HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-2-18, Page 1w Lijl•SCMS i "To coUNTY NEWS GOI)EIIICH. ONT., FRIDAY, FEB. 18, 18z57. 1 Xc1N$I.311S 1'b t,lt .L11CAVi at LtilOte f�t'sat* u IN ♦D A CL • THE HURON SIGNAL IOODLX WAJ! Z1!".. Is.nhtlahed every Friday Moronic b7 Me U/I.MWtor slava.. at their °Moe. North at OODERICH, ONTARIO, i IIDAY. )fid. Iiftti, mg. Our ticket. Yor mI.$.. rr.mt... HON. EDWARD BLAKE. West Maros. M. C. CAMERON, lei c r..t u.re.. P. MACD('NAI.D. -a soot Same. JOHN McMILLAY. Vote for Reform and /i„td Government -"The iU,tdler Met Go.' Mow se lime ea ase seam. Re sure anti mark your MOAN N a1M- tinu day fur Mr t'amerow,•M &Mem : CAM El1011. M. C. Cameron, e f the Tow:: X ref Goderich, barrister. Poi: /ER It. •b ort Porter, of the County of Simone,Itz Schoolmaster. rote against "Boodle and Bigotry." 'Rah for (aineron. BEWARE! We warn our readers, and the electors ((seerally, against believing any stories appesit.g in the Tory papers at the last moment. The yarns about the iron workers of I'erinsylrauu is the old ankee'"C•,bJertClub" bogy in a new cess. Beware t,{ campsite lies. Vote early for CAMERON, and see that as many of your neighbors as you can in- duence do the vette. OMR R(IO$1 1R. IutIk out fur our natty little resister was Itt..dle. I as 30. Dont do (ilderich an injury by i The administration wanted "raw ma - When flit Joke ¥..doMld have Heel 1$1,AiO to flee fr,,o Canada after the murder of Thomas Scott, the rower of Boodle was wide manifest. When Sir John Macdonald onstruuted Donald A. Smith tu supplemr+.t Niers portion by a teethe. donatior. of $3,000, that was Boodle. • 1� hen Sir John Macdonald negetlated for the sale a the first Pacific railway charter with air Hugh Allan for $360,- ;000. 3si0, ; 000. prier to the *lemon. of 147Z, , that was Boodle. When Sir J..hn sent the telegram to Sir Hugh while the electrons were In progress . "Send ine another ten thous fail ape ; .bower today, ' that was Bw die. IWltru air John wauted tu get hack to the place •,t power from whonce he had been lutrled in 18-3, and promised the manufacturers an 1878 that 1:e 'would oro- , mote 1rg►alatioe specially iu their inter - eat, that was Boodle. When Sir John let the Canadta.. Paci• fie Raowsy to a syndicate of ail men, who c:ear..: .n the .pecu'ation, inside < f ..1 years. uvt-r 152,000,000 of dells's 0o a job that was originally estimated to cost Daly $UO,OtQ,UI0 tu complete, that was Boodle. N hen Sir John al:owed hie friend Charlie Mclutosh, M. I', f.•r Ottawa, and others to violate the independence of Parliament by beer miag contract broken, that was 'noodle. Wbeo (.'hapleeu, and Caron, and /Impel and McGreevy, and John henry Pups, and Hums, and J.e ah 1�u..d, and Beaty, and Wo..dawotth, aid all the other. .1 the horde of p•lttical support- ers, nude fat at tie expense of the peo- ple through the modiste of the Dominion (:overttment r...:way policy, that was Boodle. When the territory of Oetarioprt.