HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-2-18, Page 22
? s Iibsrsla will be relented to p,w•
' for ea the =nil. rote for CAMEItUN
aid In ogress.
Tst fanner has evetythicg to pissed
-uthiog M Liao by voting by CAMERON
a id the Liberals.
Buss will be rMeeaed to power on
the 222nd. Mr OAM=RON will *hes
sea, that Goderieh stets justice.
Tug new Liberal Government will
erect a new post taboo and Customs
dome iu Goderich. \'sate for CAME-
How the C&mpaign Ptogressee
All Along the lathe.
Yore for CAMMION, who is interest•
to in the progress of Goderich and
West Huron. Duu't vote fame an out-
�aaNat heatless •a aa. Sole*'. a.d M.
•wewMass la rarer sear. Camersw.
THE Fishing tuunopuly wall be 4046
.shed neat 'mason. CAMERON and
BLAKE will. du justice to our tisl+er-
.T uatoms.
.i large si.J to:el:tleut whetted Beet
el M C Cameron at the temperance hall,
KL Helens, Monday melting, Fero ;ih.
despite the terribly anelrm-let state t•f
the weather. Quite • representation of
ladies was also present on the "crimes('.
The chair was u.xuptrd by John tilerdon.
The gathering was then addressed by
D McGillicuddy e. the interest of M. C
Camerae, art' on the cuuclusion of bis
remarks, the chairman invited any re-
presentative of the G.waer st ve mad -
date to come forward and take the plat-
form. After waiting 1,1 sato for • 1e•
Doter vote fes Porter, an uutailer,
who has no interest iu the K.idiur;. Vote
for t'A't EKt)N, who has a stake in the
TEE Tories have promised much t,.
Goderich sine 187$, and have given
nothing. Mr CAMERON is pledged to
public improvements in Goderich. Vote
for him.
a Iaealeal Jocra at er coespe Ue, Feb t. The toot is t;xo toe the stomach
At, tariff has duebaess •tape faults of i and bow els, the beat mere for bllwtsaamme,
r rodeectiuu as well se adsuiuisir.tiuu, , •i.k br4druhe, iedleteauuo, and al a01c-
1 Mt teem/ are untrue ditlereuaw, teases, tuns a, wog (row a dieted..red liver, the
The Maaufhto, cturers Ra1ly.itg be wdjeated by use t:ovsruuout is woH without uaoeplibm J.aieatmi a Tome Liver
His Hide. :as anottaer. The promises of ro•ur►omitsl , Pols. email lea arau. smear coated, mild,
-- - ! reform made by Mr Blake a•.4eu
umd I )et effective. 25 coo per bottle este by
gsRuggeri, Ytbiut block, (hell
themselves to the peuplti at large, Imre Goode
Ftsut,a/e.7% will get rid of shameful
monopolies whru the Liberal Govern-
ment [meets parliament neat string.
Vete for CAMERON, who will stand by
the tishertmeii.
Volt 'evilest the mean and corrupt
(,overeaten that has refused to Jo jus-
tice to Gudleri;b because of Mr CAME-
RON'S manly opposition to the "Boodle
!totter PokTte's•
Tows and a samtrr rr/lttas It kmege•r sp ctiv• of political differences There rich, a •, + •let
t'uada's eldest awes
There is a *treat react .ran seroma ►matt•
lecturers and business. men all over t1 e
province n1 favor let the Alun. Edward
Blake. Ilie liberal stew of the claims of
those who hate been .ed Ihlu bynauniN-
h f
spouse M C Camerae► wan called upon
to •ddre.s the meeting, and was rece,v
e.' with rapturous applause. Mr Came-
ron had not berm speaking hum who,.
Mister "brown,- the representative of
the Tory candidate appeared and claimed
the meetm{. Mr Careens,' at once
withdrew iu him favor, and Mister
"brown- took the platform. He didn't
speak long before he rendered himse:1
obbuaious to some of the audience, but
be worried through f..r nearly an hour
to the atnusemeut, if,not the instruction
of the rudience. on concluding his
speech .lister "brown," put on his seater
garments and started f, r Belfast, se St
Helen's does not rejuioe ie a hotel, and
'pealing for an boor Mid driving five
• Aft wesewtea.
