptn'ns. Threw s••ses of alieuet rower will pro. its wot.dcrful effect. Sumtelr beanies, :S cents. Try it. y e., iy r. tun:wl from guar t'•.!onaa) Ea:r*- Iwu,•n, whom he bad ben. superiatet"1• after the ran:e is once commenced with- ing the dap ay .., fruit sent from Can- out the reters.', c.,noat, sad o.y tea *da, sae us town this week- He grates: minutes be allowed that player. to be 4 *!sent fruit, the ring. that the peep'e of Fnggtand were ast„r►- iahed t•rynu erasure *1 the 1t.ypuid- 1G. Should darkness set in before the once .f the display of fruit en had 1 gems ia t err, the referee shall have share of. H. said that Ueati.nis a 4 4' power to stop it, and to name another eeruing varieties. tool testis es acre fired dry mind hour to have it finished, and at him, not by eoe person ata time, but in caw of any dispute arising during the by scores and s,:ores. He found the' z*ice that-isommotest in these articles, greatest atiaiety manifested to know ; the referee shall bare foil newer to act, atnnetll a' o'#)C,rain•" Cana.fa. R'hde e ane! his dreuion shall be final, wl.jeet to there Le disp,.e-It J. for shippees in i 314 551.141141 in s i chin ill -Ge et (1thattse. Canada, thousands . f forret. of apples, at prices ra:.lttng feta le shillings • lar- • rets rel erbeleeele, 4• 'tri shillings, and had little or Do difficulty in selhng. He ler a letter town James Irwin, Iteav-et complains that a great deal of the apples Creek, Manttob*, M says, "'I was taken shipped were of very inferior qulast summer with a ver.l11y. y severe pain t* an is firm in the conviction (hat there 107 back. By ming ane Mottle of Har - is an unlimited demand fur apples a yard's i-eilow ()ia 1 was completely first-class quality, gat very rernunerat,ve cured." Yellow VII also cures lumbago, prices. lie says that the best varieiietl rheumatism and all cxter.al mud veter- an!! always sell well, but buyers hero Initas• most pursue • diffrreut method to what they have in the boast ; he thinks that CANADd'8 COAT DEFENCB. instead of buying out a man's orchard at e certain figure per barrel. all around, the apples should be graded and bought ar carding to variety. He alai 4Uffe• to more careful handling mud packing, and for very choice varieties pecking. in hal barrels u better thin were': racking apples in paper, each one separately. u • necessary necesry to insure good ale. Peo- ple in the old country are willing to pay almost any price for fruit, and Mr All.n says m ys that it orno uncommon thing Inc some of the people, when looking at the keit exposed on plates, to offer hien $ ,round note for one of the plates. took11. over with him a quantity of green corn, which, being shipped in refrigera- tors, arrived in splendid condition, and at sold faster than it could be parcelled out He thinks that while the London market may occaeinnslly be slightly glutted by fruit, the Liverpuul market never can, a. it is a distributing point for soeh a wide ere& (ilarg,•w he cnn- coden a better market than Landon for fruit. Mt Al'.'