%iuce was apportioned out to the hills, bloats, best*, buwmrrs and other carpet -baggers land ; its the last tieAtr of calling ; deo t 1 „It FISIII NI; MON(►rl►/,). I UP - THEY GO. Mr James C:arle, the well-known hehtng prtnoe," was seen by • Stotrat $tonne And Nagle (io Bounding representative ..n Saturday, and asked up in Price. Isis opinion of the article in lest week's Su.,,1T. Leaded "F•aI fit 31unupoly. THE NOMINATIONS L113EL N0.ONE. Dg C. Cameron and Robert A Tory Newspaper .Apologime a ' Porter Contest Wes' Huron. to M. C. Cameron. Tlr Macaw. blade 1. Ilse arvawee 1■ oar Ter te.elt all .see lei0 teaair, tabor. A ler, alaader.r Arlie.. leery, al. arra, Mt Clarke replied flat the artie!e was Purr of taw ■arrtrl' The tae substantially correct. Ile added that he teasel 1■ *Ir Jena'. Iar.rvtew Is the was opposed to the nae of trap nets, and ' see reeler. thought that a Babies license should per not a bohemian, rich car lower, to cast in ; Farmers and builders will not he any w.n,r forming the chain ,f lakes. pleased to hear that cut nail* have ad - He would also like to see the clone aeasola i caked w ioice til CENTS A KEG ! extended for a tuuoth or two after No- A circular dated January 23th has been somber. If the new government du not received by retail dealers from the menu - give better whafaction, said he, we moat favourers lid omieg ;hent of the advance have a third party. : of 20 cents a keit in the price of nails. James JitKey. en t•xtceuse dealer, Those who have to use nails will have also txpreared himself u strongly to pay the increase w price. Ask any sh • ILNerwts. tit las .,torr Tory I areutaa 1.11t0 .s arse WIlb At the nomination, held io the Court house on Tusei'ay M. C. Cameron, Libe- 1 ral,aud Hobert Purte.r,C enserratt.e,aery 1 uonnuated. Owintit to an arrangement i made by F. W J•,hnston with Mr Cameron on '•f r Porter a behalf. no speaking was done by the candtdat:es, much to the diwpp,.it.tmunt et hundreds ! elector* who had tinsels it. ¢,any sours to hear the oloectteue t Mr t. enterens ' rr'rketton. against the hotline utonot• .y of Gauthier hardware deafer if the circular has out . gad others. A Aimee of goveru ncnt. I been scut out by the wholesale houat, he said, was desirable. i and if the rise in once is not genuine'bis own acc'•ut,t to t rahb. toil, and Two rota of the fishermen of Weal Hu- Beth the hat i..rr time in toe, hay.'I threatened all and sundry with r very - A fellow named I:rown reel f••rth on no, 1,1;1 be almost solid (urCAMEI(ON. been 1; titied , F. the advance. thin, tom a raw-hidin t„ a c:,ntlr�rs- -- launders a S„u on Tuesday re- tion a ilia "your houses hurntn,t over crir•eJ nottticaa..n from the stove- your h.•a•1s.' iirowu'a sty's war much 'nation that tite PRICK OF STOVES lin the stye of •'Phren'.h•,..,.t .i•,haston," HAS PEEN ADVANCED EIGHT 1 who !el:. (l,..leritat after Lis lest Irtt- I'E1t Ck.\ r ' Ti),, means an eft» iso 1 ranges with handcal+ on, anti In cbit'•ge dollars on the price of • coukiwg stove. • nt Policeman ; and we would not have Let a be thankful that the advance has been surprised had Brown lel; town in been made toward the end rather Cameron favors fair 'Way to all creeds and rates. LOA. down the demon c f I bigotry. 'Ralf for (aine- ron. i a *Dollar (Ashton. The menial; was a than at the iree-i•tnioe of the Matter. flubs• __ CAtiaaeo-t dtoese t try t . ju,(4e With a Ta. vestal; set the antuir.s't .'•s a' 'cert Thr store maser. < f l intern, are acting genuine. I. prices. ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION. bozos Hon -,r,. Hie ;duo b.. , a aro wader a •••.nMtouh,is in this advance tw the country s thus yrscn t.y the Il,,. V.i instructive political matter re: page two and ether "inside ' pekes of this issue. Dee T return a man opposed 1,, Ed- ward Blake oar next premier. V.,te for i rAMEHON, and West Huron gem rally will get justice from theflovernments Mos:mean 1/.rtfd: "Manufacturers1 lest Montreal alio have not paid it, to! tie Guiernmert corruption fund will do 1 jwell to air their metier lance they can- not save lite Government. The excuse giyen for this rice in price is that the cost of raw materia; het in- creased. There is a little iu that plea, but the real cause is to for found eI.ewere. And we can place i'. A few weeks ago at this earnest easi- tatien of S.r .J• lin A. Macdonald, * number of manufacturers met the premier to the "Red Parlor" of the tlaeee's hotel. of Toronto. There they were "sweated" by the Chieftain. Me Bare them t, understand that there would be a cheek to their industries 11 u e • i, or to the! o1 f .rydom f, r infam f3. At a win sweep the country on Tuts- Ices the y each R eve a ch 1 dared the D• miff' n O.vernment. that day. Hit majority will ltlely bac as high ; ("'rernment for campaign purposes. next wee .4 1•'.41. �l; The shoe i. trying to screw nl. the hope. of the demo»ire Couaerlattve party of West Baron by predtctirg the election of its candidate here aed victory for itsdivtdct- and and descredtted party .n over. The West street prophet is a f:►1w one, Hen to the twaddle he at tend just beton►--iii Ptoviaeid_-t1he- data :- 'users ie ever• indication that he Mr Ter - ion will Lead hu party to victory CI on tfe . owing day car ind►tmeat for the Mowat Gov- ernment. leery to our work. 4'ua.ervet4vee of West Heron. and the Ki,'itte will he yowreea the What Ineemtser. • fore - i tumor of tM 1�Tr'..eato r letOry (!' in the out 1 iondolos .4.Cti..a When the coal *rets were ptroo.' ' voting agsir.st the Liberals. Vote bur ' serial" f.,r the campeten. The chef l0 s out by Sir Jukn to ti-.rer4IUental hang- CAN(J41:ON, .Jou win sN that the pub- • were filled cut, and the result u a rue 1• ors -on, that was Brite. ii. improremeeta needed in Godertch are ►e prices m the leading articles repre- Waeo J. C. Kykert, M.P. purchase promptly prncee.fed with, i mewled at the manufacturers interview the Cypress Hills timber limit for $250 : -. 1 with Sir John A. Nlnodonald. That is and sold it for $20 ;,r100, the ?rofit was I Morrr.xaL Post : "The district Or- i the way of raising • Tory eempaizn fund. Boodle. I gaga t.od;te of the County of Carleton 1V hen the -'la.' during the L. ca! con- , of Carleton has passed s resolution a te- teat was posted by the ten. of thousands solution unanimously eudoraIne the can - for grew distribution amongst the elect- didatere of Sir John Macdonald. Thiel atl,and when the vtti' 4d'd is today being , u s icieyt proof of the sympathy that shipped by the tons to'utaide points as ex:.ta between the premier and his Van; campauir. !:terature,it ah' WS that poodle clad supporters.' still retgas - ---- When the franchise bill wee iatroluc- Tot ap'iogy tendered M. C. Cameron by the libellous sheet of Clinton is re- pub.isted in soother column. On that t we will r.tfrun from any feller .d to give billets to revising . iters, their clerks and bum -belittle, end to -' - give Government week to Tory printing sryeouo offices at tire times cottr*cts rates, that reference the adseatures of the editor of was Boodle. the Clinton 'tory organ while in • pica - When Sir J,.hn called a meetii.g d b&. condition in G•derieh on 1�'ednes-I Use manufacturers of Ootarto a sheet day of hat week• ties since, and bads thea "pat up" Si -zealous of lithographed autograph their cheques for s campaign fund, that letters froth political candidates, the h vote rre.n : ameron. I arty prey •rangues, was