Tbore ronlJ Ise u.. effor mere fair thaw
th.t .1 Ow props.et. re 1.1 H+eryaMs
Yellow til, shit bare loud t iu 14
refund tvire y meta eapendwl fur that
rrwc.l v if it 1u4► to gt.'• s.u.faetiite lalb
fele will for rt,eun.atiatu, neuralgia.
sole thrum end an painful couspid es, *
u much ru..w for twpruveweet where- +-
ever we turn our ryes We have Lrc;. ' L.SI1'a=is 1887_
lou ibbish with our gauntry- -the money
uf the taxpayers - the consumers, we Miss Blair. of Ouderich t•,wnah I•, la �' A 8�r� e
have too wavy tentacles fastened to the ; the guest of Mrs Jae UcMauusi stVialill
ehsp V%u. alcMauua las been laid up with lLLtiSTRATED.
a• .S. teal Hersh,. a sr,tre attack of alums dui the pest --- -
rurk, b..l at latest accous.0 was • little Ra p.r. M,tieaalre daring ieet wall oast a
The fact that w.eral c•,ptw of the civ• a erwi e( tates►w pduasl, mea -W, aad es -
cuter were forweidtd to the ilio'•• Alen leu too meld. I essatie interest. sell, kat \arta a story at
stashes lib -b • Kul.ler 1f%! ra • •sew
tor►ag veuturss the raising u three• by thaw wku rssueires! it show• flat Sirs. Jr+ 'Payb r, our ?.• r.Ly eennrillur, B ►
wvN, enUt1..o "April Ilalae.' by W. L.
i!I ton waeutactured ^'A MIs, and won to (John Macdonald is cuuuttsag upon n►anu- j te Is atlP.i I •sg 1,. ti,. c+11 ..f duty leu i Huw.•w. •-emerg its +.irs. t... by (alarm.
facturere wit. are no longer hit support• Feeley last, c.ui ht a severs Weld which
1 bad f newel
Iirsdky Warsaw rad Networn Ilarl►aI Harts,
era, A •*4nibc*twe attach►++ to this fact lw►rta ,twit oto a awed of
miles was a long time between drinks
for hisn. M. C. Cameron was then
called upon by the chairman and delft -
Bred a masterly address of about two
hours'duration, eliciting round after
round of applause from the delighted
auditors. At the conclusion a rote
thanks was moved by Robert Lockhart,
seconded by (leo. Weatherhead, to Mr
Cameron for his able elp.•sition .:f :he
political issues ..f the day, and the meet
ing pledged itself to work f uthfuay to
secure his re election. The meeting
classed with cheers for Cameron, L'lele
endeavor to prove
RT. •r,:: xn�rc
and the Queen.
his sole men slot cove progress best
*heti it a du crated frim "Boodle
that the bogus Ilmsa.rd which he rabib
Despite the bad roads, the catherin^_
,ted in G.,derielt,;ltbewgh -meeting at this point
sur•i is • 11(n' men:, and although Mean
authority nn the 9.•nr of Parliament or
in the law courts, is uetertheless a good
en•,ut;h authority for the leas intelligent
was s lartre one. The ladies alau'erated
p.m!lUca The town of Brockville has
la Id. Phi eb•9uent Literal leader anta-
cid Brockville, elicit Mr John M. 11111
road the following address on behalf of
she ntanufactUrea of that town :
To the Hos. Edward Bake. Leader of Iler
Meyat s a.rts in the late radia-
n rut uI llppw
Stag -As humble representatives of
that much discussed class, the manufac-
turer, we beg to teudrr you • most
hearty weleonse on this the occasion of
your first visit to our town. We beg,
sir, to assure you that we view with sat-
isfaction your well defined position on matters atters pertaining to the good of
our cnuutry. We also wish to assure
you that your declaration OR the tariff
question commends itself to us that
hest calculated to develupeandguaranteets
the permaency of our hems induatnee,
led afford remunerative employment W
the laboring classes. Placing, as we do,
tmptrcit confidence ,n }.ler integrity and
ability. we would unhesitatingly place
our n*u at.d ..ler country's interest in
your heeds, believing that they will be
administered or such a manner as will
conduce to the prosperity and welfare of
all. We beg e f 7.•11 too accept the as-
surance of .our in ort profound respect.
The James Smart Manufacturing Co.,
Brockville, John M Gill, President.
(1. M. C•esitt & Bre.
The J. W. Mann Manufacturing Co.
iced). Y. H. Mer.h.lt. ?resident.
Kearns s.0 Marshall.
A ti. McCrady & S
Moore at Kekoo.
Bourke & Mooney.
• R. Wends,
II. B. Wright k Co
Ihomiuion Wringer Co.
T. J. B. Hardier.
the meeting with their presence. John
Washlugtua was called to the chair, and
W. 1) Chapman k •
Tacy Bros.
Jas. Curn,e1 ,'.
G . W. Bish••p.
A. Udell.
T. A. Hibhard.
Bush It McCormack.
Ill,Wrst d tor wettest, 'familiar Boos
sirrat `Awa ruse Iad,.1001. Tc..Iwesd
which cannot he rl.. ksdl Weepier,. era mud laid the worthy owNtenau on 1 ••youAiudee." by I►r _It. ip healer
ler. y►y ye
heed that lair Join a leaving upon props the s:ieII for the last few days ; but he 11 i 1 oritrrm: wets ..rk. of i*Sdtwilows T.7
which .uay give way under him at ter I says he deem not attend to die f.•r • yewf E..k. tblw¶ 01.4 Aland novenas; *nicks ny
must critical musuent. yet, anyway. 11:. 1•. Rue ; awd ember attrectl.w',
\apogee's abs Gree.