. says ala. that a great many ]sung f.r.t.rrs came mto him seeking +n- fnrsm tiot ; en who had from £100 to £1000, which they would like to invest in fano land rete, but before doing so would work Inc a year or two in the ci.ontry, and since his return to this country he ha. been retreat inundateddaily duly by hatters asking for isformatienn of vanas web e.ne reing the prospects lf. of ynune fai.Irby want t9 e,:me here. - Chutes 1(.o Ibis. *assn tilt erase. " ► hila as, husband was trading in furs he cisme aMNI an leases, wl,o tow taken to his lodge to die. He had i•i- , ward pairs and pains in his limb. 11e gave some Yell. w (hl internally and ap- t plied it "Vernally, *ud enrol ham. it also ours& ley h•shand of rhrumat*em. a.d 1 bed it ealeahle Inc entighs and eosins, sore thrust, •to " Mrs A 13..... Goya 1[tlie, flerpeot River, r►st. The s.rtrriee at Tletorla .*d loose wsaatt le a C$srre45l.ble 44414111 les. tiome mistake appears to have hien in tis 1e.aa elIil,rn.*iment that the Brit- J'.put bnitios,c.paFol, .;f fiil;s aime aa.ndin: the effect of eleolieslic flusT,e nnure•ka11!e, are rmauut.;it.u..l ue tete 1. eit,.1 i:rtes. I's ter :+ ti, at tante from ten -tarts rat;, hty p kit. rat, tiny pasts w•...d sod : 'rty psi t. straw stook. hath s*.ies of the !heel ..r, eeeered wit!. • mixture td titt?i.riea:.•td l.s..,,.1 and p.wdered time. 'len necktie.u.4 this wires.ir s tr.115.'s eteeeo4.. toss iw. Have Yogi tae old Minor, Cut. hors, Br'wr, Cort., liene.n, Balt t4heuw,Plga hlutche•, Bough Hands or Fare t 1 ell. theno a test ••ted cure, saltily, Mc Clgegur .It Perbe'a C'erbol.c Cerate. 11 yob but try 1t, .t will women y.io. It .res. but 26 east* at l) Rhymes drug store. ft) TM, (ions,,.) rciaheta at Cheese° have l•rwend i 61'3.000 k. aid 1n the re -elect - tet aimed 4, u,••cree 10 the reechatag, 5 Fur 11400 hook, side or chest, use ihilue's P„into Plaster prrc. JJ Ceuta. Y..r wlo 07 J 1V,;11011, I►ngptlat. i tri THE BEST. For , ut,•h.. 1'u1ds, :'orethroat eel '1 ••.a )-asses., In. Jug. tnedi- .15e i. 11.e Oast. .t r tb- c1U oro.' mr.ti. inn. rimp!e mei may ., 1*►r The ht•.i known tend. .r Ilrad,chr. tttlw.uary and eel,pa.a.,. 1. Ire J4.4 • Palls. 1lhe * r••uts. A Y E R' S ««• if tb. 1.*err he PILLS roues torpid, (f lice bowels are eenot.patr.t, or s,' the s1ouach fails to perform it. !unctions property. use Ayer'. Ptile. The) are invaluable. Fur some yyear. I war • victim to lever Complalat, to rocw•erj.urricc of where 1 referred troen (ieurr.el Debility and Indi- gestion. A fro troves of Ayeees 11114 restored ni. W peri. ct health. - W. T. 1t►ktbtnev, Ilesders,r., W. Ye. For veers I have relied mot.. 1:;) A)rr's ('iiia than Anything; oho.. L. Regulate my bowei4. Melo file ere m1:.1 ,n velem. and .k,the r.surk thoroughly. 1 Imo euv.•4 .!,rut with q1ggo04 to(t, n, rase,+ of litters 0d:rt1am, Kidney t'riubls, Mad I)yepep..:.. lis 1', lli:lrr, Attbawrruugh, alarm., Ayer'. nu noted mo e: ;)tomard, am.1 Liter trembles, trove which I had .u%.',r.i 444' yours. 1 consider teem the two: pule male.mud would not Isewubout thou. Morris (isles, Dee nee *tie, N. Y. 1 was attacked w4h !hulk is Fever, whish was fullewset by .Tauud.e•e, mit wan s,1 dan.;rrou.ly if! gait '.j• friend,. de- epa*resl of me recovery- I commenced taking Ayer'. !'fib. sad sem emelt: el my .•u.teal;.ry Wn•witt11 sal vigor. -Jelsu 1'. Pattison, t.uwcil, Yebruka. Last spring 1 setfercd greatly from a troablewmt• hunter nu me .,.tai. in rpatn of every e(nrt to ,-urn mei. rtr:pt!ou, ,t In- creatard Vogul the Asch becaa w entirely nor, i wm4 troubled, xt the .artw finis, With Hadis-eros, etas: ,l,•tto e.;:.4 I.