Boodle. ` s n•'n gau11••c following from the Gudcrich for M a and was much pleased over the attitude When the Turfss have doodad almost terrible drive at poor old Furter, al- -d the Mail in ire violent and disturbing artery ciowtituency with nameless &drea- the." intended ter another quarter articles. It has sines been muzzled from ; tnrers. whose last permanent employ. "liarh recipient will mistake thin little soft 'Uses, but the following dogged fling meat has probably been in the public las • personal Ie1te Writ.en to►tapaclt, wd reel d5 red tail txe.11/std but THE "PROTESTANT HORSE." The St.r, along with other Tory news - rapers. is "singing dumb" • a the anti• ('•tbolic question lust ons. During the Haldireand election contest it polo Imbed with flaring headings Dalton Mc - "N "h Don't 7'olc for an o/If- sider, who has no inflnence where he is best known. Vole for Cameron and Progress. -Da 01%4 ('.4 MEI:(► -t. A Gael • Baron, tote sim,m ('alum Cameron, ague thilgeadh mach na Tories • write Canada. A sha„r stein phn dhroch cline na Tory Bcodler.. kr t seachduin Bile righichidh na Ithefor►ners aig Ottawa. A Gael na Tir eau) beano na•tt gleann at Mowat and the Roman Catholics from interest u tnmatee of out jails and r-- twrrspoodnaaty ttr 1 P I the dodge i• as old one sow, and has fust its the�er of Dec. 31st shows how it now suns, it shows that the Government i ieaueace r.ea to the extreme tacit tows- abtpa afar. Dec. IOtb. ,taads upon the qu..tiou : o1 Macdonald will resort to the purchase __ . _ _ _ - 'Ts asa.aea the principles Laid down is the by Boodle of all grades and conditions ! W rtansertattive ptalfurm in relation to tbeee Lrn zsuw 4nhtvl ;-"le West Huron *eats M le twast'ras issgsoerlty sea pol/tioai of teen. dWMmty. FeeOar port. hollevingthatthree got why further enumerate the n- al asst, w* same continue to • - 1 the old veteran, Mr 1i- C. Cameron, is meeting with great success in his con- sortia an- soikitss, *a8 pratsel etas W Dor wi t , cord of Boodlum on the part of Sir John era, and his supporters claim that be solei-. _.fowls/ fM /ober*a rp/ tar 8ter. rs ►r as_/s • Wombat M. rawv'/cat far as brs'fit of I Maodot.sld and his supporter t Many will M returned by at least 1.,0 malnrI- easeat air twee.- p volumes weld not contra even an in- ty. Don't rely tot, much en the majr.ri- It its ince d Dec, the tcllowinn e,iteinow „wee,. iltvrye a peemin• ventory of the emu's that harry been ty, but poll every vote. It is the votes eat pleas ander the heading "Hayfield." j committed by Torydom at the shrine of that count not the majority." in order to tickle the tangent th. f trarge 1 Boodle. and for that rear n we will not - - - Tories of Bayfield and (;oderich town -11'1'1h". eeamersts. What we have Bt+nor C1.unT, of gittgaton, inter- ship : '-oa. Laing le certain, Scotch Presbyterians authentic records and submitted to the says : - ha1 Powieb ' 5134 are ttetrtrei••A s1eef with *lectors) of west Huron as grad and', "1 a,ithons► 1/"a la ray that 1, .s l ads with do s. Parties to lyre a in br to , ' Ri*f,.ip, o -m bit eoaurfer ie wto.l easy eci.