PPlt P.k.
1'iterc w:,s o..ly .one ytuat Nap.deos.‘ I. iIAItPFI:'-t 11•(%Alt.
wul►ed the word i,,,,,....o67o bsi ishadl dean 1 H4RPKI'' N Fii.e i.t k .. I w
Why rrwbylerts's. a'uwN \Ne for the the dMnunary, le rusty A Caw where i HARPKR't1 Yul'YO PKOTI.E.....,. • x a
tory reels. loading physician,' h•trr prow.uncid a H,111t1'Klt''t If:td%KLIN s,rlt'.tILK LID -
cure r,np..s.i'J., consuuapuses mud vie-) 0..Ywr(2Nssawl►rs1 .. 1a,M i
Buis r • sit her fell thermos have tier.. ,e- HARI'LR'�1 IIANI►Y r.Kt;11tH, floe Year lit
The Key. Mr Robertson, superintend- 'toted t.. Health by using Dr. It V.
tint on l'resbyteriau mime oua, says : Pierce's •'G.ddeo Medical Discovery."
lyadined slid healing its its nature its
I am asked where are Indians power over scrofulous and puituonsry
starving, searching refuse heaps and
swill barrels, and ravenously devouring
cruse of broad and scoots of *neat 1 At
Miwnedoaa, Bartle, Broadview, Fort
Qu'Appelle, Prince Albert, lfattleford,
;duosejaw, Medicine Hat and the rut.
I have seen them doing this. It might
have been that they were very curious,
ler preferred dirty crusts and decaying
meat to tender well -bled beef, but I do
Number* . 1s..»
Poste** Free to all subscribers /a Lite Ush-
ed ~'ales or 1'621101s.
1 Le volumes of the Matram to bests with
the Numbers for !unease 1ksre,eber of eat n
year. When so. tlwe is specified. it will le
understood that t Le sutaeriber wishes ;o
diwraes is simply marvelous. Far more t'gm with he eurrr:.t \umber.
nutritive tliau aid IiArr .11, a powerful hound Volumes of IIwatimiisMaOAatws,ter
iuvi orsun•. tot* and harmless as it is 'I roe ¶ran. batk. an .i t clo[h bindtwg, w;:!
g' he.ent br math. on rv..el$ or 1]305
lowftlul. per %olden.. ['loth rase.. aur Lading. 5s.
aunts rack h¶• mail. !keit le. 1.
1. the petroleum holds of ]{use's • lades to HamrariaM•aarnr Alphabetical
Atialyttoal and riamit
volcano rrtwntly burst forth, srndtny up r ned. mor Voluars 1 ro
74 inclusive, from Jose. 155, to Jana Mk.
a high colonic of tire and mud, the me. vol.. a.u.. cloth at el.
latter corrnug the ground 1.1. a s.:uaro ltru ittauots ahu^fd t.r made bs Pent-Otree
Voaey th4er ler 1,4.11, W areal ebarvt lel
mile. ' tan
net think of accounting for their act ..scap.rgr.a err nor to ropy ilia a.rerrt.sr
• M.ak Trial soot ..-,f 'lout the expires truer of ilaal'►a tle
that way. I er heskthe
shrunken form, u d the wow theeultish face, that Is all that is 'seeded Goat Po'.aou•s N ▪ ddres.
speak of want in the adult, and the wan riline is the moat rapid mud cert.tn re- It.%BPER II1tOTAiIIA . Kew Tork.
pinched face that speaks of suit -vanes is toady ik 1113 srwld fur pain. it
the chill, and I have seen diem near tools 10 cents fee s 'trial bottle. A sin -
Fort Ellice, Von Pelle. the File Hills, Kb mad tootle will prior Steeltue to 1887 -
and other places, and hare had my sym Iva 111404 rfdicecuua u ami external 415ZarPlairge �C6
pathies drawn out towards the owners. 1 intimal r-leled), ::red b.r pilin of emery
ds►arri;,ri'.t tt has t.0 rsaoal. Try a 10 ILLUSTRATED.
hate seen Indiana eat horses that have esus aim 1r Ikatla fltrW by daugtfiMa
died of disease, when the tksh mss half Vette,,, 1w a tt . t'. ,Avoid gnfell -
rotten. 1 have seen them picking up
the entails of animals about ahatsghtor•Itytea'
houses --when these stomata were fart 13 "IIACKslt,l-.1 h it Listing amd est time. Bea[dra the pictures. nursers
Harper's Weekly maletalwe Its cesiUms as
the lesdlag Illustrated newapper is Amer
ica radltttbaI4 stemeubtl" ert£sia a/d uoM-
- ` 0drine was never .troucet dean at tyas erre-
decomposing-eye.and eating them with- fragrant perfunw price nj and ,0 Weekly atwayat'owlaina Ldsta.ert. d sae.
s! d two of the best nevek of
out waking. ler even wuMn, . I'kry - Th.4* w finely
y .