•:t3m is --The- -Bowels. Ry theadvine ot s ?need 1 begs.•, ts3.tue A,yer's Pith. In a sheet time ! wvs free trout pain, my food divested properly, the torr,4 on my Lady eoamarcacr•.t beeline, end, in how than one n:ontb, 1 was ..Leeds -Samuel!). W.h*te, Atlanta, He. I hsvc long used Ayer's lelia. ler 1411 fussily, Rol b.'diwt th-m to be th.. bre: pith iasde. -8. C. 1.)5i- len, Darden, Kies. bfy wife sad lift!• girt were tek•n with I)ss•ntery it few .11y, .it's, suit 1 It one'.• bag.m giving thugs ynall dose of Ayer's Pith, thinkti:4 1 weak! rail a dnc'or III the . dtorase be•.•ai nr. syr war la R ►bort Caw the blood% dl.rhs steriw•d, ell pale: a rot sway, .. reeeree.} I teas!• re }Orme, It,ctwuond,Va Ayer's Pilis, aipar.d ty Dr. J.. t • e (')., i.owrd, /l4 •). bon by ail Dealers is iKisittiue. 1887.. Harpers' Barr ! LLl'5TRAT E1). ilarPer. lta.aar oea.t.,wu the ireeteeet lit- erature mrd the bent art illisetratioart watt the West raa slow e..d the most useful llsa/ly reutlag. the *tortes. pewee and essays era M tee hest enure sad uta bemoaned eheleb*s are aitaurp5a•rd. lug r.+i..•e • ea ewes' eti- quette. dsserative art. tomer - la ail Its breeches, osoker)J rt. ,make it Theme *((rte ie every houesheet, l•• bsautitel task nue hisse aid palter.. beet suppielbegy .a- mple ladies to Writ.st.y times toe oast of et.` •vnplise byhiftlit then. otos dommaeera. Not • liar L admitted to ire oedemry fist eut.ad.aeck the seem him immure ses. IHARPER'S PERIODICALS Pea If OAK IIA ItPKR'$ 11AZAk.... .fs IfAkl'►K' S alAtiAZI1►1':. •iAKPrtt'tl W Eit:6I.1 AAKI'ttk'1+ Y(151N11 PKt.H.A. . IIA l:1'Kk':1 YRANl.:1.1V 4jL:A1111 HAI( Y. (Ow Year ib: Nueihsrsl.. HAttP►'H'rs HANDY 1KH11$, (yes Year N nost ret Years 1'esleay•]eee to aft arus.•riIs r• in ger t'a rd 51t•.f_a ew owaJa. The .-olurwea or the Hazer here. with the Orn. Number for Januar) ..f roots year. Whom 1141 t.nMe u torath,aeu, sulr .r.ptiow will Ir, 4t.i with the number . uncut at time ill re• osier of o,drr. 111.411111 Vdentee of Harper, Bear. for ,Arco rears leark, it. meat 1loth btsidu.g. will be seat by nue , postage raid. or by *sprees. free of expense tprnv*drn the freight dery trot e*.owl 01 110 per vulnm)l for in ell per vulisine. ."loth Caere for each ".dun.,. se.ta1te for ',ilius. *ill he .1.01 ty trail. gwstpaid, oa a•. .e:nlor41ellea.h. Itcmillrn.•rs .4nuld he mode by Pert elle.. Dow -y lMlrr or ',refl. 5,5e r..nt ....ace or loci. 1 rsr*µfirm al, oar It. runs tato, ca,vrefs, owlet rr.th.,t.t ,h. rrg.rr.r, un1.•r ,tf !Lail'*& & 5:.slu t It & l;hi 1'll►:1t , fir* York. 1887. larpor'sYmmgPeople Al ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Harpers Velma Norte has been called "t:.r n.,551,-1 or what • t.e'rirdical for )omni r.e.i.reought hrbe.'"and the lust.,e M theft ...n$,nrudn1.nn is aaepty se:sea,t.ed to tb.• large sin elation it tier *leased at hens aux 1. it real llntain. Tina rowers has beepY by usemh,.l. !bot roust rna,nlen,r :h.u,.••111.1., the J11.4.111. of of pit -rats, n.. 