*. do with thss parties th5t lead* in bas..' wAinpt res. ns why the Boodle Bng- tides h*. hern6tos mac* i.dalged in of kat. ad' should t.r opposed by all honest men 1 rt to erimar«M way to e.Rr by Mrs Cleasrl v •■.eat." i 1 against fM 1Lforva sarty, so honora- j To change the order of things in the 1 fines to pent • No Popery , sea- tdmanut»h••a d the Dominion it will ► res 11» necewry to Blake a majority In iii v,vwi faro The Liberal platform is "Fair Play to fngefry, .11. Let the Catholic minority of on- I the Dominion. and Cameron a majority is West Haran. itatrawa gat bat IittM Misfit fn.wm on - irk receive from w the leer and kind Vote fee M. (' Carnerua,Hon. dtl� JM.edan•Id tarifa, ert'seessty calied tre.tment we e.k foT th. Protest**! Mbka. sad Hnaset novsrantent. minority in (�web.c . fie national 1 olicy. 1t: m. Patterson tsryr :-"It R C /1 be 1 d w►..e which would be of nee 'inept [,'Itevta loyPd 'nen, what to ender the flex( Ad»Jix- he a y� of famine . it pasted 5 defy oe has the Boodle (,overnnu'nl i islralion. He will be abk tw kinds of w..i tk.t ..re net import' dont for YOU. l "ole fort/0 do much for Godepich "tend plated on the free list those that were tlwpeet.d and it had proposed to Riven ars specimen bricks taken from viewed by • representative of the Mohr, mars ant Mode shoo.. for trio sort of . nw wy }s'r The Ffur had ne word thee taw. hard, 1 in the .tsuir.e el.ettou- bly, end ow dare tsJswelt tempts- ' wn,epitbet leo Tile fur our Roma, calk. ta'a•d 51HI our (,iMslis nOtfs to f4. oho feline subjects. ibis stet WO fis drowns of The Star will be rebuked ow Tweeds!. pat the ere the as it toeehea the far- .at/term/ ,w invited had memo him • las on o change of (:ovrroinief�ll l and Itresl Huron. 11ole test eises.arprie., .loch .new aotd better dotes. ( for hif»1. 3w here dsatroyud 1\w better indent. Ci.dh mills fsilte du Mhist.r Blake, Calm Cameron ague, nu Rhefonners dJIM ate; _ ..,.. vs�tatxgtaLt.,T. t.ar. t4Ut�:•RX[•��T. Mara, Yale. Rosa, Lugar. orniturtoro Couracl, Meesre .1 %'. est . 4;eudirnt, Nicvlet. 1:minit• I:•twyllte. Scorer, Huntingduli Itupi,nt. B.t*' t. lirct.ard, Ioerviils. t:uihault, Juliette. .o coal .•a�t•t:,1T•r.,'. South Huron. • w services ern- Nest Montreal las additnn to the acclatnatiens, there are two seats in which no C; enervative candidate is running. One of theta, in South Huron. The other is Montreal West, where the candidates are Mr J K. Ward, Liberal, slid D„nald Smith, Ind. The latter has declared' that he stand, as an absolutely unpledgsd candi- date. and on the tariff question tae has expressed views alai identical with thuse held by Mr Blake. Consequently, Montreal ;West must be counted as lost to the Government. Contrast thin with what happered in 1882. In that election the Torahs carried no 1.m than twenty -live tate by &ccls- aaticn. against one earned q the Liberals. The Tories elate- W -iso appwi tion iu five car sit of the sesta. So that at :Le corresponding time t.• this the Tunes bad in 188" aetus'rly carried Al Beata and the Liberals olio. Ys heress, now, the Opposition have sere, seats, Indepetidetits two, and 1:'e Tories not hang. / "ole against I;dg:'s f anifihlels, Bogus Han- sards, and Bogus /•ar111- ers. rote for (.•a»:cr ;: and Better Times. THEY HATE CAMERON. The Premier el the Dominion hate. M. C. Cameron ; the Ronne members of Parliament hate M. C. Cameron ; the oft.se holders et the Government who draw large salaries and render no returns hate M. C. Cameron ; the derelict off• vials in every department of the public service hate M. C. Cameron ; the timber limit thieves, the ooal area grabbers and the land specrlators hate M. C. Came- ron, the robbers of the Indians hate M. C. Cameron, and every rogue that calls himself a Tory and wants to fatten at the public crib, or gnaw at the' vitals d OUT enmt.on country, without rendering any edegeate return, hate. M. C Caa- von. Every member of the different skew 'rationed who has a vote in West Huron, or who Origin.. 