Fur silk by J. N'llr,n, druggist. the day. finely illustrated. with abort stones,
may prefer such carrion to toed beef, poi res. ...etc ne..a nd papers on impurtamt cur
well -bled, aid n.ul when killed, lint 1 reel i.,piae by the most popular writes*. The
doubt it. a care that has been susree fetly esescierd in
the poet to male Ilarper'+ Weekly a sure as
Sore Eyes
well MIA web ontr v:s for to emery bowseboid
Is it surprising therefore that the mat-, airs nut be relaxed as the future.
ter should be brought before the Preshy- HARPERS PEIEIODICAI$
tartan church of Canada in consequence
of the representation by its Northwest
missionaries ; and that the goverument's
course should be o0 Dot merely
by neon like the Rev. PriNaeipal avast
Tu this es reesien of confidence thet Cun.ervtives like Re 1'ri
The eve« are always in sympathy with
the body, and afford an excellent index
of it« condition. tyir n the ryas become
utak, and theltd+ Inflamed and sore, it M
an eatienee that the system has become
disordered ivy *Tanta. for which .hers
Sarsaparilla is the hest reru.da.
sierofohr+ p
, whirrolured a painful in-
Aaumuatlou in soy ryes, .-oii.ei1 use murk
suffering for a number of ?ears. Its the
ai.•, of a physician 1 rs,le ,boli •r.: traits(
.\air'• Sarsaparilla. .liter using this
ruvdicine a short time 1 wits euwpk•tely
Acs eves are now in a .plrndi I rendition,
and 1 am :os. well sant stems: a• r1 cr. - -
Mr.. William (:Bae, Concord, N.11.
For a number of years i was trnnbkol
a. ith a humor in Inv ryes. and was unable
to obtain any realer maul 1 eognmeneeit
u-ing Ayrr's'ar.aparilla. 'I'hls medicine
has effected a rcutplete rttr, and 1 believe
best to he the .t of Lhaol punters. -
C. V. Upton. Nashua,
bu by T ucipal
following wen -known Bentf.ud marmite- rant 1 The latter said -
torers have also subscribed their Dames : We are a..iuq a very tr temn act, a d
uneunced the speakers to he D. 1
A(TV010 aiUv-et•Rs. we should all de:iheasertely endorse s
Gillicuddy, Rubs, Porter and M., C. 1 tlraterous Es.gine Works Co. prove of tilts motion by all rising to at -
Tories let the cututitoency, is very amus- Camerenin the order named. The meet-
ing if nothing else. Whoever gate Por- ing the most orderly that has been head
ter the bogus lie:. o...! "loaded Lim up during the campaign, and this is attri-
the other way.
A. Harris. lion k Co (IA.`, Manatee- testation of our feelings on the subject..
tures Agricultural Implements. i feel that ire Ann been guilty .:l o 110-
J. 0. Wisner, Kon at Cu., Imple twnsol gin, and If we do net repent we
wilt be punished as a notion, and a worse
thing will come upon us if se do soot
butab'e solely to the fact that Mister menta.
"brown" tltrintford Starch Works.
- - .Clayton Slater, Winery Mill, a!•o
Lr wn was n present on
the s.eos
Cad Goteruwrrt Y/Hat•.
- wire, Tire- address by M. t,. Calummth,4-deF-Tif half the sleek of the f'rareu
- was the feature of the evening and the Cotton Milts.
The Hon.. Henry .1 Clarke, el-atter-avrniui and the mates in which it was
W. R Welding, Brantford Stuneware
:ley -getters! of Manitoba, and a lifi-iong listened to, -and the freiuent warm and Wimks.
Conservative, in an interview nub!uhed heavyresponse, by the authonce showed Brsnt►ord Corda¢s Cao
John Heryt. Bo atfnrd Catrristre Works,
in the Winuipts-Ol a,:, says : --- t that the old member for West Huron Adam Spence. City C.rr•iaxe Works.