'ion 10 the 11•1111,6 air r1I'dr,.n g,00 0 -1y„ h) ,s•urr.r,1, end r,:l .u••atn,d .iron so pr. tt-ide Thr twee and n.rnt attrfttttetradtag 4..1 toting proper at a low erne.. The ill...trottuo art. ccp,uw and of :t ..,t.pl 14o,4 load .tea Oars of rate -item e. An epitome of everything that in attractisr mad desirably i1: Jaynes literature.-- 15orte.. (''eryr. A weekly leso r,f gaol th:nr to tt-e Ivry. a...I earl* In eller) tamely wh,.h it visits, Brooklyn Cajon. It'lewonderful In its 'remit of pictures. is --fijsaRew:tlad•,aee•rmie-u 1aeiaw-4"sseatr.:- i,.Y. TRItM$ : Portage Prepaid, Mee Per Year . Vel. VHI. cosnmen:es November t: peri. .urge V. Ni orxt,s, Fite ('ents each. Remotest.' *inset be made by. P..5-OAar-.' ammo leder or Itratt.to Avoid chance of leer Newurfoawt►• .,air net Jo reper *Asa eel4•rwtiY- wee/ w.5Aowf (A. ..: -,iris.* era,r of }!ARMED kNnrn,:R... Addreia. HAItt'EPP ft 1:i:uTHERS. New York. materiel are then pressed in s hot metal----G$OIClin- --- mold acid they assume tine haul of 11 . p half a bottle. The two ha:vers are then ,t f t i, united under the u.fiaena• ..; bra: ar.dlon I 'l lIl' presser) tutu a ere -feet b...ttf,r. Ideate n f tai 4 tlI ! z 0 f,, l tai 1;w Budget. C3_ amzemoi.TE, IA 0 Isr4irr sr • Vevey raw. 1040 eisol ream ter ria Nee. &sternch hay:he. hi.:cragasaoc cser.t of C When we soy 1lal:rr •r'e::pwrdy (a s is+tbe only perfect cure for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, In.aigeation and Im- pure Hlood, we are telling plain facts, of which hundreds upa u hundreds can tete Ul tify who have been restored to 'settee% *sal CfeeFECTI5,s::.T T.v.:P.A.:. . r••w health by its use. We would therefore Fresh Oysters . wdeire 4t. str•r.lY if r•u err r &ob'rct `iarvoiL -„fad f Ery of the.be,4e itvub1s. tu. gi, re M5 , r.-. he lean*. at i)yw air. ie ea;k er by the f" Uregor'a Speedy Cure a trial and be core cka. See the tars.• reek of CAr7T111i... `a U s ,ince•!. li 4. cold in :.0: and 41 b. ales r Prim' very h,... - - y bca.: at (.'lthynai dreg store. i•_. t`_G `+CARDONE. ieh Government are sending out a num- ber of eighty ton tune for the ccs t de- fence of K.qui.anit and Victnria- Twelve sixty lour pounders lase. been sent out from Lel=land, not for the arma- ment of the forts, but to be placed on board the British ships of -war belong- ing to the Pacific atlwadron, or to go into naval reerv.a Some *we• the British Mia**ter .4 War made application to the Canadian Pacific kwdway folks to know tf they could tru.ape.rt etre or mere eighty tors guns over their reads. An estimate of the emit was Riven, with the model of a car onmpoeed of three trucks. which it was p.nposeo to nee If the shipment was mad.. Since rn nothing has been heard of eighty. On gnus The other in miniesnd of the itntiah Columbia district dos* not speak very credibility of the c.mdition of the armament et that point. The artd- lery arm is deecrihed se old, the carriages and timbers aro repined to he rotten, and falling to pieces, white the gens are wehont eights. The batteries et Victo- ria and Koptirrault are in a dlacredlta- hie a.ndition , 011 A mob at at Tipperary. after burning • 1**** 1A4* t • Louse from which a ten*sit hair been , 1, dragged, declared t'hat they *outs.; leer - after tolerate rt. evtctiums. I. 11 WHY WILL YO1 c• u;;h when'; Shilub'• Cure will civil