1e has any inflames in the riding .i11 throw all his loree against M. C. Cameron on the 22nd inst ; bat tke throwing of the onssbined fori'e of the weer/dors will sot %rail. The voters id *est Huron-- Reforttllersaedhonest (Inneervatitea- -art largely in eters of the Bend). represew- tat►nn, ani honest men of all politiorl shades will vote for the man who has gained the illwill of the delimitated. *1. - ply Aware he has f.ith/ally guarded their intereata-"They love him tweet for the enemies h. has motile." A tell vote en election day will•be (N•+y- eminent Doodlers is Well emit el 1':um tat Photon ..-l'-' 1.•. or lI Tu,•ryf. It.d«rash, Web. till, IMi. I. .t. -:re to .tat - 11,11 tl.e alai. -reg marls In a t'italun won rpoop,t. (tbe Area -hr. bort/, trtat 1 drobr $Irl awe ow hoe.- be=V les.!y drunk on tke nit;ht of the Iwai elrc- hum t, ;rise. White 1 win a 'faun, it Cot.- .rrvatb r. I doa•r belie. run .w•Ituea13 pOltte• eel warfare tea aa!a U IlJ(lcl,f., L%Wiie(ca. We have meth p!e•sure in hiving 1,'3er in ths+ea•lur,u... t , ear above dr Dial by Mr 1•ewn•ucr .•f a tumor, in wbteh his name *as c.`wlt:ed lith that if Mt Camel -or'. rruariiut; certain proceed- iege „n tlee rtrnt0( ,•1 the 1, eat elec- tions We are I . t a.led to publish Mr L.wr»rice'. letter, Fut a se euclu/cad with a detur►.d Iron Jlr eateries s wii:;t(r t, r this issuer of the p.•rr'o eh.. asked leteral que.ra.ats in three rt1uines, rut,•.,; flier: nut• Lnni l I Z .ot the matter Mr Lew rea ea, rcf,•re t• . Nu araerttce statement ws mrd u. false et.:uoau as 11.tunan•d. rte Itearti the rnu,or alts h iso duuot suggested the tlue.tion asked by our curre.prmdeet, lout ase atudwnsly avoided any refureucu to it, sod ;n per- muting a question to be 'mord as to the truth of the rumor, we feel th.it we did Mr tyasetron m, Ir,•astace-, un the con- trary it was the beet way to htuut the fi.rce of what now appears to hare been AN t'NFI)UNDED RUMt►R. Mr Lawrence '• dente! aheuld satiety all who read rho.inash.•n irked, over the name . "(leered," that Mr Cameron was N(11' GUILTY of the indi.cretien which our correspondent wan anxious to know about. As we hays stated, we aro not asked to publish Mr Lawrence's denial butt we velinitaniy and as AN ACT OF ! JUSTICE down ,w, and would have i published it last week had we received it in new, We are, however, asked by Mr Cameron'. «rlcltttrs to gore the name of :he writer of the paragraph re- n ferred to, otherwise proceedings will be ltaken against f. r libel. We hereby w ask the writer It ';uestto,:t to correspond with Maass Manning & Scott, Clinton, car auth• tier: us to give ha name, cOMMuNTCATIONS. We do aot hokl oureely-s responsible NO Ibis op+rwrt• of nor Cewreapwndoete. t'unutha tars tc tr._ department rnuet coat*n^ 'heap a<! . ra to pubfu ouesttoar. and be Art -f. as tatere►Uag Letter. Conant tat. Feb. 10th, Intr. 1 Da.t:+ St asaL,--1 wrote to Mr Robert Porter in answer to a city ••f bas circular letter which I re;eived from tom. and which re doubt you hare seen I in- furmtd Mr Porter of nay intent ..n to vote en the 22nd fir the Reform Fatty and the Reform candidate Mr M. C. Cameron, alcho0ir1. up to the ;resent my t to and in'Iuri.ce have b.en for and , on be►-tif , 1 the Ctatserrattve party. my resew' for taking this step, or at least my main rear -ns, being disgust at the actions of Tories at public meetings, , where both sides have been represented on the same pLatform. when it was a meeting ..f the Wfurm candidate they seemed afraid to let their speaker be re r plied t-'. Why was Hon A. M Boss ( not glowed at the (ltrderich ra.etag a �ew evenings DR,n, to rep'y to the Cuo- serviuve speaker. wl.ach was only his right. 