They :the Indiana) were ill many in- still he'd • warn place in the hearts of M. Malcolm At Sons, Woollen Mills.
stances cruelly treated, they were rob- the electors of St. Augustine. At the C. Whitney. Furniture
bed by the contractors ' dour and ether It may be *tided that Mr Wm Buek,
r too vis that was unfit s r
mend our doings. •
No wu er then that- the 1'resby4rnan
General Assemb'y of Canada adopted by
a standing vote skits resolution --
That the General Assembly, w i l t
disclaiming all p„ httcal party aims. feels
bound to; Kava elprt+s•son to tea convte
bums regarding the treatu,rtet of the he
diens 111 the Northwest ley the Dominion
of A:mode. No judgment is here et ,
Rt en th f ghee of Cameron's address Patrick stove manufacturer, declined to sign the
crewed on our general policy towards
lira ; the pi -Thy -5f --the 11,.w,tntompaf tt I+ el Llyth, appeared on tf:-e st:eae, formal ar",a.-.ro •,r oat -he-4.4 net -sealer } tttw to -dram and the ,.er,h , p.a. chtt
!t7ttthe very brat flour, and •very had and wanted to ventilate a private [Tier- gra mix bootee,* soil {*•lit n, but he gave acts; sn}i mer. itis of many servants of
the twat emphatic a..nrancr , 1 his en h t lh Natoli 1 M
kind of flour was supplied by the Indian ance•but was laughed out .f court by the tthe g'•vrrnmiu its n • . r,e
agent, whose "back stairs" inflnence at meeting. The irate gentleman then thusiestic support rf Mr Win Paterson'. n,rnt are [gladly rec. rinsed ; but et .rrtn.
Ottawa has prevroted and in.e.ticatinn.
Brutal natant, wore appointed's, tarot
instructors oar the Indians, who mal-
treated the poor people in the most tsru
tal manner, answrneg ,hem with kicks
aad blows, accompanied with showers .d
profanity anddiaeuatind epithets ; of the
farm iustru Kon killed by the Indians Ywss Arty. [IerWrs,
unit kuowu to be I uta1
b.tt:ed his wrath, and said he wool.'
hire a hail t.. rxhihit hie wounds and
brutes. un a future caai The meet-
ing was hrontzhr to a close by cheer, 1- r
• Ca:.j_•:. 11, Blake and the Quern.
two were un p sr
wretches su:h as I mentioned, trod the
prison lost their lives in attempting to
ease them fr. m th:' pent-up wrath of the
savages. Let • commissioner be ap-
pointed nr a comn.irtee rf parliament,
and 1 pl.•dge myself to show to the pe •-
ple of this Dominion inch • picture of
Mer farts, ea well umbel Mime -
how it la that rebellion dad not break tut
years age. Had hot the Indians toren
restrained by. the priests and ministers,
the farm testecta.rs and other paA poli-
ticians appellate& over them would have
been killed long deo.
Cornwall Few/wider: Why blame the
Mail particularly for now the no Pop
cry cry? It is u.o more gdilty thee any
other Tosy piper in the Province.
What about the H.mtlton •'ipr-l.t•r, the
London I'rre /Yts, the Mornshurg
cowrie', the Prterlo,roogh Bernie, the
Lindsay if rirr, the Pett Hope 1onta
and the 1.uorirtd other Tory omits
Government which exist , w fu nment pap, soil
and which wens' seen m- re violent thio
thy Mod D, masrlting 1'efh.,lio and
French Cenadia•,,l Are ail those (treats
to be repudiated als:,l We believe het.
They will .11 be p.•?.,.., d in the oervice
and pay of the Tory ti.•'1'rn allit et
Ottawa. Had the anti Cs•h•I,c policy
eueceede I it. ihstari•o Sir ,iohn Mac
J.maid would have claimed all the crate
of initiating it. The '•hloody shirt.'
would have been run rep 1e the mast
heed of the Tory ship .of Mate, and
the Federal °..vert'snent would, have
•ppr.led to the &sentry on the cry of
"D:wn with the French sod the
Papua " The redid tpe.d sense ..f the
people of I )Mario prevented the swerves
of Su Jolu. Maclotald'a seonrndreily
nastssvrsssod eared the country from
a raft sad .reed war.
Nero fiddled whew Kone was h:rrning
Many crow -a days seem eyed', ,ndiff.r-
est to danRee bm
Ivy the anner to w hreh
they neglect ill -health. If taken is
liras, there i5 ..orrery a shronse Moms,
starlit It,srdoek Blood Bitten will not
ensiberste 5,1 its eintifyty. r.gulattug
powers. 2
S.r Charles Tupper, since his apr.,ict•
meat as high commissioner for Cana.'*,
• baa cont this country 0114,740- The
works :nten of Cauda hove NO that
out of a tax of fifty cents per ton on
'e. al.
Every a irkincma- tiho burpasix tone
of coral per annuru,whsoh is &fair estimate
fi' r
ii 'Tl'-Tf i•ee *WA Art it •
dollar per day to pay the tales i•1,, 1Lit
cs•nanmption. i'nder Liberal rule, tact
mem.; went into his pocket.
The railway empl..)rsare domsnd:np
increesed wacrs, hu; the te.dency ..f
wages is downwards. Were the railway
'ompanie' freed from the tai of sixty
tents per ton Upon their coal, thea
Iwool.; be a lamer amount of netprofit•te
divide between the shareholders and
their employee..