imnlpliate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 cgs., and 51. For ale by J. W i1cw, druggist. Tho correapnudent ..f the London Stemmed at St. Preersh ug affects to know, tae teed sutlwntt, fiat there will be my war in Europe. Hoar*! relesa. Nothing but pure extracts from plaa-ts and toots ars: usrd in prepaying Mc- (Iregor•s Lung Conspoond, the meter,. and now popular remedy ter Colds,, Coughs, Bewchitis; Croup. A►sthnaa, sad all affections of the throat, lungs *lel chest. All mineral poisr.ns and danger- oos substances are avoided which ren - des it safe for children or adults. Sold at 50c at $1 per beetle at (1 Rhyme' ) drug store. (2) Trustworthy rep its frcrn the ron,ers et [tektite and Wyoming see to the ' effect that there has this wetter Oren no unusual hies of cattle. 14 SHILOII'S CURE wilt immediate ' ly relieve Croup, Whoeseing Cowie, and Bronchitis. For ab by Jas. 1A dem, trues/ie. The organized mobile .f Canada c•,.n prices 37,301 men. The D.wnln*on erntnent has a largo cartridge. factory at Quebec. Thor Least Tear. *151 After the shore year is ended There need be ne person suffering front Rine mations, Neuralgia, '(.otiteche, Head- ache, Lnmhwor, or any acute pain. if they /4117 purchase a h,.ttle of fluid _ Lightning(, as It corm ine!enth•. fain 1111101 002 211111- /anent stay where /1 i. used. Tie sneer. Ifiwh living is nnquestienahly had Inc is Fluid Lghtning, ),•Id by n Rhynes' the liver, but whether foss that ..r other druesist- (7) canoes, the hese becomes deranged, the Tho rev,vil ,n pn•.rese in Dr, T.' lost core for livor eomplmint or boons,.leawe•s church as, Y.ns,kira, has theta t, neaa, is thee standard rnediei.e for ale resulted in two. Heenan, ..mvrrsr.9ns. by all dr'iW..te, Burdock Blood Bitter.. Iq RHi1OH 4 CATARRH R}:MIC- Remember 11 R. B. is the special trade DY - a pneitiw. core f•'r ('.umbo [)ti mark of this leedieine. 2 T' Iberia and Canker Mouth. Fur ale by J. W suns, dressat. 16 A NASAL, IPLI43C'N)R free with each boars of 81iiL4.. ('aterrh Remedy. llfary !taker, resilicg in White re•in- IPrise 50 cent*. For ale toy I. Wilson, , 17. 1nd., has .akwn neither rood user &typist. 1 Brisk for e' a hand e.l and fi,..!ys. 1 17.71".7.7"7.3 ,7. wcRaz PO1.7DURS. Aro plseseat tot :* . Pig rt. I. a sat:* SoHo. s,.•1 er.A.elewl dassesew a/ wss•se ea Cl.».: w ar Adolf H Z O H z V c '1 ip Z aq '< z ,'' 14 /2 y PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT Ity wear;..'to u•. , FRANK LAZARUS -.1w, of the Irv,. of 1.40a.-0..11 1•.t.`- e E BEST TH E CHEAPEST. New Fruits, New Nuts, New Teas, NEW GOODS Rationed Spatulas Lassai OF ALL KINDd. Ti..'..fo .the p. MV cad a .ts, .. rine :new ver tin* turd for the past ll ).".M WWI *. ran in cowry IwMs,.e► uahu,en4ed ma!lifactlw'. Vt., sr • 1 n T.IR .ar►r 1* TWO wcw11.n The► 'e' mill last easy rears with...I' change. r5)1 *11.14 1r Yates & Acheson 1 UMW Ill/ 11,!(1401• CIADDERICFi. FRANK LAZARUS,1ANUFACTUREA i it. Maryland nevi Harrow head. 14)NI)OY, 15NOi.ANIs I Its'.' !.earn. 1. Morrie. Rar'Iowd Vona i 'I r►No eeRnrrtam whh ani. ether !:t7wt ie the Datwkainn .:.'single { Jsa. utas, tae 002 It 'TO (ANY AVD 4ttP' Finest Collection ell . CHINA r+. • ore •4 *'i( (:, floderteh. C. A. NA,IRN ;:41111 x arts -e neem .1111. V••. vfi