1 owl sure the Cen.nrvatieee it ways want the last word at t•saetings nl 1 their own calling card why not grant or like rt' e. allow their opponents a prt .eg feel ashamed t•• he 1..teed to a party "MAN GD RIf.4(i a}1 that 0111 permit such low, •sswdy work .• 1 tie es on vuetlouall#. Irishmen and eons of Irishmen/, vote 1 told Mr Porter ideaiw la tetter ti" ter Blake, Cameron and Have Rifle. him that the sooner he will eternise the tions of the Liffey, the Ivry and the arthnrary be has u' put d„wt. suet. base and unfair acto'ns by those •'f the urs Shannon, be true t.. the Interest est grand party, and the teenier he stops Erin, and -.Motor Blake and Carsten/0 readmit fr.'m tin-revt.id par:ismentary speeches in his canpatgtt e!Forta the bet ter it w111 be for hie cause and patty. 1 aapp.e Mr Porter will of courve keep quite mein about ml tetter to him . of metres he will. bat I with you riuld gay WS. and (4 Gladstone et Weetmisstsr, .something in your paper about this uw means the abolition .,f Coed.' Rule an fair and rowdy work at the public meet Inas l might bare vtven Mr Porter Ireland. Vote fur Cameron the Hums my vote on the :wed if the Terme hada. Rule •dvi'eete, aed the true ayn.psth+ser much rood sense and Reatl.+aanty sprat with ir.4awd'• afflictions.manifested wheel 'he meeting was a Re Let the rota of every true Iri b , ft.rm Doe as tC whtoe voices and rotes have been raised in the interest of the land we all lore so well. The solvent of Blake to power to Itta- e roan, 1martfeet at n, i Tory inertia/I. 1'nicht state here what be polled on Tuesday no/sof:21;J looter', t 1 forg..t 10 s -1 to mr lett..• b' 14, Por for Ow men who hale stt'od by Labial, ter. via , that sty nem b.i'ef has long w 1 s u •far are ptedged t.. do ao ashen. 1i „te 1. r h Meed Id as aty cad in epn,rhtnees o1 caarscter and And when after the returns are in ; sho111d certainly i,e the chase of a from .,res the Dominion it is proud that 1 Christian teed end s truly 'n el/egeos Blake and the cense of Home Pals '0;111'3 • Ileofoaso.iiy ti..d-f saeitig p..aeie. triumphant, let the try of the true it never to, -k,,.1 .wds<. Cooswrr•tste• taco eo. n'sght 1, r Liberal• I ti„ tot Irishmen of Weat Hwnw Ile, -RNA., wish t.' sten sty sign 517 name here, se anus Camerwt, coed mine fatltba "Erin perhaps you wili not pebtuh the, el aweigh 1 tete. no objection*, tet can you , web oadent.NUt•m timothy'', which is caused by the party I se, h ng country on / Jlesdal/ (;0,74.1 ppnrted, but ole. sot now. It only and Ireland's cense in the past, and been that Hon Edward Busk , capers. t man to 14t , n n ons t abilities as a atatesrtter and in bun Bake and Cameron tt• Itragh not It lata say sews\me against bake will rarer f M ' � - .s 'reweave • sprt/i::snit of Hobert Porters rib: // will ave a (, flbriset+ threuRti ',t the Duow,e,on to carry on th. wnMll"' and than th. Mak floss.) Minister 1// the nl',i 1 ��t old party wilt tis baatera •a se politest 1 ministration . 1%:Ir s F•rly ever a be.. sine* the world be gen y Vie Tog Fcs that rn iia. Itr'anwron. 1 ba Tye years Ian