Under Tory rule in eight years. the
national debt of Canada has increased
by over 11126,1000,001).
The total debt of Canada is at the
present moment about $li26,000,000, ..r
an a pipolativn of 4,500,000 people
about *50 per head.
(Iuderieh's proportion f the national
dein is $2'25,000, and m that amount
Ithe town is laxed enurwously for inter
est alone
t t ifta.•,wemanand ch id in(Is.dcrich
• late year pard 1': 00 is interest alone on
this debt and the total las for interest
upw•n (l.elerich wait $9,000.
Every family of Ave--• workingman,
his wife and thea children had to pay
$10 in int.reet al.•ee epee this debt, nr
at a dollar • day wagee,tw.• whole week's
w ark.
I Every family of five ala... wet $2.27. of
the national debt.
is t' any wearier ther••f•re •'sat .ander
• system of indirect taxes the t us r man
Is getting pneert
Pre,0Haates mod retisks.
The anti -liquor question is • strong
; plank in the podgiest pktf•irm, and nhe
safe to lay hold of 111 ,nt•t,ating
he re c.a are ,af.at whru kt sten., .van
is. rn.d.rtn. Burdock Bleed Hitters is
not a ham h.vorwge. hat strictly puremedicine, reliable for diseases •.1 the
stomach, liver, bowels, kHin.ys and
We id, and will n.,t aid to making drank-,
Von didattire and of h;s t.tit b•Irl ce rel to be established by uremia' .1te eriJtrice
yourself. r the in toe many instances a people soh•
Nearly every town in Ontario can tell are wards of the government are briery
'Jell the same story. -that the majority uf *tonged and dh frauded by those who aro
the tenployere of labor favor Blake, and specaty a'Peleted 1" care for, them sod
prum..tc their interests ; whist tlarraret
are supportive hIia in this en. testi/ Deus' ralay is too often char:caul.• open
Y1Tt7sRI.L uawo/aort'Platt public servants, as well as upon traders
With pr4ound respect for the Hon said ether wlaw who come much to rill
. [;award Blake, and fur you as an ahk as with the Iodise' p,pule Ih i.
exponet;t of his policy, we tender Gni she miteseuary efforts of the churches are
araursnee cturstaratted acid hindered. Many euf
A. Bnrritt, ho.aiery and knitted goods. tering, brought upon the Indians and a
Wm Kerr. tamer stete of di.alfretten ts.warde the 15,min•
Ales. lfnlher•n, Hebert A. Belt, Iron i..0 is even to e..we extent ruxendered,
founders and manufacturers of re..;wro. The General Assembly would ran.estiy
ttesili ooreorasst.wuow►oi'Lotto.atnverwagalat444;ot/ode
i. halm miller and the uuprrau.e necessity of at once can
w/wseskkv+d adstee •
Walter Tholes, .r
grain duller. er1LuZ s l :.1 I. h,[naents uf agent's and
.lames Dow, earria•'e manufacturer. in . alruct"ra w11 are known to be tyran•
Andrew Forrester. Nsl'tam P,•rrester, 'shit, unjust in immoral. and of tilling
prior's -fere 14 the M il . gee millo their places with men of tnseznty,
Fred t;. Lyn.fe, tuner adrriely awl liner y. Further the I'res-
J .hn Whyte. are., John Whyte, jun., byteri tis church pledges itself as far as
{Pira preokere may be on ata power t, c •-nperatu 5111.
` iI. H. Dorman, woolen inanuffseterer. the public sut.ortties in prsmoting the
H. J. Hurlburt, manufacturer of hone Mortal impr.tivem«,t and the temi.•r•ti
sod settle fa red. we'1 amore,{ is: the indiaua, whilst in omit
Thomas McLaren, wal:Potss and plows. men w.lh w her churchoa urltm • t.. briny 1
Henry Jame., builder and contractor them under the holy influence of the
Thomas C. M ulheron, manufacturer ..1 Chnstun rrli•.ron
lin ware
W G. Wells, manufacturer of tiro -
mesa MaaY •sews
ware. Mr (1 ..1., rlrusfgsat, a nM • book
1 John it••ge. rnanutxcerer ,.1 carriegrs. street. but hos the agency is Goderich
R A. Dun_aa, Western .Suspender i..r .1.•hnat..,,'s Tooic Bitter, which he
can heartily roe,mtnrnd ter shy
MAIM A Mawrrarirars . plsmt to ah, h a ronin medicine asp
Trying to rat to tate 1ialbeetal Police {Phil"Lir Thi. yr liable medicine has
beirsbiu in the present contest is latter(Teen loth moat aatt.mahingly Vend . re -
to raise. Nine troche of thernanefsc• srrryulu•
sults 151 isles 5.1 general y, woes,
ora., tlirs peculiarult.r ar to to females,
extreme val.-teem, impoverishment .f the
blood, uomech ad liter troubles, los
of out appetite,
feeling that nearly ..ry one worn
troubled mull at seine part of she year.
Deet forget the name Johnston's Teak
Bitters hOe. an.l $1 pee soul, at (iowpde's
toren is Saris, says the °beerere, .apo
p,rt the Leh.ral cause : T J. Craig,
sgr►colt.ral s...plemeote . 1'. Doherty,
I stove* ; Smith Bras , U4.111,11 esrwuis;
Vain Sta•lrn & Solder, carriage wood
work ; Joseph Lewt,s, wagons ; J. 8.
Neskit, baskets, ete ; Hall Bros., leather
and barna.. Francis Blaikie. steam mi- d store. Albn.n block, Goderich, rola
ogines and ma•_hm.ry ; Jas Kine, suttee ; ,Tante. Maj•.r, miller, and others may beta en _ (a 1
4e cited ns proof of our claim. Thptfice rutbunuw in Oermaq
The : ommercul papers, commenting are making expyrsments with a view to
on the desire f .t a chance of novena- • onset the ',tire empire ny telephone. 1
' Sent by Ltriosee men and many tuts• • Wsmeller/hi e.ea..
factures, are evidently running with The lardeat eryon, end one that plays
the Liberal current a en,ttrdlrsse pera oo lb* health of the
Freda Tire Wen.tary T.msu Rah. a. body is the liver. 1f torpid or Moieties 1
Any great ebonge in the aril, as it the whole ardent beeotsaes diseased. Dr
result of the elections, is i.prehsb Chase's Liver Core Is made especially
and arty great dseturh.nee to ►sanies. fee Liver and Kidney diseases. sold M
, from this osier. 1,• thins need ant be osereseteed to eerie R Web sad
favid. mvrai_.ms *1. 8e!d by J. Wilma
PP, Tae t
114nrER''1 MAldAZINN......... .... 4 •
HARI'ii/rs wxxh;Lr. (KN
RPitirll SAL/ It_ 1 M
7r.rirf`itit`Y PR*t-ihcL-IN-NQUAMN-
i.IttRA/ti . Oma Veer ase hteS
if..RI'EK'I H./ ND)* aKnSA�, ler
. .k's aa0era l lrr�M
I'usrsW aPere(u Moil esies rabtn • its the -
Th. Volumes of the -Namur begin w:th the
fine No miser for January of sash year. When
110 time ie mentioned, it aid be esitentosd
' that th.• aubecriber wishes to CsNaa•a s with
the 't.ntlxr correct at the time of the mweespt
o f octet.
Bonnet Volumes of Hawrsa-. WeswiA, tic
hirer years 1.a4 1. in scat skit Wading. will
be sent by mai . protege paid. er b7 express,
tr•-c• of extwuse .14 :or idrd the fn:get does not
•x• -.td nye dollar ler volutner. or t1A e0 per
S fdume.
• !nrh lases Ter os -h t-Oulr5i, suHglle for
b,•,dirg loll be sent Cy malt, ps»tpaid. ma
t r s • 4 . pt a: an tis each[.
itemt'•ancea should tie mad. by Poet -Ones
ttoory Order 4.r Nan. to *veal chaste ler.
From childhood. and until within a fen . \'r-r•pap-rr ref. Roe to r IA.* nivertiar-
nunth-. I base IgA1 afflicted o Ith Weak t 9eter , i:sow! .'Ge tapir,. aider J Ha1V&R :t
and sore Eyes. 1 hate used for these Rewire/0.
complaints. wlGh beneficial result,. Ayr's Addrr«,i
t`xroap4rilla. sal rnu-h4•r it a .mat bkwJ -�
puriier.---Mrs. (:, Phillips, (eh/Ter, Vt.
I autr'.l for • year with inastures- 1
its Is guy kat eye. Three Meer, for!la•d
en for Isall, deprt. bp: use of sight. ar.F
caushaq swat pain. After trying nany Lot No. 668, on Victoria -5t.
other rem. dies. il. t•. pur{o,s., I was inalsy in the Town of Goderich.
noticed to u -r _tyre'. earsaperela, aril,
By Taking toot"pod by 'rlrrfblAti M.Tt:_IDE.
three la,uk. let this na•dirinr, bare !cern This
Mt is situated i■ A word tort of the
three I run,,. M sight la.. Ir.' 1 ,'1. To*m. i bits erected rherr..n a 14 story
7 hon... wish kitchen artaebrd. w hire Ms been
stored, met there is no sign of iufamms- pwtwtrd lately. and '• :n a armed Maid of pre -
lion. sor.-, .. neer In op-. Kendal -r Mallow,
'T. Bow -u, shear my
Trec Hedge, tfhiv, TKRMtt OF s e, LF Hall ash. and bat -
Auer. Ma asawgsyta' to meet nem 1.0Pe
Mt daturtiter. ten yeare okl. was allkted ' , our turner part. ..lar. *1547 to titer under -
with Srrofnl ooa sure Eye.. Lours the .Vint*.
last two tears she raver saw light ofany ` OARItli'.Y & 1'i:(1''DFflOT,
kind. PLy skians of the highs -t sanding j Assist. ler 4iwner.
exerted tbrir skill, but with no permanent rinder'.• it. etc,. *la. •IMS., 1561-r!
Purees.. On 'the r,•rnmtnethlathat • a
friend i pureha.rdubottknfAyer'srdr- 'HO)KTIIANA-iSAAr,' PITMANS
saparillu. wl,kh soy) .laughter tommru•-•.I vs sti,* tti'HY. T11. sr n.: pe.psuraye
takinir. ileforr she had used the third Itsirutties ie.ul- ter *ideal TRU
bottle her eight was restwt•sl, aol she ran s. arlfk Every bey led girded*
now kook steadily at a brilliant Witt wick- -
out twin. 14.-r .sure 1. eum{,lete. - W. E.
..wkrbo, I:uawibt•titrlity. d4414,..R T2 wiBg.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
'sworn ••.r•..:n':nn Daily 7erol Weakly Free
1'repated . ¶Ire .1. (;. Ayer k l v., Lnwril, !lass. ' 1'rea,c
(los by ala Dreggbws, IYtss ill; dr baatise, $4. - --
IE:t 1*1111 MER$P4PfR 11 (ASADA.
Firr•waneetuo tl Yi•It..
Perrswewt •.Iasusmi.a•!
t sat it.peetesn.wa :
is Palm Weakly 14".
1873 : 1887
•'aw•n*'s goatC 14111:.0:.
(TRIP is now ss wilt known` as to ester•
very little t.f either description sr pate
It is
Tar Moly fsraess Paper 1. t'a.ad..
end it is furnished ateasel °M k- H A L. F THE
PI r
tl Y. of similar iv,
urw.'s 10 hr Chart!
!!fat es.
in endttuin to bring atil..tl, Impartial when
they refer to ps.lith-s• are .lea,• en the rid,
of p. r -.o lam end rrnrrality.
The Icer Holme •rs-ns.-nta air nniv.rsaally ad•
nor'st. Tire ?surest taee*rgert to to nitres.
sad i1 is mho, d rpon henry :need esti well-
cabriolet -id pater Thi. :,.res inch the era -
a tail the Mtirr trent a be•sutlfel
.np'sr.nee. .And. n.gwUhssandsne this en-
Ia'grem•ot and ispros-ereent, the price of
01111' is
Baty apt a year : atwate f.ples. ar.wI*
else price It coil neand,•d when het a fuer-paler
sheet 1
ill, Nor rifknwi 1mleeMty; i'.Iti,liam regi
aef PM.:wart•, 7►ert e41Iaw/ Temper.
O 1b ant M- wIlho * ahs« favorite Caned
t:ar,o.o, 1'... r. 1t. p, . e pimps It wi• b,a
tie r.a. h ,.f •:
Adelman. 11, a.eie Preto • se owl w.w,.s.
lasa'..5 ens' • rr.m .1 N tat. lore*
1 rn. New1'fral.-rt; pc. a.« • r4 will re. sive
the roper tae br.ss.e..d 1 ra a s.e to x15 De-
creole,. 111
1. 1 N ''F WEEKLIES!
ih1 --
FreQ Press
Tl r Agrirul'nrei DTMeppasrtment .0 a noted
feature of the "Free Pian." betas always no
re the times. mad esed.rt.d by persons torso
otuto7 rbiltei ;n Fars Wt.. S.
1N P'!JLZ.
H7 Telegraph, Tesephepwe, Mail sed Cerin.
Pendent.. bp to the hoar of publiesti.a.
!special Market Depart 'neat, Arni-nittara) Ds -
partners,. llrrwana ape
partners,.y always rustling. Iwgrnni a Paul. (.l -
urns. llunurn:u Readied.
pear, :eat Ifieetratiees 0r 04., and T'blpsrs Op -
'Weir from hme to time.
K Iery srniher sf the heegrh•+ld eage•rty looks
for It ese0 110,11
l r. C. ulr .1 fuer sad ispweeds, lie. garb.
$12,000 ip Pratt* real" siil
SPECIAL PREwlsUla APPEL rei In Leads rn rad•.
Clew kr H. W.•bt is wap
All swOwaitri- •e• (till . „ew at les • ear of ow 1'.. l.. Lys - all
• rowed is • ..•W ..t It . taMllar a'A s e' e a t e Any W
-'( :tamokav v.rw I, ame.'er ire ate �gssa,
"I.t,.satat. L eatY.e atm: !waa[Ne ngMgs sei posesesol. n� eft,
Ili mutes x rosea fM put• b� Ills et= QYYM